Commit 2b4fd9cd authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Add rewrites for capi-style getattrs

parent d8bf75e3
......@@ -786,6 +786,11 @@ void setCAPIException(const ExcInfo& e) {
cur_thread_state.curexc_traceback = e.traceback;
void ensureCAPIExceptionSet() {
if (!cur_thread_state.curexc_type)
PyErr_SetString(SystemError, "error return without exception set");
void throwCAPIException() {
raiseExcHelper(SystemError, "error return without exception set");
......@@ -1355,16 +1355,18 @@ Box* dataDescriptorInstanceSpecialCases(GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, BoxedS
return NULL;
// Helper function: make sure that a capi function either returned a non-error value, or
// it set an exception.
static void ensureValidCapiReturn(Box* r) {
if (!r)
template <ExceptionStyle S>
Box* getattrInternalEx(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, bool cls_only, bool for_call,
Box** bind_obj_out, RewriterVar** r_bind_obj_out) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
if (S == CAPI) {
assert(!rewrite_args && "implement me");
rewrite_args = NULL;
if (!cls_only) {
BoxedClass* cls = obj->cls;
......@@ -1376,23 +1378,19 @@ Box* getattrInternalEx(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_
if (obj->cls->tp_getattro && obj->cls->tp_getattro != PyObject_GenericGetAttr) {
STAT_TIMER(t0, "us_timer_slowpath_tpgetattro", 10);
if (obj->cls->tp_getattro == slot_tp_getattr_hook) {
if (S == CAPI) {
assert(!rewrite_args && "implement me");
return obj->cls->tp_getattro(obj, attr);
} else {
return slotTpGetattrHookInternal(obj, attr, rewrite_args);
if (obj->cls->tp_getattro == slot_tp_getattr_hook && S == CXX) {
return slotTpGetattrHookInternal(obj, attr, rewrite_args);
Box* r = obj->cls->tp_getattro(obj, attr);
if (S == CAPI) {
assert(!rewrite_args && "implement me");
return r;
if (!r)
if (!r) {
if (S == CAPI) {
return r;
} else
// If attr is immortal, then we are free to write an embedded reference to it.
// Immortal are (unfortunately) common right now, so this is an easy way to get
......@@ -1401,7 +1399,11 @@ Box* getattrInternalEx(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_
if (rewrite_args && attr->interned_state == SSTATE_INTERNED_IMMORTAL) {
auto r_box = rewrite_args->rewriter->loadConst((intptr_t)attr);
auto r_rtn = rewrite_args->rewriter->call(true, (void*)obj->cls->tp_getattro, rewrite_args->obj, r_box);
rewrite_args->rewriter->call(true, (void*)checkAndThrowCAPIException);
if (S == CXX)
rewrite_args->rewriter->call(true, (void*)checkAndThrowCAPIException);
rewrite_args->rewriter->call(false, (void*)ensureValidCapiReturn, r_rtn);
rewrite_args->out_rtn = r_rtn;
rewrite_args->out_success = true;
......@@ -1419,9 +1421,13 @@ Box* getattrInternalEx(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, GetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_
assert(attr->data()[attr->size()] == '\0');
rewrite_args = NULL;
Box* r = obj->cls->tp_getattr(obj, const_cast<char*>(attr->data()));
if (S == CAPI) {
if (!r)
return r;
} else {
if (!r)
......@@ -1892,26 +1898,7 @@ Box* getattrMaybeNonstring(Box* obj, Box* attr) {
return r;
extern "C" Box* getattr_capi(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr) noexcept {
STAT_TIMER(t0, "us_timer_slowpath_getattr_capi", 10);
static StatCounter slowpath_getattr_capi("slowpath_getattr_capi");
Box* val = getattrInternal<CAPI>(obj, attr, NULL);
if (val)
return val;
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "'%.50s' object has no attribute '%.400s'", obj->cls->tp_name,
return NULL;
extern "C" Box* getattr(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr) {
