Commit 2476c88c authored by Pere Cortes's avatar Pere Cortes Committed by Sebastien Robin

erp5_javascript_openlayers bt5 minified

parent f13c3e33
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* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for \n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. \n
* @requires OpenLayers/SingleFile.js\n
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Animation\n
* A collection of utility functions for executing methods that repaint a \n
* portion of the browser window. These methods take advantage of the\n
* browser\'s scheduled repaints where requestAnimationFrame is available.\n
OpenLayers.Animation = (function(window) {\n
* Property: isNative\n
* {Boolean} true if a native requestAnimationFrame function is available\n
var isNative = !!(window.requestAnimationFrame ||\n
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||\n
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||\n
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||\n
* Function: requestFrame\n
* Schedule a function to be called at the next available animation frame.\n
* Uses the native method where available. Where requestAnimationFrame is\n
* not available, setTimeout will be called with a 16ms delay.\n
* Parameters:\n
* callback - {Function} The function to be called at the next animation frame.\n
* element - {DOMElement} Optional element that visually bounds the animation.\n
var requestFrame = (function() {\n
var request = window.requestAnimationFrame ||\n
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||\n
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||\n
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||\n
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||\n
function(callback, element) {\n
window.setTimeout(callback, 16);\n
// bind to window to avoid illegal invocation of native function\n
return function(callback, element) {\n
request.apply(window, [callback, element]);\n
// private variables for animation loops\n
var counter = 0;\n
var loops = {};\n
* Function: start\n
* Executes a method with <requestFrame> in series for some \n
* duration.\n
* Parameters:\n
* callback - {Function} The function to be called at the next animation frame.\n
* duration - {Number} Optional duration for the loop. If not provided, the\n
* animation loop will execute indefinitely.\n
* element - {DOMElement} Optional element that visually bounds the animation.\n
* Returns:\n
* {Number} Identifier for the animation loop. Used to stop animations with\n
* <stop>.\n
function start(callback, duration, element) {\n
duration = duration > 0 ? duration : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;\n
var id = ++counter;\n
var start = +new Date;\n
loops[id] = function() {\n
if (loops[id] && +new Date - start <= duration) {\n
if (loops[id]) {\n
requestFrame(loops[id], element);\n
} else {\n
delete loops[id];\n
requestFrame(loops[id], element);\n
return id;\n
* Function: stop\n
* Terminates an animation loop started with <start>.\n
* Parameters:\n
* id - {Number} Identifier returned from <start>.\n
function stop(id) {\n
delete loops[id];\n
return {\n
isNative: isNative,\n
requestFrame: requestFrame,\n
start: start,\n
stop: stop\n
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/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for \n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. */\n
* @requires OpenLayers/SingleFile.js\n
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Class\n
* Base class used to construct all other classes. Includes support for \n
* multiple inheritance. \n
* \n
* This constructor is new in OpenLayers 2.5. At OpenLayers 3.0, the old \n
* syntax for creating classes and dealing with inheritance \n
* will be removed.\n
* \n
* To create a new OpenLayers-style class, use the following syntax:\n
* (code)\n
* var MyClass = OpenLayers.Class(prototype);\n
* (end)\n
* To create a new OpenLayers-style class with multiple inheritance, use the\n
* following syntax:\n
* (code)\n
* var MyClass = OpenLayers.Class(Class1, Class2, prototype);\n
* (end)\n
* \n
* Note that instanceof reflection will only reveal Class1 as superclass.\n
OpenLayers.Class = function() {\n
var len = arguments.length;\n
var P = arguments[0];\n
var F = arguments[len-1];\n
var C = typeof F.initialize == "function" ?\n
F.initialize :\n
function(){ P.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); };\n
if (len > 1) {\n
var newArgs = [C, P].concat(\n, len-1), F);\n
OpenLayers.inherit.apply(null, newArgs);\n
} else {\n
C.prototype = F;\n
return C;\n
* Function: OpenLayers.inherit\n
* Parameters:\n
* C - {Object} the class that inherits\n
* P - {Object} the superclass to inherit from\n
* In addition to the mandatory C and P parameters, an arbitrary number of\n
* objects can be passed, which will extend C.\n
OpenLayers.inherit = function(C, P) {\n
var F = function() {};\n
F.prototype = P.prototype;\n
C.prototype = new F;\n
var i, l, o;\n
for(i=2, l=arguments.length; i<l; i++) {\n
o = arguments[i];\n
if(typeof o === "function") {\n
o = o.prototype;\n
OpenLayers.Util.extend(C.prototype, o);\n
* APIFunction: extend\n
* Copy all properties of a source object to a destination object. Modifies\n
* the passed in destination object. Any properties on the source object\n
* that are set to undefined will not be (re)set on the destination object.\n
* Parameters:\n
* destination - {Object} The object that will be modified\n
* source - {Object} The object with properties to be set on the destination\n
* Returns:\n
* {Object} The destination object.\n
OpenLayers.Util = OpenLayers.Util || {};\n
OpenLayers.Util.extend = function(destination, source) {\n
destination = destination || {};\n
if (source) {\n
for (var property in source) {\n
var value = source[property];\n
if (value !== undefined) {\n
destination[property] = value;\n
* IE doesn\'t include the toString property when iterating over an object\'s\n
* properties with the for(property in object) syntax. Explicitly check if\n
* the source has its own toString property.\n
* FF/Windows < reports "Illegal operation on WrappedNative\n
* prototype object" when calling hawOwnProperty if the source object\n
* is an instance of window.Event.\n
var sourceIsEvt = typeof window.Event == "function"\n
&& source instanceof window.Event;\n
if (!sourceIsEvt\n
&& source.hasOwnProperty && source.hasOwnProperty("toString")) {\n
destination.toString = source.toString;\n
return destination;\n
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/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for\n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. */\n
* @requires OpenLayers/SingleFile.js\n
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Date\n
* Contains implementations of Date.parse and date.toISOString that match the\n
* ECMAScript 5 specification for parsing RFC 3339 dates.\n
OpenLayers.Date = {\n
* APIMethod: toISOString\n
* Generates a string representing a date. The format of the string follows\n
* the profile of ISO 8601 for date and time on the Internet (see\n
* If the toISOString method is\n
* available on the Date prototype, that is used. The toISOString\n
* method for Date instances is defined in ECMA-262.\n
* Parameters:\n
* date - {Date} A date object.\n
* Returns:\n
* {String} A string representing the date (e.g.\n
* "2010-08-07T16:58:23.123Z"). If the date does not have a valid time\n
* (i.e. isNaN(date.getTime())) this method returns the string "Invalid\n
* Date". The ECMA standard says the toISOString method should throw\n
* RangeError in this case, but Firefox returns a string instead. For\n
