diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt index 96818c20155c00918dd6c103e2ceb387c715db62..794f6d837067ce5ff9dcb86ac6b715f7ba50c14b 100644 --- a/CHANGES.txt +++ b/CHANGES.txt @@ -1,11 +1,29 @@ Changes ======= -0.19 (unreleased) +0.22 (unreleased) ----------------- * No changes yet. +0.21 (2011-12-23) +----------------- + + * slap: Add renaming API. [Antoine Catton] + +0.20 (2011-11-24) +----------------- + + * slapgrid: Support service-less parttions. [Antoine Catton] + * slapgrid: Avoid gid collision while dropping privileges. [Antoine Catton] + * slapgrid: Drop down network usage during usage reporting. [艁ukasz Nowak] + * general: Add sphinx documentation. [Romain Courteaud] + +0.19 (2011-11-07) +----------------- + + * bang: Executable to be called by being banged computer. [艁ukasz Nowak] + 0.18 (2011-10-18) ----------------- diff --git a/TODO.txt b/TODO.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac1e801d446e58fc63c0c0dd57ea10f10b438eee --- /dev/null +++ b/TODO.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +0.21 + + - have only one file with current version + - move more documentation to sphinx (for tools) + - cleanup pypi page formatting diff --git a/documentation/source/conf.py b/documentation/source/conf.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82de81d50185398b50b5da76cc02f70f59420998 --- /dev/null +++ b/documentation/source/conf.py @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# slapos.core documentation build configuration file, created by +# sphinx-quickstart on Mon Nov 14 17:03:02 2011. +# +# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir. +# +# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this +# autogenerated file. +# +# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out +# serve to show the default. + +import sys, os + +# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, +# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the +# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. +sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('../../')) + +# -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- + +# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions +# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones. +extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', 'sphinx.ext.ifconfig', 'repoze.sphinx.autointerface'] + +# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. +# templates_path = ['_templates'] + +# The suffix of source filenames. +source_suffix = '.rst' + +# The encoding of source files. +#source_encoding = 'utf-8' + +# The master toctree document. +master_doc = 'index' + +# General information about the project. +project = u'slapos.core' +copyright = u'2011, Vifib' + +# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for +# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the +# built documents. +# +# The short X.Y version. +version = '0.21-dev' +# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. +release = '0.21-dev' + +# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation +# for a list of supported languages. +#language = None + +# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some +# non-false value, then it is used: +#today = '' +# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. +#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' + +# List of documents that shouldn't be included in the build. +#unused_docs = [] + +# List of directories, relative to source directory, that shouldn't be searched +# for source files. +exclude_trees = [] + +# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. +#default_role = None + +# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. +#add_function_parentheses = True + +# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description +# unit titles (such as .. function::). +#add_module_names = True + +# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the +# output. They are ignored by default. +#show_authors = False + +# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. +pygments_style = 'sphinx' + +# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. +#modindex_common_prefix = [] + + +# -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- + +# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. Major themes that come with +# Sphinx are currently 'default' and 'sphinxdoc'. +html_theme = 'default' + +# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme +# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the +# documentation. +#html_theme_options = {} + +# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. +#html_theme_path = [] + +# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to +# "<project> v<release> documentation". +#html_title = None + +# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. +#html_short_title = None + +# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top +# of the sidebar. +#html_logo = None + +# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the +# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 +# pixels large. +#html_favicon = None + +# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, +# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, +# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". +# html_static_path = ['_static'] + +# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, +# using the given strftime format. +#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' + +# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to +# typographically correct entities. +#html_use_smartypants = True + +# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. +#html_sidebars = {} + +# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to +# template names. +#html_additional_pages = {} + +# If false, no module index is generated. +#html_use_modindex = True + +# If false, no index is generated. +#html_use_index = True + +# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. +#html_split_index = False + +# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. +#html_show_sourcelink = True + +# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will +# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the +# base URL from which the finished HTML is served. +#html_use_opensearch = '' + +# If nonempty, this is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). +#html_file_suffix = '' + +# Output file base name for HTML help builder. +htmlhelp_basename = 'slaposcoredoc' + + +# -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- + +# The paper size ('letter' or 'a4'). +#latex_paper_size = 'letter' + +# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). +#latex_font_size = '10pt' + +# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples +# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). +latex_documents = [ + ('index', 'slaposcore.tex', u'slapos.core Documentation', + u'Vifib', 'manual'), +] + +# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of +# the title page. +#latex_logo = None + +# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, +# not chapters. +#latex_use_parts = False + +# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. +#latex_preamble = '' + +# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. +#latex_appendices = [] + +# If false, no module index is generated. +#latex_use_modindex = True + + +# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. +intersphinx_mapping = {'http://docs.python.org/': None} diff --git a/documentation/source/index.rst b/documentation/source/index.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ff39231a883f9ebb6a57164cdf116ea575f4926 --- /dev/null +++ b/documentation/source/index.rst @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +.. slapos.core documentation master file, created by + sphinx-quickstart on Mon Nov 14 17:03:02 2011. + You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least + contain the root `toctree` directive. + +Welcome to slapos.core's documentation! +======================================= + +Contents: + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + + rest.rst + slap.rst + tioformat.rst + +Indices and tables +================== + +* :ref:`genindex` +* :ref:`modindex` +* :ref:`search` + diff --git a/documentation/source/rest.rst b/documentation/source/rest.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..024d4dd0c2307b26d3e9156668e0171dcc59a5bc --- /dev/null +++ b/documentation/source/rest.rst @@ -0,0 +1,493 @@ +SlapOS Master REST API (v1) +*************************** + +Find your SSL keys +------------------ + +You can find X509 key/certificate to authenticate to the SlapOS Master. +Visit https://www.vifib.net/. + +Exchange format +--------------- + +SlapOS master will support both XML and JSON formats for input and output. + +The Content Type header is required and responsible for format selection. + +Response status code +-------------------- + +Success ++++++++ + +``GET`` requests will return a ``"200 OK"`` response if the resource is successfully retrieved. + +``POST`` requests which create a resource we will return a ``"201 Created"`` response if successful. + +``POST`` requests which perform some other action such as sending a campaign +will return a ``"200 OK"`` response if successful. + +``PUT`` requests will return a ``"200 OK"`` response if the resource is successfully updated. + +``DELETE`` requests will return a ``"200 OK"`` response if the resource is successfully deleted. + +Common Error Responses +++++++++++++++++++++++ + +400 Bad Request +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +The request body does not follow the API (one argument is missing or malformed). The full information is available as text body:: + + HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + + { + "computer_id": "Parameter is missing" + } + +402 Payment Required +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +The request can not be fulfilled because account is locked. + +403 Forbidden +~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +Wrong SSL key used or access to invalid ID. + +404 Not Found +~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +Request to non existing resource made. + +500 Internal Server Error +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +Unexpected error. + +Instance Methods +**************** + +Requesting a new instance +------------------------- + +Request a new instantiation of a software. + +`Request`:: + + POST http://example.com/api/v1/request HTTP/1.1 + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +`Expected Request Body`:: + + { + "title": "My unique instance", + "software_release": "http://example.com/example.cfg", + "software_type": "type_provided_by_the_software", + "slave": False, # one of: True or False + "status": "started", # one of: started, stopped + "parameter": { + "Custom1": "one string", + "Custom2": "one float", + "Custom3": ["abc", "def"], + }, + "sla": { + "computer_id": "COMP-0", + } + } + +`Expected Response`:: + + HTTP/1.1 201 Created + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + + { + "instance_id": "azevrvtrbt", + "status": "started", + "connection": { + "custom_connection_parameter_1": "foo", + "custom_connection_parameter_2": "bar" + } + } + +`Additional Responses`:: + + HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + + { + "instance_id": "azevrvtrbt", + "status": "processing" + } + +The request has been accepted for processing + +`Error Responses`: + +* ``409 Conflict`` The request can not be process because of the current status of the instance (sla changed, instance is under deletion, software release can not be changed, ...). + + +Deleting an instance +-------------------- + +Request the deletion of an instance. + +`Request`:: + + DELETE http://example.com/api/v1/instance/{instance_id} HTTP/1.1 + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +`Route values`: + +* ``instance_id``: the ID of the instance + +`No Expected Request Body` + +`Expected Response`:: + + HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +`Error Responses`: + +* ``409 Conflict`` The request can not be process because of the current status of the instance. + +Get instance information +------------------------ + +Request all instance information. + +`Request`:: + + GET http://example.com/api/v1/instance/{instance_id} HTTP/1.1 + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +`Route values`: + +* ``instance_id``: the ID of the instance + +`No Expected Request Body` + +`Expected Response`:: + + HTTP/1.1 200 OK + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + + { + "instance_id": "azevrvtrbt", + "status": "start", # one of: start, stop, destroy + "software_release": "http://example.com/example.cfg", + "software_type": "type_provided_by_the_software", + "slave": False, # one of: True, False + "connection": { + "custom_connection_parameter_1": "foo", + "custom_connection_parameter_2": "bar" + }, + "parameter": { + "Custom1": "one string", + "Custom2": "one float", + "Custom3": ["abc", "def"], + }, + "sla": { + "computer_id": "COMP-0", + } + "children_id_list": ["subinstance1", "subinstance2"], + "partition": { + "public_ip": ["::1", ""], + "private_ip": [""], + "tap_interface": "tap2", + }, + } + +`Error Responses`: + +* ``409 Conflict`` The request can not be process because of the current status of the instance + +Get instance authentication certificates +---------------------------------------- + +Request the instance certificates. + +`Request`:: + + GET http://example.com/api/v1/instance/{instance_id}/certificate HTTP/1.1 + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +`Route values`: + +* ``instance_id``: the ID of the instance + +`No Expected Request Body` + +`Expected Response`:: + + HTTP/1.1 200 OK + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + + { + "ssl_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvgIBADAN...h2VSZRlSN\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----", + "ssl_certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIEAzCCAuugAwIBAgICHQI...ulYdXJabLOeCOA=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", + } + +`Error Responses`: + +* ``409 Conflict`` The request can not be process because of the current status of the instance + +Bang instance +------------- + +Trigger the re-instantiation of all partitions in the instance tree + +`Request`:: + + POST http://example.com/api/v1/instance/{instance_id}/bang HTTP/1.1 + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +`Route values`: + +* ``instance_id``: the ID of the instance + +`Expected Request Body`:: + + { + "log": "Explain why this method was called", + } + +`Expected Response`:: + + HTTP/1.1 200 OK + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +Modifying instance +------------------ + +Modify the instance information and status. + +`Request`:: + + PUT http://example.com/api/v1/instance/{instance_id} HTTP/1.1 + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +`Expected Request Body`:: + + { + "status": "started", # one of: started, stopped, updating, error + "log": "explanation of the status", + "connection": { + "custom_connection_parameter_1": "foo", + "custom_connection_parameter_2": "bar" + } + } + +Where `status` is required with `log`, `connection` is optional and its existence allow to not send `status` and `log`. + +`Expected Response`:: + + HTTP/1.1 200 OK + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +`Error Responses`: + +* ``409 Conflict`` The request can not be process because of the current status of the instance (sla changed, instance is under deletion, software release can not be changed, ...). + +Computer Methods +**************** + +Registering a new computer +-------------------------- + +Add a new computer in the system. + +`Request`:: + + POST http://example.com/api/v1/computer HTTP/1.1 + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +`Expected Request Body`:: + + { + "title": "My unique computer", + } + +`Expected Response`:: + + HTTP/1.1 201 Created + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + + { + "computer_id": "COMP-0", + "ssl_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvgIBADAN...h2VSZRlSN\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----", + "ssl_certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIEAzCCAuugAwIBAgICHQI...ulYdXJabLOeCOA=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", + } + +`Error Responses`: + +* ``409 Conflict`` The request can not be process because of the existence of a computer with the same title + +Getting computer information +---------------------------- + +Get the status of a computer + +`Request`:: + + GET http://example.com/api/v1/computer/{computer_id} HTTP/1.1 + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +`Route values`: + +* ``computer_id``: the ID of the computer + +`No Expected Request Body` + +`Expected Response`:: + + HTTP/1.1 200 OK + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + + { + "computer_id": "COMP-0", + "software": [ + { + "software_release": "http://example.com/example.cfg", + "status": "install" # one of: install, uninstall + }, + ], + "partition": [ + { + "title": "slapart1", + "instance_id": "foo", + "status": "start", # one of: start, stop, destroy + "software_release": "http://example.com/example.cfg" + }, + { + "title": "slapart2", + "instance_id": "bar", + "status": "stop", # one of: start, stop, destroy + "software_release": "http://example.com/example.cfg" + }, + ], + } + +Modifying computer +------------------ + +Modify computer information in the system + +`Request`:: + + PUT http://example.com/api/v1/computer/{computer_id} HTTP/1.1 + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +`Route values`: + +* ``computer_id``: the ID of the computer + +`Expected Request Body`:: + + { + "partition": [ + { + "title": "part1", + "public_ip": "::1", + "private_ip": "", + "tap_interface": "tap2", + }, + ], + "software": [ + { + "software_release": "http://example.com/example.cfg", + "status": "installed", # one of: installed, uninstalled, error + "log": "Installation log" + }, + ], + } + +Where ``partition`` and ``software`` keys are optional, but at least one is required. + +`Expected Response`:: + + HTTP/1.1 200 OK + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +Supplying new software +---------------------- + +Request to supply a new software release on a computer + +`Request`:: + + POST http://example.com/api/v1/computer/{computer_id}/supply HTTP/1.1 + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +`Route values`: + +* ``computer_id``: the ID of the computer + +`Expected Request Body`:: + + { + "software_release": "http://example.com/example.cfg" + } + +`Expected Response`:: + + HTTP/1.1 200 OK + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +Bang computer +------------- + +Request update on all partitions + +`Request`:: + + POSThttp://example.com/api/v1/computer/{computer_id}/bang HTTP/1.1 + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +`Route values`: + +* ``computer_id``: the ID of the computer + +`Expected Request Body`:: + + { + "log": "Explain why this method was called", + } + +`Expected Response`:: + + HTTP/1.1 200 OK + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +Report usage +------------ + +Report computer usage + +`Request`:: + + POST http://example.com/api/v1/computer/{computer_id}/report HTTP/1.1 + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 + +`Route values`: + +* ``computer_id``: the ID of the computer + +`Expected Request Body`:: + + { + "title": "Resource consumptions", + "start_date": "2011/11/15", + "stop_date": "2011/11/16", + "movement": [ + { + "resource": "CPU Consumption", + "title": "line 1", + "reference": "slappart0", + "quantity": 42.42 + } + ] + } + +`Expected Response`:: + + HTTP/1.1 200 OK + Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 diff --git a/documentation/source/slap.rst b/documentation/source/slap.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c0e77e535fc9ad5e210ef47dd194393733c68391 --- /dev/null +++ b/documentation/source/slap.rst @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +slap interface documentation +**************************** + +.. autointerface:: slapos.slap.interface.slap.IException + :members: + :undoc-members: + +.. autointerface:: slapos.slap.interface.slap.INotFoundError + :members: + :undoc-members: + +.. autointerface:: slapos.slap.interface.slap.IUnauthorized + :members: + :undoc-members: + +.. autointerface:: slapos.slap.interface.slap.IRequester + :members: + :undoc-members: + +.. autointerface:: slapos.slap.interface.slap.IBuildoutController + :members: + :undoc-members: + +.. autointerface:: slapos.slap.interface.slap.ISoftwareRelease + :members: + :undoc-members: + +.. autointerface:: slapos.slap.interface.slap.IComputerPartition + :members: + :undoc-members: + +.. autointerface:: slapos.slap.interface.slap.IComputer + :members: + :undoc-members: + +.. autointerface:: slapos.slap.interface.slap.IOpenOrder + :members: + :undoc-members: + +.. autointerface:: slapos.slap.interface.slap.ISupply + :members: + :undoc-members: + +.. autointerface:: slapos.slap.interface.slap.slap + :members: + :undoc-members: diff --git a/documentation/source/tioformat.rst b/documentation/source/tioformat.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1687881030f1ff58d4760d5d55657e1a1aba066b --- /dev/null +++ b/documentation/source/tioformat.rst @@ -0,0 +1,357 @@ +Tio Format +********** + +What is TioFormat? +------------------ + +TIO is a data format used to provide informations about consumption, invoicing +and state history. + +XSD +--- + +`TioFormat XSD`:: + + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> + <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> + <!-- Define the XML Schema of a transaction --> + <xs:element name="journal"> + <xs:complexType> + <xs:sequence> + <xs:element name="transaction" maxOccurs="unbounded"> + <xs:complexType> + <xs:sequence> + <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> + <xs:element name="start_date" type="xs:string"/> + <xs:element name="stop_date" type="xs:string"/> + <xs:element name="reference" type="xs:string"/> + <xs:element name="currency" type="xs:string"/> + <xs:element name="payment_mode" type="xs:string"/> + <xs:element name="category" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> + <xs:element name="arrow" maxOccurs="unbounded"> + <xs:complexType> + <xs:sequence> + <xs:element name="source" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> + <xs:element name="destination" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> + </xs:sequence> + <xs:attribute name="type" use="required"/> + </xs:complexType> + </xs:element> + <xs:element name="movement" maxOccurs="unbounded"> + <xs:complexType> + <xs:sequence> + <xs:element name="resource" type="xs:string"/> + <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> + <xs:element name="reference" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> + <xs:element name="quantity" type="xs:float"/> + <xs:element name="price" type="xs:float"/> + <xs:element name="VAT" type="xs:string"/> + <xs:element name="category" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> + </xs:sequence> + </xs:complexType> + </xs:element> + </xs:sequence> + <xs:attribute name="type" use="required"/> + </xs:complexType> + </xs:element> + </xs:sequence> + </xs:complexType> + </xs:element> + </xs:schema> + +Schema Components +----------------- + +Element: ``journal`` +++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` journal +`Type` journal +`Documentation` journal is the root element in the XML file +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="journal"> + +Complex Type: ``journal`` ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` journal +`Documentation` Tio document contains transactions +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:complexType> + <xs:sequence> + <xs:element name="transaction" maxOccurs="unbounded"> + </xs:element> + </xs:sequence> + </xs:complexType> + +Complex Type: ``transaction`` ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` transaction +`Documentation` transaction contains a title, a start_date, a stop_date, a reference, a currency, a payment mode, some categories, some arrows and a list of movement. +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:complexType> + <xs:sequence> + <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> + <xs:element name="start_date" type="xs:string"/> + <xs:element name="stop_date" type="xs:string"/> + <xs:element name="reference" type="xs:string"/> + <xs:element name="currency" type="xs:string"/> + <xs:element name="payment_mode" type="xs:string"/> + <xs:element name="category" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> + <xs:element name="arrow" maxOccurs="unbounded"> + </xs:element> + <xs:element name="movement" maxOccurs="unbounded"> + </xs:complexType> + </xs:element> + </xs:sequence> + <xs:attribute name="type" use="required"/> + </xs:complexType> + +Element: ``title`` +++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` title +`Type` string +`Documentation` title is the name of the transaction +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> + +Element: ``start_date`` ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` start_date +`Type` string +`Documentation` the date at which a service started +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="start_date" type="xs:string"/> + +Element: ``stop_date`` +++++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` stop_date +`Type` string +`Documentation` the date at which a service was completed +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="stop_date" type="xs:string"/> + +Element: ``reference`` +++++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` reference +`Type` string +`Documentation` absolute reference of the transaction +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="reference" type="xs:string"/> + +Element: ``currency`` ++++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` currency +`Type` string +`Documentation` currency used in the transaction +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="currency" type="xs:string"/> + +Element: ``payment_mode`` ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` payment_mode +`Type` string +`Documentation` payment mode of the transaction +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="payment_mode" type="xs:string"/> + +Element: ``category`` ++++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` category +`Type` string +`Documentation` To add your own category section in the transaction +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="category" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> + +Element: ``arrow`` +++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` arrow +`Type` arrow +`Documentation` represents who provided a service to somebody else +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="arrow" maxOccurs="unbounded"> + +Complex Type: ``arrow`` ++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` arrow +`Documentation` contains a source and a destination. +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:complexType> + <xs:sequence> + <xs:element name="source" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> + <xs:element name="destination" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> + </xs:sequence> + <xs:attribute name="type" use="required"/> + </xs:complexType> + +Element: ``source`` ++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` source +`Type` string +`Documentation` who provided the service +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="source" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> + +Element: ``destination`` +++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` destination +`Type` string +`Documentation` who received the service +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="destination" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> + +Element: ``movement`` ++++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` movement +`Type` movement +`Documentation` represents how much service exchanged in the transaction +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="movement" maxOccurs="unbounded"> + +Complex Type: ``movement`` +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` movement +`Documentation` contains a resource, a title, a reference, a quantity, a price, a VAT and some categories +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:complexType> + <xs:sequence> + <xs:element name="resource" type="xs:string"/> + <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> + <xs:element name="reference" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> + <xs:element name="quantity" type="xs:float"/> + <xs:element name="price" type="xs:float"/> + <xs:element name="VAT" type="xs:string"/> + <xs:element name="category" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> + </xs:sequence> + </xs:complexType> + +Element: ``resource`` ++++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` resource +`Type` string +`Documentation` represents the kind of service provided +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="resource" type="xs:string"/> + +Element: ``quantity`` ++++++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` quantity +`Type` float +`Documentation` represents the amount of service exchanged +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="quantity" type="xs:string"/> + +Element: ``price`` +++++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` price +`Type` float +`Documentation` represents the price of service exchanged +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="price" type="xs:string"/> + +Element: ``VAT`` +++++++++++++++++ + +=============== ======= +`Name` VAT +`Type` string +`Documentation` represents the VAT of service exchanged +=============== ======= + +`Schema Component Representation`:: + + <xs:element name="VAT" type="xs:string"/> + diff --git a/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_configurator_vifib/BusinessCondiguration_additionalConfiguration.xml b/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_configurator_vifib/BusinessCondiguration_additionalConfiguration.xml index f2fdfc62bd813973feb1587c3b976647908b6039..e63187d6cfd0798b3a1440e0c7eaf2759773e769 100644 --- a/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_configurator_vifib/BusinessCondiguration_additionalConfiguration.xml +++ b/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_configurator_vifib/BusinessCondiguration_additionalConfiguration.xml @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ portal = context.getPortalObject() \n \n ## Create new portal tool for Vifib\n if getattr(portal, "portal_certificate_authority", None ) is None:\n - portal.manage_addProduct[\'Vifib\'].manage_addTool(\'ERP5 Certificate Authority Tool\', None)\n + portal.manage_addProduct[\'ERP5\'].manage_addTool(\'ERP5 Certificate Authority Tool\', None)\n print "Created portal_certificate_authority"\n else:\n print "portal_certificate_authority already exists."\n diff --git a/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_configurator_vifib/BusinessConfiguration_setupVifibStandardBT5.xml b/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_configurator_vifib/BusinessConfiguration_setupVifibStandardBT5.xml index 5ddc0feccabd5eee996d250ed6c30fcafcde19ac..c172b84092d572bb62c174f2fc8f765779dcdb68 100644 --- a/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_configurator_vifib/BusinessConfiguration_setupVifibStandardBT5.xml +++ b/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/erp5_configurator_vifib/BusinessConfiguration_setupVifibStandardBT5.xml @@ -52,61 +52,70 @@ <key> <string>_body</string> </key> <value> <string>configuration_save = context.restrictedTraverse(configuration_save_url)\n \n -bt5_installation_list = ( \n - \'erp5_simulation\', \n - \'erp5_administration\', \n - \'erp5_pdm\', \n - \'erp5_trade\', \n - \'erp5_simulation_test\', \n - \'erp5_item\', \n +bt5_installation_list = (\n + \'erp5_simulation\',\n + \'erp5_administration\',\n + \'erp5_pdm\',\n + \'erp5_trade\',\n + \'erp5_simulation_test\',\n + \'erp5_item\',\n \'erp5_open_trade\',\n - \'erp5_forge\', \n - \'erp5_ingestion_mysql_innodb_catalog\', \n - \'erp5_ingestion\', \n - \'erp5_crm\', \n - \'erp5_jquery\', \n - \'erp5_jquery_ui\', \n - \'erp5_knowledge_pad\', \n - \'erp5_web\', \n - \'erp5_dms\', \n - \'erp5_l10n_fr\', \n - \'erp5_content_translation\', \n - \'erp5_software_pdm\', \n - \'erp5_computer_immobilisation\', \n - \'erp5_accounting\', \n - \'erp5_accounting_l10n_fr\', \n - \'erp5_tax_resource\', \n - \'erp5_discount_resource\', \n - \'erp5_invoicing\', \n - \'erp5_ods_style\', \n - \'erp5_odt_style\', \n - \'erp5_ooo_import\', \n - \'erp5_simplified_invoicing\', \n - \'erp5_legacy_tax_system\', \n - \'erp5_commerce\', \n - \'erp5_project\', \n - \'erp5_xhtml_jquery_style\', \n - \'erp5_credential\', \n - \'erp5_km\', \n - \'erp5_web_download_theme\', \n - \'vifib_mysql_innodb_catalog\', \n - \'vifib_core\', \n - \'vifib_base\', \n - \'vifib_slap\', \n - \'vifib_crm\', \n - \'vifib_forge_release\', \n - \'vifib_software_pdm\', \n + \'erp5_forge\',\n + \'erp5_ingestion_mysql_innodb_catalog\',\n + \'erp5_ingestion\',\n + \'erp5_crm\',\n + \'erp5_jquery\',\n + \'erp5_jquery_ui\',\n + \'erp5_dhtml_style\',\n + \'erp5_knowledge_pad\',\n + \'erp5_web\',\n + \'erp5_dms\',\n + \'erp5_l10n_fr\',\n + \'erp5_content_translation\',\n + \'erp5_software_pdm\',\n + \'erp5_computer_immobilisation\',\n + \'erp5_accounting\',\n + \'erp5_accounting_l10n_fr\',\n + \'erp5_tax_resource\',\n + \'erp5_discount_resource\',\n + \'erp5_invoicing\',\n + \'erp5_ods_style\',\n + \'erp5_odt_style\',\n + \'erp5_ooo_import\',\n + \'erp5_simplified_invoicing\',\n + \'erp5_legacy_tax_system\',\n + \'erp5_commerce\',\n + \'erp5_project\',\n + \'erp5_xhtml_jquery_style\',\n + \'erp5_credential\',\n + \'erp5_km\',\n + \'erp5_web_download_theme\',\n + \'erp5_tiosafe_core\',\n + \'erp5_system_event\',\n + \'erp5_secure_payment\',\n + \'erp5_payzen_secure_payment\',\n + \'vifib_mysql_innodb_catalog\',\n + \'vifib_core\',\n + \'vifib_base\',\n + \'vifib_slap\',\n + \'vifib_crm\',\n + \'vifib_forge_release\',\n + \'vifib_software_pdm\',\n \'vifib_web\',\n - \'vifib_open_trade\', \n + \'vifib_open_trade\',\n \'vifib_l10n_fr\',\n \'vifib_data\',\n - \'vifib_data_web\',\n \'vifib_data_category\',\n - \'vifib_erp5\'\n + \'vifib_data_web\',\n + \'vifib_payzen\',\n + \'vifib_data_payzen\',\n + \'vifib_data_simulation\',\n + \'vifib_erp5\',\n + \'vifib_test\',\n )\n \n -bt5_update_catalog = (\'erp5_ingestion_mysql_innodb_catalog\', \n - \'vifib_mysql_innodb_catalog\', \n +bt5_update_catalog = (\'erp5_ingestion_mysql_innodb_catalog\',\n + \'vifib_mysql_innodb_catalog\',\n \'erp5_content_translation\')\n \n for name in bt5_installation_list:\n diff --git a/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/bt/revision b/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/bt/revision index 3f10ffe7a4c473619c926cfb1e8d95e726e5a0ec..cabf43b5ddf813cbe89697372a21373f14921884 100644 --- a/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -15 \ No newline at end of file +24 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/bt/version b/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/bt/version index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/bt/version +++ b/master/bt5/erp5_configurator_vifib/bt/version @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/PortalTypePropertySheetTemplateItem/property_sheet_list.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/PortalTypePropertySheetTemplateItem/property_sheet_list.xml index 2a3512ec9cb6b2d12cae2d1b388e19afedc21f3a..8285d97b69e4013c3728874a23b6a510607893a7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/PortalTypePropertySheetTemplateItem/property_sheet_list.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/PortalTypePropertySheetTemplateItem/property_sheet_list.xml @@ -13,5 +13,6 @@ <item>SoftwareInstance</item> <item>SoftwareInstanceConstraint</item> <item>TextDocument</item> + <item>VariationRange</item> </portal_type> </property_sheet_list> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Software%20Instance.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Software%20Instance.xml index 1ce8352ff1a71266a8e64adbf23babdd1a242978..787db50e673c7fa993d205c9ae7bc00e3ce17e07 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Software%20Instance.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Software%20Instance.xml @@ -85,6 +85,12 @@ <key> <string>type_class</string> </key> <value> <string>SoftwareInstance</string> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type_interface</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> <item> <key> <string>type_mixin</string> </key> <value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/ComputerPartition_getAvailableSoftwareReleaseUrlStringList.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/ComputerPartition_getAvailableSoftwareReleaseUrlStringList.xml index 261b4567a093280ea17264900286576e2e6b03f9..96bd3cc502b4d4ba9a98e1ccc80370a770e248b5 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/ComputerPartition_getAvailableSoftwareReleaseUrlStringList.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/ComputerPartition_getAvailableSoftwareReleaseUrlStringList.xml @@ -62,11 +62,12 @@ elif slap_state == \'busy\':\n \n # Partition under destruction does not accept new slave\n try:\n - delivery_line = context.Item_getInstancePackingListLine(service_relative_url=portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceCleanupResource())\n + delivery_line = context.Item_getInstancePackingListLine(service_relative_url=portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceCleanupResource(), aggregate_portal_type=\'Software Instance\')\n except ValueError:\n pass\n else:\n - return []\n + if delivery_line.getSimulationState() != \'delivered\':\n + return []\n \n try:\n delivery_line = context.Item_getInstancePackingListLine()\n diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/ERP5Site_viewWorklist.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/ERP5Site_viewWorklist.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33e6a8cef1629e0176da9ae5327a30485515d672 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/ERP5Site_viewWorklist.xml @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ERP5Form" module="Products.ERP5Form.Form"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_objects</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_order</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>encoding</string> </key> + <value> <string>UTF-8</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enctype</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>group_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>left</string> + <string>right</string> + <string>center</string> + <string>bottom</string> + <string>hidden</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>groups</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>bottom</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>listbox</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>center</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>listbox_link</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>left</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>right</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>ERP5Site_viewWorklist</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>method</string> </key> + <value> <string>POST</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name</string> </key> + <value> <string>ERP5Site_viewWorklist</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>pt</string> </key> + <value> <string>form_list</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>row_length</string> </key> + <value> <int>4</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>stored_encoding</string> </key> + <value> <string>UTF-8</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Worklists</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode_mode</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>update_action</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>update_action_title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/ERP5Site_viewWorklist/listbox.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/ERP5Site_viewWorklist/listbox.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..500693d02d53cdcbe20cd711c6eed579e9c6fbea --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/ERP5Site_viewWorklist/listbox.xml @@ -0,0 +1,643 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ListBox" module="Products.ERP5Form.ListBox"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>listbox</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>all_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>anchor</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>count_method</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_display_style</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_params</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_style_list</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_root_list</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_tree</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>global_attributes</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>global_search_column</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hide_rows_on_no_search_criterion</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>lines</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>list_action</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>list_method</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>meta_types</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>page_navigation_template</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>page_template</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_types</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>report_root_list</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>report_tree</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>row_css_method</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>search</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>search_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>select</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>selection_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>sort</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>sort_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>stat_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>stat_method</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>style_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>untranslatable_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>url_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>all_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>anchor</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>count_method</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_display_style</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_params</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_style_list</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_root_list</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_tree</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>global_attributes</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>global_search_column</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hide_rows_on_no_search_criterion</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>lines</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>list_action</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>list_method</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>meta_types</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>page_navigation_template</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>page_template</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_types</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>report_root_list</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>report_tree</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>row_css_method</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>search</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>search_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>select</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>selection_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>sort</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>sort_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>stat_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>stat_method</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>style_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>untranslatable_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>url_columns</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>all_columns</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>anchor</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>columns</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <tuple> + <string>title</string> + <string>Title</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>link</string> + <string>Link</string> + </tuple> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>count_method</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string>hidden_label gadget</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_display_style</string> </key> + <value> <string>table</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_params</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_style_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_root_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_tree</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable_columns</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <tuple> + <string>link</string> + <string>link</string> + </tuple> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>global_attributes</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>global_search_column</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hide_rows_on_no_search_criterion</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>lines</string> </key> + <value> <int>20</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>list_action</string> </key> + <value> <string>list</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>list_method</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>meta_types</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>page_navigation_template</string> </key> + <value> <string>ListBox_viewSliderPageNavigationRenderer</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>page_template</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_types</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>report_root_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>report_tree</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>row_css_method</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>search</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>search_columns</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>select</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>selection_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>erp5_site_view_worklist</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>sort</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>sort_columns</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>stat_columns</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>stat_method</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>style_columns</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Worklist</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>untranslatable_columns</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>url_columns</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <tuple> + <string>title</string> + <string>Worklist_getUrl</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>link</string> + <string>Worklist_getUrl</string> + </tuple> + </list> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_text</string> </key> + <value> <string>python: int(context.restrictedTraverse(context.REQUEST.get(\'box_relative_url\', \'\')).KnowledgeBox_getDefaultPreferencesDict().get(\'listbox_selection_list_lines\', None) or 10)</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="Method" module="Products.Formulator.MethodField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>method_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>ERP5Site_getWorklistObjectList</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/ERP5Site_viewWorklist/listbox_link.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/ERP5Site_viewWorklist/listbox_link.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81209b0430b864474cebfa5d473116538e322a0a --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/ERP5Site_viewWorklist/listbox_link.xml @@ -0,0 +1,279 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="StringField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>listbox_link</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>too_long</string> </key> + <value> <string>Too much input was given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>max_length</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>truncate</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>max_length</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>truncate</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <int>20</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>max_length</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>listbox_link</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>truncate</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_text</string> </key> + <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[ + +python: cell.getProperty(\'worklist_url\').replace(\'&\', \'&\') + +]]></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/Item_getInstancePackingListLine.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/Item_getInstancePackingListLine.xml index c21c3aa3f41fa7ad2f58b2afc52daa836e5b2e59..8612b1b4d3161ba8a9a568af7acf6403ade69a95 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/Item_getInstancePackingListLine.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_base/Item_getInstancePackingListLine.xml @@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ portal = item.getPortalObject()\n portal_preferences = portal.portal_preferences\n service_uid_list = []\n \n +if aggregate_portal_type is None:\n + aggregate_portal_type = [\'Software Instance\', \'Slave Instance\']\n +\n if service_relative_url is None:\n for service_relative_url in \\\n (portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceSetupResource(),\n @@ -86,6 +89,7 @@ packing_list_line = portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue(\n default_resource_uid=service_uid_list,\n sort_on=((\'movement.start_date\', \'DESC\'),),\n limit=1,\n + aggregate_portal_type=aggregate_portal_type\n )\n \n if packing_list_line is None:\n @@ -97,7 +101,7 @@ else:\n </item> <item> <key> <string>_params</string> </key> - <value> <string>service_relative_url=None</string> </value> + <value> <string>service_relative_url=None, aggregate_portal_type=None</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>id</string> </key> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c89dd1d34b7d1c1ac20f8f5016feefd54cb61d80 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation.xml @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Folder" module="OFS.Folder"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>business_template_skin_layer_priority</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>float</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_objects</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>business_template_skin_layer_priority</string> </key> + <value> <float>60.0</float> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>vifib_simulation</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/Delivery_startConfirmedSalePackingList.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/Delivery_startConfirmedSalePackingList.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ddd12d1793e174493157a238cd86766ae9769066 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/Delivery_startConfirmedSalePackingList.xml @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>from Products.ERP5Type.Message import translateString\n +\n +if REQUEST is not None:\n + from zExceptions import Unauthorized\n + raise Unauthorized(script.id)\n +\n +packing_list = context\n + \n +# Modify state\n +packing_list_state = packing_list.getSimulationState()\n +if packing_list_state == "confirmed":\n + packing_list.start()\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>REQUEST=None, **kw</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Delivery_startConfirmedSalePackingList</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/SimulationMovement_testInvoiceSimulationRule.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/SimulationMovement_testInvoiceSimulationRule.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1105cac11fe8ff6e8e86e092a3f3a4c48744c54f --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/SimulationMovement_testInvoiceSimulationRule.xml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>movement = context\n +\n +if movement.getExplanationValue().getPortalType().startswith(\'Purchase\'):\n + # Vifib case: Purchase Business Process is minimalistic and does not care about\n + # invoice (and deeper parts of tree)\n + # But when this rule would get applied, it will try to create 0 simulation movements\n + # and code inside of BusinessProcess.py would raise "ValueError: A Business Process can not erase amounts"\n + # So just do not apply the rule in such case.\n + return False\n +source_section = movement.getSourceSection()\n +destination_section = movement.getDestinationSection()\n +if source_section == destination_section or source_section is None \\\n + or destination_section is None:\n + return False\n +\n +return True\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>rule</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>SimulationMovement_testInvoiceSimulationRule</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/SimulationMovement_testInvoiceTransactionSimulationRule.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/SimulationMovement_testInvoiceTransactionSimulationRule.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e790615c32c7dd427fc8b9e3d2f0f374a34ae35 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/SimulationMovement_testInvoiceTransactionSimulationRule.xml @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>movement = context\n +\n +delivery_movement = movement.getDeliveryValue()\n +if delivery_movement is not None and (\n + delivery_movement.getPortalType() not in movement.getPortalInvoiceMovementTypeList()\n + and delivery_movement.getPortalType() not in movement.getPortalTaxMovementTypeList()):\n + return False\n +\n +return True\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>rule</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>SimulationMovement_testInvoiceTransactionSimulationRule</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/SimulationMovement_testPaymentSimulationRule.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/SimulationMovement_testPaymentSimulationRule.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e64150a563e5375f42e9932e135faf6f281feae --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/SimulationMovement_testPaymentSimulationRule.xml @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>movement = context\n +\n +# XXX hardcoded\n +receivable_account_type_list = (\'asset/receivable\',)\n +payable_account_type_list = (\'liability/payable\',)\n +\n +for account in (movement.getSourceValue(portal_type=\'Account\'),\n + movement.getDestinationValue(portal_type=\'Account\')):\n + if account is not None:\n + account_type = account.getAccountType()\n + if account_type in receivable_account_type_list or \\\n + account_type in payable_account_type_list:\n + return True\n +\n +return False\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>rule</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>SimulationMovement_testPaymentSimulationRule</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibDeliveryBuilder_selectMovement.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibDeliveryBuilder_selectMovement.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a3fa1520eb53b23d1f9d1ab106e28b02e7a5740 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibDeliveryBuilder_selectMovement.xml @@ -0,0 +1,348 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Change_Python_Scripts_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Change_bindings_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Change_cache_settings_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Change_permissions_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Change_proxy_roles_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Copy_or_Move_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Manage_WebDAV_Locks_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Manage_properties_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Take_ownership_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Undo_changes_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_History_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_management_screens_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_WebDAV_Lock_items_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_WebDAV_Unlock_items_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_WebDAV_access_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Authenticated</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Member</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>select_dict= {\'delivery_uid\': None}\n +kw[\'select_dict\']=select_dict\n +kw[\'left_join_list\']=select_dict.keys()\n +kw[\'delivery_uid\']=None\n +if src__==0:\n + return context.portal_catalog(**kw)\n +else:\n + return context.portal_catalog(src__=1, **kw)\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>src__=0, **kw</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>VifibDeliveryBuilder_selectMovement</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibDeliveryBuilder_selectPlannedDeliveryList.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibDeliveryBuilder_selectPlannedDeliveryList.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b4f4eb87d9788668de27da6930d7eba604266570 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibDeliveryBuilder_selectPlannedDeliveryList.xml @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>portal_type = context.getDeliveryPortalType()\n +simulation_state = \'planned\'\n +# use catalog to prefetch, but check later in ZODB\n +return [x.getObject() for x in context.getPortalObject().portal_catalog(\n + portal_type=portal_type,\n + simulation_state=simulation_state) if x.getSimulationState() == simulation_state]\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>**kw</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>VifibDeliveryBuilder_selectPlannedDeliveryList</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_invoicing/InvoiceTransaction_postGeneration.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibInvoiceTransaction_postGeneration.xml similarity index 62% rename from master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_invoicing/InvoiceTransaction_postGeneration.xml rename to master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibInvoiceTransaction_postGeneration.xml index e36afd57dfc8a687efdcd6a82b8aa57281abe796..36cf916aa57ef27a83b93c3e021b40fd443491c2 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_invoicing/InvoiceTransaction_postGeneration.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibInvoiceTransaction_postGeneration.xml @@ -50,22 +50,11 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>_body</string> </key> - <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[ - -"""This script is called on the Invoice after the delivery builder has created\n + <value> <string>"""This script is called on the Invoice after the delivery builder has created\n the new Invoice.\n """\n from Products.ERP5Type.Message import translateString\n -\n -try:\n - from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import WorkflowException\n -except ImportError:\n - # WorkflowException has not always been allowed in restricted\n - # environment, in this case, make sure WorkflowException is \n - # defined \n - class WorkflowException(Exception):\n - pass\n -\n +from DateTime import DateTime\n if related_simulation_movement_path_list is None:\n raise RuntimeError, \'related_simulation_movement_path_list is missing. Update ERP5 Product.\'\n \n @@ -76,42 +65,43 @@ if not invoice.Invoice_isAdvanced():\n if not invoice.getResource():\n invoice.setResource(invoice.getPriceCurrency())\n \n -related_packing_list = invoice.getDefaultCausalityValue()\n -related_order = related_packing_list.getDefaultCausalityValue()\n -\n -# copy payment conditions from packing list\n -# if missing, try to copy from order (for compatibility)\n -if not invoice.contentValues(portal_type=\'Payment Condition\'):\n - payment_condition_copy_id_list = []\n - if related_packing_list is not None:\n - payment_condition_copy_id_list = related_packing_list.contentIds(filter={\'portal_type\':\'Payment Condition\'})\n - if len(payment_condition_copy_id_list) > 0:\n - clipboard = related_packing_list.manage_copyObjects(ids=payment_condition_copy_id_list)\n - invoice.manage_pasteObjects(clipboard)\n - elif related_order is not None:\n - payment_condition_copy_id_list = related_order.contentIds(\n - filter={\'portal_type\':\'Payment Condition\'})\n - if len(payment_condition_copy_id_list) > 0:\n - clipboard = related_order.manage_copyObjects(ids=payment_condition_copy_id_list)\n - invoice.manage_pasteObjects(clipboard)\n - \n -# copy title, if not updating a new delivery\n -if not invoice.hasTitle() and related_packing_list.hasTitle():\n - invoice.setTitle(related_packing_list.getTitle())\n +if invoice.getStartDate() is None:\n + invoice.setStartDate(DateTime())\n \n -# initialize accounting_workflow to confirmed state\n +# initialize accounting_workflow to planned state\n +plan_tag = \'%s_plan\' % invoice.getPath()\n if invoice.getSimulationState() == \'draft\':\n - invoice.plan(comment=translateString(\'Initialised by Delivery Builder.\'),)\n + invoice.activate(after_path_and_method_id=(related_simulation_movement_path_list,\n + (\'immediateReindexObject\',\'recursiveImmediateReindexObject\')),\n + tag=plan_tag).plan(comment=translateString(\'Initialised by Delivery Builder.\'))\n +else:\n + # call builder just same as after script of \'plan\' transition\n + invoice.activate(after_path_and_method_id=(related_simulation_movement_path_list,\n + (\'immediateReindexObject\',\'recursiveImmediateReindexObject\')),\n + tag=plan_tag).Delivery_expandAndBuild()\n \n # First set the invoice in the building state on the causality workflow\n invoice.startBuilding()\n \n # Then an activity should put the causality state in diverged or solved\n invoice.activate(after_path_and_method_id=(related_simulation_movement_path_list,\n - (\'immediateReindexObject\',\'recursiveImmediateReindexObject\'))).updateCausalityState()\n - - -]]></string> </value> + (\'immediateReindexObject\',\'recursiveImmediateReindexObject\')),\n + after_tag=plan_tag).updateCausalityState()\n +\n +# update casuality from movements\n +causality_list = invoice.getCausalityList()\n +causality_list.sort()\n +modified = 0\n +for movement in invoice.getMovementList(portal_type=\'Invoice Line\'):\n + movement_causality = movement.getCausality()\n + if movement_causality not in causality_list:\n + modified = 1\n + causality_list.append(movement_causality)\n +\n +if modified:\n + causality_list.sort()\n + invoice.setCausalityList(causality_list)\n +</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>_params</string> </key> @@ -119,7 +109,7 @@ invoice.activate(after_path_and_method_id=(related_simulation_movement_path_list </item> <item> <key> <string>id</string> </key> - <value> <string>InvoiceTransaction_postGeneration</string> </value> + <value> <string>VifibInvoiceTransaction_postGeneration</string> </value> </item> </dictionary> </pickle> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibInvoiceTransaction_postTransactionLineGeneration.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibInvoiceTransaction_postTransactionLineGeneration.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..053d16b8e464c4b7a7c5e090041b5b363200ad82 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibInvoiceTransaction_postTransactionLineGeneration.xml @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>#\n +# this script is called on the Invoice Transaction\n +# after the invoice_transaction_builder delivery builder\n +# created accounting lines in the invoice\n +# \n +\n +# Accounting specific: \n +# if every lines have the same resource, then copy the resource \n +# on the Transaction and delete resource on the lines.\n +# TODO: this is a Property Assignment Movement Group\n +\n +accounting_line_portal_type = context.getPortalAccountingMovementTypeList()\n +resources_keys = {}\n +for line in context.contentValues(portal_type=accounting_line_portal_type):\n + resources_keys[line.getResource()] = 1\n +\n +if len(resources_keys.keys()) == 1 :\n + # set the resource on the transaction\n + context.setResource(resources_keys.keys()[0])\n + # and delete on the invoice lines, so that if the user\n + # changes the ressource on the transaction, it also change on \n + # the lines. \n + for line in context.contentValues(portal_type=accounting_line_portal_type):\n + line.setResource(None)\n + assert(line.getResource() == context.getResource())\n +else :\n + raise ValueError, "%s doesn\'t have only one resource %s" % (\n + context.getPath(), resources_keys.keys())\n +\n +# round debit / credit on created transaction.\n +context.AccountingTransaction_roundDebitCredit()\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>related_simulation_movement_path_list=None, **kw</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>VifibInvoiceTransaction_postTransactionLineGeneration</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibInvoiceTransaction_selectDelivery.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibInvoiceTransaction_selectDelivery.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e4e2b151b05901e390cb17f36b8d0af89286f6b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibInvoiceTransaction_selectDelivery.xml @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>#\n +# This method is used by the invoice_transaction_builder\n +# delivery builder to select the Invoice Transaction \n +# in which creating new Invoice Transaction Lines.\n +#\n +\n +deliveries_keys = {}\n +for movement in movement_list:\n + ar = movement.getParentValue()\n + line = None\n +\n + # case of tax movement \n + if ar.getSpecialiseValue().getPortalType() in (\'Tax Rule\', \'Tax Simulation Rule\'):\n + for other_rule in ar.getParentValue().contentValues():\n + if other_rule == ar:\n + continue\n + for sm in other_rule.contentValues():\n + line = sm.getDeliveryValue()\n +\n + # case of trade model movement\n + if ar.getParentValue().getParentValue().getSpecialiseValue().getPortalType() in (\'Trade Model Rule\', \'Trade Model Simulation Rule\'):\n + line = ar.getParentValue().getParentValue().getParentValue().getDeliveryValue()\n +\n + # in case of invoice rule (ie. starting from Invoice)\n + if line is None:\n + line = ar.getParentValue().getOrderValue()\n +\n + # in case of invoicing rule (ie. starting from Order)\n + if line is None:\n + line = movement.getParentValue().getParentValue().getDeliveryValue()\n +\n + if line is not None:\n + deliveries_keys[line.getExplanationValue()] = 1\n +\n +return filter(lambda x : x is not None, deliveries_keys.keys())\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>movement_list, **kw</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>VifibInvoiceTransaction_selectDelivery</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibPaymentTransaction_postGeneration.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibPaymentTransaction_postGeneration.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3706aeec8380bfc5d0460e8b89d10cb8591ead01 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibPaymentTransaction_postGeneration.xml @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>from Products.ERP5Type.Message import translateString\n +from DateTime import DateTime\n +\n +payment_transaction = context\n +\n +# initialize accounting_workflow to planned state\n +if payment_transaction.getSimulationState() == "draft":\n + payment_transaction.plan(comment=translateString("Initialised by Delivery Builder."))\n +\n +if payment_transaction.getStartDate() is None:\n + payment_transaction.setStartDate(DateTime())\n +\n +# First set the payment transaction in the building state on the causality workflow\n +payment_transaction.startBuilding()\n +\n +# Then an activity should put the causality state in diverged or solved\n +payment_transaction.activate(after_path_and_method_id=(related_simulation_movement_path_list,\n + (\'immediateReindexObject\',\'recursiveImmediateReindexObject\'))).updateCausalityState()\n +\n +# update casuality from movements\n +causality_list = payment_transaction.getCausalityList()\n +causality_list.sort()\n +modified = 0\n +for movement in payment_transaction.getMovementList():\n + movement_causality = movement.getCausality()\n + if movement_causality not in causality_list:\n + modified = 1\n + causality_list.append(movement_causality)\n +\n +if modified:\n + causality_list.sort()\n + payment_transaction.setCausalityList(causality_list)\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>related_simulation_movement_path_list=None, **kw</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>VifibPaymentTransaction_postGeneration</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibSalePackingList_postGeneration.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibSalePackingList_postGeneration.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b3c866c0dad7362ba64c940b895be71e4c42a872 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_simulation/VifibSalePackingList_postGeneration.xml @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>if related_simulation_movement_path_list is None:\n + raise RuntimeError, \'related_simulation_movement_path_list is missing. Update ERP5 Product.\'\n +\n +from Products.ERP5Type.Message import translateString\n +\n +packing_list = context\n +\n +try:\n + packing_list.PackingList_copyOrderProperties()\n +except AttributeError:\n + # does not come from Order\n + pass\n +\n +# Then, modify state\n +confirm_tag = \'%s_confirm\' % packing_list.getPath()\n +packing_list.activate(after_path_and_method_id=(related_simulation_movement_path_list,\n + (\'immediateReindexObject\',\'recursiveImmediateReindexObject\')),\n + tag=confirm_tag).Delivery_confirm()\n +\n +# First set the packing_list in the building state\n +packing_list.startBuilding()\n +# Then an activity should put the causality state in diverged or solved\n +packing_list.activate(after_path_and_method_id=(related_simulation_movement_path_list,\n + (\'immediateReindexObject\',\'recursiveImmediateReindexObject\')),\n + after_tag=confirm_tag).updateCausalityState()\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>related_simulation_movement_path_list=None</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>VifibSalePackingList_postGeneration</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_bangSoftwareInstanceTree.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_bangSoftwareInstanceTree.xml index 385eb25bb48c8828f262a673b1a8e30b16c44e4e..1c4855da00bd29787af7e3dce0ec3135b0117fa5 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_bangSoftwareInstanceTree.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_bangSoftwareInstanceTree.xml @@ -62,7 +62,11 @@ for software_instance in context.portal_catalog(\n portal_type=\'Software Instance\',\n root_uid=root_software_instance.getUid()):\n software_instance = software_instance.getObject()\n - software_instance.activate().requestUpdateComputerPartition()\n + try:\n + software_instance.Item_getInstancePackingListLine(service_relative_url=portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceCleanupResource())\n + except ValueError:\n + #no instance cleanup, there is sense to try to update\n + software_instance.activate().requestUpdateComputerPartition()\n </string> </value> </item> <item> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_destroyComputerPartition.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_destroyComputerPartition.xml index 03ec455ec2c4c73f94f6f58e25e9cefd084d7b59..83f0f1fbe23a2b04000f9279e059d80247843791 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_destroyComputerPartition.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_destroyComputerPartition.xml @@ -50,20 +50,27 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>_body</string> </key> - <value> <string>software_instance = state_change[\'object\']\n + <value> <string>from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog import Query, ComplexQuery\n +\n +software_instance = state_change[\'object\']\n # mark destroy is requested\n +portal = context.getPortalObject()\n +if software_instance.getPortalType() == "Software Instance":\n + software_instance.SoftwareInstance_destroySlaveInstanceRelated()\n +\n software_instance.destroyRequested()\n # deliver proper packing list\n packing_list_line = context.SoftwareInstance_getInstanceDestroyPackingListLine(state_change)\n +\n packing_list = packing_list_line.getParentValue()\n -if packing_list.getPortalObject().portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible(packing_list, \'start\'):\n +if portal.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible(packing_list, \'start\'):\n packing_list.start()\n -if packing_list.getPortalObject().portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible(packing_list, \'deliver\'):\n +if portal.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible(packing_list, \'deliver\'):\n packing_list.deliver()\n \n # revoke certificate\n try:\n - context.getPortalObject().portal_certificate_authority\\\n + portal.portal_certificate_authority\\\n .revokeCertificate(software_instance.getDestinationReference())\n except ValueError:\n # Ignore already revoked certificates, as OpenSSL backend is\n diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_requestComputerPartition.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_requestComputerPartition.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 17d1ddd915c0594a715998f650d54a2f7e0efc8a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_requestComputerPartition.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -<?xml version="1.0"?> -<ZopeData> - <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> - <pickle> - <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> - </pickle> - <pickle> - <dictionary> - <item> - <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> - <value> <int>3</int> </value> - </item> - <item> - <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> - <value> - <object> - <klass> - <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> - </klass> - <tuple/> - <state> - <dictionary> - <item> - <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> - <value> - <dictionary> - <item> - <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> - <value> <string>container</string> </value> - </item> - <item> - <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> - <value> <string>context</string> </value> - </item> - <item> - <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> - <value> <string>script</string> </value> - </item> - <item> - <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> - <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> - </item> - </dictionary> - </value> - </item> - </dictionary> - </state> - </object> - </value> - </item> - <item> - <key> <string>_body</string> </key> - <value> <string>from DateTime import DateTime\n -\n -portal = context.getPortalObject()\n -software_instance = state_change[\'object\']\n -software_release_url_string = state_change.kwargs[\'software_release\']\n -hosting_subscription_uid = state_change.kwargs[\'hosting_subscription_uid\']\n -\n -# Assertion: No packing list line should be related to this software instance\n -packing_list_line = software_instance.getAggregateRelatedValue(portal_type=\'Sale Packing List Line\')\n -if packing_list_line is not None:\n - raise ValueError("Software Instance %s is already associated to a packing list line" % software_instance.getRelativeurl())\n -\n -# Find a free computer partition. This means:\n -# Computer Partition which doesn\'t have non delivered sale packing list related\n -\n -software_release_document = context.portal_catalog.getResultValue(\n - portal_type=\'Software Release\',\n - url_string=software_release_url_string)\n -\n -# protect computer partition from being selected again\n -portal = context.getPortalObject()\n -\n -hosting_subscription = software_instance.portal_catalog.getResultValue(uid=hosting_subscription_uid)\n -\n -open_order = portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue(\n - portal_type="Open Sale Order",\n - validation_state="validated")\n -computer_partition_relative_url = open_order.OpenSaleOrder_restrictMethodAsShadowUser(\n - open_order=open_order,\n - callable_object=open_order.OpenSaleOrder_findPartition,\n - argument_list=[software_release_url_string, software_instance.getSourceReference(),\n - software_instance.getPortalType(), software_instance.getSlaXmlAsDict()])\n -\n -sale_packing_list_line = context.HostingSubscription_getInstancePackingListLine(state_change)\n -base_sale_packing_list = sale_packing_list_line.getParentValue()\n -# XXX: SoftwareInstance_createSalePackingList shall be used to create new Sale Packing List\n -sale_packing_list_module = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type=\'Sale Packing List\')\n -\n -sale_packing_list = sale_packing_list_module.newContent(\n - portal_type=\'Sale Packing List\', \n - start_date=DateTime(),\n - specialise=base_sale_packing_list.getSpecialise() or base_sale_packing_list.getCausalityValue().getSpecialise(),\n - destination=base_sale_packing_list.getDestination(),\n - destination_section=base_sale_packing_list.getDestinationSection(),\n - destination_decision=base_sale_packing_list.getDestinationDecision(),\n - source=base_sale_packing_list.getSource(),\n - source_section=base_sale_packing_list.getSourceSection(),\n - price_currency=base_sale_packing_list.getPriceCurrency())\n -sale_packing_list_line = sale_packing_list.newContent(\n - portal_type=\'Sale Packing List Line\',\n - resource=context.