An error occurred fetching the project authors.
- 21 Apr, 2016 11 commits
Sebastien Robin authored
mrp: consumption view on production orders, use getAggregatedAmountList and avoid displaying unused variation Previous code was looking to transformation and checking object inside, but now we have getAggregatedAmountList which is able to greatly do this job. Also, do not show stock of variations we are not consuming, it could be very disturbing.
Vincent Pelletier authored
Also, remove orginal _getOmitQuery which was dead code, and merge _buildOmitQuery into its only remaining caller. Also, factorise two pieces of code generating omit queries.
Vincent Pelletier authored
- Correctly ignore parent_portal_type condition when all possible portal types are listed. This typically saves one stock-catalog join. - Expand node_category_uid into lists of node_uids. This saves one very costly stock-catalog join, as nodes member of given category should typically be the minority, inciting MySQL query optimiser to use the index materialising this join, preventing use of actual stock indexes. As there should be few nodes involved in accounting reports, listing them all and passing them to queries should not matter much. Also, add support for src__ parameter. Also, assorted coding style improvements, changes and code factorisation.
Vincent Pelletier authored
Vincent Pelletier authored
Also, simplify code a bit while reading it.
Vincent Pelletier authored
Fixes a bug when select_list is present in related_key_dict_passthrough but group_by_list is not. Also, reduce the number of code paths.
Vincent Pelletier authored
Vincent Pelletier authored
Also, reduces dependencies on zpt_* skin folders.
Vincent Pelletier authored
Vincent Pelletier authored
folder_contents is only used by this listbox, and is likely a mistake.
Vincent Pelletier authored
In MySQL, boolean columns are tiny ints with values 0 or 1, so just cast the python bool into an int.
- 20 Apr, 2016 1 commit
Jérome Perrin authored
This only apply for running live tests of a test component that defines multiple classes You can use for example, testStandardConfigurationWorkflow.TestStandardConfiguratorWorkflow in "Tests" field of "Live Tests" dialog to run only TestStandardConfiguratorWorkflow test class
- 19 Apr, 2016 2 commits
Julien Muchembled authored
Caching the current user during the transaction breaks code that changes user. getSecurityManager().getUser().getId() is anyway already so fast, and it is here called so rarely, that it's not worth caching the result.
Tristan Cavelier authored
- 18 Apr, 2016 2 commits
Tristan Cavelier authored
Jérome Perrin authored
- 15 Apr, 2016 2 commits
Sebastien Robin authored
This method is useful by some scripts of erp5_administration
Jérome Perrin authored
This is newer codemirror with support to jump to line keybinding /cc @isabelle I don't know if this interfere with 53a4b813 /reviewed-on nexedi/erp5!98
- 14 Apr, 2016 2 commits
Jérome Perrin authored
Jérome Perrin authored
I used this procedure : git clone --branch 5.13.4 cd CodeMirror # rename edit to cm_edit # see 54087b03 find . -not -path "./.git*" -type f -exec sed -i 's/addon\/edit\//addon\/cm_edit\//g' {} + git mv addon/edit addon/cm_edit git commit -a -m "ERP5: rename addon/edit -> addon/cm_edit" # upload to zope ( note that I had to mkdir addon explicitly, otherwise I had some 409 Conflicts and 500 Internal Server Error that I did not investigate) lftp http://login:password@ -e 'rm -rf codemirror ; mkdir codemirror ; quit' &&\ lftp http://login:password@ -e 'mkdir addon; mput -d * */* */*/* */*/*/* ; quit ' # run portal_alarms/check_skin_cache to set http_cache
- 13 Apr, 2016 1 commit
Cédric Le Ninivin authored
- 12 Apr, 2016 12 commits
Romain Courteaud authored
[erp5_web_renderjs_ui] form_dialog: do not update navigation history if action redirect to the same document
Romain Courteaud authored
form_list search widget layout is like a search engine search form (text input and search button next to it)
Romain Courteaud authored
Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
Jérome Perrin authored
I do not see why we would need to check again that value != self.getTitle because this check is already done in edit, and edit supports edit_order and force_update.
Jérome Perrin authored
Jérome Perrin authored
Jérome Perrin authored
following up 3d42e2b9 reference is used only when title is not defined
Jérome Perrin authored
Jérome Perrin authored
when no title, fallback to reference then id
Jérome Perrin authored
- 11 Apr, 2016 1 commit
Romain Courteaud authored
On a module, only display the portal_type.
- 08 Apr, 2016 1 commit
Romain Courteaud authored
Should fix jio.get/put on ERP5 non editable documents
- 07 Apr, 2016 3 commits
Tristan Cavelier authored
cancel & cancel_action require now View permission
Romain Courteaud authored
Breadcrumb page is removed and merge into the Tab page. The document title is now usually an history navigation back link.
Cédric Le Ninivin authored
- 06 Apr, 2016 2 commits
Tristan Cavelier authored
Tristan Cavelier authored
add test case in erp5_ui_test /reviewed-on nexedi/erp5!90