From 857c2e0f4985d60ec94dad0385d1874dc70faf47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexandre Boeglin <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 17:08:05 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] * proxify fields, modify forms, fixes, cleanup

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@@ -41,7 +60,7 @@
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@@ -41,15 +41,15 @@
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+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
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@@ -60,15 +60,15 @@
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+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
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@@ -78,19 +78,17 @@
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@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
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@@ -27,22 +33,6 @@
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>line_too_long</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>A line was too long.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>too_long</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You entered too many characters.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>too_many_lines</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You entered too many lines.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -51,75 +41,15 @@
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>width</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -130,75 +60,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>height</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>max_length</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>max_linelength</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>max_lines</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>width</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -209,76 +79,16 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>height</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>5</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>max_length</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>max_linelength</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>max_lines</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Description</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_description</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>40</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_price.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_price.xml
index 076533f33a..4a404066ee 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_price.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_price.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="FloatField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <list/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
             <key> <string>id</string> </key>
             <value> <string>my_price</string> </value>
@@ -27,14 +33,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_float</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter a floating point number.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -43,67 +41,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>precision</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -114,67 +60,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>precision</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -185,68 +79,16 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>10</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>-1234.5</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>precision</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_price</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Price</string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_quantity.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_quantity.xml
index 4b2e62f778..6c3b52dbc3 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_quantity.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_quantity.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="FloatField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <list/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
             <key> <string>id</string> </key>
             <value> <string>my_quantity</string> </value>
@@ -27,14 +33,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_float</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter a floating point number.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -43,67 +41,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>precision</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -114,67 +60,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>precision</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -185,68 +79,16 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>20</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>-1234.5</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>precision</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_quantity</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Quantity</string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_quantity_unit.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_quantity_unit.xml
index 3c569edfc4..d1f5225b3b 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_quantity_unit.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_quantity_unit.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="ListField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <list/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
             <key> <string>id</string> </key>
             <value> <string>my_quantity_unit</string> </value>
@@ -27,14 +33,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unknown_selection</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You selected an item that was not in the list.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -43,71 +41,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>first_item</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -118,73 +60,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>first_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -195,74 +79,16 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_quantity_unit</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>first_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Quantity Unit</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
@@ -270,23 +96,4 @@
-  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.TALESField</string>
-          <string>TALESMethod</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>here/portal_categories/quantity_unit/getCategoryChildTitleItemList</string> </value>
-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_resource_title.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_resource_title.xml
index 311c85aeb7..49023791d9 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_resource_title.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_resource_title.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="RelationStringField" module="Products.ERP5Form.RelationField"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
@@ -15,6 +15,16 @@
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <list>
+                <string>allow_jump</string>
+                <string>allow_creation</string>
+                <string>editable</string>
+              </list>
+            </value>
+        </item>
             <key> <string>id</string> </key>
             <value> <string>my_resource_title</string> </value>
@@ -27,26 +37,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>relation_result_ambiguous</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Select appropriate document in the list.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>relation_result_empty</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>No such document was found.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>relation_result_too_long</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Too many documents were found.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>too_long</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Too much input was given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -55,139 +45,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>allow_creation</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>allow_jump</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>base_category</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>catalog_index</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>columns</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>container_getter_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>first_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>jump_method</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>list_method</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>max_length</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>parameter_list</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>relation_setter_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>sort</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>truncate</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>update_method</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -198,143 +64,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>allow_creation</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>allow_jump</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>base_category</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>catalog_index</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>columns</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>container_getter_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>first_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>jump_method</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>list_method</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>max_length</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>parameter_list</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>relation_setter_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>sort</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>truncate</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>update_method</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -345,159 +83,28 @@
-                    <key> <string>allow_creation</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>allow_jump</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>base_category</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>resource</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>catalog_index</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>title</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>columns</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>container_getter_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default_module</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>resource_module</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>40</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
+                    <key>                 <string>allow_creation</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>jump_method</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Base_jumpToRelatedDocument</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>list_method</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>max_length</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>parameter_list</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Resource</string>
-                          <string>Resource</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>relation_setter_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
+                    <key>                 <string>allow_jump</string> </key>
                     <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>sort</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Resource</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>truncate</string> </key>
+                    <key>                 <string>editable</string> </key>
                     <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_resource_title</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>update_method</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Base_validateRelation</string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
@@ -505,42 +112,4 @@
-  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.TALESField</string>
-          <string>TALESMethod</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>REQUEST/relation_item_list</string> </value>
-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
-  <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.TALESField</string>
-          <string>TALESMethod</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
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-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>python: map( lambda x: (x,x), here.getPortalResourceTypeList())</string> </value>
-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_start_date.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_start_date.xml
index 38abab5864..3e51f5e63d 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_start_date.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_start_date.xml
@@ -3,1746 +3,27 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="DateTimeField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
-            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>my_start_date</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>datetime_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The date and time you entered were out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_datetime</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter a valid date and time.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>allow_empty_time</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>ampm_time_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>date_only</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>date_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default_now</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end_datetime</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_order</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start_datetime</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>time_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>sub_form</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>allow_empty_time</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>ampm_time_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>date_only</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>date_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default_now</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end_datetime</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_order</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start_datetime</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>time_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
-            <value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>allow_empty_time</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>ampm_time_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>date_only</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>date_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>/</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <none/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default_now</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The date at which products were shipped or the date at which a service started.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end_datetime</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <none/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_order</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>ymd</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>text</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start_datetime</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <none/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>time_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>:</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Shipping Date</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
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-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.Form</string>
-          <string>BasicForm</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>action</string> </key>
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-            <value> <string>UTF-8</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>enctype</string> </key>
-            <value> <string></string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
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-            <value>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value>
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-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>day</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hour</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAU=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>minute</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAY=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>month</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAc=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>year</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAg=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>group_list</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <list>
-                <string>Default</string>
-                <string>date</string>
-                <string>time</string>
-              </list>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>groups</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>Default</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>date</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <string>year</string>
-                        <string>month</string>
-                        <string>day</string>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>time</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <string>hour</string>
-                        <string>minute</string>
-                        <string>ampm</string>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>method</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>POST</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>name</string> </key>
-            <value> <string></string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>stored_encoding</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>ISO-8859-1</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>Basic Form</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>unicode_mode</string> </key>
-            <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-        </item>
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-    </pickle>
-  </record>
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-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.StandardFields</string>
-          <string>StringField</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
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-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>too_long</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Too much input was given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
-            <value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>max_length</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>truncate</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
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-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                <item>
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-        <none/>
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-            <value>
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-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Day</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
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-          <string>IntegerField</string>
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-        </item>
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-            <value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
-            <value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Hour</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
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-          <string>IntegerField</string>
-        </tuple>
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-      </tuple>
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-            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>minute</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
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-            <value>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
-            <value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Minute</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
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-  </record>
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-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.StandardFields</string>
-          <string>IntegerField</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
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-        <item>
-            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
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-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                <item>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                <item>
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-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Month</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
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-    </pickle>
-  </record>
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-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.StandardFields</string>
-          <string>IntegerField</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
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-            <value> <string>year</string> </value>
+            <value> <string>my_start_date</string> </value>
             <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
@@ -1752,18 +33,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -1772,67 +41,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
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@@ -1843,67 +60,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -1914,68 +79,16 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>4</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>4</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                    <value> <string>my_start_date</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Year</string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_stop_date.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_stop_date.xml
index b831a5098c..67702e9f71 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_stop_date.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_stop_date.xml
@@ -3,1746 +3,27 @@
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-        <global name="DateTimeField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
-            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>my_stop_date</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>datetime_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The date and time you entered were out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_datetime</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter a valid date and time.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
-            <value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>ampm_time_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>date_only</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>date_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default_now</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>end_datetime</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_order</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start_datetime</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>time_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>ampm_time_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_order</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>time_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
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-                </item>
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-            </value>
-        </item>
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-            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
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-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>ampm_time_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>date_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>/</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <none/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The date at which shipped products were delivered or the date at which a service was completed.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value>
-                      <none/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_order</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>ymd</string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                      <none/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>time_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>:</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Delivery Date</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
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-  </record>
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-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent>
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-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAU=</string> </persistent>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>minute</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAY=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>year</string> </key>
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-            </value>
-        </item>
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-              </list>
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-        </item>
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-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
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-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <string>year</string>
-                        <string>month</string>
-                        <string>day</string>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
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-                      </list>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
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-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>name</string> </key>
-            <value> <string></string> </value>
-        </item>
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-            <value> <string>ISO-8859-1</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>Basic Form</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
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-        <tuple>
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-            <value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>too_long</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Too much input was given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
-            <value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                </item>
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-                </item>
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-                </item>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-            <value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-        </item>
-        <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <int>2</int> </value>
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-                    <value> <int>2</int> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Day</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
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-          <string>IntegerField</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
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-        </item>
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-            <value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Hour</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
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-        </tuple>
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-        </item>
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-            <value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
-            <value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Minute</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
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-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
-  <record id="7" aka="AAAAAAAAAAc=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.StandardFields</string>
-          <string>IntegerField</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>month</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
-            <value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
+              <none/>
-            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>2</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>2</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
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-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Month</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
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-    </pickle>
-  </record>
-  <record id="8" aka="AAAAAAAAAAg=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.StandardFields</string>
-          <string>IntegerField</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
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-            <value> <string>year</string> </value>
+            <value> <string>my_stop_date</string> </value>
             <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
@@ -1752,18 +33,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -1772,67 +41,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -1843,67 +60,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -1914,68 +79,16 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>4</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>4</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_stop_date</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Year</string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_title.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_title.xml
index 27ef502917..574c5abb1a 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_title.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_title.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="StringField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <list/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
             <key> <string>id</string> </key>
             <value> <string>my_title</string> </value>
