Commit 603c8600 authored by wenjie.zheng's avatar wenjie.zheng

ERP5Workflow Method Generation for live test.

parent 425949fe
......@@ -165,100 +165,135 @@ class WorkflowMethod(Method):
# already better than what we had. I (JPS) would prefer to use
# critical sections in this part of the code and a
# thread variable which tells in which semantic context the code
# should ne executed. - XXX
# should be executed. - XXX
return self._m(instance, *args, **kw)
#=============== Workflow5 Project, Wenjie, Dec 2014 =====================
# Get Workflow5 which is an ERP5 default module.
# Available workflow5 bt should be initially installed.
# Only check Base Type obejct:
wf5_module = instance.getPortalObject().getDefaultModule(portal_type="Workflow")
valid_list5 = []
valid_transition_item_list5 = []
#if instance.portal_type == "Object Type":
#raise NotImplementedError (instance.getTypeInfo())# Base Type at Object Type
if hasattr(instance.getTypeInfo(),"workflow_list"):
WorkflowList = instance.getTypeInfo().getTypeWorkflowList()
#raise NotImplementedError (WorkflowList)# new_workflow
for wf_id in WorkflowList:
wf5 = wf5_module._getOb(wf_id)
for transition in wf5.objectValues(portal_type='Transition'):
#raise NotImplementedError (valid_list5) # ['transition1', 'transition2']
if valid_list5:
valid_transition_item_list5.append((wf_id, valid_list5))
# execute method
for wf_id, transition_list in valid_transition_item_list5:
# ??? see original <245, 256>
for tr in transition_list:
method5 = wf5_module._getOb(wf_id)._getOb(tr)
method5.execute(instance) # also execute before & after script
#return method5._changeState(instance) # only change state
#raise NotImplementedError (instance.getId()) # new_object
#raise NotImplementedError (method5) # Transition at transition1
#raise NotImplementedError (instance.getCategoryStateTitle()) # None
#=================================== wf5 =================================
# New implementation does not use any longer wrapWorkflowMethod
# but directly calls the workflow methods
wf = getattr(instance.getPortalObject(), 'portal_workflow')
wf = getattr(instance.getPortalObject(), 'portal_workflow') # portal_workflow is a list!
except AttributeError:
# XXX instance is unwrapped(no acquisition)
# XXX I must think that what is a correct behavior.(Yusei)
return self._m(instance, *args, **kw)
# Build a list of transitions which may need to be invoked
instance_path = instance.getPhysicalPath()
portal_type = instance.portal_type
transactional_variable = getTransactionalVariable()
invoke_once_dict = self._invoke_once.get(portal_type, {})
valid_invoke_once_item_list = []
instance_path = instance.getPhysicalPath()
portal_type = instance.portal_type
transactional_variable = getTransactionalVariable()
invoke_once_dict = self._invoke_once.get(portal_type, {})
valid_invoke_once_item_list = []
# Only keep those transitions which were never invoked
once_transition_dict = {}
for wf_id, transition_list in invoke_once_dict.iteritems():
valid_transition_list = []
for transition_id in transition_list:
once_transition_key = ('Products.ERP5Type.Base.WorkflowMethod.__call__',
wf_id, transition_id, instance_path)
once_transition_dict[(wf_id, transition_id)] = once_transition_key
if once_transition_key not in transactional_variable:
if valid_transition_list:
valid_invoke_once_item_list.append((wf_id, valid_transition_list))
candidate_transition_item_list = valid_invoke_once_item_list + \
once_transition_dict = {}
for wf_id, transition_list in invoke_once_dict.iteritems():
valid_transition_list = []
for transition_id in transition_list:
once_transition_key = ('Products.ERP5Type.Base.WorkflowMethod.__call__',
wf_id, transition_id, instance_path)
once_transition_dict[(wf_id, transition_id)] = once_transition_key
if once_transition_key not in transactional_variable:
if valid_transition_list:
valid_invoke_once_item_list.append((wf_id, valid_transition_list))
candidate_transition_item_list = valid_invoke_once_item_list + \
self._invoke_always.get(portal_type, {}).items()
#LOG('candidate_transition_item_list %s' % self.__name__, 0, str(candidate_transition_item_list))
# Try to return immediately if there are no transition to invoke
if not candidate_transition_item_list:
return apply(self.__dict__['_m'], (instance,) + args, kw)
if not candidate_transition_item_list:
return apply(self.__dict__['_m'], (instance,) + args, kw)
