Commit 0a7dc330 authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Fix a bug when CFG-izing certain structures in try blocks

Augassigns and for loops had an issue where they would try to
do something like 'i = i.__iadd__(j)', ie have multiple operations
in a single statement.  If an exception occurs, it's not clear if
the name got redefined; so far we just assume that it always does (since
we don't have the mechanism to propagate the name along only one
control flow edge).

So we have to split up those multi-operation-statements into multiple
parent 983d9d0b
......@@ -197,7 +197,8 @@ private:
curblock = body_block;
push_back(makeAssign(c->target, makeCall(next_attr)));
push_back(makeAssign(nodeName(next_attr), makeCall(next_attr)));
push_back(makeAssign(c->target, makeName(nodeName(next_attr), AST_TYPE::Load)));
for (AST_expr* if_condition : c->ifs) {
AST_expr* remapped = remapExpr(if_condition);
......@@ -852,6 +853,23 @@ public:
// Add an extra exc_dest trampoline to prevent critical edges:
CFGBlock* exc_dest = cfg->addBlock();
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (node->type == AST_TYPE::Assign) {
AST_Assign* asgn = ast_cast<AST_Assign>(node);
if (asgn->targets[0]->type == AST_TYPE::Name) {
AST_Name* target = ast_cast<AST_Name>(asgn->targets[0]);
if (target->id[0] != '#') {
if (asgn->value->type != AST_TYPE::Name || ast_cast<AST_Name>(asgn->value)->id[0] != '#') {
fprintf(stdout, "\nError: doing a non-trivial assignment in an invoke is not allowed:\n");
AST_Invoke* invoke = new AST_Invoke(node);
invoke->normal_dest = normal_dest;
invoke->exc_dest = exc_dest;
......@@ -1009,6 +1027,9 @@ public:
// Even if the target is a simple name, it can be complicated, because the
// value can change the name. For "x += f()", have to translate to
// "y = x; z = f(); x = y =+ z"
// Finally, due to possibility of exceptions, we don't want to assign directly
// to the final target at the same time as evaluating the augbinop
AST_expr* remapped_target;
AST_expr* remapped_lhs;
......@@ -1018,9 +1039,9 @@ public:
case AST_TYPE::Name: {
AST_Name* n = ast_cast<AST_Name>(node->target);
assert(n->ctx_type == AST_TYPE::Store);
push_back(makeAssign(nodeName(node), makeName(n->id, AST_TYPE::Load)));
push_back(makeAssign(nodeName(n), makeName(n->id, AST_TYPE::Load)));
remapped_target = n;
remapped_lhs = makeName(nodeName(node), AST_TYPE::Load);
remapped_lhs = makeName(nodeName(n), AST_TYPE::Load);
case AST_TYPE::Subscript: {
......@@ -1077,8 +1098,9 @@ public:
binop->right = remapExpr(node->value);
binop->col_offset = node->col_offset;
binop->lineno = node->lineno;
AST_stmt* assign = makeAssign(remapped_target, binop);
push_back(makeAssign(nodeName(node), binop));
push_back(makeAssign(remapped_target, makeName(nodeName(node), AST_TYPE::Load)));
return true;
......@@ -1391,7 +1413,8 @@ public:
pushLoop(test_block, end_block);
curblock = loop_block;
push_back(makeAssign(node->target, makeCall(next_attr)));
push_back(makeAssign(nodeName(next_attr), makeCall(next_attr)));
push_back(makeAssign(node->target, makeName(nodeName(next_attr), AST_TYPE::Load)));
for (int i = 0; i < node->body.size(); i++) {
# Regression test:
for i in xrange(5):
for j in xrange(5):
print i, j
# Another regression test:
# Function to hide types:
def ident(x):
return x
def f2(x, y):
x = ident(x)
y = ident(y)
for i in xrange(10):
x += y
except Exception, e:
print e
print x
f2(1, 2)
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