diff --git a/product/CMFActivity/Activity/SQLDict.py b/product/CMFActivity/Activity/SQLDict.py
index 551f98fe624648e6bbbab6a68ba70abe838848b9..c271f257164ef2cd141f499895134dfcf63ad234 100644
--- a/product/CMFActivity/Activity/SQLDict.py
+++ b/product/CMFActivity/Activity/SQLDict.py
@@ -375,16 +375,16 @@ class SQLDict(RAMDict, SQLBase):
         method = activity_tool.invoke
         args = (message_list[0], )
+      # Commit right before executing messages.
+      # As MySQL transaction do no start exactly at the same time as ZODB
+      # transactions but a bit later, messages available might be called
+      # on objects which are not available - or available in an old
+      # version - to ZODB connector.
+      # So all connectors must be commited now that we have selected
+      # everything needed from MySQL to get a fresh view of ZODB objects.
+      get_transaction().commit() 
+      # Try to invoke
-        # Commit right before executing messages.
-        # As MySQL transaction do no start exactly at the same time as ZODB
-        # transactions but a bit later, messages available might be called
-        # on objects which are not available - or available in an old
-        # version - to ZODB connector.
-        # So all connectors must be commited now that we have selected
-        # everything needed from MySQL to get a fresh view of ZODB objects.
-        get_transaction().commit() 
-        # Try to invoke
         LOG('SQLDict', WARNING, 'Exception raised when invoking messages (uid, path, method_id) %r' % ([(x[0], x[1].object_path, x[1].method_id) for x in message_uid_priority_list], ), error=sys.exc_info())
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ class SQLDict(RAMDict, SQLBase):
           # connection. As the transaction failed, we must rollback these
           # potential changes before being allowed to commit in
           # makeMessageListAvailable.
-          self.SQLDict_rollback()
+          activity_tool.SQLDict_rollback()
           LOG('SQLDict', PANIC, 'Failed to free messages: %r' % (to_free_uid_list, ), error=sys.exc_info())