Commit e79cecb4 authored by Nicolas Delaby's avatar Nicolas Delaby

* Clean docstrings as they has moved to IDocumennt interface

* Conversion Cache Documents are not stored anymore on Document itself.
  Use Cache Plugin to handle Storage of conversion.
  Flare is used by default as a persistent storage

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 4e082ba5
No related merge requests found
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
......@@ -44,11 +45,13 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import convertToUpperCase
from Products.ERP5Type.Base import WorkflowMethod
from Products.ERP5Type.TransactionalVariable import getTransactionalVariable
from Products.ERP5Type.ExtensibleTraversable import ExtensibleTraversableMixIn
from Products.ERP5Type.Cache import getReadOnlyTransactionCache
from Products.ERP5Type.Cache import getReadOnlyTransactionCache, DEFAULT_CACHE_SCOPE
from Products.ERP5.Document.Url import UrlMixIn
from Products.ERP5.Tool.ContributionTool import MAX_REPEAT
from Products.ERP5Type.UnrestrictedMethod import UnrestrictedMethod
from AccessControl import Unauthorized
import zope.interface
import string
_MARKER = []
VALID_ORDER_KEY_LIST = ('user_login', 'content', 'file_name', 'input')
......@@ -60,6 +63,12 @@ def makeSortedTuple(kw):
return tuple(items)
def generateCacheId(**kw):
"""Generate proper cache id based on **kw.
Function inspired from ERP5Type.Cache
return str(makeSortedTuple(kw)).translate(string.maketrans('', ''), """[]()<>'", """)
class SnapshotMixin:
This class provides a generic API to store in the ZODB
......@@ -115,134 +124,94 @@ class ConversionCacheMixin:
Versions are stored in dictionaries; the class stores also
generation time of every format and its mime-type string.
Format can be a string or a tuple (e.g. format, resolution).
* Implement ZODB BLOB
# time of generation of various formats
_cached_time = None # Defensive programming - prevent caching to RAM
# generated files (cache)
_cached_data = None # Defensive programming - prevent caching to RAM
# mime types for cached formats XXX to be refactored
_cached_mime = None # Defensive programming - prevent caching to RAM
# Declarative security
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def _getCacheFactory(self):
cache_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_caches')
preference_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_preferences')
cache_factory_name = preference_tool.getPreferredConversionCacheFactory()
return cache_tool.getRamCacheRoot().get(cache_factory_name)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'clearConversionCache')
def clearConversionCache(self):
Clear cache (invoked by interaction workflow upon file upload
needed here to overwrite class attribute with instance attrs
self._cached_time = PersistentMapping()
self._cached_data = PersistentMapping()
self._cached_size = PersistentMapping()
self._cached_mime = PersistentMapping()
for cache_plugin in self._getCacheFactory().getCachePluginList():
cache_plugin.delete(self.getPath(), DEFAULT_CACHE_SCOPE)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'updateConversionCache')
def updateConversionCache(self):
aself = aq_base(self)
if getattr(aself, '_cached_time', None) is None or self._cached_time is None:
self._cached_time = PersistentMapping()
if getattr(aself, '_cached_data', None) is None or self._cached_data is None:
self._cached_data = PersistentMapping()
if getattr(aself, '_cached_size', None) is None or self._cached_size is None:
self._cached_size = PersistentMapping()
if getattr(aself, '_cached_mime', None) is None or self._cached_mime is None:
self._cached_mime = PersistentMapping()
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'hasConversion')
def hasConversion(self, **format):
Checks whether we have a version in this format
return self._cached_data.has_key(makeSortedTuple(format))
cache_factory = self._getCacheFactory()
cache_duration = cache_factory.cache_duration
for cache_plugin in cache_factory.getCachePluginList():
cache_dict = cache_plugin.get(self.getPath(), DEFAULT_CACHE_SCOPE)
if cache_dict is None:
cache_dict = {}
cache_plugin.set(self.getPath(), DEFAULT_CACHE_SCOPE, cache_dict, cache_duration=cache_duration)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getCacheTime')
def getCacheTime(self, **format):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'hasConversion')
def hasConversion(self, **kw):
Checks when if ever was the file produced
return self._cached_time.get(makeSortedTuple(format), 0)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'updateConversion')
def updateConversion(self, **format):
self._cached_time[makeSortedTuple(format)] = DateTime()
cache_id = generateCacheId(**kw)
plugin_list = self._getCacheFactory().getCachePluginList()
#If there is no plugin list return False OR one them is doesn't contain
#cache_id for givent scope, return False
if not plugin_list:
return False
for cache_plugin in plugin_list:
cache_entry = cache_plugin.get(self.getPath(), DEFAULT_CACHE_SCOPE)
if not cache_entry.getValue().has_key(cache_id):
return False
return True
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setConversion')
def setConversion(self, data, mime=None, **format):
def setConversion(self, data, mime=None, calculation_time=None, **kw):
Saves a version of the document in a given format; records mime type
and conversion time (which is right now).
