############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Sebastien Robin <seb@nexedi.com> # Romain Courteaud <romain@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## # # Skeleton ZopeTestCase # from random import randint import os, sys if __name__ == '__main__': execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'framework.py')) # Needed in order to have a log file inside the current folder os.environ['EVENT_LOG_FILE'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'zLOG.log') os.environ['EVENT_LOG_SEVERITY'] = '-300' from Testing import ZopeTestCase from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager, \ noSecurityManager from DateTime import DateTime from Acquisition import aq_base, aq_inner from zLOG import LOG from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import addToDate from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import Sequence, SequenceList import time import os from Products.ERP5Type import product_path from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName class TestOrderMixin: run_all_test = 1 default_quantity = 99 default_price = 555 resource_portal_type = 'Apparel Model' order_portal_type = 'Sale Order' order_line_portal_type = 'Sale Order Line' cell_portal_type = 'Delivery Cell' applied_rule_portal_type = 'Applied Rule' datetime = DateTime() packing_list_portal_type = 'Sale Packing List' packing_list_line_portal_type = 'Sale Packing List Line' packing_list_cell_portal_type = 'Delivery Cell' delivery_builder_id = 'sale_packing_list_builder' def getBusinessTemplateList(self): """ """ return ('erp5_apparel_depend','erp5_apparel', 'erp5_trade') def login(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): uf = self.getPortal().acl_users uf._doAddUser('rc', '', ['Manager'], []) user = uf.getUserById('rc').__of__(uf) newSecurityManager(None, user) def afterSetUp(self, quiet=1, run=run_all_test): self.login() portal = self.getPortal() self.category_tool = self.getCategoryTool() portal_catalog = self.getCatalogTool() #portal_catalog.manage_catalogClear() self.createCategories() def createCategories(self): """ Light install create only base categories, so we create some categories for testing them """ size_category_list = ['Baby', 'Child', 'Man', 'Woman'] if len(self.category_tool.size.contentValues()) == 0 : for category_id in size_category_list: o = self.category_tool.size.newContent(portal_type='Category', id=category_id) for category_id in ['32', '34']: o = self.category_tool.size.Child.newContent(portal_type='Category', id=category_id) colour_category_list = ['blue', 'green'] if len(self.category_tool.colour.contentValues()) == 0 : for category_id in colour_category_list: o = self.category_tool.colour.newContent(portal_type='Category', id=category_id) def stepTic(self,**kw): self.tic() def stepCreateNotVariatedResource(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, \ **kw): """ Create a resource with no variation """ portal = self.getPortal() resource_module = portal.getDefaultModule(self.resource_portal_type) resource = resource_module.newContent(portal_type=self.resource_portal_type) resource.edit( title = "NotVariatedResource" ) sequence.edit( resource = resource ) def stepCreateVariatedResource(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, \ **kw): """ Create a resource with no variation """ portal = self.getPortal() resource_module = portal.getDefaultModule(self.resource_portal_type) resource = resource_module.newContent(portal_type=self.resource_portal_type) resource.edit( title = "VariatedResource" ) size_list = ['Baby','Child/32','Child/34','Man','Woman'] resource.setSizeList(size_list) # Add colour variation colour_variation_count = 3 for i in range(colour_variation_count): variation_portal_type = 'Apparel Model Colour Variation' variation = resource.newContent(portal_type = variation_portal_type) variation.edit( title = 'ColourVariation%s' % str(i) ) # Add morphology variation morphology_variation_count = 2 for i in range(morphology_variation_count) : variation_portal_type = 'Apparel Model Morphology Variation' variation = resource.newContent(portal_type=variation_portal_type) variation.edit( title = 'MorphologyVariation%s' % str(i) ) sequence.edit( resource = resource ) def stepCreateOrganisation(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Create a empty organisation """ organisation = sequence.get('organisation') organisation_portal_type = 'Organisation' portal = self.getPortal() organisation_module = portal.getDefaultModule( \ portal_type=organisation_portal_type) organisation = organisation_module.newContent( \ portal_type=organisation_portal_type) organisation.edit( title = "Orga", ) sequence.edit(organisation=organisation) def stepCreateOrder(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Create a empty order """ organisation = sequence.get('organisation') # person = sequence.get('person') portal = self.getPortal() order_module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type=self.order_portal_type) order = order_module.newContent(portal_type=self.order_portal_type) order.edit( title = "Order", start_date = self.datetime + 10, stop_date = self.datetime + 20, ) if organisation is not None: order.edit(source_value=organisation, source_section_value=organisation, destination_value=organisation, destination_section_value=organisation) sequence.edit( order = order ) def stepCheckOrder(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Check if order was well created """ organisation = sequence.get('organisation') order = sequence.get('order') self.assertEquals(self.datetime+10, order.getStartDate()) self.assertEquals(self.datetime+20, order.getStopDate()) self.assertEquals(organisation, order.getSourceValue()) self.assertEquals(organisation, order.getDestinationValue()) self.assertEquals(organisation, order.getSourceSectionValue()) self.assertEquals(organisation, order.getDestinationSectionValue()) def stepCreateOrderLine(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Create a empty order line """ order = sequence.get('order') order_line = order.newContent(portal_type=self.order_line_portal_type) order_line.edit( title = "Order Line" ) sequence.edit(order_line=order_line) def stepCheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix(self, sequence=None, \ sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Check if the matrix of the current order line is empty. """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') base_id = 'movement' # vcl = list(order_line.getVariationCategoryList()) # cell_key_list = order_line.getCellKeyList(base_id=base_id) cell_list = order_line.objectValues(portal_type=self.cell_portal_type) # self.failIfDifferentSet( vcl , [] ) # self.failIfDifferentSet( cell_key_list , [] ) self.failIfDifferentSet( cell_list , [] ) def stepSetOrderLineResource(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Set order line resource with the current resource """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') resource = sequence.get('resource') order_line.setResourceValue(resource) def stepDeleteOrderLineResource(self, sequence=None, \ sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Set order line resource to None """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') order_line.setResource(None) def stepEmptyOrderLineMatrix(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Delete the current order line matrix """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') cell_list = order_line.objectValues(portal_type=self.cell_portal_type) order_line.deleteContent( map(lambda x: x.getId(), cell_list) ) def stepSetOrderLineEmptyVCL(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Delete the current order line's variation category list """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') resource = sequence.get('resource') order_line.setVariationCategoryList([]) def splitList(self, list): """ Split a list and return tuple with the 2 half """ middle = len(list)/2 + len(list)%2 return ( list[:middle] , list[middle:] ) def stepSetOrderLineHalfVCL(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Delete the current order line variation category list """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') resource = sequence.get('resource') order_line_vcl = [] resource_vbcl = resource.getVariationBaseCategoryList() for vbc in resource_vbcl: ZopeTestCase._print('\n') ZopeTestCase._print('vbc: %s' % str(vbc)) resource_vcl = list(resource.getVariationCategoryList( base_category_list=[vbc], omit_individual_variation=0)) ZopeTestCase._print('resource_vcl: %s' % str(resource_vcl)) resource_vcl.sort() ZopeTestCase._print('split resource_vcl: %s' %\ str(self.splitList(resource_vcl)[0])) order_line_vcl.extend(self.splitList(resource_vcl)[0]) order_line.setVariationCategoryList(order_line_vcl) def stepSetOrderLineFullVCL(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Complete the order line's variation category list """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') resource = sequence.get('resource') resource_vcl = list(resource.getVariationCategoryList( omit_individual_variation=0)) resource_vcl.sort() order_line.setVariationCategoryList(resource_vcl) def stepCheckOrderLineRange(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Check order line matrix range """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') base_id = 'movement' vcl = order_line.getVariationCategoryList() cell_range = order_line.OrderLine_asCellRange(matrixbox=0) l = len(vcl) s = sum(map(lambda x: len(x), cell_range)) self.assertEquals(l,s) cell_key_list = order_line.getCellKeyList(base_id=base_id) if cell_range == []: self.assertEquals(len(cell_key_list), 0) else: len_range = map(lambda x: len(x), cell_range) self.assertEquals(len(cell_key_list), reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, len_range)) def stepCompleteOrderLineMatrix(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, \ **kw): """ Complete the current order line matrix. """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') base_id = 'movement' cell_key_list = list(order_line.getCellKeyList(base_id=base_id)) cell_key_list.sort() price = 100 quantity = 200 for cell_key in cell_key_list: cell = order_line.newCell(base_id=base_id, \ portal_type=self.cell_portal_type, *cell_key) cell.edit(mapped_value_property_list=['price','quantity'], price=price, quantity=quantity, predicate_category_list=cell_key, variation_category_list=cell_key) price += 1 quantity += 1 def stepCheckOrderLineCompleteMatrix(self, sequence=None, \ sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Check if the matrix of the current order line is complete. """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') base_id = 'movement' cell_key_list = list(order_line.getCellKeyList(base_id=base_id)) cell_key_list.sort() cell_list = order_line.objectValues(portal_type=self.cell_portal_type) self.assertEquals(len(cell_list), len(cell_key_list)) price = 100 quantity = 200 for cell_key in cell_key_list: self.failUnless(order_line.hasCell(base_id=base_id, *cell_key)) cell = order_line.getCell(base_id=base_id, *cell_key) self.assertEquals(self.cell_portal_type, cell.getPortalType()) # XXX How can I check the cell content ? # self.assertEquals(price , cell.getProperty('price')) # self.assertEquals(quantity, cell.getProperty('quantity')) # self.failIfDifferentSet(cell.getMembershipCriterionCategoryList(), # cell_key) price += 1 quantity += 1 def stepCheckOrderLineVRCL(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Check if getVariationRangeCategoryList returns the good result. """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') resource = order_line.getResourceValue() vrcl = order_line.getVariationRangeCategoryList() if resource == None: self.failIfDifferentSet([], list(vrcl)) else: resource_vcl = resource.getVariationCategoryList(omit_individual_variation=0) self.failIfDifferentSet(resource_vcl, vrcl) def stepCheckOrderLineVRCIL(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Check if getVariationRangeCategoryItemList returns the good result. Does not test display... Item are left display. """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') vrcl = order_line.getVariationRangeCategoryList() vrcil = order_line.getVariationRangeCategoryItemList() self.failIfDifferentSet(vrcl, map(lambda x: x[1], vrcil)) def stepCheckOrderLineVCIL(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Check if getVariationCategoryItemList returns the good result. Does not test display... Item are left display. """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') vcl = order_line.getVariationCategoryList() vcil = order_line.getVariationCategoryItemList() ZopeTestCase._print('\n') ZopeTestCase._print('vcl: %s\n' % str(vcl)) ZopeTestCase._print('vcil: %s\n' % str(vcil)) self.failIfDifferentSet(vcl, map(lambda x: x[1], vcil)) def stepSetOrderLineDefaultValues(self, sequence=None, \ sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Set the default price and quantity on the order line. """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') order_line.edit(quantity=self.default_quantity, price=self.default_price) def stepCheckOrderLineDefaultValues(self, sequence=None, \ sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Check the default price and quantity on the order line. """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') self.assertEquals(self.default_quantity, order_line.getQuantity()) self.assertEquals(self.default_price, order_line.getPrice()) def stepCheckOrderLineTotalQuantity(self, sequence=None, \ sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Check the method getTotalQuantity on a order line. """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') base_id = 'movement' cell_key_list = order_line.getCellKeyList(base_id=base_id) if list(cell_key_list) == []: self.assertEquals(order_line.getQuantity(), \ order_line.getTotalQuantity()) else: total_quantity = 0 for cell_key in cell_key_list: if order_line.hasCell(base_id, *cell_key): cell = order_line.getCell(base_id, *cell_key) total_quantity += cell.getProperty('quantity') self.assertEquals(total_quantity, order_line.getTotalQuantity()) def stepCheckOrderLineTotalPrice(self, sequence=None, \ sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Check the method getTotalPrice on a order line. """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') base_id = 'movement' cell_key_list = order_line.getCellKeyList(base_id=base_id) if list(cell_key_list) == []: self.assertEquals(order_line.getProperty('price') * order_line.getProperty('quantity'), order_line.getTotalPrice()) else: total_price = 0 for cell_key in cell_key_list: if order_line.hasCell(base_id, *cell_key): cell = order_line.getCell(base_id, *cell_key) total_price += ( cell.getProperty('quantity') * cell.getProperty('price')) self.assertEquals(total_price, order_line.getTotalPrice()) def stepCheckOrderTotalQuantity(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, \ **kw): """ Check the method getTotalQuantity on a order . """ order = sequence.get('order') order_line_list = order.objectValues( \ portal_type=self.order_line_portal_type) order_line_list = map(lambda x: x.getObject(), order_line_list) total_quantity = 0 for order_line in order_line_list: total_quantity += order_line.getTotalQuantity() self.assertEquals(total_quantity, order.getTotalQuantity()) def stepCheckOrderTotalPrice(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, \ **kw): """ Check the method getTotalPrice on a order . """ order = sequence.get('order') order_line_list = order.objectValues( \ portal_type=self.order_line_portal_type) order_line_list = map(lambda x: x.getObject(), order_line_list) total_price = 0 for order_line in order_line_list: total_price += order_line.getTotalPrice() self.assertEquals(total_price, order.getTotalPrice()) def stepCheckOrderInitialState(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, \ **kw): """ Check if the first state of a order is draft. """ order = sequence.get('order') self.assertEquals('draft', order.getSimulationState()) def stepCheckOrderLineState(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, \ **kw): """ Check if the state of a order line is the same as parent order. """ order = sequence.get('order') order_line = sequence.get('order_line') self.assertEquals(order.getSimulationState(), order_line.getSimulationState()) def stepCheckOrderCellState(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, \ **kw): """ Check if the state of a order line is the same as parent order. """ order = sequence.get('order') order_line = sequence.get('order_line') cell_list = order_line.objectValues(portal_type=self.cell_portal_type) for