# Prepare a list of transitions which should be invoked.
# This list is based on the results of isWorkflowMethodSupported.
# An interaction is ignored if the guard prevents execution.
# Otherwise, an exception is raised if the workflow transition does not
# exist from the current state, or if the guard rejects it.
valid_transition_item_list = []
for wf_id, transition_list in candidate_transition_item_list:
candidate_workflow = wf[wf_id]
valid_list = []
for transition_id in transition_list:
if candidate_workflow.isWorkflowMethodSupported(instance, transition_id):
once_transition_key = once_transition_dict.get((wf_id, transition_id))
if once_transition_key:
# a run-once transition, prevent it from running again in
# the same transaction
transactional_variable[once_transition_key] = 1
elif candidate_workflow.__class__.__name__ == 'DCWorkflowDefinition':
raise UnsupportedWorkflowMethod(instance, wf_id, transition_id)
valid_transition_item_list = []
for wf_id, transition_list in candidate_transition_item_list:
candidate_workflow = wf[wf_id]
valid_list = []
for transition_id in transition_list:
if candidate_workflow.isWorkflowMethodSupported(instance, transition_id):
once_transition_key = once_transition_dict.get((wf_id, transition_id))
if once_transition_key:
# a run-once transition, prevent it from running again in
# the same transaction
transactional_variable[once_transition_key] = 1
elif candidate_workflow.__class__.__name__ == 'DCWorkflowDefinition':
raise UnsupportedWorkflowMethod(instance, wf_id, transition_id)
# XXX Keep the log for projects that needs to comment out
# the previous line.
LOG("WorkflowMethod.__call__", ERROR,
LOG("WorkflowMethod.__call__", ERROR,
"Transition %s/%s on %r is ignored. Current state is %r."
% (wf_id, transition_id, instance,
candidate_workflow._getWorkflowStateOf(instance, id_only=1)))
if valid_list:
valid_transition_item_list.append((wf_id, valid_list))
if valid_list:
valid_transition_item_list.append((wf_id, valid_list))
#LOG('valid_transition_item_list %s' % self.__name__, 0, str(valid_transition_item_list))
# Call whatever must be called before changing states
for wf_id, transition_list in valid_transition_item_list:
wf[wf_id].notifyBefore(instance, transition_list, args=args, kw=kw)
# Call whatever must be called before changing states
for wf_id, transition_list in valid_transition_item_list:
wf[wf_id].notifyBefore(instance, transition_list, args=args, kw=kw)
# Compute expected result
result = apply(self.__dict__['_m'], (instance,) + args, kw)
# Compute expected result
result = apply(self.__dict__['_m'], (instance,) + args, kw)
# Change the state of statefull workflows
for wf_id, transition_list in valid_transition_item_list:
wf[wf_id].notifyWorkflowMethod(instance, transition_list, args=args, kw=kw)
except ObjectDeleted:
# Re-raise with a different result.
raise ObjectDeleted(result)
except ObjectMoved, ex:
# Re-raise with a different result.
raise ObjectMoved(ex.getNewObject(), result)
# Change the state of statefull workflows
for wf_id, transition_list in valid_transition_item_list:
wf[wf_id].notifyWorkflowMethod(instance, transition_list, args=args, kw=kw)
except ObjectDeleted:
# Re-raise with a different result.
raise ObjectDeleted(result)
except ObjectMoved, ex:
# Re-raise with a different result.
raise ObjectMoved(ex.getNewObject(), result)
# Call whatever must be called after changing states
for wf_id, transition_list in valid_transition_item_list:
wf[wf_id].notifySuccess(instance, transition_list, result, args=args, kw=kw)
# Return result finally
return result
for wf_id, transition_list in valid_transition_item_list:
# /product/ERP5/, update value, provide info
wf[wf_id].notifySuccess(instance, transition_list, result, args=args, kw=kw)
# Return result finally
return result
# Interactions should not be disabled during normal operation. Only in very
# rare and specific cases like data migration. That's why it is implemented
# with temporary monkey-patching, instead of slowing down __call__ with yet
......@@ -492,6 +527,43 @@ def getClassPropertyList(klass):
if p not in ps_list])
return ps_list
# =================== Workflow5 Project, Wenjie, Dec 2014 ======================
### this function will be used in /product/ERP5Type/dynamic/
### in generatePortalTypeAccessors()
def intializePortalTypeERP5WorkflowMethod(ptype_klass, portal_workflow5):
