• Kamil Trzciński's avatar
    Merge branch 'feature/improve-mrwbs-and-todos-for-pipelines' into 'master' · 4eed16cf
    Kamil Trzciński authored
    Trigger Merge When Pipeline Succeeds on pipeline event
    ## What does this MR do?
    This MR is meant to improve merge when build succeeds triggers, which has an impact on performance.
    - [x] Move Merge When Build Succeeds trigger from commit status to pipeline event
    - [x] Drop support for triggering event for branches that include commit status submitted without branch (no longer relevant)
    - [x] Perform Merge When Pipeline Succeeds asynchronously to improve performance and avoid race conditions
    - [x] Add missing feature test that verifies if MWBS feature actually works and merges merge requests
    - [x] Update the documentation to reflect change in the behavior
    Moved to separate merge request:
    - [ ] Rename Merge When Build Succeeds to Merge When Pipeline Succeeds
    - [ ] Update documentation to reflect name change for this feature
    ## Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?
    - [x] [CHANGELOG](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/CHANGELOG) entry added
    - Tests
      - [x] Added for this feature/bug
      - [x] All builds are passing
    See merge request !6675
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