Sometimes you need to add some context to the text that you want to translate
(if the word occurs in a sentence and/or the word is ambiguous).
- In Ruby/HAML:
In case the translation is not found it will return `Opened`.
- In JavaScript:
### Just marking content for parsing
Sometimes there are some dynamic translations that can't be found by the
parser when running `bundle exec rake gettext:find`. For these scenarios you can
use the [`_N` method](
There is also and alternative method to [translate messages from validation errors](
## Adding a new language
Let's suppose you want to add translations for a new language, let's say French.
1. The first step is to register the new language in `lib/gitlab/i18n.rb`:
'fr' => 'Français'
1. Next, you need to add the language:
bundle exec rake gettext:add_language[fr]
If you want to add a new language for a specific region, the command is similar,
you just need to separate the region with an underscore (`_`). For example:
bundle exec rake gettext:add_language[en_gb]
1. Now that the language is added, a new directory has been created under the
path: `locale/fr/`. You can now start using your PO editor to edit the PO file
located in: `locale/fr/gitlab.edit.po`.
1. After you're done updating the translations, you need to process the PO files
in order to generate the binary MO files and finally update the JSON files
containing the translations:
bundle exec rake gettext:pack
bundle exec rake gettext:po_to_json
1. In order to see the translated content we need to change our preferred language
which can be found under the user's **Settings** (`/profile`).
1. After checking that the changes are ok, you can proceed to commit the new files.