• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    Accept both tarballs and pure-python wheels as sources · 50e0e3b7
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    This redoes 0abf873d (Install egg from wheel only if explictly required),
    because that switch to install wheels only when explicitly requested
    broke things in several places[1,2]. We can avoid such breakage if
    instead of rejecting all wheels by default, we accept wheels, but allow
    only pure-python wheels to be installed.
    As slapos!1026 (comment 138639)
    shows detecting whether a dist is pure-python wheel is just
    	(dist.precedence == WHL_DIST and dist.platform is None)
    So let's use this and rework egg installer accordingly.
    This patch is completely untested. However the way to check whether a
    wheel is source-only was tested at slapos!1026 (comment 138639).
    If this patch is accepted and new slapos.buildout release is made, then
    all :whl usage in slapos.git can be dropped.
    /cc @tomo, @jerome, @jm
    [1] slapos!1026
    [2] slapos!1026 (comment 138590)
easy_install.py 65.8 KB