msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ERP5 Localized Content\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-03-03 17:03+CET\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-03-03 17:03+CET\n"
"Last-Translator:  <>\n"
"Language-Team: fr <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

msgid "Accounting"
msgstr "Comptabilité"

msgid "Accounting & Finance"
msgstr "Comptabilité & finance"

msgid "Accounting & Finance Manager"
msgstr "Chef comptable et financier"

msgid "Accounting Agent"
msgstr "Comptable"

msgid "Accounting Manager"
msgstr "Chef comptable"

msgid "Accounts Payable"
msgstr "Dettes à court terme"

msgid "Activities of membership organizations"
msgstr "Hébergement médico-social et social"

msgid "Activities of private households"
msgstr "Activités des ménages en tant qu'employeurs ; activités indifférenciées des ménages en tant que producteurs de biens et services pour usage propre"

msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administration"

msgid "Administrative Support"
msgstr "Assistance administrative"

msgid "Advertisement"
msgstr "Publicité"

msgid "Advertisment"
msgstr "Publicité"

msgid "Afghan"
msgstr "Afghan"

msgid "Afghanistan"
msgstr "Afghanistan"

msgid "Agent"
msgstr "Employé"

msgid "Agriculture & Hunting"
msgstr "Culture et production animale, chasse et services annexes"

msgid "Agriculture & forestry"
msgstr "Agriculture, sylviculture et pêche"

msgid "Agriculture & hunting"
msgstr "Culture et production animale, chasse et services annexes"

msgid "Air transport"
msgstr "Transports aériens"

msgid "Albania"
msgstr "Albanie"

msgid "Announcement"
msgstr "Annonce"

msgid "Apparel and Luggage and Personal Care Products"
msgstr "Habillement, bagages et produits d'hygiène personnelle"

msgid "Area"
msgstr "Surface"

msgid "Asset"
msgstr "Actif"

msgid "Auxiliary activities"
msgstr "Activités auxiliaires de services financiers et d'assurance"

msgid "Bank"
msgstr "Banque"

msgid "Base Application"
msgstr "Appliqué sur"

msgid "Base Contribution"
msgstr "Contribue à"

msgid "Base Salary"
msgstr "Salaire de base"

msgid "Basic Metal"
msgstr "Métallurgie"

msgid "Building and Construction Machinery and Accessories"
msgstr "Engins et accessoires de chantier et de construction"

msgid "Building and Construction and Maintenance Services"
msgstr "Services de construction et d'entretien de bâtiment"

msgid "By Air"
msgstr "Aérien"

msgid "By Mail"
msgstr "Courrier"

msgid "By Road"
msgstr "Routier"

msgid "By Sea"
msgstr "Maritime"

msgid "Campaigns"
msgstr "Campagnes"

msgid "Carriage Paid To"
msgstr "Carriage Paid To (CPT)"

msgid "Carriage and Insurance Paid to"
msgstr "Carriage and Insurance Paid to (CIP)"

msgid "Cash"
msgstr "Trésorerie"

msgid "Cash and Cash Equivalents"
msgstr "Disponibilités"

msgid "Chemical products"
msgstr "Industrie chimique"

msgid "Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials"
msgstr "Produits chimiques, biochimiques et gazeux"

msgid "Cheque"
msgstr "Chèque"

msgid "Cleaning Equipment and Supplies"
msgstr "Matériel et fournitures de nettoyage"

msgid "Client"
msgstr "Client"

msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Horloge"

msgid "Coal & lignite"
msgstr "Extraction de houille et de lignite"

msgid "Cohabitating"
msgstr "Concubinage"

msgid "Coke, refined petroleum & nuclear fuel"
msgstr "Cokéfaction et raffinage"

msgid "Collaborative"
msgstr "Collaboratif"

msgid "Collected VAT"
msgstr "TVA collectée"

msgid "Collection, purification & distribution of water"
msgstr "Captage, traitement et distribution d'eau"

msgid "Commercial and Military and Private Vehicles and their Accessories"
msgstr "Véhicules commerciaux, militaires et privés, accessoires et composants"

msgid "Company"
msgstr "Entreprise"