@@ -27,14 +33,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>too_long</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Too much input was given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -43,71 +41,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>max_length</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>truncate</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -118,71 +60,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>max_length</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>truncate</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -193,72 +79,16 @@
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <int>20</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>max_length</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Title</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>truncate</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_title</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_variation_category_list.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_variation_category_list.xml
index 1a3abc4817..73513803c3 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_variation_category_list.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary/my_variation_category_list.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="ParallelListField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ParallelListField"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
@@ -15,6 +15,15 @@
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <list>
+                <string>editable</string>
+                <string>items</string>
+              </list>
+            </value>
+        </item>
             <key> <string>id</string> </key>
             <value> <string>my_variation_category_list</string> </value>
@@ -27,14 +36,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unknown_selection</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You selected an item that was not in the list.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -43,71 +44,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hash_script_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>view_separator</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -118,73 +63,21 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hash_script_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>view_separator</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -195,76 +88,20 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hash_script_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
+                    <key>                 <string>editable</string> </key>
                     <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>5</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Variation</string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_variation_category_list</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>view_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
@@ -275,11 +112,8 @@
   <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.TALESField</string>
-          <string>TALESMethod</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
+        <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/>
+        <tuple/>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_amortisation_method.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_amortisation_method.xml
index 0a69a8a7eb..d0b988de7e 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_amortisation_method.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_amortisation_method.xml
@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
             <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
@@ -41,15 +35,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -60,15 +54,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -78,19 +72,17 @@
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
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                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>BaseTradePurchase_FieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
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index ea79aefa9d..ec28d46dec 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_description.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_description.xml
@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
             <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
@@ -41,15 +35,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -60,15 +54,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -78,19 +72,17 @@
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
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                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>BaseTradeSale_FieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
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index 03165bedd1..9247b2b5d5 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_price.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_price.xml
@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
             <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
@@ -41,15 +35,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -60,15 +54,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -78,19 +72,17 @@
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
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                     <value> <string>my_price</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>BaseTradeSale_FieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
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index d4eebaf83b..8c89e72cc9 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_quantity.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_quantity.xml
@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
             <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
@@ -41,15 +35,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -60,15 +54,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -78,19 +72,17 @@
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
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                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>BaseTradeSale_FieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_quantity_unit.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_quantity_unit.xml
index 216dd03e3c..d897dc5871 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_quantity_unit.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_quantity_unit.xml
@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
             <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
@@ -41,15 +35,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -60,15 +54,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -78,19 +72,17 @@
             <key> <string>values</string> </key>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <value> <string>BaseTradeSale_FieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
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index 78bb967cc2..7af6191db4 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_resource_title.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_resource_title.xml
@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@
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-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
             <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
@@ -41,15 +35,15 @@
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+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
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@@ -60,15 +54,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -78,19 +72,17 @@
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>BaseTradeSale_FieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
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index e151bb3664..20e8fb2942 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_start_date.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_start_date.xml
@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
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@@ -41,15 +35,15 @@
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+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
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@@ -60,15 +54,15 @@
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+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -78,19 +72,17 @@
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string>BaseTradeSale_FieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_stop_date.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_stop_date.xml
index ddbb9d946c..2b6b1e3d94 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_stop_date.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_stop_date.xml
@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
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@@ -41,15 +35,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
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@@ -60,15 +54,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -78,19 +72,17 @@
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
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                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>BaseTradeSale_FieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_title.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_title.xml
index f0b0266b4d..e8f71ca357 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_title.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_title.xml
@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
             <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
@@ -41,15 +35,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -60,15 +54,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -78,19 +72,17 @@
             <key> <string>values</string> </key>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string>BaseTradeSale_FieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_variation_category_list.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_variation_category_list.xml
index 0bac6d72d7..052eb4d437 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_variation_category_list.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/my_variation_category_list.xml
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="ParallelListField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ParallelListField"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
-              <none/>
+              <list/>
@@ -27,14 +27,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unknown_selection</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You selected an item that was not in the list.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -43,71 +35,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hash_script_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>view_separator</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -118,73 +54,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>hash_script_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>view_separator</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -195,76 +73,16 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_variation_category_list</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hash_script_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_hashVariationCategoryItemList</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>5</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Variation</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>view_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
@@ -272,23 +90,4 @@
-  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.TALESField</string>
-          <string>TALESMethod</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>python: here.getVariationRangeCategoryItemList(display_base_category = 0)</string> </value>
-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/total_price.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/total_price.xml
index a09c04fe15..ba76229f25 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/total_price.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/total_price.xml
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="FloatField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
-              <none/>
+              <list/>
@@ -27,14 +27,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_float</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter a floating point number.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -43,67 +35,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>precision</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -114,69 +54,15 @@
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
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-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
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-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>precision</string> </key>
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-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
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-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -187,68 +73,16 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>total_price</string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>20</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>-1234.5</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>precision</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Total Price</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
@@ -256,23 +90,4 @@
-  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.TALESField</string>
-          <string>TALESMethod</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
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-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>python: here.getTotalPrice()</string> </value>
-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/total_quantity.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/total_quantity.xml
index b3d710d67d..1705f2debb 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/total_quantity.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/DeliveryLine_view/total_quantity.xml
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="FloatField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
-              <none/>
+              <list/>
@@ -27,14 +27,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_float</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter a floating point number.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -43,67 +35,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>precision</string> </key>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -114,69 +54,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>precision</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -187,68 +73,16 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>total_quantity</string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>20</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>DeliveryLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>-1234.5</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>precision</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Total Quantity</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
@@ -256,23 +90,4 @@
-  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.TALESField</string>
-          <string>TALESMethod</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
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-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>python: here.getTotalQuantity()</string> </value>
-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
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+                        <string>my_resource_title</string>
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+                        <string>my_start_date</string>
+                        <string>my_stop_date</string>
+                        <string>total_quantity</string>
+                        <string>total_price</string>
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+                </item>
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+        </item>
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+            <key> <string>name</string> </key>
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+            <value> <string>Delivery Line</string> </value>
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@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
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+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
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+                </item>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
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+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
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+            </value>
+        </item>
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+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
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+        <item>
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+            <value>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
+            <value>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+            </value>
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+                    <value> <string>my_variation_category_list</string> </value>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
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+                <item>
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+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
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+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+                <item>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_total_price</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
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+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
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+        <item>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <list/>
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+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>total_quantity</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_total_quantity</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Delivery_generateReference.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Delivery_generateReference.xml
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Delivery_generateReference.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
+    <pickle>
+      <tuple>
+        <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/>
+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
+    <pickle>
+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>Python_magic</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
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+        <item>
+            <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key>
+            <value> <int>3</int> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>__ac_local_roles__</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <object>
+                <klass>
+                  <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/>
+                </klass>
+                <tuple/>
+                <state>
+                  <dictionary>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key>
+                        <value>
+                          <dictionary>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_container</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>container</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_context</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>context</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>script</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                          </dictionary>
+                        </value>
+                    </item>
+                  </dictionary>
+                </state>
+              </object>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_body</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>if context.getReference():\n
+  return\n
+object_type = context.getPortalType().replace(\' \', \'_\')\n
+parent_type = context.getParentValue().getPortalType().replace(\' \', \'_\')\n
+uppercase_list = [\'%c\' % x for x in range(ord(\'A\'), ord(\'Z\') + 1)]\n
+prefix = \'\'.join([x for x in object_type if x in uppercase_list])\n
+id_group = \'-\'.join((parent_type, object_type))\n
+new_id = context.generateNewId(id_group=id_group, default=1)\n
+reference = "%s %s" % (context.Base_translateString(prefix), new_id)\n
+</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_code</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_filepath</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_params</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>*args, **kw</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>errors</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <tuple/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>func_code</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <object>
+                <klass>
+                  <global name="FuncCode" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Signature"/>
+                </klass>
+                <tuple/>
+                <state>
+                  <dictionary>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>co_argcount</string> </key>
+                        <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    </item>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>co_varnames</string> </key>
+                        <value>
+                          <tuple>
+                            <string>args</string>
+                            <string>kw</string>
+                            <string>_getattr_</string>
+                            <string>context</string>
+                            <string>object_type</string>
+                            <string>parent_type</string>
+                            <string>append</string>
+                            <string>$append0</string>
+                            <string>_getiter_</string>
+                            <string>range</string>
+                            <string>ord</string>
+                            <string>x</string>
+                            <string>uppercase_list</string>
+                            <string>prefix</string>
+                            <string>id_group</string>
+                            <string>new_id</string>
+                            <string>reference</string>
+                          </tuple>
+                        </value>
+                    </item>
+                  </dictionary>
+                </state>
+              </object>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>func_defaults</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>Delivery_generateReference</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>warnings</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <tuple/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Delivery_getDestinationSectionItemList.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
+    <pickle>
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+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
+    <pickle>
+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>Python_magic</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key>
+            <value> <int>3</int> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>__ac_local_roles__</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <object>
+                <klass>
+                  <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/>
+                </klass>
+                <tuple/>
+                <state>
+                  <dictionary>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key>
+                        <value>
+                          <dictionary>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_container</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>container</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_context</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>context</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>script</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                          </dictionary>
+                        </value>
+                    </item>
+                  </dictionary>
+                </state>
+              </object>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_body</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>section_cat = context.portal_preferences.getPreferredSectionCategory()\n
+if section_cat in (None, \'\') : \n
+  section_cat = context.getPortalDefaultSectionCategory()\n
+section_cat_obj = None\n
+result = []\n
+if section_cat is not None:\n
+  # get the organisations belonging to this group\n
+  section_cat_obj = context.portal_categories.resolveCategory(section_cat)\n
+if section_cat_obj is not None:\n
+  result = section_cat_obj.getGroupRelatedValueList(portal_type=\'Organisation\')\n
+current_destination_section = context.getDestinationSectionValue()\n
+if current_destination_section is not None and current_destination_section not in result:\n
+  result.append(current_destination_section)\n
+# convert to ListField format\n
+return [(\'\', \'\')]+[(i.getTitle(), i.getRelativeUrl()) for i in result]\n
+</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_code</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_filepath</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_params</string> </key>
+            <value> <string></string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>errors</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <tuple/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>func_code</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <object>
+                <klass>
+                  <global name="FuncCode" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Signature"/>
+                </klass>
+                <tuple/>
+                <state>
+                  <dictionary>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>co_argcount</string> </key>
+                        <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    </item>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>co_varnames</string> </key>
+                        <value>
+                          <tuple>
+                            <string>_getattr_</string>
+                            <string>context</string>
+                            <string>section_cat</string>
+                            <string>None</string>
+                            <string>section_cat_obj</string>
+                            <string>result</string>
+                            <string>current_destination_section</string>
+                            <string>append</string>
+                            <string>$append0</string>
+                            <string>_getiter_</string>
+                            <string>i</string>
+                          </tuple>
+                        </value>
+                    </item>
+                  </dictionary>
+                </state>
+              </object>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>func_defaults</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>Delivery_getDestinationSectionItemList</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>warnings</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <tuple/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Delivery_getSourceSectionItemList.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
+    <pickle>
+      <tuple>
+        <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/>
+        <tuple/>
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+        <item>
+            <key> <string>Python_magic</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
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+        <item>
+            <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key>
+            <value> <int>3</int> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>__ac_local_roles__</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
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+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <object>
+                <klass>
+                  <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/>
+                </klass>
+                <tuple/>
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+                  <dictionary>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key>
+                        <value>
+                          <dictionary>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_container</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>container</string> </value>
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+                            <item>
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+                                <value> <string>context</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>script</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                          </dictionary>
+                        </value>
+                    </item>
+                  </dictionary>
+                </state>
+              </object>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_body</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>section_cat = context.portal_preferences.getPreferredSectionCategory()\n
+if section_cat in (None, \'\') : \n
+  section_cat = context.getPortalDefaultSectionCategory()\n
+section_cat_obj = None\n
+result = []\n
+if section_cat is not None:\n
+  # get the organisations belonging to this group\n
+  section_cat_obj = context.portal_categories.resolveCategory(section_cat)\n
+if section_cat_obj is not None:\n
+  result = section_cat_obj.getGroupRelatedValueList(portal_type=\'Organisation\')\n
+current_source_section = context.getSourceSectionValue()\n
+if current_source_section is not None and current_source_section not in result:\n
+  result.append(current_source_section)\n
+# convert to ListField format\n
+return [(\'\', \'\')]+[(i.getTitle(), i.getRelativeUrl()) for i in result]\n
+</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_code</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_filepath</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_params</string> </key>
+            <value> <string></string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>errors</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <tuple/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>func_code</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <object>
+                <klass>
+                  <global name="FuncCode" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Signature"/>
+                </klass>
+                <tuple/>
+                <state>
+                  <dictionary>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>co_argcount</string> </key>
+                        <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    </item>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>co_varnames</string> </key>
+                        <value>
+                          <tuple>
+                            <string>_getattr_</string>
+                            <string>context</string>
+                            <string>section_cat</string>
+                            <string>None</string>
+                            <string>section_cat_obj</string>
+                            <string>result</string>
+                            <string>current_source_section</string>
+                            <string>append</string>
+                            <string>$append0</string>
+                            <string>_getiter_</string>
+                            <string>i</string>