* best results, use isNaN(date.getTime()) to determine date validity\n
* before generating date strings.\n
toISOString: (function() {\n
if ("toISOString" in Date.prototype) {\n
return function(date) {\n
return date.toISOString();\n
} else {\n
function pad(num, len) {\n
var str = num + "";\n
while (str.length < len) {\n
str = "0" + str;\n
return str;\n
return function(date) {\n
var str;\n
if (isNaN(date.getTime())) {\n
// ECMA-262 says throw RangeError, Firefox returns\n
// "Invalid Date"\n
str = "Invalid Date";\n
} else {\n
str =\n
date.getUTCFullYear() + "-" +\n
pad(date.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2) + "-" +\n
pad(date.getUTCDate(), 2) + "T" +\n
pad(date.getUTCHours(), 2) + ":" +\n
pad(date.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + ":" +\n
pad(date.getUTCSeconds(), 2) + "." +\n
pad(date.getUTCMilliseconds(), 3) + "Z";\n
return str;\n
* APIMethod: parse\n
* Generate a date object from a string. The format for the string follows\n
* the profile of ISO 8601 for date and time on the Internet (see\n
* We don\'t call the native\n
* Date.parse because of inconsistency between implmentations. In\n
* Chrome, calling Date.parse with a string that doesn\'t contain any\n
* indication of the timezone (e.g. "2011"), the date is interpreted\n
* in local time. On Firefox, the assumption is UTC.\n
* Parameters:\n
* str - {String} A string representing the date (e.g.\n
* "2010", "2010-08", "2010-08-07", "2010-08-07T16:58:23.123Z",\n
* "2010-08-07T11:58:23.123-06").\n
* Returns:\n
* {Date} A date object. If the string could not be parsed, an invalid\n
* date is returned (i.e. isNaN(date.getTime())).\n
parse: function(str) {\n
var date;\n
var match = str.match(/^(?:(\\d{4})(?:-(\\d{2})(?:-(\\d{2}))?)?)?(?:(?:T(\\d{1,2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}(?:\\.\\d+)?)(Z|(?:[+-]\\d{1,2}(?::(\\d{2}))?)))|Z)?$/);\n
if (match && (match[1] || match[7])) { // must have at least year or time\n
var year = parseInt(match[1], 10) || 0;\n
var month = (parseInt(match[2], 10) - 1) || 0;\n
var day = parseInt(match[3], 10) || 1;\n
date = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day));\n
// optional time\n
var type = match[7];\n
if (type) {\n
var hours = parseInt(match[4], 10);\n
var minutes = parseInt(match[5], 10);\n
var secFrac = parseFloat(match[6]);\n
var seconds = secFrac | 0;\n
var milliseconds = Math.round(1000 * (secFrac - seconds));\n
date.setUTCHours(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);\n
// check offset\n
if (type !== "Z") {\n
var hoursOffset = parseInt(type, 10);\n
var minutesOffset = parseInt(match[8], 10) || 0;\n
var offset = -1000 * (60 * (hoursOffset * 60) + minutesOffset * 60);\n
date = new Date(date.getTime() + offset);\n
} else {\n
date = new Date("invalid");\n
return date;\n
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<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for \n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. */\n
* @requires OpenLayers/Util.js\n
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes.js\n
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Element\n
OpenLayers.Element = {\n
* APIFunction: visible\n
* \n
* Parameters: \n
* element - {DOMElement}\n
* \n
* Returns:\n
* {Boolean} Is the element visible?\n
visible: function(element) {\n
return OpenLayers.Util.getElement(element).style.display != \'none\';\n
* APIFunction: toggle\n
* Toggle the visibility of element(s) passed in\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* element - {DOMElement} Actually user can pass any number of elements\n
toggle: function() {\n
for (var i=0, len=arguments.length; i<len; i++) {\n
var element = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(arguments[i]);\n
var display = OpenLayers.Element.visible(element) ? \'none\' \n
: \'\';\n = display;\n
* APIFunction: remove\n
* Remove the specified element from the DOM.\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* element - {DOMElement}\n
remove: function(element) {\n
element = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(element);\n
* APIFunction: getHeight\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* element - {DOMElement}\n
* \n
* Returns:\n
* {Integer} The offset height of the element passed in\n
getHeight: function(element) {\n
element = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(element);\n
return element.offsetHeight;\n
* Function: hasClass\n
* Tests if an element has the given CSS class name.\n
* Parameters:\n
* element - {DOMElement} A DOM element node.\n
* name - {String} The CSS class name to search for.\n
* Returns:\n
* {Boolean} The element has the given class name.\n
hasClass: function(element, name) {\n
var names = element.className;\n
return (!!names && new RegExp("(^|\\\\s)" + name + "(\\\\s|$)").test(names));\n
* Function: addClass\n
* Add a CSS class name to an element. Safe where element already has\n
* the class name.\n
* Parameters:\n
* element - {DOMElement} A DOM element node.\n
* name - {String} The CSS class name to add.\n
* Returns:\n
* {DOMElement} The element.\n
addClass: function(element, name) {\n
if(!OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(element, name)) {\n
element.className += (element.className ? " " : "") + name;\n
return element;\n
* Function: removeClass\n
* Remove a CSS class name from an element. Safe where element does not\n
* have the class name.\n
* Parameters:\n
* element - {DOMElement} A DOM element node.\n
* name - {String} The CSS class name to remove.\n
* Returns:\n
* {DOMElement} The element.\n
removeClass: function(element, name) {\n
var names = element.className;\n
if(names) {\n
element.className = OpenLayers.String.trim(\n
new RegExp("(^|\\\\s+)" + name + "(\\\\s+|$)"), " "\n
return element;\n
* Function: toggleClass\n
* Remove a CSS class name from an element if it exists. Add the class name\n
* if it doesn\'t exist.\n
* Parameters:\n
* element - {DOMElement} A DOM element node.\n
* name - {String} The CSS class name to toggle.\n
* Returns:\n
* {DOMElement} The element.\n
toggleClass: function(element, name) {\n
if(OpenLayers.Element.hasClass(element, name)) {\n
OpenLayers.Element.removeClass(element, name);\n
} else {\n
OpenLayers.Element.addClass(element, name);\n
return element;\n
* APIFunction: getStyle\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* element - {DOMElement}\n
* style - {?}\n
* \n
* Returns:\n
* {?}\n
getStyle: function(element, style) {\n
element = OpenLayers.Util.getElement(element);\n
var value = null;\n
if (element && {\n
value =[OpenLayers.String.camelize(style)];\n
if (!value) {\n
if (document.defaultView && \n
document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {\n
var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);\n
value = css ? css.getPropertyValue(style) : null;\n
} else if (element.currentStyle) {\n
value = element.currentStyle[OpenLayers.String.camelize(style)];\n
var positions = [\'left\', \'top\', \'right\', \'bottom\'];\n
if (window.opera &&\n
(OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(positions,style) != -1) &&\n
(OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(element, \'position\') == \'static\')) { \n
value = \'auto\';\n
return value == \'auto\' ? null : value;\n
]]></string> </value>
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<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for \n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. */\n
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js\n
* Class: OpenLayers.LonLat\n
* This class represents a longitude and latitude pair\n
OpenLayers.LonLat = OpenLayers.Class({\n
/** \n
* APIProperty: lon\n
* {Float} The x-axis coodinate in map units\n