msgid "Company Agent"
msgstr "Employé"

msgid "Company Executive"
msgstr "Cadre"

msgid "Company Manager"
msgstr "Directeur"

msgid "Complaint"
msgstr "Plainte"

msgid "Computer & related activities"
msgstr "Programmation, conseil et autres activités informatiques"

msgid "Conference"
msgstr "Conference"

msgid "Construction"
msgstr "Construction"

msgid "Consumers' cooperative"
msgstr "Coopérative"

msgid "Cost and Freight"
msgstr "Cost and Freight (CFR)"

msgid "Cost of Sales"
msgstr "Coût des marchandises vendues"

msgid "Cost, Insurance and Freight"
msgstr "Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF)"

msgid "Credit Card"
msgstr "Carte de crédit"

msgid "Cubic Meter"
msgstr "Mètre cube"

msgid "Current Assets"
msgstr "Actif circulant"

msgid "Current Liabilities"
msgstr "Passif circulant"

msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Spécifique"

msgid "Day"
msgstr "Jour"

msgid "Deductible Tax"
msgstr "Cotisation déductible"

msgid "Defense and Law Enforcement and Security and Safety Equipment"
msgstr "Équipements et fournitures pour la défense, l'application de la loi, la sécurité et la protection"

msgid "Delivered At Frontier"
msgstr "Delivered At Frontier (DAF)"

msgid "Delivered Duty Paid"
msgstr "Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)"

msgid "Delivered Duty Unpaid"
msgstr "Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU)"

msgid "Delivered Ex Quay"
msgstr "Delivered Ex Quay (DEQ)"

msgid "Delivered Ex Ship"
msgstr "Delivered Ex Ship (DES)"

msgid "Deprecation of Financials Assets"
msgstr "Amortissement des immobilisations financières"

msgid "Deprecation of Fixed Assets"
msgstr "Amortissement des immobilisations"

msgid "Deprecation of Intangible Assets"
msgstr "Amortissement des immobilisations incorporelles"

msgid "Deprecation of inventories"
msgstr "Depreciation du stock"

msgid "Design"
msgstr "Design"

msgid "Developer"
msgstr "Developpeur"

msgid "Developer for a Project"
msgstr "Developpeur pour un projet"

msgid "Discounted"
msgstr "Remisé"

msgid "Distribution and Conditioning Systems and Equipment and Components"
msgstr "Équipements, composants et systèmes de conditionnement et de distribution de fluides"

msgid "Divorced"
msgstr "Divorcé(e)"

msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentation"

msgid "Domestic Appliances and Supplies and Consumer Electronic Products"
msgstr "Mobilier, équipements domestiques, appareils ménager et électronique grand public"

msgid "Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products"
msgstr "Médicaments et produits pharmaceutiques"

msgid "ERP5 Worklists"
msgstr "Listes de travail ERP5"

msgid "Editorial and Design and Graphic and Fine Art Services"
msgstr "Services éditorial, de conception, de dessin, graphique et beaux arts"

msgid "Education"
msgstr "Enseignement"

msgid "Education and Training Services"
msgstr "Services d'enseignement et de formation"

msgid "Electrical Systems and Lighting and Components and Accessories"
msgstr "Installations, éclairages, composants, accessoires électriques"

msgid "Electrical machinery & apparatus"
msgstr "Fabrication d'équipements électriques"

msgid "Electricity, gas & water"
msgstr "Production et distribution d'électricité, de gaz, de vapeur et d'air conditionné"

msgid "Electricity, gas, steam & hot water supply"
msgstr "Production et distribution d'électricité, de gaz, de vapeur et d'air conditionné"

msgid "Electronic Components and Supplies"
msgstr "Composants et fournitures électroniques"

msgid "Employee Share"
msgstr "Part Salariale"

msgid "Employer Share"
msgstr "Part Employeur"

msgid "Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services"
msgstr "Services d'ingénierie et de recherche et services technologiques"

msgid "Environmental Services"
msgstr "Services de l'environnement"

msgid "Equipment Components & Supplies"
msgstr "Equipement et composants"

msgid "Equity"
msgstr "Capitaux propres"