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceSetupResource(),\n - aggregate_list=[software_instance.getRelativeUrl(), software_release_document.getRelativeUrl(), \n - computer_partition_relative_url, hosting_subscription.getRelativeUrl()]\n -)\n -\n -# confirm Sale Packing List\n -sale_packing_list.confirm()\n -</string> </value> - </item> - <item> - <key> <string>_params</string> </key> - <value> <string>state_change</string> </value> - </item> - <item> - <key> <string>id</string> </key> - <value> <string>SoftwareInstance_requestComputerPartition</string> </value> - </item> - </dictionary> - </pickle> - </record> -</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_requestDestroy.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_requestDestroy.xml index 06cf530c69c52e42b166b39e1c4fe75220a1fbf7..1dc00776bd4d71c6511959a3d7dd653426d93d0b 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_requestDestroy.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_requestDestroy.xml @@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ service_relative_url = software_instance.portal_preferences.\\\n getPreferredInstanceCleanupResource()\n sale_packing_list = context.SoftwareInstance_createSalePackingList(state_change, service_relative_url, tag=tag)\n sale_packing_list.confirm(activate_kw={\'tag\':tag})\n +\n +if software_instance.getPortalType() == "Software Instance":\n + software_instance.SoftwareInstance_requestDestroySlaveInstanceRelated()\n ]]></string> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_requestSoftwareInstance.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_requestSoftwareInstance.xml index b6aa323d27d95cd56c24a30834b5861a86c34cff..e8f38678d95876aaf5e3abbe8868fde158c9cf2a 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_requestSoftwareInstance.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_requestSoftwareInstance.xml @@ -121,13 +121,41 @@ if (request_software_instance is None):\n **portal.Base_getNewSoftwareInstanceCoordinate()\n )\n request_software_instance.portal_workflow.doActionFor(request_software_instance, \'validate_action\')\n - sale_packing_list_line = context.SoftwareInstance_getInstanceSetupPackingListLine(state_change)\n - hosting_subscription_uid = sale_packing_list_line.getAggregateValue(portal_type=\'Hosting Subscription\').getUid()\n - request_software_instance.requestComputerPartition(\n - software_release=software_release_url_string,\n - hosting_subscription_uid=hosting_subscription_uid,\n - software_type=software_type,\n - tag=tag)\n + if state == "started":\n + request_software_instance.startRequested()\n + if state == "stopped":\n + request_software_instance.stopRequested()\n + setup_service_relative_url = portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceSetupResource()\n + packing_list_line = software_instance.getAggregateRelatedValue(portal_type="Sale Packing List Line")\n + subscription = packing_list_line.getAggregateValue(portal_type="Hosting Subscription")\n + software_release_document = context.portal_catalog.getResultValue(\n + portal_type=\'Software Release\',\n + url_string=software_release_url_string)\n + base_sale_packing_list = packing_list_line.getParentValue()\n + trade_condition = packing_list_line.getSpecialise(portal_type="Sale Trade Condition")\n + sale_order = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type="Sale Order").newContent(\n + portal_type="Sale Order",\n + destination=base_sale_packing_list.getDestination(),\n + destination_section=base_sale_packing_list.getDestinationSection(),\n + destination_decision=base_sale_packing_list.getDestinationDecision(),\n + start_date=DateTime(),\n + received_date=DateTime(),\n + # XXX Hardcoded values\n + source="organisation_module/vifib_internet",\n + source_section="organisation_module/vifib_internet",\n + price_currency="currency_module/EUR",\n + activate_kw={\'tag\': tag},\n + )\n +\n + sale_order.setSpecialise(trade_condition, portal_type="Sale Trade Condition")\n + sale_order_line = sale_order.newContent(\n + portal_type="Sale Order Line",\n + resource=setup_service_relative_url,\n + quantity=1,\n + aggregate_value_list=[request_software_instance,subscription,software_release_document],\n + activate_kw={\'tag\': tag},\n + )\n + sale_order.order()\n else:\n # Update existing software instance\n # Sale Packing List interaction has to be requested automatically with an interaction workflow\n diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_stopComputerPartition.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_stopComputerPartition.xml index ab7c7a19ed207e996e8b82c0d82f5c6599915a38..d812063a716aa251b17749a1c82f862e61bd6990 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_stopComputerPartition.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/SoftwareInstance_stopComputerPartition.xml @@ -67,7 +67,12 @@ packing_list = packing_list_line.getParentValue()\n if packing_list.getSimulationState() == \'delivered\':\n if context.SoftwareInstance_deliverActiveInstanceUpdatePackingListLine(state_change):\n return\n -packing_list.deliver()\n +\n +try:\n + context.SoftwareInstance_getInstanceDestroyPackingListLine(state_change)\n +except ValueError:\n + # no instance cleanup, it is ok to deliver\n + packing_list.deliver()\n </string> </value> </item> <item> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/dependency_list b/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/dependency_list index 79801c173946e28f66c09acc9eeb51a7190d0b1f..e1f8e5c607b59a62a949af8b391e86997ad7dc5d 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/dependency_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/dependency_list @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ erp5_computer_immobilisation -erp5_software_pdm \ No newline at end of file +erp5_software_pdm +erp5_knowledge_pad +erp5_rss_style \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/revision index 059361f2464e150ad36f1317b66db501364219e1..52f6c1a7a0e6648b65c77f6cfff32f6b5034ee55 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -317 \ No newline at end of file +352 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/template_portal_type_property_sheet_list b/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/template_portal_type_property_sheet_list index 2b854c5f3a4df7b17e19e03237e02def9247dd1a..09a6704d3ed1f224848b72cba06d5abd46cc5ba1 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/template_portal_type_property_sheet_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/template_portal_type_property_sheet_list @@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ Slave Instance | TextDocument Software Instance | Reference Software Instance | SoftwareInstance Software Instance | SoftwareInstanceConstraint -Software Instance | TextDocument \ No newline at end of file +Software Instance | TextDocument +Software Instance | VariationRange \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/template_skin_id_list b/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/template_skin_id_list index e185da9f671eb47a397223cbbc78e74493824c01..fd2d94e0110b901fe0876b511603047d35c1c832 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/template_skin_id_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/template_skin_id_list @@ -1 +1,2 @@ -vifib_base \ No newline at end of file +vifib_base +vifib_simulation \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/version new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_base/bt/version @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_core/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_core/bt/revision index dc7b54ad014355b948b93c4c6c5891da053d5fdd..3e932fe8f188bb6dbcb02afe1306fa6e0b90357b 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_core/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_core/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -33 \ No newline at end of file +34 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_core/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_core/bt/version index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_core/bt/version +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_core/bt/version @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_crm/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_crm/bt/revision index ca7bf83ac53a27a2a914bed25e1a07478dd8ef47..da2d3988d7d1a255376770b1e87394ebb42febb3 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_crm/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_crm/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -13 \ No newline at end of file +14 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_crm/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_crm/bt/version index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_crm/bt/version +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_crm/bt/version @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/currency_module/EUR.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/currency_module/EUR.xml index fea318ba63200781f2226d7bc45cf15d51e998b8..70b36df63a8283585327fbfb081e737cb3342bfc 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/currency_module/EUR.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/currency_module/EUR.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <local_roles_item> <local_roles> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> <role id='R-MEMBER'> <item>Auditor</item> </role> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/cpu_consumption.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/cpu_consumption.xml index cb0ac552a49cf26ebaa9a0b553f64f7defc502f3..cceced5fc3d016febf2913fc7858838a0d69c867 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/cpu_consumption.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/cpu_consumption.xml @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ <role id='ERP5TypeTestCase'> <item>Owner</item> </role> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> <role id='R-COMPUTER'> <item>Auditor</item> </role> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/memory_consumption.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/memory_consumption.xml index cb0ac552a49cf26ebaa9a0b553f64f7defc502f3..cceced5fc3d016febf2913fc7858838a0d69c867 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/memory_consumption.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/memory_consumption.xml @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ <role id='ERP5TypeTestCase'> <item>Owner</item> </role> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> <role id='R-COMPUTER'> <item>Auditor</item> </role> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_cleanup.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_cleanup.xml index ce74c3ab2c829d52f7fe9bf58dbaf0889fc242d8..8595aac22a1d6d6850512640e793dd9fbefc6347 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_cleanup.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_cleanup.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <local_roles_item> <local_roles> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> <role id='R-COMPUTER'> <item>Auditor</item> </role> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_hosting.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_hosting.xml index b4e2a98cb48c9cf3d45c32a03dc37d8f847e24e3..6e43606c6c86fd2a85d81122fbca958c9726c7d8 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_hosting.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_hosting.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <local_roles_item> <local_roles> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> <role id='R-COMPUTER'> <item>Auditor</item> </role> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_setup.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_setup.xml index ce74c3ab2c829d52f7fe9bf58dbaf0889fc242d8..8595aac22a1d6d6850512640e793dd9fbefc6347 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_setup.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_setup.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <local_roles_item> <local_roles> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> <role id='R-COMPUTER'> <item>Auditor</item> </role> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_subscription.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_subscription.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed64339434f8fdae3497a7ac4f506615578e9045 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_subscription.xml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +<local_roles_item> + <local_roles> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> + <role id='R-COMPUTER'> + <item>Auditor</item> + </role> + <role id='R-INSTANCE'> + <item>Auditor</item> + </role> + <role id='R-MEMBER'> + <item>Auditor</item> + </role> + <role id='zope'> + <item>Owner</item> + </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_update.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_update.xml index cb0ac552a49cf26ebaa9a0b553f64f7defc502f3..cceced5fc3d016febf2913fc7858838a0d69c867 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_update.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_update.xml @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ <role id='ERP5TypeTestCase'> <item>Owner</item> </role> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> <role id='R-COMPUTER'> <item>Auditor</item> </role> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_software_setup.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_software_setup.xml index ce74c3ab2c829d52f7fe9bf58dbaf0889fc242d8..8595aac22a1d6d6850512640e793dd9fbefc6347 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_software_setup.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_software_setup.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <local_roles_item> <local_roles> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> <role id='R-COMPUTER'> <item>Auditor</item> </role> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_usage_report.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_usage_report.xml index b4e2a98cb48c9cf3d45c32a03dc37d8f847e24e3..6e43606c6c86fd2a85d81122fbca958c9726c7d8 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_usage_report.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_usage_report.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <local_roles_item> <local_roles> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> <role id='R-COMPUTER'> <item>Auditor</item> </role> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/cpu_consumption.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/cpu_consumption.xml index 7ba835d76b96477438495d572cce2f2a12ed32b4..cbf090df56b08d64d28a17f1e6ea1a9b7dcd6c75 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/cpu_consumption.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/cpu_consumption.xml @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ <value> <tuple> <string>quantity_unit/unit/piece</string> + <string>product_line/cloud/usage</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -88,7 +89,192 @@ <key> <string>title</string> </key> <value> <string>CPU Consumption</string> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> </dictionary> </pickle> </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>915.27360.39415.51234</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325175965.82</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate_action</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176059.39</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176059.4</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> </ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/memory_consumption.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/memory_consumption.xml index 6365afeb623f08ba04ae6938d8179f59adbc082c..5431f3e0d422fe97d665ef7347adc10e5c5e4967 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/memory_consumption.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/memory_consumption.xml @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ <value> <tuple> <string>quantity_unit/unit/piece</string> + <string>product_line/cloud/usage</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -88,7 +89,192 @@ <key> <string>title</string> </key> <value> <string>Memory Consumption</string> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> </dictionary> </pickle> </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>915.27360.39415.51234</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325175959.47</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate_action</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176053.07</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176053.07</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> </ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_cleanup.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_cleanup.xml index 886946d36b6936d4dedb14f8e6cb16839aa4e583..f7ce12a688a770c7cc53f518b422ce91c048359c 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_cleanup.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_cleanup.xml @@ -14,9 +14,7 @@ <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> <string>Auditor</string> - <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> - <string>Owner</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -27,9 +25,7 @@ <string>Assignee</string> <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> - <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> - <string>Owner</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -40,9 +36,7 @@ <string>Assignee</string> <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> - <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> - <string>Owner</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -54,9 +48,7 @@ <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> <string>Auditor</string> - <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> - <string>Owner</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -92,9 +84,9 @@ <value> <tuple> <string>Computer Partition</string> + <string>Hosting Subscription</string> <string>Software Instance</string> <string>Software Release</string> - <string>Subscription Item</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -103,6 +95,7 @@ <value> <tuple> <string>quantity_unit/unit/piece</string> + <string>product_line/cloud/configuration</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -131,6 +124,10 @@ </object> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_reference</string> </key> + <value> <string>instance_cleanup</string> </value> + </item> <item> <key> <string>description</string> </key> <value> @@ -167,9 +164,9 @@ <value> <tuple> <string>Computer Partition</string> + <string>Hosting Subscription</string> <string>Software Instance</string> <string>Software Release</string> - <string>Subscription Item</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -177,7 +174,237 @@ <key> <string>title</string> </key> <value> <string>Instance Cleanup</string> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> </dictionary> </pickle> </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>915.27360.39415.51234</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="3.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325175538.94</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>915.27378.64386.39116</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="3.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325175932.09</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate_action</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176046.4</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176046.4</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> </ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_hosting.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_hosting.xml index bff3b44f58e6c90cde688e1cb3bb33f0a78ea847..454352f29164640a7021c96dcaffc9d48dfcb185 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_hosting.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_hosting.xml @@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ <value> <tuple> <string>Computer Partition</string> + <string>Hosting Subscription</string> <string>Software Instance</string> <string>Software Release</string> - <string>Subscription Item</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ <value> <tuple> <string>quantity_unit/unit/piece</string> + <string>product_line/cloud/configuration</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -79,9 +80,7 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>default_reference</string> </key> - <value> - <none/> - </value> + <value> <string>instance_hosting</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>description</string> </key> @@ -102,9 +101,9 @@ <value> <tuple> <string>Computer Partition</string> + <string>Hosting Subscription</string> <string>Software Instance</string> <string>Software Release</string> - <string>Subscription Item</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -112,7 +111,237 @@ <key> <string>title</string> </key> <value> <string>Instance Hosting</string> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> </dictionary> </pickle> </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>915.27360.39415.51234</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="3.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325175531.25</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>915.27378.55986.59357</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="3.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325175923.91</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate_action</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176039.93</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176039.94</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> </ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_setup.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_setup.xml index 0a0400ffedd099a1745cb35dfb1ce0cc0a091012..b0191004f6373cefe8ae72b17fd33a69a036ba12 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_setup.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_setup.xml @@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ <value> <tuple> <string>Computer Partition</string> + <string>Hosting Subscription</string> <string>Software Instance</string> <string>Software Release</string> - <string>Subscription Item</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ <value> <tuple> <string>quantity_unit/unit/piece</string> + <string>product_line/cloud/configuration</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ <string>Computer Partition</string> <string>Software Instance</string> <string>Software Release</string> - <string>Subscription Item</string> + <string>Hosting Subscription</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -110,7 +111,192 @@ <key> <string>title</string> </key> <value> <string>Instance Setup</string> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> </dictionary> </pickle> </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>915.27360.39415.51234</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325175915.59</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate_action</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176033.17</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176033.18</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> </ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_subscription.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_subscription.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d66035ac4c1b17106b1b061bea415df4c9b8ae4a --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_subscription.xml @@ -0,0 +1,302 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Service" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>aggregated_portal_type</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Computer Partition</string> + <string>Hosting Subscription</string> + <string>Software Instance</string> + <string>Software Release</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>quantity_unit/unit/piece</string> + <string>product_line/cloud/subscription</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_reference</string> </key> + <value> <string>instance_subscription</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>vifib_instance_subscription</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Service</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_aggregated_portal_type</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Computer Partition</string> + <string>Software Instance</string> + <string>Software Release</string> + <string>Hosting Subscription</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Instance Subscription</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>915.27360.39415.51234</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325175892.78</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate_action</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176025.57</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176025.58</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_update.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_update.xml index e304e5c41e23c4d7d3dbc907eda5eb2a5f4032d6..c4cd4e2b9dfefe81c571506cb5d5c80ec7ba2be1 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_update.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_instance_update.xml @@ -14,9 +14,7 @@ <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> <string>Auditor</string> - <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> - <string>Owner</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -27,9 +25,7 @@ <string>Assignee</string> <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> - <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> - <string>Owner</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -40,9 +36,7 @@ <string>Assignee</string> <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> - <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> - <string>Owner</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -54,9 +48,7 @@ <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> <string>Auditor</string> - <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> - <string>Owner</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -65,9 +57,9 @@ <value> <tuple> <string>Computer Partition</string> + <string>Hosting Subscription</string> <string>Software Instance</string> <string>Software Release</string> - <string>Subscription Item</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -76,6 +68,7 @@ <value> <tuple> <string>quantity_unit/unit/piece</string> + <string>product_line/cloud/configuration</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -108,9 +101,9 @@ <value> <tuple> <string>Computer Partition</string> + <string>Hosting Subscription</string> <string>Software Instance</string> <string>Software Release</string> - <string>Subscription Item</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -118,7 +111,237 @@ <key> <string>title</string> </key> <value> <string>Instance Update</string> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> </dictionary> </pickle> </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>915.27360.39415.51234</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="3.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325175880.05</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>915.27384.43819.28723</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="3.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325175905.81</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate_action</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176018.96</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176018.96</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> </ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_software_setup.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_software_setup.xml index 7405dadfadf5a3410cdf422a9b48238378960d41..b8030f46ef9401cd3c190a363bea7619033ede2f 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_software_setup.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_software_setup.xml @@ -106,7 +106,192 @@ <key> <string>title</string> </key> <value> <string>Software Setup</string> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> </dictionary> </pickle> </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>915.27360.39415.51234</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325175865.26</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate_action</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176012.04</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325176012.05</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> </ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_usage_report.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_usage_report.xml index 7953d46018270245dca56ae7c36539b8964fa7ae..d37f85314001c3e446751c9e3279e3b70b86b6b1 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_usage_report.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PathTemplateItem/service_module/vifib_usage_report.xml @@ -14,9 +14,7 @@ <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> <string>Auditor</string> - <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> - <string>Owner</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -27,9 +25,7 @@ <string>Assignee</string> <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> - <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> - <string>Owner</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -40,9 +36,7 @@ <string>Assignee</string> <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> - <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> - <string>Owner</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -54,26 +48,22 @@ <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> <string>Auditor</string> - <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> - <string>Owner</string> </tuple> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>aggregated_portal_type</string> </key> <value> - <tuple> - <string>Usage Report</string> - </tuple> + <tuple/> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>categories</string> </key> <value> <tuple> - <string>product_line/service/80000000</string> <string>quantity_unit/volume/cubic_meter</string> + <string>product_line/cloud/usage</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -111,6 +101,12 @@ <key> <string>title</string> </key> <value> <string>Usage Report</string> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> </dictionary> </pickle> </record> @@ -132,4 +128,183 @@ </dictionary> </pickle> </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAU=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>915.27360.39415.51234</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325175734.94</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="5" aka="AAAAAAAAAAU="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate_action</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="5.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325175998.94</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="5.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1325175998.94</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> </ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PreferenceTemplateItem/portal_preferences/vifib_default_system_preference.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PreferenceTemplateItem/portal_preferences/vifib_default_system_preference.xml index 616595fbae5ed4e11654610e8d8786fe1b8f7f91..aa3740e94f680d5a005e2fee7eceb91e966e78e1 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/PreferenceTemplateItem/portal_preferences/vifib_default_system_preference.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/PreferenceTemplateItem/portal_preferences/vifib_default_system_preference.xml @@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ <key> <string>preferred_instance_setup_resource</string> </key> <value> <string>service_module/vifib_instance_setup</string> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>preferred_instance_subscription_resource</string> </key> + <value> <string>service_module/vifib_instance_subscription</string> </value> + </item> <item> <key> <string>preferred_instance_update_resource</string> </key> <value> <string>service_module/vifib_instance_update</string> </value> @@ -117,6 +121,14 @@ <key> <string>preferred_ooodoc_server_port_number</string> </key> <value> <int>23000</int> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>preferred_organisation_credential_update_automatic_approval</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>preferred_payzen_integration_site</string> </key> + <value> <string>portal_integrations/vifib_payzen_integration</string> </value> + </item> <item> <key> <string>preferred_software_setup_resource</string> </key> <value> <string>service_module/vifib_software_setup</string> </value> @@ -125,7 +137,7 @@ <key> <string>preferred_subscription_assignment_category</string> </key> <value> <tuple> - <string>function/customer</string> + <string>role/member</string> </tuple> </value> </item> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/revision index 24af08a4875794564c5895aa8c9b664b2c78effe..a46c9d2265d70e913acb0e0935a4cd167ac4773c 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -83 \ No newline at end of file +91 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_keep_workflow_path_list b/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_keep_workflow_path_list new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ed1dfbf588ed7b6d3745ceb70a2dfe8afa86c07 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_keep_workflow_path_list @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +service_module/cpu_consumption +service_module/memory_consumption +service_module/vifib_instance_cleanup +service_module/vifib_instance_hosting +service_module/vifib_instance_setup +service_module/vifib_instance_subscription +service_module/vifib_instance_update +service_module/vifib_software_setup +service_module/vifib_usage_report \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_local_role_list b/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_local_role_list index 9bcdc83ef5fa26ee0ac3b4814ecf234739df320e..3f204def9ce82414b5e6baf197530dc124817900 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_local_role_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_local_role_list @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ service_module/memory_consumption service_module/vifib_instance_cleanup service_module/vifib_instance_hosting service_module/vifib_instance_setup +service_module/vifib_instance_subscription service_module/vifib_instance_update service_module/vifib_software_setup service_module/vifib_usage_report \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_local_roles_list b/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_local_roles_list index 6fddb74584809fe55f00fe2d7aec2dc4cdcf4810..f1a26d7f31abf57b6d1c67f738904f549f90a93c 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_local_roles_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_local_roles_list @@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ currency_module/EUR service_module/cpu_consumption service_module/memory_consumption service_module/vifib_instance_cleanup +service_module/vifib_instance_subscription service_module/vifib_instance_hosting service_module/vifib_instance_setup +service_module/vifib_instance_update service_module/vifib_software_setup -service_module/vifib_usage_report -service_module/vifib_instance_update \ No newline at end of file +service_module/vifib_usage_report \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_path_list b/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_path_list index 0d0e63605553417ddb65bf16bee567458df2b2e1..1c8590878e461b5443a9543a4b269584a4a36de6 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_path_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/template_path_list @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ service_module/memory_consumption service_module/vifib_instance_cleanup service_module/vifib_instance_hosting service_module/vifib_instance_setup +service_module/vifib_instance_subscription service_module/vifib_instance_update service_module/vifib_software_setup service_module/vifib_usage_report \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/version index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/version +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data/bt/version @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_category/PathTemplateItem/portal_categories/product_line/cloud.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_category/PathTemplateItem/portal_categories/product_line/cloud.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..23188399d00beaf111862fcef8a7acb5590f351f --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_category/PathTemplateItem/portal_categories/product_line/cloud.xml @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Category" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_folders_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Copy_or_Move_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_count</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_mt_index</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_tree</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>Cloud services</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>effective_date</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>cloud</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Category</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>short_title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Hosting</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Cloud Services</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="Length" module="BTrees.Length"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> <int>0</int> </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + 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<string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>effective_date</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>tablet</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Category</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Tablet</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git 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<string>_Copy_or_Move_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_count</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_mt_index</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_tree</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>effective_date</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>network</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Category</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>short_title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Network</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Data Center Hardware</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="Length" module="BTrees.Length"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> <int>0</int> </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <none/> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <none/> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_category/PathTemplateItem/portal_categories/product_line/network/active.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_category/PathTemplateItem/portal_categories/product_line/network/active.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..918c4055ab25de981a8c78039af8650d8d841d86 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_category/PathTemplateItem/portal_categories/product_line/network/active.xml @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Category" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_folders_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Copy_or_Move_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>Routers, switch</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>effective_date</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>active</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Category</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>short_title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Active</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Active Network Hardware</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_category/PathTemplateItem/portal_categories/product_line/network/environment.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_category/PathTemplateItem/portal_categories/product_line/network/environment.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..852f58840b9cd51900739ebe611b78039e045a2f --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_category/PathTemplateItem/portal_categories/product_line/network/environment.xml @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Category" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + 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</value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>Cables, bays</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>effective_date</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>passive</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Category</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>short_title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Passive</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Passive Network Hardware</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git 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<string>_Copy_or_Move_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>Battery, power generator</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>effective_date</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>power</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Category</string> </value> + </item> + <item> 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aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="Length" module="BTrees.Length"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> <int>0</int> </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <none/> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <none/> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/PathTemplateItem/portal_integrations/vifib_payzen_integration/Causality.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/PathTemplateItem/portal_integrations/vifib_payzen_integration/Causality.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4cd8ae0cd610ad6215042b0895cd2e009d78867d --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/PathTemplateItem/portal_integrations/vifib_payzen_integration/Causality.xml @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" 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<string>Resource</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Resource</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>last_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>1</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Integration Base Category Mapping</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="Length" module="BTrees.Length"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> <int>0</int> </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <none/> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <none/> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git 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<string>978</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Integration Category Mapping</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/states/pending.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/PathTemplateItem/portal_secure_payments.xml similarity index 65% rename from master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/states/pending.xml rename to master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/PathTemplateItem/portal_secure_payments.xml index bc55ca9b20ca280d32af2899c113081f21dfb88c..12ead9bd9ff14a3e991854521c39d16105779e1d 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/states/pending.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/PathTemplateItem/portal_secure_payments.xml @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ <ZopeData> <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> <pickle> - <global name="StateDefinition" module="Products.DCWorkflow.States"/> + <global name="Secure Payment Tool" module="erp5.portal_type"/> </pickle> <pickle> <dictionary> <item> <key> <string>id</string> </key> - <value> <string>pending</string> </value> + <value> <string>portal_secure_payments</string> </value> </item> </dictionary> </pickle> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/PathTemplateItem/sale_trade_condition_module/payzen_sale_trade_condition.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/PathTemplateItem/sale_trade_condition_module/payzen_sale_trade_condition.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c425fd73d6a2aa1b6e8d2e222ac443a37b58f31 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/PathTemplateItem/sale_trade_condition_module/payzen_sale_trade_condition.xml @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Sale Trade Condition" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_identity_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>payzen_sale_trade_condition</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Sale Trade Condition</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>PayZen Sale Trade Condition</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>version</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git 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+vifib_payzen +vifib_data \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/bt/description b/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/bt/description new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d035b15ecb510525dd98b6ce8416273a9e787388 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/bt/description @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Payzen integration data for Vifib.net \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/license b/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/bt/license similarity index 100% rename from master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/license rename to master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/bt/license diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/bt/revision similarity index 100% rename from master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/revision rename to master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/bt/revision diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/template_format_version b/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/bt/template_format_version similarity index 100% rename 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b/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/bt/title @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +vifib_data_payzen \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/bt/version new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_payzen/bt/version @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/bank.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/bank.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec4677731f135071c63b8ce43423e7ea524cc0be --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/bank.xml @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Account" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>account_type/asset/cash/bank</string> + <string>financial_section/asset/current_assets/cash</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>bank</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Account</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Bank</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>account_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> 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<key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152771.81</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41095.34766.14267</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152803.35</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/capital.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/capital.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a940f072cb2fcbac92f420b81450175e2877b68 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/capital.xml @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Account" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>account_type/equity</string> + <string>financial_section/equity/share_capital</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>capital</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Account</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Capital</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>account_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="3.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152725.96</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="3.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322153185.56</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152725.96</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41094.50218.16315</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152745.57</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/coll_vat.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/coll_vat.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e9a71e77520d8a7b86ae4f13dc1e55d27776054d --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/coll_vat.xml @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Account" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> 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</key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>account_type/liability/payable/collected_vat</string> + <string>financial_section/liability/current/other</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>coll_vat</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Account</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Collective VAT</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>account_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="3.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152650.24</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="3.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322153185.57</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152650.24</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41093.33050.4027</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152689.55</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/equipments.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/equipments.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8eea3851cb6d52104c837294327fb239416e24f --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/equipments.xml @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Account" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>account_type/asset</string> + <string>financial_section/asset/non_current/fixed_assets</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>equipments</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Account</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Equipments</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>account_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + 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+ <tuple> + <float>1322153185.53</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152584.72</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41092.27025.24302</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152611.78</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/inventories.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/inventories.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..287c7e19c105e3b3d71c9aa57b7d3ec4625a603e --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/inventories.xml @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Account" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>account_type/asset</string> + <string>financial_section/asset/current_assets/stock</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>inventories</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Account</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Inventories</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>account_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="3.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152494.76</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="3.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + 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<string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152508.51</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41091.9303.11673</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152523.18</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/payable.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/payable.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6c0568a091bd9d12d91899e06785c60878b7817 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/payable.xml @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Account" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>account_type/liability/payable</string> + 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+ <global id="3.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152439.13</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="3.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322153185.6</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + 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<string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152439.13</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41089.64601.61201</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152446.66</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41090.7280.56968</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152461.15</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/profit_loss.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/profit_loss.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d35b2b7921abada7ff8eba38ffd67bd9e58690d --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/profit_loss.xml @@ -0,0 +1,439 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Account" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + 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</value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>profit_loss</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Account</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Profit Loss</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>account_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="3.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152319.47</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="3.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322153185.61</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152319.47</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAU=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152319.47</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41087.64977.31488</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152345.49</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41088.54456.31061</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152408.1</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="5" aka="AAAAAAAAAAU="> + <pickle> + <global name="Message" module="Products.ERP5Type.Message"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string>Object copied from ${source_item}</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>domain</string> </key> + <value> <string>erp5_ui</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>mapping</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>source_item</string> </key> + <value> <string>/erp5/account_module/purchase</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message</string> </key> + <value> <string>Object copied from ${source_item}</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/purchase.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/purchase.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ad932c19c9c7aa60c4e9db86dda2e5ec3ca7ea02 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/purchase.xml @@ -0,0 +1,394 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Account" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>account_type/expense</string> + <string>financial_section/expense/op_expense/cogs</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>purchase</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Account</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Purchase</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>account_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="3.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152115.16</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="3.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322153185.62</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152115.16</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAU=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152115.17</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41085.972.61593</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322152261.26</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="5" aka="AAAAAAAAAAU="> + <pickle> + <global name="Message" module="Products.ERP5Type.Message"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string>Object copied from ${source_item}</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>domain</string> </key> + <value> <string>erp5_ui</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>mapping</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>source_item</string> </key> + <value> <string>/erp5/account_module/receivable</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message</string> </key> + <value> <string>Object copied from ${source_item}</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/receivable.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/receivable.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..233c8db5df3f0b4d4d1a76683f10c93cfa5d1986 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/receivable.xml @@ -0,0 +1,439 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Account" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>account_type/asset/receivable</string> + <string>financial_section/asset/current_assets/receivables</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>receivable</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Account</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Receivable</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>account_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="3.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151891.25</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="3.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322153185.55</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151891.25</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAU=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151891.26</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41081.15152.11366</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151974.36</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41082.15696.34065</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151985.9</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="5" aka="AAAAAAAAAAU="> + <pickle> + <global name="Message" module="Products.ERP5Type.Message"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string>Object copied from ${source_item}</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>domain</string> </key> + <value> <string>erp5_ui</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>mapping</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>source_item</string> </key> + <value> <string>/erp5/account_module/refundable_vat</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message</string> </key> + <value> <string>Object copied from ${source_item}</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/refundable_vat.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/refundable_vat.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..812ea527678fc6cba9749c2616df7cb2555a6957 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/refundable_vat.xml @@ -0,0 +1,529 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Account" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>account_type/asset/receivable/refundable_vat</string> + <string>financial_section/asset/current_assets/receivables</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>refundable_vat</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Account</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Refundable VAT</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>account_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="3.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151647.38</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="3.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322153185.52</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151647.38</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAU=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151647.39</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41077.11222.60996</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151815.21</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41079.38477.62310</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151832.27</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41079.57104.50653</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151840.03</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41080.37.26948</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151862.95</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="5" aka="AAAAAAAAAAU="> + <pickle> + <global name="Message" module="Products.ERP5Type.Message"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string>Object copied from ${source_item}</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>domain</string> </key> + <value> <string>erp5_ui</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>mapping</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>source_item</string> </key> + <value> <string>/erp5/account_module/sales</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message</string> </key> + <value> <string>Object copied from ${source_item}</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/sales.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/sales.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aace3e4032752c9b83a4fafc941c9c3a20079040 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/account_module/sales.xml @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Account" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>account_type/income</string> + <string>financial_section/income/revenue</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>sales</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Account</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Sales</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>account_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="3.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151553.54</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="3.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322153185.52</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151553.54</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41075.30757.58094</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151612.62</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.41076.13794.55961</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322151639.56</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git 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- <value> - <none/> - </value> - </item> - <item> - <key> <string>test_method_id</string> </key> - <value> - <tuple/> - </value> + <key> <string>referential_date</string> </key> + <value> <string>start_date</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>title</string> </key> - <value> <string>Open Order Subscription Item Rule</string> </value> + <value> <string>Vifib Purchase Business Process</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>version</string> </key> - <value> <string>001</string> </value> + <value> <string>1</string> </value> </item> </dictionary> </pickle> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_purchase_business_process/deliver.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_purchase_business_process/deliver.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..382dc05cd4e9ba2f485ee7cf7a1e3edc383e05ad --- /dev/null +++ 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</key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_identity_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>modification_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + 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<string>TMP-DELIVERY</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>delivery_path</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>int_index</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>language</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>lead_time</string> </key> + <value> <float>2.0</float> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>modification_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="1.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>payment_additional_term</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>payment_end_of_month</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>payment_term</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Trade Model Path</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Delivery</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>wait_time</string> </key> + <value> <float>3.0</float> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + 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<string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>modification_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>creation_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/order</string> + <string>trade_date/trade_phase/vifib/order</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>creation_date</string> </key> + <value> + 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</object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Trade Model Path</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Order</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git 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<string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_count</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + 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<string>Business Process</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>referential_date</string> </key> + <value> <string>start_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Vifib Sale Business Process</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>version</string> </key> + <value> <string>1</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="Length" module="BTrees.Length"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> <int>0</int> </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <none/> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <none/> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git 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<item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_identity_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>modification_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>creation_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/accounting</string> + <string>predecessor/trade_state/invoiced</string> + 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</value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>account</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>int_index</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>language</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>modification_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="1.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Business Link</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>account</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + 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<string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/accounting</string> + <string>source/account_module/sales</string> + <string>destination/account_module/purchase</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>creation_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="1.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_reference</string> </key> + <value> <string>TMP-ACCOUNTING-CREDIT</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>This business path is just a template thus disabled by using \'python:False\' in Predicate.\n +For real use, it is required to set an appropriate source (= account) category in Profile.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>efficiency</string> </key> + <value> <float>-1.0</float> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>account_credit_path</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>int_index</string> </key> + <value> <int>4</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>language</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>membership_criterion_category</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>modification_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="1.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>payment_end_of_month</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Trade Model Path</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>string_index</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>test_method_id</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>test_tales_expression</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Accounting Credit</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + 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module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_identity_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>modification_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>creation_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/accounting</string> + <string>source/account_module/receivable</string> + <string>destination/account_module/payable</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>creation_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="1.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_reference</string> </key> + <value> <string>TMP-ACCOUNTING-DEBIT</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>This business path is just a template thus disabled by using \'python:False\' in Predicate.\n +For real use, it is required to set an appropriate source (= account) category in Profile.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>account_debit_path</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>int_index</string> </key> + <value> <int>4</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>language</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>membership_criterion_category</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>modification_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="1.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>payment_end_of_month</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Trade Model Path</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>string_index</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>test_method_id</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>test_tales_expression</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Accounting Debit</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/deliver.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/deliver.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef0fbe71ea8af1fe4c917ec6a646ed68ee458797 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/deliver.xml @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Business Link" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_identity_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>modification_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>creation_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/delivery</string> + <string>predecessor/trade_state/ordered</string> + <string>successor/trade_state/delivered</string> + <string>delivery_builder/portal_deliveries/vifib_sale_packing_list_builder</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>completed_state</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>delivered</string> + <string>stopped</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>creation_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="1.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>deliverable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>frozen_state</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>delivered</string> + <string>stopped</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>deliver</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>int_index</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>language</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>lead_time</string> </key> + <value> <float>10.0</float> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>modification_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="1.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Business Link</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>deliver</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/erp5_default_business_process/delivery_path.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/delivery_path.xml similarity index 88% rename from master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/erp5_default_business_process/delivery_path.xml rename to 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</value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>language</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> <item> <key> <string>lead_time</string> </key> <value> <float>2.0</float> </value> @@ -126,8 +131,8 @@ </tuple> <state> <tuple> - <float>1280440800.0</float> - <string>GMT+2</string> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> </tuple> </state> </object> @@ -135,7 +140,9 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>payment_additional_term</string> </key> - <value> <int>0</int> </value> + <value> + <none/> + </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>payment_end_of_month</string> </key> @@ -143,7 +150,9 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>payment_term</string> </key> - <value> <int>0</int> </value> + <value> + <none/> + </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> @@ -162,7 +171,10 @@ </record> <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> <pickle> - <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> </pickle> <pickle> <dictionary> @@ -177,7 +189,10 @@ </record> <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> <pickle> - <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> </pickle> <pickle> <dictionary> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/invoice.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/invoice.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb2f6b2e39d81391d3639a059fb8d10a764f6f21 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/invoice.xml @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Business Link" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_identity_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>modification_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>creation_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/invoicing</string> + <string>predecessor/trade_state/delivered</string> + <string>successor/trade_state/invoiced</string> + <string>delivery_builder/portal_deliveries/vifib_sale_invoice_builder</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>completed_state</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>confirmed</string> + <string>delivered</string> + <string>started</string> + <string>stopped</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>creation_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="1.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>deliverable</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>frozen_state</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>delivered</string> + <string>stopped</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>invoice</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>int_index</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>language</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>modification_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="1.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Business Link</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>invoice</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/invoice_path.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/invoice_path.