Commit 5aa3e5bd authored by Michael Howitz's avatar Michael Howitz

Fix DeprecationWarning about MutableMapping.

Fixes #484.
parent d155e409
......@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ Change History
2.13.3 (unreleased)
- Nothing changed yet.
- Fix DeprecationWarning about MutableMapping.
(`#484 <>_`)
2.13.2 (2019-07-03)
......@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ except ImportError:
from md5 import md5
from UserDict import DictMixin
from import MutableMapping as DictMixin
except ImportError:
from collections import MutableMapping as DictMixin
from UserDict import DictMixin
import zc.buildout.configparser
import copy
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