msgid "Ex Works"
msgstr "Ex Works (EXW)"

msgid "Executive"
msgstr "Cadre"

msgid "Expense"
msgstr "Charges"

msgid "Extraterritorial organizations & bodies"
msgstr "Activités extra-territoriales"

msgid "Fabricated metal products except machinery"
msgstr "Fabrication de produits métalliques, à l'exception des machines et des équipements"

msgid "Farming and Fishing and Forestry and Wildlife Contracting Services"
msgstr "Services professionnels pour l'agriculture, la pêche, la sylviculture et la faune sauvage"

msgid "Farming and Fishing and Forestry and Wildlife Machinery and Accessories"
msgstr "Machines et accessoires pour l'agriculture, la pêche, et l'exploitation forestière"

msgid "Feed Reader"
msgstr "Lecteur de flux RSS"

msgid "Female"
msgstr "Femme"

msgid "Financial Reports"
msgstr "Rapports financiers"

msgid "Financial Support"
msgstr "Assistance en finance"

msgid "Financial and Insurance Services"
msgstr "Services Financiers et d'Assurance"

msgid "Financial intermediation"
msgstr "Activités financières et d'assurance"

msgid "Financial intermediation except insurance"
msgstr "Activités des services financiers, hors assurance et caisses de retraite"

msgid "Financials Assets"
msgstr "Immobilisations financières"

msgid "Fishing & aquaculture"
msgstr "Pêche et aquaculture"

msgid "Fixed Assets"
msgstr "Immobilisations corporelles"

msgid "Food Beverage and Tobacco Products"
msgstr "Aliments, boissons et tabacs"

msgid "Food products & beverages"
msgstr "Industries alimentaires"

msgid "Foreign Languages"
msgstr "Langues vivantes"

msgid "Forestry"
msgstr "Sylviculture et exploitation forestière"

msgid "Free Alongside Ship"
msgstr "Free Alongside Ship (FAS)"

msgid "Free Carrier"
msgstr "Free Carrier (FCA)"

msgid "Free On Board"
msgstr "Free On Board (FOB)"

msgid "Fuels and Fuel Additives and Lubricants and Anti corrosive Materials"
msgstr "Combustibles, additifs de combustibles, lubrifiant et matériel anti-corrosif"

msgid "Furniture"
msgstr "Fabrication de meubles"

msgid "Furniture and Furnishings"
msgstr "Meubles et ameublements"

msgid "Goods-producing activities for own use"
msgstr "Activités indifférenciées des ménages en tant que producteurs de biens pour usage proprepour usage propre"

msgid "Google Calendar"
msgstr "Calendrier Google"

msgid "Google clock"
msgstr "Horloge Google"

msgid "Gross Salary"
msgstr "Salaire Brut"

msgid "HQ"
msgstr "Direction"

msgid "HR"
msgstr "Ressources humaines"

msgid "Headquarters"
msgstr "Direction"

msgid "Headquarters Agent"
msgstr "Employé de direction"

msgid "Headquarters Executive"
msgstr "Cadre de direction"

msgid "Headquarters Manager"
msgstr "Chef de direction"

msgid "Health & social work"
msgstr "Santé humaine et action sociale"

msgid "Healthcare Services"
msgstr "Services Médicaux"

msgid "Hotels & restaurants"
msgstr "Hébergement et restauration"

msgid "Hour"
msgstr "Heure"

msgid "Human Resources"
msgstr "Ressources humaines"

msgid "Human Resources Agent"
msgstr "Employé des ressources humaines"

msgid "Human Resources Manager"
msgstr "Directeur des ressources humaines"

msgid "Human resources"
msgstr "Ressources humaines"

msgid "IT Support"
msgstr "Assistance en technologie de l'information"

msgid "Income"
msgstr "Produits"

msgid "Industrial Cleaning Services"
msgstr "Services de nettoyage industriel"

msgid "Industrial Equipment"
msgstr "Equipement industriel"

msgid "Industrial Production and Manufacturing Services"
msgstr "Services de production et fabrication industrielles"

msgid "Information"
msgstr "Informations"

