{{ autogenerated }} # see: # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/config/database.yml.postgresql # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/blob/master/files/gitlab-cookbooks/gitlab/templates/default/database.yml.erb # (last updated for 8.4.4+ce.0-0-g1680742) {% from 'macrolib.cfg.in' import cfg with context %} production: adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode {# collation is mainly for mysql collation: <%= @db_collation %> #} database: {{ pgsql.dbname }} pool: {{ cfg('db_pool') }} {# XXX is it ok to use superuser, even if the whole database is only for gitlab? #} username: '{{ pgsql.superuser }}' {# we have no password - access is via unix socket #} password: host: '{{ pgsql["pgdata-directory"] }}' port: socket: {# not needed for unix socket sslmode: <%= single_quote(@db_sslmode) %> sslrootcert: <%= single_quote(@db_sslrootcert) %> #}