Commit 9653d146 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

monitor: note +1

parent 003a0a01
Activate monitoring
Create a new buildout:
extends =
KVM Log access + parsing
......@@ -58,7 +68,7 @@ the cgi path should be hardcoded to `${monitor:cgi-path}/${:name}.cgi so $instan
on cron, the command will be `${service:frequency} ${monitor:promise-executor-path} '${monitor:service-pid-folder}/${service:name}.pid' '${service:status-path}' '${promise_path}' `
TODO cron accepts 999 characters maximum for a command
TODO cron accepts 999 characters maximum for a command, so we should reduce the size of the cron command
and "monitor:promise-executor-path" is a script that would run a promise if not already on going (see ``)
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