• Romain Courteaud's avatar
    [replicateStorage] Replicate all documents/attachments before raising. · e9a130ed
    Romain Courteaud authored
    Accumulate all operations done in a ReplicateReport object.
    This ReplicateReport is returned by the repair method in any case (success or failure).
    If an error occured while replicating a document, do not stop the full process and log the issue in the report.
    Which means repair now always tries to replicate all documents even if one fails.
    Each operation has a code to ease parsing it if needed.
    By default, the report only contains error code (< 100).
    It is possible to change the log level by using the 'report_level' storage parameter.
    If the 'debug' parameter is set to true, codes will also be displayed in the console.log.
replicatestorage_repairattachment.tests.js 141 KB