+                          </tuple>
+                        </value>
+                    </item>
+                  </dictionary>
+                </state>
+              </object>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>func_defaults</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>Delivery_getSourceSectionItemList</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>warnings</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <tuple/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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index ddcbbec5f5..d5ea696cd6 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Discount_view.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Discount_view.xml
@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@
+                        <string>my_discount</string>
+                        <string>my_discount_ratio</string>
@@ -105,8 +107,6 @@
-                        <string>my_discount_ratio</string>
-                        <string>my_discount</string>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Discount_viewFieldLibrary.xml
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@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
+                        <string>my_discount_view_listbox</string>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Discount_viewFieldLibrary/my_discount_ratio.xml
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@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>my_quantity</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_percent</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Discount_viewFieldLibrary/my_discount_type.xml
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@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+                <string>items</string>
@@ -63,10 +64,20 @@
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                     <value> <string></string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <value>
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+                    </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
@@ -82,12 +93,18 @@
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list/>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Type</string> </value>
@@ -96,4 +113,20 @@
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+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: getattr(here.portal_categories[\'discount_type\'], preferences.getPreference(\'preferred_category_child_item_list_method_id\', \'getCategoryChildCompactLogicalPathItemList\'))(local_sort_id=(\'int_index\', \'translated_title\'), checked_permission=\'View\')</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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+                <string>columns</string>
+                <string>all_columns</string>
+                <string>sort_columns</string>
+                <string>sort</string>
+                <string>selection_name</string>
+                <string>portal_types</string>
+                <string>editable_columns</string>
+                <string>domain_root_list</string>
+                <string>report_root_list</string>
+              </list>
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+        </item>
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+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>my_discount_view_listbox</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
+            <value>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
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+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>all_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>int_index</string>
+                          <string>Index</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Title</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>discount_type</string>
+                          <string>Type</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>discount</string>
+                          <string>Amount</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>discount_ratio</string>
+                          <string>Ratio</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>immediate_discount</string>
+                          <string>Immediate Discount</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>description</string>
+                          <string>Description</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>all_editable_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list/>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>int_index</string>
+                          <string>Index</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Title</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>discount_type</string>
+                          <string>Type</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>discount</string>
+                          <string>Amount</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>discount_ratio</string>
+                          <string>Ratio</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>immediate_discount</string>
+                          <string>Immediate Discount</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>description</string>
+                          <string>Description</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>domain_root_list</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>discount_type</string>
+                          <string>Discount type</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>editable_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>int_index</string>
+                          <string>Index</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>discount_type</string>
+                          <string>Type</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>discount</string>
+                          <string>Amount</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>discount_ratio</string>
+                          <string>Ratio</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>immediate_discount</string>
+                          <string>Immediate Discount</string>
+                        </tuple>
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+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_view_mode_listbox</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>portal_types</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>Discount</string>
+                          <string>Discount</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>report_root_list</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>discount_type</string>
+                          <string>Discount type</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>selection_name</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>discount_selection</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>sort</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>int_index</string>
+                          <string>ascending</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>sort_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>int_index</string>
+                          <string>Index</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Title</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>discount_type</string>
+                          <string>Type</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>description</string>
+                          <string>Description</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Discounts</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
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+  </record>
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@@ -3,11 +3,8 @@
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-          <string>Products.Formulator.StandardFields</string>
-          <string>CheckBoxField</string>
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@@ -88,9 +85,7 @@
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-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
                     <key> <string>description</string> </key>
@@ -173,23 +168,4 @@
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-          <string>TALESMethod</string>
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-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>here/getImmediateDiscount</string> </value>
-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
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index 39a87304d7..9e09300bdf 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/OrderLine_view.xml
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@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@
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@@ -162,6 +163,16 @@
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+        <item>
+            <key> <string>store_order</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <list>
+                <string>title</string>
+                <string>reference</string>
+                <string>int_index</string>
+              </list>
+            </value>
+        </item>
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@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@
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-              <list/>
+              <list>
+                <string>items</string>
+              </list>
@@ -71,6 +73,12 @@
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+                    <value>
+                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
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+                </item>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -96,10 +104,32 @@
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>DeliveryCell_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list/>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
+    <pickle>
+      <tuple>
+        <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/>
+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
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+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: cell.getResource() and cell.getResourceValue().getQuantityUnitList() and [(\'\', \'\')] + [(x.getLogicalPath(), x.getCategoryRelativeUrl(base=0)) for x in cell.getResourceValue().getQuantityUnitValueList()] or getattr(here.portal_categories[\'quantity_unit\'], preferences.getPreference(\'preferred_category_child_item_list_method_id\', \'getCategoryChildCompactLogicalPathItemList\'))(base=0, local_sort_id=(\'int_index\', \'translated_title\'), checked_permission=\'View\')</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
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+    <pickle>
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+        <tuple/>
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+        <item>
+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>my_source_title</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_source_title</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary.xml
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@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@
+                        <string>my_source_title</string>
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index 87c785c8ac..7f7ae23ce7 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary/my_destination_title.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary/my_destination_title.xml
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
                     <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Destination</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>Recipient or Beneficiary</string> </value>
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@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
                     <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
             <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>python: getattr(here.portal_categories[\'quantity_unit\'], preferences.getPreference(\'preferred_category_child_item_list_method_id\', \'getCategoryChildCompactLogicalPathItemList\'))(local_sort_id=(\'int_index\', \'translated_title\'), checked_permission=\'View\')</string> </value>
+            <value> <string>python: here.getResource() and here.getResourceValue().getQuantityUnitList() and [(\'\', \'\')] + [(x.getLogicalPath(), x.getCategoryRelativeUrl(base=0)) for x in here.getResourceValue().getQuantityUnitValueList()] or getattr(here.portal_categories[\'quantity_unit\'], preferences.getPreference(\'preferred_category_child_item_list_method_id\', \'getCategoryChildCompactLogicalPathItemList\'))(base=0, local_sort_id=(\'int_index\', \'translated_title\'), checked_permission=\'View\')</string> </value>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary/my_resource_title.xml
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@@ -66,13 +66,13 @@
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
                       <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
-                    <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key>
+                    <key>                 <string>portal_type</string> </key>
                       <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent>
@@ -81,6 +81,10 @@
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
@@ -97,13 +101,13 @@
                     <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
-                    <key>                 <string>portal_type</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key>
@@ -118,7 +122,7 @@
                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Product or Service</string> </value>
@@ -154,7 +158,7 @@
             <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>python: map( lambda x: (x,x), here.getPortalResourceTypeList())</string> </value>
+            <value> <string>python: [(x, x) for x in (list(here.getPortalProductTypeList()) + list(here.getPortalServiceTypeList()))]</string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary/my_source_title.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary/my_source_title.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
+    <pickle>
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+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
+    <pickle>
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+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <list>
+                <string>title</string>
+                <string>portal_type</string>
+              </list>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>my_source_title</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_relation_field</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>portal_type</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>Organisation</string>
+                          <string>Organisation</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Sender or Provider</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Order_applyTradeCondition.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Order_applyTradeCondition.xml
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
+    <pickle>
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+        <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/>
+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
+    <pickle>
+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>Python_magic</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key>
+            <value> <int>3</int> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>__ac_local_roles__</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <object>
+                <klass>
+                  <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/>
+                </klass>
+                <tuple/>
+                <state>
+                  <dictionary>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key>
+                        <value>
+                          <dictionary>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_container</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>container</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_context</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>context</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>script</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                            <item>
+                                <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key>
+                                <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value>
+                            </item>
+                          </dictionary>
+                        </value>
+                    </item>
+                  </dictionary>
+                </state>
+              </object>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_body</string> </key>
+            <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
+order = context\n
+# copy categories\n
+category_list = [\n
+  \'source\', \'source_section\', \'source_decision\',\n
+  \'source_administration\', \'source_payment\', \'source_project\',\n
+  \'destination\', \'destination_section\', \'destination_decision\',\n
+  \'destination_administration\', \'destination_payment\', \'destination_project\',\n
+  \'price_currency\', \'incoterm\', \'delivery_mode\',\n
+new_category_dict = {}\n
+for category in category_list:\n
+  if force or not order.getPropertyList(category):\n
+    value_list = trade_condition.getPropertyList(category)\n
+    if value_list:\n
+     if len(value_list) == 1:\n
+       new_category_dict[category] = value_list[0]\n
+     else:\n
+       new_category_dict[\'%s_list\' % category] = value_list\n
+def copyObjects(portal_type):\n
+  filter_dict = {\'portal_type\': portal_type}\n
+  if len(order.contentIds(filter=filter_dict)) == 0:\n
+    to_copy = trade_condition.contentIds(filter=filter_dict)\n
+    if len(to_copy) > 0 :\n
+      copy_data = trade_condition.manage_copyObjects(ids=to_copy)\n
+      order.manage_pasteObjects(copy_data)\n
+# copy payments if none exist\n
+copyObjects(\'Payment Condition\')\n
+# copy discounts if none exist\n
+# set specialise\n
+new_category_dict[\'specialise\'] = trade_condition.getRelativeUrl()\n
+]]></string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_code</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_filepath</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_params</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>trade_condition, force=0</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>errors</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <tuple/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>func_code</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <object>
+                <klass>
+                  <global name="FuncCode" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Signature"/>
+                </klass>
+                <tuple/>
+                <state>
+                  <dictionary>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>co_argcount</string> </key>
+                        <value> <int>2</int> </value>
+                    </item>
+                    <item>
+                        <key> <string>co_varnames</string> </key>
+                        <value>
+                          <tuple>
+                            <string>trade_condition</string>
+                            <string>force</string>
+                            <string>context</string>
+                            <string>order</string>
+                            <string>category_list</string>
+                            <string>new_category_dict</string>
+                            <string>_getiter_</string>
+                            <string>category</string>
+                            <string>_getattr_</string>
+                            <string>value_list</string>
+                            <string>len</string>
+                            <string>_getitem_</string>
+                            <string>_write_</string>
+                            <string>copyObjects</string>
+                            <string>_apply_</string>
+                          </tuple>
+                        </value>
+                    </item>
+                  </dictionary>
+                </state>
+              </object>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>func_defaults</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <tuple>
+                <int>0</int>
+              </tuple>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>Order_applyTradeCondition</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>warnings</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <tuple/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_view.xml
@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@
+                        <string>my_int_index</string>
-                        <string>my_payment_date</string>
@@ -108,10 +108,11 @@
+                        <string>my_trade_date</string>
+                        <string>my_payment_date</string>
-                        <string>my_trade_date</string>
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similarity index 86%
rename from bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/TradeCondition_viewPayment/listbox_payment_term.xml
rename to bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_view/my_int_index.xml
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/TradeCondition_viewPayment/listbox_payment_term.xml
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@@ -10,16 +10,14 @@
-            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-              <list>
-                <string>editable</string>
-              </list>
+              <none/>
             <key> <string>id</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>listbox_payment_term</string> </value>
+            <value> <string>my_int_index</string> </value>
             <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
@@ -74,13 +72,9 @@
             <key> <string>values</string> </key>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>my_payment_term</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_int_index</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
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index 5b77ed9aa4..dc9acf5554 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary.xml
@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@
+                        <string>my_payment_condition_view_listbox</string>
+                        <string>my_int_index</string>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_destination_payment.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_destination_payment.xml
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_destination_payment.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_destination_payment.xml
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+                <string>enabled</string>
@@ -58,9 +59,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
+                    <key>                 <string>description</string> </key>
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@@ -70,9 +77,9 @@
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+                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent>
@@ -80,7 +87,7 @@
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-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
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@@ -91,9 +98,13 @@
-                    <key>                 <string>description</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The person or organisation in charge of paying for the client.</string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                </item>
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@@ -103,7 +114,7 @@
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-                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
@@ -113,7 +124,7 @@
                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Payer</string> </value>
@@ -123,6 +134,22 @@
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+    </pickle>
+  </record>
+  <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM=">
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@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
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@@ -56,6 +57,16 @@
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+                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
@@ -79,6 +94,10 @@
                     <key>                 <string>description</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The Percentage of the total price. This is exclusive with the "Total" field.</string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                </item>
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@@ -93,7 +112,7 @@
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-                    <value> <string>Percentage of Total</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>Ratio</string> </value>
@@ -101,4 +120,20 @@
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+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: here.getId() != \'default_payment_condition\'</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
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+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+            </value>
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+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
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+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
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+                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
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+                </item>
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@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
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@@ -55,6 +56,12 @@
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+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
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+                </item>
@@ -74,6 +85,10 @@
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+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                </item>
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@@ -96,4 +111,20 @@
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+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: here.getTradeDate() != \'custom\'</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
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+                <string>portal_types</string>
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+                <string>report_root_list</string>
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+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>my_payment_condition_view_listbox</string> </value>
+        </item>
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+            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
+            <value>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
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+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>editable_columns</string> </key>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                          <string>translated_id</string>
+                          <string>Function</string>
+                        </tuple>
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+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Title</string>
+                        </tuple>
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+                          <string>quantity</string>
+                          <string>Amount</string>
+                        </tuple>
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+                          <string>efficiency</string>
+                          <string>Ratio</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>payment_mode_title</string>
+                          <string>Payment Mode</string>
+                        </tuple>
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+                          <string>trade_date_title</string>
+                          <string>Trade Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>source_payment_title</string>
+                          <string>Payee</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>destination_payment_title</string>
+                          <string>Payer</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>description</string>
+                          <string>Description</string>
+                        </tuple>
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+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>int_index</string>
+                          <string>Index</string>
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+                          <string>translated_id</string>
+                          <string>Function</string>
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+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Title</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>quantity</string>
+                          <string>Amount</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>efficiency</string>
+                          <string>Ratio</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>payment_mode_title</string>
+                          <string>Payment Mode</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>trade_date_title</string>
+                          <string>Trade Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
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+                          <string>source_payment_title</string>
+                          <string>Payee</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>destination_payment_title</string>
+                          <string>Payer</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>description</string>
+                          <string>Description</string>
+                        </tuple>
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+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>payment_mode</string>
+                          <string>Payment Mode</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>trade_date</string>
+                          <string>Reference date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
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+                    <key>                 <string>editable_columns</string> </key>
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+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>int_index</string>
+                          <string>Index</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_view_mode_listbox</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>portal_types</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>Payment Condition</string>
+                          <string>Payment Condition</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>report_root_list</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>payment_mode</string>
+                          <string>Payment Mode</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>trade_date</string>
+                          <string>Reference date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>selection_name</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>payment_condition_selection</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>sort</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>int_index</string>
+                          <string>ascending</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>sort_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>int_index</string>