lon: 0.0,\n
/** \n
* APIProperty: lat\n
* {Float} The y-axis coordinate in map units\n
lat: 0.0,\n
* Constructor: OpenLayers.LonLat\n
* Create a new map location. Coordinates can be passed either as two\n
* arguments, or as a single argument.\n
* Parameters (two arguments):\n
* lon - {Number} The x-axis coordinate in map units. If your map is in\n
* a geographic projection, this will be the Longitude. Otherwise,\n
* it will be the x coordinate of the map location in your map units.\n
* lat - {Number} The y-axis coordinate in map units. If your map is in\n
* a geographic projection, this will be the Latitude. Otherwise,\n
* it will be the y coordinate of the map location in your map units.\n
* Parameters (single argument):\n
* location - {Array(Float)} [lon, lat]\n
initialize: function(lon, lat) {\n
if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(lon)) {\n
lat = lon[1];\n
lon = lon[0];\n
this.lon = OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(lon);\n = OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(lat);\n
* Method: toString\n
* Return a readable string version of the lonlat\n
* Returns:\n
* {String} String representation of OpenLayers.LonLat object. \n
* (e.g. <i>"lon=5,lat=42"</i>)\n
toString:function() {\n
return ("lon=" + this.lon + ",lat=" +;\n
/** \n
* APIMethod: toShortString\n
* \n
* Returns:\n
* {String} Shortened String representation of OpenLayers.LonLat object. \n
* (e.g. <i>"5, 42"</i>)\n
toShortString:function() {\n
return (this.lon + ", " +;\n
/** \n
* APIMethod: clone\n
* \n
* Returns:\n
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} New OpenLayers.LonLat object with the same lon \n
* and lat values\n
clone:function() {\n
return new OpenLayers.LonLat(this.lon,;\n
/** \n
* APIMethod: add\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* lon - {Float}\n
* lat - {Float}\n
* \n
* Returns:\n
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} A new OpenLayers.LonLat object with the lon and \n
* lat passed-in added to this\'s. \n
add:function(lon, lat) {\n
if ( (lon == null) || (lat == null) ) {\n
throw new TypeError(\'LonLat.add cannot receive null values\');\n
return new OpenLayers.LonLat(this.lon + OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(lon), \n + OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(lat));\n
/** \n
* APIMethod: equals\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* ll - {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}\n
* \n
* Returns:\n
* {Boolean} Boolean value indicating whether the passed-in \n
* <OpenLayers.LonLat> object has the same lon and lat \n
* components as this.\n
* Note: if ll passed in is null, returns false\n
equals:function(ll) {\n
var equals = false;\n
if (ll != null) {\n
equals = ((this.lon == ll.lon && == ||\n
(isNaN(this.lon) && isNaN( && isNaN(ll.lon) && isNaN(;\n
return equals;\n
* APIMethod: transform\n
* Transform the LonLat object from source to dest. This transformation is\n
* *in place*: if you want a *new* lonlat, use .clone() first.\n
* Parameters: \n
* source - {<OpenLayers.Projection>} Source projection. \n
* dest - {<OpenLayers.Projection>} Destination projection. \n
* Returns:\n
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} Itself, for use in chaining operations.\n
transform: function(source, dest) {\n
var point = OpenLayers.Projection.transform(\n
{\'x\': this.lon, \'y\':}, source, dest);\n
this.lon = point.x;\n = point.y;\n
return this;\n
* APIMethod: wrapDateLine\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* maxExtent - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}\n
* \n
* Returns:\n
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} A copy of this lonlat, but wrapped around the \n
* "dateline" (as specified by the borders of \n
* maxExtent)\n
wrapDateLine: function(maxExtent) { \n
var newLonLat = this.clone();\n
if (maxExtent) {\n
//shift right?\n
while (newLonLat.lon < maxExtent.left) {\n
newLonLat.lon += maxExtent.getWidth();\n
} \n
//shift left?\n
while (newLonLat.lon > maxExtent.right) {\n
newLonLat.lon -= maxExtent.getWidth();\n
} \n
return newLonLat;\n
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.LonLat"\n
/** \n
* Function: fromString\n
* Alternative constructor that builds a new <OpenLayers.LonLat> from a \n
* parameter string\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* str - {String} Comma-separated Lon,Lat coordinate string. \n
* (e.g. <i>"5,40"</i>)\n
* \n
* Returns:\n
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} New <OpenLayers.LonLat> object built from the \n
* passed-in String.\n
OpenLayers.LonLat.fromString = function(str) {\n
var pair = str.split(",");\n
return new OpenLayers.LonLat(pair[0], pair[1]);\n
/** \n
* Function: fromArray\n
* Alternative constructor that builds a new <OpenLayers.LonLat> from an \n
* array of two numbers that represent lon- and lat-values.\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* arr - {Array(Float)} Array of lon/lat values (e.g. [5,-42])\n
* \n
* Returns:\n
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>} New <OpenLayers.LonLat> object built from the \n
* passed-in array.\n
OpenLayers.LonLat.fromArray = function(arr) {\n
var gotArr = OpenLayers.Util.isArray(arr),\n
lon = gotArr && arr[0],\n
lat = gotArr && arr[1];\n
return new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat);\n
]]></string> </value>
<key> <string>precondition</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>size</string> </key>
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<value> <string>Pixel.js</string> </value>
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<value> <string>application/javascript</string> </value>
<key> <string>data</string> </key>
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for \n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. */\n
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js\n
* Class: OpenLayers.Pixel\n
* This class represents a screen coordinate, in x and y coordinates\n
OpenLayers.Pixel = OpenLayers.Class({\n
* APIProperty: x\n
* {Number} The x coordinate\n
x: 0.0,\n
* APIProperty: y\n
* {Number} The y coordinate\n
y: 0.0,\n
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Pixel\n
* Create a new OpenLayers.Pixel instance\n
* Parameters:\n
* x - {Number} The x coordinate\n
* y - {Number} The y coordinate\n
* Returns:\n
* An instance of OpenLayers.Pixel\n
initialize: function(x, y) {\n
this.x = parseFloat(x);\n
this.y = parseFloat(y);\n
* Method: toString\n
* Cast this object into a string\n
* Returns:\n
* {String} The string representation of Pixel. ex: "x=200.4,y=242.2"\n
toString:function() {\n
return ("x=" + this.x + ",y=" + this.y);\n
* APIMethod: clone\n
* Return a clone of this pixel object\n
* Returns:\n
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} A clone pixel\n
clone:function() {\n
return new OpenLayers.Pixel(this.x, this.y); \n
* APIMethod: equals\n
* Determine whether one pixel is equivalent to another\n
* Parameters:\n
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>|Object} An OpenLayers.Pixel or an object with\n
* a \'x\' and \'y\' properties.\n
* Returns:\n
* {Boolean} The point passed in as parameter is equal to this. Note that\n
* if px passed in is null, returns false.\n
equals:function(px) {\n
var equals = false;\n
if (px != null) {\n
equals = ((this.x == px.x && this.y == px.y) ||\n
(isNaN(this.x) && isNaN(this.y) && isNaN(px.x) && isNaN(px.y)));\n
return equals;\n
* APIMethod: distanceTo\n
* Returns the distance to the pixel point passed in as a parameter.\n
* Parameters:\n
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}\n
* Returns:\n
