Commit 0cdc1614 authored by Roque's avatar Roque Committed by Julien Muchembled

erp5: new parameters to set custom http and https virtualhost ports for frontend

parent 59f90275
No related merge requests found
......@@ -175,6 +175,16 @@
"default": "",
"textarea": true,
"type": "string"
"virtualhostroot-http-port": {
"description": "Port where http requests to frontend will be redirected.",
"default": 80,
"type": "integer"
"virtualhostroot-https-port": {
"description": "Port where https requests to frontend will be redirected.",
"default": 443,
"type": "integer"
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
# First, we check if we have a zope backend server
# If so, let's use Virtual Host Monster rewrite
# We suppose that Apache listens to 443 (even indirectly thanks to things like iptables)
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ {{ slave_parameter.get('https-url', slave_parameter.get('url', '')) }}/VirtualHostBase/https//%{SERVER_NAME}:443/{{ slave_parameter.get('path', '') }}/VirtualHostRoot/$1 [L,P]
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ {{ slave_parameter.get('https-url', slave_parameter.get('url', '')) }}/VirtualHostBase/https//%{SERVER_NAME}:{{ slave_parameter.get('virtualhostroot-https-port', '443') }}/{{ slave_parameter.get('path', '') }}/VirtualHostRoot/$1 [L,P]
{% elif slave_type == 'redirect' -%}
RewriteRule (.*) {{ slave_parameter.get('https-url', slave_parameter.get('url', ''))}}$1 [R,L]
{% else -%}
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
# First, we check if we have a zope backend server
# If so, let's use Virtual Host Daemon rewrite
# We suppose that Apache listens to 80 (even indirectly thanks to things like iptables)
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ {{ slave_parameter.get('url', '') }}/VirtualHostBase/http/%{SERVER_NAME}:80/{{ slave_parameter.get('path', '') }}/VirtualHostRoot/$1 [L,P]
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ {{ slave_parameter.get('url', '') }}/VirtualHostBase/http/%{SERVER_NAME}:{{ slave_parameter.get('virtualhostroot-http-port', '80') }}/{{ slave_parameter.get('path', '') }}/VirtualHostRoot/$1 [L,P]
{% else -%}
{% if 'default-path' in slave_parameter %}
RewriteRule ^/?$ {{ slave_parameter.get('default-path') }} [R=301,L]
......@@ -88,6 +88,16 @@
"description": "Request a front-end slave instance of this software type.",
"default": "RootSoftwareInstance",
"type": "object"
"virtualhostroot-http-port": {
"description": "Front-end slave http port. Port where http requests to frontend will be redirected.",
"default": 80,
"type": "integer"
"virtualhostroot-https-port": {
"description": "Front-end slave https port. Port where https requests to frontend will be redirected.",
"default": 443,
"type": "integer"
"type": "object"
......@@ -301,6 +301,12 @@ slave = true
{% if frontend_dict.get('domain') -%}
{% do config_dict.__setitem__('custom_domain', frontend_dict['domain']) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if frontend_dict.get('virtualhostroot-http-port') -%}
{% do config_dict.__setitem__('virtualhostroot-http-port', frontend_dict['virtualhostroot-http-port']) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% if frontend_dict.get('virtualhostroot-https-port') -%}
{% do config_dict.__setitem__('virtualhostroot-https-port', frontend_dict['virtualhostroot-https-port']) -%}
{% endif -%}
{% for name, value in config_dict.items() -%}
config-{{ name }} = {{ value }}
{% endfor -%}
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