cell in cell_list: self.assertEquals(order.getSimulationState(), cell.getSimulationState()) def stepPlanOrder(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): order = sequence.get('order') order.portal_workflow.doActionFor(order,'plan_action', \ wf_id='order_workflow') def stepCheckOrderPlanned(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): order = sequence.get('order') self.assertEquals('planned', order.getSimulationState()) def checkAcquisition(self, object, acquired_object): """ Check if properties are well acquired """ self.assertEquals(acquired_object.getStartDate(), object.getStartDate()) self.assertEquals(acquired_object.getStopDate(), object.getStopDate()) self.assertEquals(acquired_object.getSourceValue(), \ object.getSourceValue()) self.assertEquals(acquired_object.getDestinationValue(), \ object.getDestinationValue()) self.assertEquals(acquired_object.getSourceSectionValue(), \ object.getSourceSectionValue()) self.assertEquals(acquired_object.getDestinationSectionValue(), \ object.getDestinationSectionValue()) def stepCheckOrderLineAcquisition(self, sequence=None, \ sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Test if order line acquired some order properties """ order = sequence.get('order') order_line = sequence.get('order_line') self.checkAcquisition(order_line, order) def stepCheckOrderCellAcquisition(self, sequence=None, \ sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Test if order cell acquired some order line properties """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') cell = order_line.getCellValueList()[0] self.checkAcquisition(cell, order_line) # Test resource self.assertEquals(order_line.getResource(), \ cell.getResource()) # Test resource variation cvcl = cell.getVariationCategoryList() olvcl = order_line.getVariationCategoryList() self.assertEquals(len(order_line.getVariationRangeBaseCategoryList()), \ len(cvcl)) for variation_category in cvcl: self.failUnless(variation_category in olvcl) def stepCheckOrderSimulation(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Test if simulation is matching order """ order = sequence.get('order') related_applied_rule_list = order.getCausalityRelatedValueList( \ portal_type=self.applied_rule_portal_type) no_applied_rule_state = ('draft', 'auto_planned') order_state = order.getSimulationState() if order_state in no_applied_rule_state: self.assertEquals(0, len(related_applied_rule_list)) else: # ZopeTestCase._print('\n') # ZopeTestCase._print('related_applied_rule_list: %s' %\ # str([x.getObject() for x in related_applied_rule_list])) self.assertEquals(1, len(related_applied_rule_list)) applied_rule = related_applied_rule_list[0].getObject() self.failUnless(applied_rule is not None) self.failUnless(order_state, \ applied_rule.getLastExpandSimulationState()) # Test if applied rule has a specialise value with default_order_rule portal_rules = getToolByName(order, 'portal_rules') self.assertEquals(portal_rules.default_order_rule, \ applied_rule.getSpecialiseValue()) simulation_movement_list = applied_rule.objectValues() # Count the number of movement in order order_line_list = order.objectValues( \ portal_type=self.order_line_portal_type) order_line_list = map(lambda x: x.getObject(), order_line_list) movement_list = [] for order_line in order_line_list: if not order_line.hasCellContent(): movement_list.append(order_line) else: cell_list = order_line.objectValues( \ portal_type=self.cell_portal_type) movement_list.extend(map(lambda x: x.getObject(), cell_list)) # Check if number of movement is equal to number of simulation movement self.assertEquals(len(movement_list), len(simulation_movement_list)) # Check if each movement has only one simulation movement related order_movement_list = map(lambda x: x.getOrderValue(), \ simulation_movement_list) self.failIfDifferentSet(movement_list, order_movement_list) # Check each simulation movement for simulation_movement in simulation_movement_list: order_movement = simulation_movement.getOrderValue() # Test quantity self.assertEquals(order_movement.getQuantity(), \ simulation_movement.getQuantity()) # Test price self.assertEquals(order_movement.getPrice(), \ simulation_movement.getPrice()) # Test resource self.assertEquals(order_movement.getResource(), \ simulation_movement.getResource()) # Test resource variation self.assertEquals(order_movement.getVariationText(), \ simulation_movement.getVariationText()) self.assertEquals(order_movement.getVariationCategoryList(), \ simulation_movement.getVariationCategoryList()) # XXX Test acquisition self.checkAcquisition(simulation_movement, order_movement) # Test other attributes self.assertEquals(1, simulation_movement.deliverable) def stepOrderOrder(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): order = sequence.get('order') order.portal_workflow.doActionFor(order,'order_action', \ wf_id='order_workflow') def stepConfirmOrder(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): order = sequence.get('order') order.portal_workflow.doActionFor(order,'confirm_action', \ wf_id='order_workflow') def stepCancelOrder(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): order = sequence.get('order') order.portal_workflow.doActionFor(order,'cancel_action', \ wf_id='order_workflow') def stepCheckPortalMethod(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Test if some portal method are well defined """ order = sequence.get('order') self.failUnless('Simulation Movement' in order.getPortalMovementTypeList()) self.failUnless('Sale Order Line' in