{ "type": "object", "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema", "title": "Input Parameters", "properties": { "record": { "title": "Record", "description": "Record for the configuration", "type": "string" }, "origin": { "title": "Origin", "description": "Used to qualify RR in the configuration. i.e.: if your origin is a.example.com and the RR for Europe is 'eu' the european clients will use eu.a.exmple.com", "type": "string" }, "default": { "title": "Default RR", "description": "Defautl record to use when the ip is not regognized", "type": "string" }, "europe": { "title": "Europe RR", "description": "Records to use for Europe", "default": "eu", "type": "string" }, "africa": { "title": "Africa RR", "description": "Records to use for Africa", "default": "af", "type": "string" }, "south-america": { "title": "South America RR", "description": "Records to use for South America", "default": "sa", "type": "string" }, "north-america": { "title": "North America RR", "description": "Records to use for North America", "default": "na", "type": "string" }, "china-telecom": { "title": "China Telecom RR", "description": "Records to use for China Telecom", "default": "cn-t", "type": "string" }, "china-unicom": { "title": "China Unicom RR", "description": "Records to use for China Unicom", "default": "cn-u", "type": "string" }, "china-mobile": { "title": "China Mobile RR", "description": "Records to use for China Mobile", "default": "cn-m", "type": "string" }, "japan": { "title": "Japan RR", "description": "Records to use for Japan", "default": "jp", "type": "string" }, "hong-kong": { "title": "Honk Kong RR", "description": "Records to use for Hong Kong", "default": "hk", "type": "string" }, "east-asia": { "title": "East Asia RR", "description": "Records to use for East Asia", "default": "as", "type": "string" }, "west-asia": { "title": "West Asia RR", "description": "Records to use for West Asia", "default": "eu", "type": "string" }, "oceania": { "title": "Oceania RR", "description": "Records to use for Oceania", "default": "oc", "type": "string" } } }