# # Copyright (C) 2009 Nexedi SA # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. from neo.neoctl.neoctl import NeoCTL, NotReadyException from neo import protocol import os import sys import time import signal import random import MySQLdb import tempfile import traceback from neo.client.Storage import Storage from neo.tests import getNewUUID from neo.util import dump NEO_CONFIG_HEADER = """ [DEFAULT] master_nodes: %(master_nodes)s replicas: %(replicas)s partitions: %(partitions)s name: %(name)s user: %(user)s password: %(password)s connector: SocketConnector [admin] server: """ NEO_CONFIG_MASTER = """ [%(id)s] server: """ NEO_CONFIG_STORAGE = """ [%(id)s] database: %(db)s server: """ NEO_MASTER_ID = 'master%s' NEO_STORAGE_ID = 'storage%s' NEO_MASTER = 'neomaster' NEO_STORAGE = 'neostorage' NEO_ADMIN = 'neoadmin' class AlreadyRunning(Exception): pass class AlreadyStopped(Exception): pass class NEOProcess: pid = 0 def __init__(self, command, uuid, arg_dict): self.command = command self.arg_dict = arg_dict self.setUUID(uuid) def start(self): # Prevent starting when already forked and wait wasn't called. if self.pid != 0: raise AlreadyRunning, 'Already running with PID %r' % (self.pid, ) command = self.command args = [] for arg, param in self.arg_dict.iteritems(): args.append(arg) if param is not None: args.append(param) self.pid = os.fork() if self.pid == 0: # Child try: os.execlp(command, command, *args) except: print traceback.format_exc() # If we reach this line, exec call failed (is it possible to reach # it without going through above "except" branch ?). print 'Error executing %r.' % (command + ' ' + ' '.join(args), ) # KeyboardInterrupt is not intercepted by test runner (it is still # above us in the stack), and we do want to exit. # To avoid polluting test foreground output with induced # traceback, replace stdout & stderr. sys.stdout = sys.stderr = open('/dev/null', 'w') raise KeyboardInterrupt def kill(self, sig=signal.SIGTERM): if self.pid: try: os.kill(self.pid, sig) except OSError: traceback.print_last() else: raise AlreadyStopped def __del__(self): # If we get killed, kill subprocesses aswell. try: self.kill(signal.SIGKILL) except: # We can ignore all exceptions at this point, since there is no # garanteed way to handle them (other objects we would depend on # might already have been deleted). pass def wait(self, options=0): if self.pid == 0: raise AlreadyStopped result = os.WEXITSTATUS(os.waitpid(self.pid, options)[1]) self.pid = 0 return result def getUUID(self): return self.uuid def setUUID(self, uuid): """ Note: for this change to take effect, the node must be restarted. """ self.uuid = uuid self.arg_dict['-u'] = dump(uuid) class NEOCluster(object): def __init__(self, db_list, master_node_count=1, partitions=1, replicas=0, port_base=10000, db_user='neo', db_password='neo', db_super_user='root', db_super_password=None, cleanup_on_delete=False): self.cleanup_on_delete = cleanup_on_delete self.uuid_set = set() self.db_super_user = db_super_user self.db_super_password = db_super_password self.db_user = db_user self.db_password = db_password self.db_list = db_list self.process_dict = {} self.last_port = port_base self.temp_dir = temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='neo_') print 'Using temp directory %r.' % (temp_dir, ) self.config_file_path = config_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'neo.conf') config_file = open(config_file_path, 'w') neo_admin_port = self.__allocatePort() self.cluster_name = cluster_name = 'neo_%s' % (random.randint(0, 100), ) master_node_dict = {} for master in xrange(master_node_count): master_node_dict[NEO_MASTER_ID % (master, )] = \ self.__allocatePort() self.master_nodes = master_nodes = ' '.join('' % (x, ) for x in master_node_dict.itervalues()) config_file.write(NEO_CONFIG_HEADER % { 'master_nodes': master_nodes, 'replicas': replicas, 'partitions': partitions, 'name': cluster_name, 'user': db_user, 'password': db_password, 'port': neo_admin_port, }) self.__newProcess(NEO_ADMIN, 'admin') for config_id, port in master_node_dict.iteritems(): config_file.write(NEO_CONFIG_MASTER % { 'id': config_id, 'port': port, }) self.__newProcess(NEO_MASTER, config_id) for storage, db in enumerate(db_list): config_id = NEO_STORAGE_ID % (storage, ) config_file.write(NEO_CONFIG_STORAGE % { 'id': config_id, 'db': db, 'port': self.__allocatePort(), }) self.__newProcess(NEO_STORAGE, config_id) config_file.close() self.neoctl = NeoCTL('', neo_admin_port, 'SocketConnector') def __newProcess(self, command, section): uuid = self.__allocateUUID() self.process_dict.setdefault(command, []).append( NEOProcess(command, uuid, { '-v': None, '-c': self.config_file_path, '-s': section, '-l': os.path.join(self.temp_dir, '%s.log' % (section, )) })) def __allocatePort(self): port = self.last_port self.last_port += 1 return port def __allocateUUID(self): uuid_set = self.uuid_set uuid = None while uuid is None or uuid in uuid_set: uuid = getNewUUID() uuid_set.add(uuid) return uuid def setupDB(self): # Cleanup or bootstrap databases connect_arg_dict = {'user': self.db_super_user} password = self.db_super_password if password is not None: connect_arg_dict['passwd'] = password sql_connection = MySQLdb.Connect(**connect_arg_dict) cursor = sql_connection.cursor() for database in self.db_list: cursor.execute('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `%s`' % (database, )) cursor.execute('CREATE DATABASE `%s`' % (database, )) cursor.execute('GRANT ALL ON `%s`.* TO "%s"@"localhost" '\ 'IDENTIFIED BY "%s"' % (database, self.db_user, self.db_password)) cursor.close() sql_connection.close() def start(self): neoctl = self.neoctl assert len(self.process_dict) for process_list in self.process_dict.itervalues(): for process in process_list: process.start() # Try to put cluster in running state. This will succeed as soon as # admin node could connect to the primary master node. while True: try: neoctl.startCluster() except NotReadyException: time.sleep(0.5) else: break target_count = len(self.db_list) while True: storage_node_list = neoctl.getNodeList( node_type=protocol.STORAGE_NODE_TYPE) if len(storage_node_list) == target_count: break time.sleep(0.5) neoctl.enableStorageList([x[2] for x in storage_node_list]) def stop(self): for process_list in self.process_dict.itervalues(): for process in process_list: try: process.kill() process.wait() except AlreadyStopped: pass def getNEOCTL(self): return self.neoctl def getStorage(self): return Storage( master_nodes=self.master_nodes, name=self.cluster_name, connector='SocketConnector') def _getProcessList(self, type): return self.process_dict.get(type) def getMasterProcessList(self): return self._getProcessList(NEO_MASTER) def getStorageProcessList(self): return self._getProcessList(NEO_STORAGE) def getAdminProcessList(self): return self._getProcessList(NEO_ADMIN) def __del__(self): if self.cleanup_on_delete: os.removedirs(self.temp_dir)