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e950e75da9f5c5439df19ff060e974ca37cf3c05 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/invoice_path.xml @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Trade Model Path" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_identity_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>modification_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>creation_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/invoicing</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>creation_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="1.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_reference</string> </key> + <value> <string>TMP-INVOICE</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>invoice_path</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>int_index</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>language</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>modification_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="1.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>payment_end_of_month</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Trade Model Path</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Invoicing</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/order.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/order.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ebd97b231d3719c4e3bcf5a0e2d65156fffb246 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/order.xml @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Business Link" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_identity_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>successor/trade_state/ordered</string> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/order</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>completed_state</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>confirmed</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>deliverable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>frozen_state</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>order</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>int_index</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Business Link</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>order</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git 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<value> <string>modification_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>creation_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/order</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>creation_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="1.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + 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<string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Order</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/pay.xml 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<string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_identity_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>modification_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>creation_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/payment</string> + <string>predecessor/trade_state/accounted</string> + <string>successor/trade_state/paid</string> + <string>source/account_module/bank</string> + <string>destination/account_module/bank</string> + 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</key> + <value> <int>4</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>language</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>modification_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="1.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Business Link</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>pay</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/payment_credit_path.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/payment_credit_path.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c02c04380a2642e17a0cfc2efdc0520b281f0bf --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/payment_credit_path.xml @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Trade Model Path" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_identity_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>modification_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>creation_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/payment</string> + <string>source/account_module/receivable</string> + <string>destination/account_module/payable</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>creation_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="1.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_reference</string> </key> + <value> <string>TMP-PAYMENT-CREDIT</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>This business path is just a template thus disabled by using \'python:False\' in Predicate.\n +For real use, it is required to set an appropriate source (= account) category in Profile.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>efficiency</string> </key> + <value> <float>-1.0</float> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>payment_credit_path</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>int_index</string> </key> + <value> <int>5</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>language</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>membership_criterion_category</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>modification_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="1.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>payment_end_of_month</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Trade Model Path</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>string_index</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>test_method_id</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>test_tales_expression</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Payment Credit</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/payment_debit_path.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/payment_debit_path.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74b047a22f6dc06ef9dc9e88262a4ad71f59b7ab --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/payment_debit_path.xml @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Trade Model Path" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_identity_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>modification_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>creation_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/payment</string> + <string>source/account_module/bank</string> + <string>destination/account_module/bank</string> + <string>source_payment/organisation_module/vifib_internet/bank_account</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>creation_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="1.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_reference</string> </key> + <value> <string>TMP-PAYMENT-DEBIT</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>This business path is just a template thus disabled by using \'python:False\' in Predicate.\n +For real use, it is required to set an appropriate source (= account) category in Profile.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>payment_debit_path</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>int_index</string> </key> + <value> <int>5</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>language</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>membership_criterion_category</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>modification_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="1.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324249200.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>payment_end_of_month</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Trade Model Path</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>string_index</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>test_method_id</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>test_tales_expression</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Payment Debit</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_categories/trade_phase/vifib.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_categories/trade_phase/vifib.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe2ababfb9d5ed7434a16705fd8378ef4fcb33a3 --- /dev/null +++ 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+ <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_count</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_mt_index</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_tree</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>trade_phase/vifib</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> 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</key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/accounting</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>accounting</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Category</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>accounting</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_categories/trade_phase/vifib/delivery.xml 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List</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>delivery_select_method_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>DeliveryBuilder_selectConfirmedDeliveryList</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>vifib_purchase_packing_list_builder</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Delivery Builder</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>simulation_select_method_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>VifibDeliveryBuilder_selectMovement</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Vifib Purchase Packing List Builder</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="Length" module="BTrees.Length"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> <int>0</int> </pickle> + </record> 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<string>trade_phase/default/invoicing</string> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/accounting</string> </tuple> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>default_reference</string> </key> - <value> <string>default_invoicing_rule</string> </value> + <value> <string>default_accounting_transaction_rule</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>description</string> </key> - <value> - <none/> - </value> + <value> <string>WARNING: This is a minimalist rule to make \'expand\' work when there exists a \'AccountingTransaction_getRuleReference\' script.\n +Many testers are missing and it should be completed like other root simulation rule.\n +This is not used anymore and is left only as an example.</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>id</string> </key> - <value> <string>new_invoice_simulation_rule</string> </value> + <value> <string>new_accounting_transaction_root_simulation_rule</string> </value> </item> <item> - <key> <string>last_id</string> </key> - <value> <string>20</string> </value> + <key> <string>language</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> - <value> <string>Invoice Simulation Rule</string> </value> + <value> <string>Accounting Transaction Root Simulation Rule</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>test_method_id</string> </key> <value> <tuple> - <string>SimulationMovement_testInvoiceSimulationRule</string> + <string>Rule_testFalse</string> </tuple> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>title</string> </key> - <value> <string>New Default Invoice Simulation Rule</string> </value> + <value> <string>New Default Accounting Transaction Root Simulation Rule</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>version</string> </key> @@ -153,17 +131,7 @@ <item> <key> <string>data</string> </key> <value> - <dictionary> - <item> - <key> <string>start_date</string> </key> - <value> - <tuple> - <none/> - <none/> - </tuple> - </value> - </item> - </dictionary> + <dictionary/> </value> </item> </dictionary> 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<persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>divergence_provider</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>delivery_tester</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>matching_provider</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Category Membership Divergence Tester</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tested_property</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>delivery</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>delivery divergence tester</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_rules/new_delivery_root_simulation_rule.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_rules/new_delivery_root_simulation_rule.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a289f54eb1aee4fd6e559f14d43147866591871 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_rules/new_delivery_root_simulation_rule.xml @@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Delivery Root Simulation Rule" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Delete_objects_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_count</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_identity_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>modification_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>creation_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_mt_index</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAU=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_tree</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAY=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>trade_phase/vifib/delivery</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>creation_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="1.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322002800.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_reference</string> </key> + <value> <string>default_delivery_rule</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>new_delivery_root_simulation_rule</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>language</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>modification_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="1.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322002800.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Delivery Root Simulation Rule</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>test_method_id</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Rule_testFalse</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Vifib Delivery Root Simulation Rule</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>version</string> </key> + <value> <string>3</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAc=</string> </persistent> + 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name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>zope</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>914.38198.55556.57480</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="8.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1322042028.86</float> + 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It eventually updates the delivery_ratio in the simulations.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>factory</string> </key> + <value> <string>addAdoptSolver</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>group_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>target_solver</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden_content_type_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Adopt Solver</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>init_script</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>permission</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Solver Type</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_sheet_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> 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module="Products.CMFCore.Expression"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>text</string> </key> + <value> <string>string:${object_url}/Solver_viewConfiguration</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Consolidating%20Sale%20Invoice%20Line/2.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Consolidating%20Sale%20Invoice%20Line/2.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7d545fe6a24339d194e2aa2f7edc7897efdfe3a --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Consolidating%20Sale%20Invoice%20Line/2.xml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Action Information" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> 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module="Products.ERP5Type.TranslationProviderBase"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>erp5_content</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>short_title</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="TranslationInformation" module="Products.ERP5Type.TranslationProviderBase"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>erp5_content</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>title</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/LIFO%20Delivery%20Solver.xml 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</key> + <value> <string>LIFO Delivery Solver</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>init_script</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>permission</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Solver Type</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_sheet_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>solver_action_title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Last In, First Out</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="TranslationInformation" module="Products.ERP5Type.TranslationProviderBase"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>erp5_content</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> 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<key> <string>permission</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Solver Type</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_sheet_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>solver_action_title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Minimise Price</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="TranslationInformation" module="Products.ERP5Type.TranslationProviderBase"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>erp5_content</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>short_title</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + 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module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_identity_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>modification_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>creation_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>contributor_list</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>lines</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_range_criterion</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>allowed_content_types</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>base_category_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>contributor_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>creation_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="1.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1281132000.0</float> + <string>GMT+2</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>Production Reduction Solver is only a placeholder for now. (it will need its own class later)</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden_content_type_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Production Reduction Solver</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>modification_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="1.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1281132000.0</float> + <string>GMT+2</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Solver Type</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_sheet_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Quantity%20Cancel%20Solver.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Quantity%20Cancel%20Solver.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dcffbbaebf7441613fc8f3e87aad967d9d32d092 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Quantity%20Cancel%20Solver.xml @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Solver Type" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_count</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_mt_index</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_tree</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>acquire_local_roles</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>allowed_content_types</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>base_category_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>configuration_form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Solver_viewConfigurationFormBox</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>configuration_property_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>The Quantity Cancel Solver is used to cancel the delivery of part of a shipment and prevent any further expand on the parent to generate changes. (as long the expanded quantity does not change)</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>factory</string> </key> + <value> <string>addQuantityCancelSolver</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>group_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>target_solver</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden_content_type_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Quantity Cancel Solver</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>init_script</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>line_exclusive</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>line_groupable</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>permission</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Solver Type</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_sheet_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>solver_action_title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Cancel Quantity</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="Length" module="BTrees.Length"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> <int>0</int> </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <none/> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <none/> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Quantity%20Cancel%20Solver/1.xml 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<string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>float_index</string> </key> + <value> <float>2.0</float> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>1</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Action Information</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>reference</string> </key> + <value> <string>configuration</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Configuration</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>visible</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="Expression" module="Products.CMFCore.Expression"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>text</string> </key> + <value> 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+ <tuple> + <string>View</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>action_type/object_view</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>float_index</string> </key> + <value> <float>1.0</float> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>2</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Action Information</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>reference</string> </key> + <value> <string>view</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>View</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>visible</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + 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<string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_count</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_mt_index</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_tree</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>acquire_local_roles</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>allowed_content_types</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>automatic_solver</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>base_category_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>delivery_solver/portal_solvers/FIFO Delivery Solver</string> + <string>delivery_solver/portal_solvers/LIFO Delivery Solver</string> + <string>delivery_solver/portal_solvers/Minimise Price Delivery Solver</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>configuration_form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>QuantitySplitSolver_viewConfigurationFormBox</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>configuration_groupable</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>configuration_property_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>The Quantity Split Solver splits a simulation movement into multiple simulation movements in order to defer the delivery of remaining quantities.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>factory</string> </key> + <value> <string>addQuantitySplitSolver</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>group_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>target_solver</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden_content_type_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Quantity Split Solver</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>init_script</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>line_exclusive</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>line_groupable</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>permission</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Solver Type</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>process_exclusive</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_sheet_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>solver_action_title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Split and Differ</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="Length" module="BTrees.Length"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> <int>0</int> </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <none/> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <none/> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Quantity%20Split%20Solver/1.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Quantity%20Split%20Solver/1.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2b84861a9b9e5a9d9901b5ca892e467c384b81b --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Quantity%20Split%20Solver/1.xml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Action Information" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>action_permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>View</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>action_type/object_view</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> 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<value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAY=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>acquire_local_roles</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>allowed_content_types</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>base_category_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>conflicting_solver/portal_solvers/Accept Solver</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>configuration_form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Solver_viewConfigurationFormBox</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>configuration_groupable</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>configuration_property_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>contributor_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>The Trade Model Solver solves the divergence by accepting the decision and updating a simulation movement, and also updates trade model related movements.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>factory</string> </key> + <value> <string>addTradeModelSolver</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>group_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>target_solver</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden_content_type_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Trade Model Solver</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>init_script</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>line_exclusive</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>line_groupable</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>permission</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Solver Type</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>process_exclusive</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_sheet_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>solver_action_title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Accept values from Invoice Line and recalculate Trade Model related Invoice Lines</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tested_property</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>quantity</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="Length" module="BTrees.Length"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> <int>0</int> </pickle> + 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<string>reference</string> </key> + <value> <string>view</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>View</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>visible</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="Expression" module="Products.CMFCore.Expression"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>text</string> </key> + <value> <string>string:${object_url}/TargetSolver_view</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Unify%20Solver.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Unify%20Solver.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9fcd071a455fbbddad269706d8514f6977b95dc --- /dev/null +++ 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encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAU=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_tree</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAY=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>acquire_local_roles</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>allowed_content_types</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>automatic_solver</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>base_category_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>configuration_form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>UnifySolver_viewConfigurationFormBox</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>configuration_groupable</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>configuration_property_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>configuration_property_list_dict_method_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>UnifySolver_getConfigurationPropertyListDict</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_configuration_property_dict_method_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>UnifySolver_getDefaultConfigurationPropertyDict</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>The Unify Solver solves the divergence by unifying the value with a selected one and updating a simulation movement.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>factory</string> </key> + <value> <string>addUnifySolver</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>group_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>target_solver</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden_content_type_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Unify Solver</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>init_script</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>line_exclusive</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>line_groupable</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>permission</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Solver Type</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>process_exclusive</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_sheet_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>solver_action_title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Unify value</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="Length" module="BTrees.Length"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> <int>0</int> </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <none/> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="TranslationInformation" module="Products.ERP5Type.TranslationProviderBase"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>erp5_content</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>short_title</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="5" aka="AAAAAAAAAAU="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="TranslationInformation" module="Products.ERP5Type.TranslationProviderBase"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>erp5_content</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>title</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="6" aka="AAAAAAAAAAY="> + <pickle> + <global name="OOBTree" module="BTrees.OOBTree"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <none/> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Unify%20Solver/1.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Unify%20Solver/1.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2b84861a9b9e5a9d9901b5ca892e467c384b81b --- /dev/null +++ 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b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Unify%20Solver/2.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7d545fe6a24339d194e2aa2f7edc7897efdfe3a --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PathTemplateItem/portal_solvers/Unify%20Solver/2.xml @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Action Information" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>action_permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>View</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>action_type/object_view</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>float_index</string> </key> + <value> <float>1.0</float> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>2</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Action Information</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>reference</string> </key> + <value> <string>view</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>View</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>visible</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <global name="Expression" module="Products.CMFCore.Expression"/> + <tuple/> + </tuple> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>text</string> </key> + <value> <string>string:${object_url}/TargetSolver_view</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem/allowed_content_types.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem/allowed_content_types.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b75d4d5019267b533267e8d0ec8ac23317a39057 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem/allowed_content_types.xml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +<allowed_content_type_list> + <portal_type id="Solver Process"> + <item>Accept Solver</item> + <item>Adopt Solver</item> + <item>Consolidating Sale Invoice Line</item> + <item>FIFO Delivery Solver</item> + <item>LIFO Delivery Solver</item> + <item>Minimise Price Delivery Solver</item> + <item>Production Reduction Solver</item> + <item>Quantity Split Solver</item> + <item>Trade Model Solver</item> + <item>Unify Solver</item> + </portal_type> +</allowed_content_type_list> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem/workflow_chain_type.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem/workflow_chain_type.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9b98ca4a0d9906a6361949a512a3a7a8baa819d --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem/workflow_chain_type.xml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +<workflow_chain> + <chain> + <type>Accept Solver</type> + <workflow>solver_workflow</workflow> + </chain> + <chain> + <type>Adopt Solver</type> + <workflow>solver_workflow</workflow> + </chain> + <chain> + <type>Production Reduction Solver</type> + <workflow>solver_workflow</workflow> + </chain> + <chain> + <type>Quantity Cancel Solver</type> + <workflow>solver_workflow</workflow> + </chain> + <chain> + <type>Quantity Split Solver</type> + <workflow>solver_workflow</workflow> + </chain> + <chain> + <type>Trade Model Solver</type> + <workflow>solver_workflow</workflow> + </chain> + <chain> + <type>Unify Solver</type> + <workflow>solver_workflow</workflow> + </chain> +</workflow_chain> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/dependency_list b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/dependency_list new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae43064189fb6e90f20c08155766769d53ceac67 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/dependency_list @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +erp5_trade \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/revision new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9d1ce53f8cc2ee2d55094091042b3fd02f9bd1ce --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/revision @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +82 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_format_version b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_format_version new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56a6051ca2b02b04ef92d5150c9ef600403cb1de --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_format_version @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_keep_workflow_path_list b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_keep_workflow_path_list new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..768ed8fbd950d9b735ddbfc2365a5c1979df8d38 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_keep_workflow_path_list @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +account_module/bank +account_module/capital +account_module/coll_vat +account_module/equipments +account_module/inventories +account_module/payable +account_module/profit_loss +account_module/purchase +account_module/receivable +account_module/refundable_vat +account_module/sales +portal_rules/new_invoice_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_delivery_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_delivery_root_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_invoice_transaction_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_invoice_root_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_order_root_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_payment_simulation_rule +portal_rules/default_subscription_item_rule \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_path_list b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_path_list new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb9cb713721fac66cc1cbd038dcf739b8ebe6f59 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_path_list @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +account_module/bank +account_module/capital +account_module/coll_vat +account_module/equipments +account_module/inventories +account_module/payable +account_module/profit_loss +account_module/purchase +account_module/receivable +account_module/refundable_vat +account_module/sales +business_process_module/vifib_purchase_business_process +business_process_module/vifib_purchase_business_process/** +business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process +business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/** +portal_categories/trade_phase/vifib +portal_categories/trade_phase/vifib/** +portal_categories/trade_state/** +portal_deliveries/vifib_payment_transaction_builder +portal_deliveries/vifib_payment_transaction_builder/** +portal_deliveries/vifib_purchase_packing_list_builder +portal_deliveries/vifib_purchase_packing_list_builder/** +portal_deliveries/vifib_sale_invoice_builder +portal_deliveries/vifib_sale_invoice_builder/** +portal_deliveries/vifib_sale_invoice_transaction_builder +portal_deliveries/vifib_sale_invoice_transaction_builder/** +portal_deliveries/vifib_sale_packing_list_builder +portal_deliveries/vifib_sale_packing_list_builder/** +portal_rules/default_subscription_item_rule +portal_rules/default_subscription_item_rule/** +portal_rules/new_accounting_transaction_root_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_accounting_transaction_root_simulation_rule/** +portal_rules/new_delivery_root_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_delivery_root_simulation_rule/** +portal_rules/new_delivery_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_delivery_simulation_rule/** +portal_rules/new_invoice_root_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_invoice_root_simulation_rule/** +portal_rules/new_invoice_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_invoice_simulation_rule/** +portal_rules/new_invoice_transaction_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_invoice_transaction_simulation_rule/** +portal_rules/new_order_root_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_order_root_simulation_rule/** +portal_rules/new_payment_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_payment_simulation_rule/** +portal_rules/new_trade_model_simulation_rule +portal_rules/new_trade_model_simulation_rule/** +portal_solvers/Accept Solver +portal_solvers/Accept Solver/* +portal_solvers/Adopt Solver +portal_solvers/Adopt Solver/* +portal_solvers/Consolidating Sale Invoice Line +portal_solvers/Consolidating Sale Invoice Line/** +portal_solvers/FIFO Delivery Solver +portal_solvers/FIFO Delivery Solver/* +portal_solvers/LIFO Delivery Solver +portal_solvers/LIFO Delivery Solver/* +portal_solvers/Minimise Price Delivery Solver +portal_solvers/Minimise Price Delivery Solver/* +portal_solvers/Production Reduction Solver +portal_solvers/Production Reduction Solver/* +portal_solvers/Quantity Cancel Solver +portal_solvers/Quantity Cancel Solver/* +portal_solvers/Quantity Split Solver +portal_solvers/Quantity Split Solver/* +portal_solvers/Trade Model Solver +portal_solvers/Trade Model Solver/* +portal_solvers/Unify Solver +portal_solvers/Unify Solver/* \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_portal_type_allowed_content_type_list b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_portal_type_allowed_content_type_list new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..23e261fff7d3734f80a07124f95fc28326124889 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_portal_type_allowed_content_type_list @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +Solver Process | Accept Solver +Solver Process | Adopt Solver +Solver Process | Consolidating Sale Invoice Line +Solver Process | FIFO Delivery Solver +Solver Process | LIFO Delivery Solver +Solver Process | Minimise Price Delivery Solver +Solver Process | Production Reduction Solver +Solver Process | Quantity Split Solver +Solver Process | Trade Model Solver +Solver Process | Unify Solver \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_portal_type_workflow_chain_list b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_portal_type_workflow_chain_list new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..915f5e73262758a36776e9e3f1f9bcc4eac5d084 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/template_portal_type_workflow_chain_list @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +Accept Solver | solver_workflow +Adopt Solver | solver_workflow +Production Reduction Solver | solver_workflow +Quantity Cancel Solver | solver_workflow +Quantity Split Solver | solver_workflow +Trade Model Solver | solver_workflow +Unify Solver | solver_workflow \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/title b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/title new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2df82551a8b0435060908288c236c57cd220c36f --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/title @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +vifib_data_simulation \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/version new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ceab6e11ece0bcec917c12e11d350946f085d549 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_simulation/bt/version @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0.1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_web/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_data_web/bt/revision index e3f1e9b791c84fce95fe992dc246e9e2286c84ed..c147342cbefa3ef64ade3ed72b63aa05906a1829 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data_web/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_web/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -80 \ No newline at end of file +81 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_data_web/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_data_web/bt/version index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_data_web/bt/version +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_data_web/bt/version @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/ExtensionTemplateItem/VifibSecurity.py b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/ExtensionTemplateItem/VifibSecurity.py index 699a115bf8d5797f34b2fa099067ea9465161e7c..ac4cb3b2c1dba671f197d0a5fc4071199f282aa5 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/ExtensionTemplateItem/VifibSecurity.py +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/ExtensionTemplateItem/VifibSecurity.py @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -############################################################################## +############################################################################### # # Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # @@ -61,6 +61,88 @@ def restrictMethodAsShadowUser(self, open_order=None, callable_object=None, # Restore the original user. setSecurityManager(sm) +def SoftwareInstance_bangAsSelf(self, relative_url=None, reference=None, + comment=None): + """Call bang on self.""" + # micro security: can caller access software instance? + software_instance = self.restrictedTraverse(relative_url) + sm = getSecurityManager() + newSecurityManager(None, self.getPortalObject().acl_users.getUserById( + reference)) + try: + software_instance.reportComputerPartitionBang(comment=comment) + finally: + # Restore the original user. + setSecurityManager(sm) + +def SoftwareInstance_requestDestroySlaveInstanceRelated(self): + """ request destroy all Slave Instance allocated in the Computer Partition + related to the Software Instance """ + sm = getSecurityManager() + portal = self.getPortalObject() + service_relative_url = portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceCleanupResource() + newSecurityManager(None, portal.acl_users.getUserById( + self.getReference())) + computer_partition_relative_url = self.getAggregateRelatedValue( + "Sale Packing List Line").getAggregate(portal_type="Computer Partition") + portal_preferences = portal.portal_preferences + service_uid_list = [ + portal.restrictedTraverse(portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceHostingResource()).getUid(), + portal.restrictedTraverse(portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceSetupResource()).getUid(), + ] + try: + result_list = self.portal_catalog(portal_type="Sale Packing List Line", + aggregate_portal_type="Slave Instance", + computer_partition_relative_url=computer_partition_relative_url, + default_resource_uid=service_uid_list) + slave_instance_list = [line.getAggregateValue(portal_type="Slave Instance") for line in result_list] + uid_list = [] + for slave_instance in slave_instance_list: + slave_instance_uid = slave_instance.getUid() + if slave_instance_uid in uid_list: + continue + cleanup_packing_list = self.portal_catalog( + portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=slave_instance.getRelativeUrl(), + resource_relative_url=service_relative_url, + limit=1, + ) + if len(cleanup_packing_list) == 0: + uid_list.append(slave_instance_uid) + slave_instance.requestDestroyComputerPartition() + finally: + # Restore the original user. + setSecurityManager(sm) + +def SoftwareInstance_destroySlaveInstanceRelated(self): + """ destroy all Slave Instance allocated in the Computer Partition + related to the Software Instance """ + sm = getSecurityManager() + newSecurityManager(None, self.getPortalObject().acl_users.getUserById( + self.getReference())) + portal = self.getPortalObject() + portal_preferences = portal.portal_preferences + computer_partition_relative_url = self.getAggregateRelatedValue( + "Sale Packing List Line").getAggregate(portal_type="Computer Partition") + simulation_state = ["confirmed"] + service_uid_list = [ + portal.restrictedTraverse(portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceCleanupResource()).getUid(), + ] + try: + result_list = self.portal_catalog(portal_type="Sale Packing List Line", + aggregate_portal_type="Slave Instance", + computer_partition_relative_url=computer_partition_relative_url, + simulation_state=simulation_state, + default_resource_uid=service_uid_list) + slave_instance_list = [line.getAggregateValue(portal_type="Slave Instance") for line in result_list] + # restore the original user to destroy each Slave Instance + setSecurityManager(sm) + for slave_instance in slave_instance_list: + slave_instance.destroyComputerPartition() + finally: + # Restore the original user. + setSecurityManager(sm) + def getComputerSecurityCategory(self, base_category_list, user_name, object, portal_type): """ diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2119c25f15834681bb0a742d283d1022fd290d20 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +<local_roles_item> + <local_roles> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Auditor</item> + <item>Author</item> + </role> + <role id='R-MEMBER'> + <item>Auditor</item> + </role> + <role id='zope'> + <item>Owner</item> + </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/bank.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/bank.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd0a24c7876e1889f59efe320ff42521c21f018b --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/bank.xml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +<local_roles_item> + <local_roles> + <role id='admin'> + <item>Owner</item> + </role> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> + <role id='R-MEMBER'> + <item>Auditor</item> + </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/capital.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/capital.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd0a24c7876e1889f59efe320ff42521c21f018b --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/capital.xml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +<local_roles_item> + <local_roles> + <role id='admin'> + <item>Owner</item> + </role> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> + <role id='R-MEMBER'> + <item>Auditor</item> + </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/coll_vat.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/coll_vat.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd0a24c7876e1889f59efe320ff42521c21f018b --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/coll_vat.xml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +<local_roles_item> + <local_roles> + <role id='admin'> + <item>Owner</item> + </role> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> + <role id='R-MEMBER'> + <item>Auditor</item> + </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/equipments.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/equipments.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd0a24c7876e1889f59efe320ff42521c21f018b --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/equipments.xml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +<local_roles_item> + <local_roles> + <role id='admin'> + <item>Owner</item> + </role> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> + <role id='R-MEMBER'> + <item>Auditor</item> + </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/inventories.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/inventories.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd0a24c7876e1889f59efe320ff42521c21f018b --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/inventories.xml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +<local_roles_item> + <local_roles> + <role id='admin'> + <item>Owner</item> + </role> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> + <role id='R-MEMBER'> + <item>Auditor</item> + </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/payable.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/payable.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd0a24c7876e1889f59efe320ff42521c21f018b --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/payable.xml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +<local_roles_item> + <local_roles> + <role id='admin'> + <item>Owner</item> + </role> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> + <role id='R-MEMBER'> + <item>Auditor</item> + </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/profit_loss.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/profit_loss.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd0a24c7876e1889f59efe320ff42521c21f018b --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/profit_loss.xml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +<local_roles_item> + <local_roles> + <role id='admin'> + <item>Owner</item> + </role> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> + <role id='R-MEMBER'> + <item>Auditor</item> + </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/purchase.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/purchase.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd0a24c7876e1889f59efe320ff42521c21f018b --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/purchase.xml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +<local_roles_item> + <local_roles> + <role id='admin'> + <item>Owner</item> + </role> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> + <role id='R-MEMBER'> + <item>Auditor</item> + </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/receivable.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/account_module/receivable.xml new file mode 100644 index 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+1,11 @@ +<local_roles_item> + <local_roles> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Auditor</item> + <item>Author</item> + </role> + <role id='zope'> + <item>Owner</item> + </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/notification_message_module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/notification_message_module.xml index 1556b99a63d266881db25230ca3fc12e94d6cf8f..df658de14e267092b5f189e91d245895741d9656 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/notification_message_module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/notification_message_module.xml @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ <local_roles_item> <local_roles> - <role id='F-SALE_G-COMPANY'> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> <item>Auditor</item> <item>Author</item> </role> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/open_sale_order_module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/open_sale_order_module.xml index 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mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..422c3dfbbed4b996c041adaec1fdc2daa3f16b06 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/portal_contributions.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<local_roles_item> + <local_roles> + <role id='zope'> + <item>Owner</item> + </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/portal_gadgets.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/portal_gadgets.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df658de14e267092b5f189e91d245895741d9656 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/portal_gadgets.xml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +<local_roles_item> + <local_roles> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Auditor</item> + <item>Author</item> + </role> + <role id='zope'> + <item>Owner</item> + </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git 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b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/service_module/computer_registration.xml @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ <local_roles_item> <local_roles> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Assignor</item> + </role> <role id='R-COMPUTER'> <item>Auditor</item> </role> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/software_product_module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/software_product_module.xml index bf9d1a8a4a950775619e4a297ea7ab839e881095..740bec912b6d21be7f6265ddcfea531b2bb354dc 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/software_product_module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/software_product_module.xml @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ <local_roles_item> <local_roles> - <role id='F-SOFTDEV_G-COMPANY'> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> <item>Auditor</item> <item>Author</item> </role> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/software_release_module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/software_release_module.xml index 8a4a378a2b48b218f82ad4d6e5ded8c8c72cff19..616650a68caf7705aa38b161c0186b1f4812e446 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/software_release_module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/software_release_module.xml @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ <local_roles_item> <local_roles> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Auditor</item> + <item>Author</item> + </role> <role id='R-COMPUTER'> <item>Auditor</item> </role> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/support_request_module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/support_request_module.xml index 1556b99a63d266881db25230ca3fc12e94d6cf8f..df658de14e267092b5f189e91d245895741d9656 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/support_request_module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/support_request_module.xml @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ <local_roles_item> <local_roles> - <role id='F-SALE_G-COMPANY'> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> <item>Auditor</item> <item>Author</item> </role> diff 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+ </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/transformation_module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/transformation_module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df658de14e267092b5f189e91d245895741d9656 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/transformation_module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +<local_roles_item> + <local_roles> + <role id='G-COMPANY'> + <item>Auditor</item> + <item>Author</item> + </role> + <role id='zope'> + <item>Owner</item> + </role> + </local_roles> +</local_roles_item> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/web_page_module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/LocalRolesTemplateItem/web_page_module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df658de14e267092b5f189e91d245895741d9656 --- /dev/null +++ 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id='category'>role/member</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Account.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Account.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28a741048ccca64ed2f49efdce0457b269f0cd00 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Account.xml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> + <role id='Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Member</property> + <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Accounting%20Period.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Accounting%20Period.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af4cc55888b8f469b61ddd045fe870d88305b27f --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Accounting%20Period.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Company group</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Accounting%20Transaction%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Accounting%20Transaction%20Module.xml index 600ebe860dd0f884a53c0e7a8e5bb4f3e5abf22f..f67e93395c19a87f0772feb29c35fc176883af37 100644 --- 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id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Assignment.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Assignment.xml index f0c4f12018052c8f639683d873594f0550a090b1..8ae9c0bb16f9af5dbcd10b5b408a8fcde4292242 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Assignment.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Assignment.xml @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ <type_roles> <role id='Auditor; Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Vifib Production Manager</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/production</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Company group</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Balance%20Transaction.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Balance%20Transaction.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Balance%20Transaction.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Bank%20Account.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Bank%20Account.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Bank%20Account.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Campaign%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Campaign%20Module.xml index 986424c9f14e0221da8a823b0a0cf6b1db0d5c71..39e4712f3e69162cb3961d0a0cba31ebb29e354a 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Campaign%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Campaign%20Module.xml @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ <type_roles> <role id='Auditor; Author'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Company group</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Campaign.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Campaign.xml index 1c76f6ab49b5944628349cd1b6a3bf9b6882db0d..af4cc55888b8f469b61ddd045fe870d88305b27f 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Campaign.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Campaign.xml @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ <type_roles> <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Company group</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Cash%20Register.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Cash%20Register.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Cash%20Register.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Component%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Component%20Module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Component%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Component.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Component.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Component.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Contribution%20Tool.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Contribution%20Tool.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Contribution%20Tool.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Credit%20Card.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Credit%20Card.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Credit%20Card.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Currency%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Currency%20Module.xml index c42d7105ab0cf34e046b582d7d9581ee073f39c2..3b8eb78bb9d4c1d61f588dcc9ef76116ba2f280c 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Currency%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Currency%20Module.xml @@ -1,4 +1,9 @@ <type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor'> <property id='title'>Member</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Currency.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Currency.xml index c42d7105ab0cf34e046b582d7d9581ee073f39c2..28a741048ccca64ed2f49efdce0457b269f0cd00 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Currency.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Currency.xml @@ -1,4 +1,9 @@ <type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor'> <property id='title'>Member</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> diff --git 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b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Document%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Drawing.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Drawing.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Drawing.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Event%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Event%20Module.xml index 986424c9f14e0221da8a823b0a0cf6b1db0d5c71..b229aadee465ed5057409904b6683b7eae21c71d 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Event%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Event%20Module.xml @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ <type_roles> <role id='Auditor; Author'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Fax%20Message.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Fax%20Message.xml index 1c76f6ab49b5944628349cd1b6a3bf9b6882db0d..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Fax%20Message.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Fax%20Message.xml @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ <type_roles> <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Gadget%20Tool.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Gadget%20Tool.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Gadget%20Tool.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Gadget.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Gadget.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Gadget.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Image%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Image%20Module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Image%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Integration%20Site.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Integration%20Site.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9401d0e8f527e07ed8e58bc74186b17488b51ef4 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Integration%20Site.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Auditor; Author'> + <property id='title'>Member</property> + <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Integration%20Tool.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Integration%20Tool.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c42d7105ab0cf34e046b582d7d9581ee073f39c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Integration%20Tool.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Member</property> + <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Internal%20Packing%20List%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Internal%20Packing%20List%20Module.xml index 9401d0e8f527e07ed8e58bc74186b17488b51ef4..15f1fbd2b4fbe966afd4057b5f4e2654cbb68134 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Internal%20Packing%20List%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Internal%20Packing%20List%20Module.xml @@ -1,4 +1,9 @@ <type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor; Author'> <property id='title'>Member</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Internal%20Packing%20List.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Internal%20Packing%20List.xml index 1db65ad5f9be1e342ac70c4fc339e293616fd71e..82474ecf80d57fa2e8033992bbae1f7e3684c1eb 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Internal%20Packing%20List.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Internal%20Packing%20List.xml @@ -1,15 +1,13 @@ <type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Assignee'> <property id='title'>Source Administration</property> <property id='description'>Monovalued role</property> <property id='base_category_script'>ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromContent</property> <multi_property id='base_category'>source_administration</multi_property> </role> - <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Vifib System Administrator</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/computer/agent</multi_property> - <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> - </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Inventory%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Inventory%20Module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Inventory%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Inventory.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Inventory.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Inventory.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Knowledge%20Box.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Knowledge%20Box.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Knowledge%20Box.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Knowledge%20Pad%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Knowledge%20Pad%20Module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Knowledge%20Pad%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Knowledge%20Pad.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Knowledge%20Pad.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Knowledge%20Pad.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Letter.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Letter.xml index 1c76f6ab49b5944628349cd1b6a3bf9b6882db0d..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Letter.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Letter.xml @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ <type_roles> <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Mail%20Message.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Mail%20Message.xml index 1c76f6ab49b5944628349cd1b6a3bf9b6882db0d..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Mail%20Message.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Mail%20Message.xml @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ <type_roles> <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Meeting%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Meeting%20Module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Meeting%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Meeting.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Meeting.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Meeting.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Note.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Note.xml index 1c76f6ab49b5944628349cd1b6a3bf9b6882db0d..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Note.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Note.xml @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ <type_roles> <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Notification%20Message%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Notification%20Message%20Module.xml index 986424c9f14e0221da8a823b0a0cf6b1db0d5c71..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Notification%20Message%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Notification%20Message%20Module.xml @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ <type_roles> - <role id='Auditor; Author'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Notification%20Message.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Notification%20Message.xml index 1c76f6ab49b5944628349cd1b6a3bf9b6882db0d..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Notification%20Message.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Notification%20Message.xml @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ <type_roles> <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Open%20Sale%20Order%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Open%20Sale%20Order%20Module.xml index 9401d0e8f527e07ed8e58bc74186b17488b51ef4..15f1fbd2b4fbe966afd4057b5f4e2654cbb68134 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Open%20Sale%20Order%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Open%20Sale%20Order%20Module.xml @@ -1,4 +1,9 @@ <type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor; Author'> <property id='title'>Member</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Open%20Sale%20Order.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Open%20Sale%20Order.xml index d2aad457ce210ec818677e813a69a2c10fd21c10..e31ff3801ddc930035117e2150cb11661953b16c 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Open%20Sale%20Order.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Open%20Sale%20Order.xml @@ -5,16 +5,14 @@ <property id='base_category_script'>ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromContent</property> <multi_property id='base_category'>destination_decision</multi_property> </role> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor'> <property id='title'>Hosting Subscription related by self Lines</property> <property id='base_category_script'>ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromMovementItemByHostingSubscription</property> <multi_property id='base_category'>aggregate</multi_property> </role> - <role id='Auditor; Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Vifib Production Manager</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/production</multi_property> - <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> - </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Organisation%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Organisation%20Module.xml index 3e703632f01480678bb47e9038e93459883a8c5f..43d52fbc564497f30b55bdb69af8a26b9132cef6 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Organisation%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Organisation%20Module.xml @@ -9,18 +9,9 @@ <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> </role> - <role id='Auditor; Author'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> - </role> - <role id='Auditor; Author'> - <property id='title'>SlapOS Master Operation</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/production</multi_property> - <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Organisation.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Organisation.xml index 9ac5bff9aa68f9da52198d70c9b31a281433ca19..28a741048ccca64ed2f49efdce0457b269f0cd00 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Organisation.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Organisation.xml @@ -1,21 +1,12 @@ <type_roles> - <role id='Auditor'> - <property id='title'>Member</property> - <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> - </role> <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> - <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>SlapOS Master Operation</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/production</multi_property> - <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + <role id='Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Member</property> + <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/PDF.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/PDF.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/PDF.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Payment%20Transaction.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Payment%20Transaction.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0990a54a682931f0ef41f1d66028794f976cfd56 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Payment%20Transaction.xml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Associate'> + <property id='title'>Destination Section is Associate</property> + <property id='base_category_script'>ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromContent</property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>destination_section</multi_property> + </role> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Payzen%20Event.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Payzen%20Event.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d9464e68e6e0373f788aedf864f5ed657fe8e09 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Payzen%20Event.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author'> + <property id='title'>Member</property> + <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Person%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Person%20Module.xml index fbeb71fc7977ff215b6f518ba26248b49936bfa8..3b8eb78bb9d4c1d61f588dcc9ef76116ba2f280c 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Person%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Person%20Module.xml @@ -1,21 +1,12 @@ <type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor'> <property id='title'>Member</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> </role> - <role id='Auditor; Author'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> - <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> - </role> - <role id='Auditor; Author'> - <property id='title'>SlapOS Master Operation</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/production</multi_property> - <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> - </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Person.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Person.xml index 946f83d8b72edcf6ce9c7b528366d9768271ccd0..2f1c08397767d4033150a22ef6605774048d2ea1 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Person.