Commit 9c146950 authored by Sebastien Robin's avatar Sebastien Robin

indent of 4 for ERP5CPS

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 1bdface3
......@@ -35,79 +35,68 @@ from zLOG import LOG
class PatchedProxyBase(ProxyBase):
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
# Object attributes update method
# security.declarePrivate( '_edit' )
# def _edit(self, REQUEST=None, force_update = 0, **kw):
# """
# call also the proxytool
# """
# Base._edit(self, REQUEST=REQUEST,force_update=force_update, **kw)
# px_tool= getToolByName(self,'portal_proxies')
# utool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_url')
# rpath = utool.getRelativeUrl(self)
# px_tool._modifyProxy(self,rpath)
def manage_afterEdit(self):
We have to notify the proxy tool we have modified
this object
px_tool= getToolByName(self,'portal_proxies')
utool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_url')
rpath = utool.getRelativeUrl(self)
def _propertyMap(self):
Returns fake property sheet
property_sheet = []
#property_sheet += self._properties
property_sheet += [
'id' : 'docid',
'type' : 'string'
'id' : 'default_language',
'type' : 'string'
'id' : 'sync_language_revisions', # XXX we have to manage dict type
'type' : 'dict'
return tuple(property_sheet + list(getattr(self, '_local_properties', ())))
security.declareProtected(View, 'getSyncLanguageRevisions')
def getSyncLanguageRevisions(self):
"""Get the mapping of language -> revision."""
return self._language_revs.copy()
security.declareProtected(View, 'setSyncLanguageRevisions')
def setSyncLanguageRevisions(self, dict):
"""Set the mapping of language -> revision."""
for lang in dict.keys():
security.declareProtected(View, 'getSyncRepoHistory')
def getSyncRepoHistory(self):
"""Get the mapping of language -> revision."""
return self._language_revs.copy()
security.declareProtected(View, 'setSyncRepoHistory')
def setSyncRepoHistory(self, dict):
"""Set the mapping of language -> revision."""
repotool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_repository')
for lang in dict.keys():
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def manage_afterEdit(self):
We have to notify the proxy tool we have modified
this object
px_tool= getToolByName(self,'portal_proxies')
utool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_url')
rpath = utool.getRelativeUrl(self)
def _propertyMap(self):
Returns fake property sheet
property_sheet = []
#property_sheet += self._properties
property_sheet += [
'id' : 'docid',
'type' : 'string'
'id' : 'default_language',
'type' : 'string'
'id' : 'sync_language_revisions', # XXX we have to manage dict type
'type' : 'dict'
return tuple(property_sheet + list(getattr(self, '_local_properties', ())))
security.declareProtected(View, 'getSyncLanguageRevisions')
def getSyncLanguageRevisions(self):
"""Get the mapping of language -> revision."""
return self._language_revs.copy()
security.declareProtected(View, 'setSyncLanguageRevisions')
def setSyncLanguageRevisions(self, dict):
"""Set the mapping of language -> revision."""
for lang in dict.keys():
security.declareProtected(View, 'getSyncRepoHistory')
def getSyncRepoHistory(self):
"""Get the mapping of language -> revision."""
return self._language_revs.copy()
security.declareProtected(View, 'setSyncRepoHistory')
def setSyncRepoHistory(self, dict):
"""Set the mapping of language -> revision."""
repotool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_repository')
for lang in dict.keys():
ProxyBase.getPath = Base.getPath
......@@ -28,193 +28,190 @@ from zLOG import LOG
class PatchedCPSDocument(CPSDocument):
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
security.declareProtected( View, '_propertyMap' )
def _propertyMap(self):
Returns fake property sheet
property_sheet = []
'id' : 'layout_and_schema',
'type' : 'object'
type_info = self.getTypeInfo()
field_list = []
if type_info is not None:
if hasattr(type_info,'getDataModel'):
data_model = type_info.getDataModel(self)
if data_model is not None:
field_list = data_model._fields.items()
for (prop_id,field) in field_list:
#for field in schema.objectValues():
#LOG('testjp',0,'field: %s' % str(field))
f_type = None
#for p in field._properties:
# if p['id'] == 'default':
# f_type = p['type']
if isinstance(field,CPSImageField):
f_type = 'object'
elif isinstance(field,CPSStringField):
f_type = 'string'
elif isinstance(field,CPSDateTimeField):
f_type = 'date'
elif isinstance(field,CPSFileField):
f_type = 'object'
elif isinstance(field,CPSIntField):
f_type = 'int'
elif isinstance(field,CPSDocument):
if prop_id.find('attachedFile')==0:
f_type='object' # In a flexible content, we do have some attachedFile_f1
# which are CPStringFiels with some binary data
# XXX This should NOT BE NEEDED!!
if f_type is not None:
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
security.declareProtected( View, '_propertyMap' )
def _propertyMap(self):
Returns fake property sheet
property_sheet = []
'id' : prop_id,
'type' : f_type
return tuple(property_sheet + list(getattr(self, '_local_properties', ())))
'id' : 'layout_and_schema',
'type' : 'object'
type_info = self.getTypeInfo()
field_list = []
if type_info is not None:
if hasattr(type_info,'getDataModel'):
data_model = type_info.getDataModel(self)
if data_model is not None:
field_list = data_model._fields.items()
for (prop_id,field) in field_list:
f_type = None
if isinstance(field,CPSImageField):
f_type = 'object'
elif isinstance(field,CPSStringField):
f_type = 'string'
elif isinstance(field,CPSDateTimeField):
f_type = 'date'
elif isinstance(field,CPSFileField):
f_type = 'object'
elif isinstance(field,CPSIntField):
f_type = 'int'
elif isinstance(field,CPSDocument):
if prop_id.find('attachedFile')==0:
f_type='object' # In a flexible content, we do have some attachedFile_f1
# which are CPStringFiels with some binary data
# XXX This should NOT BE NEEDED!!
if f_type is not None:
'id' : prop_id,
'type' : f_type
return tuple(property_sheet + list(getattr(self, '_local_properties', ())))
security.declareProtected( View, 'getProperty' )
def getProperty(self, key, d=None):
Previous Name: getValue
Generic accessor. Calls the real accessor
data_model = self.getTypeInfo().getDataModel(self)
accessor_name = 'get' + UpperCase(key)
base = aq_base(self)
if data_model.has_key(key):
return data_model.get(key)
elif hasattr(base,accessor_name):
method = getattr(base,accessor_name)
return method()
return None
security.declarePrivate('getLayoutAndSchema' )
def getLayoutAndSchema(self):
if hasattr(self,'.cps_layouts') and hasattr(self,'.cps_schemas'):
return (aq_base(self._getOb(".cps_layouts")),aq_base(self._getOb(".cps_schemas")))
return None
security.declarePrivate('setLayoutAndSchema' )
def setLayoutAndSchema(self, data):
data must be : (layout,schema)
if data is not None:
security.declarePrivate('_setProperty' )
def _setProperty(self, key, value, type='string'):
Set the property for cps objects
LOG('PatchCPSDoc._setProperty',0,'key: %s, value: %s' % (repr(key),repr(value)))
accessor_name = 'set' + UpperCase(key)
if hasattr(aq_base(self),accessor_name):
method = getattr(self, accessor_name)
return method(value)
# This solution below doesn't works well, it is better
# to just set the attribute.
#data_model = self.getTypeInfo().getDataModel(self)
#type_info = self.getTypeInfo()
#kw = {key:value}
security.declarePrivate('edit' )
def edit(self, REQUEST=None, force_update = 0, reindex_object = 0, **kw):
return self._edit(REQUEST=REQUEST, force_update=force_update, reindex_object=reindex_object, **kw)
# Object attributes update method
security.declarePrivate( '_edit' )
def _edit(self, REQUEST=None, force_update = 0, reindex_object = 0, **kw):
Generic edit Method for all ERP5 object
The purpose of this method is to update attributed, eventually do
some kind of type checking according to the property sheet and index
the object.