tformat = makeSortedTuple(format)
if mime is not None:
self._cached_mime[tformat] = mime
cache_id = generateCacheId(**kw)
cache_factory = self._getCacheFactory()
cache_duration = cache_factory.cache_duration
if data is not None:
self._cached_data[tformat] = aq_base(data) # Use of aq_base
# is useful to remove the wrapper from a temp object
# which may have been used to generate data
self._cached_size[tformat] = len(data)
self._cached_size[tformat] = 0
self._p_changed = 1
for cache_plugin in cache_factory.getCachePluginList():
cache_entry = cache_plugin.get(self.getPath(), DEFAULT_CACHE_SCOPE)
cache_dict = cache_entry.getValue()
cache_dict.update({cache_id: (mime, aq_base(data))})
cache_plugin.set(self.getPath(), DEFAULT_CACHE_SCOPE,
cache_dict, calculation_time=calculation_time,
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getConversion')
def getConversion(self, **format):
def getConversion(self, **kw):
Returns version of the document in a given format, if it has it; otherwise
returns empty string (the caller should check hasConversion before calling
this function.
(we could be much cooler here - pass testing and updating methods to this function
so that it does it all by itself; this'd eliminate the need for setConversion public method)
XXX-BG: I'm not sure now what I meant by this...
tformat = makeSortedTuple(format)
return self._cached_mime[tformat], self._cached_data[tformat]
cache_id = generateCacheId(**kw)
for cache_plugin in self._getCacheFactory().getCachePluginList():
cache_entry = cache_plugin.get(self.getPath(), DEFAULT_CACHE_SCOPE)
data = cache_entry.getValue().get(cache_id)
if data:
return data
raise KeyError, 'Conversion cache key does not exists for %r' % cache_id
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getConversionSize')
def getConversionSize(self, **format):
Returns the size of the converted document.
tformat = makeSortedTuple(format)
if not self._cached_size.has_key(tformat):
self._cached_size[tformat] = len(self._cached_data[tformat])
return self._cached_size[tformat]
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ViewManagementScreens, 'getConversionCacheInfo')
def getConversionCacheInfo(self):
def getConversionSize(self, **kw):
Get cache details as string (for debugging)
s = 'CACHE INFO:<br/><table><tr><td>format</td><td>size</td><td>time</td><td>is changed</td></tr>'
for f in self._cached_time.keys():
t = self._cached_time[f]
data = self._cached_data.get(f)
if data:
if isinstance(data, str):
ln = len(data)
ln = 0
while data is not None:
ln += len(
data =
ln = 'no data!!!'
s += '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (f, str(ln), str(t), '-')
s += '</table>'
return s
if self.hasConversion(**kw):
return len(self.getConversion(**kw))
return 0
class PermanentURLMixIn(ExtensibleTraversableMixIn):
......@@ -458,167 +427,6 @@ class UpdateMixIn:
class Document(PermanentURLMixIn, XMLObject, UrlMixIn, ConversionCacheMixin, SnapshotMixin, UpdateMixIn):
Document is an abstract class with all methods
related to document management in ERP5. This includes
searchable text, explicit relations, implicit relations,
metadata, versions, languages, etc.
Documents may either store their content directly or
cache content which is retrieved from a specified URL.
The second case if often referred as "External Document".
Standalone "External Documents" may be created by specifying
a URL to the contribution tool which is in charge of initiating
the download process and selecting the appropriate document type.
Groups of "External Documents" may also be generated from
so-called "External Source" (refer to ExternalSource class
for more information).
External Documents may be downloaded once or updated at
regular interval. The later can be useful to update the content
of an external source. Previous versions may be stored
in place or kept in a separate file. This feature
is known as the crawling API. It is mostly implemented
in ContributionTool with wrappers in the Document class.
It can be useful for create a small search engine.
There are currently two types of Document subclasses:
* File for binary file based documents. File
has subclasses such as Image, OOoDocument,
PDFDocument, etc. to implement specific conversion
* TextDocument for text based documents. TextDocument
has subclasses such as Wiki to implement specific
methods. TextDocument itself has a subclass
(XSLTDocument) which provides XSLT based analysis
and transformation of XML content based on XSLT
Document classes which implement conversion should use
the ConversionCacheMixin class so that converted values are
stored inside ZODB and do not need to be recalculated.
More generally, conversion should be achieved through
the convert method and other methods of the conversion
API (convertToBaseFormat, etc.). Moreover, any Document
subclass must ne able to convert documents to text
(asText method) and HTML (asHTML method). Text is required
for full text indexing. HTML is required for crawling.
Instances can be created directly, or via portal_contributions tool
which manages document ingestion process whereby a file can be uploaded
by http or sent in by email or dropped in by webdav or in some other
way as yet unknown. The ingestion process has the following steps:
(1) portal type detection
(2) object creation and upload of data
(3) metadata discovery (optionally with conversion of data to another format)
(4) other possible actions to finalise the ingestion (ex. by assigning
a reference)
This class handles (3) and calls a ZMI script to do (4).
