* This stack has for purpose to know if all promises, services, custom monitoring scripts went/are ok. * If you want to use the monitoring stack: 1/ In the software.cfg of your Software Release, extends the stack 2/ In the template that will be copied for the buildout in the instance folder (instance.cfg ?), you have to add these parts: certificate-authority ca-nginx directory deploy-monitor-script deploy-rss-script cron cron-entry-monitor cron-entry-rss make-rss nginx-service slap-parameters * If you want to add a custom monitoring script, you can write it (in whatever language you wish) and save it in YOUR_INSTANCE_FOLDER/etc/monitor. The only thing to know, is that if your script successfully passed, do not return or print nothing. If there is a problem, you can print the explanation on stdout or stderr * Here are 2 promises that you can add to your instance buildout, to see if it is working (one is ok, not the other) : [google-promise] recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_url_available path = $${directory:promise}/google url = http://www.google.com dash_path = ${dash:location}/bin/dash curl_path = ${curl:location}/bin/curl [failing-promise] recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_url_available path = $${directory:promise}/fail url = dash_path = ${dash:location}/bin/dash curl_path = ${curl:location}/bin/curl