"""Example of script starting a debugger on RTMIN+3 signal The pdb is launched in a separate thread in order not to trigger timeouts. The prompt is accessible through network in case that the process is daemonized: $ socat READLINE TCP: > neo/debug.py(63)pdb() -> app # this is Application instance (Pdb) app <neo.master.app.Application object at 0x1fc9750> """ IF = 'pdb' if IF == 'pdb': # List of (module, callables) to break at. # If empty, a thread is started with a breakpoint. # All breakpoints are automatically removed on the first break, # or when this module is reloaded. BP = (#('ZODB.Connection', 'Connection.setstate'), #('ZPublisher.Publish', 'publish_module_standard'), ) import errno, socket, sys, threading, weakref # Unfortunately, IPython does not always print to given stdout. #from neo.lib.debug import getPdb from pdb import Pdb as getPdb class Socket(object): def __init__(self, socket): # In case that the default timeout is not None. socket.settimeout(None) self._socket = socket self._buf = '' def write(self, data): self._socket.send(data) def readline(self): recv = self._socket.recv data = self._buf while True: i = 1 + data.find('\n') if i: self._buf = data[i:] return data[:i] d = recv(4096) data += d if not d: self._buf = '' return data def flush(self): pass def closed(self): self._socket.setblocking(0) try: self._socket.recv(0) return True except socket.error, (err, _): if err != errno.EAGAIN: raise self._socket.setblocking(1) return False def pdb(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: # For better security, maybe we should use a unix socket. s.settimeout(60) s.bind(('', 0)) s.listen(0) print 'Listening to %u' % s.getsockname()[1] sys.stdout.flush() # BBB: On Python 3, print() takes a 'flush' arg. _socket = Socket(s.accept()[0]) finally: s.close() try: app, = app_set except ValueError: app = None getPdb(stdin=_socket, stdout=_socket).set_trace() app # this is Application instance (see 'app_set' if there are several) try: app_set = sys.modules['neo.lib.threaded_app'].app_set except KeyError: f = sys._getframe(3) try: while f.f_code.co_name != 'run' or \ f.f_locals.get('self').__class__.__name__ != 'Application': f = f.f_back app_set = f.f_locals['self'], except AttributeError: app_set = () finally: del f class setupBreakPoints(list): def __init__(self, bp_list): self._lock = threading.Lock() for o, name in bp_list: o = __import__(o, fromlist=('*',), level=0) x = name.split('.') name = x.pop() for x in x: o = getattr(o, x) orig = getattr(o, name) if orig.__module__ == __name__: orig.__closure__[1].cell_contents._revert() orig = getattr(o, name) assert orig.__module__ != __name__, (o, name) orig = getattr(orig, '__func__', orig) self.append((o, name, orig)) setattr(o, name, self._wrap(orig)) print 'BP set on', orig sys.stdout.flush() self._hold = weakref.ref(pdb, self._revert) def _revert(self, *_): for x in self: setattr(*x) print 'BP removed on', x[2] sys.stdout.flush() del self[:] def _wrap(self, orig): return lambda *args, **kw: self(orig, *args, **kw) def __call__(self, orig, *args, **kw): stop = False with self._lock: if self: stop = True self._revert() if stop: pdb() return orig(*args, **kw) if BP: setupBreakPoints(BP) else: threading.Thread(target=pdb).start() elif IF == 'frames': import sys, traceback write = sys.stderr.write for thread_id, frame in sys._current_frames().iteritems(): write("Thread %s:\n" % thread_id) traceback.print_stack(frame) write("End of dump\n")