2013-09-03 arnaud.fontaine * ZODB Components: Workflow History must always be kept, so avoid an extra step for developers. 2013-08-28 arnaud.fontaine * ZODB Components: Migrate Documents, Extensions and Tests. 2009-08-19 Mohamadou * Disallow Export as vCard in other modules * Add check/uncheck checkbox in list view * Add "Configure icon" in actions box 2009-03-10 Mohamadou * In listmode it is now posible to copy/paste/cut/delete/find/filter/show_all/sort or add new element. * In document view it is possible to clone or add new one * In document view the current tab is highlighted. 2009-01-15 Kazuhiko * Sync with erp5_xhtml_style (r.24958). 2008-01-02 Nicolas * Display Url Columns in listbox 2007-12-10 Nicolas * Add new Skin: Mobile 2007-10-11 Yusei * Modified ListBox_asHTML. This changes depends on ERP5Form changes. Please upgrade ERP5Form revision 16942 or above. 2007-09-19 Kazuhiko * use portal_url.getPortalObject().absolute_url() instead of portal_url.getPortalPath() for better virtual host support.