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What is GitLab?

GitLab offers git repository management, code reviews, issue tracking, activity feeds, wikis. It has LDAP/AD integration, handles 25,000 users on a single server but can also run on a highly available active/active cluster. A subscription gives you access to our support team and to GitLab Enterprise Edition that contains extra features aimed at larger organizations.

Learn more on [](

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Single and app and data images

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Normally docker uses a single image for one applications.
But GitLab stores repositories and uploads in the filesystem.
This means that upgrades of a single image are hard.
That is why we recommend using separate app and data images.
We'll first describe how to use a single image.
After that we'll describe how to use the app and data images.

Single image

Run the below commands from the GitLab repo root directory.
People using boot2docker should run the commands without sudo.

Build the image with:

sudo docker build --tag gitlab-ce docker/single/

Run the image with:

sudo docker run --detach --name gitlab-ce --publish 8080:80 --publish 2222:22 gitlab-ce

You can then go to [http://localhost:8080/](http://localhost:8080/) or []( if you use boot2docker.

You can login with username `root` and password `5iveL!fe`.
Next time, you can just use `sudo docker start gitlab-ce` and `sudo docker stop gitlab-ce`.

Publish the image with:

sudo docker commit -m "Initial commit" -a "Sytse Sijbrandij" gitlab-ce sytse/gitlab-ce:7.10.1
sudo docker push sytse/gitlab-ce:7.10.1

Use the published image with:

sudo docker pull sytse/gitlab-ce:7.10.1
sudo docker run --detach --name gitlab-ce --publish 8080:80 --publish 2222:22 sytse/gitlab-ce:7.10.1

Troubleshoot with:

sudo docker run -ti -e TERM=linux --name gitlab-ce --publish 8080:80 --publish 2222:22 sytse/gitlab-ce:7.10.1 bash
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start & gitlab-ctl reconfigure
gitlab-ctl start

Build and use app and data images
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At this moment GitLab doesn't have official Docker images.
There are unofficial images at the bottom of this document.
Build your own based on the Omnibus packages with the following commands.
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For convinience we will use suffix _xy where xy is current version of GitLab.
Run the below commands from the GitLab repo root directory.
People using boot2docker should run the commands without sudo.

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sudo docker build --tag gitlab-data docker/data/
sudo docker build --tag gitlab-app:7.10.1 docker/app/

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We assume using a data volume container, this will simplify migrations and backups.
This empty container will exist to persist as volumes the 3 directories used by GitLab, so remember not to delete it.

The directories on data container are:
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- `/var/opt/gitlab` for application data
- `/var/log/gitlab` for logs
- `/etc/gitlab` for configuration

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Create the data container with:

sudo docker run --name gitlab-data gitlab-data /bin/true
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After creating data container run GitLab container:
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sudo docker run --detach --name gitlab-app::7.10.1 --publish 8080:80 --publish 2222:22 --volumes-from gitlab-data gitlab-app:7.10.1

It might take a while before the docker container is responding to queries. You can follow the configuration process with `sudo docker logs -f gitlab_app_xy`.

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You can then go to [http://localhost:8080/](http://localhost:8080/) or []( if you use boot2docker.

Sytse Sijbrandij's avatar
Sytse Sijbrandij committed
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You can login with username `root` and password `5iveL!fe`.
Next time, you can just use `sudo docker start gitlab_app` and `sudo docker stop gitlab_app`.

Configure GitLab
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This container uses the official Omnibus GitLab distribution, so all configuration is done in the unique configuration file `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`.

To access GitLab configuration, you can start an interactive command line in a new container using the shared data volume container, you will be able to browse the 3 directories and use your favorite text editor:

sudo docker run -ti -e TERM=linux --rm --volumes-from gitlab-data ubuntu
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vi /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
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**Note** that GitLab will reconfigure itself **at each container start.** You will need to restart the container to reconfigure your GitLab.

You can find all available options in [Omnibus GitLab documentation](

Upgrade GitLab with app and data images
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To updgrade GitLab to new versions, stop running container, create new docker image and container from that image.

It Assumes that you're upgrading from 7.8 to 7.9 and you're in the updated GitLab repo root directory:

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sudo docker stop gitlab-app
sudo docker rm gitlab-app
sudo docker build --tag gitlab-app:7.10.1 docker/app/
sudo docker run --detach --name gitlab-app --publish 8080:80 --publish 2222:22 --volumes-from gitlab_data gitlab-app:7.10.1
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On the first run GitLab will reconfigure and update itself. If everything runs OK don't forget to cleanup  image:
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sudo docker rmi gitlab-app:7.8.1

Publish app and data images to Dockerhub
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Login to Dockerhub with `sudo docker login` and run the following (replace '7.9.2' with the version you're using and 'Sytse Sijbrandij' with your name):

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sudo docker commit -m "Initial commit" -a "Sytse Sijbrandij" gitlab-app:7.10.1 sytse/gitlab-app:7.10.1
sudo docker push sytse/gitlab-app:7.10.1
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sudo docker commit -m "Initial commit" -a "Sytse Sijbrandij" gitlab_data sytse/gitlab_data
sudo docker push sytse/gitlab_data

Use app and data images published to Dockerhub
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This examples uses the unofficial images made by GitLab CEO Sytse.

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sudo docker pull sytse/gitlab-data
sudo docker pull sytse/gitlab-app:7.10.1
sudo docker run --name gitlab-data sytse/gitlab-data /bin/true
sudo docker run --detach --name gitlab_app --publish 8080:80 --publish 2222:22 --volumes-from gitlab_data sytse/gitlab-app:7.10.1
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Please see the [troubleshooting]( file in this directory.