Commit 36ed58f2 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

[erp5] Document missing default values.

parent 7731726a
......@@ -252,18 +252,26 @@ XXX: should not require serialising json by hand as parameter value
'bt5' (str, optional)
XXX: what is this ?
Defaults to 'erp5_full_text_myisam_catalog \
erp5_configurator_standard \
erp5_configurator_maxma_demo \
erp5_configurator_ung \
'bt5-repository-url' (str, optional)
XXX: what is this ?
Defaults to SR's buildout['local-bt5-repository']['list'].
'smtp-url' (str, optional)
XXX: what is this ?
Defaults to 'smtp://localhost:25/'.
'timezone' (str, optional)
Timezone to put processes in (default timezone for DateTime instances).
Defaults to 'Europe/Paris'.
'frontend-software-url' (str, optional)
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