In case you're interested in deploying Spring Boot applications to Kubernetes
using GitLab CI/CD, read through the blog post [Continuous Delivery of a Spring Boot application with GitLab CI and Kubernetes](
## Requirements
_We assume you are familiar with Java, GitLab, Cloud Foundry, and GitLab CI/CD._
To follow along with this tutorial you will need the following:
- An account on [Pivotal Web Services (PWS)]( or any
other Cloud Foundry instance
- An account on GitLab
NOTE: **Note:**
You will need to replace the `` URL in the all below
commands with the [API
URL]( of your CF
instance if you're not deploying to PWS.
## Create your project
To create your Spring Boot application you can use the Spring template in
GitLab when creating a new project:

## Configure the deployment to Cloud Foundry
To deploy to Cloud Foundry we need to add a `manifest.yml` file. This
is the configuration for the CF CLI we will use to deploy the application. We
will create this in the root directory of our project with the following
- name: gitlab-hello-world
random-route: true
memory: 1G
path: target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
## Configure GitLab CI/CD to deploy your application
Now we need to add the the GitLab CI/CD configuration file
([`.gitlab-ci.yml`](../../yaml/ to our
project's root. This is how GitLab figures out what commands need to be run whenever
code is pushed to our repository. We will add the following `.gitlab-ci.yml`
file to the root directory of the repository, GitLab will detect it
automatically and run the steps defined once we push our code:
image: java:8
- build
- deploy
stage: build
script: ./mvnw package
- target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
stage: deploy
- curl --location "" | tar zx
- ./cf login -u $CF_USERNAME -p $CF_PASSWORD -a
- ./cf push
- master
We've used the `java:8` [docker
image](../../docker/ to build
our application as it provides the up-to-date Java 8 JDK on [Docker
Hub]( We've also added the [`only`