* {Float} The pixel point passed in as parameter to calculate the\n
* distance to.\n
distanceTo:function(px) {\n
return Math.sqrt(\n
Math.pow(this.x - px.x, 2) +\n
Math.pow(this.y - px.y, 2)\n
* APIMethod: add\n
* Parameters:\n
* x - {Integer}\n
* y - {Integer}\n
* Returns:\n
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} A new Pixel with this pixel\'s x&y augmented by the \n
* values passed in.\n
add:function(x, y) {\n
if ( (x == null) || (y == null) ) {\n
throw new TypeError(\'Pixel.add cannot receive null values\');\n
return new OpenLayers.Pixel(this.x + x, this.y + y);\n
* APIMethod: offset\n
* \n
* Parameters\n
* px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>|Object} An OpenLayers.Pixel or an object with\n
* a \'x\' and \'y\' properties.\n
* \n
* Returns:\n
* {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} A new Pixel with this pixel\'s x&y augmented by the \n
* x&y values of the pixel passed in.\n
offset:function(px) {\n
var newPx = this.clone();\n
if (px) {\n
newPx = this.add(px.x, px.y);\n
return newPx;\n
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Pixel"\n
]]></string> </value>
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<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>size</string> </key>
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<value> <string></string> </value>
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<key> <string>_EtagSupport__etag</string> </key>
<value> <string>ts53684100.78</string> </value>
<key> <string>__name__</string> </key>
<value> <string>Size.js</string> </value>
<key> <string>content_type</string> </key>
<value> <string>application/javascript</string> </value>
<key> <string>data</string> </key>
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for \n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. */\n
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js\n
* Class: OpenLayers.Size\n
* Instances of this class represent a width/height pair\n
OpenLayers.Size = OpenLayers.Class({\n
* APIProperty: w\n
* {Number} width\n
w: 0.0,\n
* APIProperty: h\n
* {Number} height\n
h: 0.0,\n
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Size\n
* Create an instance of OpenLayers.Size\n
* Parameters:\n
* w - {Number} width\n
* h - {Number} height\n
initialize: function(w, h) {\n
this.w = parseFloat(w);\n
this.h = parseFloat(h);\n
* Method: toString\n
* Return the string representation of a size object\n
* Returns:\n
* {String} The string representation of OpenLayers.Size object. \n
* (e.g. <i>"w=55,h=66"</i>)\n
toString:function() {\n
return ("w=" + this.w + ",h=" + this.h);\n
* APIMethod: clone\n
* Create a clone of this size object\n
* Returns:\n
* {<OpenLayers.Size>} A new OpenLayers.Size object with the same w and h\n
* values\n
clone:function() {\n
return new OpenLayers.Size(this.w, this.h);\n
* APIMethod: equals\n
* Determine where this size is equal to another\n
* Parameters:\n
* sz - {<OpenLayers.Size>|Object} An OpenLayers.Size or an object with\n
* a \'w\' and \'h\' properties.\n
* Returns: \n
* {Boolean} The passed in size has the same h and w properties as this one.\n
* Note that if sz passed in is null, returns false.\n
equals:function(sz) {\n
var equals = false;\n
if (sz != null) {\n
equals = ((this.w == sz.w && this.h == sz.h) ||\n
(isNaN(this.w) && isNaN(this.h) && isNaN(sz.w) && isNaN(sz.h)));\n
return equals;\n
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Size"\n
]]></string> </value>
<key> <string>precondition</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>size</string> </key>
<value> <int>2191</int> </value>
<key> <string>title</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
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<key> <string>_EtagSupport__etag</string> </key>
<value> <string>ts53684100.77</string> </value>
<key> <string>__name__</string> </key>
<value> <string>Console.js</string> </value>
<key> <string>content_type</string> </key>
<value> <string>application/javascript</string> </value>
<key> <string>data</string> </key>
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for \n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. */\n
* @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Class.js\n
* Namespace: OpenLayers.Console\n
* The OpenLayers.Console namespace is used for debugging and error logging.\n
* If the Firebug Lite (../Firebug/firebug.js) is included before this script,\n
* calls to OpenLayers.Console methods will get redirected to window.console.\n
* This makes use of the Firebug extension where available and allows for\n
* cross-browser debugging Firebug style.\n
* Note:\n
* Note that behavior will differ with the Firebug extention and Firebug Lite.\n
* Most notably, the Firebug Lite console does not currently allow for\n
* hyperlinks to code or for clicking on object to explore their properties.\n
* \n
OpenLayers.Console = {\n
* Create empty functions for all console methods. The real value of these\n
* properties will be set if Firebug Lite (../Firebug/firebug.js script) is\n
* included. We explicitly require the Firebug Lite script to trigger\n
* functionality of the OpenLayers.Console methods.\n
* APIFunction: log\n
* Log an object in the console. The Firebug Lite console logs string\n
* representation of objects. Given multiple arguments, they will\n
* be cast to strings and logged with a space delimiter. If the first\n
* argument is a string with printf-like formatting, subsequent arguments\n
* will be used in string substitution. Any additional arguments (beyond\n
* the number substituted in a format string) will be appended in a space-\n
* delimited line.\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* object - {Object}\n
log: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: debug\n
* Writes a message to the console, including a hyperlink to the line\n
* where it was called.\n
* May be called with multiple arguments as with OpenLayers.Console.log().\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* object - {Object}\n
debug: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: info\n
* Writes a message to the console with the visual "info" icon and color\n
* coding and a hyperlink to the line where it was called.\n
* May be called with multiple arguments as with OpenLayers.Console.log().\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* object - {Object}\n
info: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: warn\n
* Writes a message to the console with the visual "warning" icon and\n
* color coding and a hyperlink to the line where it was called.\n
* May be called with multiple arguments as with OpenLayers.Console.log().\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* object - {Object}\n
warn: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: error\n
* Writes a message to the console with the visual "error" icon and color\n
* coding and a hyperlink to the line where it was called.\n
* May be called with multiple arguments as with OpenLayers.Console.log().\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* object - {Object}\n
error: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: userError\n
* A single interface for showing error messages to the user. The default\n
* behavior is a Javascript alert, though this can be overridden by\n
* reassigning OpenLayers.Console.userError to a different function.\n
* Expects a single error message\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* error - {Object}\n
userError: function(error) {\n
* APIFunction: assert\n
* Tests that an expression is true. If not, it will write a message to\n
* the console and throw an exception.\n