msgid "Information Systems"
msgstr "Systèmes d'information"

msgid "Information Systems Manager"
msgstr "Directeur des systèmes d'information"

msgid "Information Technology"
msgstr "Technologie de l'information"

msgid "Information Technology Broadcasting and Telecommunications"
msgstr "Composants, fournitures et équipements informatiques et de communication"

msgid "Inquiry"
msgstr "Enquête"

msgid "Insurance & pension funding"
msgstr "Assurance"

msgid "Intangible Assets"
msgstr "Immobilisations incorporelles"

msgid "Interest Expense"
msgstr "Frais financiers"

msgid "Interest Income"
msgstr "Revenus financiers"

msgid "Internal"
msgstr "Interne"

msgid "Inventories"
msgstr "Stock"

msgid "Invoice"
msgstr "Facture"

msgid "Kilogram"
msgstr "Kilogramme"

msgid "Laboratory and Measuring and Observing and Testing Equipment"
msgstr "Équipements de laboratoire, de mesure, d'observation et de test"

msgid "Land Transport"
msgstr "Transports terrestres et transport par conduites"

msgid "Land transport"
msgstr "Transports terrestres et transport par conduites"

msgid "Legal"
msgstr "Droit"

msgid "Length"
msgstr "Longueur"

msgid "Liability"
msgstr "Passif"

msgid "Limited company (Ltd.)"
msgstr "Société anonyme (SA)"

msgid "Limited liability company (LLC)"
msgstr "Société à responsabilité limitée (SARL)"

msgid "Limited liability partnership (LLP)"
msgstr "Société civile profesionnelle (SCP)"

msgid "Limited partnership (LP)"
msgstr "Fonds communs de placement à risques (FCPR)"

msgid "Litre"
msgstr "Litre"

msgid "Live Plant and Animal Material, Accessories and Supplies"
msgstr "Fournitures, accessoires et matériel pour plantes"

msgid "Loans"
msgstr "Dettes à long terme"

msgid "Long Term Assets"
msgstr "Immobilisations"

msgid "Long Term Liabilities"
msgstr "Dettes à long et moyen terme"

msgid "Low Priority"
msgstr "Priorité basse"

msgid "Machinery & equipment"
msgstr "Fabrication de machines et équipements n.c.a."

msgid "Main site"
msgstr "Site principal"

msgid "Male"
msgstr "Homme"

msgid "Management"
msgstr "Direction"

msgid "Management and Business Professionals and Administrative Services"
msgstr "Services administratifs, commerciaux et professionnels et services de gestion"

msgid "Manufactured Products"
msgstr "Produits finis"

msgid "Manufacturing"
msgstr "Industrie manufacturière"

msgid "Manufacturing Components and Supplies"
msgstr "Composants et fournitures pour la fabrication"

msgid "Market Survey"
msgstr "Etude de marché"

msgid "Marketing"
msgstr "Marketing"

msgid "Marketing Agent"
msgstr "Employé au marketing"

msgid "Marketing Campaign"
msgstr "Campagne marketing"

msgid "Marketing Manager"
msgstr "Directeur marketing"

msgid "Married"
msgstr "Marrié(e)"

msgid "Mass"
msgstr "Poids"

msgid "Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery"
msgstr "Machines pour la manutention, l'emballage et le stockage"

msgid "Media"
msgstr "Media/presse"

msgid "Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies"
msgstr "Matériel, accessoires et fournitures à usage médical"

msgid "Medical, precision & optical instruments"
msgstr "Fabrication de produits optiques et médicaux"

msgid "Meetings"
msgstr "Réunions"

msgid "Metal ores"
msgstr "Extraction de minerais metalliques"

msgid "Meter"
msgstr "Mètre"

msgid "Mineral and Textile and Inedible Plant and Animal Materials"
msgstr "Minéraux, Textiles et Matières Animales et Végétales"

msgid "Mining & quarrying"
msgstr "Industries extractives"

msgid "Mining and Well Drilling Machinery and Accessories"
msgstr "Machines et accessoires pour forage de mines"

msgid "Mining and oil and gas services"
msgstr "Services d'exploitation minière et de forage pour le pétrole et le gaz"

