Commit d911714c authored by Ayush Tiwari's avatar Ayush Tiwari

bt5_config: Add and update build for BusinessPatchItem

parent 03880d29
......@@ -1150,50 +1150,78 @@ class BusinessPatchItem(XMLObject):
isIndexable = False
isProperty = False
constructors = (manage_addBusinessPatchItem,)
allowed_types = ('Business Item', 'Business Property Item',)
def _edit(self, **kw):
Override _edit to create Business Item and BusinessPropertyItem for old and
new value
super(BusinessPatchItem, self)._edit(**kw)
item_path = kw.get('item_path', None)
dependency_list = kw.get('dependency_list', [])
if item_path:
# Check if there is already a Business Item or Business Property Item
# existing with this path
# XXX: Add some attribute to restrict installation of these item(s),
# they should add as hidden item(s)
new_item = self.getBusinessItemByPath(item_path+'_new')
old_item = self.getBusinessItemByPath(item_path+'_old')
# If there is already new or old value, remove it
if new_item:
if old_item:
# Raise error if no dependency_list, this way we ensure there are no useless
# patch_item objects
if not dependency_list:
raise ValueError('Please add dependency to the Business Patch Item')
# Use item_path to determine if we need to create Business Item or
# Business Property Item for storing old and new values
if '#' in item_path:
self.newContent(portal_type='Business Property Item',
self.newContent(portal_type='Business Item',
super(BusinessPatchItem, self)._edit(**kw)
def build(self, context, **kw):
Build should update the old and new value
path = self.getProperty('item_path')
portal = self.getPortalObject()
portal_templates = portal.portal_templates
item_path = self.getProperty('item_path')
item_layer = self.getProperty('item_layer')
item_sign = self.getProperty('item_sign')
old_value = self.getOldValue()
new_value = self.getNewValue(build=True)
# Get the dependency Business Manager
dependency_list = self.getProperty('dependency_list')
if dependency_list:
dependency_title = dependency_list[0]
dependency_bm = portal_templates.getInstalledBusinessTemplate(dependency_title)
if not dependency_bm:
raise ValueError('Missing Installed Business Manager for dependecy_list \
which is required to build')
self.setProperty('old_value', old_value)
self.setProperty('new_value', new_value)
# Use item_path to determine if we need to create Business Item or
# Business Property Item for storing old and new values
if '#' in item_path:
# Create new_prop_item and build it from ZODB
new_prop_item = self.newContent(portal_type='Business Property Item',
# ID to be used for old item copied from dependency_list
updated_id = 'old_property_item'
# Create new_item and build it from ZODB
new_item = self.newContent(portal_type='Business Item',
# ID to be used for old item copied from dependency_list
updated_id = 'old_path_item'
# Copy old item/property item from the item at similar path in dependency_bm
dependency_item = dependency_bm.getBusinessItemByPath(item_path)
cp_data = dependency_bm.manage_copyObjects([dependency_bm.getId()])
new_id = self.manage_pasteObjects(cp_data)[0]['new_id']
self.manage_renameObject(id=new_id, new_id=updated_id)
# Get the copied object and update the properties
old_item = self._getOb(updated_id)
old_item.setProperty('item_layer', item_layer)
old_item.setProperty('item_sign', item_sign)
def getOldValue(self):
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