import difflib import zipfile import os import re import sys from cStringIO import StringIO from zExceptions import Unauthorized separator1 = '=' * 70 separator2 = '-' * 70 RUN_RE = re.compile( 'Ran\s*(?P<all_tests>\d+)\s*test(s)?\s*in\s*(?P<seconds>\d+.\d+)s', re.DOTALL) STATUS_RE = re.compile(r""" (OK|FAILED)\s+\( (failures=(?P<failures>\d+),?\s*)? (errors=(?P<errors>\d+),?\s*)? (skipped=(?P<skips>\d+),?\s*)? (expected\s+failures=(?P<expected_failures>\d+),?\s*)? (unexpected\s+successes=(?P<unexpected_successes>\d+),?\s*)? \) """, re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE) FTEST_PASS_FAIL_RE = re.compile( '.*Functional Tests, (?P<passes>\d+) Passes, (?P<failures>\d+) Failures') SVN_INFO_REV_RE = re.compile("Revision: (?P<rev>\d+)") TRACEBACK_RE = re.compile(separator1 + "\n(?P<tb>.*)", re.DOTALL) def parseTestSuiteResults(file_handler): """ Parse test suite results. Return: - successfull tests - failed tests - errors - log files # Note: this can be debugged with: curl -u zope:zope -F\ -F test_report_id= .... \ http://host/erp5/test_result_module/TestResultModule_reportCompleted """ # when called with a string argument, zipfile.ZipFile will open a local file. # we don't want this to happen if isinstance(file_handler, basestring): raise Unauthorized, file_handler zf = zipfile.ZipFile(file_handler) result = {} test_results = {} sorted_test_dict = {} svn_revision = 0 for file_name in zf.namelist(): file_data = test_index = file_name.split(os.sep)[1] test_name = file_name.split(os.sep)[-2] file_name = file_name.split(os.sep)[-1] if file_data != '': test_results.setdefault(test_name, {})[file_name] = file_data sorted_test_dict[test_index] = test_name for sort_test_key in sorted(sorted_test_dict.keys()): test_id = sorted_test_dict[sort_test_key] test_result_detail = test_results[test_id] # parse test log to get number of successful/failed test is_zelenium_test_suite = 0 html_test_result = "" seconds = 0 all_tests = -1 failures = 0 errors = 0 skips = 0 test_log = test_result_detail.get('stderr', '') stdout = test_result_detail.get('stdout', '') cmdline = test_result_detail['cmdline'] test_case = cmdline.split(' ')[-1] # guess "svn info", the first one is int_index, the second is string_index XXX dirty if 'svn info' in cmdline: for line in stdout.splitlines(): search = if search: edit = result.setdefault('edit', {}) if 'int_index' not in edit: # first time -> ERP5 main revision edit['int_index'] = search.groupdict()['rev'] else: # second time -> project revision edit['comment'] = stdout continue if '--save' in cmdline: test_case = '%s (--save)' % test_case if 'runFunctionalTest' in cmdline or \ 'runExpressFunctionalTest' in cmdline or \ 'Firefox running' in test_log: test_case = 'Functional Tests' is_zelenium_test_suite = 1 if is_zelenium_test_suite: # if this was a zelenium functional test, the output is completly # different junk, title, summary, detail = stdout.split('-' * 79) test_result_detail['stdout'] = summary html_test_result = detail search = if search: groupdict = search.groupdict() passes = int(groupdict.get('passes', 0)) failures = int(groupdict.get('failures', 0)) all_tests = passes + failures else: # get all tests and elapsed time search = if search: groupdict = search.groupdict() seconds = float(groupdict.get('seconds', 0.0)) all_tests = int(groupdict.get('all_tests', 0)) search = if search: groupdict = search.groupdict() errors = int(groupdict['errors'] or 0) failures = int(groupdict['failures'] or 0) skips = int(groupdict['skips'] or 0) \ + int(groupdict['expected_failures'] or 0) \ + int(groupdict['unexpected_successes'] or 0) if errors == 0 and failures == 0: test_result = 'PASSED' if all_tests == -1: test_result = 'UNKNOWN' all_tests = 0 else: test_result = 'FAILED' this_test_result = dict(files=test_result_detail, seconds=seconds, all_tests=all_tests, failures=failures, errors=errors, skips=skips, test_case=test_case, html_test_result=html_test_result, svn_revision=svn_revision, result=test_result) result[test_id] = this_test_result return result def TestResult_sendEmailNotification(self, mail_to=None, mail_from=None, include_link=0, include_diff=1, full_stderr=0, full_stdout=0, max_line_count=5000): portal = self.getPortalObject() if not mail_from: mail_from = '%s <%s>' % (portal.getProperty('email_from_name'), portal.getProperty('email_from_address')) comment = self.getProperty('comment') if comment and comment.startswith('Webproject'): comment = comment.replace(' Revision: ', '@') else: comment = '' subject = '%s %s: %s Tests, %s Errors, %s Failures, %s Skips' % ( self.getTitle(), comment, self.getProperty('all_tests'), self.getProperty('errors'), self.getProperty('failures'), self.getProperty('skips')) mail_to_list = mail_to if isinstance(mail_to_list, basestring): mail_to_list = [mail_to_list] def formatSummary(test_result): mail_body = [] p = mail_body.append failed_test_case_list = [] with_skips_test_case_list = [] unknown_status_test_case_list = [] only_func_test = 1 for tcr in test_result.contentValues(portal_type='Test Result Line', sort_on='title'): if (tcr.getProperty('errors', 0) + tcr.getProperty('failures', 0)): failed_test_case_list.append(tcr) elif (tcr.getProperty('string_index') == 'UNKNOWN' and 'runUnitTest' in