Commit fd097fa9 authored by Sebastian Reitenbach's avatar Sebastian Reitenbach

Handle parsing OpenBSD ps output properly to display sidekiq

infos on admin->monitoring->background
parent bcb0a554
class Admin::BackgroundJobsController < Admin::ApplicationController
def show
ps_output, _ = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(ps ww -U #{Gitlab.config.gitlab.user} -o pid,pcpu,pmem,stat,start,command))
@sidekiq_processes = ps_output.split("\n").grep(/sidekiq/)
@sidekiq_processes = ps_output.split("\n").grep(/sidekiq \d+\.\d+\.\d+/)
@concurrency = Sidekiq.options[:concurrency]
......@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ module SidekiqHelper
def parse_sidekiq_ps(line)
title: Handle parsing OpenBSD ps output properly to display sidekiq infos on admin->monitoring->background
merge_request: 10303
author: Sebastian Reitenbach
......@@ -53,6 +53,14 @@ describe SidekiqHelper do
expect(parts).to eq(['17725', '1.0', '12.1', 'Ssl', '19:20:15', 'sidekiq 4.2.1 gitlab-rails [0 of 25 busy]'])
it 'parses OpenBSD output' do
# OpenBSD 6.1
line = '49258 0.5 2.3 R/0 Fri10PM ruby23: sidekiq 4.2.7 gitlab [0 of 25 busy] (ruby23)'
parts = helper.parse_sidekiq_ps(line)
expect(parts).to eq(['49258', '0.5', '2.3', 'R/0', 'Fri10PM', 'ruby23: sidekiq 4.2.7 gitlab [0 of 25 busy] (ruby23)'])
it 'does fail gracefully on line not matching the format' do
line = '55137 10.0 2.1 S+ 2:30pm something'
parts = helper.parse_sidekiq_ps(line)
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