# Copyright (c) 2004 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#          Yoshinori Okuji <yo@nexedi.com>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

# Skeleton ZopeTestCase

from random import randint

import os, sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
    execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'framework.py'))

# Needed in order to have a log file inside the current folder
os.environ['EVENT_LOG_FILE'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'zLOG.log')
os.environ['EVENT_LOG_SEVERITY'] = '-300'

from Testing import ZopeTestCase
from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager, noSecurityManager
from DateTime import DateTime
from Acquisition import aq_base, aq_inner
from zLOG import LOG
from Products.ERP5Type.ERP5Type import ERP5TypeInformation
import time
import os
from Products.ERP5Type import product_path
from DateTime import DateTime
from App.config import getConfiguration
from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import Sequence, SequenceList
from urllib import pathname2url

class TestBusinessTemplate(ERP5TypeTestCase):
    Test these operations:

    - Create a template

    - Install a template

    - Uninstall a template

    - Upgrade a template
  run_all_test = 1
  business_template_title = 'erp5_pdm'
  def getTitle(self):
    return "Business Template"

  def getBusinessTemplateList(self):
    Install erp5_pdm in order to make some test on it.
    return (self.business_template_title, )

  def enableActivityTool(self):
    You can override this.
    Return if we should create (1) or not (0) an activity tool.
    return 1

  def stepTic(self,**kw):

  def test_01_checkTools(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
    if not run: return
    if not quiet:
      message = 'Test Check Tools'
      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
      LOG('Testing... ', 0, message)
    self.failUnless(self.getCategoryTool() is not None)
    self.failUnless(self.getTemplateTool() is not None)
    self.failUnless(self.getTypeTool() is not None)
    self.failUnless(self.getSkinsTool() is not None)
    self.failUnless(self.getCatalogTool() is not None)
  def test_02_checkERP5Core(self, quiet=0):
    if not quiet:
      message = 'Test Check ERP5 Core'
      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
      LOG('Testing... ', 0, message)
    pt = self.getTemplateTool()
    core = None
    for bt in pt.objectValues(filter={'portal_type':'Business Template'}):
      if bt.getTitle() == 'erp5_core':
        core = bt
    self.failUnless(core is not None)
    self.assertEquals(core.getBuildingState(), 'built')
    self.assertEquals(core.getInstallationState(), 'installed')
  def afterSetUp(self):
    portal = self.getPortal()
    catalog_tool = self.getCatalogTool()

  def login(self):
    uf = self.getPortal().acl_users
    uf._doAddUser('seb', '', ['Manager'], [])
    user = uf.getUserById('seb').__of__(uf)
    newSecurityManager(None, user)

  def makeObjects(self):
      Make objects to create a template.
    # Make types.
    pt = self.getTypeTool()
    pt.manage_addTypeInformation(ERP5TypeInformation.meta_type, id='Geek Module', typeinfo_name='ERP5Type: ERP5 Folder')
    module_type = pt._getOb('Geek Module', None)
    self.failUnless(module_type is not None)
    pt.manage_addTypeInformation(ERP5TypeInformation.meta_type, id='Geek', typeinfo_name='ERP5Type: ERP5 Person')
    object_type = pt._getOb('Geek', None)
    self.failUnless(object_type is not None)
    module_type.allowed_content_types = ('Geek',)

    # Make skin folders.
    ps = self.getSkinsTool()
    skin_folder = ps._getOb('local_geek', None)
    self.failUnless(skin_folder is not None)
    for skin_name, selection in ps.getSkinPaths():
      selection = selection.split(',')
      if 'local_geek' not in selection:
      ps.manage_skinLayers(skinpath = tuple(selection), skinname = skin_name, add_skin = 1)

    # Make modules.
    portal = self.getPortal()
    module = portal.newContent(id = 'geek', portal_type = 'Geek Module')
    self.failUnless(module is not None)
    object = module.newContent(id = '1', portal_type = 'Geek')
    self.failUnless(object is not None)

    # Make categories.
    pc = self.getCategoryTool()
    base_category = pc.newContent(portal_type = 'Base Category', id = 'geek')
    self.failUnless(base_category is not None)
    category = base_category.newContent(portal_type = 'Category', id = 'computer')
    self.failUnless(category is not None)
    category = base_category.newContent(portal_type = 'Category', id = 'manga')
    self.failUnless(category is not None)
    category = base_category.newContent(portal_type = 'Category', id = 'game')
    self.failUnless(category is not None)