Metadata can be drawn from various sources:
input - data supplied with http request or set on the object during (2) (e.g.
discovered from email text)
file_name - data which might be encoded in file name
user_login - information about user who is contributing the file
content - data which might be derived from document content
If a certain property is defined in more than one source, it is set according to
preference order returned by a script
(or any type-based version since discovery is type dependent)
Methods for discovering metadata are:
Methods for processing content are implemented either in
Document class or in Base class:
getSearchableReferenceList (Base)
getSearchableText (Base)
index_html (overriden in Document subclasses)
Methods for handling relations are implemented either in
Document class or in Base class:
getImplicitSuccessorValueList (Base)
getImplicitPredecessorValueList (Base)
getImplicitSimilarValueList (Base)
getSimilarCloudValueList (Document)
Implicit relations consist in finding document references inside
searchable text (ex. INV-23456) and deducting relations from that.
Two customisable methods required. One to find a list of implicit references
inside the content (getSearchableReferenceList) and one to convert a given
document reference into a list of reference strings which could
be present in other content (asSearchableReferenceList).
document.getSearchableReferenceList() returns
{'reference':' INV-12367'},
{'reference': 'INV-1112', 'version':'012}',
{'reference': 'AB-CC-DRK', 'version':'011', 'language': 'en'}
The Document class behaviour can be extended / customized through scripts
(which are type-based so can be adjusted per portal type).
* Document_getPropertyDictFromUserLogin - finds a user (by user_login or from session)
and returns properties which should be set on the document
* Document_getPropertyDictFromContent - analyzes document content and returns
properties which should be set on the document
* Base_getImplicitSuccessorValueList - finds appropriate all documents
referenced in the current content
* Base_getImplicitPredecessorValueList - finds document predecessors based on
the document coordinates (can use only complete coordinates, or also partial)
* Document_getPreferredDocumentMetadataDiscoveryOrderList - returns an order
in which metadata should be set/overwritten
* Document_finishIngestion - called by portal_activities after all the ingestion
is completed (and after document has been converted, so text_content
is available if the document has it)
* Document_getNewRevision - calculates revision number which should be set
on this document. Implementation depends on revision numbering policy which
can be very different. Interaction workflow should call setNewRevision method.
* Document_populateContent - analyses the document content and produces
subcontent based on it (ex. images, news, etc.). This scripts can
involve for example an XSLT transformation to process XML.
Subcontent: documents may include subcontent (files, images, etc.)
so that publication of rich content can be path independent. Subcontent
can also be used to help the rendering in HTML of complex documents
such as ODF documents.
Consistency checking:
Default implementation uses DocumentReferenceConstraint to check if the
reference/language/version triplet is unique. Additional constraints
can be added if necessary.
NOTE: supports a notion of revision which is very specific.
The underlying concept is that, as soon as a document has a reference,
the association of (reference, version, language) must be unique
accross the whole system. This means that a given document in a given
version in a given language is unique. The underlying idea is similar
to the one in a Wiki system in which each page is unique and acts
the the atom of collaboration. In the case of ERP5, if a team collaborates
on a Text document written with an offline word processor, all
updates should be placed inside the same object. A Contribution
will thus modify an existing document, if allowed from security
point of view, and increase the revision number. Same goes for
properties (title). Each change generates a new revision.
meta_type = 'ERP5 Document'
......@@ -629,6 +437,8 @@ class Document(PermanentURLMixIn, XMLObject, UrlMixIn, ConversionCacheMixin, Sna
isDocument = 1
zope.interface.implements( interfaces.IDocument, )
# Regular expressions
href_parser = re.compile('<a[^>]*href=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]',re.IGNORECASE)
body_parser = re.compile('<body[^>]*>(.*?)</body>', re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL)
......@@ -1300,7 +1110,7 @@ class Document(PermanentURLMixIn, XMLObject, UrlMixIn, ConversionCacheMixin, Sna
html = html.replace('<head>', '<head>%s' % base)
# We do not implement cache yet since it increases ZODB
# for probably no reason. More research needed
# self.setConversion(html, mime='text/html', format='base-html')
self.setConversion(html, mime='text/html', format='base-html')
return html
......@@ -1421,19 +1231,6 @@ class Document(PermanentURLMixIn, XMLObject, UrlMixIn, ConversionCacheMixin, Sna
def _convertToBaseFormat(self):
Placeholder method. Must be subclassed by classes
which need a base format. Refer to OOoDocument
for an example of ODF base format which is used
as a way to convert about any file format into
about any file format.
Other possible applications: conversion of HTML
text to tiddy HTML such as described here:
so that resulting text can be processed more
easily by XSLT parsers. Conversion of internal
links to images of an HTML document to local
links (in combindation with populate).
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -1441,8 +1238,6 @@ class Document(PermanentURLMixIn, XMLObject, UrlMixIn, ConversionCacheMixin, Sna
def isSupportBaseDataConversion(self):
This is a public interface to check a document that is support conversion
to base format and can be overridden in subclasses.
return False
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