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Commit 4db022b0 authored by wenjie.zheng's avatar wenjie.zheng Committed by Sebastien Robin remove unused function.

parent 724155ba
......@@ -121,178 +121,6 @@ class Transition(IdAsReferenceMixin("transition_", "prefix"), XMLObject):
if self.guard.expr != self.getExpression():
self.guard.expr = self.getExpression()
def execute(self, document, form_kw=None):
Execute transition.
sci = None
econtext = None
moved_exc = None
validation_exc = None
tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_workflow')
# Figure out the old and new states.
if form_kw is None:
form_kw = {}
workflow = self.getParentValue()
### get related history
state_var = workflow.getStateVariable()
status_dict = workflow.getCurrentStatusDict(document)
state_object = workflow._getWorkflowStateOf(document, id_only=0)
if state_object == None:
state_object = workflow.getSourceValue()
old_state = state_object.getReference()
old_sdef = state_object
new_sdef = self.getDestinationValue()
if new_sdef == None:
new_state = None
new_state = new_sdef.getReference()
if new_state is None:
#new_state = workflow.getSourceId()
new_state = old_state
if not new_state:
# Do nothing if there is no initial state. We may want to create
# workflows with no state at all, only for worklists.
former_status = {}
former_status = state_object.getId()
LOG(" 168 object '%s' will change from state '%s' to '%s'"%(document.getId(), old_state, new_state), WARNING, " in")
# Execute the "before" script.
before_script_success = 1
script_id = self.getBeforeScriptId()
if script_id:
script = self.getParent()._getOb(script_id)
# Pass lots of info to the script in a single parameter.
kwargs = form_kw
sci = StateChangeInfo(
document, workflow, former_status, self, old_sdef, new_sdef, kwargs)
#LOG('_executeTransition', 0, "script = %s, sci = %s" % (repr(script), repr(sci)))
script.execute(sci) # May throw an exception.
except ValidationFailed, validation_exc:
before_script_success = 0
before_script_error_message = deepcopy(validation_exc.msg)
validation_exc_traceback = sys.exc_traceback
except ObjectMoved, moved_exc:
ob = moved_exc.getNewObject()
# Re-raise after transition
# Do not proceed in case of failure of before script
if not before_script_success:
former_status = old_state # Remain in state
tool.setStatusOf(workflow.getReference(), document, status_dict)
sci = StateChangeInfo(
document, workflow, former_status, self, old_sdef, new_sdef, kwargs)
# put the error message in the workflow history
if validation_exc :
# reraise validation failed exception
raise validation_exc, None, validation_exc_traceback
return old_state
# update state
state = self.getDestination()
if state is None:
state = old_sdef
state_var = workflow.getStateVariable()
#document.setCategoryMembership(state_var, state)
status_dict['undo'] = 0
# Modify workflow history
status_dict[state_var] = new_state
object = workflow.getStateChangeInformation(document, state_object, transition=self)
# update variables =========================================================
state_values = None
if new_sdef is not None:
state_values = new_sdef.objectValues(portal_type='Variable')
if state_values is None:
state_values = {}
tdef_exprs = self.objectValues(portal_type='Variable')
if tdef_exprs is None:
tdef_exprs = {}
for vdef in workflow.objectValues(portal_type='Variable'):
id = vdef.getId()
id_no_suffix = vdef.getReference()
if vdef.for_status == 0:
expr = None
if id_no_suffix in state_values:
value = state_values[id_no_suffix]
elif id in tdef_exprs:
expr = tdef_exprs[id]
elif not vdef.update_always and id in former_status:
# Preserve former value
value = former_status[id]
if vdef.default_expr is not None:
expr = vdef.default_expr
value = vdef.default_value
if expr is not None:
# Evaluate an expression.
if econtext is None:
# Lazily create the expression context.
if sci is None:
kwargs = form_kw
sci = StateChangeInfo(
document, workflow, former_status, self,
old_sdef, new_sdef, kwargs)
econtext = Expression_createExprContext(sci)
expr = Expression(expr)
value = expr(econtext)
if id_no_suffix == "action":
status_dict[id_no_suffix] = '_'.join(value.split('_')[1:])
status_dict[id_no_suffix] = value
# Update all transition variables
if form_kw is not None:
for variable in self.objectValues(portal_type='Transition Variable'):
status_dict[variable.getCausalityTitle()] = variable.getInitialValue(object=object)
# Generate Workflow History List
tool.setStatusOf(workflow.getReference(), document, status_dict)
### zwj: update Role mapping, also in Workflow, initialiseDocument()
# Execute the "after" script.
script_id = self.getAfterScriptId()
if script_id is not None:
kwargs = form_kw
# Script can be either script or workflow method
if script_id in old_sdef.getDestinationIdList():
getattr(workflow, script_id).execute(document)
script = self.getParent()._getOb(script_id)
# Pass lots of info to the script in a single parameter.
if script.getTypeInfo().getId() == 'Workflow Script':
sci = StateChangeInfo(
document, workflow, former_status, self, old_sdef, new_sdef, kwargs)
script.execute(sci) # May throw an exception.
raise NotImplementedError ('Unsupported Script %s for state %s'%(script_id, old_sdef.getId())) ### getRef
# Return the new state object.
if moved_exc is not None:
# Propagate the notification that the object has moved.
raise moved_exc
return new_sdef
def _checkPermission(self, document):
Check if transition is allowed.
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