Portal Transforms'User manual

:Author: Sylvain Th�nault
:Contact: syt@logilab.fr
:Date: $Date: 2005-08-19 23:43:41 +0200 (Fre, 19 Aug 2005) $
:Version: $Revision: 1.7 $
:Web site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/archetypes

.. contents::

What does this package provide ?

This package is both a python library for MIME type based content
transformation, including a command line tool, (what i call the python package)
and a Zope product providing two new tools for the CMF (what i call the Zope
product). A python only distribution will be available, where all the Zope
specific files won't be included.

Python side

The *transform* command line tool

    command line tool for MIME type based transformation

    USAGE: transform [OPTIONS] input_file output_file

     -h / --help
       display this help message and exit.

     -o / --output <output mime type>
       output MIME type. (conflict with --transform)

     -t / --transform <transform id>
       id of the transform to apply. (conflict with --output)

     $ transform -o text/html dev_manual.rst dev_manual.html

Customization hook

You can customize the transformation engine by providing a module
"transform_customize" somewhere in your Python path. The module must provide a
*initialize* method which will take the engine as only argument. This method
will have the reponsability to initialize the engine with desired
transformations. When it's not found, the *initialize* method from the
*transforms* subpackage will be used.

Zope side

The MIME types registry

This tool registered known MIME types. The information associated with a MIME
type are :

  * a title

  * a list rfc-2046 types

  * a list of files extensions

  * a binary flag

  * an icon path

You can see regitered types by going to the *mimetypes_registry* object at the
root of your CMF site, using the ZMI. There you can modify existent information
or add / delete types. This product cames with a default set of MIME types icons
located in portal_skins/mimetypes_icons.

The tranformation tool

It's a MIME type based transformation engine. It's has been designed to
transform portal content from a given MIME type to another. You can add / delete
transformations by going to the *portal_transforms* object at the root of your
CMF site, using the ZMI. Some transformations are configurable, but not all. A
transform is a Python object implementing a special interface. See the
developper documentation if you're interested in writing a new

Archetypes integration

Archetypes will use this product for automatic transformation if you have
configurated it to use the new base unit (set USE_NEW_BASEUNIT to 1 in the
Archetypes config.py). If you're using the old base unit (still default in 1.0),
the transform tool won't be used (at least by the Archetypes library).

Default transformations

The default transformations are described here. They are separated in two groups,
safe and unsafe. Safe transforms are located in the *transforms* directory of this
product. Unsafe transforms are located in the *unsafe_transforms* directory and
are not registered by default. Moreover, there is no __init__.py file in this
directory so it requires a manual intervention to make them addable to the
transforms tool. Usually unsafe transforms are so called since they allow
configuration of a path to a binary executable on the server, which may be
indesirable for Zope service providers. 

Safe transforms

  transforms Structured Text to HTML. Not configurable.

  transforms Re Structured Text to HTML. You need docutils to use this
  transformation. Not configurable.

  transforms M$ Word file to HTML, using either COM (on windows), wvWare or
  PyUNO (from OpenOffice.org). Not configurable.

  transforms Adobe PDF to HTML. This transforms requires the "pdftohtml"
  program. Not Configurable.

  transforms HTML to plain text. This transforms requires the "lynx"
  program. Not Configurable.

  transforms Python source code to colorized HTML. You can configure used

  transforms plain text file to HTML by replacing new lines with
  <br/>. You can configure allowable inputs for this transform.

  This is an example use of the *identity* transform, which does
  basically nothing :). It's used here to transform ReST files
  (text/x-rst) to text/plain. You can configure allowable inputs and
  outuput on this transform.

Unsafe transforms

  this is a fully configurable transform based on external commands. For
  instance, you can obtain the same transformation as the previous
  1. add a new transform named "lynx_dump" with
     "Products.PortalTransforms.unsafe_transforms.command" as module
     (this supposes that you've added a __init__.py file to the
     unsafe_transforms directory to make them importable). 
  2. go to the configure tab of this transform and set the following
     parameters :

     :binary_path:  '/usr/bin/lynx' 

     :command_line: '-dump %s'

     :input:        'text/html'

     :output:       'text/plain'

  this transform has been designed to handle XML file on a doctype / DTD
  basis. All the real transformation work is done by a xslt processor. This
  transform only associate XSLT to doctypes or DTD, and use give the correct
  transformation to the processor when some content has to be

  FIXME: add an example on how to setup docbook transform.

Advanced features

Transformation chains

A transformation chain is an ordered suite of transformations. A chain
itselve is a transformation. You can build a transformations chain
using the ZMI.

Transformation policy

You can set a simple transformation policies for the transforms
tool. A policy say that when you try to convert content to a given
MIME type, you have to include a given transformation. For instance,
imagine you have a *html_tidy* tranformation which tidy HTML page, you
can say that the transformation path to text/html should include the
*html_tidy* transform.


For efficiency, transformation's result are cached. You can set the
life time of a cached result using the ZMI. This is a time exprimed in