class Label < ActiveRecord::Base include Referable include Subscribable # Represents a "No Label" state used for filtering Issues and Merge # Requests that have no label assigned. LabelStruct =, :name) None ='No Label', 'No Label') Any ='Any Label', '') DEFAULT_COLOR = '#428BCA' default_value_for :color, DEFAULT_COLOR belongs_to :project has_many :label_links, dependent: :destroy has_many :issues, through: :label_links, source: :target, source_type: 'Issue' has_many :merge_requests, through: :label_links, source: :target, source_type: 'MergeRequest' validates :color, color: true, allow_blank: false validates :project, presence: true, unless: { |service| service.template? } # Don't allow '?', '&', and ',' for label titles validates :title, presence: true, format: { with: /\A[^&\?,]+\z/ }, uniqueness: { scope: :project_id } default_scope { order(title: :asc) } scope :templates, -> { where(template: true) } alias_attribute :name, :title def self.reference_prefix '~' end ## # Pattern used to extract label references from text # # This pattern supports cross-project references. # def self.reference_pattern @reference_pattern ||= %r{ (#{Project.reference_pattern})? #{Regexp.escape(reference_prefix)} (?: (?<label_id>\d+) | # Integer-based label ID, or (?<label_name> [A-Za-z0-9_-]+ | # String-based single-word label title, or "[^&\?,]+" # String-based multi-word label surrounded in quotes ) ) }x end def self.link_reference_pattern nil end ## # Returns the String necessary to reference this Label in Markdown # # format - Symbol format to use (default: :id, optional: :name) # # Examples: # # Label.first.to_reference # => "~1" # Label.first.to_reference(format: :name) # => "~\"bug\"" # Label.first.to_reference(project) # => "gitlab-org/gitlab-ce~1" # # Returns a String # def to_reference(from_project = nil, format: :id) format_reference = label_format_reference(format) reference = "#{self.class.reference_prefix}#{format_reference}" if cross_project_reference?(from_project) project.to_reference + reference else reference end end def open_issues_count(user = nil) issues.visible_to_user(user).opened.count end def closed_issues_count(user = nil) issues.visible_to_user(user).closed.count end def open_merge_requests_count merge_requests.opened.count end def template? template end def text_color LabelsHelper::text_color_for_bg(self.color) end def title=(value) write_attribute(:title, Sanitize.clean(value.to_s)) if value.present? end private def label_format_reference(format = :id) raise StandardError, 'Unknown format' unless [:id, :name].include?(format) if format == :name && !name.include?('"') %("#{name}") else id end end end