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Person.xml @@ -1,16 +1,7 @@ <type_roles> <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> - </role> - <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>SlapOS Master Operation</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/production</multi_property> - <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> <role id='Associate'> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Phone%20Call.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Phone%20Call.xml index 1c76f6ab49b5944628349cd1b6a3bf9b6882db0d..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Phone%20Call.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Phone%20Call.xml @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ <type_roles> <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Presentation.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Presentation.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Presentation.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Product%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Product%20Module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Product%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Product.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Product.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Product.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Invoice%20Transaction.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Invoice%20Transaction.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Invoice%20Transaction.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Order%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Order%20Module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Order%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Order.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Order.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Order.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Packing%20List%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Packing%20List%20Module.xml index de01013bdef2066cd0ab11b09e3961964db7d64d..eff11b2a3478ddf08dd1c2e34620937754b5a48c 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Packing%20List%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Packing%20List%20Module.xml @@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ <multi_property id='category'>role/computer</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> </role> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor; Author'> <property id='title'>Member</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Packing%20List.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Packing%20List.xml index f8f5889eb4aeb47f0fedd473f06c543206c746e0..47606217430aa5d5d10719c4e2513a1a33eeb9f4 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Packing%20List.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Packing%20List.xml @@ -11,11 +11,9 @@ <property id='base_category_script'>ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromContent</property> <multi_property id='base_category'>destination_decision</multi_property> </role> - <role id='Auditor'> - <property id='title'>SlapOS Master Operation</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/production</multi_property> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Trade%20Condition%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Trade%20Condition%20Module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Trade%20Condition%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Trade%20Condition.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Trade%20Condition.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Purchase%20Trade%20Condition.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Query%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Query%20Module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Query%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Query.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Query.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dbd27978960db4ad30109b101687d2a7795e8a87 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Query.xml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignee'> + <property id='title'>Acquired Assignee</property> + <property id='description'>If this query is associated to a document, the Assignee of the query is the Assignee of the document it is related to.</property> + <property id='base_category_script'>ERP5Type_acquireSecurityFromCategory</property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>agent</multi_property> + </role> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Invoice%20Transaction.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Invoice%20Transaction.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..08f683e1b41f22f41d96e1a573a8e67a0a2abd76 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Invoice%20Transaction.xml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Destination Section is auditor</property> + <property id='base_category_script'>ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromContent</property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>destination_section</multi_property> + </role> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Opportunity%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Opportunity%20Module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Opportunity%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Opportunity.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Opportunity.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Opportunity.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Order%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Order%20Module.xml index fa44835a93b92f20bb0785a65053608939fe3315..3504e50ba26b81a494f11bfa13e21a4d9aab92fe 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Order%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Order%20Module.xml @@ -4,7 +4,12 @@ <multi_property id='category'>role/computer</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> </role> - <role id='Auditor'> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> + <role id='Auditor; Author'> <property id='title'>Instance</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/instance</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Order.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Order.xml index 8bdfab327df33bb0c039b64a7343d766d9634ce3..1226eb53d46508215ca8a57367a9b06b67c2c2dc 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Order.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Order.xml @@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ <property id='base_category_script'>ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromContent</property> <multi_property id='base_category'>destination_decision</multi_property> </role> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor'> <property id='title'>Slave Instance related by Software Instance</property> <property id='description'>Monovalued role</property> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Packing%20List%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Packing%20List%20Module.xml index f67e5aa417acfc36b5e852a01256765092f778cf..60df3c06e7b51d165268d108ac347c8c8091d774 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Packing%20List%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Packing%20List%20Module.xml @@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ <multi_property id='category'>role/computer</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> </role> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor; Author'> <property id='title'>Instance</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/instance</multi_property> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Packing%20List.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Packing%20List.xml index 14168c23e544ce3157bfe9e8c546ae43b9fc6c95..058387aa770f4d56a3621415b640f071df9739e5 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Packing%20List.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Packing%20List.xml @@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ <property id='base_category_script'>ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromContent</property> <multi_property id='base_category'>destination_section</multi_property> </role> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor'> <property id='title'>Software Instance User become Auditor of Sale Packing List related to Slave Instance</property> <property id='description'>Monovalued role</property> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Trade%20Condition%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Trade%20Condition%20Module.xml index 40faee27c42579945a731817344936ba3b5b8d68..a448947d0c3fae30283f154fa66a0cf7285d84cb 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Trade%20Condition%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Trade%20Condition%20Module.xml @@ -1,12 +1,17 @@ <type_roles> - <role id='Auditor; Author'> - <property id='title'>Member</property> - <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> <role id='Auditor'> - <property id='title'>Member</property> + <property id='title'>Instance</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/instance</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> </role> + <role id='Auditor; Author'> + <property id='title'>Member</property> + <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> + </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Trade%20Condition.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Trade%20Condition.xml index 41abc8d83ddb6ac5ec61f3865cec40b14019d43d..043440c50fd3f31797bb5ad696704eddffb1fa5a 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Trade%20Condition.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Sale%20Trade%20Condition.xml @@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ <property id='base_category_script'>SaleTradeConditionType_getSecurityCategoryFromOpenSaleOrder</property> <multi_property id='base_category'>destination_section</multi_property> </role> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor'> <property id='title'>Instance</property> <property id='condition'>python: (here.getValidationState() == 'validated') and (here.getDestinationSection('') == '')</property> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Service%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Service%20Module.xml index 050e2b8be6171821a3362c3c4fb9e43c865a55a2..c503fe094a48c6709420f0dc3e72a1f1fae468a7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Service%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Service%20Module.xml @@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ <multi_property id='category'>role/computer</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> </role> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor'> <property id='title'>Instance</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/instance</multi_property> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Service.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Service.xml index 050e2b8be6171821a3362c3c4fb9e43c865a55a2..810893f753f622fb3927be2e9e1ceb0f16af5094 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Service.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Service.xml @@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ <multi_property id='category'>role/computer</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> </role> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor'> <property id='title'>Instance</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/instance</multi_property> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Short%20Message.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Short%20Message.xml index 1c76f6ab49b5944628349cd1b6a3bf9b6882db0d..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Short%20Message.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Short%20Message.xml @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ <type_roles> <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Site%20Message.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Site%20Message.xml index 1c76f6ab49b5944628349cd1b6a3bf9b6882db0d..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Site%20Message.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Site%20Message.xml @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ <type_roles> <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Slave%20Instance.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Slave%20Instance.xml index fa22a6030b255f78b0b03f21c952469dae071e27..1cbefa24a422c73384990fdb13cc1bb11f4297d9 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Slave%20Instance.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Slave%20Instance.xml @@ -15,9 +15,14 @@ <property id='base_category_script'>ERP5Type_acquireSecurityFromOwner</property> <multi_property id='base_category'>source</multi_property> </role> - <role id='Assignee'> - <property id='title'>Slave Instance related by Software Instance</property> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Slave Instance related by Hosting Subscription</property> + <property id='base_category_script'>ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromAggregateMovementItemByHostingSubscription</property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>aggregate</multi_property> + </role> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Software Instance which provides this Slave Instance</property> <property id='base_category_script'>ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromSoftwareInstance</property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>source</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>aggregate</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Product%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Product%20Module.xml index ecab25cad891e11e961abee7ca56fe78d1ded763..3b8eb78bb9d4c1d61f588dcc9ef76116ba2f280c 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Product%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Product%20Module.xml @@ -1,14 +1,12 @@ <type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor'> <property id='title'>Member</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> </role> - <role id='Auditor; Author'> - <property id='title'>SlapOS software developer</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/software/developer</multi_property> - <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> - </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Product.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Product.xml index 83b92606fa36a29f55f5b9f23c81b3ec20e787bd..28a741048ccca64ed2f49efdce0457b269f0cd00 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Product.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Product.xml @@ -1,14 +1,12 @@ <type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor'> <property id='title'>Member</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> </role> - <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>SlapOS software developer</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/software/developer</multi_property> - <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> - </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Release%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Release%20Module.xml index fa44835a93b92f20bb0785a65053608939fe3315..f3b7370dac32488398891236dc4cd8c553a29f20 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Release%20Module.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Release%20Module.xml @@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ <multi_property id='category'>role/computer</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> </role> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor'> <property id='title'>Instance</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/instance</multi_property> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Release.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Release.xml index 83b92606fa36a29f55f5b9f23c81b3ec20e787bd..28a741048ccca64ed2f49efdce0457b269f0cd00 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Release.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Software%20Release.xml @@ -1,14 +1,12 @@ <type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> <role id='Auditor'> <property id='title'>Member</property> <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> </role> - <role id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>SlapOS software developer</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/software/developer</multi_property> - <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> - </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Spreadsheet.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Spreadsheet.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Spreadsheet.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ 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b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/System%20Event%20Module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d9464e68e6e0373f788aedf864f5ed657fe8e09 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/System%20Event%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author'> + <property id='title'>Member</property> + <multi_property id='category'>role/member</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>role</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Tax%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Tax%20Module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Tax%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Tax.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Tax.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Tax.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Text.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Text.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Text.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Transformation%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Transformation%20Module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Transformation%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + 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id='Assignor'> - <property id='title'>Sale division</property> - <multi_property id='category'>function/sale</multi_property> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> - <multi_property id='base_category'>function</multi_property> <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> </role> </type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Web%20Page%20Module.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Web%20Page%20Module.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e167176ea7c34a24a8dd866a7c89f724f8d95dc --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Web%20Page%20Module.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Author; Auditor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Web%20Page.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Web%20Page.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce63301e9b215d4dae0c4c1d82f263765e8339dd --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeRolesTemplateItem/Web%20Page.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<type_roles> + <role id='Assignor'> + <property id='title'>Group company</property> + <multi_property id='category'>group/company</multi_property> + <multi_property id='base_category'>group</multi_property> + </role> +</type_roles> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem/workflow_chain_type.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem/workflow_chain_type.xml index 6bd168e10ed35f35377e4249f33072f9cc22f0ad..30bb869e216875c2d747da669d6bda15e0c7a624 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem/workflow_chain_type.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem/workflow_chain_type.xml @@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ <type>Open Sale Order Module</type> <workflow>init_vifib_interaction_workflow</workflow> </chain> + <chain> + <type>Payment Transaction</type> + <workflow>local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow</workflow> + </chain> <chain> <type>Person</type> <workflow>local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow</workflow> @@ -31,6 +35,10 @@ <type>Purchase Packing List Line</type> <workflow>local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow</workflow> </chain> + <chain> + <type>Sale Invoice Transaction</type> + <workflow>local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow</workflow> + </chain> <chain> <type>Sale Order</type> <workflow>local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow</workflow> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibAssignmentConstraint.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibAssignmentConstraint.xml index 70a82db03ee0d9fc24064f72dfa985e31e581528..b311ae1b6af7b4d082102b5df44959cf76053c2c 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibAssignmentConstraint.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibAssignmentConstraint.xml @@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ <key> <string>id</string> </key> <value> <string>VifibAssignmentConstraint</string> </value> </item> - <item> - <key> <string>last_id</string> </key> - <value> <string>1</string> </value> - </item> <item> <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> <value> <string>Property Sheet</string> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibComputerConstraint.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibComputerConstraint.xml index 30108fa896ff2882037a269ceceefa02b5384762..81d6efc344369c83087042307e056bdcf20cb879 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibComputerConstraint.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibComputerConstraint.xml @@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ <key> <string>id</string> </key> <value> <string>VifibComputerConstraint</string> </value> </item> - <item> - <key> <string>last_id</string> </key> - <value> <string>3</string> </value> - </item> <item> <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> <value> <string>Property Sheet</string> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibEmailConstraint.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibEmailConstraint.xml index f8ca4f57ee38b6fc57cab7a073539476cf38a94b..489cb1e0053056e4c18700e68901d4ee5d721b98 100644 --- 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b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibInternalPackingListConstraint.xml @@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ <key> <string>id</string> </key> <value> <string>VifibInternalPackingListConstraint</string> </value> </item> - <item> - <key> <string>last_id</string> </key> - <value> <string>3</string> </value> - </item> <item> <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> <value> <string>Property Sheet</string> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibPersonConstraint.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibPersonConstraint.xml index 295cb4a8366f65893db840e025e6f26e7752f746..fc68a01b64e95175172782e2db6c05015e866e09 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibPersonConstraint.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibPersonConstraint.xml @@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ <key> <string>id</string> </key> <value> <string>VifibPersonConstraint</string> </value> </item> - <item> - <key> <string>last_id</string> </key> - <value> <string>3</string> </value> - </item> <item> <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> <value> <string>Property Sheet</string> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibPurchasePackingListConstraint.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibPurchasePackingListConstraint.xml index 315701b92a56dc4fc46fc558032b9688b0316075..a036da172c6112967e1590427c424d00b5c99353 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibPurchasePackingListConstraint.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibPurchasePackingListConstraint.xml @@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ <key> <string>id</string> </key> <value> <string>VifibPurchasePackingListConstraint</string> </value> </item> - <item> - <key> <string>last_id</string> </key> - <value> <string>1</string> </value> - </item> <item> <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> <value> <string>Property Sheet</string> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibPurchasePackingListLineConstraint.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibPurchasePackingListLineConstraint.xml index 884299ae32de8d5e823744390bf6948635fb8715..d3964e71de9ab83da9b888e076be2ffb7b25c2ff 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibPurchasePackingListLineConstraint.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibPurchasePackingListLineConstraint.xml @@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ <key> <string>id</string> </key> <value> <string>VifibPurchasePackingListLineConstraint</string> </value> </item> - <item> - <key> <string>last_id</string> </key> - <value> <string>3</string> </value> - </item> <item> <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> <value> <string>Property Sheet</string> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSoftwareProductConstraint.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSoftwareProductConstraint.xml index ed2181a2530f3cdf2305efb5086397ba1ca8901e..9504359883058c46a231953f7af95557765da9a8 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSoftwareProductConstraint.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSoftwareProductConstraint.xml @@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ <key> <string>id</string> </key> <value> <string>VifibSoftwareProductConstraint</string> </value> </item> - <item> - <key> <string>last_id</string> </key> - <value> <string>3</string> </value> - </item> <item> <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> <value> <string>Property Sheet</string> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSoftwareReleaseConstraint.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSoftwareReleaseConstraint.xml index 4b6b61c4342335205550dacea4ad5c8eb744e5b1..12e177145034963a94ee5804250666673406eed8 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSoftwareReleaseConstraint.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSoftwareReleaseConstraint.xml @@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ <key> <string>id</string> </key> <value> <string>VifibSoftwareReleaseConstraint</string> </value> </item> - <item> - <key> <string>last_id</string> </key> - <value> <string>8</string> </value> - </item> <item> <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> <value> <string>Property Sheet</string> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getCategorySecurityFromSoftwareInstanceByHostingSubscription.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getCategorySecurityFromSoftwareInstanceByHostingSubscription.xml index c365875485bfce4a200fa07ad11bd748b62e644f..dd32badc7b9b6dd12c34572c6a18838c8d483890 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getCategorySecurityFromSoftwareInstanceByHostingSubscription.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getCategorySecurityFromSoftwareInstanceByHostingSubscription.xml @@ -72,7 +72,11 @@ state_list = portal.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList() + \\\n portal.getPortalReservedInventoryStateList() + \\\n portal.getPortalTransitInventoryStateList()\n \n +resource_list = [portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceSetupResource(),\n + portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceHostingResource()]\n +\n sale_packing_list_line = portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue(\n + resource_relative_url=resource_list,\n aggregate_uid=obj.getUid(),\n portal_type="Sale Packing List Line",\n simulation_state=state_list)\n @@ -90,15 +94,28 @@ query = ComplexQuery(\n Query(aggregate_relative_url=software_release.getRelativeUrl()),\n operator="AND",\n )\n +\n catalog_result = portal.portal_catalog(portal_type="Sale Packing List Line",\n + aggregate_portal_type="Slave Instance",\n + aggregate_relative_url=obj.getRelativeUrl(),\n simulation_state=state_list,\n - aggregate_relative_url=query,\n + limit=1,\n + query=query,\n )\n -for sale_packing_list_line in catalog_result:\n - software_instance = sale_packing_list_line.getAggregateValue(\n - portal_type="Software Instance")\n - if software_instance is not None:\n - return {"Auditor": [software_instance.getReference(),]}\n +\n +if len(catalog_result) == 0:\n + return catalog_result\n +\n +packing_list_line = portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue(\n + portal_type="Sale Packing List Line",\n + aggregate_portal_type="Software Instance",\n + simulation_state=state_list,\n + query=query,)\n +\n +if packing_list_line is not None:\n + software_instance = packing_list_line.getAggregateValue(\n + portal_type="Software Instance")\n + return {"Auditor": [software_instance.getReference(),]}\n \n return category_list\n </string> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromAggregateMovementItemByHostingSubscription.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromAggregateMovementItemByHostingSubscription.xml index 4f65ad764422a1994df2e348bcd1e1fd9862564a..75c7de346157ad33a6d5e78a59e4fb4c6321191d 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromAggregateMovementItemByHostingSubscription.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromAggregateMovementItemByHostingSubscription.xml @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ portal = obj.getPortalObject()\n movement = portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue(\n portal_type=movement_portal_type,\n aggregate_uid=obj.getUid(),\n - simulation_state=portal.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList() + portal.getPortalReservedInventoryStateList() + portal.getPortalTransitInventoryStateList(),\n + simulation_state=(\'stopped\',) + portal.getPortalReservedInventoryStateList() + portal.getPortalTransitInventoryStateList(),\n )\n \n if movement is not None:\n diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromSoftwareInstance.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromSoftwareInstance.xml index 9dac36482690555fa9a574be45961500a647f2e4..436103db62bec65478a90b1f969ab3a7995e8136 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromSoftwareInstance.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromSoftwareInstance.xml @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ catalog_result = portal.portal_catalog(portal_type=movement_portal_type,\n for item in catalog_result:\n software_instance = item.getAggregateValue(portal_type="Software Instance")\n if software_instance is not None:\n - return {"Assignee": [software_instance.getReference(),]}\n + return [{"aggregate": [software_instance.getRelativeUrl()]}]\n </string> </value> </item> <item> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryMapping.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryMapping.xml index e2c695a0c123be303b72ade3d36c4614d0e53b7b..efd1f05abfaf4a673546365a47e054076c139e68 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryMapping.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryMapping.xml @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ deprecated ERP5Type_asSecurityGroupIdList\n \n return (\n # Person security\n - (\'ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromAssignment\', [\'function\', \'group\']),\n + (\'ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromAssignment\', [\'group\']),\n (\'ERP5Type_getSecurityCategoryFromAssignment\', [\'role\']),\n # (\'ERP5Type_getPersonSecurityFromHostingSubscription\', [\'aggregate\']),\n \n diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/SoftwareInstance_bangAsSelf.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/SoftwareInstance_bangAsSelf.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..16a0df6aa07ce487bcc36d4cf1e071e656ce7f24 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/SoftwareInstance_bangAsSelf.xml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ExternalMethod" module="Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_function</string> </key> + <value> <string>SoftwareInstance_bangAsSelf</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_module</string> </key> + <value> <string>VifibSecurity</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>SoftwareInstance_bangAsSelf</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/SoftwareInstance_destroySlaveInstanceRelated.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/SoftwareInstance_destroySlaveInstanceRelated.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c746bd71e8f2a538f60d9af03d6cffb10e22dfca --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/SoftwareInstance_destroySlaveInstanceRelated.xml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ExternalMethod" module="Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_function</string> </key> + <value> <string>SoftwareInstance_destroySlaveInstanceRelated</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_module</string> </key> + <value> <string>VifibSecurity</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>SoftwareInstance_destroySlaveInstanceRelated</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/SoftwareInstance_requestDestroySlaveInstanceRelated.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/SoftwareInstance_requestDestroySlaveInstanceRelated.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..423ce11f3045885e0a2a01283e7021d94f206388 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_core/SoftwareInstance_requestDestroySlaveInstanceRelated.xml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ExternalMethod" module="Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_function</string> </key> + <value> <string>SoftwareInstance_requestDestroySlaveInstanceRelated</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_module</string> </key> + <value> <string>VifibSecurity</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>SoftwareInstance_requestDestroySlaveInstanceRelated</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/TestTemplateItem/ViFiBOrderTest.py b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/TestTemplateItem/ViFiBOrderTest.py deleted file mode 100644 index f71fdfafce5756b5a5e896475482091bf07b9b8a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/TestTemplateItem/ViFiBOrderTest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,363 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -############################################################################## -# -# Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. -# -# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional -# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential -# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs -# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial -# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software -# Service Company -# -# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License -# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 -# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -# GNU General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. -# -############################################################################## - -from DateTime import DateTime -from VifibMixin import testVifibMixin - -class ViFiBOrderTest(testVifibMixin): - """Unit test of the ViFiB use case - - Summary : - - - Open Order : tells which services have been requested - and their price. Records which contracts have been approved - by the client (aggregate) for which product. - - Price can be defined explicitely (for each invoiceable - product) or through a specialise relation to a Sales Supply. - - Also sometimes tells "how many" are planned to be ordered. - - - Trade Condition : provides invoicing and payment information - of the client, as well as tax conditions - (WARNING: composition takes the latest condition always) - - - Software: a given service (ex. Prestashop Hosting). Different - releases are possible (ex. Prestashop R1, Prestashop R2) - which may have a different price (or not). The list of releases - can be defined through Sales Supply/aggregate... In addition, - the list of applicable licenses (a kind of contract) can also - be defined though aggregate relation from the software. - - Through a relation (predecessor) tells which other products - may be required to purchase at the same time and (successor) - which other products could be purchased at the same time. - Similar product (similar) are also provided. - - - Licence Contract: a document which must be approved to get a - given Software (a.k.a. Software Licence) - - UC1 - Simple - - 1- Client goes to online shop and select product (ie. software product) - - 2- Client clicks "Order" (impl quantity = 1) of given software product - and specified which software release he or she wants. - - 3- System sends confirmation request (ex. an email which request payment, - email confirmation, etc.) - - 4- Client does confirmation (ex. click on email confirmation, click on - payment, etc.) and agrees with latest trade conditions (which - are displayed at the same time). - - 5- System confirms order - - 6a- System generates "Open Order" if no "Open Order" already existed - for the client - - 6b- System updates "Open Order" with missing pricing information applicable - to the given order (ex. price of network, of instance hosting etc.) - Such missing pricing information is gathered by looking at "predecessor" of - the Sofware Product and updating the Open Order with such information. - (explicit approach) - - 6c- System updates "Open Order" with latest contractual obligations - - 6d- System generates Trade Condition for the client if none existed - - 6e- System updates Trade Condition specialise relation with latest - Trade Condition parents (QUESTION: this creates an issue related to - versioning and composition) - - 7- System generates Subscription Item, Computer Partition and Packing List - of relevant quantity of given "Sofware Product" (license...) with - Software Release as well as "Instance Setup" (license...) with given - Software Release. (and it is thus possible this way to count how many - licenses someone has...) - ex. 10 "TioLIve Free" - Computer Partition 1.... Computer Partition 10 - Subscription Item 1.... Subscription Item 10 - Software Instane 1.... Software Instance 10 - """ - cleanup_list = [] - - def getTitle(self): - return "SampleTest" - - def afterSetUp(self): - """ - This is ran before anything, used to set the environment - """ - testVifibMixin.afterSetUp(self) - # here, you can create the categories and objects your test will depend on - self.cleanup_list = [] - self.now = DateTime() - - # XXX - #self.login('jp') - - #def beforeClear(self): - # """This method should be moved up to ERP5TypeLiveTestCase - # or to a subclass of it - # - # XXX beforeClear was removed from ERP5TypeLiveTestCase - # XXX when should should cleanupGarbage be called ? - # """ - # self.cleanupGarbage() - - def collectGarbage(self, document): - """Keeps a list of documents to erase at the end of the test - """ - self.cleanup_list.append(document) - - def cleanupGarbage(self): - for document in self.cleanup_list: - parent = document.getParentValue() - document_id = document.getId() - #if document_id in parent.objectIds(): - parent.manage_delObjects(ids=[document_id]) - - def step_01_selectProduct(self): - """Client goes to online shop and select product (ie. software product) - - TODO: use real web site methods - """ - portal = self.getPortalObject() - self.logMessage('user is %s' % portal.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember()) - self.order = portal.sale_order_module.newContent(title="Live Test Order", - portal_type="Sale Order", - source="organisation_module/vifib_internet", - source_section="organisation_module/vifib_internet", - destination="organisation_module/vifib_client_A", - destination_section="organisation_module/vifib_client_A", - start_date=self.now, - stop_date=self.now, - specialise='sale_trade_condition_module/vifib_trade_condition', - ) - self.order_line = self.order.newContent(title="Live Test Order Line", - portal_type="Sale Order Line", - # resource="service_module/vm_monthly_hosting", - resource=self.portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceSetupResource(), - aggregate="software_release_module/test_software_release", - quantity=1, - price=20.0,) - self.collectGarbage(self.order) - - # Is the order is draft state ? - self.assertEqual(self.order.getSimulationState(), 'draft') - - # Does the order have one line ? - self.assertEqual(len(self.order.objectValues(portal_type="Sale Order Line")), 1) - - # Is the first line a hosting resource ? - order_line = self.order.objectValues(portal_type="Sale Order Line")[0] - self.assertEqual(order_line.getResource(), - self.portal.portal_preferences.\ - getPreferredInstanceSetupResource()) - - # With quantity 1 - self.assertEqual(order_line.getQuantity(), 1.0) - - def step_02_orderProduct(self): - """Client clicks "Order" (impl quantity = 1) of given software product - and specified which software release he or she wants. - - TODO: use real web site methods - """ - self.order.plan() - - # Is the order is ordered state ? - self.assertEqual(self.order.getSimulationState(), 'planned') - - def step_02_checkPlannedOrderConsistency(self): - """ - """ - # Make sure applied rule is present in simulation - applied_rule_list = self.order.getCausalityRelatedValueList() - self.assertEqual(len(applied_rule_list), 1) - - # With one simulation movement inside - applied_rule = applied_rule_list[0] - self.assertEqual(len(applied_rule.contentIds()), 1) - - # WIth one delivery rule inside - simulation_movement = applied_rule.contentValues()[0] - self.assertEqual(len(simulation_movement.contentIds()), 1) - - delivery_applied_rule = simulation_movement.contentValues()[0] - self.assertEqual(delivery_applied_rule.getSpecialiseValue().getReference(), - "default_delivering_rule") - - # With one simulation movement inside - self.assertEqual(len(delivery_applied_rule.contentIds()), 1) - - def step_03_sendConfirmationRequest(self): - """System sends confirmation request (ex. an email which request payment, - email confirmation, etc.) - - TODO: use real web site methods - """ - # Not implemented yet (ask FX) - pass - - def step_04_clientConfirmation(self): - """Client does confirmation (ex. click on email confirmation, click on - payment, etc.) and agrees with latest trade conditions (which - are displayed at the same time). - - TODO: use real web site methods, through acknowledgement tool - """ - self.order.order() - - # Is the order is ordered state ? - self.assertEqual(self.order.getSimulationState(), 'ordered') - - software_instance = self.order.software_instance_module.newContent( - portal_type="Software Instance", - text_content=""" -""" - ) - self.order_line.edit( - aggregate_list=self.order_line.getAggregateList()+[software_instance.getRelativeUrl()] - ) - - def step_05_orderConfirmation(self): - """System confirms order - - TODO: - """ - self.order.confirm() # This part should be automatic as the result of acknowledge - - # Is the order is confirmed state ? - self.assertEqual(self.order.getSimulationState(), 'confirmed') - - def step_06_generateOpenOrder(self): - """System generates "Open Order" if no "Open Order" already existed - for the client - - TODO: - """ - open_order_list = self.order.open_sale_order_module.searchFolder( - destination_section_uid=self.order.getDestinationSectionUid(), - simulation_state="started") - self.assertEquals(len(open_order_list), 1) - - def step_07_updateOpenOrderPrice(self): - """ System updates "Open Order" with missing pricing information applicable - to the given order (ex. price of network, of instance hosting etc.) - Such missing pricing information is gathered by looking at "predecessor" of - the Sofware Product and updating the Open Order with such information. - (explicit approach) - - TODO: - """ - raise NotImplementedError("TODO") - - def step_08_updateOpenOrderLegal(self): - """System updates "Open Order" with latest contractual obligations - - TODO: - """ - raise NotImplementedError("TODO") - - def step_09_generateTradeCondition(self): - """System generates Trade Condition for the client if none existed - - TODO: - """ - raise NotImplementedError("TODO") - - def step_10_updateTradeCondition(self): - """System updates Trade Condition specialise relation with latest - Trade Condition parents (QUESTION: this creates an issue related to - versioning and composition) - - TODO: - """ - raise NotImplementedError("TODO") - - def step_11_generateSubscriptionItem(self): - """ System generates Subscription Item, Computer Partition and Packing List - of relevant quantity of given "Sofware Product" (license...) with - Software Release as well as "Instance Setup" (license...) with given - Software Release. (and it is thus possible this way to count how many - licenses someone has...) - - ex. 10 "TioLIve Free" - Computer Partition 1.... Computer Partition 10 - Subscription Item 1.... Subscription Item 10 - Software Instane 1.... Software Instance 10 - - TODO: - """ - raise NotImplementedError("TODO") - - def step_12_generateInvoice(self): - """System generated invoice for one month subscription. - - TODO: - """ - raise NotImplementedError("TODO") - - def step_13_generateInvoiceTransaction(self): - """System generated invoice transaction one month subscription. - - TODO: - """ - raise NotImplementedError("TODO") - - def step_14_generatePayment(self): - """System generated payment transaction one month subscription - (in special account for online payment). - - TODO: - """ - raise NotImplementedError("TODO") - - def test_01_simpleUseCase(self): - """ - """ - self.step_01_selectProduct() - self.step_02_orderProduct() - self.stepTic() - self.step_02_checkPlannedOrderConsistency() - self.step_03_sendConfirmationRequest() - self.step_04_clientConfirmation() - self.stepTic() - self.step_05_orderConfirmation() - self.stepTic() - self.step_06_generateOpenOrder() - self.step_07_updateOpenOrderPrice() - self.step_08_updateOpenOrderLegal() - self.step_09_generateTradeCondition() - self.step_10_updateTradeCondition() - self.step_11_generateSubscriptionItem() - self.step_12_generateInvoice() - self.step_13_generateInvoiceTransaction() - self.step_14_generatePayment() diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/TestTemplateItem/testVifibModuleSecurity.py b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/TestTemplateItem/testVifibModuleSecurity.py index a9c779e48dcae4fbfd5811c342aa1592e855bc32..fe69dc8be25cdc3af69018eff7f4ec789ca91726 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/TestTemplateItem/testVifibModuleSecurity.py +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/TestTemplateItem/testVifibModuleSecurity.py @@ -34,7 +34,38 @@ class TestVifibModuleSecurity(testVifibMixin): """ used_module_id_list = [ + 'accounting_module', + 'account_module', + 'campaign_module', + 'component_module', + 'currency_module', + 'document_ingestion_module', + 'document_module', + 'event_module', + 'image_module', + 'internal_packing_list_module', + 'inventory_module', 'knowledge_pad_module', + 'meeting_module', + 'notification_message_module', + 'open_sale_order_module', + 'organisation_module', + 'person_module', + 'product_module', + 'purchase_order_module', + 'purchase_packing_list_module', + 'purchase_trade_condition_module', + 'query_module', + 'sale_opportunity_module', + 'sale_order_module', + 'sale_packing_list_module', + 'sale_trade_condition_module', + 'service_module', + 'software_product_module', + 'software_release_module', + 'support_request_module', + 'transformation_module', + 'web_page_module', 'web_site_module', ] diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow/interactions/Base_setDestinationSection.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow/interactions/Base_setDestinationSection.xml index 6e325aa3d46bad46b93ae510f622fa37b367cb30..835848d635fc68bca549ea776b45d4bde20d5af1 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow/interactions/Base_setDestinationSection.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow/interactions/Base_setDestinationSection.xml @@ -27,16 +27,15 @@ <item> <key> <string>after_script_name</string> </key> <value> - <tuple/> + <list> + <string>Base_updateAllLocalRoles</string> + </list> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>before_commit_script_name</string> </key> <value> - <list> - <string>Base_updateAllLocalRoles</string> - <string>SaleTradeCondition_updateComputerLocalRoles</string> - </list> + <tuple/> </value> </item> <item> @@ -58,9 +57,6 @@ <value> <list> <string>_setDestinationSection.*</string> - <string>_setSourceSection.*</string> - <string>validate</string> - <string>invalidate</string> </list> </value> </item> @@ -72,7 +68,8 @@ <key> <string>portal_type_filter</string> </key> <value> <list> - <string>Sale Trade Condition</string> + <string>Payment Transaction</string> + <string>Sale Invoice Transaction</string> </list> </value> </item> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/interactions/SoftwareInstance_requestDestroy.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow/interactions/Base_updateSaleTradeCondition.xml similarity index 84% rename from master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/interactions/SoftwareInstance_requestDestroy.xml rename to master/bt5/vifib_erp5/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow/interactions/Base_updateSaleTradeCondition.xml index 5af626564fe8ee8adfa771ef3341aa4d0c17c3ff..ec3953dbfbe2c310cb93d4d259f53731d4fde930 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/interactions/SoftwareInstance_requestDestroy.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow/interactions/Base_updateSaleTradeCondition.xml @@ -27,15 +27,16 @@ <item> <key> <string>after_script_name</string> </key> <value> - <list> - <string>SoftwareInstance_requestStopSlaveInstanceListFromComputerPartition</string> - </list> + <tuple/> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>before_commit_script_name</string> </key> <value> - <tuple/> + <list> + <string>Base_updateAllLocalRoles</string> + <string>SaleTradeCondition_updateComputerLocalRoles</string> + </list> </value> </item> <item> @@ -50,13 +51,16 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>id</string> </key> - <value> <string>SoftwareInstance_requestDestroy</string> </value> + <value> <string>Base_updateSaleTradeCondition</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>method_id</string> </key> <value> <list> - <string>requestDestroyComputerPartition</string> + <string>_setDestinationSection.*</string> + <string>_setSourceSection.*</string> + <string>validate</string> + <string>invalidate</string> </list> </value> </item> @@ -68,7 +72,7 @@ <key> <string>portal_type_filter</string> </key> <value> <list> - <string>Software Instance</string> + <string>Sale Trade Condition</string> </list> </value> </item> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/dependency_list b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/dependency_list new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b237e391ec812922c238bdfbe1b4f59dd71d624f --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/dependency_list @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +vifib_data_simulation +vifib_data_payzen \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/revision index 022e7e6ca79f8a447d3dd426089348521ccb7e0c..98c1572f67e72c2c54c6e949b21406e146df0b5b 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -288 \ No newline at end of file +327 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_local_role_list b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_local_role_list index 19589131f9b5423b053df58895f7fe544030b490..a46e320b158cda80bb01c5aad7f3975dfbd6d482 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_local_role_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_local_role_list @@ -1,15 +1,35 @@ +account_module +account_module/bank +account_module/capital +account_module/coll_vat +account_module/equipments +account_module/inventories +account_module/payable +account_module/profit_loss +account_module/purchase +account_module/receivable +account_module/refundable_vat +account_module/sales accounting_module business_process_module -business_process_module/erp5_default_business_process +business_process_module/vifib_purchase_business_process +business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process campaign_module +component_module computer_module computer_module/test_computer credential_update_module currency_module currency_module/EUR +document_ingestion_module +document_module event_module hosting_subscription_module +image_module internal_packing_list_module +inventory_module +knowledge_pad_module +meeting_module notification_message_module open_sale_order_module organisation_module @@ -24,7 +44,16 @@ person_module/test_vifib_developer person_module/test_vifib_member person_module/test_vifib_user_admin person_module/test_vifib_user_developer +portal_contributions +portal_gadgets +portal_integrations +portal_integrations/vifib_payzen_integration +product_module +purchase_order_module purchase_packing_list_module +purchase_trade_condition_module +query_module +sale_opportunity_module sale_order_module sale_packing_list_module sale_trade_condition_module @@ -36,4 +65,8 @@ software_product_module software_product_module/test_software_product software_release_module software_release_module/test_software_release -support_request_module \ No newline at end of file +support_request_module +system_event_module +tax_module +transformation_module +web_page_module \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_local_roles_list b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_local_roles_list index 19589131f9b5423b053df58895f7fe544030b490..a46e320b158cda80bb01c5aad7f3975dfbd6d482 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_local_roles_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_local_roles_list @@ -1,15 +1,35 @@ +account_module +account_module/bank +account_module/capital +account_module/coll_vat +account_module/equipments +account_module/inventories +account_module/payable +account_module/profit_loss +account_module/purchase +account_module/receivable +account_module/refundable_vat +account_module/sales accounting_module business_process_module -business_process_module/erp5_default_business_process +business_process_module/vifib_purchase_business_process +business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process campaign_module +component_module computer_module computer_module/test_computer credential_update_module currency_module currency_module/EUR +document_ingestion_module +document_module event_module hosting_subscription_module +image_module internal_packing_list_module +inventory_module +knowledge_pad_module +meeting_module notification_message_module open_sale_order_module organisation_module @@ -24,7 +44,16 @@ person_module/test_vifib_developer person_module/test_vifib_member person_module/test_vifib_user_admin person_module/test_vifib_user_developer +portal_contributions +portal_gadgets +portal_integrations +portal_integrations/vifib_payzen_integration +product_module +purchase_order_module purchase_packing_list_module +purchase_trade_condition_module +query_module +sale_opportunity_module sale_order_module sale_packing_list_module sale_trade_condition_module @@ -36,4 +65,8 @@ software_product_module software_product_module/test_software_product software_release_module software_release_module/test_software_release -support_request_module \ No newline at end of file +support_request_module +system_event_module +tax_module +transformation_module +web_page_module \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_portal_type_role_list b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_portal_type_role_list index 461c78d3eadcad48ff455bf01cd4372e6d72361d..004e94d372755dd6928c6a540523de98d81c8e5f 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_portal_type_role_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_portal_type_role_list @@ -1,25 +1,50 @@ +Account +Account Module +Accounting Period Accounting Transaction Accounting Transaction Module Acknowledgement Assignment +Balance Transaction +Bank Account Business Process Business Process Module Campaign Campaign Module +Cash Register +Component +Component Module Computer Computer Module Computer Partition +Contribution Tool Credential Update Module +Credit Card Currency Currency Module +Document Ingestion Module +Document Module +Drawing Event Module Fax Message +Gadget +Gadget Tool Hosting Subscription Hosting Subscription Module +Image Module +Integration Site +Integration Tool Internal Packing List Internal Packing List Module +Inventory +Inventory Module +Knowledge Box +Knowledge Pad +Knowledge Pad Module Letter Mail Message +Meeting +Meeting Module Note Notification Message Notification Message Module @@ -27,11 +52,27 @@ Open Sale Order Open Sale Order Module Organisation Organisation Module +PDF +Payment Transaction +Payzen Event Person Person Module Phone Call +Presentation +Product +Product Module +Purchase Invoice Transaction +Purchase Order +Purchase Order Module Purchase Packing List Purchase Packing List Module +Purchase Trade Condition +Purchase Trade Condition Module +Query +Query Module +Sale Invoice Transaction +Sale Opportunity +Sale Opportunity Module Sale Order Sale Order Module Sale Packing List @@ -49,7 +90,16 @@ Software Product Software Product Module Software Release Software Release Module +Spreadsheet Support Request Support Request Module +System Event Module +Tax +Tax Module +Text +Transformation +Transformation Module Visit -Web Message \ No newline at end of file +Web Message +Web Page +Web Page Module \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_portal_type_roles_list b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_portal_type_roles_list index 461c78d3eadcad48ff455bf01cd4372e6d72361d..004e94d372755dd6928c6a540523de98d81c8e5f 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_portal_type_roles_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_portal_type_roles_list @@ -1,25 +1,50 @@ +Account +Account Module +Accounting Period Accounting Transaction Accounting Transaction Module Acknowledgement Assignment +Balance Transaction +Bank Account Business Process Business Process Module Campaign Campaign Module +Cash Register +Component +Component Module Computer Computer Module Computer Partition +Contribution Tool Credential Update Module +Credit Card Currency Currency Module +Document Ingestion Module +Document Module +Drawing Event Module Fax Message +Gadget +Gadget Tool Hosting Subscription Hosting Subscription Module +Image Module +Integration Site +Integration Tool Internal Packing List Internal Packing List Module +Inventory +Inventory Module +Knowledge Box +Knowledge Pad +Knowledge Pad Module Letter Mail Message +Meeting +Meeting Module Note Notification Message Notification Message Module @@ -27,11 +52,27 @@ Open Sale Order Open Sale Order Module Organisation Organisation Module +PDF +Payment Transaction +Payzen Event Person Person Module Phone Call +Presentation +Product +Product Module +Purchase Invoice Transaction +Purchase Order +Purchase Order Module Purchase Packing List Purchase Packing List Module +Purchase Trade Condition +Purchase Trade Condition Module +Query +Query Module +Sale Invoice Transaction +Sale Opportunity +Sale Opportunity Module Sale Order Sale Order Module Sale Packing List @@ -49,7 +90,16 @@ Software Product Software Product Module Software Release Software Release Module +Spreadsheet Support Request Support Request Module +System Event Module +Tax +Tax Module +Text +Transformation +Transformation Module Visit -Web Message \ No newline at end of file +Web Message +Web Page +Web Page Module \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_portal_type_workflow_chain_list b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_portal_type_workflow_chain_list index 0328fbf2d0906735ac2964df20ef285514d18b14..8cba695a85285a9a0757d30768527500fc61831b 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_portal_type_workflow_chain_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_portal_type_workflow_chain_list @@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ Hosting Subscription | local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow Internal Packing List | local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow Open Sale Order Module | init_vifib_interaction_workflow Open Sale Order | local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow +Payment Transaction | local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow Person | local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow Purchase Packing List Line | local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow Purchase Packing List | local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow +Sale Invoice Transaction | local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow Sale Order Line | local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow Sale Order | local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow Sale Packing List Line | local_permission_vifib_interaction_workflow diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_test_id_list b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_test_id_list index 15bd3cbb2b79d8cf9b38bdb26c9561096c61bb40..8c3a91caaa996dd1803d72003dd36be2b7db4bbc 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_test_id_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/template_test_id_list @@ -4,5 +4,4 @@ testVifibModuleSecurity testVifibUserAdmin testVifibUserCustomer testVifibUserDeveloper -ViFiBOrderTest testVifibConstraint \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/version index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/version +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_erp5/bt/version @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_forge_release/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_forge_release/bt/revision index ca7bf83ac53a27a2a914bed25e1a07478dd8ef47..da2d3988d7d1a255376770b1e87394ebb42febb3 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_forge_release/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_forge_release/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -13 \ No newline at end of file +14 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_forge_release/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_forge_release/bt/version index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_forge_release/bt/version +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_forge_release/bt/version @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem/allowed_content_types.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem/allowed_content_types.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 7337ae84342254d71e443bcafccaf6f8e6c1027f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem/allowed_content_types.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -<allowed_content_type_list> - <portal_type id="Solver Process"> - <item>Consolidating Sale Invoice Line</item> - </portal_type> -</allowed_content_type_list> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/change_log b/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/change_log deleted file mode 100644 index 6be0382cda64f10aa17c80c05b9781213ff737e9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/change_log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -2011-07-29 Nicolas Godbert -* initial version \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/copyright_list b/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/copyright_list deleted file mode 100644 index 833de3039fa0eac5f829dbc989efceaec9bf1168..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/copyright_list +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Nexedi SA \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/dependency_list b/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/dependency_list deleted file mode 100644 index 8807e9ffbee105b1b133ed95e06f2f6f8d4d6fd1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/dependency_list +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -vifib_base -vifib_core \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/description b/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/description deleted file mode 100644 index e574e5a7262d5a3ea382cee0d4e253650dee2bb2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/description +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Vifib objects used for invoicing \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/maintainer_list b/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/maintainer_list deleted file mode 100644 index b649b383d3da409703205b940396975d1d56d946..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/maintainer_list +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Nicolas Godbert \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/template_path_list b/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/template_path_list deleted file mode 100644 index 1ec76573be483d07a9da0caef40cb50167259ecd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/template_path_list +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -portal_deliveries/vifib_sale_invoice_builder -portal_deliveries/vifib_sale_invoice_builder/** -portal_rules/new_invoice_simulation_rule -portal_rules/new_invoice_simulation_rule/** -portal_solvers/Consolidating Sale Invoice Line -portal_solvers/Consolidating Sale Invoice Line/** \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/template_portal_type_allowed_content_type_list b/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/template_portal_type_allowed_content_type_list deleted file mode 100644 index 292c57629f521b15ad4e90b8b39b952738bb5f8a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/template_portal_type_allowed_content_type_list +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Solver Process | Consolidating Sale Invoice Line \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/template_skin_id_list b/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/template_skin_id_list deleted file mode 100644 index 02eb45f4d88201d61a021c08950ab48fa397ee95..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/template_skin_id_list +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -vifib_invoicing \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/title b/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/title deleted file mode 100644 index 02eb45f4d88201d61a021c08950ab48fa397ee95..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/title +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -vifib_invoicing \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/version deleted file mode 100644 index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/bt/version +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_l10n_fr/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_l10n_fr/bt/revision index 7813681f5b41c028345ca62a2be376bae70b7f61..62f9457511f879886bb7728c986fe10b0ece6bcb 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_l10n_fr/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_l10n_fr/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -5 \ No newline at end of file +6 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_l10n_fr/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_l10n_fr/bt/version index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_l10n_fr/bt/version +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_l10n_fr/bt/version @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_mysql_innodb_catalog/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_mysql_innodb_catalog/bt/revision index 8580e7b684b14da5d9f84ab4eaf2f5139d508cbe..1758dddccea2b3b02d21228a0d06a45a35c0d861 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_mysql_innodb_catalog/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_mysql_innodb_catalog/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -30 \ No newline at end of file +32 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_mysql_innodb_catalog/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_mysql_innodb_catalog/bt/version new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_mysql_innodb_catalog/bt/version @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Hosting%20Subscription/periodicity.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Hosting%20Subscription/periodicity.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..528f0edaac62570d42bad0a785feda607d94de83 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Hosting%20Subscription/periodicity.xml @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ActionInformation" module="Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>action_type/object_view</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>category</string> </key> + <value> <string>object_view</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>condition</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>icon</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>periodicity</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>permissions</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>View</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>priority</string> </key> + <value> <float>2.0</float> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Periodicity</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>visible</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="Expression" module="Products.CMFCore.Expression"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>text</string> </key> + <value> <string>string:${object_url}/Periodicity_view</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Subscription%20Item%20Root%20Simulation%20Rule/view.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Subscription%20Item%20Root%20Simulation%20Rule/view.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a1696462384f2d96af390f8177f2fc72679b3d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Subscription%20Item%20Root%20Simulation%20Rule/view.xml @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ActionInformation" module="Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>action_type/object_view</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>category</string> </key> + <value> <string>object_view</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>condition</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>icon</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>view</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>permissions</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>View</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>priority</string> </key> + <value> <float>1.0</float> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>View</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>visible</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="Expression" module="Products.CMFCore.Expression"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>text</string> </key> + <value> <string>string:${object_url}/Rule_view</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/DocumentTemplateItem/SubscriptionItemRootSimulationRule.py b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/DocumentTemplateItem/SubscriptionItemRootSimulationRule.py index 6cf590f68e338bbe7a1fe2962d48bedd380e2384..b3d3cc6e8a259cfcaeb81facab3a859726432a42 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/DocumentTemplateItem/SubscriptionItemRootSimulationRule.py +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/DocumentTemplateItem/SubscriptionItemRootSimulationRule.py @@ -104,4 +104,3 @@ class SubscriptionItemRootSimulationRuleMovementGenerator(MovementGeneratorMixin return self._applied_rule.getCausalityValue()._getInputMovementList( movement_list=movement_list, rounding=rounding) - diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PathTemplateItem/organisation_module/vifib_internet/bank_account.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PathTemplateItem/organisation_module/vifib_internet/bank_account.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3caafd0dc7dfa96bf47985b79f490b48209b1c0b --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PathTemplateItem/organisation_module/vifib_internet/bank_account.xml @@ -0,0 +1,394 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Bank Account" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_Access_contents_information_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Add_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_Modify_portal_content_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_View_Permission</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>bank_account</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overdraft_facility</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Bank Account</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Bank Account</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>workflow_history</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_workflow</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>ERP5TypeTestCase</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="3.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1323955584.3</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>ERP5TypeTestCase</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>915.7046.26557.65314</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="3.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1323955587.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>ERP5TypeTestCase</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>serial</string> </key> + <value> <string>915.7046.33658.4556</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state</string> </key> + <value> <string>current</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="3.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1324044483.0</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="WorkflowHistoryList" module="Products.ERP5Type.patches.WorkflowTool"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <tuple> + <none/> + <list> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>ERP5TypeTestCase</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global id="4.1" name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1323955584.3</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate_action</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>ERP5TypeTestCase</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1323955590.79</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actor</string> </key> + <value> <string>ERP5TypeTestCase</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>comment</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>error_message</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> <reference id="4.1"/> </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1323955590.79</float> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>validation_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </list> + </tuple> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PathTemplateItem/purchase_trade_condition_module/vifib_purchase_trade_condition.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PathTemplateItem/purchase_trade_condition_module/vifib_purchase_trade_condition.xml index 6106c2e4cbf902894ee496afa66541e0a9418627..b86ca2e5ba387a2a197593d3f144f8acf424b2a6 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PathTemplateItem/purchase_trade_condition_module/vifib_purchase_trade_condition.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PathTemplateItem/purchase_trade_condition_module/vifib_purchase_trade_condition.xml @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ <key> <string>categories</string> </key> <value> <tuple> - <string>specialise/business_process_module/erp5_default_business_process</string> + <string>specialise/business_process_module/vifib_purchase_business_process</string> </tuple> </value> </item> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PathTemplateItem/sale_trade_condition_module/vifib_trade_condition.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PathTemplateItem/sale_trade_condition_module/vifib_trade_condition.xml index cbd4de9475039bd9079497a1d3e213055632b71e..4cff4253f7e0cfdda328760c8267592dc6cdcf3b 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PathTemplateItem/sale_trade_condition_module/vifib_trade_condition.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PathTemplateItem/sale_trade_condition_module/vifib_trade_condition.xml @@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ <key> <string>categories</string> </key> <value> <tuple> - <string>specialise/business_process_module/erp5_default_business_process</string> + <string>specialise/business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process</string> + <string>specialise/sale_trade_condition_module/payzen_sale_trade_condition</string> </tuple> </value> </item> @@ -114,10 +115,6 @@ <key> <string>id</string> </key> <value> <string>vifib_trade_condition</string> </value> </item> - <item> - <key> <string>last_id</string> </key> - <value> <string>1</string> </value> - </item> <item> <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> <value> <string>Sale Trade Condition</string> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem/allowed_content_types.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem/allowed_content_types.xml index 14aff22c39a39951f3fa8e5278f66bdf8c03e65f..af07b4026b4b12265684d3cd4ce2702d55df70b9 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem/allowed_content_types.