msgid "Minute"
msgstr "Minute"

msgid "Motor vehicles & trailers"
msgstr "Industrie automobile"

msgid "Musical Instruments and Games and Educational Equipment"
msgstr "Instruments de musique, jeux, jouets, et équipements, matériel, accessoires et fournitures"

msgid "National Defense and Public Order and Security and Safety Services"
msgstr "Services de défense nationale, d'ordre public, de secours et de sécurité"

msgid "Net Salary"
msgstr "Salaire net"

msgid "News Feed"
msgstr "Flux RSS"

msgid "Non Deductible Tax"
msgstr "Cotisation non déductible"

msgid "Non Operating Expense"
msgstr "Charges hors exploitation"

msgid "Non Operating Income"
msgstr "Revenu hors exploitation"

msgid "Non Tax Withholding"
msgstr "Retenues sur salaire"

msgid "Non Taxable Bonus"
msgstr "Indemnités non soumises à cotisation"

msgid "Non-metallic mineral products"
msgstr "Fabrication d'autres produits minéraux non métalliques"

msgid "Non-profit organisation"
msgstr "Association à but non lucratif"

msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"

msgid "Office Equipment and Accessories and Supplies"
msgstr "Équipement de bureau, accessoires et fournitures"

msgid "Office, accounting & computing machinery"
msgstr "Autres industries manufacturières"

msgid "Operating Expenses"
msgstr "Charges d'exploitation"

msgid "Operation"
msgstr "Operation"

msgid "Order"
msgstr "Commande"

msgid "Organizations and Clubs"
msgstr "Organizations and Clubs"

msgid "Other"
msgstr "Autres"

msgid "Other Current Liabilities"
msgstr "Autres dettes à court terme"

msgid "Other Marketing Service"
msgstr "Autre service"

msgid "Other Meeting"
msgstr "Autres types de réunion"

msgid "Other Support Service"
msgstr "Autre Service d'assistance"

msgid "Other business activities"
msgstr "Autres activités spécialisées, scientifiques et techniques"

msgid "Other community, social & personal services"
msgstr "Activités de services administratifs et de soutien"

msgid "Other event"
msgstr "Autre évènement"

msgid "Other service activities"
msgstr "Autres services personnels"

msgid "Other transport equipment"
msgstr "Fabrication d'autres matériels de transport"

msgid "Others Liabilities"
msgstr "Autres dettes"

msgid "Overtime"
msgstr "Heures supplémentaires"

msgid "Packing List"
msgstr "Bon de livraison"

msgid "Paper Materials and Products"
msgstr "Matières et produits de papeterie"

msgid "Paper products"
msgstr "Industrie du papier et du carton"

msgid "Partner"
msgstr "Partenaire"

msgid "Partnership Meeting"
msgstr "Réunion de partenariat"

msgid "PayPal"
msgstr "PayPal"

msgid "Payable"
msgstr "Dettes"

msgid "Personal"
msgstr "Personel"

msgid "Personal Management"
msgstr "Développement personnel"

msgid "Personal and Domestic Services"
msgstr "Services personnels et domestiques"

msgid "Persons"
msgstr "Personnes"

msgid "Petroleum & Gas"
msgstr "Extraction d'hydrocarbures"

msgid "Petroleum & gas"
msgstr "Extraction d'hydrocarbures"

msgid "Piece"
msgstr "Unité"

msgid "Politics and Civic Affairs Services"
msgstr "Services politiques et administratifs"

msgid "Post and telecommunications"
msgstr "Activités de poste et de courrier"

msgid "Power Generation and Distribution Machinery and Accessories"
msgstr "Machines et accessoires pour la production et la distribution d'énergie"

msgid "Press Book"
msgstr "Dossier de presse"

msgid "Printing and Photographic and Audio and Visual Equipment and Supplies"
msgstr "Équipements et fournitures pour l'impression, la photographie et l'audiovisuel"

msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privé"

msgid "Product"
msgstr "Produit"

msgid "Production"
msgstr "Production"

msgid "Production Agent"
msgstr "Employé à la production"

