Commit a9aff469 authored by Mark Mikofski's avatar Mark Mikofski Committed by GitHub

need to install numpy debugging too

or you get import error for ``
parent a4f2bf4d
......@@ -58,9 +58,11 @@ When using the Cython debugger, it's preferable that you build and run your code
with an interpreter that is compiled with debugging symbols (i.e. configured
with ``--with-pydebug`` or compiled with the ``-g`` CFLAG). If your Python is
installed and managed by your package manager you probably need to install debug
support separately, e.g. for ubuntu::
support separately. If using NumPy then you also need to install numpy debugging, or you'll
see an [import error for multiarray](
E.G. for ubuntu::
$ sudo apt-get install python-dbg
$ sudo apt-get install python-dbg python-numpy-dbg
$ python-dbg build_ext --inplace
Then you need to run your script with ``python-dbg`` also. Ensure that when
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