Commit 958de788 authored by Kevin Deldycke's avatar Kevin Deldycke

Basic support of Cash Inventory Groups;

getVaultPathFromCodification() method added;
Code cleaning;
Dynamic generation of Cash Inventory;
Creation of Cash Inventory Lines moved from constructContent() to editDocument();
Comments added;

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent c210cadf
......@@ -33,13 +33,7 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import convertToUpperCase
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Acquisition import aq_base, aq_inner, aq_chain, aq_acquire
from xml.dom import implementation
from xml.dom.ext import PrettyPrint
from xml.dom import Node
import random
import datetime
from cStringIO import StringIO
from zLOG import LOG
......@@ -53,7 +47,7 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
# This data structure associate a xml property to an ERP5 object property in certain conditions
### This data structure associate a xml property to an ERP5 object property in certain conditions
property_map = \
[ { 'xml_property' : 'nom'
, 'erp5_property': 'first_name'
......@@ -116,7 +110,7 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
, { 'xml_property' : 'inventory_title'
, 'erp5_property': 'title'
, 'conditions' : {'erp5_portal_type':'Cash Inventory'}
, 'conditions' : {'erp5_portal_type':'Cash Inventory Group'}
......@@ -154,35 +148,47 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'constructContent')
def constructContent(self, object, object_id, docid, portal_type):
This is a redefinition of the original ERP5Conduit.constructContent function to create Baobab objects
This is a redefinition of the original ERP5Conduit.constructContent function to
create Baobab objects.
erp5_site_path = object.absolute_url(relative=1)
person_module = object.restrictedTraverse(erp5_site_path + '/person')
organisation_module = object.restrictedTraverse(erp5_site_path + '/organisation')
cash_inventory_module = object.restrictedTraverse(erp5_site_path + '/cash_inventory_module')
currency_cash_module = object.restrictedTraverse(erp5_site_path + '/currency_cash_module')
person_module = object.person
organisation_module = object.organisation
cash_inventory_module = object.cash_inventory_module
currency_cash_module = object.currency_cash_module
subobject = None
# Function to search the parent object where the new content must be construct
# Given parameter is the special encoded portal type that represent the path to the wanted destination
# Function to search the parent object where the new content must be construct.
# Given parameter is the special encoded portal type that represent the path to
# the wanted destination.
def findObjectFromSpecialPortalType(special_portal_type):
source_portal_type = special_portal_type.split('_')[0]
construction_location = '/'.join(special_portal_type.split('_')[1:][::-1])
parent_object = None
for search_folder in ('person', 'organisation'):
path = '/' + search_folder + '/' + construction_location
parent_object_path = erp5_site_path + path
parent_object = object.restrictedTraverse(erp5_site_path + path)
parent_object = object.restrictedTraverse(parent_object_path)
LOG('BaobabConduit:', 100, "parent object of '%s' not found in %s" % (source_portal_type, erp5_site_path + path))
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 100
, "parent object of '%s' not found in %s" % (source_portal_type, parent_object_path)
if parent_object == None:
LOG('BaobabConduit:', 100, "parent object of '%s' not found !" % (source_portal_type))
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 100
, "parent object of '%s' not found !" % (source_portal_type)
LOG('BaobabConduit:', 0,"parent object of '%s' found (%s)" % (source_portal_type, repr(parent_object)))
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 0
, "parent object of '%s' found (%s)" % (source_portal_type, repr(parent_object))
return parent_object
# handle client objects
### handle client objects
if portal_type.startswith('Client'):
if portal_type[-3:] == 'PER':
subobject = person_module.newContent( portal_type = 'Person'
......@@ -195,7 +201,7 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
# handle bank account objects
### handle bank account objects
elif portal_type.startswith('Compte'):
owner = findObjectFromSpecialPortalType(portal_type)
if owner == None: return None
......@@ -219,7 +225,7 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
new_priv = new_agent.newContent(portal_type = 'Agent Privilege')
# handle agent objects
### handle agent objects
elif portal_type.startswith('Mandataire'):
dest = findObjectFromSpecialPortalType(portal_type)
if dest == None: return None
......@@ -234,7 +240,7 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
# handle privilege objects
### handle privilege objects
elif portal_type.startswith('Pouvoir'):
