Commit 31a07ee2 authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Sets were horribly broken since they didn't have GC handlers

parent d460425b
......@@ -23,17 +23,19 @@ namespace pyston {
BoxedClass* set_cls, *set_iterator_cls;
const ObjectFlavor set_flavor(&boxGCHandler, NULL);
const ObjectFlavor set_iterator_flavor(&boxGCHandler, NULL);
extern "C" void setGCHandler(GCVisitor* v, void* p);
extern "C" void setIteratorGCHandler(GCVisitor* v, void* p);
const ObjectFlavor set_flavor(&setGCHandler, NULL);
const ObjectFlavor set_iterator_flavor(&setIteratorGCHandler, NULL);
namespace set {
class BoxedSetIterator : public Box {
BoxedSet* s;
decltype(BoxedSet::s)::iterator it;
BoxedSetIterator(BoxedSet* s) : Box(&set_iterator_flavor, set_iterator_cls), s(s), it(s->s.begin()) {}
bool hasNext() { return it != s->s.end(); }
......@@ -45,6 +47,29 @@ public:
extern "C" void setGCHandler(GCVisitor* v, void* p) {
boxGCHandler(v, p);
BoxedSet* s = (BoxedSet*)p;
// This feels like a cludge, but we need to find anything that
// the unordered_map might have allocated.
// Another way to handle this would be to rt_alloc the unordered_map
// as well, though that incurs extra memory dereferences which would
// be nice to avoid.
void** start = (void**)&s->s;
void** end = start + (sizeof(s->s) / 8);
v->visitPotentialRange(start, end);
extern "C" void setIteratorGCHandler(GCVisitor* v, void* p) {
boxGCHandler(v, p);
BoxedSetIterator* it = (BoxedSetIterator*)p;
Box* setiteratorHasnext(BoxedSetIterator* self) {
assert(self->cls == set_iterator_cls);
return boxBool(self->hasNext());
......@@ -26,3 +26,5 @@ s.add("")
print len(s)
print len(s)
print set([1])
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