order.getPortalMovementTypeList()) def stepCheckDeliveryBuilderPresence(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Test if delivery builder exists """ delivery_builder = getattr(self.getPortal().portal_deliveries, self.delivery_builder_id) self.assertEquals('Delivery Builder', delivery_builder.getPortalType()) def stepCreateOrganisation1(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Create a empty organisation """ self.stepCreateOrganisation(sequence=sequence, sequence_list=sequence_list, **kw) organisation = sequence.get('organisation') sequence.edit(organisation1=organisation) def stepCreateOrganisation2(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Create a empty organisation """ self.stepCreateOrganisation(sequence=sequence, sequence_list=sequence_list, **kw) organisation = sequence.get('organisation') sequence.edit(organisation2=organisation) def stepSetOrderProfile(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Set different source and destination on the order """ organisation1 = sequence.get('organisation1') organisation2 = sequence.get('organisation2') order = sequence.get('order') order.edit(source_value=organisation1, destination_value=organisation2) def stepCheckDeliveryBuilding(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Test if packing list is well created. """ order = sequence.get('order') related_applied_rule_list = order.getCausalityRelatedValueList( \ portal_type=self.applied_rule_portal_type) related_packing_list_list = order.getCausalityRelatedValueList( \ portal_type=self.packing_list_portal_type) packing_list_building_state = 'confirmed' order_state = order.getSimulationState() if order_state not in packing_list_building_state: self.assertEquals(0, len(related_packing_list_list)) else: self.assertEquals(1, len(related_packing_list_list)) packing_list = related_packing_list_list[0].getObject() self.failUnless(packing_list is not None) applied_rule = related_applied_rule_list[0].getObject() simulation_movement_list = applied_rule.objectValues() # Test that packing list is confirmed packing_list_state = packing_list.getSimulationState() self.assertEquals(packing_list_building_state, packing_list_state) # First, test if each Simulation Movement is related to a Packing List # Movement packing_list_relative_url = packing_list.getRelativeUrl() for simulation_movement in simulation_movement_list: packing_list_movement_list = simulation_movement.getDeliveryValueList() self.failUnless(len(packing_list_movement_list), 1) packing_list_movement = packing_list_movement_list[0] self.failUnless(packing_list_movement is not None) self.failUnless(packing_list_movement.getRelativeUrl().\ startswith(packing_list_relative_url)) # Then, test if each packing list movement is equals to the sum of somes # Simulation Movement packing_list_movement_list = [] for packing_list_line in packing_list.objectValues( portal_type=self.packing_list_line_portal_type): packing_list_line = packing_list_line.getObject() cell_list = [x.getObject() for x in packing_list_line.objectValues( portal_type=self.packing_list_cell_portal_type)] if len(cell_list) == 0: packing_list_movement_list.append(packing_list_line) else: packing_list_movement_list.extend(cell_list) for packing_list_movement in packing_list_movement_list: related_simulation_movement_list = packing_list_movement.\ getDeliveryRelatedValueList(portal_type='Simulation Movement') quantity = 0 total_price = 0 packing_list_movement_quantity = packing_list_movement.getQuantity() for related_simulation_movement in related_simulation_movement_list: quantity += related_simulation_movement.getQuantity() total_price += related_simulation_movement.getPrice() *\ related_simulation_movement.getQuantity() # Test resource self.assertEquals(packing_list_movement.getResource(), \ related_simulation_movement.getResource()) # Test resource variation self.assertEquals(packing_list_movement.getVariationText(), \ related_simulation_movement.getVariationText()) self.assertEquals(packing_list_movement.getVariationCategoryList(), \ related_simulation_movement.getVariationCategoryList()) # Test acquisition self.checkAcquisition(packing_list_movement, related_simulation_movement) # Test delivery ratio self.assertEquals(related_simulation_movement.getQuantity() /\ packing_list_movement_quantity, \ related_simulation_movement.getDeliveryRatio()) self.assertEquals(quantity, packing_list_movement.getQuantity()) # Test price self.assertEquals(total_price / quantity, packing_list_movement.getPrice()) sequence.edit(packing_list=packing_list) # Finally, test Packing List getTotalQuantity and getTotalPrice self.assertEquals(order.getTotalQuantity(), packing_list.getTotalQuantity()) self.assertEquals(order.getTotalPrice(), packing_list.getTotalPrice()) def stepModifyOrderStartDate(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, \ **kw): """ Modify order start date """ order = sequence.get('order') order.setStartDate(self.datetime + 77) def stepModifyOrderLineStartDate(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, \ **kw): """ Modify order line start date """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') order_line.setStartDate(self.datetime + 88) def stepModifyOrderCellStartDate(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, \ **kw): """ Modify order cell start date """ order_line = sequence.get('order_line') cell_list = order_line.objectValues(portal_type=self.cell_portal_type) if len(cell_list) > 0: order_cell = cell_list[0].getObject() order_cell.setStartDate(self.datetime + 99) class