dest = findObjectFromSpecialPortalType(portal_type)
if dest == None: return None
......@@ -242,50 +248,133 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
, id = object_id
# handle inventory objects
### handle inventory objects
elif portal_type == 'Cash Inventory':
if cash_inventory_module == None: return None
subobject = cash_inventory_module.newContent( portal_type = 'Cash Inventory'
subobject = cash_inventory_module.newContent( portal_type = 'Cash Inventory Group'
, id = object_id
# handle inventory details objects
### handle inventory details objects
elif portal_type == 'Cash Inventory Detail':
if currency_cash_module == None: return None
### get currency informations by analizing the id
# get currency and vault informations by analizing the id
id_items = object_id.split('_')
if len(id_items) != 4:
LOG('BaobabConduit:', 100, "Cash Inventory Detail object has a wrong id (%s) !" % (object_id))
if len(id_items) != 5:
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 100
, "Cash Inventory Detail object has a wrong id (%s) !" % (object_id)
return None
cell_id = id_items[0]
resource_type = id_items[1]
base_price = float(id_items[2])
currency_name = id_items[3]
agency_code = id_items[1]
inventory_code = id_items[2]
vault_code = id_items[3]
currency_id = id_items[4]
# get the path to the vault_code
vault_path = self.getVaultPathFromCodification( object = object
, agency_code = agency_code
, inventory_code = inventory_code
, vault_code = vault_code
if vault_path in (None, ''):
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 100
, "can't find a path to the vault '%s/%s/%s' !" % (agency_code, inventory_code, vault_code)
return None
# try to find an existing inventory with the same price currency and vault
inventory_list = object.contentValues(filter={'portal_type': 'Cash Inventory'})
new_inventory = None
for inventory in inventory_list:
inventory_currency = inventory.getPriceCurrencyId()
inventory_vault = inventory.getDestination()
if inventory_currency not in (None, '') and \
inventory_vault not in (None, '') and \
inventory_currency == currency_id and \
inventory_vault == vault_path :
new_inventory = inventory
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 0
, "previous Cash Inventory found (%s) !" % (repr(new_inventory))
# no previous inventory found, create one
if new_inventory == None:
new_inventory = object.newContent(portal_type = 'Cash Inventory')
new_inventory.setPriceCurrency('currency/' + currency_id)
subobject = new_inventory
return subobject
### try to find an existing line with the same resource as the current cell
# set the portal type of the searched object
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'editDocument')
def editDocument(self, object=None, **kw):
This function transfer datas from the dictionary to the baobab document
object given in parameters.
if object == None: return
Write here the code that require to combine more than one property from
the **kw dictionnary in order to put the right value in object attributes.
### Cash Inventory objects needs two properties to generate the vault path
if object.getPortalType() == 'Cash Inventory Group':
vault_path = self.getVaultPathFromCodification( object = object
, agency_code = kw['agency_code']
, inventory_code = kw['inventory_code']
### Cash Inventory Detail objects needs all properties to create and update the cell matrix
if object.getPortalType() == 'Cash Inventory':
quantity = None
cell_id = None
resource_type = None
base_price = None
currency_name = None
for k,v in kw.items():
if k == 'quantity' : quantity = float(v)
if k == 'cell_id' : cell_id = v
if k == 'currency_type': resource_type = v
if k == 'price' : base_price = float(v)
if k == 'currency' : currency_name = v
# try to find an existing line with the same resource as the current cell
if resource_type in ['BIL']:
currency_portal_type = 'Banknote'
elif resource_type in ['MON']:
currency_portal_type = 'Coin'
LOG('BaobabConduit:', 100, "Cash Inventory Detail resource type can't be guess (%s) !" % (resource_type))
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 100
, "Cash Inventory Detail resource type can't be guess (%s) !" % (resource_type)
return None
# get the list of existing currency to find the currency of the line
line_currency_cash = None
currency_cash_list = currency_cash_module.contentValues(filter={'portal_type': currency_portal_type})
for currency_cash in currency_cash_list:
if currency_cash.getBasePrice() == base_price and \
currency_cash.getPriceCurrencyId() == currency_name :
if base_price not in (None, '') and \
currency_name not in (None, '') and \
currency_cash.getBasePrice() == base_price and \
currency_cash.getPriceCurrencyId() == currency_name:
line_currency_cash = currency_cash
# no currency found
if line_currency_cash == None:
LOG('BaobabConduit:', 100, "No currency found for the Cash Inventory Detail !")
