diff --git a/src/jio.storage/indexstorage.js b/src/jio.storage/indexstorage.js
index d6d9c5d0d2bae495e538a6f87ffc20be166ad4a5..6a5ecb8d069f23f2e9b707012767a64876e060e5 100644
--- a/src/jio.storage/indexstorage.js
+++ b/src/jio.storage/indexstorage.js
@@ -310,8 +310,15 @@ jIO.addStorageType('indexed', function (spec, my) {
   priv.findBestIndexForQuery = function (syntax) {
     var i, j, k, l, n, p, o, element, key, block,
       search_ids, use_index = [], select_ids = {}, index, query_param,
-      // need to parse into object
+      current_query, current_query_size;
+    // try to parse into object
+    if (syntax.query !== undefined) {
       current_query = jIO.ComplexQueries.parse(syntax.query);
+    } else {
+      current_query = {};
+      current_query_size = 0;
+    }
     // loop indices
     for (i = 0; i < priv.indices.length; i += 1) {
@@ -321,36 +328,39 @@ jIO.addStorageType('indexed', function (spec, my) {
       index.reference = priv.indices[i];
       index.reference_size = index.reference.fields.length;
-      // rebuild search_ids for iteration
-      if (current_query.query_list === undefined) {
-        search_ids.push(current_query.id);
-      } else {
-        for (j = 0; j < current_query.query_list.length; j += 1) {
-          if (priv.getPositionInArray(current_query.query_list[j].id,
-              search_ids) === null) {
-            search_ids.push(current_query.query_list[j].id);
+      if (current_query_size !== 0) {
+        // rebuild search_ids for iteration
+        if (current_query.query_list === undefined) {
+          search_ids.push(current_query.id);
+        } else {
+          for (j = 0; j < current_query.query_list.length; j += 1) {
+            if (priv.getPositionInArray(current_query.query_list[j].id,
+                search_ids) === null) {
+              search_ids.push(current_query.query_list[j].id);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        // loop search ids and find matches in index
+        for (k = 0; k < search_ids.length; k += 1) {
+          query_param = search_ids[0];
+          for (l = 0; l < index.reference_size; l += 1) {
+            if (query_param === index.reference.fields[l]) {
+              search_ids.splice(
+                priv.getPositionInArray(query_param, search_ids),
+                1
+              );
+            }
       // rebuild select_ids
       for (o = 0; o < syntax.filter.select_list.length; o += 1) {
         element = syntax.filter.select_list[o];
         select_ids[element] = true;
-      // loop search ids and find matches in index
-      for (k = 0; k < search_ids.length; k += 1) {
-        query_param = search_ids[0];
-        for (l = 0; l < index.reference_size; l += 1) {
-          if (query_param === index.reference.fields[l]) {
-            search_ids.splice(
-              priv.getPositionInArray(query_param, search_ids),
-              1
-            );
-          }
-        }
-      }
       // search_ids empty  = all needed search fields found on index
       if (search_ids.length === 0) {
         p = priv.getObjectSize(select_ids);
@@ -915,12 +925,9 @@ jIO.addStorageType('indexed', function (spec, my) {
         function (response) {
           query_syntax = command.getOption('query');
           if (query_syntax !== undefined) {
             // build complex query object
             query_object = priv.constructQueryObject(response, query_syntax);
             if (query_object.length === 0) {
diff --git a/src/queries/query.js b/src/queries/query.js
index 5f54bb9e3620743721766eb6de498582af823f2b..340242d5816e0021465b7c552952296a26cbb2a3 100644
--- a/src/queries/query.js
+++ b/src/queries/query.js
@@ -165,12 +165,16 @@ Object.defineProperty(scope.ComplexQueries,"query",{
         result_list = [], result_list_tmp = [], j;
         object_list = object_list || [];
-        for (j=0; j<object_list.length; ++j) {
-            if ( itemMatchesQuery (
-                object_list[j], scope.ComplexQueries.parse (query.query)
-            )) {
-                result_list.push(object_list[j]);
-            }
+        if (query.query === undefined) {
+            result_list = object_list;
+        } else {
+          for (j=0; j<object_list.length; ++j) {
+              if ( itemMatchesQuery (
+                  object_list[j], scope.ComplexQueries.parse (query.query)
+              )) {
+                  result_list.push(object_list[j]);
+              }
+          }
         if (query.filter) {
             select(result_list,query.filter.select_list || []);
diff --git a/test/jiotests.js b/test/jiotests.js
index 8e437f9e269c614183a82c959a6f3f198c969df7..f707cb7c9b9b6eb02953ad5695c2ffd4a5164b03 100644
--- a/test/jiotests.js
+++ b/test/jiotests.js
@@ -1179,6 +1179,38 @@ test ("AllDocs", function(){
     }, o.f);
+    // empty query returns all
+    o.thisShouldBeTheAnswer5 = [
+        {"title": "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"},
+        {"title": "The Dark Knight"},
+        {"title": "Star Wars Episode V"},
+        {"title": "Shawshank Redemption"},
+        {"title": "Schindlers List"},
+        {"title": "Pulp Fiction"},
+        {"title": "One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest"},
+        {"title": "Lord of the Rings - Return of the King"},
+        {"title": "Lord Of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring"},
+        {"title": "Inception"},
+        {"title": "Godfellas"},
+        {"title": "Godfather 2"},
+        {"title": "Godfather"},
+        {"title": "Fight Club"},
+        {"title": "12 Angry Men"}
+    ];
+    o.spy(o, "value", o.thisShouldBeTheAnswer5,
+      "allDocs (empty query in complex query)");
+    o.jio.allDocs({
+      "query":{
+        "filter": {
+            "sort_on":[['title','descending']],
+            "select_list":['title']
+        },
+        "wildcard_character":'%'
+      }
+    }, o.f);
+    o.tick(o);
@@ -4693,6 +4725,38 @@ test ("AllDocs Complex Queries", function () {
     }, o.f);
+    // empty query returns all
+    o.thisShouldBeTheAnswer6 = [
+        {"title": "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"},
+        {"title": "The Dark Knight"},
+        {"title": "Star Wars Episode V"},
+        {"title": "Shawshank Redemption"},
+        {"title": "Schindlers List"},
+        {"title": "Pulp Fiction"},
+        {"title": "One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest"},
+        {"title": "Lord of the Rings - Return of the King"},
+        {"title": "Lord Of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring"},
+        {"title": "Inception"},
+        {"title": "Godfellas"},
+        {"title": "Godfather 2"},
+        {"title": "Godfather"},
+        {"title": "Fight Club"},
+        {"title": "12 Angry Men"}
+    ];
+    o.spy(o, "value", o.thisShouldBeTheAnswer6,
+      "allDocs (empty query in complex query)");
+    o.jio.allDocs({
+      "query":{
+        "filter": {
+            "sort_on":[['title','descending']],
+            "select_list":['title']
+        },
+        "wildcard_character":'%'
+      }
+    }, o.f);
+    o.tick(o);