From dba0b9ac64749b13997976d6a3f2a810f898f37a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kazuhiko Shiozaki <>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 19:32:32 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] support setUpOnce() method that is only called once par
 setting up ERP5 site. its result will be saved with --save.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
 product/ERP5Type/tests/ | 435 +++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 224 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)

diff --git a/product/ERP5Type/tests/ b/product/ERP5Type/tests/
index d6766c9509..deef15ed06 100644
--- a/product/ERP5Type/tests/
+++ b/product/ERP5Type/tests/
@@ -351,14 +351,12 @@ class ERP5TypeTestCase(PortalTestCase):
       light_install = self.enableLightInstall()
       create_activities = self.enableActivityTool()
       hot_reindexing = self.enableHotReindexing()
-      setupERP5Site(business_template_list=new_template_list,
-                    light_install=light_install,
-                    portal_name=self.getPortalName(),
-                    title=self.getTitle(),
-                    create_activities=create_activities,
-                    quiet=install_bt5_quiet,
-                    hot_reindexing=hot_reindexing,
-                    erp5_catalog_storage=erp5_catalog_storage)
+      self.setUpERP5Site(business_template_list=new_template_list,
+                         light_install=light_install,
+                         create_activities=create_activities,
+                         quiet=install_bt5_quiet,
+                         hot_reindexing=hot_reindexing,
+                         erp5_catalog_storage=erp5_catalog_storage)
       global current_app
       current_app =
@@ -557,224 +555,239 @@ class ERP5TypeTestCase(PortalTestCase):
       self.assertEqual(object.getSimulationState(), reference_workflow_state)
       return workflow_error_message
-def setupERP5Site( business_template_list=(),
-                   app=None,
-                   portal_name=portal_name,
-                   title='',
-                   quiet=0,
-                   light_install=1,
-                   create_activities=1,
-                   hot_reindexing=1,
-                   erp5_catalog_storage='erp5_mysql_innodb_catalog'):
-    '''
-      Creates an ERP5 site.
-      business_template_list must be specified correctly
-      (e.g. '("erp5_base", )').
-    '''
-    from Products.ERP5Type.Base import _aq_reset
-    if portal_name in failed_portal_installation:
-      raise RuntimeError, 'Installation of %s already failed, giving up'\
-                            % portal_name
-    try:
-      if app is None:
-        app =
-      # this app will be closed after setUp, but keep an reference anyway, to
-      # make it's REQUEST available during setup
-      global current_app
-      current_app = app
-      global setup_done
-      if not (hasattr(aq_base(app), portal_name) and
-               setup_done.get(tuple(business_template_list))):
-        setup_done[tuple(business_template_list)] = 1
-        try:
-          _start = time.time()
-          # Add user and log in
-          if not quiet:
-            ZopeTestCase._print('\nAdding ERP5TypeTestCase user ... \n')
-          uf = app.acl_users
-          uf._doAddUser('ERP5TypeTestCase', '', ['Manager', 'Member', 'Assignee',
-                        'Assignor', 'Author', 'Auditor', 'Associate'], [])
-          user = uf.getUserById('ERP5TypeTestCase').__of__(uf)
-          newSecurityManager(None, user)
-          # Add ERP5 Site
-          reindex = 1
-          if hot_reindexing:
-            setattr(app, 'isIndexable', 0)
-            reindex = 0
-          portal = getattr(app, portal_name, None)
-          if portal is None:
+    def setUpERP5Site(self,
+                     business_template_list=(),
+                     app=None,
+                     quiet=0,
+                     light_install=1,
+                     create_activities=1,
+                     hot_reindexing=1,
+                     erp5_catalog_storage='erp5_mysql_innodb_catalog'):
+      '''
+        Creates an ERP5 site.
+        business_template_list must be specified correctly
+        (e.g. '("erp5_base", )').