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 100
, "Currency '%s %s' not found for the Cash Inventory Detail !" % (base_price, currency_name)
return None
### search for lines
# search for lines
inventory_lines = object.contentValues(filter={'portal_type': 'Cash Inventory Line'})
new_line = None
for line in inventory_lines:
......@@ -294,72 +383,15 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
# no previous line found, create one
if new_line == None:
new_line = object.newContent( portal_type = 'Cash Inventory Line'
, id = random.randint(10000000, 99999999)
new_line = object.newContent(portal_type = 'Cash Inventory Line')
# new_line.setVariationBaseCategoryList([ 'cash_status'
# , 'emission_letter'
# , 'variation'
# ])
subobject = new_line
return subobject
# security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'getProperty')
# def getProperty(self, object, kw):
# """
# This is the default getProperty method. This method
# can easily be overwritten.
# """
# # Try to find a translation rule in the property_map
# cond = self.buildConditions(object)
# map_item = self.findPropertyMapItem(kw, cond)
# if map_item != None:
# method_id = "get" + convertToUpperCase(map_item['erp5_property'])
# LOG('BaobabConduit:',0,"try to call object method %s on %s" % (repr(method_id), repr(object)))
# if v not in ('', None):
# if hasattr(object, method_id):
# method = getattr(object, method_id)
# method(v)
# else:
# LOG('BaobabConduit:',100,'property map item don\'t match object properties')
# return object.getProperty(kw)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'editDocument')
def editDocument(self, object=None, **kw):
This function transfer datas from the dictionary to the baobab document object given in parameters
# This message help to track in the log when an object is edited
# It permit us to verify the consistency of a synchronisation process :
# 1- Launch a normal synchronisation.
# 2- When the syncho process is finished, launch (without reseting, it's important) an other synchronisation, the same way as above.
# 3- Monitor the zope log.
# 4- If the message log below appear it mean that a client piece of data is missing or wrong comparing to the master.
# In other words, it mean that the first synchronisation process didn't ensure the integrity of data.
#LOG('BaobabConduit:',0, "An object need to be edited")
if object == None: return
# Cash Inventory Detail objects needs all properties to create the matrix
if object.getPortalType() == 'Cash Inventory Line':
# get matrix variation values
category_list = []
quantity = None
cell_id = None
for k,v in kw.items():
if k == 'quantity': quantity = float(v)
if k == 'cell_id' : cell_id = v
# Get matrix variation values
base_cat_map = { 'variation' : 'variation'
, 'letter_code': 'emission_letter'
, 'status_code': 'cash_status'
......@@ -383,49 +415,74 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
category = 'not_defined'
category_list.append(base_cat_map[base_key] + '/' + category)
# Update the matrix with this cell
self.updateCashInventoryMatrix( line = object
# update the matrix with this cell
self.updateCashInventoryMatrix( line = new_line
, cell_category_list = category_list
, quantity = quantity
, cell_description = cell_id
Here we use 2 generic way to update object properties :
1. We try to use the property_map mapping to migrate a value from a property
to another;
2. If the latter fail, we try to find a method with a pre-defined name in
this script to handle the value.