* May be called with multiple arguments as with OpenLayers.Console.log().\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* object - {Object}\n
assert: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: dir\n
* Prints an interactive listing of all properties of the object. This\n
* looks identical to the view that you would see in the DOM tab.\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* object - {Object}\n
dir: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: dirxml\n
* Prints the XML source tree of an HTML or XML element. This looks\n
* identical to the view that you would see in the HTML tab. You can click\n
* on any node to inspect it in the HTML tab.\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* object - {Object}\n
dirxml: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: trace\n
* Prints an interactive stack trace of JavaScript execution at the point\n
* where it is called. The stack trace details the functions on the stack,\n
* as well as the values that were passed as arguments to each function.\n
* You can click each function to take you to its source in the Script tab,\n
* and click each argument value to inspect it in the DOM or HTML tabs.\n
* \n
trace: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: group\n
* Writes a message to the console and opens a nested block to indent all\n
* future messages sent to the console. Call OpenLayers.Console.groupEnd()\n
* to close the block.\n
* May be called with multiple arguments as with OpenLayers.Console.log().\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* object - {Object}\n
group: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: groupEnd\n
* Closes the most recently opened block created by a call to\n
groupEnd: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: time\n
* Creates a new timer under the given name. Call\n
* OpenLayers.Console.timeEnd(name)\n
* with the same name to stop the timer and print the time elapsed.\n
* Parameters:\n
* name - {String}\n
time: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: timeEnd\n
* Stops a timer created by a call to OpenLayers.Console.time(name) and\n
* writes the time elapsed.\n
* Parameters:\n
* name - {String}\n
timeEnd: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: profile\n
* Turns on the JavaScript profiler. The optional argument title would\n
* contain the text to be printed in the header of the profile report.\n
* This function is not currently implemented in Firebug Lite.\n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* title - {String} Optional title for the profiler\n
profile: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: profileEnd\n
* Turns off the JavaScript profiler and prints its report.\n
* \n
* This function is not currently implemented in Firebug Lite.\n
profileEnd: function() {},\n
* APIFunction: count\n
* Writes the number of times that the line of code where count was called\n
* was executed. The optional argument title will print a message in\n
* addition to the number of the count.\n
* This function is not currently implemented in Firebug Lite.\n
* Parameters:\n
* title - {String} Optional title to be printed with count\n
count: function() {},\n
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Console"\n
* Execute an anonymous function to extend the OpenLayers.Console namespace\n
* if the firebug.js script is included. This closure is used so that the\n
* "scripts" and "i" variables don\'t pollute the global namespace.\n
(function() {\n
* If Firebug Lite is included (before this script), re-route all\n
* OpenLayers.Console calls to the console object.\n
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");\n
for(var i=0, len=scripts.length; i<len; ++i) {\n
if(scripts[i].src.indexOf("firebug.js") != -1) {\n
if(console) {\n
OpenLayers.Util.extend(OpenLayers.Console, console);\n
]]></string> </value>
<key> <string>precondition</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>size</string> </key>
<value> <int>7885</int> </value>
<key> <string>title</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
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<record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
<global name="Folder" module="OFS.Folder"/>
<key> <string>_objects</string> </key>
<key> <string>id</string> </key>
<value> <string>Control</string> </value>
<key> <string>title</string> </key>
<value> <string>/srv/slapgrid/slappart165/tmp/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control</string> </value>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
<global name="File" module="OFS.Image"/>
<key> <string>_EtagSupport__etag</string> </key>
<value> <string>ts53684100.81</string> </value>
<key> <string>__name__</string> </key>
<value> <string>ArgParser.js</string> </value>
<key> <string>content_type</string> </key>
<value> <string>application/javascript</string> </value>
<key> <string>data</string> </key>
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for \n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. */\n
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js\n
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser\n
* The ArgParser control adds location bar query string parsing functionality \n
* to an OpenLayers Map.\n
* When added to a Map control, on a page load/refresh, the Map will \n
* automatically take the href string and parse it for lon, lat, zoom, and \n
* layers information. \n
* Inherits from:\n
* - <OpenLayers.Control>\n
OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {\n
* Property: center\n
* {<OpenLayers.LonLat>}\n
center: null,\n
* Property: zoom\n
* {int}\n
zoom: null,\n
* Property: layers\n
* {String} Each character represents the state of the corresponding layer \n
* on the map.\n
layers: null,\n
/** \n
* APIProperty: displayProjection\n
* {<OpenLayers.Projection>} Requires proj4js support. \n
* Projection used when reading the coordinates from the URL. This will\n
* reproject the map coordinates from the URL into the map\'s\n
* projection.\n
* If you are using this functionality, be aware that any permalink\n
* which is added to the map will determine the coordinate type which\n
* is read from the URL, which means you should not add permalinks with\n
* different displayProjections to the same map. \n
displayProjection: null, \n
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser\n
* Parameters:\n
* options - {Object}\n
* Method: getParameters\n
*/ \n
getParameters: function(url) {\n
url = url || window.location.href;\n
var parameters = OpenLayers.Util.getParameters(url);\n
// If we have an anchor in the url use it to split the url\n
var index = url.indexOf(\'#\');\n
if (index > 0) {\n
// create an url to parse on the getParameters\n
url = \'?\' + url.substring(index + 1, url.length);\n
return parameters;\n
* Method: setMap\n
* Set the map property for the control. \n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>} \n
setMap: function(map) {\n
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);\n
//make sure we dont already have an arg parser attached\n
for(var i=0,; i<len; i++) {\n
var control =[i];\n
if ( (control != this) &&\n
(control.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser") ) {\n
// If a second argparser is added to the map, then we \n
// override the displayProjection to be the one added to the\n
// map. \n
if (control.displayProjection != this.displayProjection) {\n
this.displayProjection = control.displayProjection;\n
} \n
if (i == {\n
var args = this.getParameters();\n
// Be careful to set layer first, to not trigger unnecessary layer loads\n
if (args.layers) {\n