TestOrder(TestOrderMixin,ERP5TypeTestCase): """ Test business template erp5_trade """ run_all_test = 1 def getTitle(self): return "Order" def enableLightInstall(self): """ You can override this. Return if we should do a light install (1) or not (0) """ return 1 def enableActivityTool(self): """ You can override this. Return if we should create (1) or not (0) an activity tool. """ return 1 # def stepCheckOrderLineCell(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): # """ # Check cell comportment when some properties are not defined. # """ # order_line = sequence.get('order_line') # base_id = 'movement' # cell_key_list = order_line.getCellKeyList(base_id=base_id) # # First, search a cell to test # for cell_key in cell_key_list: # if order_line.hasCell(base_id=base_id, *cell_key): # cell = order_line.getCell(base_id=base_id, *cell_key) # break # # Then, store his properties # price = cell.getProperty('price') # quantity = cell.getProperty('quantity') # # Modify, test, and restore old values # for new_quantity, new_price in [(None, 346), (123, None), (None, None), \ # (quantity, price)]: # cell.edit(quantity=new_quantity, price=new_price) # if new_quantity == None: # new_quantity = 0.0 # if new_price == None: # new_price = 0.0 # self.assertEquals(new_quantity, cell.getProperty('quantity')) # self.assertEquals(new_price, cell.getProperty('price')) # # # XXX test getTotalPrice on OrderLine def test_01_OrderLine_getVariationRangeCategoryList(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Test order line getVariationRangeCategoryList. """ if not run: return sequence_list = SequenceList() # Test when resource has no variation sequence_string = 'CreateOrder \ CreateOrderLine \ CheckOrderLineVRCL \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ Tic \ SetOrderLineResource \ CheckOrderLineVRCL \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test when resource has variation sequence_string = 'CreateOrder \ CreateOrderLine \ CheckOrderLineVRCL \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ SetOrderLineResource \ CheckOrderLineVRCL \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) def test_02_OrderLine_getVariationRangeCategoryItemList(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Test order line getVariationRangeCategoryItemList. """ if not run: return sequence_list = SequenceList() # Test when resource has no variation sequence_string = 'CreateOrder \ CreateOrderLine \ CheckOrderLineVRCIL \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ Tic \ SetOrderLineResource \ CheckOrderLineVRCIL \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test when resource has variation sequence_string = 'CreateOrder \ CreateOrderLine \ CheckOrderLineVRCIL \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ SetOrderLineResource \ CheckOrderLineVRCIL \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) def test_03_OrderLine_getVariationCategoryList(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Test order line getVariationCategoryList. Not yet tested.... """ if not run: return pass def test_04_OrderLine_getVariationCategoryItemList(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Test order line getVariationCategoryItemList. """ if not run: return sequence_list = SequenceList() # Test when resource has variation sequence_string = 'CreateOrder \ CreateOrderLine \ CheckOrderLineVCIL \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineHalfVCL \ Tic \ CheckOrderLineVCIL \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) def test_05_OrderLine_Matrix(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Test order line movement matrix. """ if not run: return sequence_list = SequenceList() # Test when resource has no variation sequence_string = 'CreateOrder \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix \ SetOrderLineResource \ CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CheckOrderLineRange \ CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ Tic \ CheckOrderLineCompleteMatrix \ SetOrderLineHalfVCL \ Tic \ CheckOrderLineRange \ CheckOrderLineCompleteMatrix \ SetOrderLineEmptyVCL \ Tic \ CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test when resource has variations sequence_string = 'CreateOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix \ SetOrderLineResource \ CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CheckOrderLineRange \ CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ Tic \ CheckOrderLineCompleteMatrix \ SetOrderLineHalfVCL \ Tic \ CheckOrderLineRange \ CheckOrderLineCompleteMatrix \ SetOrderLineEmptyVCL \ Tic \ CheckOrderLineRange \ CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) # def modifyOrderLineCellPrice(self, price): # """ # Modify the properties of the first cell founded on the current # order line. # """ # order_line = sequence.get('order_line') # base_id = 'movement' # cell_key_list = order_line.getCellKeyList(base_id=base_id) # # First, search a cell to test # cell = None # for cell_key in cell_key_list: # if order_line.hasCell(base_id=base_id, *cell_key): # cell = order_line.getCell(base_id=base_id, *cell_key) # break # if cell is not None: # # Then, store new properties # cell.edit(price=price) # self.assertEquals(price, cell.getProperty('price')) # # # for new_quantity, new_price in [(None, 346), (123, None), (None, None), \ # # (quantity, price)]: # def stepSetCellPriceToNone(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): # """ # Set the cell price to None # """ # self.modifyOrderLineCellPrice(None) # # def stepSetCellQuantityToNone(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): # """ # Set the cell price to None # """ # self.modifyOrderLineCellQuantity(None) def test_06_OrderLine_getTotalQuantity(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Test the method getTotalQuantity on a order line. """ if not run: return sequence_list = SequenceList() # Test when resource has no variation sequence_string = '\ CreateOrder \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ CheckOrderLineDefaultValues \ CheckOrderLineTotalQuantity \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test when resource has variations sequence_string = '\ CreateOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ CheckOrderLineDefaultValues \ CheckOrderLineTotalQuantity \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ CheckOrderLineTotalQuantity \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # XXX test cell modification sequence_list.play(self) def test_07_OrderLine_getTotalPrice(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Test method getTotalPrice on order line. """ if not run: return sequence_list = SequenceList() # Test when resource has not variation sequence_string = '\ CreateOrder \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ CheckOrderLineEmptyMatrix \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ CheckOrderLineDefaultValues \ CheckOrderLineTotalPrice \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test when resource has variations sequence_string = '\ CreateOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ CheckOrderLineDefaultValues \ CheckOrderLineTotalQuantity \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ CheckOrderLineTotalPrice \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # XXX test cell modification sequence_list.play(self) def test_08_Order_testTotalQuantity(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Test method getTotalQuantity on a order """ if not run: return sequence_list = SequenceList() # Test with no order line sequence_string = '\ CreateOrder \ CheckOrderTotalQuantity \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test when resource has not variation sequence_string = '\ CreateOrder \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ CheckOrderTotalQuantity \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test when resource has variations sequence_string = '\ CreateOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ CheckOrderTotalQuantity \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test whith multiples order line sequence_string = '\ CreateOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ CheckOrderTotalQuantity \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ CreateOrderLine \ Tic \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ Tic \ CheckOrderTotalQuantity \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) def test_09_Order_testTotalPrice(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Test method getTotalPrice on a order """ if not run: return sequence_list = SequenceList() # Test with no order line sequence_string = '\ CreateOrder \ CheckOrderTotalPrice\ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test when resource has not variation sequence_string = '\ CreateOrder \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ CheckOrderTotalPrice \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test when resource has variations sequence_string = '\ CreateOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ CheckOrderTotalPrice \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test with multiples order line sequence_string = '\ CreateOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ CheckOrderTotalPrice \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) def test_10_Order_testSimulationState(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Test simulation state acquisition on Order """ if not run: return sequence_list = SequenceList() sequence_string = '\ CreateOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CheckOrderInitialState \ CreateOrderLine \ Tic \ CheckOrderLineState \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ Tic \ CheckOrderCellState \ PlanOrder \ Tic \ CheckOrderPlanned \ CheckOrderLineState \ CheckOrderCellState \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) def test_11_testPropertiesAcquisition(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Test if some properties on order line or order cell are well acquired. """ if not run: return sequence_list = SequenceList() sequence_string = '\ CreateOrganisation \ CreateOrder \ CheckOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ CheckOrderLineAcquisition \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ CheckOrderCellAcquisition \ Tic \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) def test_12_testAppliedRuleGeneration(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Test generation and update of order applied rule. """ if not run: return sequence_list = SequenceList() # Test first some portal method sequence_string = '\ CreateOrder \ CheckPortalMethod \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test when order is cancelled sequence_string = '\ CreateOrganisation \ CreateOrder \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ CheckOrderSimulation \ PlanOrder \ Tic \ CheckOrderSimulation \ OrderOrder \ Tic \ CheckOrderSimulation \ CancelOrder \ Tic \ Tic \ CheckOrderSimulation \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test with a simply order without cell sequence_string = '\ CreateOrganisation \ CreateOrder \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ PlanOrder \ Tic \ CheckOrderSimulation \ OrderOrder \ Tic \ CheckOrderSimulation \ ConfirmOrder \ Tic \ CheckOrderSimulation \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test to confirm order without planned or ordered it sequence_string = '\ CreateOrganisation \ CreateOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ OrderOrder \ Tic \ CheckOrderSimulation \ ConfirmOrder \ Tic \ CheckOrderSimulation \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test to confirm order with variated resource sequence_string = '\ CreateOrganisation \ CreateOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ Tic \ OrderOrder \ Tic \ CheckOrderSimulation \ ConfirmOrder \ Tic \ CheckOrderSimulation \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test to confirm order with multiples lines sequence_string = '\ CreateOrganisation \ CreateOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ Tic \ OrderOrder \ Tic \ CheckOrderSimulation \ ConfirmOrder \ Tic \ CheckOrderSimulation \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) def test_13_testAppliedRuleUpdate(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Test update of applied rule when order is modified. """ if not run: return sequence_list = SequenceList() # Test when order is modified sequence_string = '\ CreateOrganisation \ CreateOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ OrderOrder \ Tic \ ModifyOrderStartDate \ CheckOrderSimulation \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test when order line is modified sequence_string = '\ CreateOrganisation \ CreateOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ OrderOrder \ Tic \ ModifyOrderLineStartDate \ CheckOrderSimulation \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test when order cell is modified sequence_string = '\ CreateOrganisation \ CreateOrder \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ OrderOrder \ Tic \ ModifyOrderCellStartDate \ CheckOrderSimulation \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) # XXX # def test_14_readOnlyConfirmedOrder(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): # """ # Test if confirmed order can not be modificated anymore. # """ # if not run: return # self.failUnless(1==2) def test_15_deliveryBuilder(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): """ Test generation of delivery list """ if not run: return sequence_list = SequenceList() # First, test if delivery buider exists sequence_string = '\ CheckDeliveryBuilderPresence \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test with a simply order without cell sequence_string = '\ CreateOrganisation1 \ CreateOrganisation2 \ CreateOrder \ SetOrderProfile \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ OrderOrder \ Tic \ CheckDeliveryBuilding \ ConfirmOrder \ Tic \ CheckDeliveryBuilding \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test to confirm order with variated resource sequence_string = '\ CreateOrganisation1 \ CreateOrganisation2 \ CreateOrder \ SetOrderProfile \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ Tic \ OrderOrder \ Tic \ CheckDeliveryBuilding \ ConfirmOrder \ Tic \ CheckDeliveryBuilding \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test to confirm order with multiples lines sequence_string = '\ CreateOrganisation1 \ CreateOrganisation2 \ CreateOrder \ SetOrderProfile \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ Tic \ OrderOrder \ Tic \ CheckDeliveryBuilding \ ConfirmOrder \ Tic \ CheckDeliveryBuilding \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # XXX Does not work yet # Test to confirm order without doing any tic # Except after creating organisations # sequence_string = '\ # CreateOrganisation1 \ # CreateOrganisation2 \ # Tic \ # CreateOrder \ # SetOrderProfile \ # CreateVariatedResource \ # CreateOrderLine \ # SetOrderLineResource \ # SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ # SetOrderLineFullVCL \ # CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ # CreateNotVariatedResource \ # CreateOrderLine \ # SetOrderLineResource \ # SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ # OrderOrder \ # CheckDeliveryBuilding \ # ConfirmOrder \ # Tic \ # Tic \ # CheckDeliveryBuilding \ # ' # sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test with a order with 2 lines and the same not variated resource sequence_string = '\ CreateOrganisation1 \ CreateOrganisation2 \ CreateOrder \ SetOrderProfile \ CreateNotVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ OrderOrder \ Tic \ CheckDeliveryBuilding \ ConfirmOrder \ Tic \ CheckDeliveryBuilding \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # Test with a order with 2 lines and the same variated resource sequence_string = '\ CreateOrganisation1 \ CreateOrganisation2 \ CreateOrder \ SetOrderProfile \ CreateVariatedResource \ Tic \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ CreateOrderLine \ SetOrderLineResource \ SetOrderLineDefaultValues \ SetOrderLineFullVCL \ CompleteOrderLineMatrix \ Tic \ OrderOrder \ Tic \ CheckDeliveryBuilding \ ConfirmOrder \ Tic \ CheckDeliveryBuilding \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) # def test_16_packingListOrderAcquisition(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test): # """ # Test if packing list get some properties from order. # """ # if not run: return # self.failUnless(1==2) if __name__ == '__main__': framework() else: import unittest def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestOrder)) return suite