+                          <string>Index</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Title</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>quantity</string>
+                          <string>Amount</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>efficiency</string>
+                          <string>Ratio</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>payment_mode_title</string>
+                          <string>Payment Mode</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>trade_date_title</string>
+                          <string>Trade Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>source_payment_title</string>
+                          <string>Payee</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>destination_payment_title</string>
+                          <string>Payer</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>description</string>
+                          <string>Description</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Additional Payments</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
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+  </record>
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+            <value> <string>python: [x for x in here.contentIds(filter={"portal_type": "Payment Condition"}) if x != "default_payment_condition"]</string> </value>
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+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_payment_date.xml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+                <string>enabled</string>
@@ -56,6 +57,16 @@
             <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>description</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -68,6 +79,10 @@
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
@@ -79,6 +94,10 @@
                     <key> <string>description</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The absolute date at which payment is expected to be made.</string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>my_date</string> </value>
@@ -101,4 +120,20 @@
+  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
+    <pickle>
+      <tuple>
+        <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/>
+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
+    <pickle>
+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: here.getTradeDate() == \'custom\'</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_payment_end_of_month.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_payment_end_of_month.xml
index d51cb50039..6ec2b9bdc6 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_payment_end_of_month.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_payment_end_of_month.xml
@@ -97,7 +97,9 @@
                     <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                    <value>
+                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
+                    </value>
                     <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
@@ -168,4 +170,20 @@
+  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
+    <pickle>
+      <tuple>
+        <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/>
+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
+    <pickle>
+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: here.getTradeDate() != \'custom\'</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_payment_term.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_payment_term.xml
index ba6395c99b..4eb6847254 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_payment_term.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_payment_term.xml
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+                <string>enabled</string>
@@ -55,6 +56,12 @@
             <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -67,6 +74,10 @@
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
@@ -74,6 +85,10 @@
             <key> <string>values</string> </key>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>my_integer_value</string> </value>
@@ -96,4 +111,20 @@
+  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
+    <pickle>
+      <tuple>
+        <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/>
+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
+    <pickle>
+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: here.getTradeDate() != \'custom\'</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_quantity.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_quantity.xml
index 4ee4e1e7eb..6feb377106 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_quantity.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_quantity.xml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+                <string>enabled</string>
@@ -56,6 +57,16 @@
             <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>description</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -68,6 +79,10 @@
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
@@ -76,9 +91,13 @@
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
+                    <key>                 <string>description</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The absolute total price. This is exclusive with the "Percentage Of Total" field.</string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>my_money_quantity</string> </value>
@@ -92,8 +111,8 @@
                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Total</string> </value>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Amount</string> </value>
@@ -101,4 +120,20 @@
+  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
+    <pickle>
+      <tuple>
+        <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/>
+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
+    <pickle>
+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: here.getId() != \'default_payment_condition\'</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_source_payment.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_source_payment.xml
index c884a7df4e..73d351efd4 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_source_payment.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_source_payment.xml
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+                <string>enabled</string>
@@ -58,9 +59,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
+                    <key>                 <string>description</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -70,9 +77,9 @@
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
+                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent>
@@ -80,7 +87,7 @@
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -91,9 +98,13 @@
-                    <key>                 <string>description</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The person or organisation in charge of receiving the payment for the supplier.</string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>my_category</string> </value>
@@ -103,7 +114,7 @@
                     <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
@@ -113,7 +124,7 @@
                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Payee</string> </value>
@@ -123,6 +134,22 @@
   <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
+    <pickle>
+      <tuple>
+        <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/>
+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
+    <pickle>
+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: here.getId() != \'default_payment_condition\'</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
+  <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM=">
         <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_applyPurchaseTradeCondition.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_applyPurchaseTradeCondition.xml
index 1b61dd324a..9bff2ed950 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_applyPurchaseTradeCondition.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_applyPurchaseTradeCondition.xml
@@ -67,149 +67,49 @@
             <key> <string>_body</string> </key>
             <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
-# This script search a trade condition matching to the order\n
-# and try to complete some fields\n
+# This script searches for a trade condition matching the order\n
+# and tries to complete some fields\n
 order = context\n
-trade_condition_list = []\n
 N_ = context.Base_translateString\n
 trade_condition_portal_type = \'Purchase Trade Condition\'\n
-trade_condition_list = order.getSpecialiseValueList(portal_type=(\n
-                                             trade_condition_portal_type,))\n
-if len(trade_condition_list)==0:\n
-  # Search a matching Trade Condition\n
-  trade_condition_list = context.portal_domains.searchPredicateList(order,\n
-        portal_type=(\'Purchase Trade Condition\',), test=0)\n
-  \n
-# Results\n
-if len(trade_condition_list ) == 0 :\n
-  redirect_url = \'%s/%s?%s\' % ( context.absolute_url(), form_id\n
-               , \'portal_status_message=\'+ N_(\'No Trade Condition.\'))\n
-elif len(trade_condition_list ) > 1 :\n
-  redirect_url = \'%s/%s?%s\' % ( context.absolute_url(), form_id\n
-               , \'portal_status_message=\' + N_(\'Too many Trade Conditions.\'))\n
-else :\n
-  trade_condition=trade_condition_list[0].getObject()\n
-  # Update Order Profile\n
-  categories = order.getCategoryList()\n
-  # Destination\n
-  if order.getDestinationValue() == None and \\\n
-          trade_condition.getDestinationValue() is not None :\n
-    categories += (\'destination/\'+trade_condition.getDestination(),)\n
-  # destination_decision\n
-  if (order.getDestinationDecisionValue() is None) and \\\n
-     (trade_condition.getDestinationDecisionValue() is not None) :\n
-    categories += (\'destination_decision/\'+\n
-                              trade_condition.getDestinationDecision(),)\n
-  # destination_administration\n
-  if (order.getDestinationAdministrationValue() is None) and \\\n
-     (trade_condition.getDestinationAdministrationValue() is not None) :\n
-    categories += (\'destination_administration/\'+\n
-                              trade_condition.getDestinationAdministration(),)\n
-  # destination_payment\n
-  if (order.getDestinationPaymentValue() is None) and \\\n
-     (trade_condition.getDestinationPaymentValue() is not None) :\n
-    categories += (\'destination_payment/\'+trade_condition.getDestinationPayment(),)\n
+trade_condition_list = order.getSpecialiseValueList(\n
+    portal_type=trade_condition_portal_type)\n
-  # source\n
-  if order.getSourceValue() is None :\n
-    if trade_condition.getSourceValue() is not None :\n
-      categories += (\'source/\'+trade_condition.getSource(),)  \n
-  # source_section\n
-  if order.getSourceSectionValue() is None :\n
-    # if source_section is not defined on TradeCondition, use Order source\n
-    if trade_condition.getSourceSectionValue() is not None :\n
-      categories += (\'source_section/\'+trade_condition.getSourceSection(),)\n
-    elif trade_condition.getSourceValue() is not None:\n
-      categories += (\'source_section/\' + trade_condition.getSource(),)\n
-  # source_decision\n
-  if order.getSourceDecisionValue(portal_type=\'Organisation\') is None :\n
-    # if source_decision is not defined on TradeCondition, use Order source\n
-    if trade_condition.getSourceDecisionValue(portal_type=\'Organisation\')\\\n
-       is not None :\n
-      categories += (\'source_decision/\'+trade_condition.getSourceDecision(\n
-                                  portal_type=\'Organisation\'),)\n
-    elif order.getSourceValue() is not None:\n
-      categories += (\'source_decision/\'+order.getSource(),)\n
-  # source_administration\n
-  if order.getSourceAdministrationValue() is None :\n
-    # if source_administration is not defined on TradeCondition,\n
-    # use Order source\n
-    if trade_condition.getSourceAdministrationValue() is not None :\n
-      categories += (\'source_administration/\' +\n
-                    trade_condition.getSourceAdministration(),)\n
-    elif order.getSourceValue() is not None:\n
-      categories += (\'source_administration/\'+order.getSource(),)\n
-  # source_payment\n
-  if order.getSourcePaymentValue() is None :\n
-    # if source_payment is not defined on TradeCondition, use Order source\n
-    if trade_condition.getSourcePaymentValue() is not None :\n
-      categories += (\'source_payment/\'+trade_condition.getSourcePayment(),)\n
-    elif order.getSourceValue() is not None:\n
-      categories += (\'source_payment/\'+order.getSource(),)\n
+tested_base_category_list = [\n
+  \'source_section\', \'destination_section\',\n
+  \'source\', \'destination\',\n
+count = len(tested_base_category_list)\n
-  # Copy Price Currency\n
-  if (order.getPriceCurrencyValue() is None) and \\\n
-     (trade_condition.getPriceCurrencyValue() is not None) :\n
-    categories += (\'price_currency/\'+trade_condition.getPriceCurrency(),)\n
-  # Copy Incoterm\n
-  if (order.getIncotermValue() is None) and \\\n
-     (trade_condition.getIncotermValue() is not None) :\n
-    categories += (trade_condition.getIncoterm(),)\n
-  # Copy Delivery Mode\n
-  if (order.getDeliveryModeValue() is None) and \\\n
-     (trade_condition.getDeliveryModeValue() is not None) :\n
-    categories += (trade_condition.getDeliveryMode(),)\n
-  destination_decision_source_reference = \'\'\n
-  if order.hasDestinationDecisionSourceReference() :\n
-    destination_decision_source_reference = \\\n
-          order.getDestinationDecisionSourceReference()\n
-  elif trade_condition.hasDestinationDecisionSourceReference() :\n
-    destination_decision_source_reference = \\\n
-          trade_condition.getDestinationDecisionSourceReference()\n
-  # copy PaymentCondition if no one is defined on Order\n
-  filter_dict = {\'portal_type\': \'Payment Condition\'}\n
-  if len(order.contentIds(filter = filter_dict)) == 0 :\n
-    to_copy = trade_condition.contentIds(filter = filter_dict)\n
-    if len(to_copy)>0 :\n
-     copy_data = trade_condition.manage_copyObjects(ids=to_copy)\n
-     new_id_list = order.manage_pasteObjects(copy_data)\n
-  # copy Discount if no one is defined on Order\n
-  filter_dict = {\'portal_type\': \'Discount\'}\n
-  if len(order.contentIds(filter = filter_dict)) == 0 :\n
-    to_copy=[]\n
-    to_copy=trade_condition.contentIds(filter = filter_dict)\n
-    if len(to_copy)>0 :\n
-     copy_data = trade_condition.manage_copyObjects(ids=to_copy)\n
-     new_id_list = order.manage_pasteObjects(copy_data)\n
+# if no date is defined, use today\'s date to retrieve predicate that define start_date_range_min/max\n
+if order.getStartDate() is None:\n
+  predicate_context = order.asContext(start_date=DateTime())\n
+  predicate_context = order\n
-  # Update specialise value of Order\n
-  final_categories = ()\n
-  for category_item in categories :\n
-    if category_item.find(\'specialise/\') == (-1):\n
-      final_categories += (category_item,)\n
+while count > 0 and len(trade_condition_list) == 0:\n
+  trade_condition_list = context.portal_domains.searchPredicateList(\n
+      predicate_context, portal_type=trade_condition_portal_type,\n
+      tested_base_category_list=tested_base_category_list[:count])\n
+  count -= 1\n
-  final_categories += (\'specialise/\'+trade_condition.getRelativeUrl(),)\n
+if len(trade_condition_list ) == 0 :\n
+  redirect_url = \'%s/%s?%s\' % ( context.absolute_url(), form_id,\n
+      \'portal_status_message=\' + N_(\'No Trade Condition.\'))\n
+else :\n
+  # if more than one trade condition is found, simply apply the first one\n
+  trade_condition=trade_condition_list[0].getObject()\n
-  order.edit(\n
-      categories = final_categories,\n
-      destination_decision_source_reference =\n
-              destination_decision_source_reference )\n
+  order.Order_applyTradeCondition(trade_condition, force=force)\n
   redirect_url = \'%s/%s?%s\' % (context.absolute_url(), form_id,\n
-               \'portal_status_message=\'+N_(\'Order updated.\'))\n
+      \'portal_status_message=\' + N_(\'Order updated.\'))\n
 if batch_mode:\n
-  return None\n
-  context.REQUEST[ \'RESPONSE\' ].redirect( redirect_url.replace(\' \', \'+\') )\n
+  return\n
+context.REQUEST[ \'RESPONSE\' ].redirect( redirect_url.replace(\' \', \'+\') )\n
 ]]></string> </value>
@@ -228,7 +128,7 @@ else:\n
             <key> <string>_params</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>form_id, batch_mode=0</string> </value>
+            <value> <string>form_id, batch_mode=0, force=1</string> </value>
             <key> <string>errors</string> </key>
@@ -248,7 +148,7 @@ else:\n
                         <key> <string>co_argcount</string> </key>
-                        <value> <int>2</int> </value>
+                        <value> <int>3</int> </value>
                         <key> <string>co_varnames</string> </key>
@@ -256,27 +156,23 @@ else:\n
+                            <string>force</string>
-                            <string>trade_condition_list</string>
+                            <string>trade_condition_list</string>
+                            <string>tested_base_category_list</string>
-                            <string>redirect_url</string>
-                            <string>_getitem_</string>
-                            <string>trade_condition</string>
-                            <string>categories</string>
+                            <string>count</string>
+                            <string>DateTime</string>
+                            <string>predicate_context</string>
+                            <string>_getitem_</string>
-                            <string>destination_decision_source_reference</string>
-                            <string>filter_dict</string>
-                            <string>to_copy</string>
-                            <string>copy_data</string>
-                            <string>new_id_list</string>
-                            <string>final_categories</string>
-                            <string>_getiter_</string>
-                            <string>category_item</string>
+                            <string>redirect_url</string>
+                            <string>trade_condition</string>
@@ -290,6 +186,7 @@ else:\n
+                <int>1</int>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_getODTDataDict.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_getODTDataDict.xml
index 5773c891cf..5a1295adb0 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_getODTDataDict.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_getODTDataDict.xml
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ data_dict = {\n
       context.getDestinationDecision() and context.getDestinationDecisionValue().getFaxText() or \'\'),\n
   \'destination_decision_email\': getEmail(context.getDestinationDecision() and context.getDestinationDecisionValue().getEmailText() or \'\'),\n
-  \'reference\': context.getDestinationReference() or \'\',\n
+  \'reference\': context.getReference() or \'\',\n
   \'start_date\': context.getStartDate() or \'\',\n
   \'currency\': context.getPriceCurrencyReference() or \'\',\n
   \'payment_condition\': getPaymentConditionText(context),\n
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ data_dict = {\n
   \'total_price_novat\': total_price,\n
   \'total_vat\': total_vat,\n
   \'total_price_vat\': total_price + total_vat,\n
-  \'comment\': getFieldAsString(context.getComment()),\n
+  \'description\': getFieldAsString(context.getDescription()),\n
   \'line_list\': line_list,\n
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_printODT.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_printODT.xml
index d8bc267247..37ff0c6f7d 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_printODT.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_printODT.xml
@@ -75,38 +75,38 @@ activity_error = \'my_activity_error\'\n
 simulation_error = \'my_simulation_error\'\n
   for line in context.getMovementList():\n
-    if line.hasActivity(): raise activity_error\n
+    if line.hasActivity(): raise activity_error, line.getRelativeUrl()\n
     s_m_list = line.getOrderRelatedValueList()\n
-    if not s_m_list: raise simulation_error\n
+    if not s_m_list: raise simulation_error, line.getRelativeUrl()\n
     for s_m in s_m_list:\n
-      if s_m.hasActivity(): raise activity_error\n
+      if s_m.hasActivity(): raise activity_error, s_m.getRelativeUrl()\n
       a_r_list = [x for x in s_m.objectValues() if x.getSpecialiseValue().getPortalType() == \'Invoicing Rule\']\n
       if a_r_list:\n
         a_r = a_r_list[0]\n
-        if a_r.hasActivity(): raise activity_error\n
+        if a_r.hasActivity(): raise activity_error, a_r.getRelativeUrl()\n
         inv_s_m_list = a_r.objectValues()\n
         if inv_s_m_list:\n
           inv_s_m = inv_s_m_list[0]\n
-          if inv_s_m.hasActivity(): raise activity_error\n
+          if inv_s_m.hasActivity(): raise activity_error, inv_s_m.getRelativeUrl()\n
           acc_a_r_list = [x for x in inv_s_m.objectValues() if x.getSpecialiseValue().getPortalType() == \'Invoice Transaction Rule\']\n
           if acc_a_r_list:\n
             acc_a_r = acc_a_r_list[0]\n
-            if acc_a_r.hasActivity(): raise activity_error\n
+            if acc_a_r.hasActivity(): raise activity_error, acc_a_r.getRelativeUrl()\n
             acc_s_m_list = [x for x in acc_a_r.objectValues() if \'vat\' in x.getDestinationValue().getAccountType()]\n
             if acc_s_m_list:\n
               acc_s_m = acc_s_m_list[0]\n
-              if acc_s_m.hasActivity(): raise activity_error\n
-            else: raise simulation_error\n
-          else: raise simulation_error\n
-        else: raise simulation_error\n
-      else: raise simulation_error\n
-except activity_error:\n
+              if acc_s_m.hasActivity(): raise activity_error, acc_s_m.getRelativeUrl()\n
+            else: raise simulation_error, acc_a_r.getRelativeUrl()\n
+          else: raise simulation_error, inv_s_m.getRelativeUrl()\n
+        else: raise simulation_error, a_r.getRelativeUrl()\n
+      else: raise simulation_error, s_m.getRelativeUrl()\n
+except activity_error, url:\n
   context.REQUEST.response.redirect("%s?portal_status_message=%s" % (context.absolute_url(),\n
-      T_(\'Some activities are pending, please retry in a few moments.\')))\n
-except simulation_error:\n
+      T_(\'Some activities are pending (on %s), please retry in a few moments.\') % url ))\n
+except simulation_error, url:\n
   context.REQUEST.response.redirect("%s?portal_status_message=%s" % (context.absolute_url(),\n
-      T_(\'Simulation is missing, please retry in a few moments, and make sure you have left the %s state.\')\n
-      % T_(\'Draft\') ))\n
+      T_(\'Simulation is missing (on %s), please retry in a few moments, and make sure you have left the %s state.\')\n
+      % (url, T_(\'Draft\')) ))\n
   return context.PurchaseOrder_viewAsODT()\n
 </string> </value>
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ else:\n
+                            <string>url</string>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_view.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_view.xml
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_view.xml
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@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@
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             <value> <string>Base_edit</string> </value>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>description</string> </key>
+            <value> <string></string> </value>
+        </item>
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             <value> <string>UTF-8</string> </value>
@@ -81,7 +85,9 @@
                     <key> <string>center</string> </key>
-                      <list/>
+                      <list>
+                        <string>my_description</string>
+                      </list>
@@ -101,9 +107,8 @@
-                        <string>my_destination_reference</string>
+                        <string>my_destination_section</string>
-                        <string>my_destination_section_title</string>
@@ -118,8 +123,9 @@
                     <key> <string>right</string> </key>
-                        <string>my_source_title</string>
+                        <string>my_reference</string>
+                        <string>my_source_title</string>
@@ -152,6 +158,15 @@
             <key> <string>row_length</string> </key>
             <value> <int>4</int> </value>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>store_order</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <list>
+                <string>title</string>
+                <string>reference</string>
+              </list>
+            </value>
+        </item>
             <key> <string>stored_encoding</string> </key>
             <value> <string>UTF-8</string> </value>
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index 64f19c8e36..b27b86b322 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_view/listbox.xml
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@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@
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-              <list/>
+              <list>
+                <string>list_method</string>
+                <string>report_root_list</string>
+              </list>
@@ -80,6 +83,27 @@
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>PurchaseOrder_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>list_method</string> </key>
+                    <value>
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+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>report_root_list</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>parent_domain</string>
+                          <string>Object Tree</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>resource</string>
+                          <string>Resource</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
@@ -90,4 +114,20 @@
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+    <pickle>
+      <tuple>
+        <global name="Method" module="Products.Formulator.MethodField"/>
+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
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+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>method_name</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>searchFolder</string> </value>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_view/listbox_quantity.xml
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@@ -62,10 +62,8 @@
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-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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@@ -114,23 +112,4 @@
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-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.TALESField</string>
-          <string>TALESMethod</string>
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-        <none/>
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-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>python: not cell.hasLineContent() and not cell.hasCellContent()</string> </value>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_view/listbox_quantity_unit.xml
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@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@
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-              <list/>
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+                <string>items</string>
+              </list>
@@ -71,6 +73,12 @@
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+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
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                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -96,10 +104,32 @@
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list/>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
+    <pickle>
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+        <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/>
+        <tuple/>
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+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: cell.getResource() and cell.getResourceValue().getQuantityUnitList() and [(\'\', \'\')] + [(x.getLogicalPath(), x.getCategoryRelativeUrl(base=0)) for x in cell.getResourceValue().getQuantityUnitValueList()] or getattr(here.portal_categories[\'quantity_unit\'], preferences.getPreference(\'preferred_category_child_item_list_method_id\', \'getCategoryChildCompactLogicalPathItemList\'))(base=0, local_sort_id=(\'int_index\', \'translated_title\'), checked_permission=\'View\')</string> </value>
+        </item>
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+  <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
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+              <none/>
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+            <value> <string>my_description</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
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+                <item>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+        </item>
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+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
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+                <item>
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+                    <value> <string>PurchaseOrder_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
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+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                <item>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                <item>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
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+                </item>
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+            <value> <string>my_reference</string> </value>
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+            <value>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_reference</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseOrder_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
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-                <table:table-cell table:style-name=\'Tableau3.A6\' office:value-type=\'string\' tal:define=\'orig_string string:Comments; en_string python:here.Base_translateString(orig_string, lang="en"); my_string python:here.Base_translateString(orig_string)\'>\n
+                <table:table-cell table:style-name=\'Tableau3.A6\' office:value-type=\'string\' tal:define=\'orig_string string:Notes; en_string python:here.Base_translateString(orig_string, lang="en"); my_string python:here.Base_translateString(orig_string)\'>\n
                   <text:p text:style-name=\'P2\'><span tal:replace=\'en_string\'/><span tal:omit-tag=\'\' tal:condition=\'python:my_string!=en_string\'> / <span tal:replace=\'my_string\'/></span>:</text:p>\n
                 <table:table-cell table:style-name=\'Tableau3.B6\' office:value-type=\'string\'>\n
@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ AAA=</string> </value>
               <table:table-row table:style-name=\'Tableau3.7\'>\n
                 <table:table-cell table:style-name=\'Tableau3.A7\' table:number-columns-spanned=\'5\' office:value-type=\'string\'>\n
-                  <text:p text:style-name=\'P3\' tal:content=\'python:data_dict["comment"]\'>my_description</text:p>\n
+                  <text:p text:style-name=\'P3\' tal:content=\'python:data_dict["description"]\'>my_description</text:p>\n
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_viewFieldLibrary.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_viewFieldLibrary.xml
index f163e22a03..0416bd6901 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_viewFieldLibrary.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_viewFieldLibrary.xml
@@ -114,6 +114,11 @@
+                        <string>listbox</string>
+                        <string>my_reference</string>
+                        <string>my_source_reference</string>
+                        <string>my_destination_section</string>