this.layers = args.layers;\n
// when we add a new layer, set its visibility \n\'addlayer\', this, \n
if ( && args.lon) {\n = new OpenLayers.LonLat(parseFloat(args.lon),\n
if (args.zoom) {\n
this.zoom = parseFloat(args.zoom);\n
// when we add a new baselayer to see when we can set the center\n\'changebaselayer\', this, \n
/** \n
* Method: setCenter\n
* As soon as a baseLayer has been loaded, we center and zoom\n
* ...and remove the handler.\n
setCenter: function() {\n
if ( {\n
//dont need to listen for this one anymore\n\'changebaselayer\', this, \n
if (this.displayProjection) {\n, \n; \n
} \n
\n, this.zoom);\n
/** \n
* Method: configureLayers\n
* As soon as all the layers are loaded, cycle through them and \n
* hide or show them. \n
configureLayers: function() {\n
if (this.layers.length == { \n\'addlayer\', this, this.configureLayers);\n
for(var i=0, len=this.layers.length; i<len; i++) {\n
var layer =[i];\n
var c = this.layers.charAt(i);\n
if (c == "B") {\n;\n
} else if ( (c == "T") || (c == "F") ) {\n
layer.setVisibility(c == "T");\n
}, \n
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser"\n
]]></string> </value>
<key> <string>precondition</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>size</string> </key>
<value> <int>5908</int> </value>
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<value> <string></string> </value>
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<global name="File" module="OFS.Image"/>
<key> <string>_EtagSupport__etag</string> </key>
<value> <string>ts53684100.8</string> </value>
<key> <string>__name__</string> </key>
<value> <string>Attribution.js</string> </value>
<key> <string>content_type</string> </key>
<value> <string>application/javascript</string> </value>
<key> <string>data</string> </key>
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for \n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. */\n
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js\n
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.Attribution\n
* The attribution control adds attribution from layers to the map display. \n
* It uses \'attribution\' property of each layer.\n
* Inherits from:\n
* - <OpenLayers.Control>\n
OpenLayers.Control.Attribution = \n
OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {\n
* APIProperty: seperator\n
* {String} String used to seperate layers.\n
separator: ", ",\n
* APIProperty: template\n
* {String} Template for the attribution. This has to include the substring\n
* "${layers}", which will be replaced by the layer specific\n
* attributions, separated by <separator>. The default is "${layers}".\n
template: "${layers}",\n
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Control.Attribution \n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* options - {Object} Options for control.\n
/** \n
* Method: destroy\n
* Destroy control.\n
destroy: function() {\n{\n
"removelayer": this.updateAttribution,\n
"addlayer": this.updateAttribution,\n
"changelayer": this.updateAttribution,\n
"changebaselayer": this.updateAttribution,\n
scope: this\n
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);\n
}, \n
* Method: draw\n
* Initialize control.\n
* \n
* Returns: \n
* {DOMElement} A reference to the DIV DOMElement containing the control\n
*/ \n
draw: function() {\n
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);\n
\'changebaselayer\': this.updateAttribution,\n
\'changelayer\': this.updateAttribution,\n
\'addlayer\': this.updateAttribution,\n
\'removelayer\': this.updateAttribution,\n
scope: this\n
return this.div; \n
* Method: updateAttribution\n
* Update attribution string.\n
updateAttribution: function() {\n
var attributions = [];\n
if ( && {\n
for(var i=0,; i<len; i++) {\n
var layer =[i];\n
if (layer.attribution && layer.getVisibility()) {\n
// add attribution only if attribution text is unique\n
if (OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(\n
attributions, layer.attribution) === -1) {\n
attributions.push( layer.attribution );\n
} \n
this.div.innerHTML = OpenLayers.String.format(this.template, {\n
layers: attributions.join(this.separator)\n
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.Attribution"\n
]]></string> </value>
<key> <string>precondition</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>size</string> </key>
<value> <int>3155</int> </value>
<key> <string>title</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
<global name="File" module="OFS.Image"/>
<key> <string>_EtagSupport__etag</string> </key>
<value> <string>ts53684100.8</string> </value>
<key> <string>__name__</string> </key>
<value> <string>Button.js</string> </value>
<key> <string>content_type</string> </key>
<value> <string>application/javascript</string> </value>
<key> <string>data</string> </key>
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for \n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. */\n
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js\n
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.Button \n
* The Button control is a very simple push-button, for use with \n
* <OpenLayers.Control.Panel>.\n
* When clicked, the function trigger() is executed.\n
* \n
* Inherits from:\n
* - <OpenLayers.Control>\n
* Use:\n
* (code)\n
* var button = new OpenLayers.Control.Button({\n
* displayClass: "MyButton", trigger: myFunction\n
* });\n
* panel.addControls([button]);\n
* (end)\n
* \n
* Will create a button with CSS class MyButtonItemInactive, that\n
* will call the function MyFunction() when clicked.\n
OpenLayers.Control.Button = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {\n
* Property: type\n
* {Integer} OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON.\n
type: OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON,\n
* Method: trigger\n
* Called by a control panel when the button is clicked.\n
trigger: function() {},\n
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.Button"\n
]]></string> </value>
<key> <string>precondition</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>size</string> </key>
<value> <int>1217</int> </value>
<key> <string>title</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
<global name="File" module="OFS.Image"/>
<key> <string>_EtagSupport__etag</string> </key>
<value> <string>ts53684100.81</string> </value>
<key> <string>__name__</string> </key>
<value> <string>CacheRead.js</string> </value>
<key> <string>content_type</string> </key>
<value> <string>application/javascript</string> </value>
<key> <string>data</string> </key>
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for \n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. */\n
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js\n
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.CacheRead\n
* A control for using image tiles cached with <OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite>\n
* from the browser\'s local storage.\n
* Inherits from:\n
* - <OpenLayers.Control>\n
OpenLayers.Control.CacheRead = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {\n
* APIProperty: fetchEvent\n
* {String} The layer event to listen to for replacing remote resource tile\n
* URLs with cached data URIs. Supported values are "tileerror" (try\n
* remote first, fall back to cached) and "tileloadstart" (try cache\n
* first, fall back to remote). Default is "tileloadstart".\n
* Note that "tileerror" will not work for CORS enabled images (see\n
*, i.e. layers\n
* configured with a <OpenLayers.Tile.Image.crossOriginKeyword> in\n
* <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.tileOptions>.\n
fetchEvent: "tileloadstart",\n
* APIProperty: layers\n
