Commit f8c9dcd7 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Fix Base.skinSuper when returned script has proxy roles

parent ee15dfe2
......@@ -2947,9 +2947,13 @@ class Base( CopyContainer,
if id[:1] != '_' and id[:3] != 'aq_':
skin_info = SKINDATA.get(thread.get_ident())
if skin_info is not None:
object = skinResolve(self.getPortalObject(), (skin_info[0], skin), id)
portal = self.getPortalObject()
object = skinResolve(portal, (skin_info[0], skin), id)
if object is not None:
return object.__of__(self)
# First wrap at the portal to set the owner of the executing script.
# This mimics the usual way to get an object from skin folders,
# and it's required when 'object' is an script with proxy roles.
return object.__of__(portal).__of__(self)
raise AttributeError(id)
def _getAcquireLocalRoles(self):
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