Commit 2fd009d2 authored by Kamil Trzcinski's avatar Kamil Trzcinski

Retry spinach tests in case of failure using rerun reporter

parent 722211cd
......@@ -89,9 +89,7 @@ update-knapsack:
- export KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH=knapsack/spinach_node_${CI_NODE_INDEX}_${CI_NODE_TOTAL}_report.json
- cp knapsack/spinach_report.json ${KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH}
- knapsack spinach "-r rerun"
# retry failed tests 3 times
- retry '[ ! -e tmp/spinach-rerun.txt ] || bin/spinach -r rerun $(cat tmp/spinach-rerun.txt)'
- knapsack spinach "-r rerun" || retry '[ ! -e tmp/spinach-rerun.txt ] || bin/spinach -r rerun $(cat tmp/spinach-rerun.txt)'
- knapsack/
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ v 8.9.0 (unreleased)
- Fix 404 page when viewing TODOs that contain milestones or labels in different projects
- Redesign navigation for project pages
- Fix groups API to list only user's accessible projects
- Retry spinach tests in case of failure using rerun reporter
- Redesign account and email confirmation emails
- Bump nokogiri to 1.6.8
- Use gitlab-shell v3.0.0
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