template <ExceptionStyle S> Box* _getattrEntry(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr, void* return_addr) noexcept(S == CAPI) {
STAT_TIMER(t0, "us_timer_slowpath_getattr", 10);
static StatCounter slowpath_getattr("slowpath_getattr");
......@@ -1927,14 +1914,13 @@ extern "C" Box* getattr(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr) {
std::unique_ptr<Rewriter> rewriter(
Rewriter::createRewriter(__builtin_extract_return_addr(__builtin_return_address(0)), 2, "getattr"));
std::unique_ptr<Rewriter> rewriter(Rewriter::createRewriter(return_addr, 2, "getattr"));
#if 0 && STAT_TIMERS
static uint64_t* st_id = Stats::getStatCounter("us_timer_slowpath_getattr_patchable");
static uint64_t* st_id_nopatch = Stats::getStatCounter("us_timer_slowpath_getattr_nopatch");
static uint64_t* st_id_megamorphic = Stats::getStatCounter("us_timer_slowpath_getattr_megamorphic");
ICInfo* icinfo = getICInfo(__builtin_extract_return_addr(__builtin_return_address(0)));
ICInfo* icinfo = getICInfo(return_addr);
uint64_t* counter;
if (!icinfo)
counter = st_id_nopatch;
......@@ -1962,15 +1948,22 @@ extern "C" Box* getattr(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr) {
dest = rewriter->getReturnDestination();
GetattrRewriteArgs rewrite_args(rewriter.get(), rewriter->getArg(0), dest);
val = getattrInternal<CXX>(obj, attr, &rewrite_args);
val = getattrInternal<S>(obj, attr, &rewrite_args);
if (rewrite_args.out_success) {
if (!val) {
if (attr->interned_state == SSTATE_INTERNED_IMMORTAL) {
rewriter->call(true, (void*)raiseAttributeError, rewriter->getArg(0),
rewriter->loadConst((intptr_t)attr->data(), Location::forArg(1)),
rewriter->loadConst(attr->size(), Location::forArg(2)));
if (S == CXX) {
rewriter->call(true, (void*)raiseAttributeError, rewriter->getArg(0),
rewriter->loadConst((intptr_t)attr->data(), Location::forArg(1)),
rewriter->loadConst(attr->size(), Location::forArg(2)));
} else if (S == CAPI && !PyErr_Occurred()) {
rewriter->call(true, (void*)raiseAttributeErrorCapi, rewriter->getArg(0),
rewriter->loadConst((intptr_t)attr->data(), Location::forArg(1)),
rewriter->loadConst(attr->size(), Location::forArg(2)));
rewriter->commitReturning(rewriter->loadConst(0, rewriter->getReturnDestination()));
} else if (recorder) {
RewriterVar* record_rtn = rewriter->call(false, (void*)recordType,
......@@ -1984,10 +1977,10 @@ extern "C" Box* getattr(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr) {
} else {
val = getattrInternal<CXX>(obj, attr, NULL);
val = getattrInternal<S>(obj, attr, NULL);
if (val) {
if (val)
return val;
if (S == CAPI) {
......@@ -1997,8 +1990,14 @@ extern "C" Box* getattr(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr) {
} else {
raiseAttributeError(obj, attr->s());
raiseAttributeError(obj, attr->s());
extern "C" Box* getattr_capi(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr) noexcept {
return _getattrEntry<CAPI>(obj, attr, __builtin_extract_return_addr(__builtin_return_address(0)));
extern "C" Box* getattr(Box* obj, BoxedString* attr) {
return _getattrEntry<CXX>(obj, attr, __builtin_extract_return_addr(__builtin_return_address(0)));
bool dataDescriptorSetSpecialCases(Box* obj, Box* val, Box* descr, SetattrRewriteArgs* rewrite_args,
......@@ -1000,6 +1000,7 @@ extern "C" PyObject* PystonType_GenericAlloc(BoxedClass* cls, Py_ssize_t nitems)
void checkAndThrowCAPIException();
void throwCAPIException() __attribute__((noreturn));
void ensureCAPIExceptionSet();
struct ExcInfo;
void setCAPIException(const ExcInfo& e);
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