1. 01 Jul, 2011 4 commits
  2. 30 Jun, 2011 5 commits
  3. 23 Jun, 2011 10 commits
  4. 22 Jun, 2011 11 commits
  5. 21 Jun, 2011 1 commit
  6. 17 Jun, 2011 1 commit
    • Lucas Carvalho's avatar
      Following API definition. · 3614c2e5
      Lucas Carvalho authored
      The select method  must return the file from shacache.
      And the download method should return the file content instead of path.
  7. 16 Jun, 2011 2 commits
    • Lucas Carvalho's avatar
      Raise MultipleFileFoundError. · 123d209d
      Lucas Carvalho authored
      If the directory has more than one entry, the lib must raise such Error.
    • Lucas Carvalho's avatar
      Use urlretrieve instead of httplib. · 51839a7f
      Lucas Carvalho authored
      httplib does not handle the download as expected.
      The implementation of urlretrieve is much better and consistent, it does
      the download
      writing in chunks instead of loading all the file content into memory.
      Also, the httplib can easily break the file content, if the client does
      handle it. And this lib must be very simple.
      The timeout is not in favor of httplib GET method.
      Based in the above reasons, httplib was replaced to
      urlretrieve, once there is no reason to reimplement what already exists.
  8. 15 Jun, 2011 4 commits
  9. 14 Jun, 2011 2 commits
    • Lucas Carvalho's avatar
      We must close the HTTP connection after calling the getresponse method. · b959822d
      Lucas Carvalho authored
      Otherwise, all the connections would still alive and this is not a good
      Once we need to close the connections it is not possible to return the
      content of getresponse method, the method read would return an empty
      string instead of the correct data.
      And also the data returned by shadir is a json content,
      to reach a better usage of libnetworkcache the data returned must be
      loaded by json library, in other words, it must be a list.
    • Lucas Carvalho's avatar
      missing colon... · 3544a454
      Lucas Carvalho authored