msgid "Production Management"
msgstr "Gestion de production"

msgid "Production Manager"
msgstr "Directeur de la production"

msgid "Production – Manufacturing"
msgstr "Production"

msgid "Profit or Loss"
msgstr "Résultat"

msgid "Project"
msgstr "Projet"

msgid "Project Management"
msgstr "Gestion de projet"

msgid "Project Management & Implementation"
msgstr "Direction et réalisation de projets"

msgid "Project Manager"
msgstr "Chef de projet"

msgid "Project Meeting"
msgstr "Réunion de projet"

msgid "Public"
msgstr "Publique"

msgid "Public Utilities and Public Sector Related Services"
msgstr "Services Publics et Services en rapport avec le Secteur Public"

msgid "Public administration & defence"
msgstr "Administration publique"

msgid "Published Products"
msgstr "Produits publiés"

msgid "Publishing, printing of recorded media"
msgstr "Imprimerie et reproduction d'enregistrements"

msgid "Purchase"
msgstr "Achats"

msgid "Purchase Agent"
msgstr "Employé des achats"

msgid "Purchase Manager"
msgstr "Directeur des achats"

msgid "Purchases"
msgstr "Achats"

msgid "Purchases Campaign"
msgstr "Campagne d'achat"

msgid "Purchases Meeting"
msgstr "Réunion avec un fournisseur"

msgid "Quality Assurance"
msgstr "Contrôle de la qualité"

msgid "R&D"
msgstr "R&D"

msgid "R&D Agent"
msgstr "Employé de la recherche et développement"

msgid "Radio,TV & communication equipment"
msgstr "Fabrication de produits informatiques et électroniques"

msgid "Raw Materials"
msgstr "Matières premières"

msgid "Read RSS and ATOM feeds"
msgstr "Lire des flux RSS et ATOM"

msgid "Real estate"
msgstr "Activités immobilières"

msgid "Real estate, renting & business activities"
msgstr "Activités immobilières"

msgid "Receivable"
msgstr "Créances"

msgid "Recreational, cultural & sporting activities"
msgstr "Activités créatives, artistiques et de spectacle"

msgid "Recycling"
msgstr "Réparation et installation de machines et d'équipements"

msgid "Refundable VAT"
msgstr "TVA déductible"

msgid "Renting of machinery"
msgstr "Activités de location et location-bail"

msgid "Research"
msgstr "Recherche"

msgid "Research and Development"
msgstr "Recherche et développement"

msgid "Research and Development Agent"
msgstr "Employé pour la recherche et développement"

msgid "Research and Development Manager"
msgstr "Directeur de la recherche et développement"

msgid "Research and development"
msgstr "Recherche-développement scientifique"

msgid "Resin and Rosin and Rubber and Foam and Film and Elastomeric Materials"
msgstr "Résine, colophanes, caoutchouc, mousse, pellicule et matériaux élastomères"

msgid "Restricted"
msgstr "Restreint"

msgid "Retail trade, except of motor vehicles"
msgstr "Commerce de détail, à l'exception des automobiles et des motocycles"

msgid "Revenue"
msgstr "Revenu d'exploitation"

msgid "Rubber & plastics"
msgstr "Fabrication de produits en caoutchouc et en plastique"

msgid "Salary Range"
msgstr "Tranches"

msgid "Sale & maintenance of motor vehicles"
msgstr "Commerce et réparation d'automobiles et de motocycles"

msgid "Sales"
msgstr "Ventes"

msgid "Sales Agent"
msgstr "Employé des ventes"

msgid "Sales Campaign"
msgstr "Campagne de vente"

msgid "Sales Lead"
msgstr "Prospect intéressé"

msgid "Sales Manager"
msgstr "Directeur des ventes"

msgid "Sales Meeting"
msgstr "Réunion au sujet des ventes"

msgid "Sales Prospect"
msgstr "Prospect à convaincre"

msgid "Selling, General and Administrative Expenses"
msgstr "Frais généraux et administratifs"

msgid "Service"
msgstr "Service"

msgid "Service Industry Machinery and Equipment and Supplies"
msgstr "Machines, équipement et fournitures pour l'industrie des services"