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>)}. Optional. If provided, only these\n
* layers will receive tiles from the cache.\n
layers: null,\n
* APIProperty: autoActivate\n
* {Boolean} Activate the control when it is added to a map. Default is\n
* true.\n
autoActivate: true,\n
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Control.CacheRead\n
* Parameters:\n
* options - {Object} Object with API properties for this control\n
/** \n
* Method: setMap\n
* Set the map property for the control. \n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>} \n
setMap: function(map) {\n
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);\n
var i, layers = this.layers || map.layers;\n
for (i=layers.length-1; i>=0; --i) {\n
this.addLayer({layer: layers[i]});\n
if (!this.layers) {\n{\n
addlayer: this.addLayer,\n
removeLayer: this.removeLayer,\n
scope: this\n
* Method: addLayer\n
* Adds a layer to the control. Once added, tiles requested for this layer\n
* will be cached.\n
* Parameters:\n
* evt - {Object} Object with a layer property referencing an\n
* <OpenLayers.Layer> instance\n
addLayer: function(evt) {\n, this, this.fetch); \n
* Method: removeLayer\n
* Removes a layer from the control. Once removed, tiles requested for this\n
* layer will no longer be cached.\n
* Parameters:\n
* evt - {Object} Object with a layer property referencing an\n
* <OpenLayers.Layer> instance\n
removeLayer: function(evt) {\n, this, this.fetch);\n
* Method: fetch\n
* Listener to the <fetchEvent> event. Replaces a tile\'s url with a data\n
* URI from the cache.\n
* Parameters:\n
* evt - {Object} Event object with a tile property.\n
fetch: function(evt) {\n
if ( && window.localStorage &&\n
evt.tile instanceof OpenLayers.Tile.Image) {\n
var tile = evt.tile,\n
url = tile.url;\n
// deal with modified tile urls when both CacheWrite and CacheRead\n
// are active\n
if (!tile.layer.crossOriginKeyword && OpenLayers.ProxyHost &&\n
url.indexOf(OpenLayers.ProxyHost) === 0) {\n
url = OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.urlMap[url]; \n
var dataURI = window.localStorage.getItem("olCache_" + url);\n
if (dataURI) {\n
tile.url = dataURI;\n
if (evt.type === "tileerror") {\n
* Method: destroy\n
* The destroy method is used to perform any clean up before the control\n
* is dereferenced. Typically this is where event listeners are removed\n
* to prevent memory leaks.\n
destroy: function() {\n
if (this.layers || {\n
var i, layers = this.layers ||;\n
for (i=layers.length-1; i>=0; --i) {\n
this.removeLayer({layer: layers[i]});\n
if ( {\n{\n
addlayer: this.addLayer,\n
removeLayer: this.removeLayer,\n
scope: this\n
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);\n
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.CacheRead"\n
]]></string> </value>
<key> <string>precondition</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>size</string> </key>
<value> <int>5044</int> </value>
<key> <string>title</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
<global name="File" module="OFS.Image"/>
<key> <string>_EtagSupport__etag</string> </key>
<value> <string>ts53684100.81</string> </value>
<key> <string>__name__</string> </key>
<value> <string>CacheWrite.js</string> </value>
<key> <string>content_type</string> </key>
<value> <string>application/javascript</string> </value>
<key> <string>data</string> </key>
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for \n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. */\n
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js\n
* @requires OpenLayers/Request.js\n
* @requires OpenLayers/Console.js\n
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite\n
* A control for caching image tiles in the browser\'s local storage. The\n
* <OpenLayers.Control.CacheRead> control is used to fetch and use the cached\n
* tile images.\n
* Note: Before using this control on any layer that is not your own, make sure\n
* that the terms of service of the tile provider allow local storage of tiles.\n
* Inherits from:\n
* - <OpenLayers.Control>\n
OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {\n
/** \n
* APIProperty: events\n
* {<OpenLayers.Events>} Events instance for listeners and triggering\n
* control specific events.\n
* To register events in the constructor, configure <eventListeners>.\n
* Register a listener for a particular event with the following syntax:\n
* (code)\n
*, obj, listener);\n
* (end)\n
* Supported event types (in addition to those from <>):\n
* cachefull - Triggered when the cache is full. Listeners receive an\n
* object with a tile property as first argument. The tile references\n
* the tile that couldn\'t be cached.\n
* APIProperty: eventListeners\n
* {Object} Object with event listeners, keyed by event name. An optional\n
* scope property defines the scope that listeners will be executed in.\n
* APIProperty: layers\n
* {Array(<OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>)}. Optional. If provided, caching\n
* will be enabled for these layers only, otherwise for all cacheable\n
* layers.\n
layers: null,\n
* APIProperty: imageFormat\n
* {String} The image format used for caching. The default is "image/png".\n
* Supported formats depend on the user agent. If an unsupported\n
* <imageFormat> is provided, "image/png" will be used. For aerial\n
* imagery, "image/jpeg" is recommended.\n
imageFormat: "image/png",\n
* Property: quotaRegEx\n
* {RegExp}\n
quotaRegEx: (/quota/i),\n
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite\n
* Parameters:\n
* options - {Object} Object with API properties for this control.\n
/** \n
* Method: setMap\n
* Set the map property for the control. \n
* \n
* Parameters:\n
* map - {<OpenLayers.Map>} \n
setMap: function(map) {\n
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);\n
var i, layers = this.layers || map.layers;\n
for (i=layers.length-1; i>=0; --i) {\n
this.addLayer({layer: layers[i]});\n
if (!this.layers) {\n{\n
addlayer: this.addLayer,\n
removeLayer: this.removeLayer,\n
scope: this\n
* Method: addLayer\n
* Adds a layer to the control. Once added, tiles requested for this layer\n
* will be cached.\n
* Parameters:\n
* evt - {Object} Object with a layer property referencing an\n
* <OpenLayers.Layer> instance\n
addLayer: function(evt) {\n{\n
tileloadstart: this.makeSameOrigin,\n
tileloaded: this.cache,\n
scope: this\n
}); \n
* Method: removeLayer\n
* Removes a layer from the control. Once removed, tiles requested for this\n
* layer will no longer be cached.\n
* Parameters:\n
* evt - {Object} Object with a layer property referencing an\n
* <OpenLayers.Layer> instance\n
removeLayer: function(evt) {\n{\n
tileloadstart: this.makeSameOrigin,\n
tileloaded: this.cache,\n
scope: this\n
* Method: makeSameOrigin\n
* If the tile does not have CORS image loading enabled and is from a\n
* different origin, use OpenLayers.ProxyHost to make it a same origin url.\n
* Parameters:\n
* evt - {<OpenLayers.Event>}\n
makeSameOrigin: function(evt) {\n
if ( {\n
var tile = evt.tile;\n
if (tile instanceof OpenLayers.Tile.Image &&\n
!tile.crossOriginKeyword &&\n
tile.url.substr(0, 5) !== "data:") {\n
var sameOriginUrl = OpenLayers.Request.makeSameOrigin(\n
tile.url, OpenLayers.ProxyHost\n
OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.urlMap[sameOriginUrl] = tile.url;\n
tile.url = sameOriginUrl;\n
* Method: cache\n
* Adds a tile to the cache. When the cache is full, the "cachefull" event\n
* is triggered.\n
* Parameters:\n
* obj - {Object} Object with a tile property, tile being the\n
* <OpenLayers.Tile.Image> with the data to add to the cache\n
cache: function(obj) {\n
if ( && window.localStorage) {\n
var tile = obj.tile;\n
if (tile instanceof OpenLayers.Tile.Image &&\n
