Commit 3b1fed05 authored by Chris Ramstad's avatar Chris Ramstad

Removed boxStrConstant, uncommented a few tests

parent 277fee03
......@@ -227,19 +227,17 @@ extern "C" Box* tupleNew(Box* _cls, BoxedTuple* args, BoxedDict* kwargs) {
elements = args->elts[0];
} else {
static const BoxedString* seq_str = boxStrConstant("sequence");
auto const seq = *(kwargs->d.begin());
auto const kw = static_cast<BoxedString*>(seq.first);
if (kw->s == seq_str->s)
if (kw->s == "sequence")
elements = seq.second;
raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "'%s' is an invalid keyword argument for this function", kw->s.c_str());
llvm::iterator_range<BoxIterator> range = elements->pyElements();
for (BoxIterator it1 = range.begin(); it1 != range.end(); ++it1)
for (auto e : elements->pyElements())
return new BoxedTuple(std::move(velts));
......@@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ print tuple(sequence=(1,3,7,42))
print tuple(sequence=['i', 42, 'j', 318])
print tuple(sequence='hello world')
print tuple(sequence={'a': 1})
#print tuple(sequence={1,2,3,4})
print sorted(tuple(sequence={1,2,3,4}))
print tuple((1,3,7,42)) == tuple(sequence=(1,3,7,42))
print tuple(['i', 42, 'j', 318]) == tuple(sequence=['i', 42, 'j', 318])
print tuple('hello world') == tuple(sequence='hello world')
print tuple({'a': 1}) == tuple(sequence={'a': 1})
#print tuple({1,2,3,4}) == tuple(sequence={1,2,3,4})
print sorted(tuple({1,2,3,4})) == sorted(tuple(sequence={1,2,3,4}))
# too many arguments
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