    # Make workflows.
    pw = self.getWorkflowTool()
    pw.manage_addWorkflow('dc_workflow (Web-configurable workflow)', 'geek_workflow')
    cbt = pw._chains_by_type
    props = {}
    if cbt is not None:
      for id, wf_ids in cbt.items():
        props['chain_%s' % id] = ','.join(wf_ids)
    props['chain_geek'] = 'geek_workflow'
    pw.manage_changeWorkflows('', props=props)

    # FIXME: more objects must be created.

  def removeObjects(self):
      Remove objects created by makeObjects.
    # Remove types.
    pt = self.getTypeTool()
    pt.manage_delObjects(['Geek Module', 'Geek'])
    module_type = pt._getOb('Geek Module', None)
    self.failUnless(module_type is None)
    object_type = pt._getOb('Geek', None)
    self.failUnless(object_type is None)

    # Remove skin folders.
    ps = self.getSkinsTool()
    skin_folder = ps._getOb('local_geek', None)
    self.failUnless(skin_folder is None)
    for skin_name, selection in ps.getSkinPaths():
      selection = selection.split(',')
      if 'local_geek' in selection:
      ps.manage_skinLayers(skinpath = tuple(selection), skinname = skin_name, add_skin = 1)

    # Remove modules.
    portal = self.getPortal()
    module = portal._getOb('geek', None)
    self.failUnless(module is None)

    # Remove categories.
    pc = self.getCategoryTool()
    base_category = pc._getOb('geek', None)
    self.failUnless(base_category is None)

    # Make workflows.
    pw = self.getWorkflowTool()

    # FIXME: more objects must be removed.

  def test_02_makeTemplate(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
    if not run: return
    if not quiet:
      message = 'Test Make Template'
      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
      LOG('Testing... ', 0, message)


    pt = self.getTemplateTool()
    template = pt.newContent(portal_type = 'Business Template')
    self.failUnless(template.getBuildingState() == 'draft')
    self.failUnless(template.getInstallationState() == 'not_installed')
    template.edit(title='geek template',
                  template_portal_type_id_list = ['Geek Module', 'Geek'],
                  template_skin_id_list = ['local_geek'],
                  template_module_id_list = ['geek'],
                  template_base_category_list = ['geek'],
                  template_workflow_id_list = ['geek_workflow'])
    self.failUnless(template.getBuildingState() == 'modified')
    self.failUnless(template.getInstallationState() == 'not_installed')
    self.failUnless(template.getBuildingState() == 'built')
    self.failUnless(template.getInstallationState() == 'not_installed')
    # export Business Template
    cfg = getConfiguration()
    template_path = os.path.join(cfg.instancehome, 'tests', '%s' % (template.getTitle(),))
    template.export(path=pathname2url(template_path), local=1)

    # import and install Business Template
    pt.download(url='file:'+pathname2url(template_path), id='template_test')
    template = pt._getOb(id='template_test')  
    self.assertEquals(template.getBuildingState(), 'built')
    self.assertEquals(template.getInstallationState(), 'installed')

    # FIXME: check installed objects here
    self.assertEquals(template.getBuildingState(), 'built')
    self.assertEquals(template.getInstallationState(), 'not_installed')

    # FIXME: check uninstalled objects here

  def stepGetCurrentBusinessTemplate(self, sequence=None, 
                                     sequence_list=None, **kw):
      Get current business template.
    template_tool = self.getTemplateTool()
    current_bt_sql = template_tool.searchFolder(
    current_bt_list = []
    for bt in current_bt_sql:
      ob = bt.getObject()
      if ob.getInstallationState() == 'installed':
    self.assertEquals(len(current_bt_list), 1)
    current_bt = current_bt_list[0]

  def stepCopyBusinessTemplate(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
      Copy business template.
    current_bt = sequence.get('current_bt')
    template_tool = self.getTemplateTool()
    copy_data = template_tool.manage_copyObjects(ids=[current_bt.getId()])
    new_id_list = template_tool.manage_pasteObjects(copy_data)
    self.failUnless(len(new_id_list) == 1)
    new_bt = getattr(template_tool, new_id_list[0]['new_id'])