+                        <string>my_description</string>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/my_trade_condition_title.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_viewFieldLibrary/listbox.xml
similarity index 52%
rename from bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/my_trade_condition_title.xml
rename to bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_viewFieldLibrary/listbox.xml
index 4ddec9d52c..e0e4b225f6 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/my_trade_condition_title.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseOrder_viewFieldLibrary/listbox.xml
@@ -3,21 +3,15 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="RelationStringField" module="Products.ERP5Form.RelationField"/>
+        <global name="ListBox" module="Products.ERP5Form.ListBox"/>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
             <key> <string>id</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>my_trade_condition_title</string> </value>
+            <value> <string>listbox</string> </value>
             <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
@@ -27,26 +21,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>relation_result_ambiguous</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Select appropriate document in the list.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>relation_result_empty</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>No such document was found.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>relation_result_too_long</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Too many documents were found.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>too_long</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Too much input was given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -55,15 +29,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>all_columns</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>base_category</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>all_editable_columns</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>catalog_index</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -79,7 +53,7 @@
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>default_module</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>default_params</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -87,17 +61,21 @@
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>domain_root_list</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>domain_tree</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
                     <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>editable_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -107,55 +85,55 @@
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>global_attributes</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>first_item</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>lines</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>list_action</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>list_method</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>jump_method</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>meta_types</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>list_method</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>portal_types</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>max_length</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>report_root_list</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>parameter_list</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>report_tree</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>search</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>relation_setter_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>search_columns</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>select</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>selection_name</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -163,23 +141,23 @@
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>sort_columns</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>truncate</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>stat_columns</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>stat_method</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>update_method</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>url_columns</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -190,15 +168,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>all_columns</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>base_category</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>all_editable_columns</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>catalog_index</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -214,7 +192,7 @@
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>default_module</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>default_params</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -222,17 +200,21 @@
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>domain_root_list</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>domain_tree</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
                     <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>editable_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -242,55 +224,55 @@
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>global_attributes</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>first_item</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>lines</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>list_action</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>list_method</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>jump_method</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>meta_types</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>list_method</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>portal_types</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>max_length</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>report_root_list</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>parameter_list</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>report_tree</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>search</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>relation_setter_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>search_columns</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>select</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>selection_name</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -298,23 +280,23 @@
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>sort_columns</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>truncate</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>stat_columns</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>stat_method</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>update_method</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>url_columns</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -325,31 +307,85 @@
-                    <key> <string>allow_creation</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>allow_jump</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>Base_viewSearchResultList</string> </key>
                     <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>all_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Purchase Order</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_title</string>
+                          <string>Destination</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_decision_title</string>
+                          <string>Destination Decision</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>description</string>
+                          <string>Description</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>translated_simulation_state_title</string>
+                          <string>State</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>delivery.stop_date</string>
+                          <string>Delivery Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
-                    <key> <string>base_category</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>specialise</string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>all_editable_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list/>
+                    </value>
-                    <key> <string>catalog_index</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>title</string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
                     <key> <string>columns</string> </key>
-                      <list/>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Purchase Order</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_title</string>
+                          <string>Destination</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_decision_title</string>
+                          <string>Destination Decision</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>description</string>
+                          <string>Description</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>translated_simulation_state_title</string>
+                          <string>State</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>delivery.stop_date</string>
+                          <string>Delivery Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>count_method</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -359,25 +395,48 @@
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>default_module</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>sale_trade_condition_module</string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>default_params</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list/>
+                    </value>
                     <key> <string>description</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>domain_root_list</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>destination_section</string>
+                          <string>Destination Section</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>order</string>
+                          <string>OrderType</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>origin</string>
+                          <string>Origin</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>20</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>domain_tree</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
                     <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
                     <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>editable_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list/>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
                     <value> <int>1</int> </value>
@@ -387,93 +446,177 @@
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>global_attributes</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list/>
+                    </value>
-                    <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                    <key> <string>first_item</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>lines</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>30</int> </value>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>list_action</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>list</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>list_method</string> </key>
-                      <list/>
+                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
-                    <key> <string>jump_method</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Base_jumpToRelatedDocument</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>list_method</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>meta_types</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list/>
+                    </value>
-                    <key> <string>max_length</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>page_template</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>parameter_list</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>portal_types</string> </key>
-                      <list/>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>Purchase Order</string>
+                          <string>Purchase Order</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
-                    <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>report_root_list</string> </key>
-                          <string>Sale Trade Condition</string>
-                          <string>Sale Trade Condition</string>
+                          <string>destination_section</string>
+                          <string>Destination Section</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>order</string>
+                          <string>OrderType</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>origin</string>
+                          <string>Origin</string>
-                    <key> <string>relation_setter_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>report_tree</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>search</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>search_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Purchase Order</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_title</string>
+                          <string>Destination</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_decision_title</string>
+                          <string>Destination Decision</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>description</string>
+                          <string>Description</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>translated_simulation_state_title</string>
+                          <string>State</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>delivery.stop_date</string>
+                          <string>Delivery Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
-                    <key> <string>size</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>select</string> </key>
                     <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>selection_name</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>purchase_order_selection</string> </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>sort</string> </key>
-                      <list/>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Sale Trade Condition</string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>sort_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Purchase Order</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_title</string>
+                          <string>Destination</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_decision_title</string>
+                          <string>Destination Decision</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>description</string>
+                          <string>Description</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>translated_simulation_state_title</string>
+                          <string>State</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>delivery.stop_date</string>
+                          <string>Delivery Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
-                    <key> <string>truncate</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>stat_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list/>
+                    </value>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>stat_method</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>update_method</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Base_validateRelation</string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Purchase Orders</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>url_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list/>
+                    </value>
@@ -481,4 +624,23 @@
+  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
+    <pickle>
+      <tuple>
+        <tuple>
+          <string>Products.Formulator.MethodField</string>
+          <string>Method</string>
+        </tuple>
+        <none/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
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-                    <value> <string>Reference</string> </value>
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@@ -225,6 +222,25 @@
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@@ -126,7 +120,7 @@
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+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
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+                    \'non_discountable_additional_price\',\n
+                    \'priced_quantity\',\n
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>url_columns</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
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@@ -307,253 +79,16 @@
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-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
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-                <item>
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-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>title</string>
-                          <string>Purchase Trade Condition</string>
-                        </tuple>
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-                          <string>default_destination_section_title</string>
-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>group</string>
-                          <string>Group</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>default_source_decision_organisation_title</string>
-                          <string>Source Decision</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>default_source_title</string>
-                          <string>Source</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>translated_validation_state_title</string>
-                          <string>State</string>
-                        </tuple>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                          <string>destination_section</string>
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-                        </tuple>
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-                          <string>incoterm</string>
-                          <string>Incoterm</string>
-                        </tuple>
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-                          <string>delivery_mode</string>
-                          <string>Delivery Mode</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>group</string>
-                          <string>Group</string>
-                        </tuple>
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-                          <string>activity</string>
-                          <string>Activity</string>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>portal_types</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Purchase Trade Condition</string>
-                          <string>Purchase Trade Condition</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>report_root_list</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>destination_section</string>
-                          <string>Destination Section</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>incoterm</string>
-                          <string>Incoterm</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>delivery_mode</string>
-                          <string>Delivery Mode</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>group</string>
-                          <string>Group</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>activity</string>
-                          <string>Activity</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>report_tree</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>search</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>search_columns</string> </key>
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-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>selection_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>purchase_trade_condition_selection</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>sort</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>title</string>
-                          <string>title</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>sort_columns</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
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+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_purchase_trade_condition_module_listbox</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>stat_columns</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>stat_method</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Purchase Trade Conditions</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>url_columns</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
@@ -561,20 +96,4 @@
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-  </record>
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index 907d9b7a84..1961f9b373 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseTradeCondition_asPredicate.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseTradeCondition_asPredicate.xml
@@ -65,8 +65,23 @@
             <key> <string>_body</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>return context.generatePredicate(multimembership_criterion_base_category_list = (\'source\',\'source_section\'),\n
-                                                      criterion_property_list = (\'start_date\',))\n
+            <value> <string>category_list = [\n
+  \'source\', \'source_section\',\n
+  \'destination\', \'destination_section\',\n
+criterion_list = []\n
+for category in category_list:\n
+  if context.getPropertyList(category):\n
+    criterion_list.append(category)\n
+  start_date_range_min=context.getEffectiveDate(),\n
+  start_date_range_max=context.getExpirationDate(),\n
+return date_context.generatePredicate(multimembership_criterion_base_category_list=criterion_list,\n
+                                                      criterion_property_list=(\'start_date\',))\n
 </string> </value>
@@ -117,8 +132,13 @@
+                            <string>category_list</string>
+                            <string>criterion_list</string>
+                            <string>_getiter_</string>
+                            <string>category</string>
+                            <string>date_context</string>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseTradeCondition_view.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseTradeCondition_view.xml
@@ -87,7 +87,10 @@
                     <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                      <list/>
+                      <list>
+                        <string>my_group</string>
+                        <string>my_activity</string>
+                      </list>
@@ -95,8 +98,8 @@
-                        <string>my_destination_title</string>
+                        <string>my_destination_title</string>
@@ -108,11 +111,9 @@
                     <key> <string>right</string> </key>
-                        <string>my_source_title</string>
+                        <string>my_source_title</string>
-                        <string>my_group</string>
-                        <string>my_activity</string>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary.xml
index c91fd967c7..88dfeccd74 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary.xml
@@ -99,8 +99,6 @@
-                        <string>my_effective_date</string>
-                        <string>my_expiration_date</string>
@@ -115,6 +113,11 @@
+                        <string>my_purchase_trade_condition_module_listbox</string>
+                        <string>my_destination_payment</string>
+                        <string>my_source_payment</string>
+                        <string>my_expiration_date</string>
+                        <string>my_effective_date</string>
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+                <string>description</string>
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+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>my_destination_payment</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
+            <value>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>description</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The person or organisation in charge of paying for the client.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_category</string> </value>
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+                    <value> <string>Payer</string> </value>
+                </item>
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+                <string>search_columns</string>
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+                <string>portal_types</string>
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+                <string>domain_root_list</string>
+                <string>report_root_list</string>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
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+        </item>
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+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
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+                    <key>                 <string>all_columns</string> </key>
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+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Purchase Trade Condition</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_section_title</string>
+                          <string>Client</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_title</string>
+                          <string>Recipient or Beneficiary</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_source_section_title</string>
+                          <string>Supplier</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_source_title</string>
+                          <string>Sender or Provider</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>effective_date</string>
+                          <string>Effective Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>expiration_date</string>
+                          <string>Expiration Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>translated_validation_state_title</string>
+                          <string>State</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
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+                    <key> <string>all_editable_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list/>
+                    </value>
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+                <item>
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+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Purchase Trade Condition</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_section_title</string>
+                          <string>Client</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_title</string>
+                          <string>Recipient or Beneficiary</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_source_section_title</string>
+                          <string>Supplier</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_source_title</string>
+                          <string>Sender or Provider</string>
+                        </tuple>
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+                          <string>effective_date</string>
+                          <string>Effective Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
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+                          <string>expiration_date</string>
+                          <string>Expiration Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>translated_validation_state_title</string>
+                          <string>State</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>domain_root_list</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>destination_section</string>
+                          <string>Destination Section</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>incoterm</string>
+                          <string>Incoterm</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>delivery_mode</string>
+                          <string>Delivery Mode</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>domain_tree</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_list_mode_listbox</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>portal_types</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>Purchase Trade Condition</string>
+                          <string>Purchase Trade Condition</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>report_root_list</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>destination_section</string>
+                          <string>Destination Section</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>incoterm</string>
+                          <string>Incoterm</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>delivery_mode</string>
+                          <string>Delivery Mode</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>search_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Purchase Trade Condition</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_section_title</string>
+                          <string>Client</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_title</string>
+                          <string>Recipient or Beneficiary</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_source_section_title</string>
+                          <string>Supplier</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_source_title</string>
+                          <string>Sender or Provider</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>translated_validation_state_title</string>
+                          <string>State</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>selection_name</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>purchase_trade_condition_selection</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>sort</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>ascending</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Purchase Trade Conditions</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
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+  <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
+    <pickle>
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+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
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+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
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+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <list>
+                <string>title</string>
+                <string>description</string>
+                <string>items</string>
+              </list>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>my_source_payment</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
+            <value>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
+            <value>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
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+                    <value>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>description</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The person or organisation in charge of receiving the payment for the supplier.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_category</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list/>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Payee</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
+  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
+    <pickle>
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+        <tuple/>