# Set properties of the destination baobab object
for k,v in kw.items():
# Try to find a translation rule in the property_map
cond = self.buildConditions(object)
map_item = self.findPropertyMapItem(k, cond)
# No translation rule found, try to find a hard-coded translation method in the conduit
if map_item == None:
method_id = "edit%s%s" % (kw['type'], convertToUpperCase(k))
LOG('BaobabConduit:', 0, "try to call conduit method %s on %s" % (repr(method_id), repr(object)))
if v not in ('', None):
if hasattr(self, method_id):
method = getattr(self, method_id)
method(object, v)
LOG('BaobabConduit:', 100, "there is no method to handle <%s>%s</%s> data" % (k,repr(v),k))
# There is a translation rule, so call the right setProperty() method
### There is a translation rule, so call the right setProperty() method
if map_item != None:
method_id = "set" + convertToUpperCase(map_item['erp5_property'])
LOG('BaobabConduit:', 0, "try to call object method %s on %s" % (repr(method_id), repr(object)))
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 0
, "try to call object method %s on %s" % (repr(method_id), repr(object))
if v not in ('', None):
if hasattr(object, method_id):
method = getattr(object, method_id)
LOG('BaobabConduit:', 100, 'property map item don\'t match object properties')
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 100
, 'property map item don\'t match object properties'
### No translation rule found, try to find a hard-coded translation method in the conduit
method_id = "edit%s%s" % (kw['type'], convertToUpperCase(k))
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 0
, "try to call conduit method %s on %s" % (repr(method_id), repr(object))
if v not in ('', None):
if hasattr(self, method_id):
method = getattr(self, method_id)
method(object, v)
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 100
, "there is no method to handle <%s>%s</%s> data" % (k,repr(v),k)
All functions below are defined to set a document's property to a value given in parameters.
The name of those functions are chosen to help the transfert of datas from a given XML format to standard Baobab objects.
All functions below are defined to set a document's property to a value
given in parameters.
The name of those functions are chosen to help the transfert of datas
from a given XML format to standard Baobab objects.
# Client-related-properties functions
### Client-related-properties functions
def editClientCategorie(self, document, value):
if document.getPortalType() == 'Organisation':
id_table = { 'BIF': 'institution/world/bank'
......@@ -461,7 +518,10 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
path += '/S' + c
LOG('BaobabConduit inconsistency:', 200, 'a non-Organisation client can\'t have an economical class')
LOG( 'BaobabConduit inconsistency:'
, 200
, 'a non-Organisation client can\'t have an economical class'
def editClientSituationMatrimoniale(self, document, value):
if document.getPortalType() == 'Person':
......@@ -472,11 +532,15 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
LOG('BaobabConduit inconsistency:', 200, 'a non-Person client can\'t have a marital status')
LOG( 'BaobabConduit inconsistency:'
, 200
, 'a non-Person client can\'t have a marital status'
### BankAccount-related-properties functions
# BankAccount-related-properties functions
def editCompteDevise(self, document, value):
document.setPriceCurrency('currency/' + value)
......@@ -497,19 +561,26 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
# Agent-related-properties functions
### Agent-related-properties functions
def editMandataireNom(self, document, value):
old_value = document.getAgentValue().getFirstName()
new_value = value
if old_value != new_value:
LOG('BaobabConduit:', 200, 'old value of agent first name (%s) was replaced by a new one (%s)' % (old_value, new_value))
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 200
, 'old value of agent first name (%s) was replaced by a new one (%s)' % (old_value, new_value)
def editMandatairePrenom(self, document, value):
old_value = document.getAgentValue().getLastName()
new_value = value
if old_value != new_value:
LOG('BaobabConduit:', 200, 'old value of agent last name (%s) was replaced by a new one (%s)' % (old_value, new_value))
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 200
, 'old value of agent last name (%s) was replaced by a new one (%s)' % (old_value, new_value)
def editMandataireService(self, document, value):
......@@ -527,7 +598,10 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
old_value = document.getAgentValue().getDefaultTelephoneNumber()
new_value = value
if old_value != new_value:
LOG('BaobabConduit:', 200, "old value of agent's telephone (%s) was replaced by a new one (%s)" % (old_value, new_value))
LOG( 'BaobabConduit:'
, 200
, "old value of agent's telephone (%s) was replaced by a new one (%s)" % (old_value, new_value)
def editMandataireDateCreation(self, document, value):
......@@ -537,7 +611,8 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
