Commit a7c5cfcb authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Remove these test annotations now that the underlying issue is addressed

parent 4a690b37
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
import collections
o = collections.OrderedDict()
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
import os
import tempfile
# no-collect-stats
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
from thread import start_new_thread
import time
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
# Generators participate in the notional Python stack just like normal function calls do,
# even if we implement them using separate C stacks.
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
import non_existent_module
assert 0, "shouldn't get here"
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
# allow-warning: import level 0 will be treated as -1
# Simple optparse test, taken from the docstring:
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
import os.path
print type(os)
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
# currently broken:
# import os.path
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
# allow-warning: import level 0 will be treated as -1
import pickle
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
import pwd
import os
print pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[5] == os.environ["HOME"]
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
import random
print type(random.random())
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
import socket
s = socket.socket()
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
# allow-warning: import level 0 will be treated as -1!
def test(string, encoding):
s = string.encode(encoding)
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
import subprocess
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
import sys
import os.path
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
import os
import tempfile
# skip-if: '-n' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS or '-O' in EXTRA_JIT_ARGS
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
# Make sure that we can fork from a threaded environment
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
# Make sure we can spawn a bunch of threads
import threading
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
# expected: fail
# - we don't stop tracebacks at the catching except handler. this is hard do the way it gets added to
# (ie a bare "raise" statement will add more traceback entries to the traceback it raises)
# allow-warning: converting unicode literal to str
# A test of both the tracebacks we generate and the tracebacks module
# (We keep fixing tracebacks in one case to break them in another, so it's time for a test.)
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