tile.url.substr(0, 5) !== \'data:\') {\n
try {\n
var canvasContext = tile.getCanvasContext();\n
if (canvasContext) {\n
var urlMap = OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.urlMap;\n
var url = urlMap[tile.url] || tile.url;\n
"olCache_" + url,\n
delete urlMap[tile.url];\n
} catch(e) {\n
// local storage full or CORS violation\n
var reason = || e.message;\n
if (reason && this.quotaRegEx.test(reason)) {\n"cachefull", {tile: tile});\n
} else {\n
* Method: destroy\n
* The destroy method is used to perform any clean up before the control\n
* is dereferenced. Typically this is where event listeners are removed\n
* to prevent memory leaks.\n
destroy: function() {\n
if (this.layers || {\n
var i, layers = this.layers ||;\n
for (i=layers.length-1; i>=0; --i) {\n
this.removeLayer({layer: layers[i]});\n
if ( {\n{\n
addlayer: this.addLayer,\n
removeLayer: this.removeLayer,\n
scope: this\n
OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);\n
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite"\n
* APIFunction: OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.clearCache\n
* Clears all tiles cached with <OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite> from the cache.\n
OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.clearCache = function() {\n
if (!window.localStorage) { return; }\n
var i, key;\n
for (i=window.localStorage.length-1; i>=0; --i) {\n
key = window.localStorage.key(i);\n
if (key.substr(0, 8) === "olCache_") {\n
* Property: OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.urlMap\n
* {Object} Mapping of same origin urls to cache url keys. Entries will be\n
* deleted as soon as a tile was cached.\n
OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.urlMap = {};\n
]]></string> </value>
<key> <string>precondition</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>size</string> </key>
<value> <int>8033</int> </value>
<key> <string>title</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
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<record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
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<key> <string>_EtagSupport__etag</string> </key>
<value> <string>ts53684100.81</string> </value>
<key> <string>__name__</string> </key>
<value> <string>DragPan.js</string> </value>
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<key> <string>data</string> </key>
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for \n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. */\n
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js\n
* @requires OpenLayers/Handler/Drag.js\n
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.DragPan\n
* The DragPan control pans the map with a drag of the mouse.\n
* Inherits from:\n
* - <OpenLayers.Control>\n
OpenLayers.Control.DragPan = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {\n
/** \n
* Property: type\n
* {OpenLayers.Control.TYPES}\n
type: OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_TOOL,\n
* Property: panned\n
* {Boolean} The map moved.\n
panned: false,\n
* Property: interval\n
* {Integer} The number of milliseconds that should ellapse before\n
* panning the map again. Defaults to 1 millisecond. In most cases\n
* you won\'t want to change this value. For slow machines/devices\n
* larger values can be tried out.\n
interval: 1,\n
* APIProperty: documentDrag\n
* {Boolean} If set to true, mouse dragging will continue even if the\n
* mouse cursor leaves the map viewport. Default is false.\n
documentDrag: false,\n
* Property: kinetic\n
* {<OpenLayers.Kinetic>} The OpenLayers.Kinetic object.\n
kinetic: null,\n
* APIProperty: enableKinetic\n
* {Boolean} Set this option to enable "kinetic dragging". Can be\n
* set to true or to an object. If set to an object this\n
* object will be passed to the {<OpenLayers.Kinetic>}\n
* constructor. Defaults to false.\n
* If you set this property, you should ensure that \n
* OpenLayers/Kinetic.js is included in your build config\n
enableKinetic: false,\n
* APIProperty: kineticInterval\n
* {Integer} Interval in milliseconds between 2 steps in the "kinetic\n
* scrolling". Applies only if enableKinetic is set. Defaults\n
* to 10 milliseconds.\n
kineticInterval: 10,\n
* Method: draw\n
* Creates a Drag handler, using <panMap> and\n
* <panMapDone> as callbacks.\n
*/ \n
draw: function() {\n
if(this.enableKinetic) {\n
var config = {interval: this.kineticInterval};\n
if(typeof this.enableKinetic === "object") {\n
config = OpenLayers.Util.extend(config, this.enableKinetic);\n
this.kinetic = new OpenLayers.Kinetic(config);\n
this.handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Drag(this, {\n
"move": this.panMap,\n
"done": this.panMapDone,\n
"down": this.panMapStart\n
}, {\n
interval: this.interval,\n
documentDrag: this.documentDrag\n
* Method: panMapStart\n
panMapStart: function() {\n
if(this.kinetic) {\n
* Method: panMap\n
* Parameters:\n
* xy - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} Pixel of the mouse position\n
panMap: function(xy) {\n
if(this.kinetic) {\n
this.panned = true;\n\n
this.handler.last.x - xy.x,\n
this.handler.last.y - xy.y,\n
{dragging: true, animate: false}\n
* Method: panMapDone\n
* Finish the panning operation. Only call setCenter (through <panMap>)\n
* if the map has actually been moved.\n
* Parameters:\n
* xy - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} Pixel of the mouse position\n
panMapDone: function(xy) {\n
if(this.panned) {\n
var res = null;\n
if (this.kinetic) {\n
res = this.kinetic.end(xy);\n
this.handler.last.x - xy.x,\n
this.handler.last.y - xy.y,\n
{dragging: !!res, animate: false}\n
if (res) {\n
var self = this;\n
this.kinetic.move(res, function(x, y, end) {\n, y, {dragging: !end, animate: false});\n
this.panned = false;\n
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.DragPan"\n
]]></string> </value>
<key> <string>precondition</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>size</string> </key>
<value> <int>4416</int> </value>
<key> <string>title</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
<global name="File" module="OFS.Image"/>
<key> <string>_EtagSupport__etag</string> </key>
<value> <string>ts53684100.81</string> </value>
<key> <string>__name__</string> </key>
<value> <string>ZoomIn.js</string> </value>
<key> <string>content_type</string> </key>
<value> <string>application/javascript</string> </value>
<key> <string>data</string> </key>
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
/* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for \n
* full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.\n
* See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the\n
* full text of the license. */\n
* @requires OpenLayers/Control.js\n
* Class: OpenLayers.Control.ZoomIn\n
* The ZoomIn control is a button to increase the zoom level of a map.\n
* Inherits from:\n
* - <OpenLayers.Control>\n
OpenLayers.Control.ZoomIn = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {\n
* Property: type\n
* {String} The type of <OpenLayers.Control> -- When added to a \n
* <Control.Panel>, \'type\' is used by the panel to determine how to \n
* handle our events.\n
type: OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON,\n
* Method: trigger\n
trigger: function(){\n;\n
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.ZoomIn"\n
]]></string> </value>
<key> <string>precondition</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>size</string> </key>
<value> <int>937</int> </value>
<key> <string>title</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
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