# AgentPrivilege-related-properties functions
### AgentPrivilege-related-properties functions
def editPouvoirCategorie(self, document, value):
id_table = { 'COM' : 'clearing'
, 'CIR' : 'circularization'
......@@ -561,8 +636,9 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
# CashInventory-related-properties functions
def editCashInventoryInventoryDate(self, document, value):
### CashInventory-related-properties functions
def editCashInventoryGroupInventoryDate(self, document, value):
if value in ('', None):
date = str(datetime.datetime.max)
......@@ -574,66 +650,71 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
date = '/'.join([year, month, day])
# # CashInventoryDetail-related-properties functions
# def editCashInventoryDetailVariation(self, document, value):
# cell = document
# line = document.aq_parent()
# LOG('BaobabConduit:', 200, 'Line (%s) & Cell (%s)' % (line, cell))
# year = value
# # update line variation category list
# line_category_list = line.getVariationBaseCategoryList() + [year_category]
# line.setVariationBaseCategoryList(line_category_list)
# # update cell variation category list
# cell_category_list = cell.getCategoryList() + [year_category]
# cell.edit( membership_criterion_category_list = category_list
# , category_list = category_list
# )
# CashInventoryDetail-related-properties functions
# def editCashInventoryDetailVaultCode(self, document, value):
# line = document
def getVaultPathFromCodification(self, object, agency_code=None, inventory_code=None, vault_code=None):
if agency_code in (None, ''):
return None
category_tool = object.portal_categories
# Get the site path to agency
agency_path = None
site_base_object = category_tool.resolveCategory('site')
for site_item in site_base_object.getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList(base=1)[1:]:
site_path = site_item[1]
site_object = category_tool.resolveCategory(site_path)
if site_object.getPortalType() == 'Category':
site_code = site_object.getCodification()
if site_code not in (None, '') and site_code.upper() == agency_code.upper():
agency_path = site_path
if inventory_code in (None, ''):
return agency_path
# Get the site path corresponding to the inventory type
inventory_path = None
agency_site_object = site_object
for agency_sub_item in agency_site_object.getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList(base=1)[1:]:
agency_sub_item_path = agency_sub_item[1]
agency_sub_item_object = category_tool.resolveCategory(agency_sub_item_path)
vault_type_path = 'vault_type/' + agency_sub_item_object.getVaultType()
vault_type_object = category_tool.resolveCategory(vault_type_path)
vault_type_code = vault_type_object.getCodification()
if vault_type_code not in (None, '') and vault_type_code.upper() == inventory_code.upper():
inventory_path = agency_sub_item_path
if vault_code in (None, ''):
return inventory_path
# Get the site path corresponding to the vault code
vault_path = None
vault_site_object = agency_sub_item_object
for vault_sub_item in vault_site_object.getCategoryChildLogicalPathItemList(base=1)[1:]:
vault_sub_item_path = vault_sub_item[1]
vault_sub_item_object = category_tool.resolveCategory(vault_sub_item_path)
vault_sub_item_code = vault_sub_item_object.getCodification()
if vault_sub_item_code not in (None, '') and vault_sub_item_code.upper() == vault_code.upper():
vault_path = vault_sub_item_path
return vault_path
### CashInventoryDetail-related-properties functions
# CashInventoryDetail-related-properties functions
def updateCashInventoryMatrix(self, line, cell_category_list, quantity, cell_description):
# save line current properties value
line_category_list = line.getVariationCategoryList()
LOG('Kevloggg>>>>> Line before update',0, repr(line.__dict__))
# set the new_line_category_list
new_line_category_list = []
for category in cell_category_list + line_category_list:
if category not in new_line_category_list:
# update the line
# update the cell range
base_id = 'movement'
# cell_category_list must have the same base_category order of cell_range base category, so sort the category list ->>>>>> must be verified
# base_category_list = line.getVariationBaseCategoryList()
# LOG('Kevloggg>>>>>',0, repr(base_category_list))
# base_category_list.sort()
# LOG('Kevloggg>>>>>',0, repr(base_category_list))
base_category_list = [ 'cash_status'
, 'emission_letter'
, 'variation'
cell_range = []
new_base_category_list = []
for base_category in base_category_list:
......@@ -645,10 +726,7 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
line.setCellRange( base_id = base_id
, *cell_range
line.setCellRange(base_id = base_id, *cell_range)
# create the cell
kwd = { 'base_id' : base_id
, 'portal_type': 'Cash Inventory Cell'
......@@ -661,6 +739,3 @@ class BaobabConduit(ERP5Conduit):
, category_list = cell_category_list
, description = cell_description
LOG('Kevloggg>>>>> Line after update',0, repr(line.__dict__))
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