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem/allowed_content_types.xml @@ -1,4 +1,13 @@ <allowed_content_type_list> + <portal_type id="Delivery Simulation Rule"> + <item>Category Membership Divergence Tester</item> + <item>DateTime Divergence Tester</item> + <item>Float Divergence Tester</item> + <item>Net Converted Quantity Divergence Tester</item> + <item>Specialise Divergence Tester</item> + <item>String Divergence Tester</item> + <item>Variation Divergence Tester</item> + </portal_type> <portal_type id="Hosting Subscription Module"> <item>Hosting Subscription</item> </portal_type> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Hosting%20Subscription.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Hosting%20Subscription.xml index e7ecce1a3429d19b24f489f8db7120ee5f0247e3..d3d2fb8cae134b7290bf5e0795669aa6ff56c3fb 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Hosting%20Subscription.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Hosting%20Subscription.xml @@ -87,6 +87,18 @@ <key> <string>type_class</string> </key> <value> <string>SubscriptionItem</string> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type_interface</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type_mixin</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> </dictionary> </pickle> </record> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Subscription%20Item%20Root%20Simulation%20Rule.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Subscription%20Item%20Root%20Simulation%20Rule.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5ea28572130c03517fbafec33595b17ff8446ae --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Subscription%20Item%20Root%20Simulation%20Rule.xml @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Base Type" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_property_domain_dict</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>short_title</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>acquire_local_roles</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>content_icon</string> </key> + <value> <string>rule_icon.gif</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>group_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>rule</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Subscription Item Root Simulation Rule</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>init_script</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>permission</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Base Type</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type_class</string> </key> + <value> <string>SubscriptionItemRootSimulationRule</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type_interface</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type_mixin</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="TranslationInformation" module="Products.ERP5Type.TranslationProviderBase"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_name</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>short_title</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="TranslationInformation" module="Products.ERP5Type.TranslationProviderBase"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_name</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>title</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem/workflow_chain_type.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem/workflow_chain_type.xml index 67d75899bedb03aa886d441c3f0d3c9dea7d2aa1..74e16a0ab2ee63349be36adfb6536cf4fab55a63 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem/workflow_chain_type.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem/workflow_chain_type.xml @@ -11,4 +11,8 @@ <type>Sale Order</type> <workflow>vifib_open_order_interaction_workflow</workflow> </chain> + <chain> + <type>Subscription Item Root Simulation Rule</type> + <workflow>edit_workflow, rule_validation_workflow</workflow> + </chain> </workflow_chain> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_open_trade/HostingSubscription_getRuleReference.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_open_trade/HostingSubscription_getRuleReference.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..45cffe715eeac5519ca8793ed3ebb8cb19e82886 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_open_trade/HostingSubscription_getRuleReference.xml @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>return \'default_subscription_item_rule\'\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>HostingSubscription_getRuleReference</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_open_trade/Service_getPriceCalculationOperandDict.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_open_trade/Service_getPriceCalculationOperandDict.xml index 9d58a14f185e725e30d9fe13eb17dbf9e8a1c640..54a21549fd8c7cc214dfbfaf95fed4d2cc96601f 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_open_trade/Service_getPriceCalculationOperandDict.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_open_trade/Service_getPriceCalculationOperandDict.xml @@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ <item> <key> <string>_body</string> </key> <value> <string>def getRelatedTradeConditionList(trade_condition):\n + if trade_condition is None:\n + return []\n related_trade_condition_list = trade_condition.getSpecialiseValueList(\n portal_type=(\'Sale Trade Condition\', \'Purchase Trade Condition\'))\n for related_trade_condition in trade_condition.getSpecialiseValueList(\n diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow.xml index 8f6a7cc69d1ed0193f6c4755df318544c193bd2b..ddf861091b3010d381b1078e440bf3f2c64c240b 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow.xml @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>title</string> </key> - <value> <string>Hosting Subscription default workflow</string> </value> + <value> <string>Hosting Subscription Default Workflow</string> </value> </item> </dictionary> </pickle> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/states/archived.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/states/archived.xml new file mode 100644 index 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information</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>Add portal content</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>Delete objects</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>Modify portal content</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>View</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/states/draft.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/states/draft.xml index 4c98c00aeda155a526c20f2e1df01548cacc7757..a4adc9c3b87ab3078c998fab63c8a3d6a40b355a 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/states/draft.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/states/draft.xml @@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ </pickle> <pickle> <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> <item> <key> <string>id</string> </key> <value> <string>draft</string> </value> @@ -16,6 +20,25 @@ <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>transitions</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>validate</string> + <string>validate_action</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> </dictionary> </pickle> </record> @@ -37,6 +60,7 @@ <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> <string>Owner</string> </tuple> @@ -49,6 +73,7 @@ <string>Assignee</string> <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> <string>Owner</string> </tuple> @@ -61,6 +86,7 @@ <string>Assignee</string> <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> <string>Owner</string> </tuple> @@ -73,6 +99,7 @@ <string>Assignee</string> <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> <string>Owner</string> </tuple> @@ -86,6 +113,7 @@ <string>Assignor</string> <string>Associate</string> <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> <string>Manager</string> <string>Owner</string> </tuple> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/states/validated.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/states/validated.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2302c2bcf22e648c6acd0acca9512c3768a58f8e --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/states/validated.xml @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="StateDefinition" module="Products.DCWorkflow.States"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>permission_roles</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>transitions</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>archive</string> + <string>archive_action</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="PersistentMapping" module="Persistence.mapping"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>data</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Access contents information</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>Add portal content</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>Delete objects</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>Modify portal content</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>View</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Assignee</string> + <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Associate</string> + <string>Auditor</string> + <string>Author</string> + <string>Manager</string> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/start.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/archive.xml similarity index 87% rename from master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/start.xml rename to master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/archive.xml index 3ac84a097cae2dbf06837d0855f36b560f643c9a..2022a21d0c59ffb40c387aabe8fe708786c90f3a 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/start.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/archive.xml @@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ <key> <string>actbox_category</string> </key> <value> <string>workflow</string> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actbox_icon</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> <item> <key> <string>actbox_name</string> </key> <value> <string></string> </value> @@ -34,11 +38,11 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>id</string> </key> - <value> <string>start</string> </value> + <value> <string>archive</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>new_state_id</string> </key> - <value> <string>pending</string> </value> + <value> <string>archived</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>script_name</string> </key> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/start_action.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/archive_action.xml similarity index 82% rename from master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/start_action.xml rename to 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-%(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?workflow_action=start_action&cancel_url=%(content_url)s +%(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?workflow_action=archive_action&cancel_url=%(content_url)s ]]></string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>after_script_name</string> </key> - <value> <string>start</string> </value> + <value> <string>archive</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>description</string> </key> @@ -38,7 +42,7 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>id</string> </key> - <value> <string>start_action</string> </value> + <value> <string>archive_action</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>new_state_id</string> </key> @@ -61,10 +65,7 @@ </record> <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> <pickle> - <tuple> - <global name="Guard" module="Products.DCWorkflow.Guard"/> - <tuple/> - </tuple> + <global name="Guard" module="Products.DCWorkflow.Guard"/> </pickle> <pickle> <dictionary> @@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ <key> <string>roles</string> </key> <value> <tuple> - <string>Assignor</string> + <string>Owner</string> </tuple> </value> </item> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/transitions/request_computer_partition.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/validate.xml similarity index 82% rename from master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/transitions/request_computer_partition.xml rename to master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/validate.xml index 7db4c1eeefb82ad79f4baeb8be91cda4ab5ba6bb..6019ab29fd923e02cde0f9d2e0983764216e5289 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_base/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/software_instance_slap_interface_workflow/transitions/request_computer_partition.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/validate.xml @@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ <key> <string>actbox_category</string> </key> <value> <string>workflow</string> </value> </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actbox_icon</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> <item> <key> <string>actbox_name</string> </key> <value> <string></string> </value> @@ -20,7 +24,7 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>after_script_name</string> </key> - <value> <string>SoftwareInstance_requestComputerPartition</string> </value> + <value> <string></string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>description</string> </key> @@ -34,19 +38,19 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>id</string> </key> - <value> <string>request_computer_partition</string> </value> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>new_state_id</string> </key> - <value> <string></string> </value> + <value> <string>validated</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>script_name</string> </key> - <value> <string>SoftwareInstance_checkConsistency</string> </value> + <value> <string></string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>title</string> </key> - <value> <string>Request Computer Partition</string> </value> + <value> <string></string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>trigger_type</string> </key> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/validate_action.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/validate_action.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c500f4fcb3cbb825c783a903e2125fc8dd0b34f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/hosting_subscription_workflow/transitions/validate_action.xml @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="TransitionDefinition" module="Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>actbox_category</string> </key> + <value> <string>workflow</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actbox_icon</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actbox_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>Validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actbox_url</string> </key> + <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[ + +%(content_url)s/BaseWorkflow_viewWorkflowActionDialog?workflow_action=validate_action&cancel_url=%(content_url)s + +]]></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>after_script_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>guard</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>validate_action</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>new_state_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>script_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>trigger_type</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="Guard" module="Products.DCWorkflow.Guard"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>roles</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Owner</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/vifib_open_order_interaction_workflow/scripts/Delivery_assertCustomTradeConditionAndOpenOrder.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/vifib_open_order_interaction_workflow/scripts/Delivery_assertCustomTradeConditionAndOpenOrder.xml index c4c8e62be7dc759b2bc8c28cb46ce07e67f61fa3..8ad1bf4d54b8f739024d2e159e2224580481c737 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/vifib_open_order_interaction_workflow/scripts/Delivery_assertCustomTradeConditionAndOpenOrder.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/vifib_open_order_interaction_workflow/scripts/Delivery_assertCustomTradeConditionAndOpenOrder.xml @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ if custom_trade_condition is None:\n \n if order.getSpecialise() != custom_trade_condition.getRelativeUrl():\n order.setSpecialiseValue(custom_trade_condition, portal_type="Sale Trade Condition")\n +\n if portal.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible(custom_trade_condition, \'validate\'):\n custom_trade_condition.validate()\n </string> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/revision index dec4c59e4a093bbe728ad2d8699ace93b10e92e4..b5db9c417a229cf02976899b74f8b6fc87712919 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -104 \ No newline at end of file +139 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_action_path_list b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_action_path_list index ebaf0b2946be8eb2a46e31eefdf82c075952a8b6..af5ab0b662b906a3b55dc095d47665a93683c3ec 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_action_path_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_action_path_list @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ Hosting Subscription Module | view +Hosting Subscription | periodicity Hosting Subscription | unfiltered_tracking_list -Hosting Subscription | view \ No newline at end of file +Hosting Subscription | view +Subscription Item Root Simulation Rule | view \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_keep_workflow_path_list b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_keep_workflow_path_list index fdd30de0fbb78d3fcc79d772036c6bb90cc4ee13..3ef2fe3a18896540341fde3d94c7519b5d630e2b 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_keep_workflow_path_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_keep_workflow_path_list @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ software_release_module/test_software_release -software_product_module/test_software_product \ No newline at end of file +software_product_module/test_software_product +organisation_module/vifib_internet/bank_account \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_path_list b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_path_list index 5fb4ef36cc14501eb3cfc7aee6db0a1d8e3c07c5..fa99dec8759fd72b2e4b0c07e7e91d52c1cc20df 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_path_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_path_list @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -business_process_module/erp5_default_business_process/delivery_path computer_module/test_computer computer_module/test_computer/** open_sale_order_module/1 @@ -6,9 +5,8 @@ open_sale_order_module/1/** organisation_module/vifib_client_A organisation_module/vifib_client_A/** organisation_module/vifib_internet -organisation_module/vifib_internet/** -portal_rules/default_subscription_item_rule -portal_rules/default_subscription_item_rule/** +organisation_module/vifib_internet/1 +organisation_module/vifib_internet/bank_account purchase_packing_list_module/test_purchase_packing_list purchase_packing_list_module/test_purchase_packing_list/** purchase_trade_condition_module/vifib_purchase_trade_condition diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_portal_type_allowed_content_type_list b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_portal_type_allowed_content_type_list index bc95f9dbb974cac0a677ce1e20649a7203b63fc0..5c26e91932f639b8bfa40620ac84d58016baa763 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_portal_type_allowed_content_type_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_portal_type_allowed_content_type_list @@ -1 +1,8 @@ +Delivery Simulation Rule | Category Membership Divergence Tester +Delivery Simulation Rule | DateTime Divergence Tester +Delivery Simulation Rule | Float Divergence Tester +Delivery Simulation Rule | Net Converted Quantity Divergence Tester +Delivery Simulation Rule | Specialise Divergence Tester +Delivery Simulation Rule | String Divergence Tester +Delivery Simulation Rule | Variation Divergence Tester Hosting Subscription Module | Hosting Subscription \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_portal_type_id_list b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_portal_type_id_list index 4a9c673918ab31df40e0a8cbaff316691fbce07b..25c22b488f1c730b8f7fd9079b12d876b8357935 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_portal_type_id_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_portal_type_id_list @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ Hosting Subscription -Hosting Subscription Module \ No newline at end of file +Hosting Subscription Module +Subscription Item Root Simulation Rule \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_portal_type_workflow_chain_list b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_portal_type_workflow_chain_list index 9b690a90a38a0f12d2d116f5f2eff285ee766479..c11eae1a705dcb88f46a6ff96fde138767c1dd51 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_portal_type_workflow_chain_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/template_portal_type_workflow_chain_list @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ Hosting Subscription | edit_workflow Hosting Subscription | hosting_subscription_workflow Purchase Packing List | vifib_open_order_interaction_workflow -Sale Order | vifib_open_order_interaction_workflow \ No newline at end of file +Sale Order | vifib_open_order_interaction_workflow +Subscription Item Root Simulation Rule | edit_workflow +Subscription Item Root Simulation Rule | rule_validation_workflow \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/version index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/version +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_open_trade/bt/version @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Computer%20Partition/jump_to_related_usage_report_list.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Payzen%20Event%20Message/view.xml similarity index 83% rename from master/bt5/vifib_slap/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Computer%20Partition/jump_to_related_usage_report_list.xml rename to master/bt5/vifib_payzen/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Payzen%20Event%20Message/view.xml index c9845434aa04f03e7d2637835fe35ac096ec5f76..ed3d7a98f2f1a31a444df7f18669fa7940917780 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Computer%20Partition/jump_to_related_usage_report_list.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Payzen%20Event%20Message/view.xml @@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ <key> <string>categories</string> </key> <value> <tuple> - <string>action_type/object_jump</string> + <string>action_type/object_view</string> </tuple> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>category</string> </key> - <value> <string>object_jump</string> </value> + <value> <string>object_view</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>condition</string> </key> @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>id</string> </key> - <value> <string>jump_to_related_usage_report_list</string> </value> + <value> <string>view</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>permissions</string> </key> @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>title</string> </key> - <value> <string>Related Usage Reports</string> </value> + <value> <string>View</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>visible</string> </key> @@ -77,11 +77,7 @@ <dictionary> <item> <key> <string>text</string> </key> - <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[ - -string:${object_url}/Base_jumpToRelatedObject?base_category=causality&portal_type=Usage+Report - -]]></string> </value> + <value> <string>string:${object_url}/PayzenEventMessage_view</string> </value> </item> </dictionary> </pickle> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Virtio%20Partition/jump_to_related_usage_report_list.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Payzen%20Event/view.xml similarity index 83% rename from master/bt5/vifib_slap/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Virtio%20Partition/jump_to_related_usage_report_list.xml rename to master/bt5/vifib_payzen/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Payzen%20Event/view.xml index c9845434aa04f03e7d2637835fe35ac096ec5f76..4c364ad1ff239d1db3d2a91f5d5a8fcc004958c5 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Virtio%20Partition/jump_to_related_usage_report_list.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/ActionTemplateItem/portal_types/Payzen%20Event/view.xml @@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ <key> <string>categories</string> </key> <value> <tuple> - <string>action_type/object_jump</string> + <string>action_type/object_view</string> </tuple> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>category</string> </key> - <value> <string>object_jump</string> </value> + <value> <string>object_view</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>condition</string> </key> @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>id</string> </key> - <value> <string>jump_to_related_usage_report_list</string> </value> + <value> <string>view</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>permissions</string> </key> @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>title</string> </key> - <value> <string>Related Usage Reports</string> </value> + <value> <string>View</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>visible</string> </key> @@ -77,11 +77,7 @@ <dictionary> <item> <key> <string>text</string> </key> - <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[ - -string:${object_url}/Base_jumpToRelatedObject?base_category=causality&portal_type=Usage+Report - -]]></string> </value> + <value> <string>string:${object_url}/PayzenEvent_view</string> </value> </item> </dictionary> </pickle> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PathTemplateItem/portal_alarms/payzen_update_confirmed_payment_transaction.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PathTemplateItem/portal_alarms/payzen_update_confirmed_payment_transaction.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c853965a8c342a2981e3e8aa7518619300ae60e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PathTemplateItem/portal_alarms/payzen_update_confirmed_payment_transaction.xml @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Alarm" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>active_sense_method_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm_updatePayzenConfirmedPaymentTransaction</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>payzen_update_confirmed_payment_transaction</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_hour</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_minute</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_minute_frequency</string> </key> + <value> <int>5</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_month</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_month_day</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_start_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1288051200.0</float> + <string>GMT</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_week</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>sense_method_id</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Update status of confirmed Payment Transaction related with PayZen</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PathTemplateItem/portal_alarms/register_planned_payment_transaction_payzen.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PathTemplateItem/portal_alarms/register_planned_payment_transaction_payzen.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..193a2fe8ca5e71bfb7bf256babcd24a49b970840 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PathTemplateItem/portal_alarms/register_planned_payment_transaction_payzen.xml @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Alarm" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>active_sense_method_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm_registerPlannedPaymentTransactionPayzen</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>register_planned_payment_transaction_payzen</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_hour</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_minute</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_minute_frequency</string> </key> + <value> <int>5</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_month</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_month_day</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_start_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1288051200.0</float> + <string>GMT</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_week</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>sense_method_id</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Register planned Payment Transaction in payzen</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem/allowed_content_types.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem/allowed_content_types.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01b2832dbb2389153eb14ac076e6c4d6636d1045 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem/allowed_content_types.xml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +<allowed_content_type_list> + <portal_type id="Payzen Event"> + <item>Payzen Event Message</item> + </portal_type> + <portal_type id="System Event Module"> + <item>Payzen Event</item> + </portal_type> +</allowed_content_type_list> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PortalTypeBaseCategoryTemplateItem/base_category_list.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PortalTypeBaseCategoryTemplateItem/base_category_list.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a1637599048b2cedebe0126f275c6891c171cc19 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PortalTypeBaseCategoryTemplateItem/base_category_list.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +<base_category_list> + <portal_type id="Payzen Event"> + <item>destination</item> + <item>source</item> + </portal_type> + 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0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c95ab67311e662e2d87c8afaa07cec0e044d33b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Payzen%20Event%20Message.xml @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Base Type" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_property_domain_dict</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>short_title</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>acquire_local_roles</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>content_icon</string> </key> + <value> + 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+ <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="TranslationInformation" module="Products.ERP5Type.TranslationProviderBase"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_name</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>short_title</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="TranslationInformation" module="Products.ERP5Type.TranslationProviderBase"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_name</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>title</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Payzen%20Event.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Payzen%20Event.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c1be692dd4a67b64e1a5d30fdc3ed2c4b859f523 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PortalTypeTemplateItem/portal_types/Payzen%20Event.xml @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Base Type" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_property_domain_dict</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>short_title</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>acquire_local_roles</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>content_icon</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>factory</string> </key> + <value> <string>addXMLObject</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>group_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Payzen Event</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>init_script</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>permission</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Base Type</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type_class</string> </key> + <value> <string>XMLObject</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type_interface</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type_mixin</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="TranslationInformation" module="Products.ERP5Type.TranslationProviderBase"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_name</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>short_title</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="TranslationInformation" module="Products.ERP5Type.TranslationProviderBase"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>domain_name</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>title</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem/workflow_chain_type.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem/workflow_chain_type.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b4f249acfd31e131c06e0d1912d764eac395e33 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem/workflow_chain_type.xml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +<workflow_chain> + <chain> + <type>Payment Transaction</type> + <workflow>payzen_interface_workflow</workflow> + </chain> + <chain> + <type>Payzen Event</type> + <workflow>edit_workflow, payzen_interface_workflow, system_event_workflow</workflow> + </chain> + <chain> + <type>Payzen Event Message</type> + <workflow>edit_workflow</workflow> + </chain> +</workflow_chain> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_invoicing.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen.xml similarity index 95% rename from master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_invoicing.xml rename to master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen.xml index 13e252b40b15cab447bb72f74b83c3d11fe6a9f6..eb9536a32751476296822fb6fc04f6528647dfba 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_invoicing.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen.xml @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>id</string> </key> - <value> <string>vifib_invoicing</string> </value> + <value> <string>vifib_payzen</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>title</string> </key> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/AccountingTransaction_startPayment.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/AccountingTransaction_startPayment.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..24c8750abc231cdd31e043825579901cfef8a3f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/AccountingTransaction_startPayment.xml @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string># TODO: Return configured web page in case of system issues.\n +from DateTime import DateTime\n +portal = context.getPortalObject()\n +service = portal.portal_secure_payments.find()\n +integration_site = portal.restrictedTraverse(portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredPayzenIntegrationSite())\n +system_event_kw = {\n + \'portal_type\': \'Payzen Event\',\n + \'source_value\': service,\n + \'destination_value\': context,\n +}\n +system_event = portal.system_event_module.newContent(title=\'User navigation script\', **system_event_kw)\n +\n +today = DateTime().toZone(\'UTC\').asdatetime().strftime(\'%Y%m%d\')\n +transaction_id = str(portal.portal_ids.generateNewId(\n + id_group=\'%s_%s\' % (service.getRelativeUrl(), today),\n + id_generator=\'uid\')).zfill(6)\n +\n +mapping_id = \'%s_%s\' % (today, transaction_id)\n +if not integration_site.getMappingFromCategory(\'causality/%s\' % context.getRelativeUrl()) == \'Causality/%s\' % context.getRelativeUrl():\n + system_event.confirm(comment=\'Transaction already mapped in integration tool.\')\n + return \'There was system issue\'\n +try:\n + integration_site.getCategoryFromMapping(\'Causality/%s\' % mapping_id, create_mapping_line=True, create_mapping=True)\n +except ValueError:\n + mapping = integration_site.Causality[mapping_id]\n + mapping.setDestinationReference(\'causality/%s\' % context.getRelativeUrl())\n +else:\n + system_event.confirm(comment=\'Key %s already found!\' % mapping_id)\n + return \'There was system issue\'\n +\n +context.activate().PaymentTransaction_confirm()\n +\n +payzen_dict = {}\n +payzen_dict.update(\n + vads_currency=integration_site.getMappingFromCategory(\'resource/currency_module/%s\' % context.getResourceReference()).split(\'/\')[-1],\n + vads_amount=str(int(round((context.PaymentTransaction_getTotalPayablePrice() * 100), 0))),\n + vads_trans_date=context.getStartDate().toZone(\'UTC\').asdatetime().strftime(\'%Y%m%d%H%M%S\'),\n + vads_trans_id=transaction_id,\n + vads_language=\'en\',\n +)\n +system_event.confirm()\n +system_event.acknowledge(comment=\'Automatic acknowledge as result of correct communication\')\n +return service.navigate(page_template=\'payzen_payment\', pay=\'Click to pay\', payzen_dict=payzen_dict)\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>AccountingTransaction_startPayment</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/Alarm_registerPlannedPaymentTransactionPayzen.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/Alarm_registerPlannedPaymentTransactionPayzen.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eee99bcee1ff46e4dd096248ec868221cba16c3d --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/Alarm_registerPlannedPaymentTransactionPayzen.xml @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>portal = context.getPortalObject()\n +for payment_transaction in portal.portal_catalog(\n + portal_type="Payment Transaction", \n + simulation_state="planned",\n + limit=10\n + ):\n + # do not trust catalog\n + if payment_transaction.getSimulationState() == \'planned\':\n + payment_transaction.PaymentTransaction_registerPayzen()\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm_registerPlannedPaymentTransactionPayzen</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/Alarm_updatePayzenConfirmedPaymentTransaction.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/Alarm_updatePayzenConfirmedPaymentTransaction.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..211b71820c5f2c45ff07bb5a05661915ecfd1fad --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/Alarm_updatePayzenConfirmedPaymentTransaction.xml @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>portal = context.getPortalObject()\n +for payment_transaction in portal.portal_catalog(\n + portal_type="Payment Transaction", \n + simulation_state="confirmed",\n + ):\n + # do not trust catalog\n + if payment_transaction.getSimulationState() == \'confirmed\':\n + payment_transaction.activate().PaymentTransaction_updateStatus()\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm_updatePayzenConfirmedPaymentTransaction</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PaymentTransaction_confirm.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PaymentTransaction_confirm.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c91d9c5595420c0c4476ef985b7c7b875d16ece --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PaymentTransaction_confirm.xml @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>context.getPortalObject().portal_workflow.doActionFor(context, \'confirm_action\', comment=\'Transaction being registered in Payzen\')\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>PaymentTransaction_confirm</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PaymentTransaction_registerPayzen.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PaymentTransaction_registerPayzen.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e5ea98196d33f1110c06f54cf8bc717c4e0df0d --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PaymentTransaction_registerPayzen.xml @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>portal = context.getPortalObject()\n +service = portal.portal_secure_payments.find()\n +portal.system_event_module.newContent(title=\'Transaction %s Payzen registration\' % context.getTitle(), portal_type=\'Payzen Event\', source_value=service, destination_value=context).registerPayzen()\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>PaymentTransaction_registerPayzen</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PaymentTransaction_start.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PaymentTransaction_start.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..235bcda07617e43066a18f88b4bfa64cbeb37f55 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PaymentTransaction_start.xml @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>context.getPortalObject().portal_workflow.doActionFor(context, \'start_action\', comment=\'Started automatically on Payzen Update\')\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>PaymentTransaction_start</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_invoicing/InvoiceBuilder_selectPlannedSaleInvoiceList.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PaymentTransaction_updateStatus.xml similarity index 86% rename from master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_invoicing/InvoiceBuilder_selectPlannedSaleInvoiceList.xml rename to master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PaymentTransaction_updateStatus.xml index de531e6288d44b3b73c1b6cb02b26090629a7042..46aba88dc61da831af32396e2a6ef2b02fca8824 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_invoicing/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_invoicing/InvoiceBuilder_selectPlannedSaleInvoiceList.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PaymentTransaction_updateStatus.xml @@ -51,22 +51,17 @@ <item> <key> <string>_body</string> </key> <value> <string>portal = context.getPortalObject()\n -accounting_module = portal.getDefaultModule(\'Sale Invoice Transaction\')\n -\n -invoice = accounting_module.searchFolder(\n - portal_type=\'Sale Invoice Transaction\',\n - simulation_state=\'planned\')\n -\n -return invoice\n +service = portal.portal_secure_payments.find()\n +portal.system_event_module.newContent(title=\'Transaction %s Payzen status update\' % context.getTitle(), portal_type=\'Payzen Event\', source_value=service, destination_value=context).updateStatus()\n </string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>_params</string> </key> - <value> <string>**kw</string> </value> + <value> <string></string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>id</string> </key> - <value> <string>InvoiceBuilder_selectPlannedSaleInvoiceList</string> </value> + <value> <string>PaymentTransaction_updateStatus</string> </value> </item> </dictionary> </pickle> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEventMessage_view.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEventMessage_view.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..350e0c1eb35414d97279ac11b916a28a3ecbd7a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEventMessage_view.xml @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ERP5Form" module="Products.ERP5Form.Form"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_objects</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string>Base_edit</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>edit_order</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>encoding</string> </key> + <value> <string>UTF-8</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enctype</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>group_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>left</string> + <string>right</string> + <string>center</string> + <string>bottom</string> + <string>hidden</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>groups</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>bottom</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>center</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>my_text_content</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>left</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>my_title</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>right</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>my_creation_date</string> + <string>my_predecessor_title</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>PayzenEventMessage_view</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>method</string> </key> + <value> <string>POST</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name</string> </key> + <value> <string>AuthenticationEvent_view</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>pt</string> </key> + <value> <string>form_view</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>row_length</string> </key> + <value> <int>4</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>stored_encoding</string> </key> + <value> <string>UTF-8</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Payzen Event Message</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode_mode</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>update_action</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>update_action_title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEventMessage_view/my_creation_date.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEventMessage_view/my_creation_date.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d340e5b9d146b11c74cc3786e42872085f319c6d --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEventMessage_view/my_creation_date.xml @@ -0,0 +1,2359 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="DateTimeField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>my_creation_date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>datetime_out_of_range</string> </key> + <value> <string>The date and time you entered were out of range.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>not_datetime</string> </key> + <value> <string>You did not enter a valid date and time.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>allow_empty_time</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>ampm_time_style</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>date_only</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>date_separator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_now</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end_datetime</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden_day_is_last_day</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hide_day</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>input_order</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>input_style</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start_datetime</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time_separator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>timezone_style</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>sub_form</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>allow_empty_time</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>ampm_time_style</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>date_only</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>date_separator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_now</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end_datetime</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden_day_is_last_day</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hide_day</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>input_order</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>input_style</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start_datetime</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time_separator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>timezone_style</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>allow_empty_time</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>ampm_time_style</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string>date_field</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>date_only</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>date_separator</string> </key> + <value> <string>/</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_now</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>The Date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end_datetime</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden_day_is_last_day</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hide_day</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>input_order</string> </key> + <value> <string>ymd</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>input_style</string> </key> + <value> <string>text</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start_datetime</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time_separator</string> </key> + <value> <string>:</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>timezone_style</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="BasicForm" module="Products.Formulator.Form"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>encoding</string> </key> + <value> <string>UTF-8</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enctype</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>fields</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>ampm</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>day</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAU=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hour</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAY=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>minute</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAc=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>month</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAg=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>timezone</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAk=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>year</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAo=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>group_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Default</string> + <string>date</string> + <string>time</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>groups</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Default</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>date</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>year</string> + <string>month</string> + <string>day</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>hour</string> + <string>minute</string> + <string>ampm</string> + <string>timezone</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>method</string> </key> + <value> <string>POST</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>stored_encoding</string> </key> + <value> <string>ISO-8859-1</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Basic Form</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode_mode</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_text</string> </key> + <value> <string>preferences/getPreferredDateOrder | string:ymd</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="StringField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>ampm</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>too_long</string> </key> + <value> <string>Too much input was given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>max_length</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>truncate</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>max_length</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>truncate</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>max_length</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>am/pm</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>truncate</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="5" aka="AAAAAAAAAAU="> + <pickle> + <global name="IntegerField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>day</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key> + <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key> + <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Day</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="6" aka="AAAAAAAAAAY="> + <pickle> + <global name="IntegerField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>hour</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key> + <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key> + <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Hour</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="7" aka="AAAAAAAAAAc="> + <pickle> + <global name="IntegerField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>minute</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key> + <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key> + <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Minute</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="8" aka="AAAAAAAAAAg="> + <pickle> + <global name="IntegerField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>month</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key> + <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key> + <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Month</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="9" aka="AAAAAAAAAAk="> + <pickle> + <global name="ListField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>timezone</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unknown_selection</string> </key> + <value> <string>You selected an item that was not in the list.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>first_item</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>items</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>size</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>first_item</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>items</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>size</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string>GMT</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>first_item</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>items</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-12</string> + <string>GMT-12</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-11</string> + <string>GMT-11</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-10</string> + <string>GMT-10</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-9</string> + <string>GMT-9</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-8</string> + <string>GMT-8</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-7</string> + <string>GMT-7</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-6</string> + <string>GMT-6</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-5</string> + <string>GMT-5</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-4</string> + <string>GMT-4</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-3</string> + <string>GMT-3</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-2</string> + <string>GMT-2</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-1</string> + <string>GMT-1</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT</string> + <string>GMT</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+1</string> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+2</string> + <string>GMT+2</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+3</string> + <string>GMT+3</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+4</string> + <string>GMT+4</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+5</string> + <string>GMT+5</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+6</string> + <string>GMT+6</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+7</string> + <string>GMT+7</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+8</string> + <string>GMT+8</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+9</string> + <string>GMT+9</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+10</string> + <string>GMT+10</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+11</string> + <string>GMT+11</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+12</string> + <string>GMT+12</string> + </tuple> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>size</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Timezone</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="10" aka="AAAAAAAAAAo="> + <pickle> + <global name="IntegerField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>year</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key> + <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key> + <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <int>4</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <int>4</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Year</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEventMessage_view/my_predecessor_title.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEventMessage_view/my_predecessor_title.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d44df9c7d6e2625e19ad259414871885105042e --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEventMessage_view/my_predecessor_title.xml @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>catalog_index</string> + <string>editable</string> + <string>portal_type</string> + <string>title</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> 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<string>Predecessor</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEventMessage_view/my_text_content.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEventMessage_view/my_text_content.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..542f72c5362123038661d95ed88a9aaf05cbf5a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEventMessage_view/my_text_content.xml @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>title</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + 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0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..679b18bb42fe38607b2c06711a0f961423313917 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEventMessage_view/my_title.xml @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>title</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>my_title</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> 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</value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>target</string> </key> + <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Title</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02fc83f06f2da4e13db8cb35254f49573e97e8de --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view.xml @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ERP5Form" module="Products.ERP5Form.Form"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + 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</item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>PayzenEvent_view</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>method</string> </key> + <value> <string>POST</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name</string> </key> + <value> <string>AuthenticationEvent_view</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>pt</string> </key> + <value> <string>form_view</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>row_length</string> </key> + <value> <int>4</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>stored_encoding</string> </key> + <value> <string>UTF-8</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Payzen Event</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode_mode</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>update_action</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>update_action_title</string> </key> + 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<string>datetime_out_of_range</string> </key> + <value> <string>The date and time you entered were out of range.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>not_datetime</string> </key> + <value> <string>You did not enter a valid date and time.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>allow_empty_time</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>ampm_time_style</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + 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</item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden_day_is_last_day</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hide_day</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>input_order</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>input_style</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start_datetime</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time_separator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>timezone_style</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>sub_form</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>allow_empty_time</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>ampm_time_style</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>date_only</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>date_separator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_now</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end_datetime</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden_day_is_last_day</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hide_day</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>input_order</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>input_style</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start_datetime</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time_separator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>timezone_style</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>allow_empty_time</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>ampm_time_style</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string>date_field</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>date_only</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>date_separator</string> </key> + <value> <string>/</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default_now</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>The Date</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end_datetime</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden_day_is_last_day</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hide_day</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>input_order</string> </key> + <value> <string>ymd</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>input_style</string> </key> + <value> <string>text</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start_datetime</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time_separator</string> </key> + <value> <string>:</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>timezone_style</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Date</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="BasicForm" module="Products.Formulator.Form"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>action</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>encoding</string> </key> + <value> <string>UTF-8</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enctype</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>fields</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>ampm</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAQ=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>day</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAU=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hour</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAY=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>minute</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAc=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>month</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAg=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>timezone</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAk=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>year</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAo=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>group_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>Default</string> + <string>date</string> + <string>time</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>groups</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Default</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>date</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>year</string> + <string>month</string> + <string>day</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>time</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>hour</string> + <string>minute</string> + <string>ampm</string> + <string>timezone</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>method</string> </key> + <value> <string>POST</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>stored_encoding</string> </key> + <value> <string>ISO-8859-1</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Basic Form</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode_mode</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_text</string> </key> + <value> <string>preferences/getPreferredDateOrder | string:ymd</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="4" aka="AAAAAAAAAAQ="> + <pickle> + <global name="StringField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>ampm</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>too_long</string> </key> + <value> <string>Too much input was given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>max_length</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>truncate</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>max_length</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>truncate</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>max_length</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>am/pm</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>truncate</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="5" aka="AAAAAAAAAAU="> + <pickle> + <global name="IntegerField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>day</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key> + <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key> + <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Day</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="6" aka="AAAAAAAAAAY="> + <pickle> + <global name="IntegerField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>hour</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key> + <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key> + <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Hour</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="7" aka="AAAAAAAAAAc="> + <pickle> + <global name="IntegerField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>minute</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key> + <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key> + <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Minute</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="8" aka="AAAAAAAAAAg="> + <pickle> + <global name="IntegerField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>month</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key> + <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key> + <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Month</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="9" aka="AAAAAAAAAAk="> + <pickle> + <global name="ListField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>timezone</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unknown_selection</string> </key> + <value> <string>You selected an item that was not in the list.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>first_item</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>items</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>size</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>first_item</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>items</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>size</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string>GMT</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra_item</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>first_item</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>items</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-12</string> + <string>GMT-12</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-11</string> + <string>GMT-11</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-10</string> + <string>GMT-10</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-9</string> + <string>GMT-9</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-8</string> + <string>GMT-8</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-7</string> + <string>GMT-7</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-6</string> + <string>GMT-6</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-5</string> + <string>GMT-5</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-4</string> + <string>GMT-4</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-3</string> + <string>GMT-3</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-2</string> + <string>GMT-2</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT-1</string> + <string>GMT-1</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT</string> + <string>GMT</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+1</string> + <string>GMT+1</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+2</string> + <string>GMT+2</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+3</string> + <string>GMT+3</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+4</string> + <string>GMT+4</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+5</string> + <string>GMT+5</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+6</string> + <string>GMT+6</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+7</string> + <string>GMT+7</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+8</string> + <string>GMT+8</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+9</string> + <string>GMT+9</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+10</string> + <string>GMT+10</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+11</string> + <string>GMT+11</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>GMT+12</string> + <string>GMT+12</string> + </tuple> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>size</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Timezone</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>unicode</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="10" aka="AAAAAAAAAAo="> + <pickle> + <global name="IntegerField" module="Products.Formulator.StandardFields"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>year</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>integer_out_of_range</string> </key> + <value> <string>The integer you entered was out of range.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>not_integer</string> </key> + <value> <string>You did not enter an integer.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required_not_found</string> </key> + <value> <string>Input is required but no input given.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>alternate_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>css_class</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>default</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_maxwidth</string> </key> + <value> <int>4</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>display_width</string> </key> + <value> <int>4</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>end</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>hidden</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>required</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>start</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Year</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>whitespace_preserve</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view/my_destination_title.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view/my_destination_title.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0401f96f73e95cd994e9ae075bd676715cd9fb0d --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view/my_destination_title.xml @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>base_category</string> + <string>catalog_index</string> + <string>portal_type</string> + <string>title</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>my_destination_title</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>base_category</string> </key> + <value> <string>destination</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>catalog_index</string> </key> + <value> <string>title</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>my_relation_field</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <tuple> + <string>Payment Transaction</string> + <string>Payment Transaction</string> + </tuple> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Payment Transaction</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view/my_listbox.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view/my_listbox.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c530397ea714c382c0abe972dc2305e9e57266b --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view/my_listbox.xml @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>columns</string> + <string>portal_types</string> + <string>title</string> + 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<string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>target</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>columns</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <tuple> + <string>title</string> + <string>Title</string> + </tuple> + <tuple> + <string>creation_date</string> + <string>Creation Date</string> + </tuple> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>my_view_mode_listbox</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_types</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <tuple> + <string>Payzen Event Message</string> + <string>Payzen Event Message</string> + </tuple> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>target</string> </key> + <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Payzen Event Messages</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view/my_predecessor_title.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view/my_predecessor_title.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d44df9c7d6e2625e19ad259414871885105042e --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view/my_predecessor_title.xml @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + 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</item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>catalog_index</string> </key> + <value> <string>title</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>my_relation_field</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <tuple> + <string>Soap Event</string> + <string>Soap Event</string> + </tuple> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Predecessor</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view/my_source_title.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view/my_source_title.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f025d3c8806a4518de3d5e93b55ee14990085d69 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/PayzenEvent_view/my_source_title.xml @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>base_category</string> + <string>catalog_index</string> + <string>editable</string> + <string>portal_type</string> + <string>title</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>my_source_title</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>base_category</string> </key> + <value> <string>destination</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>catalog_index</string> </key> + <value> <string>title</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>editable</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>extra_context</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + 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<string>my_translated_validation_state_title</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>target</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>target</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>my_view_mode_translated_workflow_state_title</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>target</string> </key> + <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/WebSection_checkoutVirtualMachine.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/WebSection_checkoutVirtualMachine.xml new file mode 100644 index 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</value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>portal = context.getPortalObject()\n +integration_site = portal.restrictedTraverse(portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredPayzenIntegrationSite())\n +\n +# hardcoded values\n +price = 1.0\n +resource = \'currency_module/EUR\'\n +bank_account = \'account_module/1\'\n +receivable_account = \'account_module/2\'\n +source_section = \'organisation_module/vifib_internet\'\n +source_payment = \'organisation_module/vifib_internet/2\'\n +# end of hardcoded values\n +\n +payment_transaction = context.getPortalObject().accounting_module.newContent(\n + portal_type=\'Payment Transaction\',\n + specialise=integration_site.getSourceTrade(),\n + destination_section=context.ERP5Site_getAuthenticatedMemberPersonValue().getRelativeUrl(),\n + resource=resource,\n + source_section=source_section,\n + source_payment=source_payment\n +)\n +\n +payment_transaction.bank.edit(\n + quantity=price,\n + source=bank_account\n +)\n +payment_transaction.receivable.edit(\n + quantity=-price,\n + source=receivable_account\n +)\n +\n +return payment_transaction.AccountingTransaction_startPayment()\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>WebSection_checkoutVirtualMachine</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/payzen_payment.