+      '''
+      portal_name = self.getPortalName()
+      title = self.getTitle()
+      from Products.ERP5Type.Base import _aq_reset
+      if portal_name in failed_portal_installation:
+        raise RuntimeError, 'Installation of %s already failed, giving up'\
+                              % portal_name
+      try:
+        if app is None:
+          app =
+        # this app will be closed after setUp, but keep an reference anyway, to
+        # make it's REQUEST available during setup
+        global current_app
+        current_app = app
+        global setup_done
+        if not (hasattr(aq_base(app), portal_name) and
+                 setup_done.get(tuple(business_template_list))):
+          setup_done[tuple(business_template_list)] = 1
+          try:
+            _start = time.time()
+            # Add user and log in
             if not quiet:
-              ZopeTestCase._print('Adding %s ERP5 Site ... ' % portal_name)
-            extra_constructor_kw = _getConnectionStringDict()
-            email_from_address = os.environ.get('email_from_address')
-            if email_from_address is not None:
-              extra_constructor_kw['email_from_address'] = email_from_address
-            factory = app.manage_addProduct['ERP5']
-            factory.manage_addERP5Site(portal_name,
-                                     erp5_catalog_storage=erp5_catalog_storage,
-                                     light_install=light_install,
-                                     reindex=reindex,
-                                     create_activities=create_activities,
-                                     **extra_constructor_kw )
-            portal = app[portal_name]
+              ZopeTestCase._print('\nAdding ERP5TypeTestCase user ... \n')
+            uf = app.acl_users
+            uf._doAddUser('ERP5TypeTestCase', '', ['Manager', 'Member', 'Assignee',
+                          'Assignor', 'Author', 'Auditor', 'Associate'], [])
+            user = uf.getUserById('ERP5TypeTestCase').__of__(uf)
+            newSecurityManager(None, user)
+            # Add ERP5 Site
+            reindex = 1
+            if hot_reindexing:
+              setattr(app, 'isIndexable', 0)
+              reindex = 0
+            portal = getattr(app, portal_name, None)
+            if portal is None:
+              if not quiet:
+                ZopeTestCase._print('Adding %s ERP5 Site ... ' % portal_name)
+              extra_constructor_kw = _getConnectionStringDict()
+              email_from_address = os.environ.get('email_from_address')
+              if email_from_address is not None:
+                extra_constructor_kw['email_from_address'] = email_from_address
+              factory = app.manage_addProduct['ERP5']
+              factory.manage_addERP5Site(portal_name,
+                                       erp5_catalog_storage=erp5_catalog_storage,
+                                       light_install=light_install,
+                                       reindex=reindex,
+                                       create_activities=create_activities,
+                                       **extra_constructor_kw )
+              portal = app[portal_name]
-            if not quiet:
-              ZopeTestCase._print('done (%.3fs)\n' % (time.time() - _start))
-            # Release locks
-            get_transaction().commit()
+              if not quiet:
+                ZopeTestCase._print('done (%.3fs)\n' % (time.time() - _start))
+              # Release locks
+              get_transaction().commit()
-          if os.environ.get('erp5_load_data_fs'):
-            # Import local PropertySheets, Documents
-            for id_ in getLocalPropertySheetList():
-              importLocalPropertySheet(id_)
-            for id_ in getLocalDocumentList():
-              importLocalDocument(id_)
-            for id_ in getLocalConstraintList():
-              importLocalConstraint(id_)
-          else:
-            # Remove all local PropertySheets, Documents
-            for id_ in getLocalPropertySheetList():
-              removeLocalPropertySheet(id_)
-            for id_ in getLocalDocumentList():
-              removeLocalDocument(id_)
-            for id_ in getLocalConstraintList():
-              removeLocalConstraint(id_)
-          update_business_templates = os.environ.get('update_business_templates') is not None
-          BusinessTemplate_getModifiedObject = aq_base(getattr(portal, 'BusinessTemplate_getModifiedObject', None))
-          # Disable reindexing before adding templates
-          # VERY IMPORTANT: Add some business templates
-          for url, bt_title in business_template_list:
-            start = time.time()
-            get_install_kw = False
-            if bt_title in [x.getTitle() for x in portal.portal_templates.getInstalledBusinessTemplateList()]:
-              if update_business_templates:
-                if not quiet:
-                  ZopeTestCase._print('Updating %s business template ... ' % bt_title)
-                if BusinessTemplate_getModifiedObject is not None:
-                  get_install_kw = True
-              else:
-                continue
+            if os.environ.get('erp5_load_data_fs'):
+              # Import local PropertySheets, Documents
+              for id_ in getLocalPropertySheetList():
+                importLocalPropertySheet(id_)
+              for id_ in getLocalDocumentList():
+                importLocalDocument(id_)
+              for id_ in getLocalConstraintList():
+                importLocalConstraint(id_)
+              # Remove all local PropertySheets, Documents
+              for id_ in getLocalPropertySheetList():
