Commit bd94df40 authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Try using precompiled headers to improve compilation times; seems to help

parent e70152f4
......@@ -39,3 +39,4 @@ find_problem.status
......@@ -480,6 +480,18 @@ $(TOOLS_DIR)/publicize_release: $(TOOLS_DIR)/publicize.release.o $(LLVM_RELEASE_
PASS_SRCS := codegen/opt/aa.cpp
PASS_OBJS := $(PASS_SRCS:.cpp=.standalone.o)
%.h.pch: CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS)
%.release.h.pch: CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS_RELEASE)
%.release.h.pch %.h.pch: %.h $(BUILD_SYSTEM_DEPS)
$(ECHO) Compiling $@
$(VERB) $(CLANG_EXE) $(CXXFLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $<.d -x c++-header $< -o $@
CODEGEN_SRCS := $(wildcard codegen/*.cpp) $(wildcard codegen/*/*.cpp)
$(CODEGEN_SRCS:.cpp=.o): CXXFLAGS += -include codegen/irgen.h
$(CODEGEN_SRCS:.cpp=.o): codegen/irgen.h.pch
$(CODEGEN_SRCS:.cpp=.release.o): CXXFLAGS_RELEASE += -include codegen/irgen.release.h
$(CODEGEN_SRCS:.cpp=.release.o): codegen/irgen.release.h.pch
# For NONSTDLIB sources, just compile like normal:
# TODO could use the same target but with target-specific variables?
$(NONSTDLIB_SRCS:.cpp=.o): %.o: %.cpp $(BUILD_SYSTEM_DEPS)
......@@ -589,7 +601,7 @@ pyston_profile: $(PROFILE_OBJS) $(LLVM_PROFILE_DEPS)
.PHONY: clean
@ find . $(TOOLS_DIR) ../test \( -name '*.o' -o -name '*.d' -o -name '*.py_cache' -o -name '*.bc' -o -name '*.o.ll' -o -name '*.pub.ll' -o -name '*.cache' -o -name 'stdlib*.ll' -o -name '*.pyc' -o -name '*.so' -o -name '*.a' -o -name '*.expected_cache' \) -print -delete
@ find . $(TOOLS_DIR) ../test \( -name '*.o' -o -name '*.d' -o -name '*.py_cache' -o -name '*.bc' -o -name '*.o.ll' -o -name '*.pub.ll' -o -name '*.cache' -o -name 'stdlib*.ll' -o -name '*.pyc' -o -name '*.so' -o -name '*.a' -o -name '*.expected_cache' -o -name '*.pch' \) -print -delete
@ find \( -name 'pyston*' -executable -type f \) -print -delete
@ find $(TOOLS_DIR) -maxdepth 0 -executable -type f -print -delete
@ rm -rf oprofile_data
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