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_payzen/payzen_payment.xml new file mode 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encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[ + +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">\n +<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">\n +<head>\n + <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />\n + <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />\n + <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />\n + <title tal:content="here/title"></title>\n +</head>\n +<body onload="document.payment.submit();">\n +<form method="POST" tal:attributes="action here/link_url_string" id="payment" name="payment">\n +<tal:block tal:repeat="value here/field_list">\n + <input type="hidden" tal:attributes="name python: value[0]; value python: value[1]">\n +</tal:block>\n +<input type="submit" tal:attributes="value here/pay">\n +</form>\n +</body>\n +</html> + +]]></unicode> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>content_type</string> </key> + <value> 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aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="DCWorkflowDefinition" module="Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_objects</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>creation_guard</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>groups</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>payzen_interface_workflow</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>initial_state</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>manager_bypass</string> </key> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>permissions</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Access contents information</string> + <string>View</string> + <string>Add portal content</string> + <string>Modify portal content</string> + <string>Delete objects</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>state_var</string> </key> + <value> <string>payzen_state</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Payzen Interface Workflow</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/scripts.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/scripts.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..072c8f6540c07806bee17a34c920ec09b2de1bd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/scripts.xml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Scripts" module="Products.DCWorkflow.Scripts"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_mapping</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_objects</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>scripts</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/scripts/PayzenEvent_processUpdate.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/scripts/PayzenEvent_processUpdate.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27199086c8ba1a5276f7a1ba2a3df47927321393 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/scripts/PayzenEvent_processUpdate.xml @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>def storeWorkflowComment(ctx, comment):\n + portal = ctx.getPortalObject()\n + workflow_tool = portal.portal_workflow\n + workflow_tool.doActionFor(ctx, \'edit_action\', comment=comment)\n +\n +payzen_event = state_change[\'object\']\n +transaction = payzen_event.getDestinationValue()\n +portal = transaction.getPortalObject()\n +\n +from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import ValidationFailed\n +if signature is not True:\n + # signature is wrong, bye bye\n + payzen_event.confirm(comment=\'Signature does not match\')\n + return\n +\n +transaction_code_mapping = {\n + \'0\' : \'Initial (being treated)\',\n + \'1\' : \'To be validated \',\n + \'2\' : \'To be forced - Contact issuer\',\n + \'3\' : \'To be validated and authorized\',\n + \'4\' : \'Waiting for submission\',\n + \'5\' : \'Waiting for authorization\',\n + \'6\' : \'Submitted\',\n + \'7\' : \'Expired\',\n + \'8\' : \'Refused\',\n + \'9\' : \'Cancelled\',\n + \'10\': \'Waiting\',\n + \'11\': \'Being submitted\',\n + \'12\': \'Being authorized\',\n + \'13\': \'Failed\',\n +}\n +\n +transaction_status = data_kw[\'transactionStatus\']\n +transaction_status_description = transaction_code_mapping.get(transaction_status, None)\n +if transaction_status_description is None:\n + payzen_event.confirm(comment=\'Unknown transactionStatus %r\' % transaction_status)\n + return\n +integration_tool = portal.restrictedTraverse(portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredPayzenIntegrationSite())\n +mark_transaction_id_list = [\'0\', \'1\', \'3\', \'4\', \'5\', \'10\', \'11\', \'12\']\n +continue_transaction_id_list = [\'6\']\n +\n +if transaction_status in mark_transaction_id_list:\n + # Mark on payment transaction history log that transaction was not processed yet\n + storeWorkflowComment(transaction, \'Transaction status %s (%s) did not changed the document state\' % (transaction_status, transaction_status_description))\n + payzen_event.confirm()\n + payzen_event.acknowledge(comment=\'Automatic acknowledge as result of correct communication\')\n + if transaction.getSimulationState() == \'planned\':\n + transaction.activate().PaymentTransaction_confirm()\n +\n +elif transaction_status in continue_transaction_id_list:\n + # Check authAmount and authDevise and if match, start transaction\n + auth_amount = int(data_kw[\'authAmount\'])\n + auth_devise = data_kw[\'authDevise\']\n + transaction_amount = int(round((transaction.PaymentTransaction_getTotalPayablePrice() * 100), 2))\n + if transaction_amount != auth_amount:\n + payzen_event.confirm(comment=\'Received amount (%r) does not match stored on transaction (%r)\'% (auth_amount, transaction_amount))\n + return\n + transaction_devise = integration_tool.getMappingFromCategory(\'resource/currency_module/%s\' % transaction.getResourceReference()).split(\'/\')[-1]\n + if transaction_devise != auth_devise:\n + payzen_event.confirm(comment=\'Received devise (%r) does not match stored on transaction (%r)\'% (auth_devise, transaction_devise))\n + return\n + transaction.activate().PaymentTransaction_start()\n + payzen_event.confirm()\n + payzen_event.acknowledge(comment=\'Automatic acknowledge as result of correct communication\')\n +else:\n + payzen_event.confirm(comment=\'Transaction status %r (%r) is not supported\' % (transaction_status, transaction_status_description))\n + return\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>state_change, data_kw, signature</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>PayzenEvent_processUpdate</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/scripts/PayzenEvent_registerPayzen.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/scripts/PayzenEvent_registerPayzen.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f2fdfd732dc62b0d822baf2b881b11ba917be19 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/scripts/PayzenEvent_registerPayzen.xml @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>"""Registers current transaction in payment\n +\n +In order to not transmit sensitive information the registration is done by looking the newest\n +payzen related transaction for destination_section and doing its duplicate"""\n +\n +from DateTime import DateTime\n +payzen_event = state_change[\'object\']\n +transaction = payzen_event.getDestinationValue()\n +portal = transaction.getPortalObject()\n +integration_site = portal.restrictedTraverse(portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredPayzenIntegrationSite())\n +state_list = portal.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList() + portal.getPortalTransitInventoryStateList()\n +service = portal.portal_secure_payments.find()\n +previous_transaction = portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue(\n + destination_section_uid = transaction.getDestinationSectionUid(),\n + portal_type=transaction.getPortalType(),\n + simulation_state=state_list,\n + sort_on=((\'delivery.start_date\', \'DESC\'),),\n + limit=1,\n +)\n +\n +if previous_transaction is None:\n + raise ValueError(\'It was not possible to find any previous transaction\')\n +\n +previous_id = None\n +possible_previous_id = integration_site.getMappingFromCategory(\'causality/%s\' % previous_transaction.getRelativeUrl())\n +if possible_previous_id != \'Causality/%s\' % transaction.getRelativeUrl():\n + previous_id = possible_previous_id.split(\'/\')[1]\n +\n +if previous_id is None: \n + raise ValueError(\'Transaction %s had not defined payzen integration\' % previous_transaction.getRelativeUrl())\n +\n +previous_date, previous_id = previous_id.split(\'_\')\n +today = DateTime().toZone(\'UTC\').asdatetime().strftime(\'%Y%m%d\')\n +transaction_id = str(portal.portal_ids.generateNewId(\n + id_group=\'%s_%s\' % (service.getRelativeUrl(), today),\n + id_generator=\'uid\')).zfill(6)\n +\n +mapping_id = \'%s_%s\' % (today, transaction_id)\n +\n +if not integration_site.getMappingFromCategory(\'causality/%s\' % transaction.getRelativeUrl()) == \'Causality/%s\' % transaction.getRelativeUrl():\n + raise ValueError(\'Transaction already mapped in integration tool.\')\n +\n +try:\n + integration_site.getCategoryFromMapping(\'Causality/%s\' % mapping_id, create_mapping_line=True, create_mapping=True)\n +except ValueError:\n + mapping = integration_site.Causality[mapping_id]\n + mapping.setDestinationReference(\'causality/%s\' % transaction.getRelativeUrl())\n +else:\n + raise ValueError(comment=\'Key %s already found!\' % mapping_id)\n +\n +# do causality mapping in integration_site between transaction.getRelativeUrl and today + transaction_id\n +payzen_dict = {}\n +payzen_dict.update(\n + devise=integration_site.getMappingFromCategory(\'resource/currency_module/%s\' % transaction.getResourceReference()).split(\'/\')[-1],\n + amount=str(int(round((transaction.PaymentTransaction_getTotalPayablePrice() * 100), 0))),\n + presentationDate=transaction.getStartDate().toZone(\'UTC\').asdatetime(),\n + newTransactionId=transaction_id,\n + transmissionDate=DateTime(previous_date).toZone(\'UTC\').asdatetime(),\n + transactionId=previous_id\n +)\n +\n +data_kw, signature, sent_text, received_text = service.soap_duplicate(**payzen_dict)\n +\n +sent = payzen_event.newContent(title=\'Sent SOAP\', portal_type=\'Payzen Event Message\', text_content=sent_text)\n +received = payzen_event.newContent(title=\'Received SOAP\', text_content=received_text, predecessor_value=sent, portal_type=\'Payzen Event Message\')\n +context.PayzenEvent_processUpdate(state_change, data_kw, signature)\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>state_change</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>PayzenEvent_registerPayzen</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/scripts/PayzenEvent_updateStatus.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/scripts/PayzenEvent_updateStatus.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c14a37cdff89f46d6cdc7870d1fdc8780406a93 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/scripts/PayzenEvent_updateStatus.xml @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>payzen_event = state_change[\'object\']\n +payment_transaction = payzen_event.getDestinationValue()\n +portal = payment_transaction.getPortalObject()\n +service = portal.portal_secure_payments.find()\n +integration_tool = portal.restrictedTraverse(portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredPayzenIntegrationSite())\n +\n +transaction_id = integration_tool.getMappingFromCategory(\'causality/%s\' % payment_transaction.getRelativeUrl())\n +if transaction_id == \'Causality/%s\' % payment_transaction.getRelativeUrl():\n + raise ValueError(\'Transaction not registered in payzen integration tool\')\n +transaction_id = transaction_id.split(\'/\')[1]\n +transmissionDate, transactionId = transaction_id.split(\'_\')\n +\n +data_kw, signature, sent_text, received_text = service.soap_getInfo(DateTime(transmissionDate).toZone(\'UTC\').asdatetime(), transactionId)\n +sent = payzen_event.newContent(title=\'Sent SOAP\', portal_type=\'Payzen Event Message\', text_content=sent_text)\n +received = payzen_event.newContent(title=\'Received SOAP\', portal_type=\'Payzen Event Message\', text_content=received_text, predecessor_value=sent)\n +context.PayzenEvent_processUpdate(state_change, data_kw, signature)\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>state_change</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>PayzenEvent_updateStatus</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/states.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/states.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27ec9069024e0f59bf4b612113789f37da98879b --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/states.xml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="States" module="Products.DCWorkflow.States"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_mapping</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_objects</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>states</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/states/draft.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/states/draft.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee035729df808a439130f9f10fa5b6defc9d50ee --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/states/draft.xml @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="StateDefinition" module="Products.DCWorkflow.States"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>draft</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Draft</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>transitions</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>register_payzen</string> + <string>report_error</string> + <string>report_success</string> + <string>start_payment</string> + <string>update_status</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/transitions.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/transitions.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa36144efed916b804f5f80df9452b1e3166bdec --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/transitions.xml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Transitions" module="Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_mapping</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_objects</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>transitions</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/transitions/register_payzen.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/transitions/register_payzen.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9628ce273efc80f76f18334e5f63dcf8e1ca0f35 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_payzen/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/payzen_interface_workflow/transitions/register_payzen.xml @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="TransitionDefinition" module="Products.DCWorkflow.Transitions"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>actbox_category</string> </key> + <value> <string>workflow</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actbox_icon</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actbox_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actbox_url</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>after_script_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>PayzenEvent_registerPayzen</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>guard</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>register_payzen</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>new_state_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>script_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>trigger_type</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + 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<string>actbox_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>actbox_url</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>after_script_name</string> </key> + <value> <string>PayzenEvent_updateStatus</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>guard</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>update_status</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>new_state_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>script_name</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>trigger_type</string> </key> + <value> <int>2</int> </value> + </item> + 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+ </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_week</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Stop planned Sale Invoices before current month</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PathTemplateItem/portal_alarms/vifib_check_consistency.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PathTemplateItem/portal_alarms/vifib_check_consistency.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..324d82db4ad0a779a83fd0312979233a1b4953a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PathTemplateItem/portal_alarms/vifib_check_consistency.xml @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Alarm" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>configuration_form_id</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>string</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>catalog_query_string</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>string</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>module_list</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>lines</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>active_sense_method_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm_activateCheckConsistency</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>alarm_notification_mode</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>problem</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>catalog_query_string</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>destination/person_module/3</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>configuration_form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm_viewConsistencyCheckConfiguration</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>vifib_check_consistency</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>module_list</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_day_frequency</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_hour</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <int>0</int> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_hour_frequency</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_minute</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <int>0</int> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_minute_frequency</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_month</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_month_day</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_start_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1230768000.0</float> + <string>GMT</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_week</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_week_day</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Sunday</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_week_frequency</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>report_method_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm_viewConsistencyCheckReport</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>solve_method_id</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Vifib Consistency Check</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PathTemplateItem/portal_alarms/vifib_trigger_build.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PathTemplateItem/portal_alarms/vifib_trigger_build.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97bb6f2eab6ace94370ec7fdb938aef5d72d6ac2 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PathTemplateItem/portal_alarms/vifib_trigger_build.xml @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Alarm" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>active_sense_method_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm_buildVifibPath</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>enabled</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>vifib_trigger_build</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_hour</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_minute</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_minute_frequency</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_month</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_month_day</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_start_date</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="DateTime" module="DateTime.DateTime"/> + </klass> + <tuple> + <none/> + </tuple> + <state> + <tuple> + <float>1293840000.0</float> + <string>GMT</string> + </tuple> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>periodicity_week</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>sense_method_id</string> </key> + <value> + <none/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Vifib Trigger Build</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PortalTypePropertySheetTemplateItem/property_sheet_list.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PortalTypePropertySheetTemplateItem/property_sheet_list.xml index 97b1cb78d995df1daf429fff6e548b93f29facb0..75e1c9b8f8b288b1fa6ca6121cebe65b00bbce0a 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PortalTypePropertySheetTemplateItem/property_sheet_list.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PortalTypePropertySheetTemplateItem/property_sheet_list.xml @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ <portal_type id="Computer Partition"> <item>ComputerPartition</item> </portal_type> + <portal_type id="Hosting Subscription"> + <item>VariationRange</item> + </portal_type> <portal_type id="System Preference"> <item>VifibSystemPreference</item> </portal_type> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/InternetProtocolAddress.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/InternetProtocolAddress.xml index 006564e711c97975c6fe26e8d5c7ef86f661c58d..daf1f4f69445856dc1845d8212a2e0368ccba3d4 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/InternetProtocolAddress.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/InternetProtocolAddress.xml @@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ <key> <string>id</string> </key> <value> <string>InternetProtocolAddress</string> </value> </item> - <item> - <key> <string>last_id</string> </key> - <value> <string>9</string> </value> - </item> <item> <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> <value> <string>Property Sheet</string> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSystemPreference.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSystemPreference.xml index 9e6bdb9e7bfc88dcfc526549b581f888a84ca372..563b012f3dcd0af875dfb922171682ade1eeaae7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSystemPreference.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSystemPreference.xml @@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ <key> <string>id</string> </key> <value> <string>VifibSystemPreference</string> </value> </item> - <item> - <key> <string>last_id</string> </key> - <value> <string>1</string> </value> - </item> <item> <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> <value> <string>Property Sheet</string> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSystemPreference/preferred_instance_subscription_resource_property.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSystemPreference/preferred_instance_subscription_resource_property.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f2cc24c1c0d80e59a67282df73d77af48349e30d --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSystemPreference/preferred_instance_subscription_resource_property.xml @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Standard Property" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>mode</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>string</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>elementary_type/string</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>Resource used to represent fact of Software Instance subscription</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>preferred_instance_subscription_resource_property</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>mode</string> </key> + <value> <string>w</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Standard Property</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>preference</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_default</string> </key> + <value> <string>python: \'\'</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>write_permission</string> </key> + <value> <string>Manage properties</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSystemPreference/preferred_payzen_integration_site_property.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSystemPreference/preferred_payzen_integration_site_property.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e542b28d07e32203f08ed6086cae7bcecca8f491 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/PropertySheetTemplateItem/portal_property_sheets/VifibSystemPreference/preferred_payzen_integration_site_property.xml @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="Standard Property" module="erp5.portal_type"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_local_properties</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>mode</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>type</string> </key> + <value> <string>string</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>categories</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>elementary_type/string</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>description</string> </key> + <value> <string>Integration site to use with PayZen.</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>preferred_payzen_integration_site_property</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>mode</string> </key> + <value> <string>w</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>portal_type</string> </key> + <value> <string>Standard Property</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>preference</string> </key> + <value> <int>1</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>property_default</string> </key> + <value> <string>python: \'\'</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>write_permission</string> </key> + <value> <string>Manage properties</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/Alarm_buildVifibPath.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/Alarm_buildVifibPath.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f677e88af70008f5994144783e6119230366e9c --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/Alarm_buildVifibPath.xml @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>portal = context.getPortalObject()\n +for business_process in [\n + portal.business_process_module.vifib_sale_business_process,\n + portal.business_process_module.vifib_purchase_business_process]:\n + for link in business_process.contentValues(portal_type="Business Link"):\n + link.build()\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>*args, **kwargs</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm_buildVifibPath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/Alarm_stopPlannedSaleInvoiceTransaction.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/Alarm_stopPlannedSaleInvoiceTransaction.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..73d443efe132beeb43882f58c390ff490873ba25 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/Alarm_stopPlannedSaleInvoiceTransaction.xml @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[ + +from DateTime import DateTime\n +from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import getClosestDate\n +\n +portal = context.getPortalObject()\n +this_month = getClosestDate(target_date=DateTime())\n +for sale_invoice_transaction in portal.portal_catalog(\n + portal_type=\'Sale Invoice Transaction\',\n + simulation_state=\'planned\',\n + limit=10,\n + **{"delivery.start_date": \'< %s\' % this_month}\n +):\n + if sale_invoice_transaction.getSimulationState() == \'planned\' and sale_invoice_transaction.getStartDate() < this_month:\n + # do not trust catalog\n + sale_invoice_transaction.confirm()\n + sale_invoice_transaction.start()\n + sale_invoice_transaction.stop()\n + + +]]></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>**kw</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Alarm_stopPlannedSaleInvoiceTransaction</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/SalePackinListLine_asSoftwareInstnaceComputerPartitionMergedDict.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/SalePackinListLine_asSoftwareInstnaceComputerPartitionMergedDict.xml index 1f16f74de9a75ac13d90d391b1aef641d92c288e..24953fa0870a6c1ccfe8b18f19df7b314748f016 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/SalePackinListLine_asSoftwareInstnaceComputerPartitionMergedDict.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/SalePackinListLine_asSoftwareInstnaceComputerPartitionMergedDict.xml @@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ if software_instance is not None and computer_partition is not None and software \'slap_computer_partition_id\':computer_partition.getReference(),\n \'slap_software_type\': software_instance.getSourceReference(),\n \'slap_software_release_url\':software_release.getUrlString(),\n - \'slap_server_url\':context.getPortalObject().portal_slap.absolute_url(),\n \'slave_instance_list\': slave_instance_list,\n \'ip_list\':ip_list,\n }\n diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/SystemPreference_viewVifib.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/SystemPreference_viewVifib.xml index 9a5468ff7b7a306051cf9489297fd56f5da1f961..ed74a0447c10cb364a4e97d4de4886cd6ba58ecf 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/SystemPreference_viewVifib.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/SystemPreference_viewVifib.xml @@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ <string>my_preferred_instance_cleanup_resource</string> <string>my_preferred_software_setup_resource</string> <string>my_preferred_instance_update_resource</string> + <string>my_preferred_instance_subscription_resource</string> + <string>my_preferred_payzen_integration_site</string> </list> </value> </item> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/SystemPreference_viewVifib/my_preferred_instance_subscription_resource.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/SystemPreference_viewVifib/my_preferred_instance_subscription_resource.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..524022c387b553f95cae7caa82245b5f9e227c17 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/SystemPreference_viewVifib/my_preferred_instance_subscription_resource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>items</string> + <string>title</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>my_preferred_instance_subscription_resource</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>target</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>items</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>target</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>my_category</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>items</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>target</string> </key> + <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Preferred Instance Subscription Resource</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_text</string> </key> + <value> <string>python: [(\'\', \'\')] + [(x.getTitle(), x.getRelativeUrl()) for x in here.portal_catalog(portal_type=\'Service\', sort_on=((\'title\', \'ASC\'),),checked_permission=\'View\')]</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/SystemPreference_viewVifib/my_preferred_payzen_integration_site.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/SystemPreference_viewVifib/my_preferred_payzen_integration_site.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..229a9d0501bdd9db61a3f6635250fbbed313f995 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_slap/SystemPreference_viewVifib/my_preferred_payzen_integration_site.xml @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="ProxyField" module="Products.ERP5Form.ProxyField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>delegated_list</string> </key> + <value> + <list> + <string>items</string> + <string>title</string> + </list> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>my_preferred_payzen_integration_site</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>message_values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>external_validator_failed</string> </key> + <value> <string>The input failed the external validator.</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>overrides</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>target</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>tales</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>items</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>target</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string></string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>values</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>field_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>my_category</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>form_id</string> </key> + <value> <string>Base_viewFieldLibrary</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>items</string> </key> + <value> + <list/> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>target</string> </key> + <value> <string>Click to edit the target</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>title</string> </key> + <value> <string>Preferred PayZen Integration Site</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="TALESMethod" module="Products.Formulator.TALESField"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_text</string> </key> + <value> <string>python: [(\'\', \'\')] + [(x.getTitle(), x.getRelativeUrl()) for x in here.portal_catalog(portal_type=\'Integration Site\', sort_on=((\'title\', \'ASC\'),),checked_permission=\'View\')]</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/computer_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/Computer_reportBang.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/computer_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/Computer_reportBang.xml index 9b23f131e916694d5640611e4d69407fec46865c..38c0825341f55b760a219d802f4325b9e5325c37 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/computer_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/Computer_reportBang.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/computer_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/Computer_reportBang.xml @@ -52,10 +52,14 @@ <key> <string>_body</string> </key> <value> <string>computer = state_change[\'object\']\n for computer_partition in [x for x in computer.contentValues(portal_type=\'Computer Partition\') if x.getSlapState() == \'busy\']:\n - # raises ValueError in case of no packing list found, left as is\n - packing_list_line = computer_partition.Item_getInstancePackingListLine()\n + try:\n + packing_list_line = computer_partition.Item_getInstancePackingListLine()\n + except ValueError:\n + # no need to bang trees without any delivery line\n + continue\n software_instance = packing_list_line.getAggregateValue(portal_type=\'Software Instance\')\n - software_instance.activate().reportComputerPartitionBang(comment=state_change.kwargs.get(\'comment\', \'\'))\n + software_instance.activate().SoftwareInstance_bangAsSelf(reference=software_instance.getReference(),\n + comment=state_change.kwargs.get(\'comment\', \'\'))\n </string> </value> </item> <item> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/person_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/Person_requestSoftwareInstance.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/person_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/Person_requestSoftwareInstance.xml index 94301c38e836a5641075d9f4126606708c542197..b4f4016e4957e43a6d47c34208f3c61df1712312 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/person_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/Person_requestSoftwareInstance.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/person_slap_interface_workflow/scripts/Person_requestSoftwareInstance.xml @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ <value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[ from DateTime import DateTime\n +from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import getClosestDate, addToDate\n person = state_change[\'object\']\n portal = person.getPortalObject()\n # Get required arguments\n @@ -78,10 +79,22 @@ tag = "%s_%s_inProgress" % (person.getUid(), \n software_title)\n \n # Check if it already exists\n -request_software_instance = portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue(\n +cleanup_resource = portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceCleanupResource()\n +request_software_instance = None\n +for si in portal.portal_catalog(\n portal_type=software_instance_portal_type,\n title=software_title,\n -)\n + ):\n + try:\n + cleanup_delivery_line = si.Item_getInstancePackingListLine(cleanup_resource)\n + except ValueError:\n + request_software_instance = si\n + break\n + else:\n + if cleanup_delivery_line.getSimulationState() != \'delivered\':\n + request_software_instance = si\n + break\n +\n if (request_software_instance is None):\n hosting_subscription_reference = "HOSTSUBS-%s" % context.getPortalObject().portal_ids\\\n .generateNewId(id_group=\'slap_hosting_subscription_reference\', id_generator=\'uid\')\n @@ -92,7 +105,6 @@ if (request_software_instance is None):\n else:\n \n setup_service_relative_url = portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceSetupResource()\n - \n software_instance = portal.getDefaultModule(portal_type=software_instance_portal_type).newContent(\n portal_type=software_instance_portal_type,\n source_reference=software_type,\n @@ -107,12 +119,16 @@ if (request_software_instance is None):\n portal_type=hosting_subscription_portal_type,\n reference=hosting_subscription_reference,\n title=software_title,\n + periodicity_hour_list=[0],\n + periodicity_minute_list=[0],\n + periodicity_month_day=[1],\n activate_kw={\'tag\': tag},\n )\n + subscription.portal_workflow.doActionFor(subscription, \'validate_action\')\n if state == \'started\':\n software_instance.startRequested()\n elif state == \'stopped\':\n - software_instance.stopRequested() \n + software_instance.stopRequested()\n \n software_release_document = context.portal_catalog.getResultValue(\n portal_type=\'Software Release\',\n @@ -128,6 +144,7 @@ if (request_software_instance is None):\n # XXX Hardcoded values\n source="organisation_module/vifib_internet",\n source_section="organisation_module/vifib_internet",\n + quantity_unit="unit/piece",\n price_currency="currency_module/EUR",\n activate_kw={\'tag\': tag},\n )\n @@ -135,6 +152,7 @@ if (request_software_instance is None):\n portal_type=sale_order_line_portal_type,\n resource=setup_service_relative_url,\n quantity=1,\n + price=0,\n aggregate_value_list=[software_instance, subscription, software_release_document],\n activate_kw={\'tag\': tag},\n )\n @@ -144,22 +162,41 @@ if (request_software_instance is None):\n # does this order have a client-specific Open Order\n open_order = portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue(\n default_destination_section_uid=person.getUid(),\n - portal_type="Open Sale Order",\t \t \n + portal_type="Open Sale Order",\n validation_state="validated")\n if open_order is None:\n person_slap_interface_state = person.getSlapState()\n if person_slap_interface_state == \'open_order_created\':\n open_order_url = context.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(\n - ob=person, name=\'open_order_url\', \n + ob=person, name=\'open_order_url\',\n wf_id=\'person_slap_interface_workflow\')\n open_order = portal.restrictedTraverse(open_order_url)\n else:\n raise ValueError(\'Person has no open order created\')\n - \n +\n + now = DateTime()\n + start_date = getClosestDate(target_date=now, precision=\'day\', before=1)\n + # 12 months of subscription by default\n + stop_date = addToDate(getClosestDate(target_date=now, precision=\'month\', before=1), year=1)\n +\n + subscription_service_relative_url = portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceSubscriptionResource()\n open_order.newContent(\n portal_type="Open Sale Order Line",\n title=software_title,\n aggregate_value=subscription,\n + start_date=start_date,\n + stop_date=stop_date,\n + quantity=1,\n + quantity_unit="unit/piece",\n + price=1,\n + price_currency="currency_module/EUR",\n + specialise=sale_order.getSpecialise(portal_type="Sale Trade Condition"),\n + # XXX Hardcoded values\\n\n + resource=subscription_service_relative_url,\n + destination_value=person,\n + destination_section_value=person,\n + source="organisation_module/vifib_internet",\n + source_section="organisation_module/vifib_internet",\n activate_kw={\'tag\': tag},\n )\n \n diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/interactions/SalePackingList_stop.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/interactions/SalePackingList_stop.xml index 24b90547f698be971d57682a802cac37c822864b..3d28a8ad60f80596aaa048853ce129f03ad4b2a0 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/interactions/SalePackingList_stop.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/interactions/SalePackingList_stop.xml @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ <key> <string>after_script_name</string> </key> <value> <list> + <string>SalePackingList_expandSubscription</string> <string>SalePackingList_requestStoredSoftwareInstanceState</string> </list> </value> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/interactions/SoftwareInstance_destroy.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/interactions/SlaveInstance_requestUpdateOnChange.xml similarity index 65% rename from master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/interactions/SoftwareInstance_destroy.xml rename to master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/interactions/SlaveInstance_requestUpdateOnChange.xml index 934128cf7a7e8163114288013504ef6dcd84e29e..8bebaec836569c78c3d140ff3518344f73d22d46 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/interactions/SoftwareInstance_destroy.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/interactions/SlaveInstance_requestUpdateOnChange.xml @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ <key> <string>after_script_name</string> </key> <value> <list> - <string>SoftwareInstance_requestStopSlaveInstanceListFromComputerPartition</string> + <string>SlaveInstance_requestUpdate</string> </list> </value> </item> @@ -45,30 +45,32 @@ <item> <key> <string>guard</string> </key> <value> - <none/> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAI=</string> </persistent> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>id</string> </key> - <value> <string>SoftwareInstance_destroy</string> </value> + <value> <string>SlaveInstance_requestUpdateOnChange</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>method_id</string> </key> <value> <list> - <string>destroyComputerPartition</string> + <string>_setTitle</string> + <string>_setSourceReference</string> + <string>_setTextContent</string> </list> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>once_per_transaction</string> </key> - <value> <int>1</int> </value> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>portal_type_filter</string> </key> <value> <list> - <string>Software Instance</string> + <string>Slave Instance</string> </list> </value> </item> @@ -80,7 +82,7 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>temporary_document_disallowed</string> </key> - <value> <int>1</int> </value> + <value> <int>0</int> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>title</string> </key> @@ -93,4 +95,32 @@ </dictionary> </pickle> </record> + <record id="2" aka="AAAAAAAAAAI="> + <pickle> + <global name="Guard" module="Products.DCWorkflow.Guard"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>expr</string> </key> + <value> + <persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> + <record id="3" aka="AAAAAAAAAAM="> + <pickle> + <global name="Expression" module="Products.CMFCore.Expression"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>text</string> </key> + <value> <string>python: len(here.checkConsistency()) == 0</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> </ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/scripts/ERP5Site_getSlaveInstanceListFromComputerPartition.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/scripts/ERP5Site_getSlaveInstanceListFromComputerPartition.xml index f9ef5ab4fab1b3ac7bbbfaed0c1f65ac64970313..6f376f5730d7a09209eca2857ce762de6b7aa1e6 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/scripts/ERP5Site_getSlaveInstanceListFromComputerPartition.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/scripts/ERP5Site_getSlaveInstanceListFromComputerPartition.xml @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ sale_packing_list_line = portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue(\n portal_type="Sale Packing List Line",\n aggregate_relative_url=relative_url)\n \n +if sale_packing_list_line is None:\n + return []\n computer_partition_relative_url = sale_packing_list_line.getAggregate(\n portal_type="Computer Partition")\n \n @@ -73,7 +75,6 @@ query = ComplexQuery(computer_partition_query, \n \n return portal.portal_catalog(portal_type=\'Sale Packing List Line\',\n default_resource_uid=service_uid_list,\n - sort_on=((\'movement.start_date\', \'DESC\'),),\n query=query, **kw)\n </string> </value> </item> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/scripts/SalePackingList_expandSubscription.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/scripts/SalePackingList_expandSubscription.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc4dcc149490e89d12459262b34eb1f800fd99ba --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/scripts/SalePackingList_expandSubscription.xml @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>sale_packing_list = state_change[\'object\']\n +preference_tool = sale_packing_list.getPortalObject().portal_preferences\n +\n +sale_packing_list_line_list = sale_packing_list.getMovementList()\n +assert len(sale_packing_list_line_list) == 1\n +sale_packing_list_line = sale_packing_list_line_list[0]\n +resource = sale_packing_list_line.getResource()\n +if resource == preference_tool.getPreferredInstanceSetupResource():\n + subscription = sale_packing_list_line.getAggregateValue(portal_type=[\'Hosting Subscription\'])\n +\n + for open_order_line in subscription.getAggregateRelatedValueList(portal_type="Open Sale Order Line"):\n + if not open_order_line.hasSpecialise():\n + open_order_line.setSpecialise(sale_packing_list.getSpecialise())\n + # open_order = open_order_line.getParentValue()\n + # open_order.OpenSaleOrder_restrictMethodAsShadowUser(\n + # open_order=open_order,\n + # callable_object=open_order_line.setSpecialise,\n + # argument_list=[sale_packing_list.getSpecialise()])\n +\n + subscription.Delivery_updateSimulation()\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>state_change</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_proxy_roles</string> </key> + <value> + <tuple> + <string>Manager</string> + </tuple> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>SalePackingList_expandSubscription</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/scripts/SalePackingList_markComputerPartitionFree.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/scripts/SalePackingList_markComputerPartitionFree.xml index e61455582a3908d371227328ca88268e8739d086..4ce1259cac025717fce30517942a9e637d15236f 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/scripts/SalePackingList_markComputerPartitionFree.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/scripts/SalePackingList_markComputerPartitionFree.xml @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ else:\n \n # Deliver all SPL related to this software instance\n isTransitionPossible = context.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible\n -software_instance = current_delivery_line.getAggregateValue(portal_type="Software Instance")\n +software_instance = current_delivery_line.getAggregateValue(portal_type=["Software Instance", "Slave Instance"])\n for sale_packing_list_line in portal.portal_catalog(\n portal_type="Sale Packing List Line", \n default_aggregate_uid=software_instance.getUid(),\n diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/scripts/SlaveInstance_requestUpdate.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/scripts/SlaveInstance_requestUpdate.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f4522795b050e4a3d71725d9f6dfa8564a5bfc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/WorkflowTemplateItem/portal_workflow/slap_interaction_workflow/scripts/SlaveInstance_requestUpdate.xml @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>portal = context.getPortalObject()\n +count_result_kw = dict(portal_type="Sale Packing List Line",\n + aggregate_uid=state_change["object"].getUid(),\n + limit=1)\n +\n +if len(portal.portal_catalog(**count_result_kw)) == 1:\n + state_change[\'object\'].requestUpdateComputerPartition()\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>state_change</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>SlaveInstance_requestUpdate</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/dependency_list b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/dependency_list index 8807e9ffbee105b1b133ed95e06f2f6f8d4d6fd1..1cd335ab8c73dcea11093ba64cabce5b350bd292 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/dependency_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/dependency_list @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ vifib_base -vifib_core \ No newline at end of file +vifib_core +vifib_open_trade \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/revision index 27384974685c11f34eb44981eec6c97f035971e8..473995f402cba2afa276f045ef848fcbddef3b47 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -439 \ No newline at end of file +494 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/template_action_path_list b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/template_action_path_list index f986e641c09c6ef806d3dfaef20510e75731a8e5..b0421cc2e23708c9b49fb265aafbc9bdadf517b8 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/template_action_path_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/template_action_path_list @@ -1,4 +1,2 @@ -Computer Partition | jump_to_related_usage_report_list System Preference | vifib_preference -Virtio Partition | jump_to_related_usage_report_list Virtio Partition | view \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/template_path_list b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/template_path_list index 83b0ecf080a97940c364d1f3c67aa76fc0b95f13..65fed08702d78efbedd31cd689281526e3056162 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/template_path_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/template_path_list @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ portal_alarms/confirm_ordered_sale_order -portal_alarms/confirm_ordered_sale_order/** \ No newline at end of file +portal_alarms/stop_planned_sale_invoice_transaction +portal_alarms/vifib_check_consistency +portal_alarms/vifib_trigger_build diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/template_portal_type_property_sheet_list b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/template_portal_type_property_sheet_list index e255fb5f3d3697c2de617a558cae7cef1af5dda0..21c959009f7c435f738817eeba8082c0e06c94b8 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/template_portal_type_property_sheet_list +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/template_portal_type_property_sheet_list @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ Computer Partition | ComputerPartition +Hosting Subscription | VariationRange System Preference | VifibSystemPreference Virtio Partition | ComputerPartition \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/version index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/version +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_slap/bt/version @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_software_pdm/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_software_pdm/bt/revision index 3f10ffe7a4c473619c926cfb1e8d95e726e5a0ec..19c7bdba7b1e9bfe80365a50420a6d538ca503c3 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_software_pdm/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_software_pdm/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -15 \ No newline at end of file +16 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_software_pdm/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_software_pdm/bt/version index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_software_pdm/bt/version +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_software_pdm/bt/version @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_test/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_test/bt/revision index eb8f2fa1aeb162439e4756fc55642cad6c193cff..a99c3866eb06f622a4283e6b82da2def644b3aa2 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_test/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_test/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -379 \ No newline at end of file +380 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_test/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_test/bt/version index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_test/bt/version +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_test/bt/version @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_upgrader/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_upgrader/bt/revision index 2edeafb09db0093bae6ff060e2dcd2166f5c9387..b5045cc4046dbc1d7cafa4c603fd3cdf35dc5dde 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_upgrader/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_upgrader/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -20 \ No newline at end of file +21 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_upgrader/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_upgrader/bt/version index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_upgrader/bt/version +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_upgrader/bt/version @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_web/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_hosting/SoftwareInstance_editWebMode.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_web/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_hosting/SoftwareInstance_editWebMode.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffe34bd0f8fbfd94ad9f95805f026bb0dac6c857 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_web/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_hosting/SoftwareInstance_editWebMode.xml @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<ZopeData> + <record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE="> + <pickle> + <global name="PythonScript" module="Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript"/> + </pickle> + <pickle> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>Script_magic</string> </key> + <value> <int>3</int> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_bind_names</string> </key> + <value> + <object> + <klass> + <global name="NameAssignments" module="Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings"/> + </klass> + <tuple/> + <state> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>_asgns</string> </key> + <value> + <dictionary> + <item> + <key> <string>name_container</string> </key> + <value> <string>container</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_context</string> </key> + <value> <string>context</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_m_self</string> </key> + <value> <string>script</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>name_subpath</string> </key> + <value> <string>traverse_subpath</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </state> + </object> + </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_body</string> </key> + <value> <string>request = context.REQUEST\n +if \'field_my_text_content\' in request:\n + context.edit(text_content=request[\'field_my_text_content\'])\n +return context.Base_redirect(\'view\', keep_items={\'portal_status_message\':context.Base_translateString(\'Data updated.\')})\n +</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>_params</string> </key> + <value> <string>*args, **kwargs</string> </value> + </item> + <item> + <key> <string>id</string> </key> + <value> <string>SoftwareInstance_editWebMode</string> </value> + </item> + </dictionary> + </pickle> + </record> +</ZopeData> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_web/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_hosting/SoftwareInstance_viewAsWeb/my_update_button.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_web/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_hosting/SoftwareInstance_viewAsWeb/my_update_button.xml index 787c8f8398f06493c995cc3c9a3d027615994b9d..bafee3555bbbb8174670ce66c96adfe9de8c2ff3 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_web/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_hosting/SoftwareInstance_viewAsWeb/my_update_button.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_web/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_hosting/SoftwareInstance_viewAsWeb/my_update_button.xml @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ </item> <item> <key> <string>name</string> </key> - <value> <string>Base_edit:method</string> </value> + <value> <string>SoftwareInstance_editWebMode:method</string> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>target</string> </key> diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_web/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_hosting/WebSection_addSelectedSoftwareProductToShoppingCart.xml b/master/bt5/vifib_web/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_hosting/WebSection_addSelectedSoftwareProductToShoppingCart.xml index b983d7de973148e6168e446494c14259cbaac42c..4521a40957e34f3343daad06a39e150e0f5922fd 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_web/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_hosting/WebSection_addSelectedSoftwareProductToShoppingCart.xml +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_web/SkinTemplateItem/portal_skins/vifib_hosting/WebSection_addSelectedSoftwareProductToShoppingCart.xml @@ -63,11 +63,22 @@ if not service_title:\n return context.Base_redirect(dialog_id,\n keep_items={\'portal_status_message\':context.Base_translateString("You have to provide Service Title.")})\n \n -software_instance_list = context.portal_catalog(\n +cleanup_resource = portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceCleanupResource()\n +software_instance_list = []\n +for software_instance in context.portal_catalog(\n portal_type=[\'Software Instance\', \'Slave Instance\'],\n select_expression=\'title\',\n title={\'query\': service_title, \'key\': \'ExactMatch\'}\n -)\n +):\n + try:\n + cleanup_delivery_line = software_instance.Item_getInstancePackingListLine(cleanup_resource)\n + except ValueError:\n + software_instance_list.append(software_instance)\n + break\n + else:\n + if cleanup_delivery_line.getSimulationState() != \'delivered\':\n + software_instance_list.append(software_instance)\n + break\n \n if len(software_instance_list) > 0:\n return context.Base_redirect(dialog_id,\n diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_web/bt/revision b/master/bt5/vifib_web/bt/revision index cb28afbd3c61fe2dce75f1167ad47625fdec9b9e..272a4581e99a8e4b8a0bfd3429e493850a30788b 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_web/bt/revision +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_web/bt/revision @@ -1 +1 @@ -313 \ No newline at end of file +316 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/bt5/vifib_web/bt/version b/master/bt5/vifib_web/bt/version index 829836398198573b5f23b2e6e5bde6639ee622c9..184351be80f8bc9725319931128ee2c9f128bfd7 100644 --- a/master/bt5/vifib_web/bt/version +++ b/master/bt5/vifib_web/bt/version @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 \ No newline at end of file +Vifib 0.5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/Tool/CertificateAuthorityTool.py b/master/product/Vifib/Tool/CertificateAuthorityTool.py deleted file mode 100644 index 90fe18240e20954e1eb1b2d66a5138bec69d40a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/product/Vifib/Tool/CertificateAuthorityTool.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,267 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -############################################################################## -# -# Copyright (c) 2010 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. -# 艁ukasz Nowak <luke@nexedi.com> -# -# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional -# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential -# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs -# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial -# guarantees and support are strongly advised to contract a Free Software -# Service Company -# -# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or -# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License -# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 -# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -# GNU General Public License for more details. -# -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -# -############################################################################## - -from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo -from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass -from Products.ERP5Type.Tool.BaseTool import BaseTool -from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions -from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile import PageTemplateFile -from zLOG import LOG, INFO - -import os -import subprocess - -def popenCommunicate(command_list, input=None, **kwargs): - kwargs.update(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) - popen = subprocess.Popen(command_list, **kwargs) - result = popen.communicate(input)[0] - if popen.returncode is None: - popen.kill() - if popen.returncode != 0: - raise ValueError('Issue during calling %r, result was:\n%s' % (command_list, - result)) - return result - -class CertificateAuthorityBusy(Exception): - """Exception raised when certificate authority is busy""" - pass - -class CertificateAuthorityDamaged(Exception): - """Exception raised when certificate authority is damaged""" - pass - -class CertificateAuthorityTool(BaseTool): - """CertificateAuthorityTool - - This tool assumes that in certificate_authority_path openssl configuration is ready. - """ - - id = 'portal_certificate_authority' - meta_type = 'ERP5 Certificate Authority Tool' - portal_type = 'Certificate Authority Tool' - security = ClassSecurityInfo() - allowed_types = () - isIndexable = 0 - - certificate_authority_path = '' - openssl_binary = '' - - manage_options = (({'label': 'Edit', - 'action': 'manage_editCertificateAuthorityToolForm',}, - ) - ) + BaseTool.manage_options - - _properties = (({'id':'certificate_authority_path', - 'type':'string', - 'mode':'w', - 'label':'Absolute path to certificate authority' - }, - {'id':'openssl_binary', - 'type':'string', - 'mode':'w', - 'label':'Absolute path to OpenSSL binary' - }, - ) - ) - - def _lockCertificateAuthority(self): - """Checks lock and locks Certificate Authority tool, raises CertificateAuthorityBusy""" - if os.path.exists(self.lock): - raise CertificateAuthorityBusy - open(self.lock, 'w').write('locked') - - def _unlockCertificateAuthority(self): - """Checks lock and locks Certificate Authority tool""" - if os.path.exists(self.lock): - os.unlink(self.lock) - else: - LOG('CertificateAuthorityTool', INFO, 'Lock file %r did not existed ' - 'during unlocking' % self.lock) - - def _checkCertificateAuthority(self): - """Checks Certificate Authority configuration, raises CertificateAuthorityDamaged""" - if not self.certificate_authority_path: - raise CertificateAuthorityDamaged('Certificate authority path is not ' - 'configured') - if not os.path.isdir(self.certificate_authority_path): - raise CertificateAuthorityDamaged('Path to Certificate Authority %r is ' - 'wrong' % self.certificate_authority_path) - if not self.openssl_binary: - raise CertificateAuthorityDamaged('OpenSSL binary path is not ' - 'configured' % self.certificate_authority_path) - if not os.path.isfile(self.openssl_binary): - raise CertificateAuthorityDamaged('OpenSSL binary %r does not exists' % - self.openssl_binary) - self.serial = os.path.join(self.certificate_authority_path, 'serial') - self.crl = os.path.join(self.certificate_authority_path, 'crlnumber') - self.index = os.path.join(self.certificate_authority_path, 'index.txt') - self.openssl_config = os.path.join(self.certificate_authority_path, - 'openssl.cnf') - self.lock = os.path.join(self.certificate_authority_path, 'lock') - for f in [self.serial, self.crl, self.index]: - if not os.path.isfile(f): - raise CertificateAuthorityDamaged('File %r does not exists.' % f) - - security.declarePrivate('manage_afterAdd') - def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container) : - """Init permissions right after creation. - - Permissions in slap tool are simple: - o Each member can access the tool. - o Only manager can view and create. - o Anonymous can not access - """ - item.manage_permission(Permissions.AddPortalContent, - ['Manager']) - item.manage_permission(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, - ['Member', 'Manager']) - item.manage_permission(Permissions.View, - ['Manager',]) - BaseTool.inheritedAttribute('manage_afterAdd')(self, item, container) - - #'Edit' option form - manage_editCertificateAuthorityToolForm = PageTemplateFile( - '../www/Vifib_editCertificateAuthorityTool', - globals(), - __name__='manage_editCertificateAuthorityToolForm') - - security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManageProperties, 'manage_editCertificateAuthorityTool') - def manage_editCertificateAuthorityTool(self, certificate_authority_path, openssl_binary, RESPONSE=None): - """Edit the object""" - error_message = '' - - if certificate_authority_path == '' or certificate_authority_path is None: - error_message += 'Invalid Certificate Authority' - else: - self.certificate_authority_path = certificate_authority_path - - if openssl_binary == '' or openssl_binary is None: - error_message += 'Invalid OpenSSL binary' - else: - self.openssl_binary = openssl_binary - - #Redirect - if RESPONSE is not None: - if error_message != '': - self.REQUEST.form['manage_tabs_message'] = error_message - return self.manage_editCertificateAuthorityToolForm(RESPONSE) - else: - message = "Updated" - RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_editCertificateAuthorityToolForm' - '?manage_tabs_message=%s' - % (self.absolute_url(), message) - ) - - security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getNewCertificate') - def getNewCertificate(self, common_name): - # No docstring in order to make this method non publishable - # Returns certificate for passed common name, as dictionary of {key, certificate, id, common_name} - self._checkCertificateAuthority() - self._lockCertificateAuthority() - try: - new_id = open(self.serial, 'r').read().strip().lower() - key = os.path.join(self.certificate_authority_path, 'private', new_id+'.key') - csr = os.path.join(self.certificate_authority_path, new_id + '.csr') - cert = os.path.join(self.certificate_authority_path, 'certs', new_id + '.crt') - try: - popenCommunicate([self.openssl_binary, 'req', '-nodes', '-config', - self.openssl_config, '-new', '-keyout', key, '-out', csr, '-days', - '3650'], '%s\n' % common_name, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) - popenCommunicate([self.openssl_binary, 'ca', '-days', '3650', - '-batch', '-config', self.openssl_config, '-out', cert, '-infiles', - csr]) - os.unlink(csr) - return dict( - key=open(key).read(), - certificate=open(cert).read(), - id=new_id, - common_name=common_name) - except: - try: - for p in [key, csr, cert]: - if os.path.exists(p): - os.unlink(p) - except: - # do not raise during cleanup - pass - raise - finally: - self._unlockCertificateAuthority() - - security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'revokeCertificate') - def revokeCertificate(self, serial): - # No docstring in order to make this method non publishable - # Revokes certificate with serial, returns dictionary {crl} - self._checkCertificateAuthority() - self._lockCertificateAuthority() - try: - new_id = open(self.crl, 'r').read().strip().lower() - crl_path = os.path.join(self.certificate_authority_path, 'crl') - crl = os.path.join(crl_path, new_id + '.crl') - cert = os.path.join(self.certificate_authority_path, 'certs', serial.lower() + '.crt') - if not os.path.exists(cert): - raise ValueError('Certificate with serial %r does not exists' % serial) - try: - popenCommunicate([self.openssl_binary, 'ca', '-config', - self.openssl_config, '-revoke', cert]) - popenCommunicate([self.openssl_binary, 'ca', '-config', - self.openssl_config, '-gencrl', '-out', crl]) - hash = popenCommunicate([self.openssl_binary, 'crl', '-noout', - '-hash', '-in', crl]).strip() - previous_id = int(len([q for q in os.listdir(crl_path) if hash in q])) - os.symlink(crl, os.path.join(crl_path, '%s.%s' % (hash, previous_id))) - return dict(crl=open(crl).read()) - except: - try: - for p in [crl]: - if os.path.exists(p): - os.unlink(p) - except: - # do not raise during cleanup - pass - raise - finally: - self._unlockCertificateAuthority() - - def _getValidSerial(self, common_name): - index = open(self.index).read().splitlines() - valid_line_list = [q for q in index if q.startswith('V') and - ('CN=%s' % common_name in q)] - if len(valid_line_list) != 1: - raise ValueError('No certificate for %r' % common_name) - return valid_line_list[0].split('\t')[3] - - security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, - 'revokeCertificate') - def revokeCertificateByCommonName(self, common_name): - self._checkCertificateAuthority() - serial = self._getValidSerial(common_name) - self.revokeCertificate(serial) - -InitializeClass(CertificateAuthorityTool) diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/Tool/SlapTool.py b/master/product/Vifib/Tool/SlapTool.py index 6d8cd750008d50861377046483d33b5fbf6c3165..4bbbc4d3692a5502a77ee446e7945d697657abb0 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/Tool/SlapTool.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/Tool/SlapTool.py @@ -412,16 +412,20 @@ class SlapTool(BaseTool): def _instanceXmlToDict(self, xml): result_dict = {} - if xml is not None and xml != '': - tree = etree.fromstring(xml.encode('utf-8')) - for element in tree.findall('parameter'): - key = element.get('id') - value = result_dict.get(key, None) - if value is not None: - value = value + ' ' + element.text - else: - value = element.text - result_dict[key] = value + try: + if xml is not None and xml != '': + tree = etree.fromstring(xml.encode('utf-8')) + for element in tree.findall('parameter'): + key = element.get('id') + value = result_dict.get(key, None) + if value is not None: + value = value + ' ' + element.text + else: + value = element.text + result_dict[key] = value + except (etree.XMLSchemaError, etree.XMLSchemaParseError, + etree.XMLSchemaValidateError, etree.XMLSyntaxError): + LOG('SlapTool', INFO, 'Issue during parsing xml:', error=True) return result_dict def _getSlapPartitionByPackingList(self, computer_partition_document): @@ -532,28 +536,34 @@ class SlapTool(BaseTool): setup_service = portal.restrictedTraverse( portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceSetupResource()) - hosting_query = ComplexQuery(Query(aggregate_portal_type="Slave Instance"), - Query(aggregate_relative_url=computer_partition_document.getRelativeUrl()), - # Search only for Confirmed and Stopped, the only one states that require - # buildout be re-updated. - Query(simulation_state=["confirmed", "stopped"]), + update_service = portal.restrictedTraverse( + portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceUpdateResource()) + + global_query_kw = dict(aggregate_portal_type="Slave Instance", + aggregate_relative_url=computer_partition_document.getRelativeUrl(),) + + hosting_query = ComplexQuery(Query(simulation_state=["confirmed", "stopped"]), Query(default_resource_uid=hosting_service.getUid()), operator="AND") - setup_query = ComplexQuery(Query(aggregate_portal_type="Slave Instance"), - Query(aggregate_relative_url=computer_partition_document.getRelativeUrl()), - Query(simulation_state=["confirmed", "started"]), + setup_query = ComplexQuery(Query(simulation_state=["confirmed", "started"]), Query(default_resource_uid=setup_service.getUid()), operator="AND") - query = ComplexQuery(hosting_query, setup_query, operator="OR") + update_query = ComplexQuery(Query(simulation_state=["confirmed"]), + Query(default_resource_uid=update_service.getUid()), + operator="AND") + + query = ComplexQuery(hosting_query, + setup_query, + update_query, + operator="OR") # Use getTrackingList catalog_result = portal.portal_catalog( portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', - sort_on=(('movement.start_date', 'DESC'),), limit=1, - query=query) + query=query, **global_query_kw) return len(catalog_result) @@ -745,6 +755,8 @@ class SlapTool(BaseTool): else: instance_portal_type = "Software Instance" + cleanup_resource = self.getPortalObject().portal_preferences\ + .getPreferredInstanceCleanupResource() if computer_id and computer_partition_id: # requested by Software Instance, there is already top part of tree software_instance_document = self.\ @@ -781,15 +793,25 @@ class SlapTool(BaseTool): instance_xml=instance_xml, sla_xml=sla_xml, state=state) - requested_software_instance = person.portal_catalog.\ - getResultValue( + requested_software_instance = None + for software_instance in person.portal_catalog( portal_type=instance_portal_type, # In order be in sync with defaults of person. # requestSoftwareInstance it is required to default here # too source_reference=software_type or 'RootSoftwareInstance', title=partition_reference, - ) + ): + try: + cleanup_delivery_line = software_instance\ + .Item_getInstancePackingListLine(cleanup_resource) + except ValueError: + requested_software_instance = software_instance + break + else: + if cleanup_delivery_line.getSimulationState() != 'delivered': + requested_software_instance = software_instance + break if requested_software_instance is None: raise SoftwareInstanceNotReady diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/VERSION.txt b/master/product/Vifib/VERSION.txt index 8ba72afcb190b1cc312798e3b9d8be67dcfc93f8..8df1dc24bb4fbf02cd534aee95d2beb77ae2bf38 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/VERSION.txt +++ b/master/product/Vifib/VERSION.txt @@ -1 +1 @@ -Vifib 0.2 +Vifib 0.5 diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/__init__.py b/master/product/Vifib/__init__.py index 6b5d11aee11bf28011c9d4fa1a135392c34e7aca..46a9aba5b18fca11710bfcef30797ddc99dffcf5 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/__init__.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/__init__.py @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ document_classes = updateGlobals(this_module, globals(), object_classes = () content_classes = () content_constructors = () -from Tool import SlapTool, CertificateAuthorityTool -portal_tools = ( SlapTool.SlapTool, CertificateAuthorityTool.CertificateAuthorityTool ) +from Tool import SlapTool +portal_tools = ( SlapTool.SlapTool, ) from Products.PluggableAuthService.PluggableAuthService import registerMultiPlugin import VifibMachineAuthenticationPlugin diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/VifibMixin.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/VifibMixin.py index f1d96b1ad3debe2f1f9c4b3d314477c642e4c4d2..4fbfd7bce3ace5a422f17bfe3d68f23f3cd51f6b 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/tests/VifibMixin.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/VifibMixin.py @@ -28,22 +28,11 @@ ############################################################################## import transaction from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase -from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager +from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager, \ + getSecurityManager, setSecurityManager from Products.ERP5Type.tests.utils import DummyMailHost import os - -REQUIRED_RULE_REFERENCE_LIST = [ - 'default_delivering_rule', - 'default_delivery_rule', - 'default_invoice_rule', - 'default_invoice_transaction_rule', - 'default_invoicing_rule', - 'default_order_rule', -] - -REQUIRED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_REFERENCE_LIST = [ - 'crendential_request-confirmation-without-password', -] +from DateTime import DateTime class testVifibMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase): """ @@ -65,7 +54,6 @@ class testVifibMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase): 'erp5_administration', 'erp5_pdm', 'erp5_trade', - 'erp5_simulation_test', 'erp5_item', 'erp5_open_trade', 'erp5_forge', @@ -89,6 +77,7 @@ class testVifibMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase): 'erp5_invoicing', 'erp5_ods_style', 'erp5_odt_style', + 'erp5_rss_style', 'erp5_ooo_import', 'erp5_simplified_invoicing', 'erp5_legacy_tax_system', @@ -98,22 +87,28 @@ class testVifibMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase): 'erp5_credential', 'erp5_km', 'erp5_web_download_theme', + 'erp5_tiosafe_core', + 'erp5_system_event', + 'erp5_secure_payment', + 'erp5_payzen_secure_payment', 'vifib_mysql_innodb_catalog', 'vifib_core', 'vifib_base', + 'vifib_open_trade', 'vifib_slap', 'vifib_crm', 'vifib_forge_release', 'vifib_software_pdm', 'vifib_web', - 'vifib_open_trade', 'vifib_l10n_fr', 'vifib_data', 'vifib_data_category', 'vifib_data_web', + 'vifib_payzen', + 'vifib_data_payzen', + 'vifib_data_simulation', 'vifib_erp5', 'vifib_test', - 'vifib_invoicing', ] return result @@ -145,7 +140,7 @@ class testVifibMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase): return if not self.portal.hasObject('portal_certificate_authority'): - self.portal.manage_addProduct['Vifib'].manage_addTool( + self.portal.manage_addProduct['ERP5'].manage_addTool( 'ERP5 Certificate Authority Tool', None) self.portal.portal_certificate_authority.certificate_authority_path = \ os.environ['TEST_CA_PATH'] @@ -192,45 +187,6 @@ class testVifibMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase): """ return "vifib_default_system_preference" - def setSystemPreference(self): - """Configures and enables default system preference""" - default_system_preference = self.portal.portal_preferences\ - .restrictedTraverse(self.getDefaultSitePreferenceId()) - default_system_preference.edit( - preferred_credential_recovery_automatic_approval=1, - preferred_credential_request_automatic_approval=1, - preferred_person_credential_update_automatic_approval=1, - preferred_subscription_assignment_category=['role/member'], - ) - if default_system_preference.getPreferenceState() == 'disabled': - default_system_preference.enable() - - def setupNotificationModule(self): - module = self.portal.notification_message_module - isTransitionPossible = self.portal.