+                removeLocalPropertySheet(id_)
+              for id_ in getLocalDocumentList():
+                removeLocalDocument(id_)
+              for id_ in getLocalConstraintList():
+                removeLocalConstraint(id_)
+            update_business_templates = os.environ.get('update_business_templates') is not None
+            BusinessTemplate_getModifiedObject = aq_base(getattr(portal, 'BusinessTemplate_getModifiedObject', None))
+            # Disable reindexing before adding templates
+            # VERY IMPORTANT: Add some business templates
+            for url, bt_title in business_template_list:
+              start = time.time()
+              get_install_kw = False
+              if bt_title in [x.getTitle() for x in portal.portal_templates.getInstalledBusinessTemplateList()]:
+                if update_business_templates:
+                  if not quiet:
+                    ZopeTestCase._print('Updating %s business template ... ' % bt_title)
+                  if BusinessTemplate_getModifiedObject is not None:
+                    get_install_kw = True
+                else:
+                  continue
+              else:
+                if not quiet:
+                  ZopeTestCase._print('Adding %s business template ... ' % bt_title)
+              bt =
               if not quiet:
-                ZopeTestCase._print('Adding %s business template ... ' % bt_title)
-            bt =
-            if not quiet:
-              ZopeTestCase._print('(imported in %.3fs) ' % (time.time() - start))
-            install_kw = None
-            if get_install_kw:
-              listbox_object_list = BusinessTemplate_getModifiedObject.__of__(bt)()
-              for listbox_line in listbox_object_list:
-                install_kw[listbox_line.object_id] = listbox_line.choice_item_list[0][1]
-            bt.install(light_install=light_install, object_to_update=install_kw)
-            # Release locks
+                ZopeTestCase._print('(imported in %.3fs) ' % (time.time() - start))
+              install_kw = None
+              if get_install_kw:
+                listbox_object_list = BusinessTemplate_getModifiedObject.__of__(bt)()
+                for listbox_line in listbox_object_list:
+                  install_kw[listbox_line.object_id] = listbox_line.choice_item_list[0][1]
+              bt.install(light_install=light_install, object_to_update=install_kw)
+              # Release locks
+              get_transaction().commit()
+              if not quiet:
+                ZopeTestCase._print('done (%.3fs)\n' % (time.time() - start))
+            setup_once = getattr(self, 'setUpOnce', None)
+            if setup_once is not None and \
+                   not getattr(portal, 'set_up_once_called', 0):
+              portal.set_up_once_called = 1
+              if not quiet:
+                ZopeTestCase._print('Executing setUpOnce ... ')
+                start = time.time()
+              # setUpOnce method may use and self.portal
+     = app
+              self.portal = portal
+              setup_once()
+              if not quiet:
+                ZopeTestCase._print('done (%.3fs)\n' % (time.time() - start))
+            # Enable reindexing
+            # Do hot reindexing # Does not work
+            if hot_reindexing:
+              setattr(app,'isIndexable', 1)
+              portal.portal_catalog.manage_hotReindexAll()
-            if not quiet:
-              ZopeTestCase._print('done (%.3fs)\n' % (time.time() - start))
-          # Enable reindexing
-          # Do hot reindexing # Does not work
-          if hot_reindexing:
-            setattr(app,'isIndexable', 1)
-            portal.portal_catalog.manage_hotReindexAll()
+            portal_activities = getattr(portal, 'portal_activities', None)
+            if portal_activities is not None:
+              if not quiet:
+                ZopeTestCase._print('Executing pending activities ... ')
+              start = time.time()
+              count = 1000
+              message_count = len(portal_activities.getMessageList())
+              while message_count > 0:
+                portal_activities.distribute()
+                portal_activities.tic()
+                get_transaction().commit()
+                new_message_count = len(portal_activities.getMessageList())
+                if new_message_count != message_count:
+                  if not quiet:
+                    ZopeTestCase._print('%i ' % (message_count, ))
+                  message_count = new_message_count
+                count -= 1
+                if count == 0:
+                  raise RuntimeError, \
+                  'tic is looping forever. These messages are pending: %r' % (
+                      [('/'.join(m.object_path), m.method_id,
+                       m.processing_node, m.priority)
+                       for m in portal_activities.getMessageList()],)
+              if not quiet:
+                ZopeTestCase._print('done (%.3fs)\n' % (time.time() - start))
-          get_transaction().commit()
+            # Reset aq dynamic, so all unit tests will start again
+            _aq_reset()
-          portal_activities = getattr(portal, 'portal_activities', None)
-          if portal_activities is not None:
-            if not quiet:
-              ZopeTestCase._print('Executing pending activities ... ')
-            start = time.time()
-            count = 1000
-            message_count = len(portal_activities.getMessageList())
-            while message_count > 0:
-              portal_activities.distribute()
-              portal_activities.tic()
