@@ -10,6 +10,29 @@ Pyston currently targets Python 2.7, and only runs on x86_64 platforms, and has
Benchmarks are not currently that meaningful since the supported set of benchmarks is too small to be representative; with that caveat, Pyston seems to have better performance than CPython but lags behind PyPy.
### Roadmap
Pyston is still an early-stage project so it is hard to project with much certainty, but here's what we're planning at the moment:
##### Current focus: more language features
- Exceptions
- Class inheritance, metaclasses
- Default arguments, keywords, \*args, **kwargs
- Closures
- Generators
- Integer promotion
##### After that
- More optimization work
- Custom LLVM code generator that can very quickly produce bad machine code?
- Making class-level slots for double-underscore functions (like \_\_str__) so runtime code can be as fast as Python code.
- Change deopt strategy?
- Extension module support
##### Some time later:
- Threading (hopefully without a GIL)
- Adding support for Python 3, for non-x86_64 platforms
### Getting started
To get a full development environment for Pyston, you need pretty recent versions of various tools, since self-modifying code tends to be less well supported. The docs/INSTALLING file contains information about what the tools are, how to get them, and how to install them; currently it can take up to an hour to get them all built on a quad-core machine.