### portal_workflow5 is the entire ERP5Workflow module, need to access the
### workflow_list from instance's portal type. So only the related erp5 workflow will be used.
wf5_module = aq_inner(portal_workflow5)
portal_type = portal_workflow5.getPortalObject().getDefaultModule(portal_type="portal_types")
pt = portal_type._getOb(ptype_klass.__name__)
#raise NotImplementedError (portal_type)
#raise NotImplementedError (wf5_module)#<Workflow Module at workflow_module>
for workflow5 in pt.workflow_list:
for tr in wf5_module._getOb(workflow5).objectValues(portal_type="Transition"):
tr_id =
method_id = tr_id
wf_id = workflow5,
ptype_klass.registerWorkflowMethod(method_id, wf_id, tr_id)
method = getattr(ptype_klass, method_id)
# Wrap method
if not callable(method):
LOG('initializePortalTypeERP5WorkflowMethods', 100,
'WARNING! Can not initialize %s on %s' % \
(method_id, portal_type))
if not isinstance(method, WorkflowMethod):
method = WorkflowMethod(method)
setattr(ptype_klass, method_id, method)
method.registerTransitionAlways(portal_type, wf_id, tr_id)
# =================== WF5 ======================================================
def initializePortalTypeDynamicWorkflowMethods(ptype_klass, portal_workflow):
"""We should now make sure workflow methods are defined
and also make sure simulation state is defined."""
......@@ -505,6 +577,8 @@ def initializePortalTypeDynamicWorkflowMethods(ptype_klass, portal_workflow):
dc_workflow_dict = dict()
interaction_workflow_dict = dict()
# DCworkflow
for wf in portal_workflow.getWorkflowsFor(portal_type):
wf_id =
wf_type = wf.__class__.__name__
......@@ -545,6 +619,7 @@ def initializePortalTypeDynamicWorkflowMethods(ptype_klass, portal_workflow):
storage[wf_id] = (transition_id_set, trigger_dict)
# Generate Workflow method:
for wf_id, v in dc_workflow_dict.iteritems():
transition_id_set, trigger_dict = v
for tr_id, tdef in trigger_dict.iteritems():
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ from TranslationProviderBase import TranslationProviderBase
from sys import exc_info
from zLOG import LOG, ERROR
from Products.CMFCore.exceptions import zExceptions_Unauthorized
from types import NoneType
def getCurrentUserIdOrAnonymousToken():
"""Return connected user_id or simple token for
......@@ -421,10 +422,9 @@ class ERP5TypeInformation(XMLObject,
for workflow5 in self.getTypeWorkflowList():
workflow_module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type="Workflow")
if workflow_module is not None:
workflow5 = workflow_module._getOb(workflow5)
workflow5 = workflow_module._getOb(workflow5)
if not temp_object:
init_script = self.getTypeInitScriptId()
......@@ -531,6 +531,7 @@ class ERP5TypeInformation(XMLObject,
Return all the properties of the Portal Type
### cls's class is PortalTypeMetaClass defined in ERP5Type/dynamic/
cls = self.getPortalObject().portal_types.getPortalTypeClass(self.getId())
return_set = set()
for property_dict in cls.getAccessorHolderPropertyList(content=True):
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor.Constant import Getter as ConstantGetter
from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass
from Products.ERP5Type.Base import Base as ERP5Base
from . import aq_method_lock
from Products.ERP5Type.Base import PropertyHolder, initializePortalTypeDynamicWorkflowMethods
from Products.ERP5Type.Base import PropertyHolder, initializePortalTypeDynamicWorkflowMethods, intializePortalTypeERP5WorkflowMethod
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import UpperCase
from Products.ERP5Type.Core.CategoryProperty import CategoryProperty
from ExtensionClass import ExtensionClass, pmc_init_of
......@@ -266,6 +266,25 @@ class PortalTypeMetaClass(GhostBaseMetaClass, PropertyHolder):
initializePortalTypeDynamicWorkflowMethods(cls, portal_workflow)
# ================== Workflow5 Project, Wenjie, Dec 2014 =======================
#raise NotImplementedError (cls.__name__) # Category Property
### the ERP5Workflow list is defined in ERP5Type, only try to get erp5workflow
### when it's an erp5workflow related type.
if cls.__name__ == "Object Type":
portal_workflow5 = site.getDefaultModule(portal_type="Workflow")
#raise NotImplementedError (portal_workflow5) #<Workflow Module at workflow_module>
#raise NotImplementedError (cls.__module__) #<class 'erp5.portal_type.Category Property'>
if portal_workflow5 is None:
LOG("ERP5Type.Dynamic", WARNING,
"no workflow5 methods for %s"
% cls.__name__)
intializePortalTypeERP5WorkflowMethod(cls, portal_workflow5)
# ================== WF5 =======================================================
# portal type group methods, isNodeType, isResourceType...
from Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type import ERP5TypeInformation
# XXX possible optimization:
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