+            if os.environ.get('erp5_save_data_fs'):
+              # Quit the test in order to get a clean site
+              if not quiet:
+                ZopeTestCase._print('done (%.3fs)\n' % (time.time()-_start,))
-              new_message_count = len(portal_activities.getMessageList())
-              if new_message_count != message_count:
-                if not quiet:
-                  ZopeTestCase._print('%i ' % (message_count, ))
-                message_count = new_message_count
-              count -= 1
-              if count == 0:
-                raise RuntimeError, \
-                'tic is looping forever. These messages are pending: %r' % (
-                    [('/'.join(m.object_path), m.method_id,
-                     m.processing_node, m.priority)
-                     for m in portal_activities.getMessageList()],)
-            if not quiet:
-              ZopeTestCase._print('done (%.3fs)\n' % (time.time() - start))
-          # Reset aq dynamic, so all unit tests will start again
-          _aq_reset()
+              ZopeTestCase.close(app)
+              if not quiet:
+                ZopeTestCase._print('Data.fs created\n')
+              get_transaction().commit()
+              ZopeTestCase.close(app)
+              instance_home = os.environ['INSTANCE_HOME']
+              command = 'mysqldump %s > %s/dump.sql' \
+                          % (getMySQLArguments(), instance_home)
+              if not quiet:
+                ZopeTestCase._print('Dumping MySQL database with %s... ' \
+                                      % command)
+              os.system(command)
+              if not quiet:
+                ZopeTestCase._print('done\n')
+              if not quiet:
+                ZopeTestCase._print('Dumping static files... ')
+              for dir in ('Constraint', 'Document', 'PropertySheet'):
+                os.system('rm -rf %s/%s.bak' % (instance_home, dir))
+                os.system('cp -ar %s/%s %s/%s.bak' % (instance_home, dir, instance_home, dir))
+              if not quiet:
+                ZopeTestCase._print('done\n')
-          if os.environ.get('erp5_save_data_fs'):
-            # Quit the test in order to get a clean site
+            # Log out
             if not quiet:
-              ZopeTestCase._print('done (%.3fs)\n' % (time.time()-_start,))
-            get_transaction().commit()
-            ZopeTestCase.close(app)
+              ZopeTestCase._print('Logout ... \n')
+            noSecurityManager()
             if not quiet:
-              ZopeTestCase._print('Data.fs created\n')
+              ZopeTestCase._print('done (%.3fs)\n' % (time.time()-_start,))
+              ZopeTestCase._print('Ran Unit test of %s\n' % title)
+          except:
+            get_transaction().abort()
+            raise
+          else:
-            instance_home = os.environ['INSTANCE_HOME']
-            command = 'mysqldump %s > %s/dump.sql' \
-                        % (getMySQLArguments(), instance_home)
-            if not quiet:
-              ZopeTestCase._print('Dumping MySQL database with %s... ' \
-                                    % command)
-            os.system(command)
-            if not quiet:
-              ZopeTestCase._print('done\n')
-            if not quiet:
-              ZopeTestCase._print('Dumping static files... ')
-            for dir in ('Constraint', 'Document', 'PropertySheet'):
-              os.system('rm -rf %s/%s.bak' % (instance_home, dir))
-              os.system('cp -ar %s/%s %s/%s.bak' % (instance_home, dir, instance_home, dir))
-            if not quiet:
-              ZopeTestCase._print('done\n')
-          # Log out
-          if not quiet:
-            ZopeTestCase._print('Logout ... \n')
-          noSecurityManager()
-          if not quiet:
-            ZopeTestCase._print('done (%.3fs)\n' % (time.time()-_start,))
-            ZopeTestCase._print('Ran Unit test of %s\n' % title)
-        except:
-          get_transaction().abort()
-          raise
-        else:
-          get_transaction().commit()
-          ZopeTestCase.close(app)
-      if os.environ.get('erp5_load_data_fs'):
-        # Import local PropertySheets, Documents
-        # when loading an environnement
-        for id_ in getLocalPropertySheetList():
-          importLocalPropertySheet(id_)
-        for id_ in getLocalDocumentList():
-          importLocalDocument(id_)
-        for id_ in getLocalConstraintList():
-          importLocalConstraint(id_)
-        _aq_reset()
-    except:
-      f = StringIO()
-      traceback.print_exc(file=f)
-      ZopeTestCase._print(f.getvalue())
-      f.close()
-      failed_portal_installation[portal_name] = 1
-      ZopeTestCase._print('Ran Unit test of %s (installation failed)\n'
-                          % title) # run_unit_test depends on this string.
-      raise
+        if os.environ.get('erp5_load_data_fs'):
+          # Import local PropertySheets, Documents
+          # when loading an environnement
+          for id_ in getLocalPropertySheetList():
+            importLocalPropertySheet(id_)
+          for id_ in getLocalDocumentList():
+            importLocalDocument(id_)
+          for id_ in getLocalConstraintList():
+            importLocalConstraint(id_)
+          _aq_reset()
+      except:
+        f = StringIO()
+        traceback.print_exc(file=f)
+        ZopeTestCase._print(f.getvalue())
+        f.close()
+        failed_portal_installation[portal_name] = 1
+        ZopeTestCase._print('Ran Unit test of %s (installation failed)\n'
+                            % title) # run_unit_test depends on this string.
+        raise
 from unittest import _makeLoader, TestSuite