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+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python:[(\'\', \'\')] + (here.getSourceSection() and [(x.Title(), x.getRelativeUrl()) for x in here.getSourceSectionValue().objectValues(portal_type = here.getPortalPaymentNodeTypeList())] or [])</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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index 3fc548f16a..5beb38a726 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseTradeCondition_viewProfile.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseTradeCondition_viewProfile.xml
@@ -91,18 +91,21 @@
                     <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                      <list/>
+                      <list>
+                        <string>my_destination_payment_title</string>
+                        <string>my_source_payment_title</string>
+                      </list>
                     <key> <string>left</string> </key>
-                        <string>my_destination_title</string>
+                        <string>my_destination_title</string>
-                        <string>my_destination_payment_title</string>
+                        <string>my_destination_payment</string>
@@ -111,11 +114,11 @@
                     <key> <string>right</string> </key>
-                        <string>my_source_title</string>
+                        <string>my_source_title</string>
-                        <string>my_source_payment_title</string>
+                        <string>my_source_payment</string>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseTradeCondition_viewProfile/my_destination_payment.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseTradeCondition_viewProfile/my_destination_payment.xml
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+  <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
+    <pickle>
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+    <pickle>
+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>my_destination_payment</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_destination_payment</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseTradeCondition_viewProfile/my_source_payment.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/PurchaseTradeCondition_viewProfile/my_source_payment.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18a8fb784c
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+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
+    <pickle>
+      <tuple>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
+    <pickle>
+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>my_source_payment</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_source_payment</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Resource_getPrice.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Resource_getPrice.xml
index f43114a776..f535f6d47a 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Resource_getPrice.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Resource_getPrice.xml
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ if base_price not in (None, \'\'):\n
   unit_base_price *= sum_surcharge_ratio\n
   # Divide by the priced quantity\n
-  priced_quantity = context.getPricedQuantity()\n
+  priced_quantity = price_parameter_dict[\'priced_quantity\']\n
   unit_base_price /= priced_quantity\n
 # Return result\n
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Resource_getPriceCalculationOperandDict.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Resource_getPriceCalculationOperandDict.xml
index f74300752b..590de48668 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Resource_getPriceCalculationOperandDict.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/Resource_getPriceCalculationOperandDict.xml
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ if base_price not in (None, \'\'):\n
   unit_base_price *= sum_surcharge_ratio\n
   # Divide by the priced quantity\n
-  priced_quantity = context.getPricedQuantity()\n
+  priced_quantity = price_parameter_dict[\'priced_quantity\']\n
   unit_base_price /= priced_quantity\n
 # Return result\n
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_applySaleTradeCondition.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_applySaleTradeCondition.xml
index f5984d3148..7a982d3275 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_applySaleTradeCondition.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_applySaleTradeCondition.xml
@@ -67,157 +67,52 @@
             <key> <string>_body</string> </key>
             <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
-# Look if there is a corresponding trade conditions and then copy all values\n
+# This script searches for a trade condition matching the order\n
+# and tries to complete some fields\n
 order = context\n
-trade_condition_list = []\n
 N_ = context.Base_translateString\n
 trade_condition_portal_type = \'Sale Trade Condition\'\n
 trade_condition_list = order.getSpecialiseValueList(\n
-                  portal_type=(trade_condition_portal_type,))\n
+    portal_type=trade_condition_portal_type)\n
+tested_base_category_list = [\n
+  \'destination_section\', \'source_section\',\n
+  \'destination\', \'source\',\n
+count = len(tested_base_category_list)\n
-if len(trade_condition_list) == 0 :\n
+# if no date is defined, use today\'s date to retrieve predicate that define start_date_range_min/max\n
+if order.getStartDate() is None:\n
+  predicate_context = order.asContext(start_date=DateTime())\n
+  predicate_context = order\n
+while count > 0 and len(trade_condition_list) == 0:\n
   trade_condition_list = context.portal_domains.searchPredicateList(\n
-          order, portal_type=(trade_condition_portal_type,), test=0)\n
+      predicate_context, portal_type=trade_condition_portal_type,\n
+      tested_base_category_list=tested_base_category_list[:count])\n
+  count -= 1\n
-  # Results\n
 if len(trade_condition_list ) == 0 :\n
-  redirect_url = \'%s/%s?%s\' % ( context.absolute_url(), form_id\n
-               , \'portal_status_message=\' + N_(\'No Trade Condition.\'))\n
-elif len(trade_condition_list ) > 1 :\n
-  redirect_url = \'%s/%s?%s\' % ( context.absolute_url(), form_id\n
-               , \'portal_status_message=\' + N_(\'Too many Trade Conditions.\'))\n
+  redirect_url = \'%s/%s?%s\' % ( context.absolute_url(), form_id,\n
+      \'portal_status_message=\' + N_(\'No Trade Condition.\'))\n
 else :\n
+  # if more than one trade condition is found, simply apply the first one\n
-  # Update Order Profile\n
-  categories = order.getCategoryList()\n
-  # Date\n
-  if order.getReceivedDate() is None :\n
+  order.Order_applyTradeCondition(trade_condition, force=force)\n
+  # set date\n
+  if order.getReceivedDate() is None:\n
-  # Source\n
-  if ((order.getSourceValue() == None) or force == 1) \\\n
-              and trade_condition.getSourceValue() is not None :\n
-    order.setSourceList((trade_condition.getSource(),))\n
-  # source_section\n
-  if ((order.getSourceSectionValue() is None) or force == 1) and \\\n
-     (trade_condition.getSourceSectionValue() is not None) :\n
-    order.setSourceSectionList((trade_condition.getSourceSection(),))\n
-  # source_decision\n
-  if ((order.getSourceDecisionValue() is None) or force == 1) and \\\n
-     (trade_condition.getSourceDecisionValue() is not None) :\n
-    order.setSourceDecisionList( (trade_condition.getSourceDecision(),))\n
-  # source_administration\n
-  if ((order.getSourceAdministrationValue() is None) or force == 1) and \\\n
-     (trade_condition.getSourceAdministrationValue() is not None) :\n
-    order.setSourceAdministrationList(\n
-                    (trade_condition.getSourceAdministration(),))\n
-  # source_payment\n
-  if ((order.getSourcePaymentValue() is None) or force == 1) and \\\n
-     (trade_condition.getSourcePaymentValue() is not None) :\n
-    order.setSourcePaymentList(trade_condition.getSourcePayment(),)\n
-  # DESTINATION_section\n
-  if (order.getDestinationSectionValue() is None) or force == 1 :\n
-    # if destination_section is not defined on TradeCondition,\n
-    # use Order destination\n
-    if trade_condition.getDestinationSectionValue() is not None :\n
-      order.setDestinationSectionList(\n
-                            (trade_condition.getDestinationSection(),))\n
-    elif trade_condition.getDestinationValue() is not None :\n
-      order.setDestinationSectionList((order.getDestination(),))\n
-  # Destination\n
-  if (order.getDestinationValue() is None) or force == 1 :\n
-    # if destination is not defined on TradeCondition,\n
-    # use Order destination_section\n
-    if trade_condition.getDestinationValue() is not None :\n
-      order.setDestinationList( (trade_condition.getDestination(),))\n
-    elif order.getDestinationSectionValue() is not None:\n
-      order.setDestinationList((order.getDestination(),))\n
-  # destination_decision\n
-  if (len(order.getDestinationDecisionValueList()) == 0) or force == 1 :\n
-    # if destination_decision is not defined on TradeCondition,\n
-    # use Order destination\n
-    if len(trade_condition.getDestinationDecisionValueList()) >0 :\n
-      for object in trade_condition.getDestinationDecisionValueList():\n
-        order.setDestinationDecisionList( (object.getRelativeUrl(),))\n
-    elif order.getDestinationValue() is not None:\n
-      order.setDestinationDecisionList((order.getDestination(),))\n
-  # destination_administration\n
-  if (order.getDestinationAdministrationValue() is None) or force == 1 :\n
-    # if destination_administration is not defined on TradeCondition,\n
-    # use Order destination\n
-    if trade_condition.getDestinationAdministrationValue() is not None :\n
-      order.setDestinationAdministrationList(\n
-                    (trade_condition.getDestinationAdministration(),))\n
-    elif order.getDestinationValue() is not None:\n
-      order.setDestinationAdministrationList((order.getDestination(),))\n
-  # destination_payment\n
-  if (order.getDestinationPaymentValue() is None) or force == 1 :\n
-    # if destination_payment is not defined on TradeCondition,\n
-    # use Order destination\n
-    if trade_condition.getDestinationPaymentValue() is not None :\n
-      order.setDestinationPaymentList(\n
-                      (trade_condition.getDestinationPayment(),))\n
-    elif order.getDestinationValue() is not None:\n
-      order.setDestinationPaymentList((order.getDestination(),))\n
-  # Currency\n
-  if ((order.getPriceCurrencyValue() is None) or force == 1) and \\\n
-     (trade_condition.getPriceCurrencyValue() is not None) :\n
-    order.setPriceCurrencyList((trade_condition.getPriceCurrency(),))\n
-  if ((order.getDeliveryModeValue() is None) or force == 1) and \\\n
-     (trade_condition.getDeliveryModeValue() is not None) :\n
-    order.setDeliveryModeList((trade_condition.getDeliveryMode(),))\n
-  # copy PaymentCondition if no one is defined on Order\n
-  payment_condition_portal_type = \'Payment Condition\'\n
-  if (len(order.contentIds( filter=\n
-        {\'portal_type\':payment_condition_portal_type})) == 0) or force == 1 :\n
-    if force ==1:\n
-      to_delete=order.contentIds(filter=\n
-                  {\'portal_type\':payment_condition_portal_type})\n
-      order.manage_delObjects(to_delete)\n
-    to_copy=[]\n
-    to_copy=trade_condition.contentIds(filter=\n
-            {\'portal_type\':payment_condition_portal_type})\n
-    if len(to_copy)>0 :\n
-      copy_data = trade_condition.manage_copyObjects(ids=to_copy)\n
-      new_id_list = order.manage_pasteObjects(copy_data)\n
-  # Incoterm\n
-  if ((order.getIncotermValue() is None) or force == 1) and \\\n
-     (trade_condition.getIncotermValue() is not None) :\n
-    order.setIncotermList( (trade_condition.getIncoterm(),))\n
-  # copy Discount if no one is defined on Order\n
-  discount_portal_type = \'Discount\'\n
-  if (len(order.contentIds(filter=\n
-              {\'portal_type\':discount_portal_type})) == 0) or force == 1 :\n
-    if force ==1:\n
-      to_delete=order.contentIds(filter={\'portal_type\':discount_portal_type})\n
-      order.manage_delObjects(to_delete)\n
-    to_copy=[]\n
-    to_copy=trade_condition.contentIds(filter=\n
-                          {\'portal_type\':discount_portal_type})\n
-    if len(to_copy)>0 :\n
-     copy_data = trade_condition.manage_copyObjects(ids=to_copy)\n
-     new_id_list = order.manage_pasteObjects(copy_data)\n
-  # Update specialise value of Order\n
-  order.setSpecialiseList((trade_condition.getRelativeUrl(),))\n
-  order.recursiveReindexObject()\n
   redirect_url = \'%s/%s?%s\' % (context.absolute_url(), form_id,\n
-                  \'portal_status_message=\'+ N_(\'Order updated.\'))\n
+      \'portal_status_message=\' + N_(\'Order updated.\'))\n
 if batch_mode:\n
-  return None\n
-  context.REQUEST[ \'RESPONSE\' ].redirect( redirect_url.replace(\' \', \'+\') )\n
+  return\n
+context.REQUEST[ \'RESPONSE\' ].redirect( redirect_url.replace(\' \', \'+\') )\n
 ]]></string> </value>
@@ -267,25 +162,20 @@ else:\n
-                            <string>trade_condition_list</string>
+                            <string>trade_condition_list</string>
+                            <string>tested_base_category_list</string>
-                            <string>redirect_url</string>
-                            <string>_getitem_</string>
-                            <string>trade_condition</string>
-                            <string>categories</string>
+                            <string>count</string>
-                            <string>_getiter_</string>
-                            <string>object</string>
-                            <string>payment_condition_portal_type</string>
-                            <string>to_delete</string>
-                            <string>to_copy</string>
-                            <string>copy_data</string>
-                            <string>new_id_list</string>
-                            <string>discount_portal_type</string>
+                            <string>predicate_context</string>
+                            <string>_getitem_</string>
+                            <string>_inplacevar_</string>
+                            <string>redirect_url</string>
+                            <string>trade_condition</string>
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index 84d0ffe5f6..fd72cfcc48 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view.xml
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@
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@@ -81,7 +85,9 @@
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+                        <string>my_description</string>
+                      </list>
@@ -101,17 +107,17 @@
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-                        <string>my_order</string>
+                        <string>my_source_section</string>
+                        <string>my_source_title</string>
+                        <string>my_source_decision_title</string>
+                        <string>my_segmentation</string>
+                        <string>my_order</string>
-                        <string>my_source_administration_title</string>
-                        <string>my_source_decision_title</string>
-                        <string>my_errand_ratio</string>
-                        <string>my_segmentation</string>
+                        <string>my_specialise_title</string>
@@ -119,15 +125,15 @@
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-                        <string>my_destination_reference</string>
+                        <string>my_reference</string>
+                        <string>my_destination_section_title</string>
-                        <string>my_trade_condition_title</string>
+                        <string>my_total_price</string>
-                        <string>total_price</string>
-                        <string>simulation_state</string>
+                        <string>my_translated_simulation_state_title</string>
@@ -154,6 +160,15 @@
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+            <key> <string>store_order</string> </key>
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+                <string>title</string>
+                <string>reference</string>
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@@ -32,135 +35,15 @@
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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@@ -171,135 +54,15 @@
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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@@ -310,281 +73,16 @@
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-                          <string>Delivery Date</string>
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-                          <string>Unit</string>
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-                          <string>Price</string>
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-                          <string>Total Price</string>
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-                          <string>stop_date</string>
-                          <string>Delivery Date</string>
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-                          <string>reference</string>
-                          <string>Reference</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>int_index</string>
-                          <string>Index</string>
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-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>quantity</string>
-                          <string>Quantity</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>stop_date</string>
-                          <string>End</string>
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-                          <string>quantity_unit</string>
-                          <string>Unit</string>
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-                          <string>Sale Order Line</string>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>search</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>search_columns</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>select</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>selection_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>sale_order_line_selection</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>sort</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>id</string>
-                          <string>id</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>sort_columns</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>stat_columns</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>stat_method</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Sale Order Lines</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>url_columns</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
@@ -592,23 +90,4 @@
-  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.MethodField</string>
-          <string>Method</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>method_name</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>searchFolder</string> </value>
-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_int_index.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_int_index.xml
index b595e9d94a..2fcb4693ba 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_int_index.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_int_index.xml
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="IntegerField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
-              <none/>
+              <list/>
@@ -27,18 +27,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -47,67 +35,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -118,67 +54,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -189,68 +73,16 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>figure</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>5</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_int_index</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>listbox_int_index</string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_quantity.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_quantity.xml
index 6c583eda50..062a578165 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_quantity.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_quantity.xml
@@ -9,18 +9,10 @@
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
             <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
-              <list>
-                <string>enabled</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -43,15 +35,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -61,16 +53,6 @@
             <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -90,23 +72,17 @@
             <key> <string>values</string> </key>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>my_quantity</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>BaseTradeSale_FieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
@@ -114,23 +90,4 @@
-  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.TALESField</string>
-          <string>TALESMethod</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>python: not cell.hasLineContent() and not cell.hasCellContent()</string> </value>
-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_quantity_unit.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_quantity_unit.xml
index 249d968be4..6a5150802f 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_quantity_unit.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_quantity_unit.xml
@@ -9,16 +9,12 @@
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
             <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
-              <list/>
+              <list>
+                <string>items</string>
+              </list>
@@ -41,15 +37,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -59,10 +55,6 @@
             <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -71,6 +63,12 @@
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -82,19 +80,23 @@
             <key> <string>values</string> </key>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>my_quantity_unit</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>BaseTradeSale_FieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list/>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
@@ -102,4 +104,20 @@
+  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
+    <pickle>
+      <tuple>
+        <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/>
+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
+    <pickle>
+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: cell.getResource() and cell.getResourceValue().getQuantityUnitList() and [(\'\', \'\')] + [(x.getLogicalPath(), x.getCategoryRelativeUrl(base=0)) for x in cell.getResourceValue().getQuantityUnitValueList()] or getattr(here.portal_categories[\'quantity_unit\'], preferences.getPreference(\'preferred_category_child_item_list_method_id\', \'getCategoryChildCompactLogicalPathItemList\'))(base=0, local_sort_id=(\'int_index\', \'translated_title\'), checked_permission=\'View\')</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_reference.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_reference.xml
index beb5b06b07..acc1a94061 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_reference.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_reference.xml
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="StringField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
-              <none/>
+              <list/>
@@ -27,14 +27,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>too_long</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Too much input was given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -43,71 +35,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>max_length</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>truncate</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -118,71 +54,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>max_length</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
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@@ -193,72 +73,16 @@
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-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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index 49bde072c6..a3bdf20808 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_stop_date.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/listbox_stop_date.xml
@@ -3,1753 +3,22 @@
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-        <global name="DateTimeField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
-              <none/>
+              <list/>
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-        <item>
-            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>datetime_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The date and time you entered were out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_datetime</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter a valid date and time.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>ampm_time_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>date_only</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>date_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default_now</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_order</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start_datetime</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>time_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                </item>
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-            </value>
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-        </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>ampm_time_style</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>input_order</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>time_separator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string>/</string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value>
-                      <none/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
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-                </item>
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-                </item>
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-                      <none/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                      <none/>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string>:</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
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-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
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-  </record>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hour</string> </key>
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-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>minute</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAY=</string> </persistent>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <key> <string>year</string> </key>
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-            </value>
-        </item>
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-            <key> <string>group_list</string> </key>
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-              </list>
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-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
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-                        <string>month</string>
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-                      </list>
-                    </value>
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-        </item>
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-        </item>
-        <item>
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-            <value> <string>ISO-8859-1</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>title</string> </key>
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-        </item>
-        <item>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>too_long</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Too much input was given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
-            <value>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                <item>
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-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>unicode</string> </key>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <int>2</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
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-                <item>
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-          <string>IntegerField</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
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-        </item>
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-            <value>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Day</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
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-          <string>IntegerField</string>
-        </tuple>
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-        </item>
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-            <value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
-            <value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Hour</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
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-          <string>IntegerField</string>
-        </tuple>
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-      </tuple>
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-        <item>
-            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>minute</string> </value>
-        </item>
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-            <value>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
-            <value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
-            <value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>2</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Minute</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
-  <record id="7" aka="AAAAAAAAAAc=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.StandardFields</string>
-          <string>IntegerField</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>month</string> </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
-            <value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-              </dictionary>
-            </value>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <dictionary>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>2</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <int>2</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Month</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
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-            </value>
-        </item>
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-    </pickle>
-  </record>
-  <record id="8" aka="AAAAAAAAAAg=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Products.Formulator.StandardFields</string>
-          <string>IntegerField</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>year</string> </value>
-        </item>
             <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
@@ -1758,18 +27,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
@@ -1778,67 +35,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -1849,67 +54,15 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -1920,68 +73,16 @@
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>css_class</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>4</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>display_width</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>4</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>end</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>extra</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>start</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_stop_date</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Year</string> </value>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>OrderLine_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/my_comment.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/my_comment.xml
