Commit 9b42377e authored by Chris Toshok's avatar Chris Toshok

copy _PyInt_Format implementation from cpython

parent 30b5bb49
...@@ -67,8 +67,87 @@ extern "C" PyObject* PyInt_FromLong(long n) noexcept { ...@@ -67,8 +67,87 @@ extern "C" PyObject* PyInt_FromLong(long n) noexcept {
return boxInt(n); return boxInt(n);
} }
/* Convert an integer to a decimal string. On many platforms, this
will be significantly faster than the general arbitrary-base
conversion machinery in _PyInt_Format, thanks to optimization
opportunities offered by division by a compile-time constant. */
static Box* int_to_decimal_string(BoxedInt* v) noexcept {
char buf[sizeof(long) * CHAR_BIT / 3 + 6], *p, *bufend;
long n = v->n;
unsigned long absn;
p = bufend = buf + sizeof(buf);
absn = n < 0 ? 0UL - n : n;
do {
*--p = '0' + (char)(absn % 10);
absn /= 10;
} while (absn);
if (n < 0)
*--p = '-';
return PyString_FromStringAndSize(p, bufend - p);
extern "C" PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyInt_Format(PyIntObject* v, int base, int newstyle) noexcept { extern "C" PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyInt_Format(PyIntObject* v, int base, int newstyle) noexcept {
Py_FatalError("unimplemented"); BoxedInt* bint = reinterpret_cast<BoxedInt*>(v);
RELEASE_ASSERT(isSubclass(bint->cls, int_cls), "");
/* There are no doubt many, many ways to optimize this, using code
similar to _PyLong_Format */
long n = bint->n;
int negative = n < 0;
int is_zero = n == 0;
/* For the reasoning behind this size, see Then, add a few bytes for
the possible sign and prefix "0[box]" */
char buf[sizeof(n) * CHAR_BIT + 6];
/* Start by pointing to the end of the buffer. We fill in from
the back forward. */
char* p = &buf[sizeof(buf)];
assert(base >= 2 && base <= 36);
/* Special case base 10, for speed */
if (base == 10)
return int_to_decimal_string(bint);
do {
/* I'd use i_divmod, except it doesn't produce the results
I want when n is negative. So just duplicate the salient
part here. */
long div = n / base;
long mod = n - div * base;
/* convert abs(mod) to the right character in [0-9, a-z] */
char cdigit = (char)(mod < 0 ? -mod : mod);
cdigit += (cdigit < 10) ? '0' : 'a' - 10;
*--p = cdigit;
n = div;
} while (n);
if (base == 2) {
*--p = 'b';
*--p = '0';
} else if (base == 8) {
if (newstyle) {
*--p = 'o';
*--p = '0';
} else if (!is_zero)
*--p = '0';
} else if (base == 16) {
*--p = 'x';
*--p = '0';
} else {
*--p = '#';
*--p = '0' + base % 10;
if (base > 10)
*--p = '0' + base / 10;
if (negative)
*--p = '-';
return PyString_FromStringAndSize(p, &buf[sizeof(buf)] - p);
} }
extern "C" int _PyInt_AsInt(PyObject* obj) noexcept { extern "C" int _PyInt_AsInt(PyObject* obj) noexcept {
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