Commit 5060228a authored by Papa Tamsir Kane's avatar Papa Tamsir Kane

erp5_decision: Remove unnecessary comments

parent eda07473
This script is called by builder after a Decision is generated by simulation.
class MyException(Exception):
raise MyException('ptk: got here!')
portal = context.getPortalObject()
isTransitionPossible = portal.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible
decision = context
......@@ -17,14 +12,6 @@ if isTransitionPossible(decision, 'post'):
# set some meaningful title
action_type = 'Approval'
trade_phase = decision.getTradePhase()
if trade_phase=='contract/approve/initiator':
# initial phase is called Validation
action_type = 'Validation'
elif trade_phase=='contract/approve/legal':
action_type = 'Approval'
title = '%s by %s' %(action_type, source_decision_value.getTitle())
List persons per division.
from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
source_value = context.getSourceDecisionValue()
......@@ -10,10 +9,8 @@ source_type = source_value.getPortalType()
if source_type == 'Organisation':
organisation = source_value
elif source_type == 'Person':
#raise MyException('source type:' + source_type)
organisation = source_value.getCareerSubordinationValue()
organisation = source_value.getSubordinationValue()
person_list = []
......@@ -4,20 +4,12 @@
We need proxy roles as not always current approver has enough rights to change related Documents.
portal = context.getPortalObject()
isTransitionPossible = portal.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible
translate = portal.Base_translateString
decision = context
approval = decision.getApproval()
causality_value = decision.getCausalityValue()
class MyException(Exception):
raise MyException(str(causality_value))
if causality_value.getPortalType() in ['Curation Request Line', 'Curation Request']:
if approval:
......@@ -30,18 +22,3 @@ if causality_value.getPortalType() in ['Curation Request Line', 'Curation Reques
comment = translate('validation refused'), **kw)
if not approval:
# cancel all other pending decisions if one is refused
other_decision_list = [x for x in causality_value.CurationRequest_getDecisionList() \
if x.getSimulationState()!='decided' and x!=decision]
for other_decision in other_decision_list:
if isTransitionPossible(other_decision, 'cancel_action'):
comment = translate('Canceled due to other decision rejection.'), **kw)
# invalidate the curation request
comment = translate('Invalidated due to a decision rejection'), **kw)
......@@ -11,6 +11,3 @@ for decision_line in decision.contentValues(filter = {'portal_type': 'Decision L
#context.activate().Base_notifyDecisionStateChange(decision.getCausalityUid(), decision.getUid())
# update related document for decision
# decision.Decision_updateRelatedDocument()
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