index 59e36ded7c..20b110fbbb 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/my_comment.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleOrder_view/my_comment.xml
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="TextAreaField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
-              <none/>
+              <list/>
@@ -27,22 +27,6 @@
                     <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>line_too_long</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>A line was too long.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>too_long</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You entered too many characters.</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>too_many_lines</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>You entered too many lines.</string> </value>
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@@ -51,75 +35,15 @@
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@@ -96,15 +54,15 @@
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@@ -114,19 +72,17 @@
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@@ -114,19 +72,17 @@
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+                </item>
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+                <item>
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@@ -96,15 +54,15 @@
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@@ -114,19 +72,17 @@
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-                    <value> <string>BaseTradeSale_FieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>SaleOrder_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
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+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
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-                    <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value>
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@@ -74,22 +74,22 @@
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-                    <value> <string>PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
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                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
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+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Received Date</string> </value>
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+                          <string>Sale Order Line</string>
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@@ -74,22 +74,22 @@
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+                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
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@@ -55,10 +56,6 @@
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-                </item>
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@@ -78,22 +75,33 @@
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+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>portal_type</string> </key>
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+                          <string>Sale Trade Condition</string>
+                          <string>Sale Trade Condition</string>
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@@ -171,135 +60,15 @@
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-                <item>
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-                <item>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>url_columns</string> </key>
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@@ -310,245 +79,16 @@
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-                    <value>
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-                        </tuple>
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-                          <string>group</string>
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-                        </tuple>
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-                          <string>Destination Decision</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
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-                          <string>Destination</string>
-                        </tuple>
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-                      <list/>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>group</string>
-                          <string>Group</string>
-                        </tuple>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Sale Trade Condition</string>
-                          <string>Sale Trade Condition</string>
-                        </tuple>
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-                    <key> <string>report_root_list</string> </key>
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-                        </tuple>
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-                          <string>Incoterm</string>
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-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
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-                          <string>Group</string>
-                        </tuple>
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-                          <string>activity</string>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
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-                <item>
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-                <item>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>selection_name</string> </key>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>sort</string> </key>
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-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>title</string>
-                          <string>title</string>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Sale Trade Conditions</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>url_columns</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list/>
-                    </value>
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+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
@@ -556,23 +96,4 @@
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@@ -65,8 +65,23 @@
             <key> <string>_body</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>return context.generatePredicate(multimembership_criterion_base_category_list = (\'destination\',\'destination_section\',\'group\'),\n
-                                                      criterion_property_list = (\'start_date\',))\n
+            <value> <string>category_list = [\n
+  \'source\', \'source_section\',\n
+  \'destination\', \'destination_section\',\n
+criterion_list = []\n
+for category in category_list:\n
+  if context.getPropertyList(category):\n
+    criterion_list.append(category)\n
+  start_date_range_min=context.getEffectiveDate(),\n
+  start_date_range_max=context.getExpirationDate(),\n
+return date_context.generatePredicate(multimembership_criterion_base_category_list=criterion_list,\n
+                                                      criterion_property_list=(\'start_date\',))\n
 </string> </value>
@@ -117,8 +132,13 @@
+                            <string>category_list</string>
+                            <string>criterion_list</string>
+                            <string>_getiter_</string>
+                            <string>category</string>
+                            <string>date_context</string>
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@@ -87,7 +87,10 @@
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-                      <list/>
+                      <list>
+                        <string>my_group</string>
+                        <string>my_activity</string>
+                      </list>
@@ -96,7 +99,8 @@
-                        <string>my_source_administration_title</string>
+                        <string>my_source_title</string>
+                        <string>my_source_decision_title</string>
@@ -107,9 +111,9 @@
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+                        <string>my_destination_section_title</string>
-                        <string>my_group</string>
-                        <string>my_activity</string>
+                        <string>my_destination_decision_title</string>
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+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
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@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
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@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
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@@ -122,11 +122,11 @@
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+                    <value> <string>my_source_decision_title</string> </value>
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@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
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@@ -122,11 +122,11 @@
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+                    <value> <string>my_source_title</string> </value>
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+                    <value> <string>SaleTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
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@@ -102,8 +102,6 @@
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-                        <string>my_expiration_date</string>
@@ -115,6 +113,11 @@
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+                        <string>my_source_payment</string>
+                        <string>my_destination_payment</string>
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@@ -12,9 +12,7 @@
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@@ -67,10 +65,6 @@
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@@ -80,20 +74,16 @@
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-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Activity</string> </value>
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@@ -83,24 +74,16 @@
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-                    <value> <string>Comments</string> </value>
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@@ -76,20 +74,16 @@
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-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Delivery Mode</string> </value>
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@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@
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@@ -84,7 +78,7 @@
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_destination_administration_title.xml
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@@ -77,35 +74,16 @@
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-                    <value> <string>my_relation_field</string> </value>
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-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                        </tuple>
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-                          <string>Person</string>
-                          <string>Person</string>
-                        </tuple>
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-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Invoice Recipient</string> </value>
-                </item>
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@@ -12,10 +12,7 @@
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-                <string>portal_type</string>
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@@ -77,35 +74,16 @@
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-                          <string>Organisation</string>
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-                          <string>Person</string>
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-                      </list>
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-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Buyer</string> </value>
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@@ -77,35 +74,16 @@
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-                          <string>Organisation</string>
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-                          <string>Person</string>
-                          <string>Person</string>
-                        </tuple>
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-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Payer</string> </value>
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@@ -89,77 +72,22 @@
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-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string>my_relation_field</string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string>Client Project</string> </value>
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@@ -12,10 +12,7 @@
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-              <list>
-                <string>title</string>
-                <string>portal_type</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -64,12 +61,6 @@
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -83,51 +74,20 @@
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>my_relation_field</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_destination_section_title</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>portal_type</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Node Group</string>
-                          <string>Node Group</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Client</string> </value>
-                </item>
-  <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
-    <pickle>
-      <tuple>
-        <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/>
-        <tuple/>
-      </tuple>
-    </pickle>
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-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>python: [[x, x] for x in here.getPortalNodeTypeList()]</string> </value>
-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
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@@ -12,10 +12,7 @@
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-                <string>title</string>
-                <string>portal_type</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -77,35 +74,16 @@
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-                    <value> <string>my_relation_field</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_destination_title</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>portal_type</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Person</string>
-                          <string>Person</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Recipient or Beneficiary</string> </value>
-                </item>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_effective_date.xml
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-              <list>
-                <string>title</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -76,20 +74,16 @@
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-                    <value> <string>my_date</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_effective_date</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
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                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Effective Date</string> </value>
-                </item>
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@@ -12,9 +12,7 @@
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-                <string>title</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -76,20 +74,16 @@
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-                    <value> <string>my_date</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_expiration_date</string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Expiration Date</string> </value>
-                </item>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_group.xml
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@@ -12,9 +12,7 @@
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-              <list>
-                <string>title</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -76,20 +74,16 @@
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>my_category</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_group</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Group</string> </value>
-                </item>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_incoterm.xml
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@@ -12,9 +12,7 @@
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-              <list>
-                <string>title</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -76,20 +74,16 @@
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-                    <value> <string>my_category</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_incoterm</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
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                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Incoterm</string> </value>
-                </item>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_price_currency.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_price_currency.xml
@@ -12,10 +12,7 @@
             <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
-              <list>
-                <string>title</string>
-                <string>items</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -64,12 +61,6 @@
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>items</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -83,40 +74,20 @@
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>my_category</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_price_currency</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Currency</string> </value>
-                </item>
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-      <tuple>
-        <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/>
-        <tuple/>
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-    <pickle>
-      <dictionary>
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>python:here.CurrencyModule_getCurrencyItemList()</string> </value>
-        </item>
-      </dictionary>
-    </pickle>
-  </record>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
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+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
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+        <item>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
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+                <string>title</string>
+                <string>columns</string>
+                <string>all_columns</string>
+                <string>search_columns</string>
+                <string>selection_name</string>
+                <string>portal_types</string>
+                <string>domain_root_list</string>
+                <string>report_root_list</string>
+              </list>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>id</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>my_sale_trade_condition_module_listbox</string> </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>all_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Purchase Trade Condition</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_source_section_title</string>
+                          <string>Supplier</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_source_title</string>
+                          <string>Sender or Provider</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_section_title</string>
+                          <string>Client</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_title</string>
+                          <string>Recipient or Beneficiary</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>effective_date</string>
+                          <string>Effective Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>expiration_date</string>
+                          <string>Expiration Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>translated_validation_state_title</string>
+                          <string>State</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Purchase Trade Condition</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_source_section_title</string>
+                          <string>Supplier</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_source_title</string>
+                          <string>Sender or Provider</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_section_title</string>
+                          <string>Client</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_title</string>
+                          <string>Recipient or Beneficiary</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>effective_date</string>
+                          <string>Effective Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>expiration_date</string>
+                          <string>Expiration Date</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>translated_validation_state_title</string>
+                          <string>State</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>domain_root_list</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>source_section</string>
+                          <string>Source Section</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>incoterm</string>
+                          <string>Incoterm</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>delivery_mode</string>
+                          <string>Delivery Mode</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_purchase_trade_condition_module_listbox</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>portal_types</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>Sale Trade Condition</string>
+                          <string>Sale Trade Condition</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>report_root_list</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>source_section</string>
+                          <string>Source Section</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>incoterm</string>
+                          <string>Incoterm</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>delivery_mode</string>
+                          <string>Delivery Mode</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>search_columns</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <list>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>title</string>
+                          <string>Purchase Trade Condition</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_source_section_title</string>
+                          <string>Supplier</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_source_title</string>
+                          <string>Sender or Provider</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_section_title</string>
+                          <string>Client</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>default_destination_title</string>
+                          <string>Recipient or Beneficiary</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                        <tuple>
+                          <string>translated_validation_state_title</string>
+                          <string>State</string>
+                        </tuple>
+                      </list>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>selection_name</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>sale_trade_condition_selection</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Sale Trade Conditions</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_source_administration_title.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary/my_source_administration_title.xml
@@ -12,10 +12,7 @@
             <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
-              <list>
-                <string>title</string>
-                <string>portal_type</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -77,35 +74,16 @@
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>my_relation_field</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_source_administration_title</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>portal_type</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Person</string>
-                          <string>Person</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Invoice Sender</string> </value>
-                </item>
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@@ -12,10 +12,7 @@
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-                <string>title</string>
-                <string>portal_type</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -77,35 +74,16 @@
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-                    <value> <string>my_relation_field</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_source_decision_title</string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>portal_type</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Person</string>
-                          <string>Person</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
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                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Seller</string> </value>
-                </item>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
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+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
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+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
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+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
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-                <string>title</string>
-                <string>portal_type</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -77,35 +74,16 @@
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-                    <value> <string>my_relation_field</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_source_payment_title</string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>portal_type</string> </key>
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-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Person</string>
-                          <string>Person</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
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                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Payee</string> </value>
-                </item>
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@@ -12,12 +12,7 @@
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-              <list>
-                <string>title</string>
-                <string>portal_type</string>
-                <string>allow_creation</string>
-                <string>enabled</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -58,12 +53,6 @@
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-                    <value>
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@@ -89,77 +72,22 @@
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-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>allow_creation</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string>my_relation_field</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_source_project_title</string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>portal_type</string> </key>
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-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>(tales)</string>
-                          <string>(tales)</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Supplier Project</string> </value>
-                </item>
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-            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
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-            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
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-                <string>title</string>
-                <string>portal_type</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -77,35 +74,16 @@
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-                    <value> <string>my_relation_field</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_source_section_title</string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>portal_type</string> </key>
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-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Person</string>
-                          <string>Person</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
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                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Supplier</string> </value>
-                </item>
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@@ -12,10 +12,7 @@
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-                <string>title</string>
-                <string>portal_type</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -77,35 +74,16 @@
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-                    <value> <string>my_relation_field</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>my_source_title</string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>portal_type</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                          <string>Organisation</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Person</string>
-                          <string>Person</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
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                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Sender or Provider</string> </value>
-                </item>
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@@ -9,12 +9,6 @@
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-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
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@@ -84,7 +78,7 @@
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-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
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@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
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-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SaleTradeCondition_viewProfile.xml
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@@ -85,18 +85,21 @@
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+                        <string>my_destination_payment_title</string>
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-                        <string>my_source_title</string>
+                        <string>my_source_title</string>
-                        <string>my_source_payment_title</string>
+                        <string>my_source_payment</string>
@@ -105,11 +108,11 @@
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+                        <string>my_destination_title</string>
-                        <string>my_destination_payment_title</string>
+                        <string>my_destination_payment</string>
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+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
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+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+                </item>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
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+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
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+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
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+                </item>