  def stepCreateNewBaseCategory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
      Create new base category.
    category_tool = self.getCategoryTool()
    new_base_category = category_tool.newContent(portal_type="Base Category",)

  def stepEditNewBT(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Simply edit, in order to change the building status.
    new_bt = sequence.get('new_bt')

  def stepAddNewBaseCategoryToNewBT(self, sequence=None, 
                                    sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Add the base category to the business template.
    new_bt = sequence.get('new_bt')
    new_base_category = sequence.get('new_base_category')
    base_category_id_list = list(new_bt.getTemplateBaseCategoryList())

  def stepAddCategoryToBaseCategory(self, sequence=None,
                                    sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Add a category to a base category
    subcategory_id = "fake subcategory"
    new_base_category = sequence.get('new_base_category')
#     portal_categories = self.getCategoryTool()
#     base_category = portal_categories._getOb('fake_base_category')
    LOG('new_base_catory', 0, new_base_category)
    subcategory = new_base_category.newContent(portal_type="Category",

  def stepCheckIfSubCategoryExists(self, sequence=None,
                                  sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Check if subcategory still exists
    base_category_id = sequence.get('installed_base_cat_id')
    LOG("base_cat_id", 0, base_category_id)
    portal_categories = self.getCategoryTool()
    base_category = portal_categories._getOb(base_category_id)
    subcategory_id = sequence.get('subcategory_id')
    self.failUnless(subcategory_id in base_category.contentIds())

  def stepCheckModifiedBuildingState(self, sequence=None, 
                                     sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Check if the building state is modified.
    new_bt = sequence.get('new_bt')
    self.assertEquals(new_bt.getBuildingState(), 'modified')

  def stepCheckBuiltBuildingState(self, sequence=None, 
                                  sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Check if the building state is built.
    new_bt = sequence.get('new_bt')
    self.assertEquals(new_bt.getBuildingState(), 'built')

  def stepBuildNewBT(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Build the business template.
    new_bt = sequence.get('new_bt')

  def stepExportNewBT(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Export the business template.
    new_bt = sequence.get('new_bt')
    cfg = getConfiguration()
    template_path = os.path.join(cfg.instancehome, 
                                 'tests', '%s' % (new_bt.getTitle(),))
    new_bt.export(path=template_path, local=1)

  def stepImportNewBT(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Import the business template.
    template_tool = self.getTemplateTool()
    new_bt = sequence.get('new_bt')
    template_path = sequence.get('template_path')
    import_bt_id = "import_%s" % new_bt.getId()
    template_tool.download(url='file:'+pathname2url(template_path), id=import_bt_id)
    import_bt = template_tool._getOb(id=import_bt_id)
    self.assertEquals(import_bt.getPortalType(), 'Business Template')

  def stepInstallNewBT(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Build the business template.
    new_bt = sequence.get('new_bt')

  def stepCommitTransaction(self, **kw):

  def stepSwitchBT(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Replace the current BT by the new.
    And delete the old one.
    new_bt = sequence.get('new_bt')
    current_bt = sequence.get('current_bt')
    template_tool = self.getTemplateTool()

  def stepRemoveBaseCategoryFromNewBT(self, sequence=None, 
                                      sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Remove a base category from the business template.
    new_bt = sequence.get('new_bt')
#     new_base_category = sequence.get('new_base_category')
    base_category_id_list = list(new_bt.getTemplateBaseCategoryList())

  def stepCheckIfBaseCategoryIsInstalled(self, sequence=None, 
                                         sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Check if a base category is installed.
    base_category_id = sequence.get('installed_base_cat_id')
    LOG('base_category_id', 0, base_category_id)
    portal_categories = self.getCategoryTool()
    LOG("category list", 0, portal_categories.contentIds())
    self.failUnless(base_category_id in portal_categories.contentIds())

  def stepCheckIfBaseCategoryIsNotInstalled(self, sequence=None, 
                                         sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Check if a base category is not installed.
    base_category_id = sequence.get('installed_base_cat_id')
    portal_categories = self.getCategoryTool()
    self.failIf(base_category_id in portal_categories.contentIds())

  def stepCheckIfTrashBinExists(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Check If we create a trash bin at upgrade
    new_bt = sequence.get('new_bt')
    self.failUnless(len(new_bt.portal_trash.objectIds()) == 1)