Each time attributes of an object are updated, they should
be updated through this generic edit method
LOG('PatchCPSDoc._edit, kw: ',0,kw)
categoryIds = self._getCategoryTool().getBaseCategoryIds()
categoryIds = []
#if kw.has_key('layout_and_schema'):
# self.setLayoutAndSchema(kw['layout_and_schema'])
for key in kw.keys():
accessor = 'get' + UpperCase(key)
#if key in categoryIds:
# self._setCategoryMembership(key, kw[key])
#if key != 'id' and key!= 'layout_and_schema':
if key != 'id' :
# We only change if the value is different
# This may be very long....
self._setProperty(key, kw[key])
security.declareProtected( View, 'getProperty' )
def getProperty(self, key, d=None):
def getCoverage(self):
Previous Name: getValue
Generic accessor. Calls the real accessor
data_model = self.getTypeInfo().getDataModel(self)
accessor_name = 'get' + UpperCase(key)
base = aq_base(self)
if data_model.has_key(key):
return data_model.get(key)
elif hasattr(base,accessor_name):
method = getattr(base,accessor_name)
return method()
if hasattr(self,'coverage'):
return self.coverage
return None
security.declarePrivate('getLayoutAndSchema' )
def getLayoutAndSchema(self):
if hasattr(self,'.cps_layouts') and hasattr(self,'.cps_schemas'):
return (aq_base(self._getOb(".cps_layouts")),aq_base(self._getOb(".cps_schemas")))
return None
security.declarePrivate('setLayoutAndSchema' )
def setLayoutAndSchema(self, data):
data must be : (layout,schema)
if data is not None:
security.declarePrivate('_setProperty' )
def _setProperty(self, key, value, type='string'):
Set the property for cps objects
LOG('PatchCPSDoc._setProperty',0,'key: %s, value: %s' % (repr(key),repr(value)))
accessor_name = 'set' + UpperCase(key)
if hasattr(aq_base(self),accessor_name):
method = getattr(self, accessor_name)
return method(value)
#data_model = self.getTypeInfo().getDataModel(self)
#type_info = self.getTypeInfo()
#kw = {key:value}
security.declarePrivate('edit' )
def edit(self, REQUEST=None, force_update = 0, reindex_object = 0, **kw):
return self._edit(REQUEST=REQUEST, force_update=force_update, reindex_object=reindex_object, **kw)
# Object attributes update method
security.declarePrivate( '_edit' )
def _edit(self, REQUEST=None, force_update = 0, reindex_object = 0, **kw):
Generic edit Method for all ERP5 object
The purpose of this method is to update attributed, eventually do
some kind of type checking according to the property sheet and index
the object.
Each time attributes of an object are updated, they should
be updated through this generic edit method
LOG('PatchCPSDoc._edit, kw: ',0,kw)
categoryIds = self._getCategoryTool().getBaseCategoryIds()
categoryIds = []
#if kw.has_key('layout_and_schema'):
# self.setLayoutAndSchema(kw['layout_and_schema'])
for key in kw.keys():
accessor = 'get' + UpperCase(key)
#if key in categoryIds:
# self._setCategoryMembership(key, kw[key])
#if key != 'id' and key!= 'layout_and_schema':
if key != 'id' :
# We only change if the value is different
# This may be very long....
self._setProperty(key, kw[key])
def getCoverage(self):
if hasattr(self,'coverage'):
return self.coverage
return None
def getCreator(self):
#if hasattr(self,'coverage'):
# return self.coverage
return None
#if hasattr(self,'coverage'):
# return self.coverage
return None
def getRelation(self):
if hasattr(self,'relation'):
return self.relation
return None
if hasattr(self,'relation'):
return self.relation
return None
def setRelation(self,value):
def getSource(self):
if hasattr(self,'source'):
return self.source
return None
if hasattr(self,'source'):
return self.source
return None
def getPreview(self):
if hasattr(self,'preview'):
return self.preview
return None
if hasattr(self,'preview'):
return self.preview
return None
def setCreator(self,value):
def setCreationDate(self,value):
CPSDocument.getCoverage = getCoverage
CPSDocument.getCreator = getCreator
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