msgid "Service-producing activities for own use"
msgstr "Activités indifférenciées des ménages en tant que producteurs de services pour usage proprepour usage propre"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "Services"

msgid "Sewage & refuse disposal, sanitation"
msgstr "Activités pour la santé humaine"

msgid "Share Capital"
msgstr "Capitaux propres"

msgid "Shareholder"
msgstr "Actionnaire"

msgid "Show all or a set of persons."
msgstr "Voir une sélection de personnes ou toutes les personnes"

msgid "Simple Google Calendar"
msgstr "Calendrier Google simplifié"

msgid "Single"
msgstr "Célibataire"

msgid "Software Developer"
msgstr "Développeur informatique"

msgid "Sole proprietorship"
msgstr "Entreprise individuelle"

msgid "Sports and Recreational Equipment and Supplies and Accessories"
msgstr "Equipements, fournitures, accessoires de sport et de loisirs"

msgid "Square Meter"
msgstr "Mètre carré"

msgid "Staff"
msgstr "Employés"

msgid "Structures and Building and Construction and Manufacturing Components"
msgstr "Constituants et provisions de Structures et bâtiments"

msgid "Subsidiary"
msgstr "Filiale"

msgid "Subsidiary Agent"
msgstr "Employé de filiale"

msgid "Subsidiary Manager"
msgstr "Directeur de filiale"

msgid "Supplier"
msgstr "Fournisseur"

msgid "Supporting & auxiliary activities"
msgstr "Entreposage et services auxiliaires des transports"

msgid "System Administrator"
msgstr "Administrateur système"

msgid "Tanning & dressing of leather"
msgstr "Industrie du cuir et de la chaussure"

msgid "Tax Category"
msgstr "Catégorie de Taxe"

msgid "Taxable"
msgstr "Taxable"

msgid "Team"
msgstr "Equipe"

msgid "Technical Library"
msgstr "Fiches techniques"

msgid "Template"
msgstr "Modèle"

msgid "Textiles"
msgstr "Fabrication de textiles"

msgid "Time"
msgstr "Durée"

msgid "Timepieces and Jewelry and Gemstone Products"
msgstr "Produits d'horlogerie, de bijouterie et gemmes"

msgid "Tobacco products"
msgstr "Fabrication de produits à base de tabac"

msgid "Tools and General Machinery"
msgstr "Outils et machineries"

msgid "Total Deduction"
msgstr "Total retenues"

msgid "Total Income"
msgstr "Total gains"

msgid "Trade and Other Receivables"
msgstr "Créances client"

msgid "Trainee"
msgstr "Stagiaire"

msgid "Transport, storage & communications"
msgstr "Transports et entreposage"

msgid "Transportation and Storage and Mail Services"
msgstr "Services de transport, stockage postal"

msgid "Travel and Food and Lodging and Entertainment Services"
msgstr "Services de divertissement, de loisirs, de restauration, d'hébergement et de tourisme"

msgid "Unit"
msgstr "Unité"

msgid "Uranium"
msgstr "Extraction d'uranium"

msgid "Urgent"
msgstr "Urgent"

msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Volume"

msgid "Warehouse"
msgstr "Entrepôt"

msgid "Warehouse Agent"
msgstr "Employé d'entrepôt"

msgid "Warehouse Manager"
msgstr "Directeur d'entrepôt"

msgid "Water transport"
msgstr "Transports par eau"

msgid "Wearing apparel"
msgstr "Industrie de l'habillement"

msgid "Week"
msgstr "Semaine"

msgid "Wholesale & retail trade; motor vehicles"
msgstr "Commerce et réparation d'automobiles et de motocycles"

msgid "Wholesale trade except of motor vehicles"
msgstr "Commerce de gros, à l'exception des automobiles et des motocycles"

msgid "Widowed"
msgstr "Veuf/veuve"

msgid "Wire Transfer"
msgstr "Virement bancaire"

msgid "Wood products except furniture"
msgstr "Travail du bois et fabrication d'articles en bois et en liège, à l'exception des meubles ; fabrication d'articles en vannerie et sparterie"