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible - - for reference in REQUIRED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_REFERENCE_LIST: - for message in module.searchFolder(portal_type='Notification Message', - reference=reference): - message = message.getObject() - if isTransitionPossible(message, 'validate'): - message.validate() - - def setupRuleTool(self): - """Validates newest version of each rule from REQUIRED_RULE_REFERENCE_LIST""" - rule_tool = self.portal.portal_rules - isTransitionPossible = self.portal.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible - for rule_reference in REQUIRED_RULE_REFERENCE_LIST: - rule_list = rule_tool.searchFolder( - reference=rule_reference, - limit=1, - sort_on=(('version', 'DESC'),) - ) - self.assertEqual(1, len(rule_list), '%s not found' % rule_reference) - rule = rule_list[0].getObject() - if isTransitionPossible(rule, 'validate'): - rule.validate() - def prepareTestUsers(self): """ Prepare test users. @@ -248,16 +204,24 @@ class testVifibMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase): if isTransitionPossible(assignment, 'open'): assignment.open() - def prepareTestServices(self): - isTransitionPossible = self.portal.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible - for service in self.portal.portal_catalog( - portal_type="Service", - id="vifib_%", - ): - - service = service.getObject() - if isTransitionPossible(service, 'validate'): - service.validate() + def prepareVifibAccountingPeriod(self): + vifib = self.portal.organisation_module['vifib_internet'] + year = DateTime().year() + start_date = '%s/01/01' % year + stop_date = '%s/12/31' % (year + 1) + accounting_period = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + portal_type='Accounting Period', + parent_uid=vifib.getUid(), + simulation_state='started', + **{ + 'delivery.start_date': start_date, + 'delivery.stop_date': stop_date + } + ) + if accounting_period is None: + accounting_period = vifib.newContent(portal_type='Accounting Period', + start_date=start_date, stop_date=stop_date) + accounting_period.start() def setupVifibMachineAuthenticationPlugin(self): """Sets up Vifib Authentication plugin""" @@ -319,11 +283,8 @@ class testVifibMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase): self.setupVifibMachineAuthenticationPlugin() self.setupVifibShadowAuthenticationPlugin() self.setPreference() - self.setSystemPreference() - self.setupRuleTool() - self.setupNotificationModule() self.prepareTestUsers() - self.prepareTestServices() + self.prepareVifibAccountingPeriod() transaction.commit() self.tic() self.logout() @@ -333,9 +294,6 @@ class testVifibMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase): self.portal.portal_caches.clearAllCache() self.portal.portal_workflow.refreshWorklistCache() - def stepClearCache(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): - self.clearCache() - # access related steps def stepLoginDefaultUser(self, **kw): self.login('default_user') @@ -372,3 +330,49 @@ class testVifibMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase): def stepLogout(self, **kw): self.logout() + + def stepTriggerBuild(self, **kw): + self.portal.portal_alarms.vifib_trigger_build.activeSense() + + def stepTic(self, **kw): + def build(): + sm = getSecurityManager() + self.login() + try: + if 'vifib_trigger_build' in self.portal.portal_alarms.objectIds(): + self.portal.portal_alarms.vifib_trigger_build.Alarm_buildVifibPath() + finally: + setSecurityManager(sm) + + if kw.get('sequence', None) is None: + # in case of using not in sequence commit transaction + transaction.commit() + # trigger build before tic + build() + transaction.commit() + + super(testVifibMixin, self).stepTic(**kw) + + # retrigger build after tic + build() + transaction.commit() + + # tic after build + super(testVifibMixin, self).stepTic(**kw) + + # everything shall be consistent + self.portal.portal_alarms.vifib_check_consistency.activeSense() + transaction.commit() + super(testVifibMixin, self).stepTic(**kw) + self.assertFalse(self.portal.portal_alarms.vifib_check_consistency.sense()) + + # there shall be no divergency + current_skin = self.app.REQUEST.get('portal_skin', 'View') + try: + # Note: Worklists are cached, so in order to have next correct result + # clear cache + self.clearCache() + self.changeSkin('RSS') + self.assertFalse('to Solve' in self.portal.ERP5Site_viewWorklist()) + finally: + self.changeSkin(current_skin) diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/VifibSecurityMixin.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/VifibSecurityMixin.py index b4806c63ff35cb9ad00eed3ccf807c636fb541a7..6bc694baa3dda34e77585a84c4a6142a38f5fb4f 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/tests/VifibSecurityMixin.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/VifibSecurityMixin.py @@ -191,7 +191,6 @@ class testVifibSecurityMixin(SecurityTestCase, testVifibMixin): self.logMessage("Create Manager") self.createManagerAndLogin() self.createVifibDocumentList() - self.setSystemPreference() self.validateRule() self.logMessage("Create Administrator") self.createAdministratorUser() diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibInstanceHostingRelatedDocument.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibInstanceHostingRelatedDocument.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a5846db7299293795ca80faa461efd0ac09d0899 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibInstanceHostingRelatedDocument.py @@ -0,0 +1,680 @@ +import unittest +from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import SequenceList +from testVifibSlapWebService import TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin +from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import getClosestDate +from DateTime import DateTime +from testVifibOpenOrderSimulation import generateTimeFrameList + +class TestVifibInstanceHostingRelatedDocument(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): + + def stepCheckSubscriptionSalePackingListCoverage(self, sequence, **kw): + hosting_subscription = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['hosting_subscription_uid']) + delivery_list = self.portal.portal_catalog( + portal_type='Sale Packing List', + causality_relative_url=hosting_subscription.getRelativeUrl(), + sort_on=(('delivery.start_date', 'desc'),) + ) + # is whole year covered? + self.assertEqual(12, len(delivery_list)) + + # generate the expected time frames + now = DateTime() + start_date = \ + getClosestDate(target_date=now, precision='day', before=1) + + # Calculate the list of time frames + expected_time_frame_list = generateTimeFrameList(start_date) + + idx = 0 + for delivery in delivery_list: + expected_start_date = expected_time_frame_list[idx] + expected_stop_date = expected_time_frame_list[idx+1] + self.assertEqual(expected_start_date, delivery.getStartDate()) + self.assertEqual(expected_stop_date, delivery.getStopDate()) + + self.assertEqual(hosting_subscription.getRelativeUrl(), + delivery.getCausality()) + delivery_line_list = \ + delivery.contentValues(portal_type="Sale Packing List Line") + self.assertEquals(1, len(delivery_line_list)) + delivery_line = delivery_line_list[0] + self.assertEquals("organisation_module/vifib_internet", + delivery.getSource()) + self.assertEquals("organisation_module/vifib_internet", + delivery.getSourceSection()) + self.assertEquals("person_module/test_vifib_customer", + delivery.getDestination()) + self.assertEquals("person_module/test_vifib_customer", + delivery.getDestinationSection()) + self.assertEquals("currency_module/EUR", + delivery.getPriceCurrency()) + + # check sale packing list line related property + self.assertEquals("service_module/vifib_instance_subscription", + delivery_line.getResource()) + self.assertEquals(1, + delivery_line.getQuantity()) + self.assertEquals("unit/piece", + delivery_line.getQuantityUnit()) + self.assertEquals(1, + delivery_line.getPrice()) + + # fetch open order, open order line and subscription + person = self.portal.person_module['test_vifib_customer'] + open_order = \ + person.getDestinationDecisionRelatedValue(portal_type="Open Sale Order") + open_order_line = \ + open_order.contentValues(portal_type="Open Sale Order Line")[0] + + # check related property + self.assertEquals(open_order_line.getSpecialise(), + delivery.getSpecialise()) + + idx += 1 + + def stepCheckHostingSubscriptionInitialDocumentCoverage(self, sequence, **kw): + catalog = self.portal.portal_catalog + hosting_resource = self.portal.portal_preferences\ + .getPreferredInstanceHostingResource() + setup_resource = self.portal.portal_preferences\ + .getPreferredInstanceSetupResource() + subscription_resource = self.portal.portal_preferences\ + .getPreferredInstanceSubscriptionResource() + sequence.edit( + hosting_resource=hosting_resource, + setup_resource=setup_resource, + subscription_resource=subscription_resource + ) + + hosting_subscription = catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['hosting_subscription_uid']) + hosting_subscription_url = hosting_subscription.getRelativeUrl() + + # hosting is confirmed, so no invoice + hosting_delivery_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=hosting_resource) + + self.assertEqual(1, len(hosting_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('confirmed', hosting_delivery_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + hosting_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=hosting_resource) + self.assertEqual(0, len(hosting_invoice_line_list)) + + # setup is stopped, and has there is invoice + setup_delivery_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=setup_resource) + + self.assertEqual(1, len(setup_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('stopped', setup_delivery_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + setup_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=setup_resource) + self.assertEqual(1, len(setup_invoice_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('planned', setup_invoice_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + # there are 12 confirmed subscription, so no invoice + subscription_delivery_line_list = catalog( + portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=subscription_resource, + sort_on=(('movement.start_date', 'desc'),) + ) + + self.assertEqual(12, len(subscription_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual(['confirmed'] * 12, [q.getSimulationState() for \ + q in subscription_delivery_line_list]) + + subscription_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=subscription_resource) + self.assertEqual(0, len(subscription_invoice_line_list)) + + # invoice shall be solved + invoice = setup_invoice_line_list[0].getParentValue() + self.assertEqual('solved', invoice.getCausalityState()) + + # invoice shall have causality of one packing list + self.assertEqual( + [setup_delivery_line_list[0].getParentValue().getUid()], + invoice.getCausalityUidList()) + + # there shall be no payment transaction related + self.assertEqual([], invoice.getCausalityRelatedList( + portal_type='Payment Transaction')) + + sequence.edit( + subscription_delivery_uid_list=[q.getParentValue().getUid() for q in \ + subscription_delivery_line_list] + ) + + def stepSelectNextSubscriptionDelivery(self, sequence, **kw): + subscription_delivery_uid_list = sequence['subscription_delivery_uid_list'] + subscription_delivery_uid_list.reverse() + subscription_delivery_uid = subscription_delivery_uid_list.pop() + subscription_delivery_uid_list.reverse() + sequence.edit( + subscription_delivery_uid_list=subscription_delivery_uid_list, + subscription_delivery_uid=subscription_delivery_uid + ) + + def stepStartSubscriptionDelivery(self, sequence, **kw): + self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['subscription_delivery_uid']).start() + + def stepStopSubscriptionDelivery(self, sequence, **kw): + self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['subscription_delivery_uid']).stop() + + def stepCheckHostingSubscriptionStoppedDocumentCoverage(self, sequence, **kw): + catalog = self.portal.portal_catalog + hosting_subscription = catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['hosting_subscription_uid']) + hosting_subscription_url = hosting_subscription.getRelativeUrl() + + # hosting is confirmed, so no invoice + hosting_delivery_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['hosting_resource']) + + self.assertEqual(1, len(hosting_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('confirmed', hosting_delivery_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + hosting_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['hosting_resource']) + self.assertEqual(0, len(hosting_invoice_line_list)) + + # setup is stopped, and has there is invoice + setup_delivery_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['setup_resource']) + + self.assertEqual(1, len(setup_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('stopped', setup_delivery_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + setup_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['setup_resource']) + self.assertEqual(1, len(setup_invoice_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('planned', setup_invoice_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + # there are 11 confirmed and 1 stopped subscription, so 1 invoice line + subscription_delivery_line_list = catalog( + portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['subscription_resource']) + + self.assertEqual(12, len(subscription_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual((['confirmed'] * 11) + ['stopped'], + sorted([q.getSimulationState() for \ + q in subscription_delivery_line_list])) + + subscription_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['subscription_resource']) + self.assertEqual(1, len(subscription_invoice_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('planned', subscription_invoice_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + # there are two invoice lines sharing same invoice + self.assertEqual( + setup_invoice_line_list[0].getParentValue().getRelativeUrl(), + subscription_invoice_line_list[0].getParentValue().getRelativeUrl() + ) + + # invoice shall be solved + self.assertEqual('solved', setup_invoice_line_list[0].getCausalityState()) + + # invoice shall have causality of two packing lists + self.assertEqual( + sorted([setup_delivery_line_list[0].getParentValue().getUid()] + + [q.getParentValue().getUid() for q in subscription_delivery_line_list if q.getSimulationState() == 'stopped']), + sorted(setup_invoice_line_list[0].getParentValue().getCausalityUidList())) + + def stepSelectPlannedInvoice(self, sequence, **kw): + hosting_subscription = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['hosting_subscription_uid']) + + invoice_line = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription.getRelativeUrl(), + simulation_state='planned' + ) + + # there shall be no payment transaction related + self.assertEqual([], invoice_line.getParentValue().getCausalityRelatedList( + portal_type='Payment Transaction')) + + sequence.edit(invoice_uid=invoice_line.getParentValue().getUid()) + + def stepConfirmInvoice(self, sequence, **kw): + self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['invoice_uid']).confirm() + + def stepCheckHostingSubscriptionConfirmedInvoiceDocumentCoverage(self, + sequence, **kw): + catalog = self.portal.portal_catalog + hosting_subscription = catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['hosting_subscription_uid']) + hosting_subscription_url = hosting_subscription.getRelativeUrl() + + # hosting is confirmed, so no invoice + hosting_delivery_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['hosting_resource']) + + self.assertEqual(1, len(hosting_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('confirmed', hosting_delivery_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + hosting_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['hosting_resource']) + self.assertEqual(0, len(hosting_invoice_line_list)) + + # setup is stopped, and has there is invoice + setup_delivery_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['setup_resource']) + + self.assertEqual(1, len(setup_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('stopped', setup_delivery_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + setup_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['setup_resource']) + self.assertEqual(1, len(setup_invoice_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('confirmed', setup_invoice_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + # there are 10 confirmed and 2 stopped subscription, so 2 invoice line + subscription_delivery_line_list = catalog( + portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['subscription_resource']) + + self.assertEqual(12, len(subscription_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual((['confirmed'] * 10) + (['stopped'] * 2), + sorted([q.getSimulationState() for \ + q in subscription_delivery_line_list])) + + subscription_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['subscription_resource']) + self.assertEqual(2, len(subscription_invoice_line_list)) + self.assertEqual(['confirmed', 'planned'], + sorted([q.getSimulationState() for q in subscription_invoice_line_list])) + + # there are three invoice lines, where two share same invoice + # and other is on new one + self.assertEqual( + setup_invoice_line_list[0].getParentValue().getRelativeUrl(), + [q.getParentValue().getRelativeUrl() for q in \ + subscription_invoice_line_list \ + if q.getSimulationState() == 'confirmed'][0] + ) + self.assertNotEqual( + setup_invoice_line_list[0].getParentValue().getRelativeUrl(), + [q.getParentValue().getRelativeUrl() for q in \ + subscription_invoice_line_list \ + if q.getSimulationState() == 'planned'][0] + ) + + confirmed_invoice = setup_invoice_line_list[0].getParentValue() + planned_invoice = [q.getParentValue() for q in \ + subscription_invoice_line_list \ + if q.getSimulationState() == 'planned'][0] + + # invoices shall be solved + self.assertEqual('solved', planned_invoice.getCausalityState()) + self.assertEqual('solved', confirmed_invoice.getCausalityState()) + + # there shall be no payment transaction related + self.assertEqual([], planned_invoice.getCausalityRelatedList( + portal_type='Payment Transaction')) + self.assertEqual([], confirmed_invoice.getCausalityRelatedList( + portal_type='Payment Transaction')) + + # confirmed invoice shall have causality of two packing lists + self.assertEqual( + sorted([setup_delivery_line_list[0].getParentValue().getUid()] + + [q.getParentValue().getUid() for q in subscription_delivery_line_list \ + if q.getSimulationState() == 'stopped' and \ + q.getParentValue().getUid() != sequence['subscription_delivery_uid']]), + sorted(confirmed_invoice.getCausalityUidList())) + + # planned invoice shall have causality of one packing list + self.assertEqual( + [q.getParentValue().getUid() for q in subscription_delivery_line_list \ + if q.getSimulationState() == 'stopped' and \ + q.getParentValue().getUid() == sequence['subscription_delivery_uid']], + planned_invoice.getCausalityUidList()) + + def stepStartInvoice(self, sequence, **kw): + self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['invoice_uid']).start() + + def stepStopInvoice(self, sequence, **kw): + self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['invoice_uid']).stop() + + def stepCheckHostingSubscriptionStoppedInvoiceDocumentCoverage(self, + sequence, **kw): + catalog = self.portal.portal_catalog + hosting_subscription = catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['hosting_subscription_uid']) + hosting_subscription_url = hosting_subscription.getRelativeUrl() + + # hosting is confirmed, so no invoice + hosting_delivery_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['hosting_resource']) + + self.assertEqual(1, len(hosting_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('confirmed', hosting_delivery_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + hosting_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['hosting_resource']) + self.assertEqual(0, len(hosting_invoice_line_list)) + + # setup is stopped, and has there is invoice + setup_delivery_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['setup_resource']) + + self.assertEqual(1, len(setup_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('stopped', setup_delivery_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + setup_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['setup_resource']) + self.assertEqual(1, len(setup_invoice_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('stopped', setup_invoice_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + # there are 10 confirmed and 2 stopped subscription, so 2 invoice line + subscription_delivery_line_list = catalog( + portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['subscription_resource']) + + self.assertEqual(12, len(subscription_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual((['confirmed'] * 10) + (['stopped'] * 2), + sorted([q.getSimulationState() for \ + q in subscription_delivery_line_list])) + + subscription_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['subscription_resource']) + self.assertEqual(2, len(subscription_invoice_line_list)) + self.assertEqual(['planned', 'stopped'], + sorted([q.getSimulationState() for q in subscription_invoice_line_list])) + + # there are three invoice lines, where two share same invoice + # and other is on new one + self.assertEqual( + setup_invoice_line_list[0].getParentValue().getRelativeUrl(), + [q.getParentValue().getRelativeUrl() for q in \ + subscription_invoice_line_list \ + if q.getSimulationState() == 'stopped'][0] + ) + self.assertNotEqual( + setup_invoice_line_list[0].getParentValue().getRelativeUrl(), + [q.getParentValue().getRelativeUrl() for q in \ + subscription_invoice_line_list \ + if q.getSimulationState() == 'planned'][0] + ) + + stopped_invoice = setup_invoice_line_list[0].getParentValue() + planned_invoice = [q.getParentValue() for q in \ + subscription_invoice_line_list \ + if q.getSimulationState() == 'planned'][0] + + # invoices shall be solved + self.assertEqual('solved', planned_invoice.getCausalityState()) + self.assertEqual('solved', stopped_invoice.getCausalityState()) + + # there shall be no payment transaction related to planned invoice + self.assertEqual([], planned_invoice.getCausalityRelatedList( + portal_type='Payment Transaction')) + + # there shall be one payment transaction related to stopped invoice + payment_transaction_list = stopped_invoice.getCausalityRelatedValueList( + portal_type='Payment Transaction') + self.assertEqual(1, len(payment_transaction_list)) + payment_transaction = payment_transaction_list[0] + + # this payment transaction shall be planned and solved + self.assertEqual('planned', payment_transaction.getSimulationState()) + self.assertEqual('solved', payment_transaction.getCausalityState()) + + # only this invoice shall be covered by this payment transaction + self.assertEqual(stopped_invoice.getRelativeUrl(), + payment_transaction.getCausality()) + + # this payment shall fully pay the invoice + self.assertEqual(stopped_invoice.getTotalPrice(), + payment_transaction.PaymentTransaction_getTotalPayablePrice()) + + # Stopped invoice shall have causality of two packing lists + self.assertEqual( + sorted([setup_delivery_line_list[0].getParentValue().getUid()] + + [q.getParentValue().getUid() for q in subscription_delivery_line_list \ + if q.getSimulationState() == 'stopped' and \ + q.getParentValue().getUid() != sequence['subscription_delivery_uid']]), + sorted(stopped_invoice.getCausalityUidList())) + + # planned invoice shall have causality of one packing list + self.assertEqual( + [q.getParentValue().getUid() for q in subscription_delivery_line_list \ + if q.getSimulationState() == 'stopped' and \ + q.getParentValue().getUid() == sequence['subscription_delivery_uid']], + planned_invoice.getCausalityUidList()) + + def stepCheckHostingSubscriptionTwoStoppedInvoiceDocumentCoverage(self, + sequence, **kw): + catalog = self.portal.portal_catalog + hosting_subscription = catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['hosting_subscription_uid']) + hosting_subscription_url = hosting_subscription.getRelativeUrl() + + # hosting is confirmed, so no invoice + hosting_delivery_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['hosting_resource']) + + self.assertEqual(1, len(hosting_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('confirmed', hosting_delivery_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + hosting_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['hosting_resource']) + self.assertEqual(0, len(hosting_invoice_line_list)) + + # setup is stopped, and has there is invoice + setup_delivery_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['setup_resource']) + + self.assertEqual(1, len(setup_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('stopped', setup_delivery_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + setup_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['setup_resource']) + self.assertEqual(1, len(setup_invoice_line_list)) + self.assertEqual('stopped', setup_invoice_line_list[0]\ + .getSimulationState()) + + # there are 10 confirmed and 2 stopped subscription, so 2 invoice line + subscription_delivery_line_list = catalog( + portal_type='Sale Packing List Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['subscription_resource']) + + self.assertEqual(12, len(subscription_delivery_line_list)) + self.assertEqual((['confirmed'] * 10) + (['stopped'] * 2), + sorted([q.getSimulationState() for \ + q in subscription_delivery_line_list])) + + subscription_invoice_line_list = catalog(portal_type='Invoice Line', + aggregate_relative_url=hosting_subscription_url, + resource_relative_url=sequence['subscription_resource']) + self.assertEqual(2, len(subscription_invoice_line_list)) + self.assertEqual(['stopped', 'stopped'], + sorted([q.getSimulationState() for q in subscription_invoice_line_list])) + + # there are three invoice lines, where two share same invoice + # and other is on other one + first_invoice = setup_invoice_line_list[0].getParentValue() + second_invoice = [q.getParentValue() for q in subscription_invoice_line_list \ + if q.getParentValue().getUid() != first_invoice.getUid()][0] + + # invoices shall be solved + self.assertEqual('solved', first_invoice.getCausalityState()) + self.assertEqual('solved', second_invoice.getCausalityState()) + + # both invoice shall have shared payment transaction + payment_transaction_list = first_invoice.getCausalityRelatedValueList( + portal_type='Payment Transaction') + self.assertEqual(1, len(payment_transaction_list)) + payment_transaction = payment_transaction_list[0] + self.assertEqual([payment_transaction.getRelativeUrl()], + second_invoice.getCausalityRelatedList( + portal_type='Payment Transaction')) + + # this payment transaction shall be planned and solved + self.assertEqual('planned', payment_transaction.getSimulationState()) + self.assertEqual('solved', payment_transaction.getCausalityState()) + + # this payment shall fully pay both invoices + self.assertEqual( + first_invoice.getTotalPrice() + second_invoice.getTotalPrice(), + payment_transaction.PaymentTransaction_getTotalPayablePrice()) + + sequence.edit(payment_transaction_uid=payment_transaction.getUid()) + + def stepConfirmPayment(self, sequence, **kw): + self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['payment_transaction_uid']).confirm() + + def stepCheckPayment(self, sequence, **kw): + payment_transaction = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['payment_transaction_uid']) + self.assertEqual('confirmed', payment_transaction.getSimulationState()) + self.assertEqual('solved', payment_transaction.getCausalityState()) + + def stepInvoiceSetStartDatePreviousMonth(self, sequence, **kw): + invoice = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['invoice_uid']) + invoice.setStartDate(getClosestDate(target_date=DateTime())-1) + + def stepTriggerStopInvoiceAlarm(self, sequence, **kw): + self.portal.portal_alarms.stop_planned_sale_invoice_transaction.activeSense() + + def test_OpenOrder_sale_packing_list(self): + """ + Check that sale_packing_list is generated properly from simulation + """ + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = \ + self.prepare_installed_computer_partition_sequence_string + \ + """ + LoginDefaultUser + TriggerBuild + Tic + CheckSubscriptionSalePackingListCoverage + + TriggerBuild + Tic + # Nothing shall change + CheckHostingSubscriptionInitialDocumentCoverage + + # Stop first Subscription delivery and after triggering build check + # that invoice got updated + + SelectNextSubscriptionDelivery + StartSubscriptionDelivery + StopSubscriptionDelivery + Tic + + TriggerBuild + Tic + + CheckHostingSubscriptionStoppedDocumentCoverage + + # proff that alarm will ignore this month invoices + TriggerStopInvoiceAlarm + Tic + CheckHostingSubscriptionStoppedDocumentCoverage + + # Confirm current invoice and stop next delivery. After triggering build + # new planned invoice shall be available. + + SelectPlannedInvoice + ConfirmInvoice + Tic + + SelectNextSubscriptionDelivery + StartSubscriptionDelivery + StopSubscriptionDelivery + Tic + + TriggerBuild + Tic + + CheckHostingSubscriptionConfirmedInvoiceDocumentCoverage + + # Lets check the payment + + StartInvoice + StopInvoice + Tic + + TriggerBuild + Tic + + CheckHostingSubscriptionStoppedInvoiceDocumentCoverage + + # Proof that alarm is capable to stop previous month invoice + SelectPlannedInvoice + InvoiceSetStartDatePreviousMonth + Tic + TriggerStopInvoiceAlarm + Tic + + # Payment should cover both invoices + TriggerBuild + Tic + + CheckHostingSubscriptionTwoStoppedInvoiceDocumentCoverage + + ConfirmPayment + Tic + CheckPayment + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + +def test_suite(): + suite = unittest.TestSuite() + suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestVifibInstanceHostingRelatedDocument)) + return suite diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibOpenOrderSimulation.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibOpenOrderSimulation.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb547740397b22dfb15f7588f9d0114ef326fa5e --- /dev/null +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibOpenOrderSimulation.py @@ -0,0 +1,438 @@ +import unittest +from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import SequenceList +from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import getClosestDate, addToDate +from testVifibSlapWebService import TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin + +from DateTime.DateTime import DateTime + +def generateTimeFrameList(start_date): + expected_time_frame_list = [start_date] + current = \ + getClosestDate(target_date=start_date, precision='month', before=0) + for m in range(0, 12): + expected_time_frame_list.append(addToDate(current, month=m)) + return expected_time_frame_list + +class TestVifibOpenOrderSimulation(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): + + def stepCheckSimulationMovement(self, sequence, **kw): + # find related documents: open order, open order line, + # subscription item, etc. + person = self.portal.person_module['test_vifib_customer'] + open_order = \ + person.getDestinationDecisionRelatedValue(portal_type="Open Sale Order") + open_order_line_list = \ + open_order.contentValues(portal_type="Open Sale Order Line") + self.assertEquals(1, len(open_order_line_list)) + open_order_line = open_order_line_list[0] + hosting_subscription = \ + open_order_line.getAggregateValue(portal_type="Hosting Subscription") + applied_rule = \ + hosting_subscription.getCausalityRelatedValue(portal_type="Applied Rule") + self.assertEquals( + "portal_rules/default_subscription_item_rule", + applied_rule.getSpecialise()) + + # check periodicity, should be first day of each month + self.assertEquals( + None, hosting_subscription.getPeriodicityMinuteFrequency()) + self.assertEquals( + [0], hosting_subscription.getPeriodicityMinuteList()) + self.assertEquals( + None, hosting_subscription.getPeriodicityHourFrequency()) + self.assertEquals( + [0], hosting_subscription.getPeriodicityHourList()) + self.assertEquals( + None, hosting_subscription.getPeriodicityDayFrequency()) + self.assertEquals( + None, hosting_subscription.getPeriodicityMonthFrequency()) + self.assertEquals( + [1], hosting_subscription.getPeriodicityMonthDayList()) + self.assertEquals( + None, hosting_subscription.getPeriodicityWeekFrequency()) + + # check start date and stop date of the subscription item, + # currently there are 12 months + now = DateTime() + start_date = \ + getClosestDate(target_date=now, precision='day', before=1) + self.assertEquals( + start_date.year(), open_order_line.getStartDate().year()) + self.assertEquals( + start_date.month(), open_order_line.getStartDate().month()) + self.assertEquals( + start_date.day(), open_order_line.getStartDate().day()) + self.assertEquals( + 0, open_order_line.getStartDate().hour()) + self.assertEquals( + 0, open_order_line.getStartDate().minute()) + self.assertEquals( + 0.0, open_order_line.getStartDate().second()) + stop_date = addToDate( + getClosestDate(target_date=now, precision='month', before=1), year=1) + self.assertEquals( + stop_date.year(), open_order_line.getStopDate().year()) + self.assertEquals( + stop_date.month(), open_order_line.getStopDate().month()) + self.assertEquals( + stop_date.day(), open_order_line.getStopDate().day()) + self.assertEquals( + 0, open_order_line.getStopDate().hour()) + self.assertEquals( + 0, open_order_line.getStopDate().minute()) + self.assertEquals( + 0.0, open_order_line.getStopDate().second()) + + # Calculate the list of time frames + expected_time_frame_list = generateTimeFrameList(start_date) + + # test the test: have we generated 12th next months coverage? + self.assertEqual(13, len(expected_time_frame_list)) + + simulation_movement_list = self.portal.portal_catalog( + portal_type='Simulation Movement', + parent_uid=applied_rule.getUid(), + sort_on=(('movement.start_date', 'desc'),) + ) + # Check that simulation is created by the periodicity for one year + self.assertEquals(12, + len(simulation_movement_list)) + + # Check the list of expected simulation + idx = 0 + for simulation_movement in simulation_movement_list: + expected_start_date = expected_time_frame_list[idx] + expected_stop_date = expected_time_frame_list[idx+1] + # Check simulation movement property + self.assertEquals(1.0, + simulation_movement.getQuantity()) + self.assertEquals("unit/piece", + simulation_movement.getQuantityUnit()) + self.assertEquals(1.0, + simulation_movement.getPrice()) + self.assertEquals("currency_module/EUR", + simulation_movement.getPriceCurrency()) + # XXX supplier + self.assertEquals("organisation_module/vifib_internet", + simulation_movement.getSource()) + self.assertEquals("organisation_module/vifib_internet", + simulation_movement.getSourceSection()) + # XXX customer + self.assertEquals("person_module/test_vifib_customer", + simulation_movement.getDestination()) + self.assertEquals("person_module/test_vifib_customer", + simulation_movement.getDestinationSection()) + self.assertEquals(open_order_line.getSpecialise(), + simulation_movement.getSpecialise()) + self.assertEquals("service_module/vifib_instance_subscription", + simulation_movement.getResource()) + self.assertEquals("vifib/delivery", + simulation_movement.getTradePhase()) + self.assertEquals(None, + simulation_movement.getAggregate( + portal_type="Computer Partition")) + self.assertEquals(None, + simulation_movement.getAggregate( + portal_type="Software Instance")) + self.assertEquals(hosting_subscription.getRelativeUrl(), + simulation_movement.getAggregate( + portal_type="Hosting Subscription")) + self.assertEquals(None, + simulation_movement.getAggregate( + portal_type="Software Release")) + self.assertEqual(expected_start_date, simulation_movement.getStartDate()) + self.assertEqual(expected_stop_date, simulation_movement.getStopDate()) + + # not delivered yet + self.assertEqual(None, simulation_movement.getDelivery()) + # packing list shall be buildable + self.assertTrue(simulation_movement.isBuildable()) + + # fetch invoice level simulation + applied_rule_invoice_list = \ + simulation_movement.contentValues(portal_type="Applied Rule") + self.assertEquals(1, len(applied_rule_invoice_list)) + applied_rule_invoice = \ + applied_rule_invoice_list[0].getObject() + self.assertNotEquals(None, applied_rule_invoice) + simulation_movement_invoice_list = \ + applied_rule_invoice.contentValues(portal_type="Simulation Movement") + self.assertEquals(1, len(simulation_movement_invoice_list)) + simulation_movement_invoice = \ + simulation_movement_invoice_list[0].getObject() + self.assertNotEquals(None, simulation_movement_invoice) + + # not delivered yet + self.assertEqual(None, simulation_movement_invoice.getDelivery()) + # invoice shall be not yet buildable + self.assertFalse(False, simulation_movement_invoice.isBuildable()) + + # check property of invoice simulation + self.assertEquals(1.0, + simulation_movement_invoice.getQuantity()) + self.assertEquals("unit/piece", + simulation_movement_invoice.getQuantityUnit()) + self.assertEquals(1.0, + simulation_movement_invoice.getPrice()) + self.assertEquals("currency_module/EUR", + simulation_movement_invoice.getPriceCurrency()) + self.assertEquals("organisation_module/vifib_internet", + simulation_movement_invoice.getSource()) + self.assertEquals("organisation_module/vifib_internet", + simulation_movement_invoice.getSourceSection()) + self.assertEquals("person_module/test_vifib_customer", + simulation_movement_invoice.getDestination()) + self.assertEquals("person_module/test_vifib_customer", + simulation_movement_invoice.getDestinationSection()) + self.assertEquals(open_order_line.getSpecialise(), + simulation_movement_invoice.getSpecialise()) + self.assertEquals("service_module/vifib_instance_subscription", + simulation_movement_invoice.getResource()) + self.assertEquals("vifib/invoicing", + simulation_movement_invoice.getTradePhase()) + self.assertEquals(expected_start_date, + simulation_movement_invoice.getStartDate()) + self.assertEquals(expected_stop_date, + simulation_movement_invoice.getStopDate()) + self.assertEquals(None, + simulation_movement_invoice.getAggregate( + portal_type="Computer Partition")) + self.assertEquals(None, + simulation_movement_invoice.getAggregate( + portal_type="Software Instance")) + self.assertEquals(hosting_subscription.getRelativeUrl(), + simulation_movement_invoice.getAggregate( + portal_type="Hosting Subscription")) + self.assertEquals(None, + simulation_movement_invoice.getAggregate( + portal_type="Software Release")) + + # fetch invoice transaction level simulation, there are 2: + # credit and debit, and resource should be currency + applied_rule_invoice_transaction_list = \ + simulation_movement_invoice.contentValues(portal_type="Applied Rule") + self.assertEquals(1, len(applied_rule_invoice_transaction_list)) + applied_rule_invoice_transaction = \ + applied_rule_invoice_transaction_list[0].getObject() + self.assertNotEquals(None, applied_rule_invoice_transaction) + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_list = \ + applied_rule_invoice_transaction.contentValues( + portal_type="Simulation Movement") + self.assertEquals(2, len(simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_list)) + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit = None + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit = None + for simulation_movement_invoice_transaction in \ + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_list: + # not delivered nor buildable + self.assertEqual(None, simulation_movement_invoice_transaction\ + .getDelivery()) + self.assertFalse(simulation_movement_invoice_transaction.isBuildable()) + if "business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/account_credit_path" \ + in simulation_movement_invoice_transaction.getCausalityList(): + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit = \ + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction.getObject() + if "business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/account_debit_path" \ + in simulation_movement_invoice_transaction.getCausalityList(): + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit = \ + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction.getObject() + self.assertNotEquals(None, simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit) + # not delivered nor buildable + self.assertEqual(None, simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit\ + .getDelivery()) + self.assertFalse(simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit\ + .isBuildable()) + self.assertNotEquals(None, simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit) + # not delivered nor buildable + self.assertEqual(None, simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit\ + .getDelivery()) + self.assertFalse(simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit\ + .isBuildable()) + + # check property of invoice transaction simulation + self.assertEquals(-1.0, + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit.getQuantity()) + self.assertEquals("unit/piece", + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit.getQuantityUnit()) + self.assertEquals(1.0, + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit.getPrice()) + self.assertEquals(None, + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit.getPriceCurrency()) + self.assertEquals("account_module/sales", + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit.getSource()) + self.assertEquals("organisation_module/vifib_internet", + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit.getSourceSection()) + self.assertEquals("account_module/purchase", + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit.getDestination()) + self.assertEquals("person_module/test_vifib_customer", + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit.getDestinationSection()) + self.assertEquals("currency_module/EUR", + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit.getResource()) + self.assertEquals(open_order_line.getSpecialise(), + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit.getSpecialise()) + self.assertEquals("vifib/accounting", + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit.getTradePhase()) + self.assertEquals(expected_start_date, + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit.getStartDate()) + self.assertEquals(expected_stop_date, + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit.getStopDate()) + + self.assertEquals(1.0, + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit.getQuantity()) + self.assertEquals("unit/piece", + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit.getQuantityUnit()) + self.assertEquals(1.0, + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit.getPrice()) + self.assertEquals(None, + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit.getPriceCurrency()) + self.assertEquals("account_module/receivable", + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit.getSource()) + self.assertEquals("organisation_module/vifib_internet", + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit.getSourceSection()) + self.assertEquals("account_module/payable", + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit.getDestination()) + self.assertEquals("person_module/test_vifib_customer", + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit.getDestinationSection()) + self.assertEquals("currency_module/EUR", + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit.getResource()) + self.assertEquals(open_order_line.getSpecialise(), + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit.getSpecialise()) + self.assertEquals("vifib/accounting", + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit.getTradePhase()) + self.assertEquals(expected_start_date, + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit.getStartDate()) + self.assertEquals(expected_stop_date, + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit.getStopDate()) + + # credit simulation movement has no content + self.assertEquals([], + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_credit.contentValues( + portal_type="Applied Rule")) + + # fetch payment level simulation + applied_rule_credit_payment_list = \ + simulation_movement_invoice_transaction_debit.contentValues( + portal_type="Applied Rule") + self.assertEquals(1, len(applied_rule_credit_payment_list)) + applied_rule_credit_payment = \ + applied_rule_credit_payment_list[0].getObject() + self.assertNotEquals(None, applied_rule_credit_payment) + simulation_movement_credit_payment_list = \ + applied_rule_credit_payment.contentValues( + portal_type="Simulation Movement") + self.assertEquals(2, len(simulation_movement_credit_payment_list)) + simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit = None + simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit = None + for simulation_movement_credit_payment in \ + simulation_movement_credit_payment_list: + if "business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/payment_credit_path" \ + in simulation_movement_credit_payment.getCausalityList(): + simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit = \ + simulation_movement_credit_payment.getObject() + if "business_process_module/vifib_sale_business_process/payment_debit_path" \ + in simulation_movement_credit_payment.getCausalityList(): + simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit = \ + simulation_movement_credit_payment.getObject() + self.assertNotEquals(None, simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit) + # not delivered nor buildable + self.assertEqual(None, simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit\ + .getDelivery()) + self.assertFalse(simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit\ + .isBuildable()) + self.assertNotEquals(None, simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit) + # not delivered nor buildable + self.assertEqual(None, simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit\ + .getDelivery()) + self.assertFalse(simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit\ + .isBuildable()) + + # check payment level of simulation + self.assertEquals(-1.0, + simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit.getQuantity()) + self.assertEquals("unit/piece", + simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit.getQuantityUnit()) + self.assertEquals(1.0, + simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit.getPrice()) + self.assertEquals("currency_module/EUR", + simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit.getResource()) + self.assertEquals("account_module/receivable", + simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit.getSource()) + self.assertEquals("organisation_module/vifib_internet", + simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit.getSourceSection()) + self.assertEquals("account_module/payable", + simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit.getDestination()) + self.assertEquals("person_module/test_vifib_customer", + simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit.getDestinationSection()) + self.assertEquals(open_order_line.getSpecialise(), + simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit.getSpecialise()) + self.assertEquals("vifib/payment", + simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit.getTradePhase()) + self.assertEquals(expected_start_date, + simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit.getStartDate()) + self.assertEquals(expected_stop_date, + simulation_movement_credit_payment_credit.getStopDate()) + + self.assertEquals(1.0, + simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit.getQuantity()) + self.assertEquals("unit/piece", + simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit.getQuantityUnit()) + self.assertEquals(1.0, + simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit.getPrice()) + self.assertEquals("currency_module/EUR", + simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit.getResource()) + self.assertEquals("account_module/bank", + simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit.getSource()) + self.assertEquals("organisation_module/vifib_internet", + simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit.getSourceSection()) + self.assertEquals("account_module/bank", + simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit.getDestination()) + self.assertEquals("person_module/test_vifib_customer", + simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit.getDestinationSection()) + self.assertEquals(open_order_line.getSpecialise(), + simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit.getSpecialise()) + self.assertEquals("vifib/payment", + simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit.getTradePhase()) + self.assertEquals(expected_start_date, + simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit.getStartDate()) + self.assertEquals(expected_stop_date, + simulation_movement_credit_payment_debit.getStopDate()) + + # check next simulation movement + idx += 1 + + def test_OpenOrder_request_changeSoftwareType(self): + """ + Check that requesting the same instance with a different software type + does not create a new instance + """ + self.computer_partition_amount = 1 + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = \ + self.prepare_installed_computer_partition_sequence_string + """ + LoginERP5TypeTestCase + CheckSimulationMovement + Tic + SlapLogout + """ + """ + LoginTestVifibCustomer + RequestSoftwareInstanceStart + Tic + Logout + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceHostingSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer \ + SoftwareInstanceStarted \ + Tic \ + SlapLogout \ + \ + LoginDefaultUser \ + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceHostingSalePackingListStarted \ + Logout \ + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + +def test_suite(): + suite = unittest.TestSuite() + suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestVifibOpenOrderSimulation)) + return suite diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSkinSelection.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSkinSelection.py index 2c22ff2805090dc8278106c84071019e720563c7..9e49ae056a13c3d72216fe45f08ae784de936c3b 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSkinSelection.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSkinSelection.py @@ -106,10 +106,11 @@ vifib_cash vifib_core vifib_crm vifib_forge_release -vifib_invoicing vifib_jauks_theme vifib_jauks_widget_library vifib_open_trade +vifib_payzen +vifib_simulation vifib_slap vifib_software_pdm vifib_test @@ -145,6 +146,7 @@ erp5_gadget erp5_glossary erp5_ingestion erp5_ingestion_test +erp5_integration erp5_invoicing erp5_item erp5_item_trade @@ -153,12 +155,14 @@ erp5_ods_core erp5_odt_core erp5_ooo_import erp5_open_trade +erp5_payzen_secure_payment erp5_pdm erp5_project erp5_project_trade +erp5_secure_payment erp5_simplified_invoicing -erp5_simulation_test erp5_software_pdm +erp5_system_event erp5_tax_resource erp5_toolbox erp5_trade @@ -194,10 +198,11 @@ vifib_core vifib_crm vifib_fiber_theme vifib_forge_release -vifib_invoicing vifib_jauks_theme vifib_jauks_widget_library vifib_open_trade +vifib_payzen +vifib_simulation vifib_slap vifib_software_pdm vifib_test @@ -234,6 +239,7 @@ erp5_gadget erp5_glossary erp5_ingestion erp5_ingestion_test +erp5_integration erp5_invoicing erp5_item erp5_item_trade @@ -242,12 +248,14 @@ erp5_ods_core erp5_odt_core erp5_ooo_import erp5_open_trade +erp5_payzen_secure_payment erp5_pdm erp5_project erp5_project_trade +erp5_secure_payment erp5_simplified_invoicing -erp5_simulation_test erp5_software_pdm +erp5_system_event erp5_tax_resource erp5_toolbox erp5_trade @@ -284,10 +292,11 @@ vifib_crm vifib_forge_release vifib_hosting vifib_hosting_theme -vifib_invoicing vifib_jauks_theme vifib_jauks_widget_library vifib_open_trade +vifib_payzen +vifib_simulation vifib_slap vifib_software_pdm vifib_test @@ -323,6 +332,7 @@ erp5_gadget erp5_glossary erp5_ingestion erp5_ingestion_test +erp5_integration erp5_invoicing erp5_item erp5_item_trade @@ -331,12 +341,14 @@ erp5_ods_core erp5_odt_core erp5_ooo_import erp5_open_trade +erp5_payzen_secure_payment erp5_pdm erp5_project erp5_project_trade +erp5_secure_payment erp5_simplified_invoicing -erp5_simulation_test erp5_software_pdm +erp5_system_event erp5_tax_resource erp5_toolbox erp5_trade @@ -371,8 +383,9 @@ vifib_base vifib_core vifib_crm vifib_forge_release -vifib_invoicing vifib_open_trade +vifib_payzen +vifib_simulation vifib_slap vifib_software_pdm vifib_test @@ -407,6 +420,7 @@ erp5_gadget erp5_glossary erp5_ingestion erp5_ingestion_test +erp5_integration erp5_invoicing erp5_item erp5_item_trade @@ -414,12 +428,14 @@ erp5_ods_core erp5_odt_core erp5_ooo_import erp5_open_trade +erp5_payzen_secure_payment erp5_pdm erp5_project erp5_project_trade +erp5_secure_payment erp5_simplified_invoicing -erp5_simulation_test erp5_software_pdm +erp5_system_event erp5_tax_resource erp5_toolbox erp5_trade @@ -453,8 +469,9 @@ vifib_base vifib_core vifib_crm vifib_forge_release -vifib_invoicing vifib_open_trade +vifib_payzen +vifib_simulation vifib_slap vifib_software_pdm vifib_test @@ -489,6 +506,7 @@ erp5_gadget erp5_glossary erp5_ingestion erp5_ingestion_test +erp5_integration erp5_invoicing erp5_item erp5_item_trade @@ -496,12 +514,14 @@ erp5_ods_core erp5_odt_core erp5_ooo_import erp5_open_trade +erp5_payzen_secure_payment erp5_pdm erp5_project erp5_project_trade +erp5_secure_payment erp5_simplified_invoicing -erp5_simulation_test erp5_software_pdm +erp5_system_event erp5_tax_resource erp5_toolbox erp5_trade @@ -535,8 +555,9 @@ vifib_base vifib_core vifib_crm vifib_forge_release -vifib_invoicing vifib_open_trade +vifib_payzen +vifib_simulation vifib_slap vifib_software_pdm vifib_test @@ -573,6 +594,7 @@ erp5_glossary erp5_html_compatibility erp5_ingestion erp5_ingestion_test +erp5_integration erp5_invoicing erp5_item erp5_item_trade @@ -581,12 +603,14 @@ erp5_ods_core erp5_odt_core erp5_ooo_import erp5_open_trade +erp5_payzen_secure_payment erp5_pdm erp5_project erp5_project_trade +erp5_secure_payment erp5_simplified_invoicing -erp5_simulation_test erp5_software_pdm +erp5_system_event erp5_tax_resource erp5_toolbox erp5_trade @@ -621,8 +645,9 @@ vifib_base vifib_core vifib_crm vifib_forge_release -vifib_invoicing vifib_open_trade +vifib_payzen +vifib_simulation vifib_slap vifib_software_pdm vifib_test @@ -658,6 +683,7 @@ erp5_gadget erp5_glossary erp5_ingestion erp5_ingestion_test +erp5_integration erp5_invoicing erp5_item erp5_item_trade @@ -667,12 +693,14 @@ erp5_ods_core erp5_odt_core erp5_ooo_import erp5_open_trade +erp5_payzen_secure_payment erp5_pdm erp5_project erp5_project_trade +erp5_secure_payment erp5_simplified_invoicing -erp5_simulation_test erp5_software_pdm +erp5_system_event erp5_tax_resource erp5_toolbox erp5_trade @@ -707,8 +735,9 @@ vifib_base vifib_core vifib_crm vifib_forge_release -vifib_invoicing vifib_open_trade +vifib_payzen +vifib_simulation vifib_slap vifib_software_pdm vifib_test @@ -743,6 +772,7 @@ erp5_gadget erp5_glossary erp5_ingestion erp5_ingestion_test +erp5_integration erp5_invoicing erp5_item erp5_item_trade @@ -750,12 +780,14 @@ erp5_ods_core erp5_odt_core erp5_ooo_import erp5_open_trade +erp5_payzen_secure_payment erp5_pdm erp5_project erp5_project_trade +erp5_secure_payment erp5_simplified_invoicing -erp5_simulation_test erp5_software_pdm +erp5_system_event erp5_tax_resource erp5_toolbox erp5_trade @@ -789,8 +821,9 @@ vifib_base vifib_core vifib_crm vifib_forge_release -vifib_invoicing vifib_open_trade +vifib_payzen +vifib_simulation vifib_slap vifib_software_pdm vifib_test @@ -825,6 +858,7 @@ erp5_gadget erp5_glossary erp5_ingestion erp5_ingestion_test +erp5_integration erp5_invoicing erp5_item erp5_item_trade @@ -832,12 +866,14 @@ erp5_ods_core erp5_odt_core erp5_ooo_import erp5_open_trade +erp5_payzen_secure_payment erp5_pdm erp5_project erp5_project_trade +erp5_secure_payment erp5_simplified_invoicing -erp5_simulation_test erp5_software_pdm +erp5_system_event erp5_tax_resource erp5_toolbox erp5_trade diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapAllocationScope.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapAllocationScope.py index 5136736ef31ceed98c9a91a2100640143ee87e63..7c7d9408cba5c45547a82acaed9a0944943148e1 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapAllocationScope.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapAllocationScope.py @@ -29,16 +29,6 @@ class TestVifibSlapAllocationScope(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): uid=sequence['computer_uid']) self.assertEqual(computer.getAllocationScope(), 'open/public') - def stepCheckComputerTradeConditionDestinationSectionTestVifibCustomer( - self, sequence, **kw): - computer = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( - uid=sequence['computer_uid']) - trade_condition = computer.getAggregateRelatedValue( - portal_type='Sale Supply Line').getParentValue() - person_url = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue(portal_type='Person', - default_email_text='test_customer@example.org').getRelativeUrl() - self.assertEqual(trade_condition.getDestinationSectionList(), [person_url]) - def stepCheckComputerTradeConditionDestinationSectionVifibAdminTestVifibCustomer( self, sequence, **kw): computer = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( @@ -491,6 +481,8 @@ class TestVifibSlapAllocationScope(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): SlapLogout LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic CheckSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition CheckRequestedSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition Logout @@ -538,7 +530,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapAllocationScope(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): # now this computer patrition request new one SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance - RequestComputerPartitionNotFoundResponse + RequestComputerPartition SlapLogout """ sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) @@ -620,7 +612,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapAllocationScope(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): # now this computer patrition request new one SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance - RequestComputerPartitionNotFoundResponse + RequestComputerPartition SlapLogout # now vifib_admin computer partition request new one and suceeds @@ -634,6 +626,8 @@ class TestVifibSlapAllocationScope(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): SlapLogout LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic CheckSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition CheckRequestedSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition Logout @@ -681,7 +675,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapAllocationScope(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): # now this computer patrition request new one SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance - RequestComputerPartitionNotFoundResponse + RequestComputerPartition SlapLogout """ sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) @@ -721,7 +715,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapAllocationScope(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): # now this computer patrition request new one SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance - RequestComputerPartitionNotFoundResponse + RequestComputerPartition SlapLogout """ sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapBang.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapBang.py index fde9c43f5b98b1eabb8fb798e2c19e6f8ee95577..03f7287b95dcebd71abaf3eb5fa9611e5a846138 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapBang.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapBang.py @@ -25,18 +25,22 @@ class TestVifibSlapBang(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): root_software_instance.requestSoftwareInstance(partition_reference=S1, **common_kw) self.stepTic() + self.stepConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense() + self.stepTic() S1_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( portal_type='Software Instance', title=S1) - S1_instance.requestSoftwareInstance(partition_reference=S2, **common_kw) self.stepTic() S1_instance.requestSoftwareInstance(partition_reference=S3, **common_kw) + self.stepConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense() self.stepTic() root_software_instance.requestSoftwareInstance(partition_reference=S4, **common_kw) self.stepTic() + self.stepConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense() + self.stepTic() S2_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( portal_type='Software Instance', title=S2) @@ -141,7 +145,6 @@ class TestVifibSlapBang(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): LoginDefaultUser FinishSoftwareInstanceTree Logout - SlapLoginCurrentComputer CheckEmptyComputerGetComputerPartitionCall SlapLogout @@ -266,6 +269,24 @@ class TestVifibSlapBang(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) + def test_bang_computer_simple_tree(self): + """Checks that bangs works on simple tree""" + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_started_computer_partition_sequence_string + \ + """ + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + CheckEmptyComputerGetComputerPartitionCall + ComputerBang + Tic + SlapLogout + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + CheckSuccessComputerGetComputerPartitionCall + SlapLogout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + # Computer owner cannot do bang yet @expectedFailure def test_admin_bang_computer_complex_tree(self): @@ -314,6 +335,362 @@ class TestVifibSlapBang(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) + def stepStoreComputerCoordinatesAsC1(self, sequence, **kw): + sequence.edit( + computer_uid_c1=sequence['computer_uid'], + computer_reference_c1=sequence['computer_reference'], + ) + + def stepRestoreComputerC1Coordinates(self, sequence, **kw): + sequence.edit( + computer_uid=sequence['computer_uid_c1'], + computer_reference=sequence['computer_reference_c1'], + ) + + def stepStoreComputerCoordinatesAsC0(self, sequence, **kw): + sequence.edit( + computer_uid_c0=sequence['computer_uid'], + computer_reference_c0=sequence['computer_reference'], + ) + + def stepFinishSoftwareInstanceSpannedTree(self, sequence, **kw): + self.stepLoginDefaultUser() + rand = str(random()) + S1 = 'S1' + rand + S2 = 'S2' + rand + S3 = 'S3' + rand + root_software_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['software_instance_uid']) + common_kw = dict( + software_release=sequence['software_release_uri'], + software_type='any', instance_xml=self.minimal_correct_xml, + state='stopped') + self.logout() + self.login(sequence['software_instance_reference']) + root_software_instance.requestSoftwareInstance( + partition_reference=S1, + sla_xml="""<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> + <instance> + <parameter id="computer_guid">%s</parameter> + </instance>""" % sequence['computer_reference_c1'], + **common_kw) + self.stepTic() + self.stepConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense() + self.stepTic() + self.logout() + + self.stepLoginDefaultUser() + S1_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + portal_type='Software Instance', title=S1) + S1_reference = S1_instance.getReference() + self.logout() + self.login(S1_reference) + S1_instance.requestSoftwareInstance( + partition_reference=S2, + sla_xml="""<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> + <instance> + <parameter id="computer_guid">%s</parameter> + </instance>""" % sequence['computer_reference_c0'], + **common_kw) + self.stepTic() + self.stepConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense() + self.stepTic() + self.logout() + + self.stepLoginDefaultUser() + S2_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + portal_type='Software Instance', title=S2) + S2_reference = S2_instance.getReference() + self.logout() + + self.login(S2_reference) + S2_instance.requestSoftwareInstance( + partition_reference=S3, + sla_xml="""<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> + <instance> + <parameter id="computer_guid">%s</parameter> + </instance>""" % sequence['computer_reference_c1'], + **common_kw) + self.stepTic() + self.logout() + + self.stepLoginDefaultUser() + self.stepConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense() + self.stepTic() + S3_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + portal_type='Software Instance', title=S3) + S3_reference = S3_instance.getReference() + self.logout() + + self.login(S1_reference) + S1_instance.stopComputerPartitionInstallation() + self.stepTic() + self.logout() + + self.login(S2_reference) + S2_instance.stopComputerPartitionInstallation() + self.stepTic() + self.logout() + + self.login(S3_reference) + S3_instance.stopComputerPartitionInstallation() + self.stepTic() + self.logout() + + self.stepLoginDefaultUser() + sequence.edit( + S0_uid = sequence['software_instance_uid'], + S1_uid = S1_instance.getUid(), + S2_uid = S2_instance.getUid(), + S3_uid = S3_instance.getUid(), + ) + self.logout() + + def test_computer_bang_tree_with_other_computer(self): + """Check that bang works on complex tree spanned on many computers + + For tree like this: + + S0 + \ + S1 + \ + S2 + + Where S0 and S2 are on C0 and S1 is on C1 and both are non public it shall + work. + """ + self.computer_partition_amount = 2 + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_published_software_release + \ + """ + # prepare first computer + LoginTestVifibCustomer + CustomerRegisterNewComputer + Tic + SetComputerCoordinatesFromComputerTitle + StoreComputerCoordinatesAsC1 + ComputerSetAllocationScopeOpenPersonal + Tic + CheckComputerTradeConditionDestinationSectionTestVifibCustomer + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + FormatComputer + Tic + SlapLogout + LoginTestVifibCustomer + RequestSoftwareInstallation + Tic + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + ComputerSoftwareReleaseAvailable + Tic + SlapLogout + + # prepare second computer + LoginTestVifibCustomer + CustomerRegisterNewComputer + Tic + SetComputerCoordinatesFromComputerTitle + StoreComputerCoordinatesAsC0 + ComputerSetAllocationScopeOpenPersonal + Tic + CheckComputerTradeConditionDestinationSectionTestVifibCustomer + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + FormatComputer + Tic + SlapLogout + LoginTestVifibCustomer + RequestSoftwareInstallation + Tic + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + ComputerSoftwareReleaseAvailable + Tic + SlapLogout + + # Request S0 + LoginTestVifibCustomer + PersonRequestSoftwareInstance + Tic + Logout + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + SetSelectedComputerPartition + SelectCurrentlyUsedSalePackingListUid + Logout + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceBuilding + Tic + SlapLogout + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListStarted + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceAvailable + Tic + SlapLogout + LoginDefaultUser + SetSelectedComputerPartition + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListStopped + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceHostingSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + LoginTestVifibCustomer + RequestSoftwareInstanceStart + Tic + Logout + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceHostingSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceStarted + Tic + SlapLogout + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceHostingSalePackingListStarted + Logout + + FinishSoftwareInstanceSpannedTree + + Tic + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + CheckEmptyComputerGetComputerPartitionCall + ComputerBang + Tic + SlapLogout + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + CheckSuccessComputerGetComputerPartitionCall + SlapLogout + + RestoreComputerC1Coordinates + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + CheckSuccessComputerGetComputerPartitionCall + SlapLogout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def stepCheckComputerPartitionNoInstanceUpdateSalePackingList(self, + sequence, **kw): + self._checkComputerPartitionNoSalePackingList( + self.portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceUpdateResource(), + sequence) + + def test_computer_bang_not_called_on_destroying_destroyed(self): + """Check that bang is ignoring destruction in progress and + destroyed computer partitions""" + self.computer_partition_amount = 1 + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_destroy_requested_computer_partition + \ + """ + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + CheckSuccessComputerGetComputerPartitionCall + ComputerBang + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionNoInstanceUpdateSalePackingList + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceDestroyed + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListDelivered + CheckComputerPartitionIsFree + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + CheckEmptyComputerGetComputerPartitionCall + ComputerBang + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionNoInstanceUpdateSalePackingList + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def stepFinishSoftwareInstancePartlyDestroyedTree(self, sequence, **kw): + self.stepLoginDefaultUser() + rand = str(random()) + S1 = 'S1' + rand + root_software_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['software_instance_uid']) + common_kw = dict( + software_release=sequence['software_release_uri'], + software_type='any', instance_xml=self.minimal_correct_xml, + sla_xml=self.minimal_correct_xml, state='stopped') + self.logout() + + self.login(sequence['software_instance_reference']) + root_software_instance.requestSoftwareInstance( + partition_reference=S1, + **common_kw) + self.stepTic() + self.stepConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense() + self.stepTic() + self.logout() + + self.stepLoginDefaultUser() + S1_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + portal_type='Software Instance', title=S1) + S1_reference = S1_instance.getReference() + self.logout() + + self.login(S1_reference) + S1_instance.stopComputerPartitionInstallation() + self.logout() + + self.login(sequence['software_instance_reference']) + root_software_instance.requestDestroyComputerPartition() + self.stepTic() + self.logout() + + self.login(sequence['computer_reference']) + root_software_instance.destroyComputerPartition() + self.stepTic() + self.logout() + + self.stepLoginDefaultUser() + sequence.edit( + S0_uid = sequence['software_instance_uid'], + S1_uid = S1_instance.getUid(), + ) + self.logout() + + def test_computer_bang_not_called_on_partly_destroyed_tree(self): + """Check that bang is ignoring partitions on partly destroyed tree""" + self.computer_partition_amount = 2 + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_started_computer_partition_sequence_string + \ + """ + FinishSoftwareInstancePartlyDestroyedTree + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + CheckEmptyComputerGetComputerPartitionCall + ComputerBang + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionNoInstanceUpdateSalePackingList + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestVifibSlapBang)) diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapBug.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapBug.py index 6c83b442e3fb3f3eb07db468b02a9fceb750eb48..953214df41fcfafefd814fd85db7b74ae19e3a49 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapBug.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapBug.py @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import SequenceList import unittest from testVifibSlapWebService import TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin +import random class TestVifibSlapBug(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): def test_bug_Person_request_more_then_one_instance(self): @@ -348,7 +349,10 @@ class TestVifibSlapBug(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): RequestComputerPartition Tic CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense Tic + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance RequestComputerPartition Tic SlapLogout @@ -737,7 +741,11 @@ class TestVifibSlapBug(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): RequestComputerPartition Tic CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense Tic + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance RequestComputerPartition Tic SlapLogout @@ -763,6 +771,11 @@ class TestVifibSlapBug(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): RequestComputerPartition Tic CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance Tic RequestComputerPartition Tic @@ -887,7 +900,11 @@ class TestVifibSlapBug(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): RequestComputerPartition Tic CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense Tic + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance RequestComputerPartition Tic SlapLogout @@ -913,7 +930,11 @@ class TestVifibSlapBug(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): RequestComputerPartition Tic CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense Tic + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance RequestComputerPartition Tic SlapLogout @@ -1047,7 +1068,11 @@ class TestVifibSlapBug(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): RequestComputerPartition Tic CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense Tic + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance RequestComputerPartition Tic SlapLogout @@ -1076,6 +1101,347 @@ class TestVifibSlapBug(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) + def stepSetRequestedStateStarted(self, sequence, **kw): + sequence['requested_state'] = 'started' + + def stepSetRequestedStateStopped(self, sequence, **kw): + sequence['requested_state'] = 'stopped' + + def stepSetRequestedReferenceRandom(self, sequence, **kw): + sequence['requested_reference'] = str(random.random()) + + def test_request_start_non_instantiated_partition(self): + """Prove that requesting start of non instantiated partition will not + result in any error""" + self.computer_partition_amount = 0 + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_published_software_release + \ + self.prepare_formated_computer + """ + LoginTestVifibAdmin + RequestSoftwareInstallation + Tic + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + ComputerSoftwareReleaseAvailable + Tic + SlapLogout + + SlapLoginTestVifibCustomer + SetRequestedStateStarted + SetRequestedReferenceRandom + PersonRequestSlapSoftwareInstance + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + SetCurrentPersonSlapRequestedSoftwareInstance + SoftwareInstanceSaleOrderConfirmRaisesValueError + Logout + + SlapLoginTestVifibCustomer + PersonRequestSlapSoftwareInstance + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + SoftwareInstanceSaleOrderConfirmRaisesValueError + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def test_request_new_with_destroyed_reference(self): + """Prove that having destroyed SI allows to request new one with same + reference""" + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_published_software_release + \ + self.prepare_formated_computer + """ + SetRequestedStateStopped + + LoginTestVifibAdmin + RequestSoftwareInstallation + Tic + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + ComputerSoftwareReleaseAvailable + Tic + SlapLogout + + SetRandomRequestedReference + SlapLoginTestVifibCustomer + PersonRequestSlapSoftwareInstancePrepare + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + Logout + + SlapLoginTestVifibCustomer + PersonRequestSlapSoftwareInstance + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + SetCurrentPersonSlapRequestedSoftwareInstance + CheckPersonRequestedSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition + SetSelectedComputerPartition + SetRequestedComputerPartition + CheckComputerPartitionNoInstanceHostingSalePackingList + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + + LoginTestVifibCustomer + RequestSoftwareInstanceDestroy + Tic + Logout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceDestroyed + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListDelivered + CheckComputerPartitionIsFree + Logout + + SlapLoginTestVifibCustomer + PersonRequestSlapSoftwareInstancePrepare + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + Logout + + SlapLoginTestVifibCustomer + PersonRequestSlapSoftwareInstance + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + SetCurrentPersonSlapRequestedSoftwareInstance + CheckPersonRequestedSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition + SetSelectedComputerPartition + SetRequestedComputerPartition + CheckComputerPartitionNoInstanceHostingSalePackingList + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def stepSetSoftwareTitleRandom(self, sequence, **kw): + sequence['software_title'] = str(random.random()) + + def test_request_new_with_destroyed_reference_web_ui(self): + """Prove that having destroyed SI allows to request new one with same + reference + + Supports web UI case. + """ + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = "SetSoftwareTitleRandom" + \ + self.prepare_destroyed_computer_partition + \ + """ + + LoginTestVifibCustomer + PersonRequestSoftwareInstance + Tic + Logout + + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + SetSelectedComputerPartition + SelectCurrentlyUsedSalePackingListUid + Logout + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def stepCheckComputerPartitionInTable(self, sequence, **kw): + self.assertEqual( + 1, + self.portal.erp5_sql_connection.manage_test( + 'select count(*) from computer_partition where uid=%s' % + sequence['computer_partition_uid'])[0][0] + ) + + def stepCheckComputerPartitionNotInTable(self, sequence, **kw): + self.assertEqual( + 0, + self.portal.erp5_sql_connection.manage_test( + 'select count(*) from computer_partition where uid=%s' % + sequence['computer_partition_uid'])[0][0] + ) + + def test_catalog_after_destruction(self): + """Test that computer partition if correctly catalogged after destruction""" + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_installed_computer_partition_sequence_string + \ + """ + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInTable + Logout + + LoginTestVifibCustomer + RequestSoftwareInstanceDestroy + Tic + Logout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionNotInTable + Logout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceDestroyed + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInTable + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListDelivered + CheckComputerPartitionIsFree + Logout + + LoginTestVifibCustomer + PersonRequestSoftwareInstance + Tic + Logout + + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + SetSelectedComputerPartition + SelectCurrentlyUsedSalePackingListUid + Logout + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInTable + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def stepSetSoftwareInstanceUidToCurrentSlave(self, sequence, **kw): + computer_partition = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue(uid=sequence[ + 'computer_partition_uid']) + instance_setup_packing_list = computer_partition\ + .Item_getInstancePackingListLine() + slave_instance = instance_setup_packing_list.getAggregateValue( + portal_type='Slave Instance') + sequence['software_instance_uid'] = slave_instance.getUid() + + def test_catalog_slave_destruction(self): + """Test that computer partition if correctly catalogged with slave destruction""" + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_started_computer_partition_sequence_string + \ + """ + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInTable + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance + SelectEmptyRequestedParameterDict + SetRandomRequestedReference + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + Tic + CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict + Tic + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + Tic + SlapLogout + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance + SoftwareInstanceAvailable + Tic + SoftwareInstanceStarted + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInTable + SetSoftwareInstanceUidToCurrentSlave + Logout + + LoginTestVifibCustomer + RequestSoftwareInstanceDestroy + Tic + Logout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInTable + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def stepMarkBusyComputerPartition(self, sequence, **kw): + computer_partition = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['computer_partition_uid']) + computer_partition.markBusy() + + def stepUpdateLocalRolesOnComputerPartition(self, sequence, **kw): + computer_partition = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['computer_partition_uid']) + computer_partition.updateLocalRolesOnSecurityGroups() + + def stepCheckNoHostingSubscriptionComputerPartitionLocalRoles(self, sequence, + **kw): + computer_partition = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['computer_partition_uid']) + hosting_subscription = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['hosting_subscription_uid']) + self.assertTrue(hosting_subscription.getReference() not in \ + computer_partition.