diff --git a/product/ZSQLCatalog/SQLCatalog.py b/product/ZSQLCatalog/SQLCatalog.py
index 2ac4cf9ded97f2b3a9155957c6dfb4b68a43173c..5aa2cbf8261041fbd5c9bee9f5c76c35bb939202 100755
--- a/product/ZSQLCatalog/SQLCatalog.py
+++ b/product/ZSQLCatalog/SQLCatalog.py
@@ -780,20 +780,23 @@ class Catalog(Folder, Persistent, Acquisition.Implicit, ExtensionClass.Base):
       klass._local_clear_reserved_time = self._last_clear_reserved_time
     elif not hasattr(self, '_v_uid_buffer'):
       self._v_uid_buffer = UidBuffer()
+    LOG('producedUid, len(self._v_uid_buffer)',0,len(self._v_uid_buffer))
     if len(self._v_uid_buffer) == 0:
       method_id = self.sql_catalog_produce_reserved
       method = getattr(self, method_id)
-      instance_id = klass._instance_id
-      if instance_id is None:
-        # Generate an instance id randomly. Note that there is a small possibility that this
-        # would conflict with others.
-        random_factor_list = [time.time(), os.getpid(), os.times()]
-        try:
-          random_factor_list.append(os.getloadavg())
-        except (OSError, AttributeError): # AttributeError is required under cygwin
-          pass
-        instance_id = md5.new(str(random_factor_list)).hexdigest()[:30]
-        klass._instance_id = instance_id
+      # Generate an instance id randomly. Note that there is a small possibility that this
+      # would conflict with others.
+      # This is VERY Important to generate a new instance_id
+      # each time, because some uids might be assigned to
+      # some objects, but objects can be not indexed yet, so
+      # we can get assigned uids with a path equal to reserved.
+      # May be the name instance_id is not good any more
+      random_factor_list = [time.time(), os.getpid(), os.times()]
+      try:
+        random_factor_list.append(os.getloadavg())
+      except (OSError, AttributeError): # AttributeError is required under cygwin
+        pass
+      instance_id = md5.new(str(random_factor_list)).hexdigest()[:30]
       uid_list = [x.uid for x in method(count = UID_BUFFER_SIZE, instance_id = instance_id) if x.uid != 0]