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+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
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+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_source_payment</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>SaleTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyCell_asPredicate.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyCell_asPredicate.xml
index 750b375f5d..62579b2d91 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyCell_asPredicate.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyCell_asPredicate.xml
@@ -72,6 +72,12 @@ if context.getSource():\n
 if context.getDestination():\n
   base_category_tuple += (\'destination\',)\n
+#backwards compatibility\n
+mapped_value_property_list = context.getMappedValuePropertyList()\n
+if not \'priced_quantity\' in mapped_value_property_list:\n
+  mapped_value_property_list.append(\'priced_quantity\')\n
+  context.setMappedValuePropertyList(mapped_value_property_list)\n
 return context.generatePredicate(membership_criterion_base_category_list = base_category_tuple,\n
                                                  criterion_property_list = (\'start_date\',))\n
 </string> </value>
@@ -128,6 +134,7 @@ return context.generatePredicate(membership_criterion_base_category_list = base_
+                            <string>mapped_value_property_list</string>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyLine_asPredicate.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyLine_asPredicate.xml
index 544a0b674f..136393a23c 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyLine_asPredicate.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyLine_asPredicate.xml
@@ -72,6 +72,12 @@ if context.getSource():\n
 if context.getDestination():\n
   base_category_tuple += (\'destination\',)\n
+#backwards compatibility\n
+mapped_value_property_list = context.getMappedValuePropertyList()\n
+if not \'priced_quantity\' in mapped_value_property_list:\n
+  mapped_value_property_list.append(\'priced_quantity\')\n
+  context.setMappedValuePropertyList(mapped_value_property_list)\n
 return context.generatePredicate(membership_criterion_base_category_list = base_category_tuple,\n
                                                  criterion_property_list = (\'start_date\',))\n
 </string> </value>
@@ -122,6 +128,7 @@ return context.generatePredicate(membership_criterion_base_category_list = base_
+                            <string>mapped_value_property_list</string>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyLine_init.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyLine_init.xml
index 80097eb31e..0b71104073 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyLine_init.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyLine_init.xml
@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ context.setMappedValuePropertyList([\n
                     \'base_price\', \'additional_price\',\n
                     \'discount_ratio\', \'exclusive_discount_ratio\',\n
                     \'surcharge_ratio\', \'variable_additional_price\',\n
-                    \'non_discountable_additional_price\'\n
+                    \'non_discountable_additional_price\',\n
+                    \'priced_quantity\',\n
 </string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyLine_validateQuantityStepList.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyLine_validateQuantityStepList.xml
index 08dd5baa74..25f1824054 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyLine_validateQuantityStepList.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/SupplyLine_validateQuantityStepList.xml
@@ -87,12 +87,6 @@ return 1\n
-        <item>
-            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
-            <value>
-              <none/>
-            </value>
-        </item>
             <key> <string>_params</string> </key>
             <value> <string>editor, request</string> </value>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/TradeCondition_viewDiscount.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/TradeCondition_viewDiscount.xml
index 2ce983eb32..0973aebe81 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/TradeCondition_viewDiscount.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/TradeCondition_viewDiscount.xml
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@
             <key> <string>action</string> </key>
             <value> <string>Base_edit</string> </value>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>description</string> </key>
+            <value> <string></string> </value>
+        </item>
             <key> <string>encoding</string> </key>
             <value> <string>UTF-8</string> </value>
@@ -87,7 +91,13 @@
                     <key> <string>hidden</string> </key>
-                      <list/>
+                      <list>
+                        <string>listbox_discount</string>
+                        <string>listbox_discount_ratio</string>
+                        <string>listbox_discount_type</string>
+                        <string>listbox_immediate_discount</string>
+                        <string>listbox_int_index</string>
+                      </list>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/TradeCondition_viewDiscount/listbox.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/TradeCondition_viewDiscount/listbox.xml
index 1adb4cb791..edcce7bfaf 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/TradeCondition_viewDiscount/listbox.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/TradeCondition_viewDiscount/listbox.xml
@@ -3,12 +3,24 @@
   <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
-        <global name="ListBox" module="Products.ERP5Form.ListBox"/>
+        <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_owner</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <none/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <list/>
+            </value>
+        </item>
             <key> <string>id</string> </key>
             <value> <string>listbox</string> </value>
@@ -29,135 +41,15 @@
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>all_editable_columns</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>columns</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default_params</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>domain_tree</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>global_attributes</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>list_method</string> </key>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>portal_types</string> </key>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>report_root_list</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>report_tree</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>search</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>search_columns</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>select</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>selection_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>sort</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>sort_columns</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>stat_columns</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <key> <string>stat_method</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>url_columns</string> </key>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -168,135 +60,15 @@
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>all_editable_columns</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>default</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>description</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>enabled</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>sort_columns</string> </key>
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-                    <key> <string>stat_columns</string> </key>
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-                <item>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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@@ -307,226 +79,16 @@
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-                          <string>title</string>
-                          <string>Discount</string>
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-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>description</string>
-                          <string>Description</string>
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-                        <tuple>
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-                          <string>Discount Ratio</string>
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-                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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-                          <string>Description</string>
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-                          <string>Discount type</string>
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-                          <string>Discount</string>
-                          <string>Discount</string>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>report_root_list</string> </key>
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-                          <string>Discount type</string>
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-                    <value> <int>0</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>selection_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>discount_selection</string> </value>
-                </item>
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-                    <key> <string>sort</string> </key>
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-                          <string>title</string>
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-                <item>
-                    <key> <string>title</string> </key>
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-                <item>
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-                    </value>
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+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
@@ -534,20 +96,4 @@
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+                    <value> <string>Discount_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
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+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
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+                </item>
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+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
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+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Discount_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
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+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
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-                        <string>listbox_efficiency</string>
-                        <string>listbox_payment_date</string>
-                        <string>listbox_payment_end_of_month</string>
-                        <string>listbox_payment_term</string>
+                        <string>my_payment_condition_source_payment</string>
+                        <string>my_payment_condition_destination_payment</string>
+                        <string>listbox_int_index</string>
+                        <string>my_payment_condition_quantity</string>
+                        <string>my_payment_condition_efficiency</string>
@@ -100,11 +101,6 @@
-                        <string>my_payment_condition_quantity</string>
-                        <string>my_payment_condition_efficiency</string>
-                        <string>my_payment_condition_payment_date</string>
-                        <string>my_payment_condition_source_payment</string>
-                        <string>my_payment_condition_destination_payment</string>
@@ -113,10 +109,11 @@
+                        <string>my_payment_condition_trade_date</string>
+                        <string>my_payment_condition_payment_date</string>
-                        <string>my_payment_condition_trade_date</string>
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-                <string>title</string>
-                <string>columns</string>
-                <string>sort</string>
-                <string>selection_name</string>
-                <string>portal_types</string>
-                <string>anchor</string>
-                <string>editable_columns</string>
-                <string>domain_root_list</string>
-                <string>report_root_list</string>
-              </list>
+              <list/>
@@ -82,156 +72,18 @@
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-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>anchor</string> </key>
-                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>columns</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>translated_id</string>
-                          <string>Payment Condition Function</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>title</string>
-                          <string>Title</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>description</string>
-                          <string>Description</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>quantity</string>
-                          <string>Total</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>efficiency</string>
-                          <string>Percentage of Total</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>source_payment_title</string>
-                          <string>Payee</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>destination_payment_title</string>
-                          <string>Payer</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>payment_term</string>
-                          <string>Term (days)</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>payment_end_of_month</string>
-                          <string>End of Month</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>payment_date</string>
-                          <string>Payment Date</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>domain_root_list</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>payment_mode</string>
-                          <string>Payment Mode</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>trade_date</string>
-                          <string>Reference date</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
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-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>editable_columns</string> </key>
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-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>quantity</string>
-                          <string>Total</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>efficiency</string>
-                          <string>Percentage Of Total</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>payment_term</string>
-                          <string>Payment Delay</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>payment_end_of_month</string>
-                          <string>Payment At The End Of Month</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>payment_date</string>
-                          <string>Payment Date</string>
-                        </tuple>
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-                </item>
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-                    <value> <string>my_view_mode_listbox</string> </value>
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-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>portal_types</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>Payment Condition</string>
-                          <string>Payment Condition</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>report_root_list</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>payment_mode</string>
-                          <string>Payment Mode</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>trade_date</string>
-                          <string>Reference date</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>selection_name</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>payment_condition_selection</string> </value>
-                </item>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>sort</string> </key>
-                    <value>
-                      <list>
-                        <tuple>
-                          <string>title</string>
-                          <string>title</string>
-                        </tuple>
-                      </list>
-                    </value>
+                    <value> <string>PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
                     <key> <string>target</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
-                <item>
-                    <key>                 <string>title</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Additional Payments</string> </value>
-                </item>
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+        <item>
+            <key> <string>message_values</string> </key>
+            <value>
+              <dictionary>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value>
+                </item>
+              </dictionary>
+            </value>
+        </item>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>overrides</string> </key>
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+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
+                </item>
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+            <key> <string>tales</string> </key>
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+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string></string> </value>
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+            </value>
+        </item>
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+            <key> <string>values</string> </key>
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+                    <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>my_int_index</string> </value>
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+                    <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>PaymentCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                </item>
+                <item>
+                    <key> <string>target</string> </key>
+                    <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value>
+                </item>
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@@ -72,6 +80,10 @@
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+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
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@@ -90,4 +102,20 @@
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+        <tuple/>
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+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: here.default_payment_condition.getTradeDate() != \'custom\'</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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+                <string>enabled</string>
+              </list>
@@ -53,6 +55,12 @@
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+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
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@@ -72,6 +80,10 @@
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+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                </item>
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                     <value> <string>my_payment_date</string> </value>
@@ -90,4 +102,20 @@
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+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: here.default_payment_condition.getTradeDate() == \'custom\'</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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-              <list/>
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+                <string>enabled</string>
+              </list>
@@ -53,6 +55,12 @@
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+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
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                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -72,6 +80,10 @@
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+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                </item>
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                     <value> <string>my_payment_end_of_month</string> </value>
@@ -90,4 +102,20 @@
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+        <tuple/>
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+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: here.default_payment_condition.getTradeDate() != \'custom\'</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/TradeCondition_viewPayment/my_payment_condition_payment_term.xml
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@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
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-              <list/>
+              <list>
+                <string>enabled</string>
+              </list>
@@ -53,6 +55,12 @@
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+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value>
+                      <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent>
+                    </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string></string> </value>
@@ -72,6 +80,10 @@
             <key> <string>values</string> </key>
+                <item>
+                    <key>                 <string>enabled</string> </key>
+                    <value> <int>1</int> </value>
+                </item>
                     <key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
                     <value> <string>my_payment_term</string> </value>
@@ -90,4 +102,20 @@
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+    <pickle>
+      <tuple>
+        <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/>
+        <tuple/>
+      </tuple>
+    </pickle>
+    <pickle>
+      <dictionary>
+        <item>
+            <key> <string>_text</string> </key>
+            <value> <string>python: here.default_payment_condition.getTradeDate() != \'custom\'</string> </value>
+        </item>
+      </dictionary>
+    </pickle>
+  </record>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/TradeCondition_viewPayment/my_title.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_trade/TradeCondition_viewPayment/my_title.xml
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
-                    <key> <string>editable</string> </key>
+                    <key>                 <string>editable</string> </key>
                     <value> <int>0</int> </value>
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
                     <key> <string>form_id</string> </key>
-                    <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
+                    <value> <string>PurchaseTradeCondition_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value>
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index 5061c252b8..db0eed3416 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/scripts/Order_validateData.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/scripts/Order_validateData.xml
@@ -65,36 +65,10 @@
             <key> <string>_body</string> </key>
-            <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
-# This script check that necessary data exists on Order\n
-from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import ValidationFailed\n
+            <value> <string># This script check that necessary data exists on Order\n
 order = state_change[\'object\']\n
-error_message = \'\'\n
-message_list = []\n
-if order.getStopDate() is not None  and order.getStartDate() is not None: \n
-    if (order.getStopDate() < order.getStartDate()):\n
-        message_list.append("Stop date before Start date") \n
-if order.getSource() is None:\n
-  message_list.append(\'No Source\')\n
-if order.getStartDate() is None and order.getStopDate() is not None:\n
-  order.setStartDate(order.getStopDate())\n
-if order.getStartDate() is None:\n
-  message_list.append("No Date")\n
-if order.getDestination() is None:\n
-  message_list.append(\'No Destination\')\n
-for line in order.objectValues(portal_type=order.getPortalOrderMovementTypeList()):\n
-  if line.getResourceValue() is None:\n
-    message_list.append("No Resource for line with id: %s" % line.getId())\n
-if len(message_list) > 0:\n
-  raise ValidationFailed, "Warning: " + " --- ".join(message_list)\n
-]]></string> </value>
+</string> </value>
             <key> <string>_code</string> </key>
@@ -144,17 +118,9 @@ if len(message_list) > 0:\n
-                            <string>Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow</string>
-                            <string>ValidationFailed</string>
-                            <string>error_message</string>
-                            <string>message_list</string>
-                            <string>None</string>
-                            <string>_getiter_</string>
-                            <string>line</string>
-                            <string>len</string>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/draft_purchase.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/draft_purchase.xml
index c6630107cc..95f7565b5a 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/draft_purchase.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/draft_purchase.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
             <key> <string>actbox_name</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>Drafts of purchase orders (%(count)s)</string> </value>
+            <value> <string>Purchase Orders to Plan (%(count)s)</string> </value>
             <key> <string>actbox_url</string> </key>
@@ -57,17 +57,14 @@ purchase_order_module?simulation_state=draft&portal_type=Purchase+Order&local_ro
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-          <string>Persistence</string>
-          <string>PersistentMapping</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
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+        <tuple/>
-            <key> <string>_container</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>data</string> </key>
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index 4e1618a618..cf1d1c709d 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/draft_sale.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/draft_sale.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
             <key> <string>actbox_name</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>Drafts of sale orders (%(count)s)</string> </value>
+            <value> <string>Sale Orders to Plan (%(count)s)</string> </value>
             <key> <string>actbox_url</string> </key>
@@ -57,17 +57,14 @@ sale_order_module?simulation_state=draft&portal_type=Sale+Order&local_roles=%(lo
   <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI=">
-        <tuple>
-          <string>Persistence</string>
-          <string>PersistentMapping</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
+        <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/>
+        <tuple/>
-            <key> <string>_container</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>data</string> </key>
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index 06b9afafce..b157058d7f 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/ordered_purchase.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/ordered_purchase.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
             <key> <string>actbox_name</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>Purchase orders not confirmed (%(count)s)</string> </value>
+            <value> <string>Purchase Orders to Confirm (%(count)s)</string> </value>
             <key> <string>actbox_url</string> </key>
@@ -57,17 +57,14 @@ purchase_order_module?simulation_state=ordered&portal_type=Purchase+Order&local_
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-        <tuple>
-          <string>Persistence</string>
-          <string>PersistentMapping</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
+        <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/>
+        <tuple/>
-            <key> <string>_container</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>data</string> </key>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/ordered_sale.xml b/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/ordered_sale.xml
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/ordered_sale.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/ordered_sale.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
             <key> <string>actbox_name</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>Sale orders not confirmed (%(count)s)</string> </value>
+            <value> <string>Sale Orders to Confirm (%(count)s)</string> </value>
             <key> <string>actbox_url</string> </key>
@@ -57,17 +57,14 @@ sale_order_module?simulation_state=ordered&portal_type=Sale+Order&local_roles=%(
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-        <tuple>
-          <string>Persistence</string>
-          <string>PersistentMapping</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
+        <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/>
+        <tuple/>
-            <key> <string>_container</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>data</string> </key>
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index 14dca1b106..a2998b49df 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/planned_purchase.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/planned_purchase.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
             <key> <string>actbox_name</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>Plans of purchase orders (%(count)s)</string> </value>
+            <value> <string>Purchase Orders to Order (%(count)s)</string> </value>
             <key> <string>actbox_url</string> </key>
@@ -57,17 +57,14 @@ purchase_order_module?simulation_state=planned&portal_type=Purchase+Order&local_
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-        <tuple>
-          <string>Persistence</string>
-          <string>PersistentMapping</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
+        <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/>
+        <tuple/>
-            <key> <string>_container</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>data</string> </key>
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--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/planned_sale.xml
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/order_workflow/worklists/planned_sale.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
             <key> <string>actbox_name</string> </key>
-            <value> <string>Plans of sale orders (%(count)s)</string> </value>
+            <value> <string>Sale Orders to Order (%(count)s)</string> </value>
             <key> <string>actbox_url</string> </key>
@@ -57,17 +57,14 @@ sale_order_module?simulation_state=planned&portal_type=Sale+Order&local_roles=%(
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-        <tuple>
-          <string>Persistence</string>
-          <string>PersistentMapping</string>
-        </tuple>
-        <none/>
+        <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/>
+        <tuple/>
-            <key> <string>_container</string> </key>
+            <key> <string>data</string> </key>
diff --git a/bt5/erp5_trade/bt/revision b/bt5/erp5_trade/bt/revision
index e3e1916cf5..66321c084c 100644
--- a/bt5/erp5_trade/bt/revision
+++ b/bt5/erp5_trade/bt/revision
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file