  def stepRemoveAllTrashBins(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
    Remove all previous trash bins generated
    current_bt = sequence.get('current_bt')
    trash = current_bt.getPortalObject().portal_trash
    trash_ids = trash.objectIds()
    for id in list(trash_ids):
    self.failIf(len(trash.objectIds()) > 0)
  def test_03_update(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
    Update BT
    if not run: return
    if not quiet:
      message = 'Test Update Template'
      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
      LOG('Testing... ', 0, message)
    sequence_list = SequenceList()
    sequence_string = '\
                      GetCurrentBusinessTemplate \
                      CopyBusinessTemplate \
                      Tic \
                      InstallNewBT \
                      SwitchBT \

  def test_04_importExport(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
    Built, export/import, install
    if not run: return
    if not quiet:
      message = 'Test Import/Export'
      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
      LOG('Testing... ', 0, message)
    sequence_list = SequenceList()
    sequence_string = '\
                      GetCurrentBusinessTemplate \
                      CopyBusinessTemplate \
                      EditNewBT \
                      BuildNewBT \
                      CheckBuiltBuildingState \
                      ExportNewBT \
                      ImportNewBT \
                      Tic \
                      InstallNewBT \
                      SwitchBT \

  def test_05_addNewBaseCategory(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
    Test replacing a bt when the new one has a new base category.
    This base category must be of course installed
    if not run: return
    if not quiet:
      message = 'Test Update with new objects'
      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
      LOG('Testing... ', 0, message)
    sequence_list = SequenceList()
    sequence_string = '\
                      GetCurrentBusinessTemplate \
                      CopyBusinessTemplate \
                      CreateNewBaseCategory \
                      AddNewBaseCategoryToNewBT \
                      CheckModifiedBuildingState \
                      BuildNewBT \
                      CheckBuiltBuildingState \
                      ExportNewBT \
                      ImportNewBT \
                      Tic \
                      InstallNewBT \
                      CheckIfBaseCategoryIsInstalled \
                      SwitchBT \

  def test_06_removeBaseCategory(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
    Test replacing a bt when the new one has a base category left.
    This base category must be kept on the site.
    if not run: return
    if not quiet:
      message = 'Test Update with less objects'
      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
      LOG('Testing... ', 0, message)
    sequence_list = SequenceList()
    sequence_string = '\
                      GetCurrentBusinessTemplate \
                      CopyBusinessTemplate \
                      RemoveBaseCategoryFromNewBT \
                      CheckModifiedBuildingState \
                      BuildNewBT \
                      CheckBuiltBuildingState \
                      ExportNewBT \
                      ImportNewBT \
                      Tic \
                      InstallNewBT \
                      CheckIfBaseCategoryIsInstalled \
                      SwitchBT \

  def test_07_installWithoutExport(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
    Built, install
    Check the diff
    if not run: return
    if not quiet:
      message = 'Test Build and Update without export'
      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
      LOG('Testing... ', 0, message)
    sequence_list = SequenceList()
    sequence_string = '\
                      GetCurrentBusinessTemplate \
                      CopyBusinessTemplate \
                      EditNewBT \
                      BuildNewBT \
                      CheckBuiltBuildingState \
                      Tic \
                      InstallNewBT \
                      SwitchBT \

  def test_08_checkNoSubobjectsUninstall(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
    Test if we don't remove subobjects when upgrading a
    business tempalte
    if not run: return
    if not quiet:
      message = 'Test if subobjects remains after upgrade'
      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
      LOG('Testing... ', 0, message)
    sequence_list = SequenceList()
    sequence_string = '\
                      GetCurrentBusinessTemplate \
                      RemoveAllTrashBins \
                      CopyBusinessTemplate \
                      CreateNewBaseCategory \
                      AddCategoryToBaseCategory \
                      AddNewBaseCategoryToNewBT \
                      EditNewBT \
                      BuildNewBT \
                      CheckBuiltBuildingState \
                      ExportNewBT \
                      ImportNewBT \
                      Tic \
                      InstallNewBT \
                      CheckIfBaseCategoryIsInstalled \
                      CheckIfSubCategoryExists \
                      CheckIfTrashBinExists \
                      SwitchBT \

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import unittest
    def test_suite():
        suite = unittest.TestSuite()
        return suite