tcr.getProperty('cmdline', '')): unknown_status_test_case_list.append(tcr) if tcr.getProperty('skips'): with_skips_test_case_list.append(tcr) if not tcr.getProperty('html_test_result'): only_func_test = 0 # Don't send mail if we only run functional tests #if only_func_test: # return p('Test Suite: %s' % test_result.getTitle()) p('Revision: %s' % test_result.getReference() or test_result.getIntIndex()) comment = test_result.getProperty('comment') if comment: p(comment) p('Result: %s' % test_result.getStringIndex()) p('') if len([x for x in test_result.contentValues(portal_type='Test Result Node') if x.getSimulationState() == 'failed']): p('Building Failed') p('') p('All tests: %s' % test_result.getProperty('all_tests')) p('Failures: %s' % test_result.getProperty('failures')) p('Errors: %s' % test_result.getProperty('errors')) p('Skips: %s' % test_result.getProperty('skips')) p('') if include_link: p(' %s/%s/view' % (test_result.ERP5Site_getAbsoluteUrl(), test_result.getRelativeUrl())) p('') if unknown_status_test_case_list: p('The following tests have an unknown status:') for tcr in unknown_status_test_case_list: p(tcr.getProperty('cmdline', '')) p('') if test_result.getStringIndex() == 'FAIL': p('The following tests failed:') for tcr in failed_test_case_list: errors = tcr.getProperty('errors') failures = tcr.getProperty('failures') skips = tcr.getProperty('skips') statuses = [] if failures: statuses.append("%s failures" % failures) if errors: statuses.append("%s errors" % errors) if skips: statuses.append("%s skips" % skips) p('\n %-50s (%s)' % (tcr.getTitle(), ', '.join(statuses))) for line in tcr.getProperty('stderr', '').splitlines(): if line.startswith('ERROR: '): p(' %s' % line[7:]) elif line.startswith('FAIL: '): p(' %s' % line[6:]) p('') if with_skips_test_case_list: p('The following tests were at least partly skipped:') for tcr in with_skips_test_case_list: p('\n %-50s (%s skips)' % (tcr.getTitle(), tcr.getProperty('skips'))) for line in tcr.getProperty('stderr', '').splitlines(): if 'skipped ' in line: p(' %s' % line) p('') return ('\n'.join(mail_body), failed_test_case_list, unknown_status_test_case_list) summary = formatSummary(self) if summary is None: return mail_body, failed_test_case_list, unknown_status_test_case_list = summary traceback_attachment = [] END = separator2 + "\nRan" extend_attachment = traceback_attachment.extend for tcr in self.contentValues(sort_on='title'): if full_stdout: extend_attachment(tcr.getProperty('stdout', '').splitlines()) if full_stderr or tcr in unknown_status_test_case_list: extend_attachment(tcr.getProperty('stderr', '').splitlines()) elif tcr in failed_test_case_list: tb_list = tcr.getProperty('stderr').split(separator1)[1:] if len(tb_list): for tb in tb_list[:-1]: extend_attachment(tb.splitlines()) extend_attachment(tb_list[-1].split(END)[0].splitlines()) from Products.ERP5Type.Document import newTempUrl send_mail = newTempUrl(self, '_').send attachment_list = [] if traceback_attachment: if include_diff: previous_test = self.TestResult_getPrevious() if previous_test is not None: summary = formatSummary(previous_test) if summary: diff = difflib.unified_diff(summary[0].splitlines(1), mail_body.splitlines(1), 'summary', 'summary') attachment_list.append(dict(name='summary.diff', mime_type='text/x-diff', content=''.join(diff))) if len(traceback_attachment) > max_line_count: mail_body += ("\nAttached traceback has been truncated to the first" " %s lines" % max_line_count) traceback_attachment[max_line_count:] = '', '', '(truncated) ...' content = '\n'.join(traceback_attachment) if isinstance(content, unicode): content = content.encode('utf8') attachment_list.append(dict(name='traceback.txt', mime_type='text/plain', content=content)) for mail_to in mail_to_list: send_mail(from_url=mail_from, to_url=mail_to, msg=mail_body, subject=subject, extra_headers={'ERP5-Tests': self.getTitle()}, attachment_list=attachment_list) def TestResultModule_viewTestResultChart(self, REQUEST, title='', min_rev='', max_rev=''): """Render a chart of test runs per svn revision, using matplotlib. This is experimental use of matplotlib, not integrated with a field. """ return 'disabled' # XXX matplotlib cannot be imported it $HOME is not writable os.environ['HOME'] = '/tmp' # use a backend that doesn't need a $DISPLAY try: import matplotlib except ImportError: return matplotlib.use('Cairo') try: import pylab except ImportError: return revision_list = [] all_test_list = [] success_list = [] for test in self.searchFolder( title=title, int_index=dict(range='minmax', query=(min_rev or 0, max_rev or sys.maxint))): test = test.getObject() if not test.getIntIndex(): continue revision_list.append(test.getIntIndex()) all_tests = int(test.getProperty('all_tests', 0)) all_test_list.append(all_tests) failures = (int(test.getProperty('errors', 0)) + int(test.getProperty('failures', 0))) success_list.append(all_tests - failures) pylab.plot(revision_list, all_test_list) pylab.plot(revision_list, success_list) pylab.xlabel('svn revision') pylab.legend(['all tests', 'success']) # returns the image out = StringIO() pylab.savefig(out, format='png') REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-type', 'image/png') pylab.close() return out.getvalue()