__ac_local_roles__) + + def test_hosting_subscription_security_on_partition_with_destroyed(self): + """Checks that history of Computer Partition does not impacts its security + configuration""" + + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_destroyed_computer_partition + \ + """ + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListDelivered + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceHostingSalePackingListDelivered + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListDelivered + + # Marked busy in order to simulate previous wrong behaviour + MarkBusyComputerPartition + Tic + + UpdateLocalRolesOnComputerPartition + Tic + + # All related packing lists are delivered, so no local roles for + # Hosting Subscription shall be defined + CheckNoHostingSubscriptionComputerPartitionLocalRoles + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestVifibSlapBug)) diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerGetComputerPartitionList.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerGetComputerPartitionList.py index 9ad742d0092638e38e3498e64c8d64349d19eb20..8c41f14437c38f66a3500c16d934cbcbe249eefd 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerGetComputerPartitionList.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerGetComputerPartitionList.py @@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerGetComputerPartitionList(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin SlapLogout \ \ LoginTestVifibCustomer \ - RequestSlaveInstanceStop \ + RequestSoftwareInstanceStop \ Tic \ Logout \ \ @@ -589,6 +589,68 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerGetComputerPartitionList(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) + def stepSetSoftwareInstanceValidConnectionXML(self, sequence, **kw): + software_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['software_instance_uid']) + software_instance.edit(connection_xml="") + + def stepDamageSoftwareInstanceSlaXml(self, sequence, **kw): + software_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['software_instance_uid']) + software_instance.edit(sla_xml=""" + DAMAGED<BAD?xml XMLversion="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>""") + + def stepDamageSoftwareInstanceConnectionXml(self, sequence, **kw): + software_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['software_instance_uid']) + software_instance.edit(connection_xml=""" + DAMAGED<BAD?xml XMLversion="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>""") + + def stepDamageSoftwareInstanceXml(self, sequence, **kw): + software_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['software_instance_uid']) + software_instance.edit(text_content=""" + DAMAGED<BAD?xml XMLversion="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>""") + + def test_Computer_getComputerPartitionList_damaged_xml(self): + """Check that getComputerPartitionList works in case of damaged XML on instance.""" + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self\ + .prepare_install_requested_computer_partition_sequence_string + """ + LoginDefaultUser + DamageSoftwareInstanceXml + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + CheckSuccessComputerGetComputerPartitionCall + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + SetSoftwareInstanceValidXML + DamageSoftwareInstanceConnectionXml + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + CheckSuccessComputerGetComputerPartitionCall + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + SetSoftwareInstanceValidConnectionXML + DamageSoftwareInstanceSlaXml + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + CheckSuccessComputerGetComputerPartitionCall + Tic + SlapLogout + + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestVifibSlapComputerGetComputerPartitionList)) diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest.py index b567f621a2eef8565cb249d3b5d87fb9018b3d13..d9031afb0f2e63d2473209fc91a1059a97f0ac1a 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest.py @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): sequence_list = SequenceList() sequence_string = self.prepare_install_requested_computer_partition_sequence_string + '\ SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance \ - RequestComputerPartitionNotFoundResponse \ + RequestComputerPartition \ SlapLogout \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) @@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): SlapLogout \ \ LoginDefaultUser \ + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense \ + Tic \ CheckSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition \ CheckRequestedSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition \ Logout \ @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): SlapLogout \ \ LoginDefaultUser \ + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense \ + Tic \ CheckSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition \ CheckRequestedSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition \ Logout \ @@ -146,8 +150,9 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict \ Tic \ SlapLogout \ - \ LoginDefaultUser \ + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense \ + Tic \ CheckSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition \ CheckRequestedSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition \ Logout \ @@ -209,8 +214,9 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict \ Tic \ SlapLogout \ - \ LoginDefaultUser \ + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense \ + Tic \ CheckSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition \ CheckRequestedSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition \ Logout \ @@ -220,7 +226,9 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): Tic \ CheckRequestedComputerPartitionCleanParameterList \ SlapLogout \ - \ + LoginDefaultUser \ + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense \ + Tic \ LoginDefaultUser \ SetCurrentSoftwareInstanceRequested \ SetSelectedComputerPartition \ @@ -429,6 +437,8 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): SlapLogout \ \ LoginDefaultUser \ + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense \ + Tic \ CheckSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition \ CheckRequestedSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition \ Logout \ @@ -458,8 +468,9 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict \ Tic \ SlapLogout \ - \ LoginDefaultUser \ + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense \ + Tic \ CheckSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition \ CheckRequestedSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition \ Logout \ @@ -528,7 +539,10 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): RequestComputerPartition Tic CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense Tic + Logout RequestComputerPartition Tic SlapLogout @@ -558,7 +572,10 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): RequestComputerPartition Tic CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense Tic + Logout RequestComputerPartition Tic SlapLogout @@ -573,6 +590,96 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) + def test_ComputerPartition_request_SlaveInstance_twiceDifferentParent(self): + """ + Checks that requesting a Slave Instance twice with same arguments from + different Computer Partition will return same object. + + This test is reproducing scenario: + + Master + / \ + ChildrenA ChildrenB + \ + SlaveInstanceRequestTwice + + Then ChildrenB requests SlaveInstanceRequestedTwice, so graph changes to: + + Master + / \ + ChildrenA ChildrenB + / + SlaveInstanceRequestedTwice + """ + self.computer_partition_amount = 3 + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_children_a_children_b_sequence_string + """ + # Generate first part of graph + # Master + # / \ + # ChildrenA ChildrenB + # \ + # SlaveInstanceRequestedTwice + + LoginDefaultUser + SetSoftwareInstanceChildrenA + SelectRequestedReference + SelectEmptyRequestedParameterDict + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + Tic + CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + Logout + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + SetRequestedComputerPartition + CheckComputerPartitionChildrenA + CheckComputerPartitionChildrenBNoChild + Logout + + # Generate second part of graph + # Master + # / \ + # ChildrenA ChildrenB + # / + # SlaveInstanceRequestedTwice + + LoginDefaultUser + SetRequestedComputerPartition + SetSoftwareInstanceChildrenB + SelectRequestedReference + SelectEmptyRequestedParameterDict + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + Tic + CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + Logout + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + SetRequestedComputerPartition + CheckComputerPartitionChildrenANoChild + CheckComputerPartitionChildrenB + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + # Marked as expectedFailure as implementation is not ready yet @expectedFailure def test_ComputerPartition_request_twiceDifferentParentWithoutTic(self): @@ -645,7 +752,11 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): RequestComputerPartition Tic CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense Tic + Logout + RequestComputerPartition Tic SlapLogout @@ -663,7 +774,10 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): RequestComputerPartition Tic CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense Tic + Logout RequestComputerPartition Tic SlapLogout @@ -748,12 +862,16 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): self.computer_partition_amount = 2 sequence_list = SequenceList() sequence_string = self.prepare_install_requested_computer_partition_sequence_string + '\ - LoginDefaultUser \ + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance \ SelectRequestedReferenceChildrenA \ SelectEmptyRequestedParameterDict \ - RequestComputerComputerPartitionCheckSerializeCalledOnSelected \ + RequestComputerPartition \ SlapLogout \ + LoginDefaultUser \ + ConfirmSaleOrderOrderedToCheckSerializeCalledOnSelected \ + Logout \ ' + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) @@ -786,7 +904,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): \ SelectYetAnotherRequestedReference \ SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance \ - RequestComputerPartitionNotFoundResponse \ + RequestComputerPartition \ Tic \ SlapLogout \ ' @@ -933,9 +1051,18 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance SelectEmptyRequestedParameterDict SelectRequestedReference - RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartitionNotFoundError + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition Tic - RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartitionNotFoundError + LoginDefaultUser + SelectSlaveInstanceFromSaleOrderOrdered + SoftwareInstanceSaleOrderConfirmRaisesValueError + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListConfirmed + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListStopped + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceHostingSalePackingListConfirmed + SetDeliveryLineAmountEqualZero + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListConfirmed """ sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) @@ -1034,26 +1161,151 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): SelectAnotherRequestedReference \ SelectEmptyRequestedParameterDict \ SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance \ - RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartitionNotFoundError \ + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition \ Tic \ SlapLogout \ - \ + LoginDefaultUser \ + SelectSlaveInstanceFromSaleOrderOrdered \ + SoftwareInstanceSaleOrderConfirmRaisesValueError \ + Tic \ + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListConfirmed \ + Logout \ SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance \ SetRequestedFilterParameterDict \ RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition \ Tic \ SlapLogout \ + LoginDefaultUser \ + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense \ + Tic \ + SetDeliveryLineAmountEqualTwo \ + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListConfirmed \ + Logout \ \ SetRequestedWrongFilterParameterDict \ SelectYetAnotherRequestedReference \ SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance \ - RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartitionNotFoundError \ + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition \ Tic \ SlapLogout \ + LoginDefaultUser \ + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense \ + Tic \ + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListConfirmed \ + Logout \ ' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) + def stepCheckConnectionXmlOfSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition(self, sequence): + computer_reference = sequence["computer_reference"] + computer_partition_reference = sequence["computer_partition_reference"] + slave_reference = sequence["requested_reference"] + slave_software_release = sequence["software_release_uri"] + slave_software_type = sequence["requested_software_type"] + self.slap = slap.slap() + self.slap.initializeConnection(self.server_url, timeout=None) + # Get Computer Partition + computer_partition = self.slap.registerComputerPartition( + computer_reference, computer_partition_reference) + # Get slave + slave_instance = computer_partition.request( + software_release=slave_software_release, + software_type=slave_software_type, + partition_reference=slave_reference, + shared=True, + ) + self.assertTrue(sequence["slave_instance_site_url"] == \ + slave_instance.getConnectionParameter("site_url")) + + def test_SlaveInstance_request_SlaveInstance_From_SoftwareInstance(self): + """ + Check that existing Software Instance can request new Slave Instance + and access to its parameters. + + Scenario : + All Software Instances use the same SoftwareRelease. + SoftwareType requested_software_type can act as master instance, slave + instance. + SoftwareType another_requested_software_type can act as Software Instance + requesting a Slave Instance of SoftwareType requested_software_type. + 1/ Request instance "Master Instance" with SoftwareType + requested_software_type. + 2/ Simulate succesful deployment of instance + 3/ Request instance "Normal instance" with SoftwareType + another_requested_software_type. + 4/ From "Normal Instance", request a Slave Instance with SoftwareType + requested_software_type. + 5/ From "Master Instance", try to set connection XML of Slave Instance + 5/ Check that "Normal Instance" can access connection XML of Slave + Instance. + """ + self.computer_partition_amount = 2 + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = \ + self.prepare_install_requested_computer_partition_sequence_string + '\ + Tic \ + SlapLoginCurrentComputer \ + SoftwareInstanceAvailable \ + Tic \ + CheckEmptySlaveInstanceListFromOneComputerPartition \ + \ + SelectAnotherRequestedSoftwareType \ + SelectAnotherRequestedReference \ + SlapLoginTestVifibCustomer \ + PersonRequestSlapSoftwareInstancePrepare \ + Tic \ + SlapLogout \ + LoginDefaultUser \ + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense \ + Tic \ + Logout \ + SlapLoginTestVifibCustomer \ + PersonRequestSlapSoftwareInstance \ + Tic \ + SlapLogout \ + LoginDefaultUser \ + SetRequestedComputerPartition \ + SetRequestedComputerPartitionAsCurrentComputerPartition \ + SlapLogout \ + Tic \ + SlapLoginCurrentComputer \ + SoftwareInstanceAvailable \ + Tic \ + \ + LoginDefaultUser \ + SetCurrentComputerPartitionFromRequestedComputerPartition \ + SelectSoftwareInstanceFromCurrentComputerPartition \ + Logout \ + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance \ + SelectRequestedParameterDictRequestedParameter \ + SelectYetAnotherRequestedReference \ + SelectRequestedSoftwaretype \ + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition \ + Tic \ + LoginDefaultUser \ + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense \ + Tic \ + Logout \ + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition \ + Tic \ + SlapLogout \ + LoginDefaultUser \ + SetComputerPartitionFromRootSoftwareInstance \ + SelectSlaveInstanceFromOneComputerPartition \ + SlapLoginSoftwareInstanceFromCurrentSoftwareInstance \ + SetConnectionXmlToSlaveInstance \ + SlapLogout \ + LoginDefaultUser \ + SetRequestedComputerPartitionAsCurrentComputerPartition \ + SelectSoftwareInstanceFromCurrentComputerPartition \ + Logout \ + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance \ + CheckConnectionXmlOfSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition \ + ' + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + ################################################## # ComputerPartition.request - change software type ################################################## @@ -1062,6 +1314,13 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): **kw): sequence.edit(requested_software_type="FirstSoftwareType") + def stepSelectSlaveInstanceFromSaleOrderOrdered(self, sequence): + order_line = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + portal_type="Sale Order Line", simulation_state="ordered") + slave_instance_uid = order_line.getAggregateValue( + portal_type="Slave Instance").getUid() + sequence.edit(software_instance_uid=slave_instance_uid) + def stepRequestComputerPartitionWithAnotherSoftwareType(self, sequence, **kw): self.slap = slap.slap() self.slap.initializeConnection(self.server_url, timeout=None) @@ -1076,7 +1335,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): filter_kw=sequence.get('requested_filter_dict', {}), state=sequence.get('instance_state')) - requested_slap_computer_partition = slap_computer_partition.request(**kw) + slap_computer_partition.request(**kw) def stepCheckRequestComputerPartitionWithAnotherSoftwareType( self, sequence, **kw): @@ -1117,12 +1376,20 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): SetFirstSoftwareType \ RequestComputerPartition \ Tic \ + LoginDefaultUser \ + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense \ + Tic \ + Logout \ RequestComputerPartition \ Tic \ RequestComputerPartitionWithAnotherSoftwareType \ Tic \ RequestComputerPartitionWithAnotherSoftwareType \ Tic \ + LoginDefaultUser \ + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense \ + Tic \ + Logout \ CheckRequestComputerPartitionWithAnotherSoftwareType \ Tic \ SlapLogout \ diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerPartitionStopped.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerPartitionStopped.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1fdfbea4915bd01f051198c2cf4bf7cf61b88459 --- /dev/null +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerPartitionStopped.py @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import SequenceList +import unittest +from testVifibSlapWebService import TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin + +class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionStopped(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): + def test_ComputerPartition_stopped(self): + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self\ + .prepare_stopped_computer_partition_sequence_string + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def test_ComputerPartition_stopped_destroy_requested(self): + """Checks that stopped does not raise in case if destroy was requested""" + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self\ + .prepare_stopped_computer_partition_sequence_string + """ + LoginTestVifibCustomer + RequestSoftwareInstanceDestroy + Tic + Logout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListConfirmed + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceHostingSalePackingListDelivered + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceStopped + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def test_ComputerPartition_stopped_destroy_requested_started(self): + """Checks that stopped does not raise in case if destroy was requested + on started one""" + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self\ + .prepare_started_computer_partition_sequence_string + """ + LoginTestVifibCustomer + RequestSoftwareInstanceDestroy + Tic + Logout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceStopped + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + +def test_suite(): + suite = unittest.TestSuite() + suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionStopped)) + return suite diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerPartitionUpdate.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerPartitionUpdate.py index b9d09f4f149966c7834cf7c51717fcff3784136e..0f6444e2b0170cc30de6ca161c0528880d95452f 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerPartitionUpdate.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapComputerPartitionUpdate.py @@ -10,12 +10,6 @@ class TestVifibSlapComputerPartitionUpdate(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( uid=sequence['software_instance_uid']).requestUpdateComputerPartition() - def stepCheckComputerPartitionInstanceUpdateSalePackingListConfirmed(self, - sequence, **kw): - self._checkComputerPartitionSalePackingListState('confirmed', - self.portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceUpdateResource(), - sequence) - def stepCheckComputerPartitionInstanceUpdateSalePackingListDelivered(self, sequence, **kw): self._checkComputerPartitionSalePackingListState('delivered', diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapOpenOrderRequest.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapOpenOrderRequest.py index 997f6d030a81409871a9dcbd63ead3c3943d3e55..a5ab9f58add2e7e03502b7ca1905c9a4e035d9d6 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapOpenOrderRequest.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapOpenOrderRequest.py @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import SequenceList -from Products.ERP5Type.tests.backportUnittest import expectedFailure import unittest from testVifibSlapWebService import TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin from slapos import slap @@ -9,71 +8,6 @@ class TestVifibSlapOpenOrderRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): # OpenOrder.request ######################################## - def stepPersonRequestSlapSoftwareInstancePrepare(self, sequence, - **kw): - software_release = sequence['software_release_uri'] - self.slap = slap.slap() - self.slap.initializeConnection(self.server_url, timeout=None) - open_order = self.slap.registerOpenOrder() - open_order.request( - software_release=software_release, - software_type=sequence.get('software_type', 'software_type'), - partition_reference=sequence.get('requested_reference', - 'requested_reference'), - partition_parameter_kw=sequence.get('requested_parameter_dict', {}), - filter_kw=sequence.get('requested_filter_dict', {}) - ) - - def stepPersonRequestSlapSoftwareInstance(self, sequence, **kw): - software_release = sequence['software_release_uri'] - self.slap = slap.slap() - self.slap.initializeConnection(self.server_url, timeout=None) - open_order = self.slap.registerOpenOrder() - requested_slap_computer_partition = open_order.request( - software_release=software_release, - software_type=sequence.get('software_type', 'software_type'), - partition_reference=sequence['requested_reference'], - partition_parameter_kw=sequence.get('requested_parameter_dict', {}), - filter_kw=sequence.get('requested_filter_dict', {})) - sequence.edit( - requested_slap_computer_partition=requested_slap_computer_partition, - requested_computer_partition_reference=\ - requested_slap_computer_partition.getId()) - - def stepSetCurrentPersonSlapRequestedSoftwareInstance(self, sequence, **kw): - software_instance_list = self.portal.portal_catalog( - portal_type=self.software_instance_portal_type, - title=sequence['requested_reference']) - self.assertEqual(1, len(software_instance_list)) - software_instance = software_instance_list[0] - sequence.edit( - software_instance_uid=software_instance.getUid(), - software_instance_reference=software_instance.getReference(), - hosting_subscription_uid=software_instance.getAggregateRelatedValue( - portal_type='Sale Order Line').getAggregateValue( - portal_type='Hosting Subscription').getUid()) - - def stepSoftwareInstanceSaleOrderConfirmRaisesValueError(self, sequence, - **kw): - """Checks that current software instance is realted only with sale order - - and that this sale order cannot be confirmed - - In Vifib implementation sale order which cannot find free computer partition - raises ValueError""" - software_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( - uid=sequence['software_instance_uid']) - - aggregate_value_list = software_instance.getAggregateRelatedValueList(portal_type=[self.sale_packing_list_line_portal_type, self.sale_order_line_portal_type]) - - self.assertEqual(1, len(aggregate_value_list)) - self.assertTrue(self.sale_order_line_portal_type in [q.getPortalType() for\ - q in aggregate_value_list]) - sale_order_line = aggregate_value_list[0] - sale_order = sale_order_line.getParentValue() - - self.assertRaises(ValueError, sale_order.confirm) - def test_person_request_ComputerPartition_filter_computer_guid(self): """Check that requesting with computer_guid in filter_kw works as expected in case of person request""" @@ -196,7 +130,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapOpenOrderRequest(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): self.slap = slap.slap() self.slap.initializeConnection(self.server_url, timeout=None) open_order = self.slap.registerOpenOrder() - requested_slap_computer_partition = open_order.request( + open_order.request( software_release=software_release, software_type="SecondSoftwareType", partition_reference=sequence['requested_reference'], diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapWebService.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapWebService.py index 144ad4f45b877b22c17c05f1b713c7245fb3778c..cdb667e037808d53d52e4aa0ab55a9b00a9dbdaf 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapWebService.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapWebService.py @@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ # ############################################################################## from DateTime import DateTime -from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager +from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager, \ + getSecurityManager, setSecurityManager from Products.ERP5Type.Errors import UnsupportedWorkflowMethod from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import SequenceList -from Products.ERP5Type.tests.backportUnittest import expectedFailure from Products.ERP5Type.tests.backportUnittest import skip from Products.ERP5Type.tests.SecurityTestCase import AssertNoPermissionMethod, \ AssertPermissionMethod @@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ DEFAULT_INSTANCE_DICT_PARAMETER_LIST = [ 'slap_computer_id', 'slap_computer_partition_id', 'slap_partition_reference', - 'slap_server_url', 'slap_software_release_url', 'slap_software_type', "slave_instance_list" @@ -178,6 +177,132 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): ######################################## # Steps -- scenarios ######################################## + def stepCheckComputerTradeConditionDestinationSectionTestVifibCustomer( + self, sequence, **kw): + computer = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['computer_uid']) + trade_condition = computer.getAggregateRelatedValue( + portal_type='Sale Supply Line').getParentValue() + person_url = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue(portal_type='Person', + default_email_text='test_customer@example.org').getRelativeUrl() + self.assertEqual(trade_condition.getDestinationSectionList(), [person_url]) + + def stepPersonRequestSlapSoftwareInstancePrepare(self, sequence, + **kw): + software_release = sequence['software_release_uri'] + self.slap = slap.slap() + self.slap.initializeConnection(self.server_url, timeout=None) + open_order = self.slap.registerOpenOrder() + open_order.request( + software_release=software_release, + software_type=sequence.get('requested_software_type', 'software_type'), + partition_reference=sequence.get('requested_reference', + 'requested_reference'), + partition_parameter_kw=sequence.get('requested_parameter_dict', {}), + filter_kw=sequence.get('requested_filter_dict', {}), + state=sequence.get('requested_state') + ) + + def stepPersonRequestSlapSoftwareInstance(self, sequence, **kw): + software_release = sequence['software_release_uri'] + self.slap = slap.slap() + self.slap.initializeConnection(self.server_url, timeout=None) + open_order = self.slap.registerOpenOrder() + requested_slap_computer_partition = open_order.request( + software_release=software_release, + software_type=sequence.get('requested_software_type', 'software_type'), + partition_reference=sequence.get('requested_reference', + 'requested_reference'), + partition_parameter_kw=sequence.get('requested_parameter_dict', {}), + filter_kw=sequence.get('requested_filter_dict', {}), + state=sequence.get('requested_state')) + sequence.edit( + requested_slap_computer_partition=requested_slap_computer_partition, + requested_computer_partition_reference=\ + requested_slap_computer_partition.getId()) + + def stepSetCurrentComputerPartitionFromRequestedComputerPartition(self, sequence): + sequence['computer_partition_reference'] = \ + sequence["requested_computer_partition_reference"] + + def stepSelectSoftwareInstanceFromCurrentComputerPartition(self, sequence): + computer_partition_reference = sequence["computer_partition_reference"] + computer_partition = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + portal_type="Computer Partition", + reference=computer_partition_reference) + software_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + portal_type="Sale Packing List Line", + aggregate_uid=computer_partition.getUid()).getAggregateValue( + portal_type="Software Instance") + sequence.edit( + software_instance_uid=software_instance.getUid(), + software_instance_reference=software_instance.getReference(), + hosting_subscription_uid=software_instance.getAggregateRelatedValue( + portal_type='Sale Order Line').getAggregateValue( + portal_type='Hosting Subscription').getUid()) + + def stepSelectSoftwareInstanceFromCurrentSlaveInstance(self, sequence): + slave_instance_reference = sequence["software_instance_reference"] + slave_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + portal_type=self.slave_instance_portal_type, + reference=slave_instance_reference) + computer_partition = slave_instance.getAggregateRelatedValue( + portal_type="Sale Packing List Line").getAggregateValue( + portal_type="Computer Partition") + software_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + portal_type="Sale Packing List Line", + aggregate_uid=computer_partition.getUid(), + aggregatep_portal_type=self.software_instance_portal_type, + ).getAggregateValue(portal_type=self.software_instance_portal_type) + sequence.edit( + software_instance_uid=software_instance.getUid(), + software_instance_reference=software_instance.getReference()) + + def stepSetCurrentPersonSlapRequestedSoftwareInstance(self, sequence, **kw): + cleanup_resource = self.portal.portal_preferences\ + .getPreferredInstanceCleanupResource() + software_instance_list = [] + for software_instance in self.portal.portal_catalog( + portal_type=self.software_instance_portal_type, + title=sequence['requested_reference']): + # only not yet destroyed ones + try: + software_instance.Item_getInstancePackingListLine(cleanup_resource) + except ValueError: + software_instance_list.append(software_instance) + + self.assertEqual(1, len(software_instance_list)) + software_instance = software_instance_list[0] + sequence.edit( + software_instance_uid=software_instance.getUid(), + software_instance_reference=software_instance.getReference(), + hosting_subscription_uid=software_instance.getAggregateRelatedValue( + portal_type='Sale Order Line').getAggregateValue( + portal_type='Hosting Subscription').getUid()) + + def stepSoftwareInstanceSaleOrderConfirmRaisesValueError(self, sequence, + **kw): + """Checks that current software instance is realted only with sale order + + and that this sale order cannot be confirmed + + In Vifib implementation sale order which cannot find free computer partition + raises ValueError""" + software_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=sequence['software_instance_uid']) + + aggregate_value_list = software_instance.getAggregateRelatedValueList( + portal_type=[self.sale_packing_list_line_portal_type, + self.sale_order_line_portal_type]) + + self.assertEqual(1, len(aggregate_value_list)) + self.assertTrue(self.sale_order_line_portal_type in [q.getPortalType() for\ + q in aggregate_value_list]) + sale_order_line = aggregate_value_list[0] + sale_order = sale_order_line.getParentValue() + + self.assertRaises(ValueError, sale_order.confirm) + def stepCheckViewCurrentSoftwareInstance(self, sequence, **kw): software_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( uid=sequence['software_instance_uid']) @@ -244,6 +369,12 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): self.portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceCleanupResource(), sequence) + def stepCheckComputerPartitionInstanceUpdateSalePackingListConfirmed(self, + sequence, **kw): + self._checkComputerPartitionSalePackingListState('confirmed', + self.portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredInstanceUpdateResource(), + sequence) + def stepCheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListCancelled(self, sequence, **kw): self._checkComputerPartitionSalePackingListState('cancelled', @@ -374,7 +505,8 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): person = self.portal.ERP5Site_getAuthenticatedMemberPersonValue() software_release = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( uid=sequence['software_release_uid']) - software_title = self.id() + str(random()) + software_title = sequence.get('software_title', + self.id() + str(random())) if 'software_type' not in kw: kw['software_type'] = sequence.get('requested_software_type', @@ -396,9 +528,16 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): # duplication software_instance_portal_type = kw.get("instance_portal_type", self.software_instance_portal_type) - software_instance_list = self.portal.portal_catalog( + software_instance_list = [] + cleanup_resource = self.portal.portal_preferences\ + .getPreferredInstanceCleanupResource() + for software_instance in self.portal.portal_catalog( portal_type=software_instance_portal_type, - title=software_title) + title=software_title): + try: + software_instance.Item_getInstancePackingListLine(cleanup_resource) + except ValueError: + software_instance_list.append(software_instance) self.assertEqual(1, len(software_instance_list)) software_instance = software_instance_list[0] sequence.edit( @@ -409,6 +548,17 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): portal_type='Sale Order Line').getAggregateValue( portal_type='Hosting Subscription').getUid()) + def stepSetComputerPartitionFromRootSoftwareInstance(self, sequence): + computer_partition = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + title=sequence['root_software_instance_title'], + portal_type="Software Instance").getAggregateRelatedValue( + portal_type="Sale Packing List Line").getAggregateValue( + portal_type="Computer Partition") + sequence.edit( + computer_partition_uid=computer_partition.getUid(), + computer_partition_reference=computer_partition.getReference() + ) + def stepSetSelectedComputerPartition(self, sequence, **kw): """Sets in sequence computer partition parameters related to current software instance""" @@ -685,7 +835,13 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): computer_partition.building() def stepConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense(self, **kw): - self.portal.portal_alarms.confirm_ordered_sale_order.activeSense() + sm = getSecurityManager() + self.login() + try: + self.portal.portal_alarms.confirm_ordered_sale_order\ + .Alarm_confirmOrderedSaleOrder() + finally: + setSecurityManager(sm) ######################################## # Steps -- REMOTE_USER logins @@ -984,7 +1140,10 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): RequestComputerPartition Tic CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict \ - Tic \ + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + Logout RequestComputerPartition \ Tic \ SlapLogout @@ -999,7 +1158,10 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): RequestComputerPartition Tic CheckRaisesNotFoundComputerPartitionParameterDict + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense Tic + Logout RequestComputerPartition Tic SlapLogout @@ -1007,7 +1169,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): LoginDefaultUser SetChildrenBComputerPartition Logout - """ + """ computer_with_software_release = """ CustomerRegisterNewComputer @@ -1316,7 +1478,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): if uri != software_release_uri: sequence.edit(software_release_uri=uri) break - self.assertNotEquals(sequence["software_release_uri"], + self.assertNotEquals(sequence["software_release_uri"], old_software_release_uri) def stepStoreSoftwareReleaseUri(self, sequence, **kw): @@ -1494,6 +1656,9 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): sequence.edit(requested_reference='requested_reference') sequence.edit(requested_software_type='requested_software_type') + def stepSelectRequestedSoftwaretype(self, sequence, **kw): + sequence.edit(requested_software_type='requested_software_type') + def stepSelectRequestedReferenceChildrenA(self, sequence, **kw): sequence.edit(requested_reference='children_a') sequence.edit(requested_software_type='children_a') @@ -1609,14 +1774,14 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): sequence['computer_reference'], sequence['computer_partition_reference']) - self.assertRaises(slap.NotFoundError, + self.assertRaises(slap.NotFoundError, slap_computer_partition.request, software_release=software_release_uri, software_type=sequence.get('requested_software_type', 'requested_software_type'), partition_reference=requested_reference, partition_parameter_kw=requested_parameter_dict, - shared=True, + shared=True, filter_kw=sequence.get('requested_filter_dict', {}), state=sequence.get('instance_state')) @@ -1632,8 +1797,13 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): software_type, software_type + str(1)) second = slap_computer_partition.request(software_release, software_type, software_type + str(2)) + self.stepLoginDefaultUser() transaction.commit() self.tic() + self.stepConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense() + transaction.commit() + self.tic() + self.stepLogout() first = slap_computer_partition.request(software_release, software_type, software_type + str(1)) second = slap_computer_partition.request(software_release, @@ -1665,28 +1835,13 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): requested_computer_partition_reference=\ requested_slap_computer_partition.getId()) - def stepRequestComputerPartitionNotFoundResponse(self, sequence, **kw): - self.slap = slap.slap() - self.slap.initializeConnection(self.server_url, timeout=None) - slap_computer_partition = self.slap.registerComputerPartition( - sequence['computer_reference'], - sequence['computer_partition_reference']) - self.assertRaises(slap.NotFoundError, slap_computer_partition.request, - software_release=sequence['software_release_uri'], - software_type=sequence.get('requested_reference', 'requested_reference'), - partition_reference=sequence.get('requested_reference', - 'requested_reference'), - partition_parameter_kw=sequence.get('requested_parameter_dict', {}), - filter_kw=sequence.get('requested_filter_dict', {}), - state=sequence.get('instance_state')) - - def stepSetSoftwareInstanceChildrenA(self, sequence, **kw): + def _stepSetSoftwareInstanceChildren(self, sequence, source_reference): software_instance_uid = sequence['root_software_instance_uid'] software_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( uid=software_instance_uid) children_software_instance = \ software_instance.portal_catalog.getResultValue( - portal_type="Software Instance", source_reference='children_a', + portal_type="Software Instance", source_reference=source_reference, root_uid=software_instance_uid) self.assertNotEqual(None, children_software_instance) self.assertNotEqual(software_instance.getRelativeUrl(), @@ -1698,31 +1853,17 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): _softwareInstance_getComputerPartition(children_software_instance ).getReference() ) + def stepSetSoftwareInstanceChildrenA(self, sequence, **kw): + self._stepSetSoftwareInstanceChildren(sequence, 'children_a') + + def stepSetSoftwareInstanceChildrenB(self, sequence, **kw): + self._stepSetSoftwareInstanceChildren(sequence, 'children_b') def stepSetRootSoftwareInstanceCurrentInstance(self, sequence, **kw): software_instance_uid = sequence['software_instance_uid'] self.assertNotEqual(None, software_instance_uid) sequence.edit(root_software_instance_uid=software_instance_uid) - def stepSetSoftwareInstanceChildrenB(self, sequence, **kw): - software_instance_uid = sequence['root_software_instance_uid'] - software_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( - uid=software_instance_uid) - children_software_instance = \ - software_instance.portal_catalog.getResultValue( - portal_type="Software Instance", source_reference='children_b', - root_uid=software_instance_uid) - self.assertNotEqual(None, children_software_instance) - self.assertNotEqual(software_instance.getRelativeUrl(), - children_software_instance.getRelativeUrl()) - sequence.edit( - software_instance_uid=children_software_instance.getUid(), - software_instance_refernece=children_software_instance.getReference(), - computer_partition_reference=self.\ - _softwareInstance_getComputerPartition(children_software_instance - ).getReference() - ) - def stepRequestComputerPartitionDifferentReferenceSameTransaction(self, sequence, **kw): software_release_uri = sequence['software_release_uri'] @@ -1849,15 +1990,8 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): finally: Base.serialize = Base.serialize_call - def stepRequestComputerComputerPartitionCheckSerializeCalledOnSelected( + def stepConfirmSaleOrderOrderedToCheckSerializeCalledOnSelected( self, sequence, **kw): - software_release_uri = sequence['software_release_uri'] - requested_reference = sequence['requested_reference'] - software_instance_uid = sequence['software_instance_uid'] - - # slap cannot be used to this test, as ERP5 itself shall raise - requester = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( - uid=software_instance_uid) # check that on being_requested serialise is being called # code stolen from testERP5Security:test_MultiplePersonReferenceConcurrentTransaction @@ -1877,15 +2011,9 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): Base.serialize = verify_serialize_call try: - self.assertRaises(DummyTestException, requester.requestSoftwareInstance, - software_release=software_release_uri, - partition_reference=requested_reference, - software_type=requested_reference, - shared=False, - filter_kw={}, - instance_xml=self.minimal_correct_xml, - sla_xml=self.minimal_correct_xml, - state=None) + sale_order_ordered = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + portal_type="Sale Order", simulation_state="ordered") + self.assertRaises(DummyTestException, sale_order_ordered.confirm) finally: Base.serialize = Base.serialize_call @@ -1917,6 +2045,11 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): sequence.edit(requested_computer_partition=self\ ._getComputerPartitionByReference(sequence)) + def stepSetRequestedComputerPartitionAsCurrentComputerPartition(self, + sequence): + sequence.edit(computer_partition_reference=\ + sequence["requested_computer_partition"].getReference()) + def stepCheckComputerPartitionChildrenANoChild(self, sequence, **kw): computer_partition = sequence['children_a_computer_partition'] self._checkComputerPartitionAndRelatedSoftwareInstance(computer_partition) @@ -2997,9 +3130,8 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): expected = { 'slap_computer_id': computer_guid, 'slap_computer_partition_id': partition_id, - 'slap_server_url': self.server_url, 'slap_software_release_url': software_release_uri, - 'slap_software_type': + 'slap_software_type': sequence.get('requested_software_type', 'requested_software_type'), 'slave_instance_list': [], @@ -3098,9 +3230,8 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): 'new_test_parameter': 'lala2', 'slap_computer_id': computer_guid, 'slap_computer_partition_id': partition_id, - 'slap_server_url': self.server_url, 'slap_software_release_url': software_release_uri, - 'slap_software_type': + 'slap_software_type': sequence.get('requested_software_type', 'requested_software_type'), 'test_parameter': 'lala', @@ -3335,9 +3466,13 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): computer_partition = computer_partition_list[0] # This Computer Partition shall have only Sale Packing List Line related - computer_partition_sale_packing_list_line_list = computer_partition\ + computer_partition_sale_packing_list_line_list = [] + for delivery_line in computer_partition\ .getAggregateRelatedValueList( - portal_type=self.sale_packing_list_line_portal_type) + portal_type=self.sale_packing_list_line_portal_type): + if sequence['software_instance_uid'] in delivery_line\ + .getAggregateUidList(): + computer_partition_sale_packing_list_line_list.append(delivery_line) self.assertEqual(1, len(computer_partition_sale_packing_list_line_list)) # There should be only one Sale Order Line @@ -3354,9 +3489,12 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): computer_partition = computer_partition_list[0] # This Computer Partition shall have only Sale Order Line related - computer_partition_sale_order_line_list = computer_partition\ + computer_partition_sale_order_line_list = [] + for order_line in computer_partition\ .getAggregateRelatedValueList( - portal_type=self.sale_order_line_portal_type) + portal_type=self.sale_order_line_portal_type): + if sequence['software_instance_uid'] in order_line.getAggregateUidList(): + computer_partition_sale_order_line_list.append(order_line) self.assertEqual(1, len(computer_partition_sale_order_line_list)) def stepCheckSoftwareInstanceAndRelatedComputerPartition(self, @@ -3559,7 +3697,8 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): def stepSelectSlaveInstanceFromOneComputerPartition(self, sequence): slave_instance = self._getSlaveInstanceFromCurrentComputerPartition(sequence) - sequence.edit(software_instance_uid=slave_instance.getUid()) + sequence.edit(software_instance_uid=slave_instance.getUid(), + software_instance_reference=slave_instance.getReference()) def stepCheckEmptySlaveInstanceListFromOneComputerPartition(self, sequence): computer_guid = sequence["computer_reference"] @@ -3594,7 +3733,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): slave_instance["slap_software_type"]) def stepCheckTwoSlaveInstanceListFromOneComputerPartition(self, sequence): - self.stepCheckSlaveInstanceListFromOneComputerPartition(sequence, + self.stepCheckSlaveInstanceListFromOneComputerPartition(sequence, expected_amount=2) def stepCheckSlaveInstanceAccessUsingCurrentSoftwareInstanceUser(self, sequence): @@ -3732,16 +3871,6 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin(testVifibMixin): uid=sequence["software_instance_uid"]) slave_instance.startComputerPartition() - def stepRequestSlaveInstanceStart(self, sequence): - slave_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( - uid=sequence["software_instance_uid"]) - slave_instance.requestStartComputerPartition() - - def stepRequestSlaveInstanceStop(self, sequence): - slave_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( - uid=sequence["software_instance_uid"]) - slave_instance.requestStopComputerPartition() - def stepSlaveInstanceStopped(self, sequence): slave_instance = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( uid=sequence["software_instance_uid"]) @@ -3852,16 +3981,6 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebService(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) - ######################################## - # ComputerPartition.stopped - ######################################## - def test_ComputerPartition_stopped(self): - sequence_list = SequenceList() - sequence_string = self\ - .prepare_stopped_computer_partition_sequence_string - sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) - sequence_list.play(self) - ######################################## # ComputerPartition.destroy ######################################## @@ -4067,7 +4186,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebService(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): def stepPersonRequestCredentialUpdate(self, sequence, **kw): sequence['updated_last_name'] = 'Another' - result = self.portal.ERP5Site_newPersonCredentialUpdate( + self.portal.ERP5Site_newPersonCredentialUpdate( first_name='Homer', last_name=sequence['updated_last_name'], reference=sequence['web_user'], diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapWebServiceSlaveInstance.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapWebServiceSlaveInstance.py index 53df5e707079a970cdc3c1ee9f0abf1c0f5ce75e..e2e0f1cf534f7ef728d7fb81d38b9b87b8c7b552 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapWebServiceSlaveInstance.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibSlapWebServiceSlaveInstance.py @@ -440,14 +440,113 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceSlaveInstance(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): LoginTestVifibCustomer RequestDestroySoftwareInstanceFromCurrentComputerPartition Tic - SetDeliveryLineAmountEqualOne - CheckComputerPartitionInstanceHostingSalePackingListStopped + SetDeliveryLineAmountEqualTwo CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListConfirmed + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceDestroyed + Tic + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListDelivered + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def test_destroy_SoftwareInstance_after_request_SlaveInstance(self): + """ + Check that destroying the Software Instance after request Slave + Instance with the same user, the Slave Instance must be destroyed + correctly + """ + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_install_requested_computer_partition_sequence_string + """ + Tic + LoginTestVifibCustomer + PersonRequestSlaveInstance + SlapLogout + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + Logout + LoginTestVifibCustomer + RequestDestroySoftwareInstanceFromCurrentComputerPartition + Tic + SetDeliveryLineAmountEqualTwo + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListConfirmed SlapLoginCurrentComputer SoftwareInstanceDestroyed Tic - CheckComputerPartitionInstanceHostingSalePackingListStopped + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListDelivered + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def test_destroy_SoftwareInstance_after_request_SlaveInstance_with_another_user(self): + """ + Check that destroying the Software Instance after request Slave + Instance with the different user, the Slave Instance must be destroyed + correctly + """ + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_install_requested_computer_partition_sequence_string + """ + Tic + LoginTestVifibCustomerA + PersonRequestSlaveInstance + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + Logout + LoginTestVifibCustomer + RequestDestroySoftwareInstanceFromCurrentComputerPartition + Tic + SetDeliveryLineAmountEqualTwo + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListConfirmed + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceDestroyed + Tic + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListDelivered + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def test_destroy_SoftwareInstance_after_destroy_SlaveInstance(self): + """ + Check that destroying the Software Instance after request destroy Slave + Instance, the request to destroy the Software Instance will not raise + exception + """ + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_install_requested_computer_partition_sequence_string + """ + Tic + LoginTestVifibCustomer + PersonRequestSlaveInstance + SlapLogout + + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + Logout + LoginTestVifibCustomer + RequestSoftwareInstanceDestroy + Tic + RequestDestroySoftwareInstanceFromCurrentComputerPartition + Tic + SetDeliveryLineAmountEqualTwo + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListConfirmed + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceDestroyed + Tic + LoginDefaultUser CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListDelivered Logout """ @@ -480,7 +579,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceSlaveInstance(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): Tic SlapLogout LoginTestVifibCustomer - RequestSlaveInstanceStop + RequestSoftwareInstanceStop Tic Logout LoginDefaultUser @@ -506,6 +605,12 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceSlaveInstance(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) + def stepCheckComputerPartitionIsBusy(self, sequence, **kw): + computer_partition_uid = sequence["computer_partition_uid"] + computer_partition = self.portal.portal_catalog.getResultValue( + uid=computer_partition_uid) + self.assertEqual('busy', computer_partition.getSlapState()) + def test_SlaveInstance_request_destroy(self): """ Check that the Slave Instance will be destroyed correctly @@ -524,6 +629,7 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceSlaveInstance(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): SlapLogout LoginDefaultUser CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListConfirmed + CheckComputerPartitionIsBusy Logout """ sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) @@ -635,6 +741,221 @@ class TestVifibSlapWebServiceSlaveInstance(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) sequence_list.play(self) + def test_SlaveInstance_change_parameter_dict_after_request(self): + """ + Check that request to change the parameter dict from a Slave Instance + will create update packing list correctly + """ + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_install_requested_computer_partition_sequence_string + """ + Tic + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceAvailable + Tic + CheckEmptySlaveInstanceListFromOneComputerPartition + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance + SelectEmptyRequestedParameterDict + SetRandomRequestedReference + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + SlapLogout + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + SlapLogout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceAvailable + Tic + LoginDefaultUser + StartSoftwareInstanceFromCurrentComputerPartition + Logout + Tic + SoftwareInstanceStarted + Tic + CheckEmptyComputerGetComputerPartitionCall + SlapLogout + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance + SelectRequestedParameterDictRequestedParameter + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + SlapLogout + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceUpdateSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + CheckSuccessComputerGetComputerPartitionCall + SlapLogout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def test_SlaveInstance_destroy_slave_with_SlaveInstance_stopped(self): + """ + Check that request destroy from Software Instance when exists one Slave + Instance stopped, both instances will be destroyed correctly + + Scenario: + 1. request master instance + 2. request Slave Instance + 3. stop Slave Instance + 4. request destroy the master instance + Both instances must be destroyed + """ + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_install_requested_computer_partition_sequence_string + """ + Tic + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceAvailable + Tic + CheckEmptySlaveInstanceListFromOneComputerPartition + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance + SelectEmptyRequestedParameterDict + SetRandomRequestedReference + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + SlapLogout + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + SlapLogout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceAvailable + Tic + LoginDefaultUser + StartSoftwareInstanceFromCurrentComputerPartition + Logout + Tic + SoftwareInstanceStarted + Tic + SlapLogout + LoginDefaultUser + SelectSlaveInstanceFromOneComputerPartition + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance + RequestSoftwareInstanceStop + Tic + SlaveInstanceStopped + Tic + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceHostingSalePackingListStarted + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceHostingSalePackingListDelivered + SetDeliveryLineAmountEqualTwo + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListStopped + RequestDestroySoftwareInstanceFromCurrentComputerPartition + Tic + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceDestroyed + Tic + LoginDefaultUser + CheckComputerPartitionIsFree + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListDelivered + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListDelivered + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + + def test_Security_after_destroy_SoftwareInstance_with_different_user(self): + """ + Check that destroying one Software Instance it will not destroy Slave + Instances that is not related to your Software Instance. + Scenario: + + VifibCustomer CustomerA + | | + SoftwareInstance SoftwareInstanceA (requestDestroy) + | | + SlaveInstance SlaveInstanceA + + The Slave Instance related to Customer should not be destroyed + """ + self.computer_partition_amount = 4 + sequence_list = SequenceList() + sequence_string = self.prepare_install_requested_computer_partition_sequence_string + """ + Tic + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceAvailable + Tic + CheckEmptySlaveInstanceListFromOneComputerPartition + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance + SelectEmptyRequestedParameterDict + SetRandomRequestedReference + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + SlapLogout + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + SlapLogout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceAvailable + Tic + LoginDefaultUser + SetDeliveryLineAmountEqualTwo + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListStopped + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceHostingSalePackingListConfirmed """ + \ + self.prepare_published_software_release + """ + Tic + LoginTestVifibAdmin + RequestSoftwareInstallation + Tic + Logout + + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + ComputerSoftwareReleaseAvailable + Tic + SlapLogout + + LoginAsCustomerA + PersonRequestSoftwareInstance + Logout + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + SetSelectedComputerPartition + SelectCurrentlyUsedSalePackingListUid + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceAvailable + Tic + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance + SelectEmptyRequestedParameterDict + SetRandomRequestedReference + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + SlapLogout + LoginDefaultUser + ConfirmOrderedSaleOrderActiveSense + Tic + Logout + SlapLoginCurrentSoftwareInstance + RequestSlaveInstanceFromComputerPartition + Tic + SlapLogout + SlapLoginCurrentComputer + SoftwareInstanceAvailable + Tic + SlapLogout + LoginDefaultUser + SetDeliveryLineAmountEqualTwo + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceSetupSalePackingListStopped + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceHostingSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + LoginAsCustomerA + RequestDestroySoftwareInstanceFromCurrentComputerPartition + Tic + Logout + LoginDefaultUser + SetDeliveryLineAmountEqualTwo + CheckComputerPartitionInstanceCleanupSalePackingListConfirmed + Logout + """ + sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) + sequence_list.play(self) + def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibUsageReport.py b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibUsageReport.py index f3894d99b55dc2e6456a4b16602b49a4fd3d0acd..b992467411ec591c7281ba5ef02d03173a51df64 100644 --- a/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibUsageReport.py +++ b/master/product/Vifib/tests/testVifibUsageReport.py @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ ############################################################################# import unittest -from DateTime import DateTime from lxml import etree from slapos import slap from testVifibSlapWebService import TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin @@ -101,12 +100,7 @@ class TestVifibUsageReportMixin(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): """ prepare_configured_instance = """ \ - InitializeTime \ - \ - LoginERP5TypeTestCase \ - ConfigureInstance \ - Tic \ - Logout""" + \ + InitializeTime""" + \ TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin.prepare_confirmed_cleanup_resource_packing_list prepare_reported_usage_call = """ \ @@ -121,29 +115,6 @@ class TestVifibUsageReportMixin(TestVifibSlapWebServiceMixin): sequence['first_call'] = False sequence['second_call'] = False - def stepConfigureInstance(self, sequence, **kw): - """ - Configures the Instance - """ - portal = self.getPortalObject() - - # We validate some documents - for rule in portal.portal_rules.contentValues(): - if rule.getObject().getValidationState() == 'draft': - rule.getObject().validate() - - for person in portal.person_module.contentValues(): - if person.getObject().getValidationState() == 'draft': - person.getObject().validate() - - for business_process in portal.business_process_module.contentValues(): - if business_process.getObject().getValidationState() == 'draft': - business_process.getObject().validate() - - for sale_trade in portal.sale_trade_condition_module.contentValues(): - if sale_trade.getObject().getValidationState() == 'draft': - sale_trade.getObject().validate() - def stepSlapReportUsageCall(self, sequence, **kw): """ Checks that slap.reportUsage is successfully called. diff --git a/master/product/Vifib/www/Vifib_editCertificateAuthorityTool.zpt b/master/product/Vifib/www/Vifib_editCertificateAuthorityTool.zpt deleted file mode 100644 index fce34ad4b3d624210e638b86cf2d369610c4ad5e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/master/product/Vifib/www/Vifib_editCertificateAuthorityTool.zpt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -<h1 tal:replace="structure context/manage_page_header">PAGE HEADER</h1> -<h2 tal:replace="structure here/manage_tabs"> TABS </h2> -<h2 tal:define="form_title string:Edit ERP5 Certificate Authority Tool" - tal:replace="structure context/manage_form_title">FORM TITLE</h2> - -<p class="form-help">Please input the Certificate Authority path</p> - -<form action="manage_editCertificateAuthorityTool" method="POST"> - -<table - tal:define="certificate_authority_path request/certificate_authority_path|context/certificate_authority_path|string:; openssl_binary request/openssl_binary|context/openssl_binary|string:;"> - -<tr> - <td>Absolute path to configured Certificate Authority</td> - <td> - <input type="text" name="certificate_authority_path" value="" - tal:attributes="value certificate_authority_path;" /> - </td> -</tr> -<tr> - <td>Absolute path to OpenSSL binary</td> - <td> - <input type="text" name="openssl_binary" value="" - tal:attributes="value openssl_binary;" /> - </td> -</tr> -<tr> - <td colspan="2"> - <input type="submit" value="save"/> - </td> -</tr> - -</table> - -</form> - -<h1 tal:replace="structure context/manage_page_footer">PAGE FOOTER</h1> diff --git a/master/tests/__init__.py b/master/tests/__init__.py index 832ba4570c291b6b1282d420f92bcfb2cc029729..2413c2ad5c19709f998e2b8fb1f60726cd607b9e 100644 --- a/master/tests/__init__.py +++ b/master/tests/__init__.py @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ from test_suite import SavedTestSuite, ProjectTestSuite class VIFIB(SavedTestSuite, ProjectTestSuite): _bt_list = [ - 'erp5_configurator_vifib', 'vifib_base', 'vifib_core', 'vifib_crm', diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..03d506e6a3c4cb13d44c23d06d710365f6b10008 --- /dev/null +++ b/setup.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +[build_sphinx] +source-dir = documentation/source +build-dir = documentation/build +all_files = 1 + +[upload_sphinx] +upload-dir = documentation/build/html diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py index 7dade8fdca07d06cdc9de4331f8151a89036f58f..9691418f3ec7c9f5e2417f64a78fe27b9cbc46d1 100644 --- a/setup.py +++ b/setup.py @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from setuptools import setup, find_packages import glob import os -version = '0.19-dev' +version = '0.22-dev' name = 'slapos.core' long_description = open("README.txt").read() + "\n" + \ open("CHANGES.txt").read() + "\n" @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ setup(name=name, 'slapgrid-supervisorctl = slapos.grid.svcbackend:supervisorctl', 'slapgrid-supervisord = slapos.grid.svcbackend:supervisord', 'slapproxy = slapos.proxy:main', + 'bang = slapos.bang:main', ] }, test_suite="slapos.tests", diff --git a/slapos/bang.py b/slapos/bang.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6fa0d8a42833eec39be844f5229228cd7748e0b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/slapos/bang.py @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +############################################################################## +# +# Copyright (c) 2011 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. +# +# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional +# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential +# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs +# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial +# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software +# Service Company +# +# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or +# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License +# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 +# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. +# +############################################################################## + +import slapos.slap.slap +import argparse +import ConfigParser + +def main(*args): + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() + parser.add_argument("-m", "--message", default='', help="Message for bang.") + parser.add_argument("configuration_file", nargs=1, type=argparse.FileType(), + help="SlapOS configuration file.") + if len(args) == 0: + argument = parser.parse_args() + else: + argument = parser.parse_args(list(args)) + configuration_file = argument.configuration_file[0] + message = argument.message + # Loads config (if config specified) + configuration = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() + configuration.readfp(configuration_file) + computer_id = configuration.get('slapos', 'computer_id') + master_url = configuration.get('slapos', 'master_url') + if configuration.has_option('slapos', 'key_file'): + key_file = configuration.get('slapos', 'key_file') + else: + key_file = None + if configuration.has_option('slapos', 'cert_file'): + cert_file = configuration.get('slapos', 'cert_file') + else: + cert_file = None + slap = slapos.slap.slap() + slap.initializeConnection(master_url, key_file=key_file, cert_file=cert_file) + computer = slap.registerComputer(computer_id) + print 'Banging to %r' % master_url + computer.bang(message) + print 'Bang with message %r' % message diff --git a/slapos/grid/SlapObject.py b/slapos/grid/SlapObject.py index b661e9c878660a80c6e9873732c17ceb468f2787..0f08bef4776c0f813e24642070d2cc62549b3c87 100644 --- a/slapos/grid/SlapObject.py +++ b/slapos/grid/SlapObject.py @@ -336,8 +336,14 @@ class Partition(object): """ supervisor = self.getSupervisorRPC() partition_id = self.computer_partition.getId() - supervisor.startProcessGroup(partition_id, False) - self.logger.info("Requested start of %s..." % self.computer_partition.getId()) + try: + supervisor.startProcessGroup(partition_id, False) + except xmlrpclib.Fault, e: + if e.faultString.startswith('BAD_NAME:'): + self.logger.info("Nothing to start on %s..." % \ + self.computer_partition.getId()) + else: + self.logger.info("Requested start of %s..." % self.computer_partition.getId()) def stop(self): """Asks supervisord to stop the instance.""" diff --git a/slapos/grid/slapgrid.py b/slapos/grid/slapgrid.py index 0428f08f6ea85560599ef02b91da1b12716ec149..42d2adfad2f77847aad79c94854408820dc27b10 100644 --- a/slapos/grid/slapgrid.py +++ b/slapos/grid/slapgrid.py @@ -282,6 +282,10 @@ class Slapgrid(object): """ Main class for SlapGrid. Fetches and processes informations from master server and pushes usage information to master server. """ + + class PromiseError(Exception): + pass + def __init__(self, software_root, instance_root, @@ -422,6 +426,59 @@ class Slapgrid(object): launchSupervisord(self.supervisord_socket, self.supervisord_configuration_path) + def _checkPromises(self, computer_partition): + self.logger.info("Checking promises...") + instance_path = os.path.join(self.instance_root, + computer_partition.getId()) + + uid, gid = None, None + stat_info = os.stat(instance_path) + + #stat sys call to get statistics informations + uid = stat_info.st_uid + gid = stat_info.st_gid + + promise_present = False + # Get the list of promises + promise_dir = os.path.join(instance_path, 'etc', 'promise') + if os.path.exists(promise_dir) and os.path.isdir(promise_dir): + cwd = instance_path + promises_list = os.listdir(promise_dir) + + # Check whether every promise is kept + for promise in promises_list: + promise_present = True + + command = [os.path.join(promise_dir, promise)] + + promise = os.path.basename(command[0]) + self.logger.info("Checking promise %r.", promise) + + kw = dict(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) + + process_handler = SlapPopen(command, + preexec_fn=lambda: dropPrivileges(uid, gid), + cwd=cwd, + env={}, **kw) + + time.sleep(self.promise_timeout) + + + if process_handler.poll() is None: + process_handler.terminate() + raise Slapgrid.PromiseError("The promise %r timed out" % promise) + elif process_handler.poll() != 0: + stderr = process_handler.communicate()[1] + if stderr is None: + stderr = 'No error output from %r.' % promise + else: + stderr = 'Promise %r:' % promise + stderr + raise Slapgrid.PromiseError(stderr) + + if not promise_present: + self.logger.info("No promise.") + + def processComputerPartitionList(self): """Will start supervisord and process each Computer Partition. """ @@ -462,6 +519,7 @@ class Slapgrid(object): local_partition.install() computer_partition.available() local_partition.start() + self._checkPromises(computer_partition) computer_partition.started() elif computer_partition_state == "stopped": local_partition.install() @@ -504,52 +562,6 @@ class Slapgrid(object): logger.error(exception) computer_partition.error(exception) - # Promises - - instance_path = os.path.join(self.instance_root, - computer_partition.getId()) - - uid, gid = None, None - stat_info = os.stat(instance_path) - - #stat sys call to get statistics informations - uid = stat_info.st_uid - gid = stat_info.st_gid - - # Get the list of promises - promise_dir = os.path.join(instance_path, 'etc', 'promise') - if os.path.exists(promise_dir) and os.path.isdir(promise_dir): - cwd = instance_path - promises_list = os.listdir(promise_dir) - - # Check whether every promise is kept - for promise in promises_list: - - command = os.path.join(promise_dir, promise) - - kw = dict() - if not self.console: - kw.update(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) - - process_handler = SlapPopen(command, - preexec_fn=lambda: dropPrivileges(uid, gid), - cwd=cwd, - env=None, **kw) - - time.sleep(self.promise_timeout) - - promise = os.path.basename(command) - - if process_handler.poll() is None: - process_handler.kill() - computer_partition.error("The promise %r timed out" % promise) - elif process_handler.poll() != 0: - stderr = process_handler.communicate()[1] - if stderr is None: - stderr = 'No error output from %r.' % promise - computer_partition.error(stderr) - - logger.info("Finished computer partitions...") return clean_run @@ -665,7 +677,8 @@ class Slapgrid(object): clean_run = True #We loop on the different computer partitions - for computer_partition in slap_computer_usage.getComputerPartitionList(): + computer_partition_list = slap_computer_usage.getComputerPartitionList() + for computer_partition in computer_partition_list: computer_partition_id = computer_partition.getId() #We want execute all the script in the report folder @@ -724,7 +737,7 @@ class Slapgrid(object): #Now we loop through the different computer partitions to ggetId()et reports report_usage_issue_cp_list = [] - for computer_partition in slap_computer_usage.getComputerPartitionList(): + for computer_partition in computer_partition_list: filename_delete_list = [] computer_partition_id = computer_partition.getId() instance_path = os.path.join(self.instance_root, computer_partition_id) @@ -798,7 +811,7 @@ class Slapgrid(object): computer_partition.error(issue) report_usage_issue_cp_list.append(computer_partition_id) - for computer_partition in slap_computer_usage.getComputerPartitionList(): + for computer_partition in computer_partition_list: computer_partition_id = computer_partition.getId() try: software_url = computer_partition.getSoftwareRelease().getURI() diff --git a/slapos/grid/utils.py b/slapos/grid/utils.py index 2fdf72f222e9213061f933d3be49388af89c4148..e165ee64609738a61962853d5f87e0f45983dcd5 100644 --- a/slapos/grid/utils.py +++ b/slapos/grid/utils.py @@ -179,7 +179,8 @@ def dropPrivileges(uid, gid): # drop privileges user_name = pwd.getpwuid(uid)[0] group_list = [x.gr_gid for x in grp.getgrall() if user_name in x.gr_mem] - group_list.append(gid) + if gid not in group_list: + group_list.append(gid) os.initgroups(pwd.getpwuid(uid)[0], gid) os.setgid(gid) os.setuid(uid) diff --git a/slapos/slap/slap.py b/slapos/slap/slap.py index 3e6ee6817a5df2a821770469a823bf4cba58ec5b..7a5b1edcc1e174fb6d32a36729b5bf387e774d2a 100644 --- a/slapos/slap/slap.py +++ b/slapos/slap/slap.py @@ -378,6 +378,16 @@ class ComputerPartition(SlapDocument): 'computer_partition_id': self._partition_id, 'message': message}) + def rename(self, new_name, slave_reference=None): + post_dict = dict( + computer_id=self._computer_id, + computer_partition_id=self._partition_id, + new_name=new_name, + ) + if slave_reference is not None: + post_dict.update(slave_reference=slave_reference) + self._connection_helper.POST('/softwareInstanceRename', post_dict) + def getId(self): return self._partition_id